How does lidocaine affect the human body? Lidocaine overdose consequences

This is a drug for local anesthesia. The range of its use is quite wide. Therefore, it is available in a variety of dosage forms. If you want to learn more about this drug and study the instructions for its use, read this article.
This drug is produced in the form of a liquid for injections, in the form of eye drops, as well as a spray, gel and aerosol for treating the diseased surface.
Once in the tissue, this drug affects the nerve endings in such a way that signals from them cease to be transmitted along the nerves. That is, the brain simply “forgets” that it should hurt in this place. The medicine acts as a vasodilator, and it does not cause any undesirable reactions in the tissues.

Possible side effects when using Lidocaine:

Local reactions manifest themselves as a slight burning sensation, which ceases as the anesthetic effect intensifies (lasting about a minute).
In exceptional cases, there is a possibility of anaphylactic reactions.
Disorders of the central nervous system manifest themselves as anxiety in very rare cases.
In rare cases, cardiovascular disorders may develop in the form of arterial hypotension and a decrease in heart rate.

The drug is contraindicated:
- if there are indications in the medical history of convulsive reactions caused by the use of lidocaine;
- with AV block of the second and third degree;
- with a significant decrease in heart rate;
- for sick sinus syndrome;
- with significant impairment of left ventricular function;
- in case of hypersensitivity to the drug and its components.
When using plaster as an impression substance in the dental field, the drug in aerosol form is not recommended due to the likelihood of aspiration.
The drug in aerosol form is approved for use during pregnancy, since in therapeutic dosages it does not pose a risk to the woman and the fetus.
There is no information about the excretion of the drug in breast milk. It is recommended to carefully prescribe the use of lidocaine to a nursing mother.
During lactation, the use of this drug is permitted only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the child.

An outrageous case was recently registered in one of the large Russian cities. A fifth-grader girl decided to get a fashionable piercing in her tongue. Instead of going to a specialized clinic or beauty salon, she gathered friends of the same age and the girls began piercing their tongues right in the entrance of a multi-story residential building in the city of Chelyabinsk. After some time, the body of the schoolgirl was discovered there, in the entrance of the house.
What does lidocaine have to do with it?

It turns out that one of the deceased’s friends decided to independently, at the request of the deceased girl, give her a painkiller injection. For this purpose, the girls had two ampoules with lidocaine. Nobody knows where exactly this dosage came from. But both ampoules were injected into the unfortunate woman’s tongue. What a representative of the fair sex will not endure for the sake of beauty! But in this case, everything ended simply and scary. The girl almost immediately began to convulse. It is unknown who called the ambulance, but the doctors could no longer help the girl.

It is not yet known whether the deceased was allergic to any medications. The investigation is silent about where the ill-fated two ampoules with lidocaine were taken from. But it’s not at all a problem in our country to get a couple of ampoules with painkillers. This is not some kind of drug.

In fact, many questions remain. And why didn’t the girl turn to her parents with her desire to pierce her tongue? They would have taken her to a beauty salon and the teenager would have lived. And where did these girls get the lidocaine? And anyway, why does a child put a hole in his tongue on the staircase, and not at least at home? And until when will pharmacies sell such medicines to children, like simple dietary supplements (dietary supplements)?

Pharmacological effect:
Amide-type local anesthetic drug. The analgesic effect is achieved by blocking the formation and passage of a nerve impulse. The principle of action is based on stabilizing the permeability of the neuron membrane to sodium ions. The maximum electrical excitability increases and, consequently, the passage of the impulse is blocked.
The use of the drug in pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal surgery provokes suppression of the pharyngeal reflex. When it enters the larynx and trachea, the drug blocks the cough reflex, which usually leads to bronchopneumonia.
Lidocaine in aerosol form begins to act within 1 minute and the effect lasts 5-6 minutes. Sensitivity is slowly restored over 15 minutes.

Indications for use of the drug:
As a local anesthetic in relation to mucous membranes in dentistry, as well as oral surgery:
– tooth extraction;
– removal of bone fragments;
– anesthesia of soft tissues of the oral cavity (for fixation of the prosthetic crown);
– manual or instrumental removal (or excision) of an enlarged papilla of the tongue;
– anesthesia for excision of superficial benign tumors of the oral mucosa;
The drug is also used in the field of gynecology:
– perineal anesthesia for episiotomy;
– as a local anesthetic when suturing, during infectious and inflammatory processes.
The drug is also used by dermatologists to anesthetize the mucous membranes during minor surgical operations.

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with liver failure, circulatory disorders, low blood pressure, severe renal impairment, and those suffering from epilepsy. In such situations, the dosage of lidocaine should be reduced. This drug is prescribed with caution for lesions of the mucous membranes, for mental underdevelopment, as well as for very elderly and/or weakened people receiving medications such as lidocaine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
In the dental and orthopedic field, this drug is used only with elastic impression substances.
It is recommended to avoid ingestion of the drug in aerosol form or contact with the eyes; it is important to prevent the aerosol from entering the respiratory system (there is a danger of aspiration). It must be taken into account that the drug inhibits the pharyngeal and cough reflex, which can cause aspiration and bronchopneumonia.

It must be taken into account that swallowing movements occur much more often in children than in adults.
The drug in aerosol form should not be used for local anesthesia before surgery to remove tonsils and adenoids in children.
For children under 2 years of age, it is recommended to apply the drug in aerosol form with a moistened gauze swab.

If side effects after using Lidocaine do not cause discomfort, then driving a vehicle is permissible without restrictions.

Signs of overdose:
- central nervous system disorders (including possible seizures);
- lesions of the cardiovascular system.

Necessary measures in case of overdose of Lidocaine:
In case of disorders of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system caused by an overdose of the drug, you should make sure that the respiratory system is open, give access to fresh air into the lungs, put on an oxygen mask or perform artificial respiration. If necessary, during convulsions, it is allowed to immediately administer from 50 to 100 milligrams of dithiline, 5-15 milligrams of diazepam, and the use of barbiturates with a short time of effectiveness is allowed. In cases of severe overdose of the drug, the effectiveness of dialysis is lost.
With a reduced heart rate, it is allowed to administer atropine 0.5-1 milligrams intravenously.

Drug tolerance

When used in parallel with class IA antiarrhythmic drugs (including the use of quinidine, procainamide, disopyramide), an increase in the duration of the QT interval is observed and, in exceptional cases, AV blockade or destruction of ventricular connections is likely to occur.
Phenytoin increases the inhibitory effect of lidocaine on the cardiovascular system.
When using the drug in combination with Novocaine, there is a possibility of developing mental disorders in the form of hallucinations.
The drug can enhance the effect of drugs that cause inhibition of impulse transmission between nerves and muscles.
Alcohol increases the inhibitory effect of the drug on the respiratory system.

When applied locally on the mucous membranes, the drug is absorbed differently. It depends on the dosage and place of application. The rate of perfusion in the mucosa affects the extent of absorption.
The drug penetrates well into organs such as kidneys, lungs, liver, heart, and also enters adipose tissue.
The drug is able to quickly penetrate the placenta, entering the fetal bloodstream a few minutes after use in the mother.
The binding of the drug to plasma proteins is highly dependent on the degree of concentration of lidocaine and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) in the blood plasma. There is information that the drug binds to proteins by approximately 34-80%. A high percentage of drug binding to proteins can reduce the effectiveness of free lidocaine or even increase the total plasma concentration.

The drug is metabolized with the help of microsomal liver catalysts; a decrease in the balance of the alkaline environment occurs after a few minutes, due to oxidation.

Removing the drug from the body:
Most of the drug (approximately 90%) is excreted in the form of metabolites and 10% practically unchanged through the kidneys along with urine (the degree of unchanged drug excretion depends on the pH of the urine). There is information that urine with high acidity leads to an increase in the amount of the drug excreted in urine.

Life, a ten-year-old girl died in Omsk. According to investigators, the child suffered a severe allergic reaction after being injected with lidocaine.According to investigators, during treatment, doctors were not convinced that the little patient tolerated lidocaine normally, which led to the tragedy.

This is far from the only case. As Life reported, in December In Moscow, a 36-year-old woman died after being injected with lidocaine.

Usually a strong reaction occurs to a companion drug

According to a member of the American Association of Anesthesiologists (ASA), an anesthesiologist at the Central Military Clinical Hospital No. 3 named after A.A. Vishnevsky Alexander Rabukhin, an allergy usually occurs not to lidocaine itself, but to a companion medicine. As the specialist says, lidocaine is usually administered with some other drug.

The body can produce an allergic reaction if lidocaine is administered with an antibiotic or adrenaline, he said. - The classic option is when the antibiotic is diluted with lidocaine and injected into a vein. Sensitization occurs (the body acquires a specific increased sensitivity to foreign substances - allergens). When the drug is repeatedly administered with this antibiotic, a person develops anaphylactic shock. And for there to be a reaction to lidocaine - I have never seen this in 35 years. A side effect that can occur from lidocaine is an overdose.

Before administering the drug, tests are done

Chief pediatric anesthesiologist-resuscitator at the Kaliningrad Ministry of Health Ivan Marchuk says that skin tests help determine drug tolerance.

As a rule, skin tests are performed if the drug has not been administered before. A drop of lidocaine is applied to the skin and a scarification (scratch) is made, he said. - After 20 minutes, doctors can see the reaction. This may be swelling, redness, itching. Exactly the same test is carried out with an antibiotic that is going to be administered along with lidocaine. Unfortunately, allergic reactions, according to statistics - in 5%, occur completely unexpectedly. You can do or not do tests, but the reaction itself can be unpredictable.

The medicine must be administered gradually

According to surgeon, MD Dmitry Davydov, lidocaine and other anesthetics (painkillers) should be administered gradually in order to control the body's reaction.

The doctor asks a standard question: “Are you allergic to anything?” For medicines, drugs, products. If the patient answers negatively, then before surgery we gradually introduce an anesthetic in a small dose and observe whether there is a reaction,” the doctor said. - Allergy symptoms - pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, hives, sneezing, coughing, etc. They can happen instantly. There may be immediate anaphylactic shock. If everything is in order, we continue the introduction.

Before surgery, the patient is required to be examined by an allergist.

If the patient’s chart indicates that he has an allergy (to medications, food, dust, pollen), then before the administration of the anesthetic he needs to go to an allergist.

The allergist will draw up a list of drugs that are suitable for the patient, says Dmitry Davydov.

Lidocaine has analogues, for example, propofol and ultracaine. As a rule, they are tens of times more expensive.

There are a lot of analogues, but an allergic reaction can happen in any case, it all depends on the individual sensitivity to the component of the drug, says Dmitry Davydov.

Parents should pay attention even to a runny nose

According to anesthesiologist Nikolai Burov, parents should carefully monitor whether the child experiences any reactions (even small ones) to the administration of drugs. In this case, one of the symptoms may be a runny nose. Often parents think that the child just has a cold, but in fact it is an allergy to the medicine.

Such cases need to be remembered, or better yet, written down and then talked to doctors about them,” the doctor said.

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Lidocaine is a common drug primarily used as a local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic drug. Despite the relatively short period of action, this substance is the main alternative to novocaine due to its rapid, intense effect.

How exactly does lidocaine affect the body and is it harmful? What are the symptoms of an overdose and is it dangerous? What first aid can be provided to the victim? You will read about this and much more in our article.

How does lidocaine affect the body?

The mechanism of action of lidocaine is that the drug has a pronounced anesthetic effect by blocking potential-dependent sodium channels, which prevents impulses from being generated in the nerves and slows down their transmission along the fibers.

Clinical practice shows that lidocaine not only suppresses pain, but can also inhibit impulse reactions of other modalities. The duration of action of lidocaine reaches one and a half hours (when combined with epinephrine, up to 2.5 hours), while the intensity of its blocking is up to 5 times higher than that of classic procaine.

The drug at the local level dilates blood vessels and does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

In cases of parenteral administration, it is quickly absorbed and distributed in the body (in 5-10 minutes), binding to plasma proteins and entering the internal organs first, and then also affecting muscle and fatty tissues.

Causes of overdose

As a rule, if all standards of use are observed for local treatment of the skin and mucous membranes, an overdose of lidocaine does not occur.

However, in the case of long-term medical procedures in the field of dentistry, surgery, ophthalmology, obstetrics, urology, etc. lidocaine can accumulate in the body over a short period of time (especially if metabolism is slow) and cause a number of side effects.

Most often, an overdose of lidocaine is observed when it is administered intramuscularly or intravenously to relieve ventricular fibrillation and arrhythmias, preventive measures to counteract tachycardia and the formation of paroxysms, as well as in cases of systemic anesthesia.

The maximum daily permitted dose of the drug for adults, administered parenterally, is 2 thousand mg, but not more than 400 milligrams per hour.

For children, the highest limit for one-time use is no more than 1.25 milliliters of product.

When administered intravenously, the norms are calculated based on body weight - 1 milligram per kilogram of weight.

Symptoms and signs of poisoning

In cases of lidocaine overdose, various pathologies and syndromes associated with disruption of the nervous system and inhibition of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system are observed.

As a rule, the signs of a negative state are insignificant at first, but with further accumulation of the drug in the body, the severity of the overdose begins to gradually increase.

The main primary symptoms of lidocaine overdose:

  • Pallor of the skin;
  • Sweating, sensation of “pins and needles” or itching in the area where lidocaine was applied;
  • Severe numbness in the localized area where the drug was applied;
  • Weakness, slight decrease in blood pressure;
  • Dizziness, tremor, lethargy, or vice versa – excitability;
  • Problems with breathing up to short-term stops.

An overdose of lidocaine as negative symptoms develop is accompanied by additional symptoms:

First aid for lidocaine overdose

As modern medical statistics show, most cases of lidocaine overdose occur primarily within the walls of medical institutions.

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If there are signs of lidocaine poisoning, it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid:

  • Call an ambulance, we will inform the operator about the presence of specific symptoms;
  • Stop using the drug immediately. If it was used externally, try to wash it off under a strong stream of water;
  • Place the victim in a horizontal position and ensure air flow by unbuttoning clothes that are tight around your neck and chest;
  • Monitor the condition of the tongue and respiratory tract in case of loss of consciousness, avoiding swallowing the first and blocking the second with vomit;
  • If there is no breathing or heartbeat, begin manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation until the ambulance arrives.

Qualified help

Lidocaine poisoning, especially in moderate or severe form, causes the patient not only severe hypotension, but also depression of the respiratory center, which can lead to a stop in the functioning of the system associated with it.

Despite the fact that pathological symptoms increase gradually in this case, even adults are at potential risk of death.

Young children are in a special danger group (lidocaine acts faster and stronger on them), as well as older people (slow metabolism provokes the accumulation of the drug and its overdose).

The exact lethal dose of lidocaine is not known. Systemic pathological reactions from the central nervous system and cardiovascular system are observed with a single administration of more than 800 milligrams of the drug in absolute equivalent or more than 3 thousand milligrams during the day.

When lidocaine is used simultaneously with a number of other medications (for example, epinephrine), the chances of a severe overdose with potential death increase significantly.

In addition, a rapid fatal outcome is possible in the presence of intolerance to lidocaine (anaphylactic shock), as well as in the case of an incorrect method of administration (for example, a normal dose for intramuscular administration that penetrates a blood vessel can be fatal to a person).

Treatment in hospital

After first aid is provided and the ambulance team arrives, taking into account the serious condition of the patient, a decision may be made to hospitalize the victim in a hospital.

If necessary, specialized specialists in the intensive care unit will carry out emergency measures aimed at stabilizing the patient’s basic vital signs and will provide symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment.

Main activities include:

Consequences and complications

An overdose of lidocaine in high concentrations often causes a number of complications, mainly of an acute nature.

In some cases, negative consequences develop during the first 24 hours after the incident and directly threaten the patient’s life.

Consequences of lidocaine overdose:

  • Stopping breathing caused by paralysis of the diaphragm and requiring immediate intubation and the use of artificial ventilation in the acute period;
  • Systemic pathologies of the cardiovascular system caused by persistent disruption of intracardiac conduction and requiring prompt resuscitation measures;
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure and deterioration or cessation of blood supply to all major human organs and systems due to collapse.

Lidocaine is a pharmaceutical drug (class IB) that produces significant local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic effects. Chemically, it is a derivative of acetanilide, which has analgesic and antipyretic properties.

Basic information

There are several dosage forms: solution, gel, ointment, spray, eye drops. In medical institutions, an injection form and spray are used.

Mechanism of action

Drugs belonging to class IB are used to reduce ventricular arrhythmia.

Although they are not strong enough antiarrhythmics, they have minimal effect on the atrial myocardium. In addition, they do not directly close potassium channels.


The local anesthetic effect is possible due to the stabilization of neuronal membranes, which reduces their permeability to sodium ions. This blocks the reproduction and transmission of nerve signals, suppresses the transmission of both pain and other modalities of signals.

Its anesthetic effect is 1.5-6 times more powerful than procaine. Applied topically, it has a vasodilating property and does not irritate tissues.

The antiarrhythmic effect is achieved by reducing the duration of the potential action and the effective refractory time.

At medicinal levels, it increases conductivity in the Purkinje branches, eliminating the risk of the phenomenon “re-entry", in particular with existing ischemic lesions of the heart muscle (for example, with a heart attack).

It has virtually no effect on the conductive and contractile abilities of the myocardium (with the exception of elevated, close to toxic, norms). The negative inotropic effect is small and short-term with accelerated administration of the drug at high rates.


Medicines in this group have fast kinetics. The level of absorption when administered parenterally depends on the location of administration and dose. The highest concentration in the blood plasma, with a jet injection intravenously, is achieved after 3-5 minutes, with an intramuscular injection - 5-15 minutes.

Binds to plasma proteins 50-80%. Bioavailability is 6-9 minutes. First of all, it penetrates into tissues that are fairly well saturated with blood - the heart, brain, spleen, lungs, liver. Then - into muscle and fat. Passes through the blood-brain and placental barriers (40% of the amount in the plasma of the woman in labor).

The metabolic process takes place in the liver with the formation of metabolites in active form.

The half-life is from 1.5 to 2 hours, in newborns - 3 hours, with prolonged intravenous administration - from 3 hours or more.

Eliminated by bile, as well as by the kidneys (about 10% unchanged).


Lidocaine is used in medicine in two areas - anesthesia and cardiology. Specifically, it is used for the following purposes:


Whether a drug is dangerous depends on how well it is used. In particular, the fact that it has contraindications, both absolute and relative, should be taken into account. It is not recommended to use the injection medicine on your own to avoid negative consequences.

It is very important to take into account contraindications in the sense that otherwise lidocaine poisoning is likely. It is prohibited to use the medicine in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to active substances;
  • pathologies of the brain or nervous system of an infectious nature;
  • bleeding;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • tumor formations in the brain.

Contraindications also exist for some age groups. For example, the drug should not be used in the treatment of children under 18 years of age.

In addition, it is dangerous to inject the substance into the cervix of pregnant women in the presence of late toxicosis, or if the fetus is post-term or the process of its development is disrupted.

The drug has contraindications in the presence of the following specific diseases:

  • atrioventricular block (II and III degrees);
  • heart failure (II andIII degree);
  • obvious bradycardia;
  • acute kidney failure;
  • severe symptoms of weakness of the cardiac sinus node;
  • low blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia in the medical history and other cardiac pathologies;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • epilepsy.

Side effects

The drug may cause negative effects. Among them:

  • headache;
  • photophobia;
  • tinnitus;
  • diplopia (double vision);
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • feeling of heat, fever;
  • bradycardia;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting, numbness of the tongue;
  • confusion of consciousness, up to loss;
  • allergic manifestations, anaphylactic shock is not excluded.

Possibility of intoxication

Lidocaine anesthesia has a persistent analgesic effect. This is a fairly powerful drug.

Its dosage is often calculated in just a few milligrams. Therefore, it has very strict rules and regulations for application.


The cause of overdose is an incorrectly calculated dose.

What causes intoxication? Most often, an overdose of lidocaine occurs due to the fault of health workers. It is recommended to use a lower dose to ensure a lasting effect.

Therefore, one of the reasons leading to lidocaine overdose is incorrectly calculated dosages.

Dosage regimen

The volume of the injected composition is determined by the area of ​​tissue that needs to be anesthetized, as well as the type of surgical intervention.

The lethal dose for each person is individual and depends on many factors.

For an adult, the highest one-time dose for parenteral administration is calculated in the amount of 5 mg per 1 kg of patient weight, but not more than 300-400 mg per hour.

The maximum daily dose should not exceed 2000 mg. The maximum norm for children is 4 mg per 1 kg of the child’s weight, and for children under 3 years of age the single dose is not more than 1.25 ml (no more than 4 times a day).

When administered intravenously, the rate should not exceed 1 mg per 1 kg of weight (usually 50-100 mg).

Expired date

An important question is whether an expired drug can be used. Pharmacies are strictly prohibited from selling expired medications. However, there are substances with a stable chemical formula, which, if stored correctly, allows them to be consumed after the expiration date.

At the request of the Air Force Medical Command, the FDA has extended the shelf life of some drugs. This is justified by the results of testing their stability. Among the expired medicines that were allowed to be used for another 33 months without the risk of negative consequences was lidocaine.

However, in cases where the lidocaine ampoules expired 10-20 years ago, the minimum norm can be deadly.


An overdose of lidocaine causes symptoms of inhibition of central nervous system and cardiovascular function in people. Characteristic of poisoning is its progressive development. Symptoms of overdose are expressed:

  • tingling around the lips, numbness of the tongue;
  • excessive sweating;
  • pale skin;
  • chills;
  • excessive drowsiness, or, on the contrary, excessive excitability;
  • dizziness and temporal pain;
  • ringing in the ears and painful sensitivity to extraneous sounds;
  • blurred vision;
  • tremor, convulsions, alternating with generalized convulsive syndromes;
  • spontaneous cessation of breathing;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, even stopping.

The risk of overdose increases when administered intravenously. If lidocaine is continued after the first symptoms appear, an overdose can lead to coma and even death. Death from lidocaine occurs due to respiratory depression.

Symptoms of acute toxemia may occur during epidural or spinal anesthesia during labor.

Which is fraught with adverse consequences for the fetus (hypotension, depression of the heartbeat, respiratory center).

Dental gel containing lidocaine was once used to relieve pain for children when teething. Its use was later discontinued as hospitalizations increased and those children who were hypersensitive to the substance were at risk of death.


In case of drug poisoning, medical assistance is required. This is due to the severity of the symptoms and the need to administer an antidote. Before their arrival you should:

  • position the patient horizontally;
  • ensure air flow.

Why won’t flushing the gastrointestinal tract, taking sorbents and laxatives bring the desired effect in such a case? This is due to the fact that the medicine is not taken orally.

In a hospital setting, the patient will be given an antidote to lidocaine. Among the existing antidotes to drugs, the antidote in this case is sodium thiosulfate (30%). They will carry it out further.

No matter how hard a person tries to maintain his health, no matter how carefully he monitors every little detail, sometimes he has to resort to medications. These could be anti-cold medications or substances that relieve pain. Enduring pain is very unpleasant, especially when it is dull and exhausting.

Most people are exposed to daily risks from many factors: the anthropogenic influence of human inventions, the environment, weather influences, the transmission of viruses and bacteria through social communication. All this is present in the life of every representative of an intelligent race. But man himself poisons his health through the action of harmful substances.

Approximately half of the people around the globe do not do morning exercises, and 70% of the adult population of the planet drinks alcohol not only on holidays, but also on ordinary days. For most adult Russians, Friday is a reason to relax, go to a club or get together with friends. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but gatherings of friendly companies take place under the influence of alcohol.

The problem of alcohol consumption exists constantly. But what to do if health problems arise while intoxicated or during a hangover? Many people know the medications that they are used to, the effects of which they have felt on themselves, they know that the medications will work and bring long-awaited relief. What is the combined effect of lidocaine and alcohol on the body?

What is lidocaine?

The drug, which is known by its Russian name lidocaine, is a local anesthetic. What is it? In direct contact with the affected skin or mucous membrane, the medicinal substance relieves pain.

The nerve endings are blocked, the person feels relief. This drug works for quite a long time, about an hour or an hour and a half, depending on the individual characteristics of the human body. Depending on the form of release of the drug, the purpose of its action is determined: for internal or external use.

Lidocaine also has an antiarrhythmic effect. If a person has heart rhythm disturbances, doctors often prescribe the use of lidocaine. If you have problems with the heart and cardiovascular system, drinking alcohol is extremely undesirable.

When drinking alcoholic beverages, people with vascular problems may experience a sharp increase in blood pressure. A hangover also causes a jump in blood pressure and poor health. But many medications should not be taken together with alcohol.

Often during celebrations and holidays people forget about their own health and start drinking alcohol without thinking about the consequences. But alcohol affects the diseased organ or system of the body. If a person suffers from changes in blood pressure, a sharp jump down or up may occur. If a person has arrhythmia, then most often there are disturbances in the heart rhythm, and this is very dangerous.

Forms of the drug:

  1. Ointments and gels for external use.
  2. Lidocaine spray in medical practice.
  3. Lidocaine solution for injection.

Lidocaine gel or ointment and alcohol

Gel and ointment are intended for external use. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic and not an analgesic. It partially blocks sensitivity and relieves pain at the site of damage to body tissue. The medicine is very quickly absorbed through the mucous membranes and skin.

Lidocaine in the form of ointments and gels is used to treat injuries and various bruises of the musculoskeletal system. Very often, such injuries occur when repairing apartments, houses, cars, playing sports, or active outdoor recreation in the company of friends. It is recommended to apply lidocaine in the form of an ointment to the site of the bruise not once, but several times during the day. The effect of the drug is limited. Relief occurs for a short period and lasts no more than one hour.

What's good about this ointment? If the skin is not damaged, then it can be used by a person who is intoxicated or hangover.

An ointment or gel cannot cause serious side effects when combined with the drug and alcohol. If a person has increased skin sensitivity and may experience itching and burning, then such side symptoms sometimes appear in sober people.

Each organism is strictly individual. What to do if itching and burning occur? It is necessary to wash off the drug with plenty of water from the surface of the skin. If, through negligence, the substance gets into the eyes, the organs of vision should also be rinsed with plenty of water and urgently seek medical help.

If a person who is intoxicated suffers from kidney disease, then he is not recommended to use lidocaine ointment. The medicine, absorbed through the skin, penetrates the bloodstream. The pain at the site of the bruise or injured limb will subside. But the combined effect of the drug with alcoholic beverages can lead to acute renal failure.

What happens to a person with acute renal failure? Both kidneys suddenly fail, and substances that contain nitrogen stop being excreted from the body. Harmful waste contained in a person's blood is no longer filtered through the kidneys and is not excreted along with urine from the body.

If acute renal failure is not noticed in time, it can lead to serious complications. If a person who is in a state of alcoholic intoxication or a hangover has a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, itching all over the body, swelling on the legs, face and hands, then you should consult a doctor.

Lidocaine spray and alcohol

Lidocaine in spray form is intended for use in specialized medical institutions.
Dentists use it most often in their practice. The drug, applied to the mucous membrane of the body, is quickly absorbed and begins to act. The medicinal substance is used when removing teeth and part of the bone tissue from the gums, when installing crowns and other dental processes.

The dentist is not obliged to accept a patient who drank alcohol the day before. But what to do if a person seeks help from a doctor with acute pain?

It is prohibited to use lidocaine on an open wound and mucous membrane together with alcohol. Alcohol may increase the effect of the drug, causing your airways to become blocked. The patient will not be able to breathe. The effect of lidocaine in the form of a spray, as a rule, does not last longer than 6-10 minutes, but if breathing is blocked, this time is enough to cause death.

Not only dentists use lidocaine in their practice, but also gynecologists when applying sutures to ruptures, during operations on the cervix and other surgical interventions. The use of the drug with alcohol in this case is prohibited. It is better to postpone surgery until the woman sobers up, if possible. Sutures on the female genital organs, if the patient is intoxicated or hungover, can be performed without anesthetic.

In sober patients, in isolated cases, anaphylactic shock may occur. But under the influence of alcohol, the effect of the medicine may be enhanced. The reaction of an organism under the influence of alcohol to the spray is unpredictable.

If a person suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system and is in a drunken state, then using the drug is prohibited, because this can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Lidocaine injection solution and alcohol

This drug is used intramuscularly, subcutaneously and intradermally.

If a person, while intoxicated, injects a lidocaine solution, he may experience problems with the central nervous system. Hallucinations often occur, both visual and auditory, and headaches and dizziness may occur. Problems with mental disorders arise.

The use of the drug in the form of an injection solution is prohibited. But what to do if the injection was given? The first signs of intoxication of the body, which occur during the combined action of a solution of lidocaine and alcohol, are euphoria and complete relaxation. After this, a headache or dizziness may occur. These symptoms may be accompanied by vomit leaving the body.

After this, a sharp decrease in blood pressure is observed, the person’s body begins to shake, but in a state of alcoholic intoxication the patient does not always understand what is happening to him. The final phase of intoxication of the body is convulsions of the facial muscles.

A person with such symptoms needs urgent hospitalization. If ventilation is not provided, breathing may stop due to spasm of the respiratory tract.

How might a person with a hangover feel when using a lidocaine injection? The first side effect that appears is a feeling of heat or cold that spreads throughout the body, then vision problems appear, the person begins to see double, and spots appear before the eyes.

Alcohol is an incompatible substance with medications; if possible, you should avoid drinking alcohol during treatment. If a bruise or injury occurs as a result of a fall, you can use lidocaine in the form of a gel or ointment.

It is better not to use lidocaine on open areas not protected by the skin or mucous membranes, because it is unknown how the combined effect of alcohol and the drug will affect the individual human body. It should be remembered that any alcohol, even the weakest and drunk in small doses, is a poison that poisons the human body, destroys its nervous system, and has a detrimental effect on the psyche. Treatment for any disease should begin in a sober state.

Indications and effect of Lidocaine on the human body

This drug is widespread and is used mainly in medical institutions. The mechanism of action of Lidocaine is to block nerve conduction. It is indicated for pain relief during painful procedures or studies. The scope of application of the drug is very wide - it is used in dentistry, for spinal anesthesia during childbirth, suturing, gastroendoscopy, and so on.

For each of these and other procedures, a specific dose with a specific percentage of the active substance is indicated. Thus, a 2% drug is used in dentistry or ophthalmology, and 10% Lidocaine is already considered an antiarrhythmic drug. The drug exists in the form of an injection solution of different percentages, eye drops, anesthetic gel, and spray.

When administered intramuscularly, Lidocaine acts almost instantly. Vasodilation occurs, but irritation does not occur. The rate of absorption depends on the injection site, and the duration of action of the drug depends on the dose. Thus, the effect of Lidocaine administered intramuscularly begins after 5 minutes, intravenously - after 40-60 seconds, applied to the skin - after 15 minutes.

The duration of action depends on the dose of the drug and the percentage of the active substance, and the average half-life of the active components of Lidocaine is 4-5 hours. The dose of the medicine is calculated exclusively by the doctor, and before the first administration of the medicine, the patient is asked about the body’s allergic reactions and is required to undergo an allergy test.

Lidocaine tolerance test

Allergic reactions are observed infrequently, and even if nothing like this has happened to a person before, this does not mean that a reaction will not occur under conditions of illness (for example, while taking another medication). The structure of Lidocaine is complex, and if there is the slightest danger, it is better to abandon it and replace it with an alternative drug.

If the drug is taken for the first time, the doctor is required to do an intolerance test.: 0.1 ml of Lidocaine is injected subcutaneously; if after 15-30 minutes there are no negative reactions, then it can be used. Under no circumstances should lidocaine be combined with adrenaline during a provocative test, so as not to cause a false negative reaction.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure on your own, because without the knowledge and skills of a healthcare worker, you may not be able to save yourself from unwanted reactions such as anaphylactic shock. The danger of Lidocaine lies in the rapid reaction of the human body. Due to insensitivity to pain signals, a person may not even realize that something is wrong with him.

You should immediately report any unpleasant sensations to your doctor, rather than endure them. The doctor will quickly stop anaphylaxis and take measures to eliminate the consequences of the drug.

If during a tolerance test it turns out that the patient’s body has at least the slightest intolerance, Lidocaine is replaced with another drug of the same effect, fortunately, in our time there is a wide choice for an alternative.

The cause of an undesirable reaction can be either hereditary or individual intolerance to the drug, or undesirable compatibility of the active substance with another drug. Therefore, before the pain relief procedure, you must inform your doctor about the medications you are taking.

  • heart failure of II and III degrees;
  • bradycardia;
  • atrioventricular block II and III degrees;
  • hypotension;
  • epilepsy;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • chronic and acute renal failure.

Lidocaine and children

The drug is used to relieve pain during painful injections. In addition, a two percent drug is used in the manufacture of an anesthetic gel used during teething. Every year, such drugs claim the lives of hundreds of babies around the world, and the international organization FDA (Food and Drug Administration) asked medical professionals not to prescribe lidocaine gels to infants, replacing it with cool “chews” and gum massage.

Few parents can foresee an allergic reaction of the child’s body to a seemingly ordinary medicine. As a rule, this drug is not very effective and does not have a long-lasting effect, so parents repeat the procedure of lubricating the gums over and over again. As a result, a large amount of the active substance gets inside and serious complications can develop - heart rhythm disturbances and convulsions.

Due to its slow metabolism, lidocaine is prescribed with great caution to children under eighteen years of age. People over 65 also risk taking the drug. Slow metabolism leads to the accumulation of Lidocaine in the body and overdose.

Side effects

An overdose of lidocaine can cause the following side effects:

  • excitement or vice versa depression of the central nervous system;
  • feeling of euphoria, chills;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • numbness of the tongue;
  • spots before the eyes (so-called “spots”);
  • drowsiness, tinnitus;
  • runny nose, conjunctivitis;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes, lips, cheeks, larynx;
  • itching, heat, or tingling in the extremities;
  • spontaneous cessation of breathing.

In particularly difficult cases, anaphylactic shock, respiratory arrest and convulsions, collapse, and death are possible. In one form or another, the above symptoms also appear with an overdose of the drug. Lidocaine is not a drug, it is difficult to consider it as such, only in very rare cases does it become addictive.

Maximum dosage of the drug

The dosage of Lidocaine is calculated individually and depends on the size of the body area that needs to be anesthetized. Doses of minimal concentration are administered first. For adults, the maximum permissible dose is 200 mg of a two percent solution, and for topical anesthesia with ten percent Lidocaine, the permissible dose is 2 ml. It is noteworthy that the maximum and lethal dose have a very blurred line, and exceeding the norms specified in the instructions is strictly prohibited.

The manifestation of any symptoms of overdose should alert you. In such cases, the drug is immediately discontinued and actions aimed at neutralizing the toxic-allergic reaction are carried out.

First aid for lidocaine poisoning

The toxic reaction to the administration of lidocaine manifests itself very quickly. There is no specific antidote, so the victim needs to be helped symptomatically.

First you should stop administering the drug. For urticaria and other skin manifestations, antihistamines and a cold compress on the site of the rash are indicated. Bronchodilators will make breathing easier, and you can improve blood circulation by simply taking a lying position with your legs raised above head level.

Since Lidocaine is not taken orally, there is no point in gastric lavage, as well as in taking enterosorbents. Drinking plenty of liquid will help quickly get rid of the toxic substance that has entered the stomach.

Due to the specificity of the drug, medical care and observation in the first days after an overdose are indicated for everyone, because Lidocaine can cause sudden cardiac arrest and death.

In a hospital hospital, the victim is intubated and artificially ventilated, and in parallel, electrolyte solutions or plasma substitutes, anticonvulsants and M-choline blockers are administered.


Lidocaine can be deadly! Watch a video about a real-life tragedy that occurred as a result of a severe allergic reaction to this drug.

Lidocaine: characteristics, purpose, application

The medication belongs to the category of anesthetics - special drugs that can block sensitivity. They are widely used in all areas of medicine.

Lidocaine is a powder in the form of crystals, white in color, which is poorly soluble in liquid. Doctors use the drug in the form of hydrochloric acid salt, which is characterized by its ability to dissolve in water, and is prescribed as a local anesthetic, as well as a cardiac depressant that relieves symptoms of arrhythmia. The effect of the drug is short-lived, so it is recommended to prolong it with repeated use.

The medicine is used in the form of injections, through an intramuscular or intravenous injection, for pain relief:

  • various injuries;
  • during surgical operations;
  • in obstetrics and gynecology;
  • during diagnostics, for example, endoscopy, if the procedure is painful, or radiography to relieve symptoms of nausea, vomiting;
  • in dentistry;
  • cardiology;
  • in ophthalmology and others.

Externally, to relieve pain from wounds, bruises or burns, creams, gels and ointments containing lidocaine or in the form of a lotion are used, as well as sprays and aerosols, eye drops, patches, and injection solutions.

Doctors do not prohibit combining Lidocaine and alcohol if the drug is intended to be used in the form of ointments or gels. In this case, the anesthetic does not have any fundamentally significant effect on the body, provided that the surface of the skin is not disturbed. In such a case, the body may react to the effect of the drug with severe itching on the affected area of ​​the skin.

Lidocaine in the form of a spray should also be used with caution. Doctors warn that the body's reaction can be unpredictable. It can provoke anaphylactic shock, even in sober people. It is recommended to use this dosage form of the drug with great caution for people with heart disease.

The medication has a number of contraindications, namely:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • liver diseases that have a complicated form;
  • renal failure;
  • glaucoma;
  • heart pathologies and vascular problems;
  • open wounds;
  • people of the older age category (over 65 years old).

It is noted that the effect of the drug is very individual.

Interaction between the drug and alcoholic beverages

From time to time a person is forced to use pills or other drugs for various reasons.

If you are sick and are about to be treated with a drug such as Lidocaine, then it is important to know whether you can drink something containing alcohol the day before or after treatment, and what the interaction of the drug with alcoholic beverages is.

When mixing Lidocaine and alcohol, the likelihood of the following consequences significantly increases:

  • the appearance of edema;
  • painful skin irritation;
  • temperature increase.

Swollen leg

Attacks of suffocation, vomiting, and even a disorder in the perception of reality are also possible.

You should not drink alcohol after lidocaine. This may cause the blood clotting process to slow down. Therefore, if a person uses medications containing it, then it is worth refusing to drink vodka, wine and other alcoholic products during treatment, and also, preferably, not drinking beer. The load on the liver, which increases under the influence of alcohol, provokes the development of toxic hepatitis.

Doctors strongly advise people with kidney disease not to drink alcohol immediately after using Lidocaine, as this combination can provoke exacerbations of existing abnormalities. For example, both kidneys may fail at once, which will inevitably lead to death.

A dentist has the right to refuse to treat a patient’s teeth using anesthesia if he has drunk the day before and smells of alcohol. Reasons for refusal:

  • decreased analgesic effect;
  • danger of allergic reactions;
  • the absorption of lidocaine in the body, where alcohol is located, provokes an unpredictable effect on the brain, leading to a sharp decrease in pressure.

Cessation of breathing and cardiac arrest cannot be ruled out.


Antibiotic used for healing:

In tablet form and for various types of severe infections:

  • abscesses and pneumonia;
  • acute sepsis or its complications;
  • purulent accumulations and others.

It is used in the form of an ointment to treat purulent inflammation of the epidermis.

A solution is used for vaccinations.

Widely used by dentists when the patient has infections in the maxillofacial area. To neutralize purulent inflammation that occurs with periodontitis, gingivitis, periodonitis, Lincomycin is used together with Lidocaine.

The instructions for use of the medicine inform about contraindications, in particular that you should not use the medicine if a person has kidney and liver diseases, as well as about the possible side effects of the medicine on the body, namely:

  • gagging and nausea;
  • hives;
  • changes in blood composition, such as increased bilirubin levels and decreased white blood cell counts;
  • damage to the mucous membranes in the mouth;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • infectious skin lesions;
  • abdominal pain;
  • abscesses or cellulitis in the tongue;
  • anaphylactic shock.

When treating with an antibiotic, it is strongly recommended not to drink alcoholic beverages, since in 100% of cases severe intoxication occurs, which the body, weakened by the disease, may not be able to cope with. In this case, death is inevitable.

In conclusion, we will say that if a person has a disease such as alcoholism, then this is a good reason not to use Lidocaine or Lincomycin as an anesthetic.

As a rule, when prescribing medications, the doctor warns about their interaction with alcoholic beverages, and also, each instruction for the use of a particular medicine contains a warning about its compatibility with alcohol.


Lidocaine is a painkiller and is used for anesthesia during various local operations. In addition, the drug is used as a pain reliever if a person is undergoing any painful examination.

Lidocaine is available in several different forms:

  • injection solution of various percentages,
  • gel for external use,
  • spray for topical use,
  • drops in the eyes.

In medical institutions, as a rule, the drug is used in the form of an injection solution. It is often used in dentistry, for the prevention of disorders of the ventricles of the heart, for anesthesia for various injuries, and spinal anesthesia during childbirth.

Effect on the body

This drug is considered one of the best remedies that restore heart rhythm and eliminate rapid heartbeat.

When administered, it begins to act after a fairly short time. In this case, numbness occurs in the treated area of ​​the body, the excitation threshold becomes higher, and nerve conduction is blocked.

The drug easily penetrates into nearby tissues. Its duration is approximately 60 minutes.

Most of the drug is metabolized in the liver and excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Lidocaine easily reacts with other drugs. At the same time, it suppresses the effect of some of them, and enhances others. Therefore, before using the medication, you should inform your doctor about the medications you are taking in order to avoid a negative reaction from the body.

Alcohol intake should also be avoided. The combination of these two substances can cause respiratory arrest and even death.

Contraindications and use of the drug

The use of lidocaine is carried out in two directions - cardiology and anesthesia. In the first case, the indications for use are as follows:

  • therapy for ventricular arrhythmias,
  • use of an artificial pacemaker,
  • glycoside intoxication.

In anesthesia, lidocaine is used:

  • in surgery,
  • gynecology,
  • dentistry,
  • ophthalmology,
  • blockade of nerve nodes.

You should not use injections of the medication at home, as this can cause an overdose of lidocaine.

Like any medicine, this drug also has certain contraindications.

These include:

  • sensitivity to the drug,
  • muscle weakness,
  • tumors in the brain
  • bleeding,
  • infections of the brain and nervous system.

In addition, the specialist must take into account the patient’s age and well-being. The drug should be used with caution in people with poor blood clotting, during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects when using lidocaine:

  • headaches,
  • dizziness,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • change in pressure higher or lower,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • allergies.

Before using this medication, any doctor should check with the patient about his tolerance to lidocaine.

There are often cases when a minimal dose can lead to anaphylactic shock, only because the doctor did not ask the patient whether he tolerates such anesthesia well.

Lidocaine overdose symptoms and signs

Lidocaine overdose most often occurs as a result of medical errors.

As a rule, in this case the doctor simply incorrectly calculates the amount of medicine that needs to be administered to the patient.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • muscle weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • tremor of the limbs,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • convulsions,
  • pressure reduction,
  • vomiting, nausea.

If the specialist continues to administer the medicine further, a coma may occur. In addition, a severe overdose is fraught with respiratory arrest and death.

Therefore, an experienced specialist always monitors the condition of his patient during the administration of the drug.

First aid and treatment for overdose

Lidocaine overdose - what to do?

First aid is as follows:

  • If even the slightest signs are detected, you must immediately stop administering the drug.
  • The victim must be placed on his back.
  • He needs access to fresh air.
  • 10 mg of diazepam is administered intravenously.

In case of lidocaine poisoning at home, the person is also laid down and the windows are opened to allow clean air to flow in. Then you should call a doctor.

For more severe symptoms, treatment continues in a medical facility, and resuscitation measures are used.

A large number of people have been using the same medicine for many years, they know that it will help, but

Is lidocaine and alcohol compatible?

Sometimes there comes a time in life when you need to use medications and this cannot be avoided, no matter how hard a person tries to save himself. It is not necessary to use strong medications; these can be quite ordinary cold medicines that simply reduce pain. It is unpleasant to suffer from pain, especially when it is acute and exhausting. There is probably no person who does not drink alcohol from time to time. But what to do if your health deteriorates during alcohol intoxication?

The medicine, which is called lidocaine, is considered a kind of anesthetic. When the medicine comes into direct contact with the affected area of ​​the body, the medicine relieves pain. This occurs because the drug blocks all nerve endings, thereby stopping the person from feeling pain. Naturally, this effect is not permanent and sooner or later the “freezing” will pass. Based on the form of this medicine, it can be used in different ways: externally or internally.

Release form:

  • In the form of a gel or ointment for external use;
  • In the form of a spray atomizer, which can most often be seen in medical institutions.
  • Solution in ampoules for injections.

In addition to all of the above, lidocaine has an antiarrhythmic effect. If a person suddenly develops heart problems, the doctor will prescribe a painkiller in the form of this drug. Know that if you have problems with the cardiovascular system, alcohol is strictly prohibited! If you drink alcohol with a heart condition, it will lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure. Sometimes the consequences may not be so mild, you can even get a heart attack if you don’t come to your senses and start a healthy lifestyle.

A hangover can also cause unpleasant consequences:

But most drugs are not recommended for use while drinking alcohol. Very often, at holiday feasts, people forget about their health and begin to pour countless amounts of alcohol into themselves, without thinking at that moment that the consequences can be very dire. Alcohol often hits an organ that is not very healthy; if you suffer from pressure changes, then you need to be extremely careful, since when drinking strong drinks, a malfunction in the body can occur and a pressure surge may occur, and this is very dangerous. If you suffer from arrhythmia, the consequences can be disastrous - the heart rhythm will fail.

Used for external injuries, it is considered a local antiseptic drug. Excellently reduces pain in areas where there are skin lesions. The cream, gel, is instantly absorbed into the mucous membranes and skin.

The medicine, produced in the form of a gel, is used exclusively as a treatment for wounds, bruises of the legs, arms, and joints. It is better to apply the ointment (gel) to the damaged area not once a day, but three. The effect of this medication is extremely limited, the feeling of relief will appear for a short period of time and lasts no more than one hour, pain can be felt earlier, everything is purely individual.

  1. It can be used even when intoxicated;
  2. Does not often cause any side effects;
  3. Does not cause allergies;
  4. Quickly relieves pain
  5. Not addictive.

Each person's body has its own individuality, and sometimes consequences such as burning or itching occur. If this is exactly what happened to you, it is recommended to immediately remove the product from the skin, just rinse with water. If the ointment (gel) somehow gets into your eyes, rinse your eyes with water and immediately call an ambulance.

If a person suffers from kidney disease, he should not use this remedy. This is explained by the fact that the cream is very quickly absorbed into the skin and penetrates directly into the bloodstream. Of course, the patient’s pain will go away, but if you combine alcohol (the person used the cream while intoxicated) and this product, this can lead to kidney failure.

And with this disease, an exacerbation can occur - failure of two kidneys at once. At the same time, harmful waste will not leave the body; if this problem is not detected in a timely manner, this will lead to death. If a drunk person develops a rash, swelling, or decreased urine output after using this drug, you should immediately go to the hospital.

This product in the form of a spray is usually used in medical centers; it is often used in dentistry and gynecology. The product has the ability to be quickly absorbed when it comes into contact with the mucous membrane; the medicine is very often used in the dental office during the removal of damaged teeth, when installing dentures and crowns.

If a person is intoxicated, the use of lidocaine is prohibited, with the exception of ointment and gel, provided the patient is in good health.

Remember! The dentist will not see a client if he has consumed strong drinks before the visit. But what to do if a patient comes to the doctor with severe pain? Using the product on exposed parts of the body and mucous membranes in conjunction with alcohol is strictly prohibited. Alcohol can multiply the effect of the medication many times over, which can lead to blockage of the pathways. The patient simply will not be able to breathe normally. The effect of such a medicine in the form of a spray is no more than 6-8 minutes; if the respiratory system becomes blocked, this will be enough for a person to suffocate.

Not only dentists use the drug in their work, but as mentioned earlier, gynecologists can also use lidocaine during suturing for ruptures during childbirth. The use of this medicine with alcohol is also strictly prohibited. It is better to delay the operation (if this is feasible) until the patient comes to her senses. If a woman is under the influence of alcohol, it is recommended to apply sutures without this drug.

Normal people can sometimes go into shock, but this is a very rare occurrence. Be aware that alcohol can multiply the effect of the drug. And the reaction in this case is simply unpredictable. If the patient suffers from heart disease and is admitted to the hospital in a state of intoxication, this medication cannot be used, as its effect will lower blood pressure.

In this form, the drug is used exclusively intramuscularly under the skin. If a person is under the influence of alcohol and is injected with this medication, serious problems with the nervous system may occur. The patient may see hallucinations, have a headache, and have mental problems. Using the product together with alcohol is strictly prohibited.

We can conclude that the use of lidocaine during alcohol intoxication is allowed only in the form of a gel or ointment. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the state of human health. If you have serious illnesses, such as kidney pathology, using the drug or drinking alcohol is contraindicated. The injection form and spray cannot be combined with alcohol. Take care of your health and life!

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!

The information on the site is provided solely for popular informational purposes, does not claim to be reference or medical accuracy, and is not a guide to action. Do not self-medicate. Consult your healthcare provider.

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General information about lidocaine

The drug in its structure belongs to acetanilides. The anesthetic properties of lidocaine are due to inhibition of nerve fibers caused by blockade of sodium channels. The effect of the drug appears within the first 5 minutes and lasts up to one and a half hours (in combination with epinephrine - up to 2 hours). During applications, local dilation of blood vessels is observed. The skin is not affected.

Is it possible to drink alcohol before anesthesia? Read about it here.

Dosage forms:

  1. Sprays (aerosols).
  2. Eye drops.
  3. Plates.
  4. Injection.

Use of lidocaine

  • Infiltration, terminal, spinal, conduction anesthesia.
  • Application anesthesia of mucous membranes in dentistry, gynecology, pulmonology, gastroenterology.
  • Myositis, postherpetic neuralgia.
  • Prevention and treatment of ventricular arrhythmia (tachycardia, extrasystoles, fibrillation), including acute myocardial infarction, glycoside intoxication, pacemaker implantation.
  • Blockade of nerve plexuses and peripheral nerves in patients with severe pain.

The drug is used topically, subcutaneously, intradermally and intramuscularly.

Special instructions for use

Lidocaine is prescribed to a limited extent to persons over 65 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers, debilitated patients with decreased hepatic blood flow, and patients with progressive cardiovascular failure.

The drug is carefully prescribed to people with mental retardation, epilepsy, and severe kidney and liver diseases. In dental orthopedics, the product is used only in combination with elastic impression compounds.

Do not allow the spray to come into contact with the eyes and respiratory organs. This warning is especially relevant for children and patients with bronchial diseases. The drug suppresses the cough and pharyngeal reflexes, which can lead to aspiration and subsequent pneumonia.

Lidocaine and alcohol

A person with a hangover or alcohol intoxication is especially susceptible to injuries, bruises, and accidents. The safest form of the drug is ointment. It can be applied to the affected area several times a day, since the effect of the anesthetic lasts no more than one hour. If the skin is not damaged and the victim does not have severe chronic diseases, lidocaine gel does not cause side effects.

It is not recommended to use the ointment if the person who drank alcohol suffers from kidney disease. The drug, penetrating through the skin into the bloodstream, can cause acute renal failure. Signs of complications:

  • Chills, fever.
  • Decreased amount of urine excreted.
  • Swelling of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Severe itching.

In this case, you should quickly wash off the ointment from the skin and consult a doctor.

The drug in the form of a spray is most often used in dentistry - to remove teeth and bone fragments from the gums, when installing crowns. It is quickly absorbed through the mucous membrane, but acts for a short time (10 minutes).

It's no secret that many people try to relieve acute toothache with alcohol. Having not received the desired effect, they are forced to consult a doctor. Here you should know that the aerosol cannot be used on an open wound of the mucous membrane if there is alcohol in the patient’s blood. Ethanol enhances the effect of lidocaine, which may result in airway blockage.

Even for a healthy person with alcohol in the blood, an injection of lidocaine has an adverse effect. Headaches, dizziness, vomiting, auditory and visual hallucinations often develop. For patients with cardiovascular diseases, it is even more dangerous to use lidocaine in combination with alcohol. After the injection, blood pressure may drop sharply. In this case, urgent ventilation is necessary to prevent bronchospasm and respiratory arrest.

Thus, strong anesthetics such as lidocaine are incompatible with drinking alcoholic beverages. The doctor has the right to refuse pain relief if the patient comes to the appointment in a state of hangover or intoxication.



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