If the smell of sweaty feet seems to be everywhere. We determine the causes of sweating feet by smell and choose the right treatment

Constant sweating makes people look for ways to get rid of foot odor. The reason for this problem lies in the sweat glands. Due to a failure in thermoregulation, feet sweat and smell strongly. How to get rid of foot odor so that people around you don’t wince when visiting? After all, this gives rise to uncertainty in a person, so his behavior becomes constrained and even irritable.

Why do my feet sweat and stink?

Excessive sweating and foot odor have different causes. Why do women's feet smell? When wearing synthetic stockings or tights, the skin of the feet does not receive the required amount of oxygen, which leads to excessive sweat production. In men, this problem is aggravated by the fact that they are expected to have a higher level of sweating to begin with. Why? Their natural role is that of a hunter who must work hard physically.

Sweaty feet in children is a rare occurrence. At the age of up to 1 year, this is not a deviation. With the gradual development of the body, everything will return to normal. Another reason why a child has sweaty feet may be due to an illness such as rickets. This condition applies to children under 2 years of age. In addition, the appearance of worms in children also leads to increased sweating.

Common factors that cause excessive sweating and bad odor include:

  1. Wrong shoes. Tight and closed models do not allow the skin to “breathe”.
  2. Insufficient or improper hygiene.
  3. Active physical activity.
  4. Stressful state.
  5. Fungal infection.
  6. Synthetic socks, tights.
  7. Diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular system, tuberculosis and even AIDS.
  8. Hyperhidrosis is a disease of sweating throughout the body.

What to do if your feet smell

Having figured out the cause of sweating, begin treating the unpleasant illness. If you have a serious illness, it is better to consult a doctor to prescribe medications. If the smell comes from fungus, a bath will not help you. It is better to immediately go to a dermatologist, who will tell you how to treat this unpleasant “guest”. What to do if your feet are sweating not because of an illness? Then you can remove sweating and unpleasant odor at home using foot hygiene and shoe care.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies will help with skin care. Foot baths at home are especially pleasant. They are prepared from natural ingredients. Here are some tips on how to get rid of unpleasant foot odor:

  1. Baths based on furatsilin. Take 2 powdered tablets per 2 liters of warm water. Immerse the legs in the solution for 10 minutes. Do not wipe your feet, let them dry on their own. Repeat the procedure every day for 2 weeks to completely remove the smell.
  2. A decoction of rowan leaves. Pour a liter of boiling water over a small handful of leaves. Wait half an hour for the mixture to infuse. Strain and then dilute with warm water to the optimal temperature. To get rid of the smell, keep your feet in the bath for about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Vinegar. Mix half a cup of vinegar with 6 cups of hot water. After cooling to the optimal level, soak your feet in an acidic solution for 15 minutes, then wash them with soap.
  4. Cream. To prepare, mix 1 tsp. potato starch and shea butter. Add 1/3 tsp. soda Apply daily to clean skin before bed.

Treatment with drugs

What to do if folk remedies for sweating and foot odor do not help? In such a situation, people turn to medications. Buy special products for sweating feet in pharmacies. The list of the most common includes the following drugs:

  1. Teymurov ointment. Antiseptic against sweat. It has become especially popular due to its low cost and the possibility of treating sweating of the feet and armpits with palms.
  2. Formidron. Medicine containing formaldehyde. This substance is the most powerful antiseptic that completely destroys bacterial cells. Another plus is that it creates a flora where microorganisms cannot multiply.
  3. Antifungal ointments for feet. Borzin stands out among them. It removes sweating, fights fungus, and also deodorizes the feet.
  4. Special spray. Remedy for foot and shoe odor. Essential oils, when diffused, remove unpleasant aroma.

How to prevent foot odor

How to get rid of the smell of sweat, or better yet, prevent its occurrence? Follow a few simple rules and you will forget about the problem of sweating forever:

  1. Choose socks and tights with a minimum of synthetics. Change them every day, even if they don't seem sweaty.
  2. Replace your shoes every 3 years and wash your insoles regularly.
  3. Dry your shoes and do not store them in a dark closet, where germs can easily grow.
  4. Wash your feet every day, take baths, and use cosmetics.

Find out which one is right for you.


Sweaty feet can also be a consequence of serious illnesses. In such cases, only a specialist can cure sweating. Other causes can be easily corrected with home treatments. If you are lost among the many reasons and tips on how to eliminate sweating, watch the video, which explains in detail how to correct the situation with sweating. With this knowledge, no smell will overpower you.

A lot of people wonder how to get rid of foot odor. To solve this problem, there are many methods, both folk and quite modern.

Often people do not pay attention to excessive sweating and do not ask doctors why their feet stink. But increased sweating definitely requires treatment, because it can lead to the development of serious diseases. Due to the humidity of the feet, corns, calluses, unpleasant odor, and sticky feet can form.

And wet feet are an excellent environment for the spread of infectious bacteria that cause foot fungus. Of course, you can ignore your sweaty feet. But this will lead to the need to treat a more serious problem. Before getting rid of bad foot odor, I would like to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

People who have encountered the problem of unpleasant odor from their feet note that their feet become very sweaty. A humid environment is very favorable for the spread of harmful bacteria. It is because of them that the nasty smell appears.

Sweat itself does not smell at all, because it consists largely of water. But bacteria that actively multiply in it cause a bad aroma and harm people’s health. Sweat is produced by the skin to regulate temperature and to remove harmful substances from the body. Therefore, it is important to carry out water procedures every day, for example, take a shower.

There are different reasons for the appearance of bad sweat odor:

  • poor ventilation of the skin, which occurs when wearing low-quality shoes made from inexpensive materials or thick out-of-season socks and stockings;
  • inconsistent hygiene procedures create an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria;
  • poor cleaning and washing of shoes also contributes to the spread of bacteria;
  • and the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • a fungal disease causes an unpleasant odor due to a violation of the water-salt balance of the skin. The fungus also causes cracking of the skin, severe itching and peeling. If this dangerous disease is not treated in time, an exacerbation may begin; often the foul odor of the feet can be a consequence of diseases of the endocrine system or central nervous system;
  • the human body’s tendency to excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.

How to deal with sweaty feet

In common cases, getting rid of foul odor from feet is quite simple. It is necessary to purchase high-quality shoes made from good materials that allow your feet to breathe. Give preference to real leather or textiles. At the same time, you should refuse cheap shoes made of artificial materials, because they practically do not allow air to flow to the skin of the feet.

In the summer, do not wear closed shoes that do not allow the skin to breathe. Pay attention to what materials the shoe insole is made of. If possible, replace low-quality synthetic insoles with leather or cotton ones.

Now there are special insoles on sale that absorb odors. Buy them exactly. Wash your insoles regularly.

Carefully maintain foot hygiene. To do this, you need to wash your feet every day. During water procedures, it is better to use products that have an antibacterial effect, for example, laundry soap. This soap contains only natural ingredients and neutralizes all bacteria, which means it relieves you of unpleasant odors.

After taking a bath or shower, be sure to go over the skin of your feet with a pumice stone or a special pedicure file. This will remove dead skin particles.

Change your socks and tights every day, because the fabrics from which they are made perfectly absorb dirt, sweat and odor. Do not use socks and stockings made of synthetic fabrics, because such materials, on the contrary, make your feet wet and help the spread of bacteria and.

Shoes also need regular cleaning and washing. This should be done as often as possible. Before putting on a washed pair of shoes, it is important to make sure that they are completely dry. A humid environment is a great place for germs to grow and sweat to smell.

If the foot odor is due to foot fungus, then it is imperative to take measures to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. The same can be said for hyperhidrosis.

To be sure to recover from these sores, you need to consult a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary medications.

Remedies to eliminate sweaty feet

There are many folk recipes for eliminating unpleasant odors.

Here are just a few of them:

  1. Washing your feet in a decoction of herbs has a good effect. To make a healing decoction, you can use oak bark, green tea, chamomile and sage. These herbs must be infused in boiling water, strained and washed with the resulting product. This procedure must be done daily.
  2. Kombucha is also useful in the fight against unpleasant odors. Its infusion should be diluted in water and applied as a lotion to the feet or simply washed with the solution.
  3. A composition consisting of equal parts of alcohol and vinegar works well to reduce sweating. They need to wipe their feet every night to get rid of bad foot odor.
  4. A solution of ordinary potassium permanganate perfectly reduces sweat and eliminates germs. They need to wash their feet in the evening without drying them after washing.
  5. You can use regular high fat sour cream. You should lubricate your feet with it every day. 20 minutes after application, rinse off the sour cream.

Getting rid of odor in shoes

To rid shoes of an unpleasant odor, in addition to washing and cleaning, you can use other methods.

Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda inside your shoes every day. This method will remove excess moisture and eliminate odor. You can put cedar wood or cloves in your shoes. This also eliminates the stink.
To get rid of bacteria, you need to dry your shoes thoroughly. Don't wear the same shoes all the time, this will only prolong the life of bacteria and... Shoes need a day to dry thoroughly, so change them often.

Regular newspapers can help in drying shoes at home. They need to be crumpled up and stuffed inside the shoes. If you do this in the evening, then by morning the shoes will be dry. For the best effect, you need to remove the insoles before doing this.
Modern textile shoes can be washed in a washing machine. This is an excellent option for disinfecting shoes, so don’t neglect it. Of course, before putting on a washed pair, you need to dry it well.
If washing your shoes is not possible, use a special shoe dryer. In this device, the drying process is slow but sure. It does not harm shoes, but allows you to get completely dry shoes in 8 hours.

Powders against foot odor

Feet must always be kept dry, this is the key to their health. And if so, then dryness is even more necessary. For sweaty feet, you can use special powders with a healing effect that have a deodorant effect.

In order to reduce sweating of the feet, oak bark powder, which is poured into socks, is excellent. You can use talc, boric acid or potato starch for the same purposes. It is allowed to use a combination of these means. For example, mix 9 parts starch and 1 part talc.

Before applying the powder to the skin, the feet should be washed using laundry soap and dried thoroughly.

Decoctions to combat hyperhidrosis

In such cases, it will be useful to use medicinal decoctions internally. Hyssop officinalis has proven itself especially well in this regard. An infusion of inflorescences and leaves of this plant should be taken orally three times a day. In just a day you need to drink 1 glass of infusion. To prepare it you need to take a tablespoon of dry herb and pour a glass of boiling water.

In combination with powders or baths, you can use medicinal teas from a mixture of herbs. You can take mint, valerian root, St. John's wort and lemon balm, mix in equal quantities. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of herbal mixture and let it brew. You need to drink the infusion 3 times a day, sip at a time.

How to treat sweaty feet with foot baths

Regular foot skin care is needed at all times of the year, and not exclusively in the summer, when everyone can see their feet. A good option at home is to use special baths. They are useful not only as a means to combat sweating, but also for strengthening and healing the body. Baths should be taken every day, best before bed. It is allowed to combine baths and foot massage or peeling.

For baths, it is best to take medicinal herbs, for example, oak bark, walnut leaves. You need to prepare a decoction from the herbs and divide it into two parts. Pour one part into a bath of hot water, the other into a cold bath. Soak your feet alternately in hot and cold baths.

You can make baths from a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. You need to keep your feet in this bath for 10 minutes. This bath is very good for sweating.

Salted water baths are good for reducing sweating. For a better effect, you can put cotton wool soaked in a soda solution between your toes at night. This procedure can cause severe itching, but at the same time it eliminates sweating well.

To destroy bacteria on your feet and reduce sweat, you can use baths made from a strong solution of black tea. You need to keep your feet in this bath for half an hour. The tannic acid found in black tea will kill bacteria and cause the sweat glands to contract, which will reduce sweat production.

If there are no wounds on the skin of the feet, it is necessary to use vinegar baths to combat the fetid odor. To prepare such a bath, you need to dilute a glass of vinegar in warm water and add a few drops of thyme oil to the bath. It has a very strong antiseptic effect, which is simply necessary to fight bacteria.

After foot baths, it is good to perform a special massage, which will also help in the fight against excessive sweating. It must be done using special aromatic oils. It is best to take lavender oil for this purpose, which, in addition to its pleasant smell, also has an excellent antibacterial effect. You can use other types of oils, but before using them for massage, check whether they cause allergies. To do this, apply a little oil to your wrist. If after a few hours everything is fine, there is no itching or redness, then you can safely take this oil for massage.

Medicines to combat sweating

Now in any pharmacy you can see a wide selection of products to combat excessive sweating. There are various medications, both very expensive and quite cheap, that almost anyone can afford. As a rule, these are creams or ointments. There are remedies that require a course of treatment. Other medications require daily use. There are products on sale that are used only for the feet, but there are also those that can be used for the palms and armpits. They usually need to be applied in the evening, before going to bed.

A good effect against excessive sweating is provided by a gel that is intended to eliminate acne. It has high antiseptic properties and dries the skin perfectly.

If no folk methods or pharmaceutical creams help get rid of unpleasant foot odor, you need to consult a specialist. Most likely, in such difficult cases, the use of special drugs or a course of treatment with electrophoresis will be prescribed.

The above methods for treating excessive sweating and getting rid of foot odor are quite effective. By using them regularly, you will not only forget about the unpleasant odor from your feet, but also get soft and delicate skin on your feet, like a baby’s.

Depending on the circumstances, people often begin to wonder: Why do my feet stink? What to do in this case and how to get rid of it? Sweating is a problem that affects both men and women equally. Sweat glands perform vital functions, which include regulating body temperature.

However, everything should be in moderation. If increased sweating is observed constantly, then there is a serious reason for this. In some cases, this may be a signal of a dangerous disease. Sweating leads to another unpleasant phenomenon - foot odor.

Worth knowing

There is not a person on the planet whose feet do not smell. A specific smell can be observed even in a baby who was recently born, but not as intense as in an adult. Feet stink a lot because the sweat on the feet gives off a slightly different aroma than the rest of the body.

The human foot is a place where more than 250 thousand sweat glands are located, secreting liquid, which is commonly called sweat. It contains various salts and water. This is the favorite food for all kinds of bacteria living on the limbs. If your feet stink, a person should know that the cause is the same bacteria.

Microorganisms in the course of their life produce substances that smell very strongly. If, with profuse sweating, a strong odor emanates from the feet, then they speak of bromodosis. This phenomenon can also be observed in other parts of the body. But in the area of ​​the feet, the smell lasts the longest, eventually permeating a person’s socks and shoes.

Reasons for appearance

The causes of unpleasant odor can be different. In addition to bacteria, fungi play an important role in the formation of odor. If a person experiences increased sweating, then a favorable environment is created for the proliferation of fungi and other microorganisms. These conditions are often observed in people who regularly exercise and in those who must constantly wear closed shoes. Unpleasant foot odor occurs as a result of the limbs being constantly closed and not ventilated.

A disgusting odor comes from people who do not care about their hygiene. At first, sweat does not cause an unpleasant odor, but over time, skin irritation and unpleasant itching are observed.

If a person ignores such phenomena, then over time an additional infection joins the irritation. Only after this the feet begin to stink horribly.

There are reasons that can increase not only sweating, but also spread an unpleasant odor. First on the list are:

  • constant stress;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • taking a number of medications.

With hyperhidrosis in adolescents and pregnant women, it is customary to talk about hormonal changes in the body. Signs of excessive sweating appear along with symptoms of bromodosis - the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

The production of sweat is a natural process, but if an unbearable odor is observed, experts insist on a mandatory examination by a doctor.

A dermatologist can tell you why your feet sweat and what it depends on. If the problem cannot be detected, then you need to contact an endocrinologist.

There are also experts who claim that frequent emotional experiences and poor nutrition contribute to sweating and a pungent odor. In this situation, you need to seek help from your family doctor.

Causes of foot odor

It is customary to identify a number of main reasons why feet smell:

  1. Refusal to maintain hygiene. Sweaty feet should be washed at least twice a day, changing shoes and allowing enough time to air them out.
  2. Wearing shoes made of materials that do not allow air to pass through. As a result of friction, a high temperature is formed inside and sweat begins to be produced, which will stink over time.
  3. A girl's feet often smell due to wearing stockings or socks made from synthetic fabrics.
  4. Frequent causes are fungal diseases. If there is a fungal infection, the patient's feet begin to smell terribly. Timely treatment can relieve unpleasant phenomena. After using antifungal drugs, you should discard socks and shoes that were used during the therapy period.
  5. Feet smell due to some changes that are associated with internal organs. Sweat accompanies certain functional processes.
  6. The appearance of a disgusting odor can be influenced by menopause in women and adolescence.
  7. Sweat is often produced very heavily in some diseases. In the presence of pathologies, the sweat glands begin to actively work to improve the patient’s condition.

The nasty smell that comes from the feet and toes prevents the patient from living a full life. To normalize the functioning of the sweat glands, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately.

Traditional medicine to help

First of all, you should get rid of the pungent odor of sweat using traditional medicine. All preparations are of plant origin. Most often they choose oak bark, chamomile flowers, tea tree leaves and much more. A large number of recipes are successfully used even in the modern world. How to get rid of the smell of sweat with their help?

Contrast baths

With the help of contrast baths you can cure sweating and remove the smell of sweat. This procedure is good because it allows you to get rid of several problems at once:

  • a pleasant procedure normalizes sweat production;
  • Frequent changes in temperature help relieve pain and a feeling of heaviness;
  • With the help of contrast baths you can cure a lot of cardiovascular diseases.

Natural products such as oak bark, walnut shells, plantain and nettle have excellent antiseptic properties. Decoctions are made from them, which are then added to water. Under the influence of beneficial substances, the skin will not get wet and stink. Similar procedures will help get rid of foot odor at home.

Contrast is a method that underlies many water treatments. Alternating cold and hot water can improve pore function. Humanity has long known that if you want to have good health, you need to take a steam bath. This is especially useful for sweaty feet. Training the skin with contrasting temperatures keeps blood vessels toned so that they do not lose their elasticity.

Stinky feet are treated with contrast baths, alternately dipping them in cold and then in hot water. Regular such procedures will help cope with many chronic diseases. The sweat glands will begin to work actively and correctly, and your feet will be smelly and healthy again.

Pharmacy products

Treatment can be carried out with ointments, pastes, solutions, gels, sprays and powders. The pharmaceutical market offers its customers a wide range of all kinds of products. Some drugs can be purchased independently, while others are available only with a prescription from your doctor.

Most drugs are always available at pharmacy kiosks. Some patients prefer not to buy an expensive product, but to purchase a cheaper analogue. When you come to the pharmacy, you should indicate the reasons why a person wants to purchase a remedy for the smell of foot sweat.

There is a list of the most popular drugs to eliminate unpleasant odor:

  • alum (in powder form);
  • boric acid;
  • baby powder or talc;
  • collection of medicinal plants (preferably plantain and chamomile);
  • preparations that contain formaldehyde.

What to do if your feet stink? Treatment should begin immediately. But there is no need to engage in fanaticism, everything should be in moderation. If you have chosen a serious remedy purchased from a pharmacy for treatment, you need to monitor the condition of your skin. By taking precautions, a person will maintain the softness and elasticity of the epidermis, otherwise the skin can become dry.

You can take care of your feet using potato or corn starch. The usual apple cider vinegar, soda and table salt help achieve successful results.

Odor removal procedure

There are times when a person urgently needs to get ready for an important event. At the same time, very little time is given to get yourself in order. What can you do to get rid of unpleasant foot odor?

There are various methods for getting rid of “stale smell”, but one of them is the most successful. To do this, you don’t need to buy a special product - you need ingredients that every person always has in stock.

Before the procedure, you need to prepare the following items:

  • hot water;
  • powder or talc;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • scissors;
  • antibacterial soap;
  • socks made of natural fabric;
  • towel for drying.

It is important to follow the rule - no synthetic materials.

The application scheme is as follows:

  1. Wash your limbs in water and apply soap. In this case, each foot should be covered with thick foam.
  2. Place your feet in a bowl of hot water. Feet should not be kept in it for more than 7 minutes.
  3. Dry your feet as thoroughly as possible, pat them dry with a prepared towel.
  4. Trim the nail plate, giving the nail the desired shape.
  5. Pour out the used water, and add a third of a glass of vinegar to the new one. To soften the aroma, you can add a few drops of aromatic oil.
  6. To get rid of the smell of sweat, keep your feet in the solution for at least 10 minutes.
  7. Wipe your feet dry.
  8. To get rid of excess moisture, you need to apply a little powder or talcum powder to the skin.
  9. At the end of the procedure, put on socks.

The procedure is quite easy to do, without spending a lot of time. Now you can go to an important event and not worry about the scent.

Most of all, the question of why feet sweat and stink is asked by the female half. Men are treated more tolerantly in this matter. A woman is less able to bear pressure from others. You can correct the situation, the main thing is to try.

The reasons for the unpleasant odor of sweat are different. To keep your feet healthy and soft, you need to adhere to hygiene. If you do not follow important rules, then no matter how much a person gets rid of the smell, it will still be present until you change your socks and shoes and seriously begin treatment. After this, the question of how to get rid of an unpleasant odor will disappear by itself.

When your feet and shoes smell, many unpleasant moments arise. The smell is felt by others, it brings discomfort to the person himself, permeates socks (tights), shoes and cabinets (bedside tables) where they are kept. When visiting, at work, in a clinic and many other places where shoes need to be taken off or changed, one experiences inconvenience, constraint and shame.

You should know that absolutely all people’s feet sweat, regardless of their gender and age, and there are more than 200 thousand sweat glands on the foot. Bacteria live on the skin of any person and feed on water and salt, the main components of sweat. It is these bacteria that produce substances that have a pungent and unpleasant odor. This phenomenon occurs on different parts of the human body, but the smell from the feet is stronger and lasts longer. This is explained by the fact that sweat is retained between the toes, and its odor is absorbed into shoes and socks (tights).

Why do my feet and shoes smell terrible?

There are several possible reasons for increased sweating and subsequent unpleasant odor of feet and shoes:
  • fungus;
  • stress, strong emotional experiences, fear;
  • diseases that cause excessive sweating;
  • taking certain medications;
  • hormonal changes;
  • synthetic socks (tights);
  • drinking large amounts of liquid;
  • passion for salty foods;
  • wrong shoes.

The fungus usually appears under certain conditions. This is humidity and elevated temperature. That is why fungal diseases are more common among soldiers and people actively involved in sports. Spending a long time in closed and poorly ventilated shoes is a good environment for the development of fungus. Also, this disease often affects people who pay little attention to personal hygiene.

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can be caused by thermoregulation disorders and emotionally-related problems.

In various diseases, an unpleasant odor appears due to the active proliferation of bacteria. More often this occurs with disorders of the endocrine system, hyperthyroidism, conditions accompanied by fever, skin and infectious diseases, and mental disorders.

Hormonal changes mainly include pregnancy and adolescence. In such cases, a surge of hormones and subsequent sweating with an unpleasant odor is a temporary phenomenon.

How to get rid of foot odor

It is quite possible to get rid of foot odor. You need to start with the cause of sweating, which causes an unpleasant odor.

If the cause of sweating and unpleasant odor is a fungus, then it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible. Today there are many means for this - ointments, gels, sprays, solutions, special varnishes, patches, tablets, etc.

When sweating with an unpleasant odor is caused by taking any medications, you will need to replace them with analogues without such side effects. Otherwise, you will have to put up with these undesirable consequences until the required course of the drug is completed.

If your feet and other parts of the body sweat excessively, you need to adjust your diet. You should limit salt and liquid in your diet.

It is worth paying attention to your shoes and clothes. Socks or tights should be chosen from natural materials. Synthetics do not allow air to pass through, creating a “greenhouse effect,” that is, increased temperature and humidity. This leads to the appearance of sweat, and as a result, odor.

The choice of shoes is very important. In this regard, preference should also be given to natural materials. It is important to follow the seasonality - if you wear winter boots in the warm spring, and closed leather shoes in the hot summer, then you should not be surprised where the sweating and unpleasant odor come from.

Basic hygiene standards must be observed. It is worth washing your feet with soap at least a couple of times a day - it is better to choose antibacterial products. Be sure to thoroughly dry your feet after this, especially between the toes. For this purpose, there should be a separate towel, made of natural material - preferably cotton or bamboo.

It would be a good idea to use anti-sweating products – antiperspirants, special sprays or ointments. Typically, they not only reduce sweating, but also block unwanted odors.

Folk tricks

You can get rid of sweating and odor or significantly reduce them with the help of some folk remedies.

Baths with medicinal herbs - oak bark, mint, calendula, chamomile - help well. You can use sea salt - you need to choose a product without any additives. Baths with lemon peels or bay leaves are also effective. Lemon peels can also be used to wipe your feet - this will reduce sweating and add a pleasant aroma. It is better to carry out this procedure before you need to put on shoes for a long time (before work, a walk, etc.).

To reduce sweating, you can use talc, special methenamine powder or regular baby powder.

A regular solution of potassium permanganate also helps.

To mask the unpleasant odor, you can resort to essential oils. It is better to choose oils with the scent of mint, citrus, lavender, and clove.

How to get rid of a terrible smell from shoes

Even if you managed to get rid of sweating or significantly reduce it, the shoes still managed to absorb the unpleasant odor. You can get rid of it in different ways.

First, you need to thoroughly wash your shoes and dry them completely. Washing is not only about removing dirt from the outside of the shoe, you need to conscientiously treat its inside. If possible, the insoles should be removed and washed separately, or better yet, replaced with new ones, since the smell is mostly absorbed into them. There are special insoles on sale that absorb unpleasant odors - if you have excessive sweating of your feet, you should use them.

Do not wear undried shoes. Excessive sweating against a background of humidity will lead to an even stronger odor, and ideal conditions will be created for the proliferation of microbes.

You can get rid of an unpleasant odor by wiping the inside of your shoes with a solution of potassium permanganate, diluted vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

You can drop a little ammonia, lemon juice or lavender oil on the insoles - these products neutralize unpleasant odors.

An excellent absorbent is ordinary activated carbon. If you pour several tablets into your shoes, they will absorb the unpleasant odor overnight. Baking soda, ordinary baby powder, mint leaves, and crushed oak bark have the same properties.

Eliminates odor well in cold weather. In winter you can put your shoes on the balcony, and in summer you can use the freezer - of course, first you need to wrap your shoes in a bag. Shoes should be stored in a dry place. It is also advisable that it be well ventilated.

In shoe stores you can purchase special sprays (disinfectors) for shoes. They neutralize unpleasant odors, providing an additional antibacterial effect. Shoes should be treated with this product several hours before use.

So, in order to get rid of the unpleasant smell of feet and shoes, you must first eliminate the root cause of its occurrence. With proper treatment, hygiene and some tricks, you can get rid of this problem.

Anyone can experience excessive sweating.

The problem does not necessarily signal a serious illness. Most often, the cause is insufficient hygiene or endocrine disorders.

Sweating can be general or local. Let's talk about what to do at home if your feet sweat and stink.

What is sweating

Sweating in normal quantities is a natural phenomenon of metabolic processes. Harmful substances and toxins come out with sweat. During the heat, this is the body's reaction to overheating.

The process of sweating is regulated by the nervous system. Therefore, when there is excitement or fear, a person becomes covered in perspiration.

With various disorders, functional failures, increased sweating may occur. This is an uncontrolled process that causes discomfort and an unpleasant odor.

However, it is possible to normalize the body's thermoregulation and reduce sweating.

How to get rid of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor? To do this, let's look at the causes of the phenomenon.

Excessive sweating in itself is not dangerous, but it can signal a number of disorders in the body or special conditions:

The listed options require an integrated approach to solving the problem, serious observations and treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

In most cases, discomfort occurs due to insufficient or improper hygiene or non-compliance with care rules.

If there is no serious medical factor affecting hyperhidrosis, then folk remedies for sweating of the feet are quite applicable.

Foot hygiene to prevent odor

Why do my feet sweat and smell, how to deal with it? Unpleasant odor is one of the main causes of discomfort. The smell causes active growth of bacteria.

If you create the conditions and neutralize the bacteria, the smell will stop forming. It is necessary to regularly maintain hygiene and ensure that the feet are not wet (in a humid and warm environment, microorganisms accelerate growth).

You don't have to go all the way into the shower. It is enough to wash your feet 2 times a day (more often if necessary) with soap and a coarse-bristled washcloth..

Once a week, use exfoliating products for rough skin and use a pedicure scraper.

Removing dead skin will reduce the likelihood of odor. Use a contrast perfusion: it reduces sweating.

Antibacterial agents

Soap with an antibacterial effect will help in the fight against pathogens and fungi. Pay special attention to the space between the toes and the sole.

Foot deodorants

Antiperspirant is specially created to reduce sweating and combat unpleasant odor. Choose your deodorant option from a variety of offers.

Some people prefer products with plant extracts, tannins, and menthol. Others prefer chemical components.

Dry feet

After washing, dry your feet. Change socks as needed. In winter, it is better to buy socks with thermoregulation. Dry your shoes thoroughly.

Taking care of your feet

If you have had problems with sweating more than once, buy a hydromassage bath. It will perfectly help relaxation after a hard day, and will help regulate the work of the sweat glands in the foot area.

This method will probably be appreciated by everyone at home. A special remedy for hyperhidrosis, purchased at a pharmacy, plant extracts can be added directly to the bath water.

Treatment at home for sweaty feet can begin with the use of drying agents after hygiene procedures. Talcum powder, baking soda, baby powder will do.. It can show good effect for minor sweating problem.

You can disinfect well and prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant odor using a bath with the addition of apple cider vinegar.

If sweating is high and your feet are cold, it is better to choose care products containing tannins. Take baths with a decoction of oak bark or dissolve 1 sachet of Delaxin powder in water. The astringent effect will reduce sweating and prevent itching.

Bacteria can grow in closed shoes. If your shoes smell, you need to wash them or disinfect them with special care products. You can determine which insoles are better based on the purpose of the shoes.

Choose seasonal models from natural materials. Remove the insole to dry. Use insoles with an antibacterial effect for sports shoes.

Teymurov's paste is an ointment for foot odor and sweating, known to our grandparents. It is still sold in pharmacies and is a budget option for a deodorizing and drying agent.

If there are no lesions or signs of inflammation on the skin, you can treat with Urotropin. This liquid is prescribed for foot hyperhidrosis. Use for external application before bedtime. The product in ampoules can be diluted if the skin is very sensitive.

Any drug with an antiseptic, antimicrobial effect can be an effective remedy against sweating. Furacilin has this activity.

But it should be borne in mind that the antibiotic can upset the balance of skin flora. Suitable for one-time use, without regular approaches.

Formidron is another drug whose effectiveness has been tested for decades. However, the liquid may cause a burning sensation. Treatment should last no more than 20 minutes. Then the formidron is washed off.

Also suitable for processing the inside of shoes. The solution leaves no odor or stains.

Cheap product for home use - boric acid. The alcohol solution is safe for external use. The product quickly eliminates unpleasant odor and is suitable for the prevention of hyperhidrosis.

Boric acid, unlike a number of other medications, requires regular use. Warm baths are taken with the ingredient, and applications are also carried out when mixed with apple cider vinegar in a 1:1 ratio.

Daily procedures for 2-3 weeks will relieve the problem of excessive foot sweating.

It is important to have an anti-sweating remedy on hand, presented in a convenient form. The spray will only take a minute to clean up.

Therapeutic and prophylactic drugs, deodorants, and cosmetics are produced in spray form.

You can control sweating with ointments and creams. Focus on the presence of the prefix “deo” in the name of the cream (deo-control, deo-stop, chistop-deo). They have a pleasant structure and smell, are well absorbed, and do not attract attention on the shelf with cosmetics.

Use an integrated approach to solving the problem. Get checked for hidden illness if you suddenly experience excessive sweating.

Take green tea to regulate heat exchange. Use natural herbal ingredients in the fight against illness.

Live a stress-free life. Then there will be no chance for sweaty feet.



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