What does estrus mean in dogs? Estrus in dogs: stages, duration and possible complications


In the dog’s genital area, you can notice a swelling of the “loop”; the dog begins to walk awkwardly and often lick itself. In the area of ​​the loop you can notice pink discharge; this moment should be considered the first day of the onset of estrus and counting from this day.
The first heat lasts less than subsequent ones, and during the first heat the bitch is not so attractive to males.

It is important to correctly determine the onset of the first heat, its duration, the time before the second heat and its duration; then it will be easier for you to determine the onset of the third heat if you are going to breed a dog. Mating before the third heat is strictly not recommended, because the body of a young dog will be fully formed and ready for mating only at the beginning of the third heat.


Never let your bitch off the leash during heat; try to always be close to her while walking. Many females in heat may run away or break free from the leash at the sight of a male dog.

Helpful advice

Do not scold your dog for stains on the floor; it cannot control this process; to avoid unpleasant consequences, you can use special hygiene panties for dogs.

There are many people who seem to be not against having a pet, but are afraid of all sorts of problems caused by the appearance of another living creature in the house. For example, many people think that female dogs and cats living in the house go into heat almost 4 times a year and last for a very long time.

Those who intend to have a pet are often advised to buy a female, because both kittens and puppies of this sex are calmer, less likely to show aggression and become more attached to their owner than males. Often, owners are worried that the female has periodic diarrhea, in which the animal actively seeks opportunities with the male, and can also stain anything in the house with its secretions.

Dogs in heat

The age at which a bitch begins to develop can range from 7 months to one and a half years. It is interesting that in most cases small breed dogs come into heat much earlier than in representatives of medium and large breeds of animals. The physiological manifestations of the onset of maturity is the appearance of bloody discharge from the animal’s genitals, which has an incredibly attractive odor for males of all breeds. You should not be afraid that the animal will dirty the whole house - it constantly licks the loop, but it is still better to remove expensive carpets for this period.

Estrus in dogs lasts 21-28 days and usually occurs twice a year. If you intend to breed an animal to produce offspring, it is best 10-15 days after the start of estrus, because the bitch is maximally excited during this period and is ready to let a male dog approach her without any problems. During this period, the dog's external genitalia swell, and the discharge becomes mucous in consistency and almost transparent.

Cats in heat

The age at which the first heat occurs may vary among different breeds. Some cats experience their first heat when they are 7 months old, while others do not go into heat until they are 10 months old. Interestingly, the timing of its onset is influenced not only by the breed of your pet, but also by the conditions of its keeping, its diet, and a number of other factors. Despite the fact that estrus is evidence that the animal’s body is ready for pregnancy, it would be the height of foolishness to specifically breed a cat on her first estrus - this should be done no earlier than she reaches one and a half years of age.

On average, estrus in cats lasts 12-14 days. You can accurately determine the timing of its onset by carefully observing the behavior of your pet: when the cat begins to scream loudly, assume a mating position and strives to run outside at any opportunity in order to be able to mate, we can confidently say that estrus has begun. Keep in mind that scolding a cat for bad behavior during this period is simply useless, and punishing it is the height of cruelty: your animal now does not belong to itself, it is controlled by the most powerful instinct of procreation. If you do not intend to breed your cat, it is best to have her spayed.

Every owner of a bitch sooner or later encounters heat. It’s good if you already have experience and all the necessary knowledge, but many are faced with this for the first time and wonder how many days does a dog go into heat, what signs precede it, etc.? Some owners may panic because they have no idea when their dog is in heat.

Heat, in a different way estrus, is a natural process among females when a female individual is ready for fertilization and procreation. During this period, the instincts and character of the animal change. Dog owners should consider several factors and spend more time on hygiene and caring for their pet.

First heat

The first heat can occur at different times. It all depends on the breed and individual factors. As a rule, in small breed dogs (such as dachshunds, Pomeranians), the first signs of estrus begin already at 7–8 months. For medium breed bitches (pug, cocker spaniel) - at 8–14 months, and for large breeds (shepherd dog, mastiff) - at 13–15 months.

You should not rely on the first heat to plan mating.. As a rule, the duration of estrus in dogs at this time is not constant; it can begin earlier or later, be interrupted, and even be invisible to the average owner. In order not to risk causing a false pregnancy, it is better to wait with mating until the third heat, when the female’s body has fully adapted.

The onset of estrus is caused by bloody discharge. To find out the exact time of onset, it is best to contact your veterinarian. He will be able to carefully examine the dog and, taking into account the characteristics of the breed and your bitch, will give a more accurate answer.

Signs of heat

During estrus, a dog's behavior often changes dramatically. Estrus can be determined by the following signs:

  • bloody discharge from the loop;
  • unusual activity or aggressiveness for a dog;
  • sadness;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased attention from male dogs;
  • molt.

During estrus, large breed dogs may become more aggressive. If your pet has stopped obeying normal commands and is overly excited, it is better to limit your movements around the city with him. Smaller breeds are characterized by excessive activity and playfulness.

When walking with a female dog in heat, you should be on guard. The smell of the discharge attracts males, which often causes unwanted mating. To prevent unwanted consequences, you should protect your pet from other cables.


The main question that interests all owners of females is how long does estrus last in dogs? Regardless of the breed, all dogs, from the dwarf dachshund to the large shepherd, estrus lasts about 20–22 days.

The first eight days the bitch is not ready for fertilization and often avoids any contact with cables. By the ninth day, the female becomes ready for mating, and within 7–8 days peak sexual activity is observed. Then activity drops, and the female's chances of becoming pregnant decrease.

To better understand how estrus proceeds and when the favorable days for the ligament occur, consider estrus periods in dogs.

  1. Proestrus- the first stage during the estrus period. It lasts about eight days from the start. During this period, heavy bleeding is observed. They can be seen everywhere the dog has been. Therefore, it is worth limiting the radius of movement or using special underwear. For the first eight days, the bitch is not ready for mating, so she may be aggressive or, conversely, depressed.
  2. Estrus- the second stage, lasts about 7–8 days after proestrus. The female begins to peak sexual activity. This can be noticed by certain signs, for example, the bitch begins to move her tail to the side, whine, and lie on her stomach.
  3. Diestrus- the third and final period of estrus lasts several days. The female ceases to feel interest in males and becomes more and more passive about mating. During this period, you should not breed a female, especially if it is a purebred dog such as a dachshund, cocker spaniel, labrador or shepherd.

The period between heats is called anestrus. A healthy young dog should come into heat twice a year. Older dogs gradually enter estrus once a year. If this happens more or less frequently, you should contact your veterinarian.

Hygiene and care

During estrus, the dog owner must follow some simple rules. To begin with, it is best to note when the heat began and ended. This is necessary to approximately know the beginning of the next estrus and the periods most favorable for mating.

If mating with a male is undesirable, you should not let the female off the leash during estrus. Even with a good knowledge of commands, the bitch’s behavior changes, and she may behave completely differently than expected. It is worth carefully ensuring that the male does not come too close, since in the event of mating it will not be easy to pull him away.

During estrus, the dog should be restricted from exhibitions and competitions. The character of a bitch changes greatly, and it is impossible to predict her behavior. In addition, the risk of unplanned mating increases. Also, you should not allow your pet to go to bodies of water or other places where she can easily catch an infection.

In addition, they were invented for dogs in heat special panties. Whether the dog wears them or not is up to the owner to decide. Veterinarians advise against using them, since the bitch must lick herself during this period. But if spotting causes severe discomfort, you should use it.

When choosing panties, you should know a few simple rules. Panties must be made of natural fabric, with a special hole for the tail. They should be sewn without seams so as not to irritate the pet. The size must be completely appropriate for the dog so that they do not cause discomfort. Various options are available with Velcro, fasteners, etc.


If the owner is going to breed his pet, he needs to carefully monitor each heat. Record its beginning, duration and record all changes in the dog’s behavior. For each bitch, the peak of sexual activity is individual. On average, it occurs 10–16 days after the onset of estrus. During this period it is worth doing knitting.

When mating, the female must come to the male, and not vice versa. The room where this process will take place should not be noisy or crowded. Over time, dogs must succumb to their instincts and understand for themselves what is required of them. Otherwise, specialist help may be required.

Estrus after childbirth

After the birth of puppies, you should not let your guard down. Despite childbirth and subsequent feeding with milk, six months later the dog’s estrus resumes. Its signs are no different from the estrus of an ordinary, nulliparous dog.

The appearance of estrus after childbirth does not mean that the female is ready for sexual activity. You should not immediately start the next mating, as the dog is quite weak and is not ready for a subsequent pregnancy. An unwanted pregnancy can have a negative impact on the health of the female and her offspring.

Estrus after childbirth has the same duration as before. As before pregnancy, estrus will occur twice a year. Any changes may indicate hormonal imbalance.

By choosing a girl from among the affectionate, curious puppies, each owner acquires a faithful friend in her. About 2 times a year she turns into a cunning bride who needs an eye and an eye. It is imperative to know how estrus occurs in dogs in order to successfully breed an animal, as well as to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

A special period in the life of a pet is manifested by the appearance of a positive reaction to male dogs and the beginning of sexual heat. The time of onset depends on several indicators: breed, diet and living conditions. The average duration of estrus is 3 weeks.

The manifestations of the first heat are less pronounced, the symptoms are more blurred. The second heat in dogs occurs with more obvious signs. Well, all subsequent ones proceed in approximately the same way against the background of the established cycle.

Video “What you need to know about a dog in heat”

In this video, an expert will tell you about the characteristics of estrus in a dog.

How to recognize an attack

It will not be difficult for an experienced dog breeder to determine the onset of estrus in dogs. The symptoms of estrus are quite characteristic and occur in a complex manner. These include:

  • bloody issues;
  • frequent urination;
  • the need to mark the walking area or even objects in the apartment;
  • changes in behavior - the pet begins to behave restlessly.

Inspecting the litter, you can see brownish spots - traces of dried blood. The increased interest in your pet on the part of “suitors” is associated with the release of pheromones in the urine. These are special biological substances that are sensitive to males. At the very beginning of the process, the bitches do not allow the males to approach, they drive them away, jump away, and growl.

A dog's behavior changes before heat. During a walk, she stops obeying, can be aggressive, easily break down and even run away. In some cases, the girl may not react to changes at all. The beginning of the mating season can only be determined by physical signs.

How it goes

In girls from large breeds, the estrus process always begins a little later than in small breeds, since their physical development takes more time. The usual terms are from 8 months to 1.5 years. For tiny dogs, emptying begins at 6 months.

The final stage

Metaestrus lasts from 7 to 10 days. The estrus stops, and the discharge no longer bothers the dog. Interest in the opposite sex drops sharply, and the bitch no longer allows males to approach. The loop gradually decreases and returns to its previous size.

Then comes post-estrus if the bride does not become pregnant. This is a period of restoration of physiological processes. It takes from 30 to 60 days. Sometimes false pregnancy occurs, accompanied by psychophysiological disorders.

Sexual rest

Anestrus can last from 100 to 150 days. The older the dog, the longer the pauses between heats become, but the emptying period still continues, although it lasts much less (3–5 days). At the end of the period, the maturation of a new egg is stimulated. When this happens, the cycle starts again.

Possible difficulties

About a third of girls develop non-standard “patterns”, which a veterinarian will help you recognize and deal with.

These are the following changes:

  • intermittent estrus. Occurs in young girls before their first heat. For a short period of time, bloody discharge appears, which disappears in 3–5 days. A month later they start back. There is no forerunner or it has a short period;
  • mild estrus. Due to hormonal imbalances, the symptoms are blurred, the bitch does not show a desire to mate;
  • hidden heat. Can be considered normal and is often found in toy breeds. But it often happens against the background of hypothyroidism. It proceeds unnoticed, there is practically no discharge. The loop does not increase or swell. Only by the behavior of the male can one guess about the special position of the bitch;
  • extended ovulation. Occurs in dogs with metabolic disorders and reduced levels of sex hormones.

Estrus begins at 7–8 months and continues throughout the life cycle. In order for your dog to successfully conceive and bear offspring and always remain healthy, during this period she needs special care and attention from you.

A dog's heat is a natural process that all owners of unsterilized females will experience. Estrus is the period during which the female's eggs are mature and ready for fertilization, and the dog itself is ready for mating.

When a dog is in heat, its behavior changes because it is driven by instincts and hormones. The owner will be able to understand that the pet will soon go into heat simply by observing its behavior. Below we will look at what signs to determine the approach of the fertile period.

Many owners do not understand why it is necessary to determine when a pet is in heat. There can be (at least) two reasons:

  • Mating planning– this reason is important for breeders who have a dog with a pedigree and are ready to engage in breeding of the breed. Breeders have to plan matings of dogs that live in different cities and even countries. Therefore, for mating to take place, it is important to “guess” the desired period.
  • Planning for sterilization– owners of outbred animals, for the sake of their own peace of mind and the health of the animal, are recommended to sterilize the dog before the first heat.

Why before the heat? So that the dog does not have to experience prolonged hormonal imbalance, pain, stress and exhaustion. By the way, the statement that a dog needs to give birth for health is just a myth. Bearing offspring and giving birth is not useful for anyone, not cats, not dogs, not people. However, we, people, consciously go for procreation, do not give our children to other people's families and do not throw them out onto the street. Dogs and cats obey instincts, one might say, nature, so owners must deal with the issues of regulating their sexual desire and reproduction.

Cycle, optimal period of conception and other nuances

A dog's first heat occurs when the level of estrogen (female hormones) rises to its peak. Hormones stimulate the development of eggs, they are released from the ovaries and are attached to the horns of the uterus. If the timing is right and the bitch is healthy, she will be ready to mate.

Note that eggs are ready for fertilization only 2–3 days out of the entire estrus period. If the male mats the female at the wrong time (sooner or later), mating will take place, but conception will not. If mated at the wrong time, only a portion of the eggs may be fertilized. A mixed fertilization option is also possible - when a female mates with several males until the eggs are fully mature. Sperm can live in the uterine cavity and horns for up to 5–7 days. Hypothetically, a bitch can give birth to puppies from different males, this often happens in so-called dog weddings.

If you need to have time to sterilize your dog before the first heat begins, it is most convenient to focus on age. The first heat can occur at the age of 7–9 months to 1.5–2 years (depending on size and breed). Outbred dogs mature earlier, but the larger the pet, the later its first heat will occur.

Sterilization of a purebred dog can be carried out at the age of 7–8 months or when it reaches its optimal weight.

If your dog has recently gone into heat, the next one should be in about 6 months. The cycle can change significantly due to hormonal imbalances or illnesses.

If your pet's cycle is too short or prolonged, it is worth visiting a veterinarian and checking the dog for diseases of the genitourinary system. Depending on the size, breed, temperament and health of the dog, heat may occur every 4-8 months. The duration of fertility also varies, but usually does not exceed 4 weeks.

Estrus follows a certain pattern. The first signs can be considered slight swelling in the genital area and clear discharge with bloody inclusions. You may examine your dog yourself and notice that the outer labia have become larger or have changed color. In the normal state, the color of the mucous membranes remains pink, but during estrus it can become reddish.

It happens that one to two weeks after the start of estrus, the discharge stops or becomes weaker. This does not mean that the estrus is over and the dog will not be able to become pregnant. Moreover, in many dogs, when the discharge stops, the fertile period begins, that is, the chance of becoming pregnant during this period of time is greatest.

You can see that despite the absence of discharge, the bitch shows interest in dogs of the opposite sex, the active one flirts, throws her tail to the side. All these signs indicate readiness for mating. For about three weeks, during the standard course of estrus, the spotting becomes stronger and then completely disappears. Swelling of the outer labia persists for several weeks after the end of estrus. Males continue to show interest in your pet, but the dog actively drives them away.

The most obvious sign of estrus is vaginal bleeding. It is important not to confuse estrus and dangerous symptoms.

  • You should be wary if vaginal bleeding does not start according to the estrus cycle.
  • Bleeding may indicate a complication after treatment, individual intolerance to certain medications, purulent inflammation of the uterus and other ailments.
  • Normal discharge during estrus is brown in color. However, there are also dogs whose discharge during estrus is bright red and scarlet. Typically, the smaller the dog, the darker the discharge during heat.

Egg maturation occurs 10–12 days after the onset of estrus.

What indicates the imminent onset of heat?

The first sign by which you can determine whether a dog is coming into heat soon is intensive licking of the genital area. Some pets are not very clean and their discharge simply drips onto the floor. In this case, owners are advised to use special dog pants and menstrual pads.

The dog licks itself intensively in the first days of estrus because it experiences spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen. The pet began to ask to go to the toilet more often, but the volume of urine produced was very small.

During the period of heat, the bitch becomes irritable, nervous, and shows excessive aggression or apathy. Mood swings are explained by hormonal fluctuations.

Males begin to become interested in the female much earlier than she is ready to mate. Owners notice their pets' anxiety even without personal contact with a dog in heat. If a male dog is taken out for a walk after a female dog is in heat, he will not behave quite adequately, will not listen to commands, will constantly sniff out the scent, follow the trail, and run away.

Bitches can jump on each other and perform simulated mating without any sexual connotation.

A similar situation can occur in male dogs, when one of them tries to dominate and show his superiority. Typically, this behavior is typical of young dogs who have not yet decided on their social role.

Another obvious sign of heat and obvious sexual desire is the tail thrown to the side. When the bitch is not yet ready for mating, she keeps her tail pressed and lowered between her paws. We can say that the dog covers its genitals with its tail, and even if the male manages to jump on top and correctly grab the female, mating will not occur. When the bitch is ready for mating, she herself throws her tail to the side, flirts with the males, and stands calmly while the male “climbs” on her.

Many inexperienced owners believe that the bitch is not interested in mating, and that procreation is the mission of only the male dog. However, this is not entirely true; females have been known to dig a hole or even lie down on their side in order to mate with a smaller or shorter one.

The onset of estrus can be determined by changes in vaginal temperature and blood tests. To measure temperature you will need a special electronic device.

Owners often tell stories of females mating without showing any signs of sexual desire. This behavior is called silent hunting. Silent hunting is one of the types of hormonal imbalance. In this case, there is almost no bleeding. If the dog grooms itself and actively grooms itself, they may not be noticed.

The bitch behaves as usual, but unexpectedly for the owner, on a common walk, she may end up in a castle with a male dog. What to do if this happens? If puppies were not planned (and they most likely were not planned), you need to contact a veterinarian. In the early stages, dogs undergo medical abortion. The procedure is not beneficial, it is accompanied by hormonal imbalance, but it is less stressful for the body than bearing offspring and childbirth.

For some dogs, quiet estrus is normal. If desired, you can monitor changes in hormonal levels by regularly taking blood tests.

Delayed heat

If you are expecting a heat, but it does not come (that is, the cycle is delayed), there may be a number of reasons for this:

  • The dog is not feeling well.
  • Elderly age.
  • Stressful environment.
  • Secretly developing pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  • Disruption of the hormonal system, including systemic diseases.

Regardless of whether the heat came on time or not, the pet becomes more irritable, worried, may bark, whine more often, and persistently demand communication. always accompanied by uncertainty, not very good health. You can only do one thing: provide your ward with comfort and safety.

Can't figure out if your dog is in heat or has vaginal bleeding? Contact your veterinarian, but before going to the clinic, collect anamnesis:

  • Was the dog in heat and when (how many months ago).
  • Have you noticed that male dogs are interested in your pet?
  • Have you noticed that your dog's appetite has worsened?
  • Do you observe apathy, lack of desire to go for walks, fear of other dogs.
  • Whether the dog has started drinking more is one of the signs of purulent inflammation of the uterus and diabetes.

Advice: if you do not plan to engage in serious breeding, take your dog to shows and spend sleepless nights with puppies, it is better to sterilize your pet before the onset of the first heat.

Estrus occurs in every healthy bitch, regardless of breed, and lasts a certain number of days. During this period, the dog’s behavior or habits may change, especially if the animal is under two or three years old. Caring for pets at such times should be especially attentive and follow a number of recommendations.

When does a dog's first heat start?

Estrus is a natural process that indicates the bitch’s readiness for fertilization and further bearing of offspring.

It starts differently for each dog, it all depends on:

  • breeds;
  • hormonal level of the animal;
  • the presence of any diseases.

On average, after the age of 7 months and up to 1.5 years, breeders should wait for their pet to come into heat.

Important: in 50% of cases, the first spotting may last only 3–4 days and be scanty. It is recommended not to mate at this time, as the dog is not ready for mating.

How long does heat last and how often?

If a female pet does not have hormonal imbalances or any health problems, then spotting occurs twice a year.

Important: in a bitch after 8 years of age, discharge is reduced to 1 time per year or may occur for fewer days.

For any breed, everything lasts on average from 21 to 24 days and takes place in 3 stages:


It is the first stage, its beginning is indicated by the appearance of bloody discharge, which is abundant throughout the entire period.

Proestrus lasts up to 8–9 days and is characterized by the following characteristic features:

  • more aggressive behavior of the dog;
  • swelling of the vulva;
  • frequent urination.

The maturation of eggs occurs in the pet's body; the bitch is not ready for mating.

Note: approximately 80% of all dogs in proestrus do not allow male dogs to approach them and try to attack them.


It is the second stage and lasts from 7 to 10 days. Features of the period include:

  • the appearance of pale pink discharge and not as abundant as before;
  • calmer behavior of the animal.

It is for this period that breeders organize mating; it is noted that the best time is the 2nd – 4th day of estrus.


The final stage and can last from 7 to 20 days.

Important: Often the beginning of the final stage is signaled by the bitch's aggressive behavior towards other male dogs.

The last stage is characterized by:

  • complete cessation of bleeding;
  • The dog stops trying to lick itself:
  • urination is observed less frequently;
  • the animal's behavior becomes familiar to its breeder.

Important: in each stage, time intervals can fluctuate by 2–3 days, up or down. Veterinarians consider this a normal phenomenon that does not require examination of the animal or concern on the part of its owner.

In small breeds

Small breeds are distinguished by the early onset of their first heat, compared to large animals. On average, breeders observe bloody discharge between 6 and 8 months.

Note: Yorkshire terriers are exceptions; their first discharge can be traced closer to a year.

In the future, in small breeds everything proceeds regularly and is distinguished by characteristic features:

  1. Pets become overly restless the day before.
  2. They begin to bark for a long time, especially in the evening.
  3. Show aggression or wariness towards other animals.

Important: some females of small breeds can mark their territory.

In terms of time, everything lasts 20 – 22 days, most often the dog is ready for mating in exactly one week.

Advice: breeders should always be vigilant while walking and make sure that a male dog, especially a large breed, does not approach the pet.


For medium-sized breeds, the first bloody discharge appears at the age of 11 to 14 months. Subsequently, in these pets everything lasts 20–22 days and occurs twice a year (in 90% of huskies, once a year).

Advice: dog handlers note that it is optimal to choose 8–9 days for mating.

As a rule, medium-sized pets are not prone to aggression during any stage of estrus.

The process of estrus in dogs

These bitches are characterized by:

  • refusal to execute commands;
  • constant attempts to break off the leash on the street;
  • increased playfulness.

Advice: when walking, hold a medium breed dog as tightly as possible and do not remove the collar and leash from them.


In females of large breeds, the first heat may not come until 13 - 18 months. In the future, everything lasts from 22 to 24 days and is observed 2 times a year.

Note: the best time for mating is considered to be 10 - 12 days.

Large pets are distinguished during this period by more violent behavior, and sometimes by pronounced aggression even towards their owner.

Signs and symptoms of a dog in heat

Before the appearance of discharge in dogs, any breeder notes changes in behavior; this is due to hormonal changes in the body.

The main signs of estrus are:

  1. Aggressive state of the pet.
  2. Refusal of usual food or, on the contrary, increased appetite.
  3. Poor execution of commands and disobedience.
  4. Playfulness, especially on walks.
  5. Standing on your hind legs.
  6. Raising the tail regularly.

Dog handlers point out that one of the main signs is increased interest on the part of male dogs. Male dogs begin to chase the bitch, surround her on the street, try to get close, and so on.

During each heat, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Increased urination. Note: the animal asks to go outside 5–6 times, and may also involuntarily wet itself at home.
  2. Pupil dilation. Note: typical for large breeds.
  3. Constant licking of the vulva.
  4. Bloody discharge from the genitals.

Important: in the first 7–10 days they are most abundant, later they become viscous and transparent, and by the end of the third stage they completely stop.

A veterinarian can accurately determine the approach of estrus after examining and feeling the bitch’s belly.

Rules of care on such days

The dog needs proper care during this period. Dog handlers recommend:

  1. Buy specialized underpants for your pet. Advice: The main thing is to choose the right size so that the animal does not experience discomfort or difficulty moving while wearing it.
  2. Reduce the duration of walks by half.
  3. Always wear a collar and keep your pet on a leash when outdoors. Advice: For large dogs, wear muzzles.
  4. Try to choose places for walks where the likelihood of meeting other dogs, especially homeless ones, is minimized.
  5. It is better not to walk small breeds, but to teach them to go to the litter box.
  6. Encourage the animal to lick itself.

Caring for a dog during heat

Since during this period bloody drops remain everywhere after the dog, all breeders are advised to:

  • remove carpets at home; Important: The bloody secretions of bitches are difficult to wash off in the future, and emit a specific odor for a long time.
  • Do wet cleaning at least 2 – 3 times a week;
  • Keep your pet's area clean and change bedding when necessary.

You also need to change the drinking water in the bowl more often and pay more attention to the animal’s diet so that it has all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other components.

Estrus is a normal phenomenon that occurs in all female dogs. During this period, most pets' behavior changes, and in addition, on such days they need to be given increased attention and properly cared for.

  • if the bitch is more than 18 months old and has not had a single heat, then contact a veterinarian;
  • if during this period your pet begins to shiver, the temperature rises and other uncharacteristic symptoms are observed, you should immediately call a specialist to your home;
  • always record the beginning and end of allocations in the calendar;
  • do not organize matings earlier than 7–9 days from the onset of the first bloody discharge;
  • on the eve of estrus, prepare everything in advance: purchase special underpants for animals, remove carpets, etc.


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