Chihuahua paws. Everything you need to know about Chihuahuas: origin, breed standard

Chihuahua is the smallest toy dog ​​breed. It is very popular among dog breeders all over the world. The smallest Chihuahuas can weigh less than a kilogram. When purchasing a small puppy, every owner should know how he should grow and gain weight.

Dogs belonging to the same breed may differ in size. And according to the standard, they can be considered the norm. To track whether your pet is developing correctly, you can use a weight chart. The main thing is to know the puppy’s initial weight at birth.

Standard sizes

Inexperienced dog breeders often try to figure out breed standards, wanting to find the exact number. This is the wrong approach. After all, even Chihuahuas of the same height can have different weights. This can be explained by the individual characteristics of the body: body structure, bone density.

Experienced dog handlers, after much research and observation of the breed, determined the normal height and weight of the Chihuahua, and a table was compiled to track their dynamics. In adult dogs, the height at the withers is 18-23 cm. The dog's weight can vary from 1 to 3 kg. The main requirement of the standard is that the weight does not exceed 3 kg.

Puppy weight by month

Chihuahuas are born weighing 75-170 g. The ideal weight is about 100 g. During the first 3 weeks, the owner must record the dynamics of weight every day, then once a week, and after 6 months - once a month.

Each period has its own norms for height and weight gain. On the 2-3rd day after birth, the puppy may lose 5-10 g. But after that, he begins to actively recover. And by week 2, its weight can double.

On average, Chihuahuas should reach their final height and weight by 8-10 months, after changing teeth. During this time, they experience several sharp growth spurts, as well as periods of growth cessation. Within six months, the dog becomes 3 times heavier than at birth, and 2 times larger. By 9-10 months, the final formation of the inert system occurs. During this period, the head and chest become stronger, the body expands. You can accurately determine how tall a Chihuahua will grow in about six months.

How to stop a dog from stealing food from the table? Look at the permitted and prohibited methods of correcting your pet's behavior.

The first signs, symptoms and effective methods of treating tick-borne anaplasmosis in dogs are written on this page.

Weight norm for a Chihuahua:

Important! If within 4 weeks the puppy does not gain weight or grow, it must be shown to a specialist.

Weight and dimensions of an adult dog

Although a Chihuahua is already an adult dog at one year old, it becomes fully developed by 1.5 years. With proper care and feeding, the dog still continues to gain weight up to this age. Although its fluctuations can occur throughout life.

The weight of an adult dog directly depends on what weight it was born with:

  • 70-100 g - 1.5-2 kg;
  • 100-120 g - 1.7-2.5 kg;
  • 130-170 g - 2.5-3 kg.

But there are “mini” representatives. Their weight can be less than 1.5 kg. Most dog handlers consider very low weight in Chihuahuas to be a deviation. Such dogs have poor health and are not recommended for breeding.

It is also important to correctly calculate the normal proportions of the Chihuahua's body. The dog grows 18-23 cm in height. To calculate what the length of the body should be, you need to divide the height at the withers by 10, and then add the dog’s height to the resulting number. The volume of the chest varies between 26-37 cm, depending on the parameters of the dog.

What affects a dog's development?

In order for a Chihuahua puppy to develop normally, both hereditary factors and proper care are important. The development of a dog is influenced by:

  • Pedigree. The size of the parents always affects the characteristics of the puppies. Although they may also show genes from older generations. Heredity affects how quickly a dog will grow and what its final height and weight will be.
  • Nutrition. If the puppy receives all the necessary nutrients from food and the owner strictly adheres to feeding standards, he will gain weight correctly. There are a number of foods that can lead to obesity. Then the dog's development will deviate from the norm.
  • Activity. The more time your puppy spends moving, the more calories he burns. Dogs that lead a sedentary lifestyle tend to be overweight.

Today there is a tendency to popularize mini Chihuahuas. Some breeders, for the purpose of miniaturization, deliberately underfeed puppies so that they remain dwarfs. As a result of underfeeding, the dog gets many health problems (allergies, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders). When purchasing such a baby, you need to understand that if he weighs less than 1.5 kg as an adult, he will not be allowed either for exhibitions or for breeding.

Look at the detailed calendar of Yorkie pregnancy by day, and also learn about the features of caring for a pregnant pet.

An overview of the flavors and variety of ready-made food lines for small breed dogs in Barking Heads can be seen in this article.

On the page, read about the rules and features of using Apoquel for dogs.

What to do if the puppy is lagging behind but normal

If your pet does not meet the standard requirements, you first need to find out what the reason is. If the problem has genetic roots and the puppy's parents reached the standard quite late, you can simply wait until he grows up.

If your Chihuahua is not growing well due to poor care or past illnesses, you should consult a doctor. He will help you choose vitamin and mineral supplements and other products that will promote weight gain and growth.

Chihuahuas require high-quality, nutritious food. Each serving must be measured to the nearest gram, taking into account the body's needs in accordance with age. You can feed your Chihuahua either ready-made super premium food or natural products. With a natural feeding system, it is important to provide sufficient protein. It is better for a growing body to increase fermented milk products in the diet. Very useful for puppies cottage cheese. It contains not only protein, but also calcium, which takes part in the normal formation of the skeletal system.

If your dog has a tendency to gain excess weight, you need to not only review the diet, but also provide a sufficient amount of physical activity. At the same time, the Chihuahua should not be allowed to overwork. For this fragile dog, jumping from a height, fast running are dangerous.

Chihuahuas are small dogs that can live 12-15 years with proper care. When choosing a puppy, it is important to consider its height and weight according to the standard to understand how the dog will grow up. To do this, you can use the weight table. But it is worth remembering that it provides average indicators of the norm. Not all dogs, due to their personal characteristics, will have actual sizes that match the expected ones.

Video about how Chihuahua puppies grow and develop in the first month of life:

APPLICATION: Companion dog


Group 9, companion dogs and miniature dogs.
No operational tests.


The Chihuahua is considered the smallest breed dog in the world and is named after the largest state of the Republic of Mexico (Chihuahua). It is assumed that these dogs lived in the wild, and during the Toltec civilization they were caught and domesticated by local residents. Images of a small dog were used to decorate urban architecture. These sculptures are very similar to modern Chihuahuas.


Chihuahuas have a compact body shape. It is very important that her skull is apple-shaped and that she holds her moderately long tail very high, curved or in the form of a semicircle with the tip directed towards the lower back.


The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers. However, an almost square body is desirable, especially in males. In females, due to their reproductive function, a slightly more elongated body is acceptable.

According to the old standard, the Chihuahua's elongation index was 110-120 (for comparison, the toy terrier is 100-103, the fox terrier is 98-102, the dachshund is 155-170). Presumably the stretch index according to the new requirements is approximately 110.


The Chihuahua is fast, attentive, lively, brave, smart, sensitive, intelligent, and attached to people.



Skull: Well rounded, apple shaped head (this is a breed characteristic), preferably without a fontanel, although a small one is acceptable.

Transition from forehead to muzzle: Well marked, deep and wide.


Moderately short, slightly upturned. Any color of the nose is acceptable (but black is most welcome).
Chihuahuas, chocolate, blue - have pigmentation corresponding to their main color.


Short, in profile it appears straight, wide at the base, tapering towards the nose;


Dry, tight fitting;


Weakly expressed, very dry;


Bite: scissor or straight. Overshot or undershot, as well as any other anomaly in the location of the upper or lower jaw should be unacceptable;

Missing one or more teeth is a fault, but it is NOT a serious fault, NOR a disqualification.


Large, round in shape, very expressive, not convex, completely dark. Light eyes are acceptable, but not desirable.

Large, erect, wide open, wide at the base, gradually tapering to a slightly rounded tip. In a calm state, they are “hung” to the sides, forming an angle of 45;

The top line of the neck is slightly curved. Neck length is average. The shape is more voluminous in males than in females; a too short neck is not acceptable;


No suspension. In a long-haired variety, it is highly desirable to have a “frill” with longer hair;


Compact, well built;



Slightly pronounced;


Short and strong;


Heavily muscular;


Broad and strong, almost flat or slightly sloping;

Deviations in the structure of the croup: sloping croup, low-set tail.


The chest is wide and deep, the ribs are well rounded. Seen from the front, it looks voluminous, but not excessive. When viewed from the side, it reaches to the elbows. Not barrel shaped;


Formed by a noticeably tucked-up belly. A slightly tucked up abdomen is acceptable but not desirable;


Set high, smooth in appearance, of moderate length, thick at the base, gradually tapering towards the tip. The manner in which the tail is held is an important feature of the breed: when the dog is in motion, it is carried either high with a bend, or bent in a semicircle with the tip directed towards the lumbar region, which gives balance to the dog's body.

The hair on the tail depends on the type of coat of the dog and should match the coat of the dog's body. The long-haired variety has hair on the tail
forms a "sultan". In a calm position, the tail is lowered and slightly curved;


The front legs are straight and of good length; when viewed from the front, they form a straight line together with the elbows. Seen from the side, they are vertical.
Shoulders: Lean and moderately muscled. Good articulation between scapula and forearm;

Elbows: Strong and close to the body for freedom of movement.

Pasterns: Slightly sloping, strong and flexible.

The hind legs are well muscled on the long bones, set vertically and parallel to each other, with good angles of articulation of the hip, knee and hock joints. Matches the articulation angles of the front end.


Very small and oval, with well spaced, but not splayed, toes (neither hare nor cat). The claws are particularly well rounded and moderately long. The paw pads are well developed and very elastic. Dewclaws should be removed except in countries where such practice is prohibited by law;


The steps are long, springy, energetic and active, with good forward motion and propulsion. When viewed from behind, the hind legs should move almost parallel to each other, so that the prints of the hind paws fit exactly into the prints of the front paws. As the speed of movement increases, the limbs tend to converge at the point of the center of gravity (single trace). The movement remains free and springy without visible effort, the head is raised, the back is strong;



Smooth and elastic throughout the body;


The Chihuahua breed has two types of coat.

Smooth coated chihuahuas

The coat is short, lying close to the entire body. If there is an undercoat, the coat is somewhat longer; sparse hair is acceptable on the belly and throat; the hair on the neck and tail is somewhat longer, short on the head and ears. The coat is shiny and its texture is soft. Hairless dogs are not allowed.

Longhaired Chihuahua

The coat should be soft and silky, straight or slightly wavy. A not very dense undercoat is desirable. The coat is longer, forming fringes on the ears, neck, back of the front and hind legs, paws and tail. Dogs with very long reared coats are not allowed.


All colors of any possible shades and combinations are acceptable;

In the Chihuahua breed, only weight is taken into account, height is not taken into account.

Ideal weight: from 1.5 to 3 kg. However, dogs weighing between 500 grams and 1.5 kg are allowed. Individuals weighing more than 3 kg are disqualified.

Any deviation from the above-mentioned points of the standard should be considered as a deficiency. The degree of deficiency is considered depending on the degree of its deviation from the accepted norm.


  • lack of teeth;
  • double teeth (permanent and temporary);
  • deformed jaws;
  • pointy ears;
  • short neck;
  • long body;
  • arched or sagging back (lordosis or kyphosis);
  • sloping croup;
  • narrow chest, not voluminous chest;
  • an incorrectly set, short or crooked tail;
  • short limbs;
  • twisted elbows;
  • rear legs set too close.


  • narrow skull;
  • small, deep-set or bulging eyes;
  • long muzzle;
  • under- or overshot;
  • dislocation of the kneecap.


  • aggressive or too shy character;
  • deer-like dogs (with an atypical or extremely pronounced structure: very light head, long neck, slender body, long limbs; narrow, light, upturned, flecked type:
  • dogs with a large fontanel;
  • floppy or short ears;
  • extremely stretched body;
  • absence of a tail;
  • in the long-haired variety: the coat is too long, thin and fluffy;
  • in the smooth-haired variety: baldness (alopecia);
  • weight more than 3 kg.

Any dog ​​with a marked physical or mental defect must be disqualified.

IMPORTANT: Males must have two well developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Depending on his age, how many months will he grow and how much will he weigh when he grows up? And what if, despite seemingly good care and proper feeding, the chihuahua is not gaining weight well?

Chihuahuas belong to those breeds, the weight of whose representatives does not depend on gender. If other, larger dogs, it is believed that the male should be larger than the female and this is clearly indicated in the standard, then with the Chihuahua everything is different.

Based on feasibility dogs of this breed, it can be argued that the weight of the bitch should be from 2 to 3 kg, since otherwise problems may arise during the bearing of puppies and childbirth.

The male can be much smaller, but its weight should not be less than 500 grams.

Many people think that a Chihuahua sitting in a teacup, bowl or handbag looks very cute. But dogs weighing less than 1.8 kg may have. Very small Chihuahuas tolerate both cold and heat worse, they have weaker immunity and they have a more fragile physique. In addition, mini and micro girls of this breed cannot give birth to puppies. The optimal weight for a girl of this breed can be considered to be between 2 and 2.7 kg. For males, much smaller sizes are also acceptable - a Chihuahua boy can weigh even 0.5-0.6 kg, although the weight from 1.3 to 2.7 kg can be considered the best weight for him.

Puppy weight by month

This table shows the weight gain of a Chihuahua puppy by week and month:

Puppy weight Dwarf Small Average Big
At birth 70-79 g 80-119 g 120-144 g 145-170 g
1 Week 106-113 g 142-184 g 198-227 g 255-269 g
2 weeks 142-156 g 184-255 g 284-312 g 354-383 g
3 weeks 170-198 g 227-312 g 369-397 g 454-496 g
1 month 200-230 g 270-370 g 455-485 g 540-650 g
2 months 315-370 g 455-610 g 680-765 g 825-1050 g
3 months 425-540 g 625-855 g 940-1050 g 1165-1400 g
4 months 570-710 g 855-1110 g 1250-1390 g 1535-1815
5 months 680-855 g 995-1305 g 1480-1645 g 1815-2150 g
6 months 745-945 g 1110-1450 g 1645-1845 2015-2410
7 months 855-1035 g 1225-1655 g 1810-2045 2215-2670 g
8 months 965-1125 g 1340-1505 g 2100-2245 g 2415-2930 g
9 months 1000-1200g 1400-1860 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
10 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 g 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
11 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 g 1700-2300 g 2500-3000 g
12 months 1000-1200 g 1400-1900 1700-1900 g 2500-3000 g

As can be seen from the table of weight by age, on average, representatives of this breed grow to 8-10 months.


In girls, growth may slow down sharply or even stop completely after the onset of the first heat. Even if she grows up after this, it will be very little, but a female Chihuahua can gain weight for several more months.

Some male puppies, having reached a certain height, also stop growing. As a rule, this is due to hereditary reasons.

Dimensions of an adult Chihuahua

Despite the fact that the breed standard does not indicate the height at the withers, in standard dogs of this breed it is usually 18-23 cm. Moreover, unlike larger breeds, it is desirable that Chihuahua girls be larger than boys.

The body length, depending on the size of the dog and the permissible elongation index of 110, will be from 19.8 to 25.3 cm, while the minimum is taken to be 18 cm at the withers, and the maximum is 23 cm.

The chest circumference, depending on the size and weight, can range from 26 to 37 cm, considering that the dog’s weight is approximately 1-3 kg.

What affects a puppy's growth?

The height and weight of a Chihuahua puppy are influenced by both hereditary factors and health status. How active a pet’s lifestyle is can also affect what size it will reach.

The main factors that influence the development of a puppy:

  • genetics. For representatives of this breed, it is heredity that determines to what age the puppy will grow. Chihuahuas of some lines grow faster, others - slower. In addition, heredity also influences when the Chihuahua bitch begins her first heat, after which she will grow, if at all, only a little;
  • quality of cultivation. The fashion for mini dogs has created a trend towards weight loss in Chihuahua puppies. This, in turn, has led to the fact that some dishonest breeders, who would be more correctly called breeders, deliberately underfeed the babies of this breed so that they do not grow and remain miniature by the time of sale. Considering that Chihuahuas move to their new owners quite late - after three or even four months, it is not difficult to guess what consequences such rearing can lead to. As a result of underfeeding, puppies actually grow poorly and do not gain weight, but in addition to this, they can also get vitamin deficiency, allergies, severely weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, as well as chronic diseases of various systems and organs;
  • diseases. After most serious illnesses, the dog's growth slows down or even stops altogether;
  • . Chihuahuas must receive complete, high-quality food, but it must be taken into account that these dogs are prone to overeating and weight gain. Therefore, it is very important to measure your pet’s serving size exactly, down to the gram. And in order for him to be healthy and grow well, you need to feed your Chihuahua either ready-made premium food, or better yet, super-premium or holistic food. If the dog is eating, then it needs to receive a lot of protein foods, as well as foods containing calcium;
  • activity. If a Chihuahua moves enough, it trains its muscles and develops physically. At the same time, excess weight that the pet may have gained is lost. Also, puppies that willingly run and play grow faster in height.

The weight of a Chihuahua also depends on how much it weighed at birth.

A pet that weighs between 70 and 80 grams at birth will grow up to be very small - or even . A puppy weighing 80-120 grams at birth will be a small standard. And medium and large Chihuahuas weigh 120-145 and 145-170 grams at birth.


The weight of a Chihuahua also depends on the size of the litter. So, if a bitch gave birth to 1-3 babies, then among them there may be both large and medium-sized dogs. And if 4 or more puppies were born, then in this case they will be either mini or small standards.

What to do if your weight is below normal?

First of all, this issue worries the owners of Chihuahua girls, since bitches whose weight is 2 kg or more are allowed for breeding.

But the owners of boys of this breed may also be concerned that the pet does not live up to the standard, while some of them are worried that the male may be disqualified at the exhibition, while others are worried because standard and large Chihuahuas have better health than their smaller mini and, especially, micro relatives.

What to do if the Chihuahua’s weight does not reach the standard requirements?

First, you need to find out what the lack of weight or height may be associated with. If this is a hereditary problem, for example, if the puppy belongs to a line whose representatives mature late, then you just need to wait until the pet is fully grown and fully grown.

If a Chihuahua puppy does not grow well due to improper rearing or due to an illness suffered at an early age, then you need to consult a veterinarian and ask him to prescribe the most suitable vitamin and mineral supplements or other medications for your pet.

Sometimes it makes sense to reconsider your pet’s diet or living conditions.

So, for example, for a Chihuahua that eats natural food, it is recommended to increase the amount of protein products in the diet, and it would be better not meat, but fermented milk. The ideal option here is cottage cheese, because, in addition to protein, it also contains calcium, which is also necessary for the proper growth of the dog.

If the dog eats ready-made food, then you need to try to switch it to a higher quality food, for example, from premium to super-premium class.

Longer and more active walks with your Chihuahua will also be useful, although you need to make sure that the pet does not become overtired.

It should be remembered that the weight and size of puppies and adult dogs, which is given in the tables, is average, and that not all dogs, due to their individual characteristics, will have a real weight that corresponds to it.

Conclusion and conclusions

Chihuahuas are not large in size. These dogs, according to the breed standard, should weigh no more than 3 kg, and the lower permissible limit of their weight is indicated at 0.5 kg.

How quickly a puppy of this breed grows and what height and weight it reaches depends on many reasons, but feeding and caring for the pet plays an important role in this.

If a Chihuahua eats a complete and high-quality diet, if it has never had serious health problems, and if it moves a lot, then such a dog has every chance of achieving average height and weight.

Before purchasing, future owners of puppies of this breed are advised to ask the breeder how much a particular baby weighed at birth, since this will help more accurately determine the size of the dog when it is an adult.

Useful video

Useful and interesting facts about Chihuahuas:

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The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world, this is confirmed annually by Guinness Book data.

All owners want to know the healthy weight of a Chihuahua in accordance with their height. Comparing his mini-pet with others, the owner may doubt that he has acquired a purebred Chihuahua. After all, animals belonging to the same breed can vary greatly in size and weight.

Let's figure out how much a Chihuahua weighs in a healthy state, and what techniques can be used to maintain a normal weight?

About the “standard” weight...

The foolish owner tries to find out the standard size of the dog, looking for the exact number. “I’ll find a healthy weight for the Chihuahua and I’ll keep the dog to this level,” the owner thinks. This is a completely wrong approach! Because animals, even of the same height and breed, can vary significantly in weight. This is explained by the individual structure of the dog’s body: stocky, dense, big-headed, thin, thin. Bone density also affects - there are light-boned and heavy-boned dogs. For a Chihuahua, height is not the most important characteristic. “Influential” are the location of the ears, the volume of the head and its shape, the proportionality of the body, and the characteristics of movements.

It is important to know!Chihuahua breeders recognize a proportional dog with a weight of up to 2 kg and a height (at the withers) of 17 to 23 cm. For “boys”, small weight and height are preferred, while “girls” (for breeding) are more dense and tall.

Chihuahua growth chart

The table is used to track the size of your pet. Here the weight of the Chihuahua is determined by month. Knowing the desired indicator of your pet, you can presumably find out the optimal data for the future. Puppies must be weighed at birth so that the veterinarian can determine for healthy development.

If the Chihua mother has only one puppy, then usually its weight is 5% of the maternal figure. If there are several puppies, then they are born smaller in size, gaining volume after birth.

A three-month-old puppy weighs half an adult, slowing down after 5 months. At the beginning, rapid weight gain is often observed, so you need to choose the right one. .

In pursuit of miniature size, do not forget that drastic restrictions on your pet are dangerous. Therefore, consultations with a veterinarian about , will not become redundant. You also need to decide on the overall dimensions of the dog. The owner of small paws, a smaller head, and a thin skeleton will be more miniature. Stocky, “square” puppies will grow larger.

When determining the growth of a Chihuahua, you cannot rely on the data of the parents. It happens that stocky dogs grow up to be tiny chihuahuas. Therefore, unconditional adherence to the table numbers is impractical. The health and normal development of the pet is important, without expressed restrictions in order to achieve the “optimal” figure.

What brings joy is not the diminutiveness and size of the Chihuahua, but its cheerfulness, playfulness, cheerfulness and boundless love for its owner!

Weight at
71 78 85 99 113 120 128 142 156
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
7 weeks
8 weeks
9 weeks
10 weeks
11 weeks
12 weeks
13 weeks
14 weeks
15 weeks
16 weeks
17 weeks
18 weeks
19 weeks
20 weeks
21 weeks
22 weeks
23 weeks
24 weeks
25 weeks
26 weeks
18 months

The miniature dog is officially named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where in medieval times it was considered a sacred animal by the Indians. Opera singer Adeline Patti made a significant contribution to the popularization of the breed. In the late 19th century, the Mexican president gave her a Chihuahua hidden in a bouquet of flowers. And by the middle of the 20th century, almost every English lady acquired a Chihuahua.

The breed is one of the most popular in the world. The Chihuahua can boast of excellent upbringing and constant victories at exhibitions.

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RKF breed standard with explanation

The Chihuahua standards of the Russian and International Cynological Federations do not have any fundamental differences.

The breed is classified:

  • group 9 (companion dogs),
  • section 6 (Chihuahueño),
  • working class is missing

The Hichuahua is a tightly built and at the same time elegant dog, nimble, lively, a typical fidget with a hapless expression on its face.

Chihuahuas are generally absolutely fearless and have incredible reflexes.


The allowed difference is from 500 g to 3 kg. Ideal figures range from 1.5 to 1.8 kg. Individuals heavier than 3 kg will be disqualified.


To evaluate dogs of this breed, the only criterion is the weight of the individual; Height at the withers is not a criterion when evaluating an individual of this breed. The standard does not specify strict limits for growth.

The distance from the ground to the withers should be slightly less than the length of the body. The square format for males is the most preferred. For bitches, a more extended format is possible. According to the latest changes to the standard, the stretch index cannot exceed 110.


Consists of two departments:


The apple-shaped skull is well rounded. A parietal fontanel is possible, but it is more advantageous when it is not there. The forehead is strongly highlighted.

The front is divided into parts.

  • The muzzle is dry, compressed. When looking at it from the side, it is straight, but closer to the nose it is pointed and raised upward.
  • Cheekbones - with clear lines.
  • The eyes are slightly convex, large and almost round in brownish or black shades. Dark iris is more preferable.
  • Teeth and jaws. Skew, undershot and other deformations associated with the animal’s bite are not allowed. A straight or scissor jaw position is considered normal.
  • The ears are somewhat reminiscent of a cat's. They do not hang, the auricle is open. Ideally, they form an almost isosceles triangle. When at rest, they are slightly lowered towards the temples, forming an angle of 45 degrees.

The lack of a row of teeth is considered a flaw, but not critical. They will not be disqualified because of it.


The breed standard specifies the ideal properties and proportions of each part of the body.

The neck is not short, with tight-fitting skin. The scruff is slightly pronounced. For long-haired Chihuahuas, a lush “mane” is a must. The thickness of the neck may vary depending on the sex of the individual.

  • Top line and withers. The back is parallel to the floor with a slight elevation at the withers.
  • The back is not wide, but quite dense.
  • Lower back - the muscles are clearly defined.
  • The croup is wider than that of many representatives of miniature breeds. Both flat and slightly inclined are allowed.
  • Chest - the chest is quite wide, round in shape. Gives the impression of being massive. Barrel-shaped breasts are not acceptable.
  • Bottom line - a toned shape is emphasized by clean lines.
  • The tail is set high. Smooth, pointed towards the end. Pointed upward with a slight curve. Length equal to half the length of the back. The coat corresponds to the body. Long-haired Chihuahuas have a longer tail that is usually curled and resembles a headdress.


The forelegs, when positioned correctly, are straight and level, regardless of the angle. Can't be called short. The shoulders have visible muscles. The breed is always distinguished by the distinct angles of the shoulder blades and forearms. Elbows fit tightly to the body. Paws are small. The standard does not recognize the similarity of paws to those of a cat or a hare. The fingers should be well apart. The nails are quite convex.

The hind legs have strong muscles and pronounced angles of the hip, knee and hock joints. The hock joint is equal in length to the elbow joint. The Achilles tendon is well developed. When viewed from the rear, the paws are well apart.


The Chihuahua walks like a leader. The steps are wide and the lunge is strong, with a powerful push. The gait is free and slightly springy. The hind legs follow exactly behind the front legs. The head is raised and looks strictly in the direction of movement. The back is straight and strong.

The leading distinctive feature of a purebred individual is the habit of holding its tail. When moving, the Chihuahua keeps it pointed upward or bent in a semicircle.


The skin is delicate, thin and elastic in any area of ​​the body.

Chihuahuas have several coat variations:

  • Smooth-haired. The hair is short and lies close to the body. Rarely are individuals born with an undercoat - then the length of the coat is slightly longer. A mandatory rule is the softness and shine of the wool. Hairless dogs are disqualified.
  • Longhaired. The hair is longer and the coat is silkier. A little wavy, but better smooth. The fur is long in the area of ​​the ears, on the back near the withers, on the hind legs (forming panties) and on the tail. Individuals with excessively long or curly hair are not allowed.

Long-haired Chihuahuas cannot have short-haired puppies, but smooth-haired ones can have both.


There are many varieties of Chihuahua colors. There are no restrictions in the standard for both smooth-haired and long-haired dogs.

The breed has about 70 types of colors. But there are only a few of the most common:

  • Red (Red): completely red or red with white markings;
  • Golden fawn: looks like a less rich red or cream;
  • Black and Tan: The base tone is black, but fades to a lighter tone on the limbs or other parts of the dog's body.
  • Spotted: Most often medium-sized spots on a white coat.

The following colors are less common and are considered uncharacteristic for this breed:

  • white,
  • black,
  • chocolate,
  • brindle,
  • blue.

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Mini individuals

There is no mention of mini in the official Chihuahua standard. This is due to the fact that the classification appeared only thanks to breeders. Mini began to be called bred individuals whose weight did not exceed 1 kg, as well as supermini weighing 500 grams. In Russia, for example, dogs weighing from 800 g to 1 kg are popular. This bred miracle, the size of a rat, can be called a purebred Chihuahua, and even more so, it is impossible to specify any standards for it.

What is the difference between a mini Chihuahua and a standard one?

The two varieties can only be distinguished by size. Coloring, the shape of the skull and the main proportions of the body, the mini is a complete copy of its larger relative. Even the character is indistinguishable. Mini, you could say, is just a Chihuahua puppy that will never grow up.

Female mini Chihuahuas are not able to perform reproductive functions due to their miniature size.

Weight table by month

The most reliable and accurate forecast of how much a pet should weigh can be given by its pedigree. Size, like some other parameters, is inherited. But to determine the approximate weight, you can use the weight table for Chihuahuas.

Age/Weight of the newborn, gr. 70 80 85 100 110 120 130 145 155
1 Week 106 113 142 156 184 198 227 255 269
4 weeks (1 month) 198 227 269 312 369 452 482 539 595
8 weeks (2 months) 312 369 454 539 610 680 765 822 936
12 weeks (3 months) 425 539 624 737 851 936 1049 1162 1276
16 weeks (4 months) 567 709 851 964 1106 1247 1389 1531 1673
20 weeks (5 months) 680 851 992 1162 1304 1474 1644 1814 1985
25 weeks (6 months) 765 946 1134 1332 1503 1701 1899 2070 2269
18 months 908 1135 1362 1589 1816 2043 2270 2497 2724

Estimated weight by one and a half years at a weight of 2 months:


This aspect is unique and depends on a huge number of facts. This breed's lifespan can vary from 12 to 20 years. If we talk about averages, it is about 14 years. By dog ​​standards, representatives of the Chihuahua breed are considered long-lived.

Despite its tiny size, this dog managed to win millions of human hearts around the world. Chihuahuas are loved not only because of their appearance, but also for their ability to live and enjoy life.



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