Women's calendar download online. Download women's period calendar to your phone for free

Period Tracker

For iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

It is important that your personal information is protected by a secret code. Using the app, you keep daily records of your mood and symptoms during your cycle. You can make backup copies of your notes for doctor visits. Helps you calculate how many days are left before your period starts, and how late you are.

With the press of a button, record the start of your period every month. The application will determine your average menstrual cycle over the last three months and thus calculate the date of the next critical days. You can download it for free.

Women's calendar (Lady's Days)

For iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

A convenient and easy-to-use application that will help you monitor your health. Ovulation is determined using two methods: the calendar method and the basal temperature method. With them, you will determine with maximum accuracy the favorable days for conceiving a child and those days when the probability of conception is very low. Using Push reminders, the program will notify you in advance about the start. The application is also password protected. You can download it for free.

Cycle tempo: menstrual cycle log

For iPhone, iPod touch and iPad

Great app for planning or avoiding pregnancy. With it, you can take personal notes, enter test results and your symptoms, identify high fertility days, and create high and low fertility charts. The ability to conveniently and quickly view the course of the cycle in the calendar. There is also the option to quickly send information to your doctor. You can download it for free.

Period Calendar

One of the best Android apps to track ovulation and control your menstrual cycle. Here you can keep notes about your mood, symptoms, sexual encounters, and use of birth control pills. Also, if you want to change your account, your personal information will be saved and transferred to the new one. Period Calendar lets you create weight and temperature graphs, receive cycle and ovulation notifications, and determine the length of your cycle and ovulation. You can download it for free

A women's menstrual calendar is necessary for ladies for various purposes, from monitoring the health of the internal genital organs to planning the sex of the child. It is with the help of a calendar that the gynecologist sets the gestational age and date of birth, may suggest hormonal imbalances, etc. But let's talk about everything in order.

About the menstrual cycle and calendar

The online women's period calendar will be useful for both teenagers and older ladies. In general, to all representatives of the fair sex who menstruate. The first menstruation begins in girls aged 11-16 years (usually) and continues throughout the reproductive period of life, until menopause. And this happens, most often, at the age of 45-55, but sometimes at an earlier date.

Menstruation may be absent in young and middle age due to serious illnesses, taking certain medications and the installation of the Mirena intrauterine system (in this case, menstruation may become very scanty or disappear altogether while the device is in the uterus). In addition, there is no menstruation during pregnancy, and for many women during lactation (especially in the first months, when feedings are very frequent and regular). Menstruation disappears in women with low body weight (this is already a pathology). All this is called secondary amenorrhea.

The women's menstrual calendar helps you to determine your menstrual irregularities for free. Many women experience delays in menstruation for various reasons. The cause may be a stressful situation, illness, hormonal imbalance, etc. It is very important not to miss the onset of the delay and if it lasts more than 2 weeks, consult a doctor. If, in addition to this, any pathological signs and ailments are observed, then even earlier.

So, how to use a women's period calendar online? All that is required of you is to correctly select the start date of your menstruation and be sure to correctly register the average duration of the menstrual cycle. Since if menstruation is not regular, then the schedule compiled by the program will not be very reliable (with regard to determining the day of ovulation, dangerous and safe days, etc.). The calendar will calculate your menstrual cycle for as many months as you wish, or rather, specify. The program will use different colors to distinguish the days of the expected onset of menstruation, safe days, as well as the days when conception is most likely, including the date of ovulation (it will be highlighted in orange). Let's take a closer look at the purposes for which the obtained data can be used.

Ways to use a menstrual calendar

1. Take it with you to a consultation with a gynecologist. This is the first option that comes to mind. Gynecologists are always interested in the dates of the last menstruation, the regularity of bleeding, duration, and level of blood loss. This is where a printed women's period calendar comes in handy.

2. Accelerate the onset of pregnancy. Everything is very simple - you need to not abstain from sexual relations on days marked with orange and green colors. With a high degree of probability, conception will occur. But even if it didn’t work out the first time, it doesn’t matter! There was probably no ovulation in this cycle. This also happens. You can also determine whether ovulation has occurred or not by measuring basal temperature, using ultrasound or special tests.

3. Protect yourself from pregnancy. Let us immediately clarify that this method is considered ineffective, approximately the same as interrupted sexual intercourse. In order to use the calendar method of pregnancy protection, you should be able to accurately calculate ovulation yourself; the online women's period calendar is, of course, an assistant here, but not indispensable. The same ovulation tests and ultrasound will tell you much more accurately about a dangerous day. The calendar will indicate the range, the period of time when it is better to abstain from sexual relations. It is very good to combine the calendar method with the use of other contraceptives, for example, spermicides.

4. Calculation of gestational age and date of birth. The first thing a gynecologist is interested in when a new patient comes to see him is the first day of her last period. It is on the basis of this date that the obstetric gestational age is determined. The Naegele formula is used: three months are subtracted from the first day of the last menstruation and seven days are added. I would like to say that this formula only works in the case of a 28-30 day cycle. Well, knowing the obstetric period, it will not be difficult to calculate the date of birth, taking into account the fact that bearing a child lasts 40 weeks or 10 lunar months (there are 28 days in a lunar month). The women's menstrual calendar will help you remember when your last period began and see the approximate date of conception - this can also be important when calculating the date of birth.

5. Planning the gender of the child. There are a huge number of ways to conceive a child of the desired sex, although science is very skeptical about this. There is a version that the sex of the child depends on the time of its conception. So, if a child was conceived exactly on the day the egg left the ovary, then with a high degree of probability a boy will be born, if sexual intercourse took place a little earlier than ovulation, then a girl will be born. The thing is that supposedly sperm, carriers of the Y chromosome (boys), are very mobile and fast, but they die very quickly in the female genital organs, and therefore, if you want a boy, you must create all the conditions for fertilization to occur as as quickly as possible. If you dream of a daughter, then it is advisable, on the contrary, to be sexually active within 2-3 days before ovulation. Female sperm remain viable for several days. The theory is interesting, but again not proven by science. If you decide to experiment, use our free women's period calendar to visualize your ovulation days and gender planning, respectively.

Women's calendar for Android is a free program that determines the menstrual cycle, ovulation period, days that are most favorable or undesirable for conception and pregnancy. With its help, you can get to know your body better, and also get a personal personal assistant and a diary.

You can download the Women's Period Calendar on your phone for free for Android devices in Russian, because it will be useful to all girls and women.

Main features:

  • cycle and ovulation notifications;
  • the most accurate calculation of the average duration of periods;
  • reminders about taking medications, the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as about their delay;
  • keeping a personal diary monitoring weight, mood and body symptoms;
  • history and search for notes;
  • drawing up temperature and weight charts;
  • pregnancy mode;
  • personal data protection system.

The program is quite easy to configure according to your own wishes. A friendly and intuitive interface will leave only positive emotions from using the women's calendar.

By opening the application and going to its settings, you can adjust:

  1. duration of menstruation, cycle, ovulation and favorable days - automatic detection is available for everything;
  2. pregnancy – just press to pause the counting of monthly periods and start counting the time until the birth of the child;
  3. reminders – notifications about menstruation, ovulation, days of conception and taking pills;
  4. theme and a pet that will remind you of events using text in a frame above a cute face.

Separately, it is worth considering the functions of the diary. It allows you to add notes about your mood, symptoms, sexual intimacy, medications, doctor visits, fitness, weight, and even body temperature during a specific period. You can create your own personalized notes, highlighting what seems relevant at the time. Keeping such an electronic diary will help make life easier in the future and make informed decisions based on specific information.

Women's calendar for Android even provides for the creation of several accounts on one device and their protection with a personal password.

The developers of the Women's Calendar meet their users halfway. If some of the functionality still causes difficulties in using the application, you can always turn to the help point in the form of video files located in the application settings. True, in this case you still can’t do without a good mobile Internet or Wi-Fi.

Women's calendar is a program for modern women who value their time and take care of their health. It’s no secret that women’s health, mood and well-being largely depend on natural cycles and “special days.” One of the main functions of the program is to display the menstrual calendar, track the cycle and predict the day of ovulation. You can easily create your personal calendar, on which all the most important events of your cycle will be clearly and conveniently marked. With the help of a women's calendar, it's easy to coordinate your plans with your body's natural cycles. The program will mark the days of your upcoming period, days with high and low chances of conceiving a child, as well as days with possible poor health.

Try the program - an easy-to-use ovulation calendar.

Program functions

The program implements note-taking and reminder functions. You can mark important events, track your mood and days of sexual activity. Reminders will help you not to forget about important events, including the women's calendar will remind you of changes in your cycles, of days when conceiving a child is more or less likely.

Women's Calendar allows you to not only organize your personal information as you need it, but also display the necessary data depending on your purpose. If you select the goal “conceive a child,” the program will suggest the most favorable days for conception, taking into account your previous cycles and basal temperature data. In addition, she will calculate the birth date, determine the horoscope sign of your child, and also highlight the days when it is more likely to conceive a boy or a girl (naturally, you will not receive an exact guarantee of this, it is impossible). If, on the contrary, you want to avoid conception, the program will tell you the days when you need to be especially careful when using contraception.
You can absolutely safely entrust the program with your personal data. They can be password protected from prying eyes.
The women's calendar program also creates graphs based on data about your cycles and basal temperature, marking the days of lovemaking on them. This data will help you more accurately calculate the date of conception, which will be useful to you in the antenatal clinic.

Download Women's Calendar

Try the women's calendar, which you can download for free.

Women's calendar is an application for girls who take responsibility for their health and track women's cycles. The calendar has a nice interface, a cute assistant that you can choose from several options to suit your taste, and many different functions. The application is the best solution for collecting statistics on changes in the state of the body and mood at different stages of the cycle.

Application Features

The women's calendar is one of the most popular among women all over the world. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to track ovulation, days on which the chance of pregnancy is high, as well as the exact days of menstruation. The application saves all data that can be hidden under a secure password. In addition, synchronization is performed with Google Drive or other storage of your choice. When you reinstall the application, you can restore the application progress from your Google account.

There is also a very convenient function that allows you to transfer information to your doctor. By setting up the application, you can receive notifications about important stages or place a widget on the screen of your mobile device. But remember that these functions will not be available if the application is installed on a CD card.


The application interface contains the following elements:

  1. Calendar. It displays the current month page, in which a graphical representation of the cycle stage is defined for each day. At the bottom there is a section for notes and comments, in which for each current day the user can enter additional information, such as mood, symptoms, weight, temperature, or simply add a text note.
  2. Story. This tab allows you to view the cycle history for previous months and a forecast for the future; it also contains information about the average duration of critical days and the full cycle. The data in this section can be corrected or missing months can be added for more accurate statistics.
  3. Schedule. Displays statistics on certain parameters in the form of a graph. You can analyze changes in parameters throughout the entire month or just one week. Allows you to track changes in weight and body temperature depending on the day.
  4. Settings. In this tab you can enter the average duration of the cycle stages. Set reminders, change the theme, set up notes to display in the calendar. And also add or remove symptoms and moods from the presented list. A backup and password are immediately configured, a user is added, and information is sent to the doctor. In addition, general settings are performed. And switching the calendar to pregnancy mode.
  5. Notes. This tab allows you to create a note for the current day without logging into the calendar. It has the same functionality, that is, it allows you to indicate the first and last day of menstruation and its intensity, sexual intercourse, medications taken, ovulation test and other indicators.

By downloading the Women's Calendar for Android, every girl will receive a mini-diary and a reliable assistant in one version. Thanks to the program, you can maintain accurate and detailed statistics of well-being and other indicators. This is especially important during pregnancy planning.

Many possibilities, functions, settings, reliable collection and storage of information about the health of each woman. Ability to maintain multiple user accounts in one application. These are all great reasons to download the app now.

You can download the apk file of the Women's Calendar application for Android from the direct link below.

If you encounter any error while downloading a file or have questions, please write in detail about it in the comments to this news.



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