Succinic acid properties. What is succinic acid used for?

Succinic acid is an active participant in metabolism in the human body. It comes from outside with food and is synthesized in the body, and in fairly large quantities. At the same time, it does not accumulate in the organs, but is immediately spent on various needs.

What is succinic acid, what role does it play in metabolism and should it be taken in addition to the usual diet? What are the benefits of the drug and can it cause harm to health if used incorrectly? Let's figure it out.

What foods contain succinic acid?

First, let's find out which products contain succinic acid. Its sources are:

Under normal conditions, the synthesis of succinic acid in the body completely covers its needs. But with some diseases, increased physical activity, poor diet, premature aging processes and other stresses, a deficiency of this substance can occur.

What are the benefits of succinic acid for the body?

The body of a healthy person produces up to 300 grams of succinic acid per day. A significant amount of it comes from outside with vegetables and fruits, dairy products. What is succinic acid used for? It is involved in many metabolic processes associated with the consumption of oxygen by tissues and the production of intracellular energy. It also neutralizes free radicals formed in the body, which are factors of aging.

By normalizing metabolism, the drug increases the rate of breakdown of many toxic substances, has an antioxidant and antihypoxic effect, and protects cells from harmful decay products.

Succinic acid for humans is one of the means of improving metabolism, which in practice leads to the following beneficial effects:

  • stimulation of the liver and kidneys, their effective counteraction to toxins;
  • improved energy supply to the heart and, as a result, better blood supply to tissues;
  • increasing immunity;
  • additional supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Modern researchers come to the conclusion that succinic acid is a good remedy for the prevention of cancer. Due to its effect on intracellular energy structures - mitochondria, the drug leads to a decrease in the growth of cancer cells. Also, many scientists believe that this substance is capable of restoring damaged cells and thereby rejuvenating them. In older people, taking the drug for 20 days improves well-being, normalizes blood pressure and heart function, and relieves insomnia.

Succinic acid in its pure form is a white powder with a lemon taste, highly soluble in water. It is produced in the form of tablets and is included in many medications in combination with other organic acids or enzymes. Salts of succinic acid are called succinates.

Indications for use of succinic acid

The use of succinic acid in medicine is quite widespread. Here are the indications for taking the pure substance in tablets.

  1. Complex therapy for external and internal poisoning of various causes.
  2. Complex treatment of infectious diseases.
  3. Reducing the negative effects of drugs on the liver and kidneys during long-term use of drugs (antibiotics and others).

For these purposes, it is prescribed to be taken after meals, 1 tablet three times a day.

The drug is also used in other situations.

How to take succinic acid for a hangover: an hour before the feast, 100 mg, after 2-3 hours another 100 mg. Next, take tablets every hour, but not more than 600 mg (6 tablets) per day. If you need to relieve morning sickness, then drink 2-3 tablets at once, then two hours later another one, and then every hour until the symptoms disappear.

Can pregnant women take the drug?

Taking succinic acid during pregnancy promotes proper restructuring of the body and improves immunity to infectious diseases. The drug has a beneficial effect on the developing fetus, improves blood supply, eliminates oxygen starvation and protects the baby and mother from various toxins.

Studies have shown that taking the drug during pregnancy reduces the risk of developing gestosis, minimizes complications during childbirth, promotes rapid recovery of the mother and increases the amount of milk.

Succinic acid in sports

Succinic acid is indicated for athletes as a means of increasing immunity, which suffers during significant physical exertion. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, providing it with the necessary energy and oxygen. Since succinic acid is a natural stimulant of metabolic processes, is produced in the body and is not able to accumulate in organs and tissues, no side effects from its use are observed.

The reception schedule for athletes is as follows:

  • 500 mg once a day in the morning after meals;
  • after improvement of the condition, reduce the dose to 100–250 mg per day, which can be divided into 2–3 doses.

Often athletes set an individual dose based on how they feel. When consuming an increased amount of succinic acid (1500–3000 mg), the period of taking the drug should not exceed 10 days.

Increased doses can be taken in courses: drink for three days, then take a break for two days, and so on.

Succinic acid in cosmetology

The regenerating and rejuvenating properties of succinic acid are used in cosmetology. It is widely used in procedures such as peeling, masks and massage. Use pure substance in powder form. Face masks with succinic acid have a rejuvenating effect, cleanse the skin and never cause allergies. This drug is also included in various creams and cosmetic milk.

For hair, succinic acid is used in the form of masks or shampoo. The mask softens curls, gives them elasticity and firmness. You need to keep it on your hair for two hours. To get amber shampoo, simply add a few acid crystals to your regular shampoo and wash your hair. Regular use of such products improves hair growth and restores dull, damaged curls.

Succinic acid for weight loss

Succinic acid itself does not have a fat-burning effect. But reviews from those who are on a diet indicate that taking the drug significantly facilitates and accelerates the process of losing weight. Here are several reasons to use succinic acid during this difficult period for every woman:

  • the drug relieves fatigue;
  • improves kidney function, has a mild diuretic effect and reduces swelling;
  • improves the absorption of nutrients and their processing into energy rather than fat;
  • promotes good brain function and relieves nervous tension.

For those who have already lost weight, succinic acid will be useful if added to body cream. This balm increases skin firmness and elasticity and helps reduce stretch marks.

There are several schemes for taking succinic acid for weight loss.

With long-term use, you need to focus on your feelings and adjust the dosage as necessary.

Is there any harm from succinic acid?

This is a weak organic acid and it causes irritation of the gastric mucosa and increases the secretion of gastric juice. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it on an empty stomach.

Succinic acid also has other contraindications for use:

There are no side effects from taking the drug, but if used incorrectly, it can irritate the gastric mucosa and provoke gastritis. Also, regularly drinking solutions of this substance can harm tooth enamel.

Poisoning with succinic acid and succinates is impossible; this requires an extremely large dose. Thus, for mice the lethal dose is 1.4 g per kg, and for rats - 2.26 g per kg of live weight.

Let's summarize all of the above. Succinic acid in a living organism is a natural participant in metabolism. The human body receives it both from food and synthesizes it on its own. It improves the conversion of energy from nutrients, promotes the oxidation of under-oxidized products and stimulates the absorption of oxygen at the cellular level. Thanks to this, the drug has an antioxidant and antitoxic effect and stimulates metabolism in general.

Succinic acid is used in medicine in the treatment of infections and poisonings of various types. Athletes drink it as a natural stimulant and a means that increases the performance of the heart muscle, for recovery after hard training. Taking the drug while losing weight facilitates the process and relieves nervous tension, and cosmetologists use it as a regenerating component of masks, scrubs and creams.

The harm and benefits of succinic acid as an anti-aging agent have been discussed for a long time. It has been proven that taking the drug by older people has a beneficial effect on overall well-being. But this remedy also has contraindications - you should not take it with high acidity, severe kidney disease, or patients suffering from stomach ulcers.

succinic acid(succinates) is a substance obtained during the processing of natural amber. This is a completely safe product with a number of useful qualities. It is obtained in the form of a white crystalline powder that tastes similar to citric acid.

In the body, succinic acid is active in the form of anions and salts called succinates.
Succinates are natural regulators of the body. We feel the need for them during increased physical, psycho-emotional, and intellectual stress, and during various diseases.

Succinic acid has a unique effect: it accumulates precisely in those areas that need it, ignoring healthy tissue.

Origin of succinic acid

Through the process of natural selection, a variety of simple and complex substances have been tested for their usefulness. According to its biochemical properties, succinic acid turned out to be quite suitable for living organisms, and has been involved in biological processes for many millions of years. Many millions of years ago, it took part in the metabolism of living organisms, and has been preserved in large quantities to this day in the form of amber. Today, many living organisms, in extreme conditions, begin to intensively synthesize succinic acid, which helps them successfully protect themselves from adverse environmental factors.

Approximately 50 million years ago, as a result of cosmic cataclysms, the climatic conditions on the planet changed dramatically, in particular the average temperature increased. The trees of those times, finding themselves on the brink of survival, began to produce large quantities of succinic acid, which was released into tree resin. Other, more advanced living beings not only synthesized succinic acid, but also compensated for its deficiency from external sources. This is probably what attracted small animals of those times to tree resin. Some drowned in it and died, and their bodies were preserved to this day. This enabled biologists to study more than 3 thousand species of insects, reptiles and plants that lived on the planet at that time.

Being in nature

Succinic acid is found in free form in subbitominous coal, resins and amber. It is found in large quantities in unripe berries, beets, sugar cane, turnips, etc.

Contents in products
Succinic acid is included in many products. Its content is increased in kefir and curdled milk, aged wines, cheeses, rye products, brewer's yeast, oysters, etc. Succinic acid is found in large quantities in unripe gooseberries and grapes, beet juice, etc. The content of succinic acid in barley and sunflower seeds is 5%. Alfalfa contains the most succinic acid. However, most products consumed by citizens of our country do not contain succinic acid. Therefore, in many countries, and in the Russian Federation in particular, succinic acid is permitted for use in the food industry. Adding succinic acid to food products not only makes them more valuable, but also extends their shelf life due to its antioxidant and filtering properties.

Mechanism of action

Succinic acid serves as a universal metabolic intermediate product, released during the interaction of saccharides, proteins and fats in living cells. The activity of succinates in the body is associated with the production of energy spent on the vital functions of all organs and systems. When the load on any organ or body system increases, the energy for their work is mainly provided as a result of the oxidation of succinates. The energy production mechanism that uses succinates is hundreds of times more efficient than all other energy production mechanisms in the body. It is due to this that succinic acid has a nonspecific therapeutic effect for a number of diseases of different etiologies. Succinic acid also has antiviral and antihypoxic effects.

Laboratory studies demonstrated that the use of succinic acid caused more intense oxygen uptake by living cells. The oxidation of succinic acid is a necessary step in the process of assimilation of diatomic oxygen by cells. The therapeutic effect of succinates is based on a modifying effect on cellular metabolism - cellular respiration, transport of microelements, protein production. In this case, the degree and specificity of modifications depend on the initial state of the tissues. As a result of such modifications, tissue performance parameters are optimized.

Scientists have proven that succinic acid and succinates are adaptogens (increase the body’s resistance to adverse environmental factors). Succinic acid stimulates the process of oxygen supply to cells, relieves stress, restores energy metabolism, normalizes the process of production of new cells, and has general strengthening and restorative properties. The activity of succinic acid in the human body is regulated by the hypothalamus and adrenal glands.

By restoring the balance of biochemical reactions in the body, succinates normalize the functions of all organs and tissues. Their effect on the brain is especially significant, which most of all needs uninterrupted delivery of oxygen and energy. Therefore, succinic acid is used to prevent brain pathologies that develop during the aging process. In addition, it restores the functions of the entire nervous system and prevents stress.

Additional consumption of succinic acid helps normalize the functioning of other organs and systems. The heart needs a constant supply of energy, otherwise its contractility decreases, which invariably leads to impaired blood circulation, edema and dysfunction of all organs and systems - i.e. to heart failure.

As a result of stimulation of the liver and kidneys, the body is more effectively cleansed of toxic metabolites and other harmful agents.

Succinic acid normalizes general metabolism in the body. This helps strengthen the immune system due to more efficient synthesis of immune system cells. Due to its antioxidant effect, succinates inhibit the growth and development of tumors and prevent the division of malignant cells. Succinic acid reduces the production of the main mediator of inflammation and allergic reactions - histamine, and therefore the symptoms of inflammatory reactions and allergy attacks. Its drugs are often prescribed to neutralize certain toxins (for example, ethanol, nicotine, etc.).

Succinic acid is recognized as a completely harmless substance. It can have a healing effect even in small quantities. It also increases the nutritional value of basic food components and enhances the effect of medications. These properties define it as a very useful nutritional supplement that helps restore the functioning of all organs and systems of the body, self-regulation of its functioning, accelerate recovery and maintain the natural balance of its vital functions.


For joint diseases, succinates stimulate local blood circulation, which helps flush out salts. They also inhibit inflammation. For varicose veins, succinic acid eliminates inflammation and normalizes the function of venous valves. Normal local blood circulation is restored, as a result of which the inflammation goes away and the veins are restored. The anti-inflammatory effect of succinic acid is observed in bronchial asthma, inflammation of the tonsils, renal inflammation, fatty liver and cirrhosis. Succinic acid also has a therapeutic effect in case of cholelithiasis, stimulating the excretion of salts, destroying stones and helping to cleanse the liver.

Succinates prevent ischemia of internal organs and help restore their functions after ischemic damage. Succinates are also useful for sclerosis of blood vessels, diseases of the kidneys, lungs, etc. With a sufficient level of succinates in the mother’s body, the likelihood of oxygen starvation of tissues and viral damage to the fetus during pregnancy-related diseases is significantly reduced.

In clinical practice, succinic acid preparations are used in the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies, in cases of cerebral circulatory disorders, to stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, as an antidote for intoxication with arsenic, lead, mercury and in many other situations. Succinic acid helps maintain an active lifestyle at any age.

Succinic acid is used in the complex treatment of coronary heart disease. This is mainly due to the activation of oxidation enzymes, including those that play a role in providing oxygen to mitochondria. Normalization of metabolism in the heart and restoration of coronary blood flow determines the antiarrhythmic effect of succinates.

Before using succinic acid preparations, it is strongly recommended to obtain medical advice.

Directions for use and doses

It is recommended to start the course with 500 mg of succinates every day in the morning after breakfast. If you feel better and sleep normalizes, the dose should be reduced to 250-100 mg. In this case, you can split the dose into 2-3 times (although it is recommended to use succinic acid in the minimum required dose). Often, patients can, assessing their emotional status, choose the individual dose of succinates required to maintain vigor and well-being.

During the course of using succinic acid, it is necessary to take breaks on certain days (for example, 1-2 days break every 3 days of use). This method of using the drug allows you to prolong the course, and therefore the effect, while with daily use of increased doses, the duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days.

In the absence of subjective signs of the action of succinates, the dosage should be increased, taking 500 mg in 2 divided doses (in the first half of the day). In special cases, the dose can be increased to 700-1500 mg per day. Similar cases occur when succinic acid is used in combination with other drugs.

After intense physical activity, it is recommended to take 3000 mg of the drug once. Increasing the dosage of succinates is advisable for colds, radiculitis and inflammation of skeletal muscles (1000 mg 3-4 times a day, 3-7 days).

In case of exacerbation of heart failure, intravenous administration of succinic acid is advisable. 30-40 mg per kilogram of body weight is administered through a dropper over an hour. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the pH value.

Succinates can enter the body in different ways. When amber comes into contact with the skin, particles of succinates enter the body through the pores. Succinic acid, which enters the body through the skin, acts identically to succinates in tablet form.


Succinates are natural substances for the human body, and even prolonged use of succinic acid preparations does not cause dependence or side effects. However, succinic acid preparations should not be used for urolithiasis (stimulation of metabolism leads to more intense formation of stones), acute gastric and duodenal ulcers (secretion of gastric juice may increase), high blood pressure (like any stimulating agent, succinates may slightly increase blood pressure ). It is not recommended to use succinic acid preparations before bedtime.


Succinic acid is also used in combination with various medications to enhance their effect or reduce their toxicity, since succinic acid is a natural, non-toxic and non-accumulating substance.

Eliminating succinic acid deficiency by using its preparations helps to enhance the body’s adaptive abilities in the environment, and therefore prolong youth and improve well-being.

Succinic acid deficiency

Environmental problems put our body in more severe conditions. Therefore, to maintain health and prevent early aging, succinates are needed in large quantities. Persons living in environmentally unfavorable areas are strongly recommended to take additional succinic acid preparations.

Every day, the human body produces approximately 200 mg of succinic acid, which it uses in various processes. A healthy body has enough succinates, which it synthesizes or absorbs from food. However, as a result of the influence of unfavorable factors, when, due to stress or a sharp increase in physical activity, tension appears in the metabolic chain, the consumption of succinic acid increases, its deficiency develops, and subsequently - loss of strength and loss of tone.

At the same time, a person begins to feel unwell, the body’s defense mechanisms weaken, an imbalance and dysfunction of its various systems arise. Subsequently, the person begins to get sick.

Succinic acid and aging

Susceptibility to changes in atmospheric pressure and weather, a feeling of physical and emotional weakness, inability to concentrate, memory impairment - this is not a pathology or signs of premature aging, but only symptoms of a lack of succinates. The aging process of the body is complex and difficult to study. However, aging is mainly caused by a slowdown in the energy supply of vital processes in the body. Succinate preparations prevent lipid peroxidation, which is dangerous to health, improve memory and physical endurance in a short time, optimize regulatory mechanisms and metabolism, and eliminate insomnia. Thus, they serve as a preventative against aging diseases. In addition, when taking other medications, succinic acid eliminates their side effects.

At the cellular level, succinic acid serves as a source of energy, taking part in a number of biological processes. Over the years, the ability of cells to produce energy decreases, an imbalance occurs in most vital systems, which causes aging of the body. Regular intake of succinic acid by the body from external sources can significantly slow down aging.

Succinic acid also takes part in cell respiration, promoting more efficient absorption of oxygen. Therefore, consuming succinic acid can significantly speed up metabolism in the body, which also has a healing effect and prevents aging.

Among other things, succinic acid is an antioxidant, i.e. blocks the activity of free radicals - particles that are released during internal redox reactions and destroy everything they come into contact with. Free radical oxidation is considered one of the main factors of aging. They introduce a biochemical imbalance into all processes, causing dangerous diseases (for example, cancer).

Succinic acid has a rejuvenating effect, especially when used simultaneously with mumiyo.

Clinical studies on the use of succinic acid in elderly patients
Clinical studies revealed the positive effect of succinic acid in combination with glucose preparations in the treatment of 18 elderly patients (65-80 years) with various pathologies.

Some of these patients were treated on an outpatient basis, and some received inpatient treatment for decreased motor activity and chronic pathologies of the circulatory system (history of myocardial infarction and atherosclerotic coronary insufficiency). Previously, patients received standard drug treatment.

Succinic acid was prescribed 300-500 mg orally for 20 days. In some cases, attending physicians prescribed anesthetics, mainly papaverine.

After a 20-day course, all patients showed an increase in activity and improvement in condition. All patients noted an improvement in well-being, a surge of strength, the disappearance of insomnia, ailments in the heart area and tachycardia. A decrease in heart rate was recorded (from 103 to 69). Blood pressure also returned to normal. During the tests, heart sounds became more distinct and pronounced. No side effects to the lungs or internal organs have been recorded.

Minor changes - edema that occurred previously disappeared with the abolition of diuretics and cardiological drugs. Follow-up showed that the above improvements were observed over the next 6-9 months.

It should be noted that convalescent patients after severe heart pathologies received a course of succinates. Therefore, at the moment it is difficult to judge their effectiveness. However, clinical trials have shown that the effects of succinic acid are easily tolerated by patients without causing side effects and can be used in clinics with a positive general strengthening effect.


Succinic acid regulates insulin secretion, which restores saccharide metabolism. Therefore, it can be used to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Succinic acid can be used for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes, which is most susceptible to older people. The latest research has proven that succinates activate insulin secretion in the body, while simultaneously restoring and optimizing metabolic processes.

The formation of insulin under the influence of succinates is ensured by the acceleration of metabolism in the pancreatic islets, and the stimulation of insulin secretion is due to the activation of enzymes that do not depend on the level of dextrose in the body.

Thyroid diseases

Succinates have a positive effect on the condition of people with thyroiditis. The most effective way to use the drug in this case is to rub amber oil (obtained by melting amber) into the gland area. However, amber oil has an unpleasant odor. Therefore, for thyroiditis, it is recommended to wear amber beads while taking a succinate solution orally.

Hangover syndrome

After drinking alcohol, the ethanal content in the blood increases, which leads to redox imbalance in the body. Cells lose the ability to oxidize a number of substances that accumulate in the body, leading to intoxication (hangover syndrome).

When consuming succinates, both before and during drinking alcohol, their supply in the body is replenished, which helps neutralize and remove toxins, including ethanal (succinates convert it into ethanoic acid).

Succinates can be used both for occasional, one-time consumption of alcohol, and to prevent complications and treat alcohol dependence.

Application of succinic acid in oncology

Succinic acid serves as a prophylactic agent that prevents genetic disorders caused by the action of various carcinogens and leading to uncontrolled cell division.

Succinic acid reduces the mortality rate of cancer patients several times, significantly improves their well-being, and increases their ability to work.

Clinical trials for the treatment of cancer patients using succinic acid preparations and other natural products continued for several years. The results showed the feasibility and prospects of this product.

The patients were divided into two groups - the first group received succinic acid as part of the main therapy, the second did not.

In the first group, among those suffering from a malignant ovarian tumor who received succinates, the mortality rate was 10%, in the second group - 90%. For a malignant tumor of the colon and rectum, the corresponding figures are 10 and 80%, for a malignant tumor of the cervix - 10 and 80%, and for breast cancer - 10 and 60%.

Succinates inhibit the growth of tumors, of all kinds. This has been proven in experiments and does not contradict the modern understanding of the pathogenesis of tumors. Accumulating mainly in the localization of malignant cells, succinic acid prevents their reproduction. Succinic acid also reduces the side effects from the use of many chemotherapy drugs (especially nausea, loss of energy and depressive states).

In some diseases, succinic acid has a particularly high positive effect. Succinates have the most pronounced effect in fibrocystic disease, fibroids, cysts and other benign tumors, as well as in malignant tumors and struma. This is most likely due to inhibition of the respiration of tumor cells, as a result of which these cells die, and the tumor resolves over time.

Recommendations for the use of succinic acid in oncological diseases
For prevention purposes, 2-3 tablets of 0.1 g each day are indicated. If necessary, you can take 5-8 tablets per day. For oncological diseases, take 5-10 tablets per day, for severe conditions - up to 20 tablets.
Succinic acid preparations are recommended to be consumed together with fresh berry and fruit juices.

If you take succinic acid in combination with drugs that activate the elimination of toxins, you can significantly reduce the consequences of poisoning the body and increase its resistance to the toxic effects of a number of compounds and free radicals. Therefore, succinic acid preparations should be used before, during and after chemotherapy in combination with alkaline calcium preparations, which help reduce pain and remove toxins from the body secreted by malignant cells.

In some situations, chlorophyll preparations must be taken in higher doses. However, this is often impossible, since chlorophyll has a toxic effect on the bone marrow and also causes allergy attacks. Therefore, many experts recommend using succinic acid preparations as part of complex treatment with chlorophyll agents to reduce the toxic effects of increased doses of chlorophyll on healthy cells. As a result, neither catabolism nor anabolism increases, but at the same time the cleansing of all body fluids is accelerated.

The use of succinic acid in gynecology

The most common female diseases are of an inflammatory nature. Inflammatory pathologies of the external genitalia and vagina are known.

During treatment, the factor that provokes the inflammatory process is established, and the immune system and general resistance of the body are strengthened. Succinates, being one of the most effective biostimulants, provide significant support during treatment.

In general, succinates have a stabilizing and strengthening effect on all metabolic processes. The property of succinic acid to protect the embryo from all harmful factors has been confirmed by many observations around the world. One way or another, if such a serious disease is detected during pregnancy, the woman must undergo examination and receive adequate treatment. However, taking dietary supplements containing succinates can significantly support the body and speed up recovery time.

Succinic acid preparations are also recommended to be taken during pregnancy planning. By consuming succinate preparations, future parents not only strengthen their own health and improve their well-being, but also provide the basis for the health of their unborn baby. During pregnancy, succinates prevent loss of strength and reduce the frequency and severity of toxicosis. Therefore, the expected pregnancy will bring only joy.

Succinic acid preparations

In the Russian Federation, succinic acid is produced in the form of tablets of 0.1 g. There are 100 tablets in a package.

Amberite is a dietary supplement in tablet form that contains succinates, vitamin C and glucose. Compared to succinic acid tablets, amberite has a number of advantages: it does not irritate the oral mucosa, has better taste and a wider range of effects. In combination with succinates, vitamin C is involved in the transport of oxygen to tissues. Ascorbic acid accelerates the formation of precollagen, converting it into collagen. Thus, it maintains the normal condition of the vascular wall and strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Glucose serves as an energy substrate for succinic acid and helps prolong its effect.

The food supplement Yantarite provides a ratio of succinates with vitamin C and glucose that best activates energy metabolism in the body.

An athlete receiving succinates in combination with glucose adapts faster and easier to increased physical activity, and also tolerates muscle pain more easily. Before competitions, succinates contribute to the athlete’s energy mobilization and also prevent nervous strain. After the competition there is no loss of strength or nervous exhaustion. After discontinuation of succinates, sports skills are preserved.

The food supplement Yantarite contains succinate obtained by processing natural amber. Succinate obtained from amber is several times more expensive than succinic acid obtained by other methods, but it has a more pronounced positive effect. Amberite has no side effects. An overdose of this drug is almost impossible.

The positive effect of succinic acid on the human body has been proven by modern medicine, because this substance is an integral part of the cells of all living beings. However, not all people know about this wonderful remedy, which has the power to rejuvenate our body, cure diseases, and make our sense of self more comfortable and joyful. Safe, affordable, it should be in every home. What is its miraculous power, and how to take succinic acid correctly, you need to figure out.

Beneficial properties of succinic acid for the body

Succinic acid is so named because it can be obtained chemically from amber. This substance is necessary for saturating the body’s cells with oxygen, energy metabolism (Krebs cycle) and other metabolic processes that are the basis of metabolism and directly affect the quality of all human life. Succinic acid is released in the body itself during respiration or gets there with food, being converted into succinate salts, in the form of which it carries out its activity.

A sufficient amount of succinic acid in the body improves immunity, ensures normal metabolism, and, as a result, its proper functioning. Insufficient - requires additional replenishment, for example, in the form of powder or tablets. This substance is a pure biotic, safe, quickly absorbed, has no side effects or tendency to accumulate in tissues. However, you should not abuse it - this leads to irritation (damage) to the gastric mucosa.

In the right doses, succinic acid has a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  • increases stress resistance;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improves the functioning of internal organs (liver, kidneys, heart);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the development of tumors;
  • produces an antitoxic effect;
  • prevents the aging process;
  • enhances the effect of vitamins and medications.

Indications for use

The use of this substance must be agreed upon with the attending physician. In general, the indications for the use of succinic acid are as follows:

  • in cases of chronic stress conditions in humans;
  • with heart pathology and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • during treatment of anemia;
  • for radiculitis;
  • for diseases of the reproductive system;
  • in the treatment of allergies;
  • to overcome asthma;
  • during acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and colds (complicated forms) - including for children and pregnant women;
  • in the treatment of acute bronchitis;
  • in the treatment of fibroids, tumors (slows down their development);
  • in anticancer therapy as an antitoxic agent;
  • against hangover, in the fight against alcoholism;
  • in combination with vitamins and medications to reduce their toxic effects and enhance their effects;
  • as part of dietary supplements;
  • for the prevention of diseases in older people.

Instructions for use of succinic acid

Succinic acid is used to help treat many diseases and is prescribed by a doctor. However, in some more ordinary cases (hangover, struggle with excess weight, acne) people prefer not to see a doctor. This approach is not correct and leads to bad consequences (a person may not be aware of the presence of diseases included in the list of contraindications to the use of the substance). If confidence in your own health is justified, the dosages of succinic acid outlined below can be used at home.

How to take for weight loss

Succinic acid is the No. 1 assistant in bodybuilding and weight loss. It normalizes the functioning of all organs, has a beneficial effect on the entire body, and it, in turn, fights excess weight. As a result, a person not only loses weight, but also gets healthier. She also:

  • improves metabolism;
  • cleanses of toxins and waste products at the cellular level;
  • increases oxygen content and energy levels inside cells;
  • improves stress resistance;
  • reduces overall human fatigue and stress during physical activity.

There are two ways to take this substance when losing weight (not used if contraindicated):

  1. Take 3-4 tablets of succinic acid every day (half an hour before meals) for three days. On the fourth, take a break, refrain from food and physical activity (if possible). The duration of the course is agreed with the doctor.
  2. Use a solution of succinic acid before breakfast for a month (1 g of product per 1 glass of water). After taking, rinse your mouth thoroughly, as... the solution is very acidic and affects tooth enamel.

How to drink when you have a hangover

Due to the fact that succinates have an antitoxic effect (promote the rapid breakdown of harmful substances) and enhance metabolism, succinic acid is used to overcome hangover syndrome. How to use:

  • It can be bought in its pure form or taken as part of various anti-hangover tablets, which are created on the basis of succinates (Antipohmelin, Limontar, Bizon, Alcobuffer and others).
  • The tablets can be taken before, during and after drinking alcohol.
  • When using anti-hangover drugs, they are taken according to the instructions.
  • If you drink pure succinic acid, the dose should be 0.1 g every 50 minutes. The maximum daily number of doses is 6.
  • The substance does not have a significant anti-hangover effect on people with high and moderate alcoholism.
  • Succinates should not be consumed by people for whom they are contraindicated.

Method of use for facial skin

Succinic acid also copes with diseases such as acne. It normalizes cell function, stimulates them, and activates intracellular metabolic processes. They, in turn, lead to the removal of toxins, restore elasticity and freshness of the skin, and a healthy complexion. Improving cell nutrition reduces scars, bags under the eyes, and smoothes wrinkles. To improve your facial skin:

  1. Crush 2 tablets of succinic acid, pour 1 tbsp into the resulting powder. l. water, stir. Apply to the skin of the face (be careful of your eyes), do not rinse - the mixture should be completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure every week.
  2. Crush 2-3 tablets of succinic acid and 1 tablet. mummy, mix with olive or almond oil (0.5-1 tbsp.). Apply onto your face with massage movements, leave for half an hour, rinse with cool water. This mask perfectly rejuvenates the skin and smoothes out shallow wrinkles.

What does succinic acid contain?

The required amount of succinic acid is produced by the body itself (approximately 200 mg daily). However, a person can receive this substance from the outside - not only through medication, but also during food intake. A high content of succinic acid is observed in:

  • aloe;
  • rhubarb;
  • unripe berries;
  • sugar beets;
  • hawthorn;
  • wormwood;
  • nettle;
  • alfalfa;

  • sunflower seeds (sunflower seeds, barley);
  • strawberries;
  • oysters;
  • bakery products made from rye;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • kefir;
  • hard cheeses;
  • curdled milk;
  • wines (aged, natural).

Harm and contraindications for use

  • ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, because this substance can cause increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • hypertension, glaucoma, coronary heart disease, because succinates can increase blood pressure;
  • urolithiasis, because intense metabolism can contribute to the formation of kidney stones;
  • individual intolerance, allergy to the drug.

Approximate cost of tablets and powder

Succinic acid is an inexpensive remedy. It is available in the form of tablets (cytoflavin), ampoules and powder, which type to choose depends on how and why you will take it. The price difference between these forms is insignificant. The cost is determined by the number of grams of substance inside the pack and the manufacturing company. Therefore, the price fluctuates, for example, 50 tablets cost 300-370 rubles.


Under severe stress and serious illnesses that threaten the normal functioning of cells, succinates, which perform a protective function, are consumed faster and their quantity becomes insufficient. Then the additional use of succinic acid becomes a saving factor that helps the body fight the problem and normalize vital processes. All this makes this substance very useful and necessary for humans. Whether the amber stone itself or only succinic acid helps with healing, you can find out from the video:

Many people cannot believe that there is one cure for many diseases. In fact, although this is not the case, there are drugs that help prevent most diseases. One of these medications is succinic acid, which through its action helps the normal functioning of the human body. By taking one tablet of succinic acid every day, you can avoid most of the symptoms, improve your well-being, and normalize the functioning of your body systems.

Succinic acid. Release form - tablets

Succinic acid is available in the form of tablets, white. The basis of the drug is acetylaminosuccinic acid. The taste is reminiscent of citric acid. When the medicine enters the body, it appears in the form of salts such as succinates, which in turn naturally regulate the proper functioning of the body.

Due to their activity, succinates are simply irreplaceable if energy is required for the vital functions of systems and organs, which is provided by the oxidation process of succinates. In addition to the nonspecific therapeutic effect of many diseases, succinic acid has antiviral, antioxidant, antihypoxic, restorative and restorative effects.

Thanks to the medicine, living cells more intensively absorb oxygen, including diatomic oxygen, and the body's metabolism at the cellular level and the condition of tissues improve. According to research, it has been proven that this non-standard medicine is a kind of adaptogen that increases the human body’s resistance to most adverse environmental factors. The use of succinic acid helps to quickly cope with stress and depression. The body improves the process of energy exchange, the growth of new cells and their filling with oxygen.

Succinic acid is a remedy that prevents the development of malignant formations and tumors, reduces the symptoms of inflammatory and allergic reactions, and neutralizes the effects of some harmful toxins in the body, including nicotine and ethanol.

With the help of the hypothalamus and adrenal glands, the activity of succinic acid is regulated. The medicine is useful to use as a preventive measure for pathologies of the human brain that appear during age-related changes and aging. Succinates saturate the brain with the necessary energy and oxygen, restore the functioning of the nervous system and heart, stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and liver, strengthen the immune system and the body’s protective functions.

For what diseases is succinic acid more effective?

Succinic acid is a dietary supplement

Succinic acid is an excellent medicine that improves blood circulation and flushes out accumulated salts in the body. Therefore, doctors recommend taking it in case of inflammation of the joints. Due to its effective effect on venous valves, the natural medicine improves local blood circulation and is therefore suitable for the treatment of varicose veins.

The drug is recommended for fatty liver, bronchial asthma, and inflammation of the tonsils. Succinic acid is a natural substance that has unique healing qualities. It is used both as a primary treatment and for the prevention of many diseases. Thus, it is not superfluous to say that it is used for the treatment and prevention of gallstone disease, since succinic acid destroys and removes stones (calculi) formed in the body.

Thanks to the increased level of succinates in the body, cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease and atelesclerosis, can be prevented. Medicine uses succinic acid to treat kidney, pulmonary, and gastrointestinal diseases. It is effective as an antidote for poisoning the body with certain toxic substances, including mercury, arsenic, and lead. During pregnancy, medication is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of oxygen starvation of the tissues of a pregnant woman, protecting the fetus from the penetration of viruses and infections.

Since the natural substance promotes the production of insulin in the body and normalizes metabolism, it is recommended for people suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Succinic acid effectively helps people with alcohol addiction.

Under the influence of the drug, alcohol in the blood decomposes much faster, as a result of which the hangover syndrome goes away in a short time. The medicine helps reduce cravings for alcohol, improves liver condition and blood quality. Regularly taking pills will help strengthen the nervous system, reduce susceptibility to stress, and reduce irritability and negative emotions.

Features and contraindications

Succinic acid tablets - white

Today there is a big problem with the ecological environment, therefore, in order to maintain excellent health, prevent the development of various diseases and rapid aging, the body needs a large dose of succinates. This especially applies to people who live in an environment with unfavorable ecology. Benefits of succinic acid:

  • is not addictive;
  • safe for any organism;
  • has a pleasant taste;
  • does not cause side effects;
  • refers to natural substances;
  • has a beneficial effect on tissues, cells, organs and systems of the body;
  • enhances the effect of other medications;
  • the drug can be used as a dietary supplement.

Taking the medicine does not cause drug dependence or any negative consequences, since succinates are natural substances of the body. But, despite its effectiveness and great help, succinic acid is not recommended for diseases such as urolithiasis and high blood pressure. It is also best to take the medicine long before bedtime.

The drug can be used in complex treatment, since it can enhance the effectiveness of other medications and reduce the toxicity of some of them.

How beautiful this world is, and how wisely the Lord created everything! Provided everything necessary for each creation. All life on Earth - plants, animals, and people - needs useful and nutritious substances to maintain life and maintain health.

Living plant cells in the process of photosynthesis, using the energy of the Sun (light), produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water, i.e. Solar energy is converted into chemical energy.

The sun is a powerful source of energy. The reserve of this energy in plants, being transformed, is deposited in the form of starch and stored in leaves, stems, roots, fruits, and seeds. A person eats plants, and thus solar energy is transferred to him.

In the cells of the human body there is continuous work on the preparation of adenosine triphosphate, a substance that is the energy basis of their life. A continuous chain of chemical reactions occurring in every cell of our body is called the Krebs Cycle. It requires the presence of more than 100 different substances, including vitamins. During this mysterious Krebs cycle, the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed from carbohydrates (sugars) and fats, which is a universal source of energy for life for all cells.

One of the products formed during the Krebs Cycle is succinic acid. It is the most important element in the formation of anabolic substances - i.e. those compounds that are involved in the construction and renewal of cells and tissues.

Succinic acid. Beneficial features

Succinic acid is so named because it can be obtained by chemical means from amber. Although succinic acid is a natural product produced in animal and plant cells. It is a regulator of energy metabolism in our cells and tissues.

The human body needs succinic acid during high psycho-emotional, physical, mental stress, and during serious illnesses.

It must be said that modern reality is a continuous psycho-emotional load, both for adults and children. Therefore, the intense pace of life requires large amounts of succinic acid, and the body cannot provide the proper level of it itself, and there is not enough of it in our usual diet. This is why additional consumption of succinic acid is simply necessary.

Succinic acid exhibits the following beneficial properties:

  1. Antihypoxant - increases the body's resistance to oxygen starvation, reduces the consequences of this condition.
  2. Antioxidant effect - prevents oxidative reactions in the body caused by harmful free radicals, slows down aging, and as a result, the appearance of many diseases of advanced age, which, as is known, make you look younger.
  3. Tonic effect - increases performance without excessive stimulation of the immune system, does not deplete the body, but, on the contrary, gently restores it.
  4. Antiviral agent - this effect has been proven in research.
  5. Adaptogenic effect - helps the body recover faster and adapt to difficult conditions.
  6. Antitoxic effect - helps with alcohol and nacotine poisoning, and also helps cleanse the body at the cellular level.

So, succinic acid is an antihypoxant. This substance is necessary for the oxygenation of body cells, energy metabolism (Krebs cycle) and the implementation of other metabolic processes, and thus directly affects the quality of all human life.

  • aloe;
  • rhubarb;
  • unripe berries;
  • sugar beets;
  • hawthorn;
  • bitter wormwood;
  • nettle;
  • seeds (sunflower seeds, barley);
  • strawberries;
  • oysters;
  • rye bakery products;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • yogurt and other fermented milk products;
  • hard cheeses;
  • curdled milk;
  • wines (aged, natural).

Why take succinic acid?

In the human body, under the influence of pathogenic factors, including stress, unfavorable ecology, and constant use of medications, the activity of enzymes involved in redox reactions decreases. As a result, energy deficiency develops in the cell, even with normal oxygen supply, and the process of free radical oxidation is activated.

Now there are many areas of chemical and radiation pollution on earth, and in Russia we have many places that are environmentally unfavorable for human life; the increase in the number of cars on the roads persistently “helps” us with this.

That is why the question of additional use of succinic acid and its salts in food has become so acute. Succinic acid does not stimulate the body, does not deplete it, like energy supplements, but, on the contrary, ensures the normal, harmonious functioning of the organs and systems of the human body.

Succinic acid is an adaptogen, relieves stress, restores natural energy metabolism. The activity of succinic acid in the human body is regulated by the hypothalamus and adrenal glands.

The use of succinic acid after severe long-term illnesses, after debilitating psychological and physical stress allows the body to quickly recover. However, the irritating effect of succinic acid on the gastrointestinal tract limits its use.

Indications for use of succinic acid

  • Succinic acid is used for hypoxia in cardiovascular diseases,
  • diseases of the blood system (anemia);
  • succinic acid reduces metabolic acidosis, is used for diabetes mellitus,
  • in complex therapy of coronary heart disease,
  • for disorders of cerebral and peripheral circulation,
  • for bronchopulmonary pathology (bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis, pneumonia),
  • for alcoholism as part of detoxification therapy, reduces cravings for alcohol,
  • in case of poisoning,
  • when living in an environmentally hazardous area,
  • for hepatitis,
  • for diseases of the reproductive system,
  • in oncology,
  • succinic acid has an anti-stress effect and is indicated for depression;
  • exhibits antisclerotic properties,
  • succinic acid exhibits an antiviral effect, therefore it is used for influenza and ARVI,
  • enhances the effect and effectiveness of vitamin B6 and taurine, used in sports nutrition, for weight correction,
  • succinic acid is effective when exposed to radionuclides: there is information that when exposed to radionuclides, succinic acid should be taken immediately in a large dose of up to 3000 mg once, and then 1000 mg (this is 1 gram) for 3-7 days.

This is interesting: adding succinic acid to food products extends their shelf life.

How and when to take succinic acid

It is better to take succinic acid in the morning immediately after meals due to its strong irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is rational to take it after breakfast, starting with a minimum dose of 100 mg.

There is a method of using it intermittently during the course of treatment: we use it for 2-3 days, take a break for 1-2 days. This can be used for up to 36 days. While with a standard large dose of 500 mg daily in the morning, it is not advisable to continue the course of treatment for more than 7-9 days.

Succinic acid in oncology

Doctor Ya.Yu. Shpirt, in his article “On the Path to Longevity,” pointed out the ability of succinic acid to find areas in the body that require restoration.

Succinic acid inhibits the growth of various tumors, reduces the toxic effects of therapy, nausea, weakness, and depression.

This remedy is especially effective for mastopathy, cysts, fibroids, and infertility.

When treating cancer with the use of succinic acid, it is imperative to increase your water intake: immediately in the morning after getting out of bed, you need to drink 1 glass.

It is good to combine succinic acid with herbal decoctions.

Prepare a 2% solution of succinic acid: grind 1 package of succinic acid 0.1 No. 10 in a mortar, add 50 ml of water, dissolve, strain to remove magnesium stearate. Take 1 teaspoon in the morning after meals with plenty of water. Reception for 10 days, then a break of 1-2 days, and so on. In 5 ml of solution there will be 0.1 (100 mg) of succinic acid.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of succinic acid

Succinic acid can cause severe heartburn and “burn” the mucous membrane of the stomach wall. It is contraindicated for people who suffer from:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers, since the substance can cause increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • hypertension, glaucoma - succinic acid can increase blood pressure;
  • urolithiasis - can contribute to the formation of kidney stones;
  • individual intolerance, allergy to succinic acid.

Method of using succinic acid for the face

Succinic acid also copes with diseases such as acne. It normalizes cell structure, stimulates and activates intracellular metabolism. This leads to the removal of toxins, the elasticity and freshness of the skin, and a healthy complexion return. Improving cell nutrition reduces the visibility of scars, bags under the eyes, and wrinkles. To improve skin condition:

  1. Grind 2 tablets of succinic acid, dilute the resulting powder with 1 tbsp. water, stir. Apply this paste to your face (avoid the area directly next to your eyes). Do not wash off for 20 minutes. Repeat every week.
  2. Grind 2-3 tablets of succinic acid and add 1 table. spoon of olive oil. Massage the paste along the massage lines and leave for about half an hour, then rinse. This mask perfectly rejuvenates the skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Pharmacist Vera Vladimirovna Sorokina



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