Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in London after a long illness. Dmitry Hvorostovsky: latest health news Why Hvorostovsky was not saved

The first signs of the fatal disease appeared in the famous Russian baritone in 2015. Concerned about frequent headaches and problems with orientation in space, the singer turned to doctors for help. Unfortunately, the artist’s worst assumptions were confirmed - the latest news about Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s health today confirms his many years of struggle with a dangerous disease.

Periodically, the artist undergoes chemotherapy courses, engaging in concert activities in between procedures. As soon as the remission becomes long-lasting, the artist goes on tour and performs on opera stages around the world. The talent of the Russian star is applauded in London's Covent Garden and Italy's La Scala, at the Berlin State Opera and the New York Metropolitan Opera. The famous baritone, thanks to his wonderful vocal abilities and unconventional image, glorified his country far beyond the borders of Europe.

Dmitry began to turn gray at the age of 17. Nothing is known about his visits to the doctor in connection with such manifestations of changes in the body. Journalists suggest that the artist’s father, whom Hvorostovsky resembles like two peas in a pod, had the same problems with his hair. The future artist grew up in an intelligent family; no data was found on the Hvorostovskys’ genetic predisposition to such cancer problems.

At one time, the artist was having a hard time breaking up with his first wife - according to rumors, she was a flighty and fickle lady.

Today, the latest news about the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky at that time has become known - after a scandal with the beating of his wife and lover, he developed a stomach ulcer. The artist says that his life was saved then by his mother - she is a doctor by profession. I had to undergo treatment and undergo a rehabilitation course, after which I had to get in shape as quickly as possible. According to the singer, it was during that difficult period that he became addicted to meat and red wine.

Gradually, the fame of the great baritone began to gain momentum - he became popular and in demand. A busy touring schedule, unsettled everyday life and strong emotions affected the health of the talented artist - Hvorostovsky’s immune system began to fail.

Healing with love

Hvorostovsky gradually began to heal the mental anguish from the betrayal of his beloved woman with alcohol. The self-esteem of the famous handsome man, a favorite of women and music critics, suffered so much due to the betrayal of his first wife that relatives and friends began to seriously fear the artist’s attachment to alcoholic beverages.

Today, when journalists in numerous interviews ask his mentor and relatives, the artist himself and his colleagues about the latest news and health status of Dmitry Hvorostovsky in 2017, everyone unanimously thanks the artist’s new muse.

In the life of a talent tormented by jealousy, Flo appeared in an ordinary way - she had to play a minor role as one of Don Juan’s many lovers in the production of the same name. The young French beauty had her eye on the Russian giant from the first rehearsal - the girl showed unambiguous attention to Hvorostovsky, despite his statement about his employment. As a result, the baritone gave up and in 2003 they got married.

Being the wife of a famous artist, talented and spoiled by the public, is a heavy burden. However, the young woman managed to adapt to her husband’s strict demands.

Moreover, she does not let Dmitry go on any tour or tour without accompaniment - unlike her predecessor, the resourceful girl understands that the great singer has a lot of temptations.

She does not doubt for a minute the successful treatment of her husband and supports him in everything, providing her husband with the peace and comfort that a tormented soul so needs.

Hand and vision problems

In 2017, a wave of concern swept across the Internet among fans of the famous baritone’s talent - the latest news in various media outlets vied with each other about Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s health problems. Today he canceled the concert, tomorrow he went on stage with an injured shoulder, the day after tomorrow he postponed the long-awaited concert in his homeland, Krasnoyarsk, until the summer. Every month something happened.

The baritone suffered especially hard from pneumonia, which, according to him, stole his lungs. The artist felt so bad that he forbade his parents to visit him in the hospital. It was Florence who was the nurse at the patient’s bedside, conveying to loved ones all the wishes of her husband and monitoring the process of her loved one’s recovery.

2017 was especially stressful for the artist - as fans noted, in the photo on social networks Dmitry Hvorostovsky was photographed wearing glasses with strong diopters. There is no latest news about vision problems in the press today, but the artist’s appearance leaves much to be desired.

Support from loved ones and colleagues

After the diagnosis was made public, Hvorostovsky’s colleagues organized several concerts in support of him, performing on stage wearing T-shirts with photographs of the artist and with appropriate inscriptions. Dmitry’s accompanist, permanent friend and soulmate at rehearsals and solo concerts, claims that the Siberian has at least a dozen years of triumphant marching through the best stages of world opera. So strong is the artist’s spirit and his will to win.

As of today, 2017, the artist’s mother refuses to comment on the latest news about the health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. She only tells how in his childhood the singer almost became hearing impaired - the child was mistakenly vaccinated twice with a vaccine against tuberculosis. And how the whole family suffered for a long time with their sickly firstborn, born prematurely.

Looking at the mighty Siberian, who conquered the whole world with his powerful timbre and stunning artistry, it is difficult to believe that in moments of despair, loved ones more than once asked the question: why does this little man suffer so much?

The patience and love of the family were rewarded with the world fame of their only son. Their blood, their boy. Looking at how excitedly the singer makes faces in front of camera lenses after the concert at the request of his fans, the words of Papa Hvorostovsky become clear: “Men grow old, but do not grow up.” It’s hard to believe that this healthy young man is approaching the age of sixty and undergoing the most complex complex procedures to get rid of a fatal disease.

Composer Igor Krutoy, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, called on everyone to pray for the health of the talented artist. According to him, Hvorostovsky is now in a constant struggle with an illness that is ruthless and merciless. And this struggle, unfortunately, is too unequal.

Hvorostovsky Dmitry: latest health news for today, autumn 2017

At the end of the summer, the Internet exploded with a message about the singer’s hospitalization in one of the Moscow clinics. Fortunately, this turned out to be untrue, as reported by the artist’s friend Pavel Astakhov.

To confirm the latest news about Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s improved health as of today, September 2017, the artist’s parents talked about their trip to visit their son.

The celebrity lives in a huge mansion, renting half of the house. The artist starts his morning with strength exercises, trying to keep himself in shape no matter what. Most of all, Hvorostovsky does not want to be like other opera stars who suffer from excess weight and wrap their throats in all kinds of fur products. He and his dad have serious disagreements about this - the caring parent has repeatedly argued with his obstinate son about his passion for winter swimming.

Then Dmitry goes for procedures, after returning home he often feels uneasy - radiation therapy and pumping the body with drugs that kill cancer cells make themselves felt. However, the Siberian’s restless temperament does not allow the patient to lie down in bed - he devotes his days to children, playing football with the boys or playing with his daughter.

By the way, the artist’s first wife, who lived for a long time on alimony awarded to Hvorostovsky and did not make herself known for many years, forgave the singer shortly before her own death.

She allowed her twin sons to communicate with their father and even called her ex-husband with words of support. Before this, all attempts by the good-natured Flo to make friends with families so that the children could maintain relationships, Svetlana responded with a proud refusal.

It is noteworthy that the wife caught in treason was forced to live the rest of her life alone - according to a court decision, which forced Dmitry to pay a decent amount of compensation for the divorce to his ex-wife, she will lose the money as soon as she remarries. Greed won, and the woman remained a wealthy housewife.

Children from his first marriage are welcome guests in the artist’s family—the hospitable Florence gladly welcomes Hvorostovsky’s first-born children into her home. Both she and her mother adore everything connected with the artist - the rooms of the mansion are always cozy and full of flowers, the whole atmosphere in the family puts them in a positive mood, creating not only the appearance of well-being, but also supporting the artist’s hope for recovery.

Dmitry has a particularly warm relationship with his mother-in-law - they are similar in temperament. Italian by birth, she loves to stand on goal in family football tournaments and always gives in to her favorite son-in-law, causing a flurry of indignation among other household members.

In a word, the disease has no chance of resisting the abundance of warmth and love that surrounds Dmitry from all sides. It is not without reason that the council of oncologists was amazed by the results of the treatment - in their many years of practice, such a restoration of all body functions in the shortest possible time occurs for the first time.

Fans of Dmitry Hvorostovsky and netizens continue to express condolences to the family and friends of the opera singer in connection with his death. Doctors agree that the brain tumor diagnosed in the artist in 2015 turned out to be fatal. Dmitry Gornastolev, an oncologist and medical director of the Medscan network of medical centers, told MIR 24 about what symptoms may indicate the presence of this disease and how its development is affected by the use of gadgets.

The most common type of brain tumor, and due to its malignancy, the most dangerous, is glioblastoma. At a late stage of development, it is almost impossible to defeat it: the probability of death is 97%.

The average life expectancy for glioblastoma is less than two years. Some patients receiving immunotherapy have a chance of long-term survival—up to eight years.

According to Gornastolev, glioblastoma accounts for about 60% of all brain cancers. It occurs, like other brain tumors, usually spontaneously and without any predisposing factors. The disease can be a manifestation of hereditary pathology in rare cases - there are only 2-3%.

However, experts do not identify risk groups for glioblastoma. It cannot be said that any people have a predisposition to the appearance and development of gliomas (primary brain tumors). Brain tumors are difficult to diagnose because they usually go on for a long time without any symptoms. Sometimes patients notice constant headaches, which are more active in the morning, as well as dizziness. Experts recommend paying attention to this and emphasize that migraine attacks may not be associated with the possible development of a tumor.

“The symptoms greatly depend on where the tumor is located,” says Gornastolev. – If in the frontal lobe, then behavioral changes and changes in mood will be expressed. If closer to the parietal lobe, sensitivity is impaired, epileptic seizures may occur, often with loss of consciousness. A tumor in the occipital lobe is manifested by visual disturbances - flashes of light. If in the cerebellum, then motor disorders occur, in the temporal lobe, auditory disorders are possible.”

Compared to other diseases (breast or prostate cancer, intestinal cancer), a brain tumor in Russians is a rare occurrence, but the growth rate of incidence is faster than the growth rate for other tumors, the oncologist said.

“If over the past ten years the incidence of all tumors has increased by approximately 20%, then the incidence of brain tumors has increased by 47%. What this is connected with is not entirely clear, but the time period coincides with the beginning of the active use of mobile devices in Russia. There are small scientific studies on this topic that do not exclude the dependence of brain tumors on the use of mobile phones,” Gornastolev said.

Let us remind you that Russian opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky was at his home in London on Wednesday morning at the age of 56. In June 2015, doctors diagnosed him with a brain tumor, and the artist was forced to cancel all planned performances and concerts in order to undergo chemotherapy. Within a couple of months, Hvorostovsky returned to the stage, but soon left it again for treatment.

Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in London at the age of 55.

People's Artist of Russia, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who suffered from cancer for a long time, died in London. The death of the singer was reported by Dmitry Malikov and Joseph Kobzon.

“I have information from my poetess Lilia Vinogradova, who was very close to him and who was there with him,” singer Dmitry Malikov told RIA Novosti.

A terrible diagnosis - a brain tumor - was made to Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who lived in London for many years, in June 2015. When the illness became known, the artist canceled his performances for two months and underwent several courses of chemotherapy at one of the cancer centers in London.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's return to the stage after a course of treatment took place on August 25, 2015 in New York on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera. However, in December 2016, the singer's health deteriorated and he again canceled all opera performances.

Hvorostovsky's middle daughter showed unknown footage of her father and mother in their youth

21-year-old Alexandra and her twin brother Danila buried both parents

The capsule with Hvorostovsky's ashes was delivered to Krasnoyarsk

A capsule with the ashes of People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky was delivered to Krasnoyarsk. Its director Anna Ilyina told RBC about this.

For further comments, she asked to contact the regional authorities. The press service of the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in turn, told RBC that they had no information about this.

As TASS was told by the acting Minister of Culture of the region Elena Mironenko, the official burial ceremony will take place after all issues have been resolved.

Hvorostovsky posthumously nominated for Grammy

The deceased opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky was nominated for an international Grammy music award. The Recording Academy of America released the full list of nominees on the awards website on Tuesday, November 28.

Hvorostovsky was nominated in the category “Best Classical Solo Album” for the disc “Sviridov: Cast Away Rus'”, recorded on the poems of Sergei Yesenin together with pianist Konstantin Orbelyan. A total of five albums are nominated for the award.

American rapper JAY-Z received the most nominations - he was nominated in eight categories. Hip-hop artist Kendrick Lamar follows with seven nominations.

The winners will be announced on January 28, 2018 in New York. The ceremony will be the 60th in a row. The previous award ceremony took place on the night of February 13 in Los Angeles. In the categories “Single of the Year”, “Best Album”, “Best Pop Solo Performance” and “Record of the Year” the statuettes went to British singer Adele.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 55 in London on November 22. He battled brain cancer for two and a half years.

Alexander Uss proposed creating a memorial in memory of Hvorostovsky

In Krasnoyarsk, several options for burying the urn with the ashes of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are being considered. Acting Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss put forward a proposal to build a special memorial complex on the banks of the Yenisei.

The name of the famous baritone can be given to the opera and ballet theater, this is his first place of work, or to the art institute from which he graduated. There is also an option to name the Great Concert Hall, where he gave his last concert, after Hvorostovsky.

The day before, on November 27, after farewell at the Moscow Philharmonic, the ashes of the great singer were cremated and divided into two parts, according to his will. One part will be buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery, and the other in Krasnoyarsk. The ashes will be delivered to the regional center by the Krasnoyarsk delegation.

The famous opera singer, a native of Krasnoyarsk, Dmitry Hvorostovsky died on November 22 after a long illness in London. Doctors diagnosed him with brain cancer.

At farewell to Hvorostovsky, Kobzon and Krutoy made heartfelt speeches

Hundreds of people came to see off the legendary Russian opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky on his final journey. The farewell ceremony took place in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, where crowds of people with flowers flocked from the very morning. Olga Golodets, Joseph Kobzon, Igor Krutoy, Lev Leshchenko and other famous social and political figures came to say goodbye to Hvorostovsky. People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 56 after a serious and long illness.

Farewell to Dmitry Hvorostovsky takes place in Moscow

At the civil memorial service in the Concert Hall. Hundreds of people came to P.I. Tchaikovsky

The civil funeral service takes place in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, where the outstanding singer performed more than once. Friends, relatives, colleagues, fans... To pay tribute to their favorite artist, people line up in a long line.

Dmitry Alexandrovich died last week at the age of 56. Recently he has been battling a serious illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow.

The farewell ceremony has been going on for about two hours. The line runs along the Satire Theater and stretches along the Garden Ring. Directly above the entrance to the Moscow Philharmonic is a portrait of Dmitry Hvorostovsky and the inscription “Forever with us.” The singer's voice comes from the speakers.

They say goodbye to a folk hero, whose passing is perceived as a personal pain. For a long time, the people with whom I managed to communicate could not believe that their idol had passed away so early. He was given much more talent than time.

“His extraordinary charm, his warmth and confidential conversation with the audience, when it seemed to everyone that he was singing just for them, is very valuable. Not every artist succeeds in this. And Hvorostovsky, I think that, in addition to the fact that he was a great artist, he had an unusually Russian soul.”

“We all feel a sense of deep pain. The great artist who glorified our vocal school abroad has passed away. In opera arias and songs by Russian and Soviet composers, in romances, he glorified our vocal school.”

- “When you give away positivity, beauty... This kind energy that came from him, from his voice, from his talent, from everything great about such a person is something unusual. When you listen, you feel like you’re floating somewhere between heaven and earth, so I really want to say thank you to him.”

Not just an artist - a person with a capital letter. Strong, fearless. For two and a half years, the artist fought the disease and was an example of how to live. When he passed away, Hvorostovsky’s family appealed to fans not to buy lush bouquets, but rather to transfer money to the cancer research fund.

The Moscow Philharmonic is a significant place for Hvorostovsky. A chamber, cozy hall, where he was always so warmly received. Here, as at the world’s best venues (La Scala, Metropolitan, Vienna Opera), there were never any extra tickets for his concert.

Now there are also hundreds of people in the Tchaikovsky Hall, many sitting in the audience seats, listening to the extraordinary voice of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. On stage are relatives and friends.

“My story, and that of most people who have heard him at least once, have seen him at least once, is connected with him. He penetrated into the consciousness of these people and gave many people happiness, love, faith in life, in beauty,” said People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Evgeny Gerasimov.

“We sincerely loved him and always looked forward to meeting him. And so, to our great regret, this meeting took place,” said People’s Artist of the USSR Joseph Kobzon. - And for some reason I remembered the poems of Yevgeny Yevtushenko, as if he dedicated them to Dmitry.

It's not possible to be immortal

but my hope:

if there is Russia,

that means I will too.”

The funeral ceremony continues. Farewell to Dmitry Hvorostovsky will take place until 14:00.

Farewell to Dmitry Hvorostovsky - live broadcast

The Channel Five camera operates in Moscow, in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Here, friends, relatives and fans say goodbye to the legendary opera singer.

As Channel Five previously reported, after the funeral service the cremation procedure will take place. Next, two capsules with the singer’s ashes will be buried in Moscow and his homeland in Krasnoyarsk - Hvorostovsky’s homeland.

Hvorostovsky always strived for perfection

Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away. A luxurious and world-famous opera baritone, of noble beauty, a handsome and courageous man... He was only 55 years old. The heyday. Incredibly talented, he conquered all stages and countries of the world. And he helped many more in difficult times, he managed to console and warm millions of people with the warmth of his beautiful voice.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky fought the disease to the last, but the terrible illness turned out to be insurmountable. President Vladimir Putin sent his condolences to the singer’s family and friends. Farewell to Dmitry Hvorostovsky will take place on November 27 in Moscow. Funeral - November 28 at the Novodevichy cemetery, not far from Chaliapin's grave.

The place on Novodevichy, where opera legends Sergei Lemeshev and Irina Arkhipova are buried. Here is the composer Sviridov, with whom Hvorostovsky loved to work. Fyodor Chaliapin is here too. Hvorostovsky is often compared to him. There are a lot of harmonies: a unique voice, a broad soul, and nationwide love.

Metropolitan Opera, Paris Opera, Bavarian Opera, Vienna Opera, La Scala - the main stages of the world pay tribute to the memory of the great baritone these days. London's Royal Covent Garden dedicates the performance "Rigoletto" to Dmitry Hvorostovsky - he prepared it. And November 27 on the Russia 1 channel is the day of farewell to the artist. We will see one of his best concerts - everyone’s favorite “Songs of the War Years”.

Moscow. Live. Hvorostovsky’s concert program “Songs of the War Years” was born at the table where Dmitry and his parents and conductor Konstantin Orbelyan, his friend, were sitting.

“Everything for me is connected with the war. Without the war, my parents would not have met. Without the war they would not have ended up in Germany. And without the war, I probably would not have been born. Dmitry always said that these war songs were always in their family. His grandfather died at the front in the first days of the war,” says Orbelyan.

Overnight, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and his father selected 25 songs to record. In 2004, the concert took place on Red Square. And for the 60th anniversary of the Victory, the singer went on a tour of the hero cities: St. Petersburg, Smolensk, Volgograd...

“The whole orchestra is crying, the whole choir is crying, but he stands and gives out words that were of such great importance to everyone,” recalls Konstantin Orbelyan.

“Many people asked the question how an opera singer would sing such legendary, brilliant songs. And he sang them in a completely non-operatic way. He found some kind of zest, some kind of key to these outstanding songs. Everything he touched was at the highest level,” emphasized pianist, People’s Artist of Russia Denis Matsuev.

All broadcasts of Hvorostovsky’s major concerts in Russia were conducted by the Rossiya 1 TV channel. War songs performed by Hvorostovsky were also performed in 2015 at the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the open air at VDNKh, where there were 245 thousand spectators. It was May 9th. And on the 29th Dmitry learned about his diagnosis.

“He was gifted by God. He was hardworking and strived for excellence. He was smart, took care of himself, and always looked chic. And even with an incurable illness he fought with a smile and very courageously,” noted Valery Gergiev, People’s Artist of Russia, artistic director, director of the State Academic Mariinsky Theater.

Charity evening “Dmitry Hvorostovsky and friends for children” at the Bolshoi Theater to help sick children. “Seeing suffering in the eyes of a child is terrible. When this face lights up with a cheerful smile, this is the main thing for which you need to live and try,” said Hvorostovsky.

“We quietly sang in two voices our favorite song “Moscow Nights.” I think everyone loves this song. And she was very sincere then. And thank you, Lord, that there are his recordings, that there is a memory, that today we can watch it,” admits People’s Artist of Russia, singer Khibla Gerzmava.

“He was incredibly sincere in everything. In life, on stage, how he behaved, including with friends. And sincerity, from my point of view, is precisely the revelation of the heart,” says conductor, People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Spivakov.

His last concert was in June in his native Krasnoyarsk, where he brought his friends - world opera stars - where he could not help but come.
Hvorostovsky bequeathed that part of the ashes be buried in Siberia, in his homeland.

A close friend of the artist told reporters about what happened to Dmitry Hvorostovsky during his illness.

A few days after the death of the world-famous Russian opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, journalists continue to learn the details of his life. So, a close friend of the celebrity, former children's ombudsman of the Russian Federation Pavel Astakhov, told KP about what happened to the artist during his fatal illness.

“Dima and I were very close friends, we just didn’t really advertise it. We have been family friends for more than 10 years. We visited each other and spent holidays together,” the lawyer admitted.

According to him, the last time he saw Dmitry was in September - during this period, Pavel Astakhov and his wife were visiting Hvorostovsky’s house in London.

“Of course, it was noticeable that it was hard for him. He didn't want to be seen in the position he had been in lately. His family was always by his side. We corresponded with him every day, we were constantly in touch, 24 hours,” said the ex-children’s ombudsman.
At the same time, before his death, the singer himself asked to be taken to the clinic.

“I was worried about the children, how they would react to everything. It wouldn’t be easy for the children (Nina is 10 years old, Maxim is 14 - editor’s note) to see everything...” added Astakhov.

The lawyer also said that in May 2015, doctors, having examined Dmitry’s tumor, gave him a maximum of 18 more months to live, but the singer fought the disease and lived another year longer.

“Even when he was seriously ill, he continued to do good deeds. The three concerts that we managed to do with him in 2014, 2015 and 2016 were charity ones, in support of sick children,” he said.

Astrakhov added that Dmitry hoped for a recovery, but the size of the tumor was very large and it was discovered too late.
“True, the first chemotherapy gave results. The tumor stopped growing. We were delighted. Him too. We saw how he worries, his soul rushes about, both believes and doesn’t believe... But already in the spring of 2017 it was clear that his condition was very serious,” admitted a friend of the late artist.
The human rights activist told reporters that Hvorostovsky then flew to St. Petersburg, fell and damaged the radial nerve, which effectively paralyzed his arm.

“The doctors tried to somehow relieve the pain and fixed the arm. And he said: “I’ll still fly to Krasnoyarsk. I have to go there." The doctors objected, given his state of health. But he is very obligatory. He promised to fly to his fellow countrymen - and he did. He performed in front of them with a black bandage on his arm, which I offered him - to match the color of his suit. Everyone saw how hard it was for him at the concert in Krasnoyarsk. In fact, he said goodbye to everyone,” recalls Astakhov.

In December 2016, Dmitry was going to fly to a concert in Krasnoyarsk. Then, according to the lawyer, the singer gave a concert in the Kremlin, and then in the Northern capital. On the eve of his flight to Krasnoyarsk, he felt unwell and canceled the flight. It turned out that the artist had a lung rupture.

“If this had happened on the plane, that would be it. He celebrated New Year 2017 in intensive care with a lung punctured in two places. Then ten days later a pneumothorax occurred (when air begins to accumulate between the chest wall and the lung. - Ed.). In general, after a lung rupture and pneumothorax, people die, in both cases. And he understood this. He told me: “Pasha, I could have died three times in this life, but I’m alive, which means I haven’t done everything yet!” We took him back to London. And when he began to feel better, began to walk, walk, he said: “I will definitely fly to St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk to perform.” And he kept his word, flew in in the spring and performed, no matter what it cost him,” the lawyer said.

The fortune left by Hvorostovsky was estimated at millions of dollars

During his life, experts believe, the opera singer managed to earn an impressive capital
While the relatives and friends of the famous opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who died of cancer, are preparing for the farewell ceremony and funeral, the public is actively discussing what kind of inheritance will go to the family of the artist who died at the age of 55. Earlier, lawyers announced a list of close relatives who would be able to lay claim to the executor’s property. It included the artist’s wife, Florence, his parents, as well as five children: 14-year-old son Maxim and 10-year-old daughter Nina from his second marriage, twins 21-year-old Alexandra and Danila from his first wife, and adopted daughter Maria, whom Hvorostovsky was adopted after his marriage to Svetlana.

It is they who will have to divide among themselves the elite townhouse with an area of ​​300 square meters, which the opera singer purchased in 2007 in a prestigious area of ​​London. The cost of the house is currently estimated at ten million pounds (about 800 million rubles). However, experts believe that this is not the only legacy left from the artist, who died on November 22. It is possible that during his lifetime, Hvorostovsky, who was repeatedly included in the rankings of the richest celebrities, earned a substantial fortune.

So, in the early 2000s, his annual income was approximately $2.4 million. And in 2005, 2006 and 2008, the singer even occupied prominent positions in the list of wealthy show business stars. By 2016, apparently due to the artist’s illness and less frequent performances, his earnings decreased slightly - to $1.8 million. However, Forbes magazine still included Hvorostovsky among the top Russian celebrities.

By the way, the opera singer did not shy away from participating in advertising campaigns. His worldwide fame has contributed to the fact that prestigious brands recognized throughout the world signed contracts with him. However, one day the artist appeared in a commercial for chocolates, although they tried to make the video as non-vulgar and in some way aristocratic as possible. It is worth noting that for one such contract, Hvorostovsky received at least 100 thousand dollars.

True, when assessing the condition of the deceased opera performer, one should not forget that serious sums were spent on his treatment for a brain tumor. The fight against oncology itself already requires considerable funds, and Hvorostovsky was also observed in one of the most expensive and prestigious clinics in the world - London's Royal Marsden. Just one course of chemotherapy at this medical institution costs about 100 thousand pounds (about 8 million rubles). In addition, the clinic performs procedures using a unique device that is not found anywhere else in the world. The cost of the device is 2.3 million pounds sterling, that is, almost 200 million rubles.

Hvorostovsky's fans donated more than 200 thousand rubles for cancer research

The family of opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky thanked his fans for their support and asked them not to send flowers, but to donate money to cancer research. The relatives' statement was published on the artist's Facebook page.

They invited fans to make donations to Cancer Research UK, which published an obituary for the opera singer on its website.

At the time of writing, fans of the Russian artist donated about 2.8 thousand pounds sterling (about 218 thousand rubles).

Hvorostovsky's family asked fans to donate to cancer research

The family of Russian opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who died on November 22, has asked his fans to donate to the British cancer research charity Cancer Research UK in his memory.

“The Hvorostovsky family would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support during this difficult time. "In lieu of flowers, they suggest donations be made to Cancer Research UK," the family said in a statement on the singer's Facebook page.

The website of the UK Cancer Research organization itself contains an obituary for Hvorostovsky and brief information about brain cancer. At the moment, the volume of donations made in memory of the singer amounted to 2 thousand 292 pounds sterling.

Hvorostovsky, who lived in London with his family for many years, died at the age of 56 after a long, serious illness - he had brain cancer.

Capsules with Hvorostovsky's ashes will be buried in Moscow and Krasnoyarsk

A capsule with part of the ashes of People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Hvorostovsky will be buried in Krasnoyarsk, the Ministry of Culture of the region told RIA Novosti.

Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk and is an honorary citizen of the region. He died on Wednesday morning in London after a long illness. At the end of June 2015, he announced that he was suffering from a brain tumor.

The department said that after farewell to Hvorostovsky, a cremation procedure will take place in Moscow. One capsule with ashes will be buried at the Novodevichy cemetery, and the other in Krasnoyarsk. The date of the funeral in the artist’s hometown is still unknown.

Hvorostovsky gained worldwide fame after winning the BBC television competition “Singer of the World” in Cardiff in 1989. There he was awarded the title “Best Voice” and received the main prize. After his debut at Nice Opera in Pyotr Tchaikovsky's opera The Queen of Spades, Hvorostovsky began to be invited to the world's best opera houses.

Hvorostovsky's body will be embalmed before being brought home

According to experts, the decay process in those who died from cancer is more intense.

Earlier it became known that farewell to the artist would take place in the Great Hall of the Conservatory on Monday, November 27. Dmitry Hvorostovsky will be buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

The artist died of a brain tumor in a London hospice surrounded by his family. Let us note that a month ago the opera singer celebrated his birthday; he turned 55 years old. According to relatives, the artist was full of creative plans and dreamed of returning to the stage.

Currently, Dmitry Hvorostovsky's family must settle legal formalities and prepare the body of the late artist for the farewell ceremony, which will take place in Moscow. The opera singer's body will be flown from London.

According to specialists responsible for applying post-mortem makeup, the decay processes of those who died from cancer are more intense. As Dni.ru writes, the body of Dmitry Hvorostovsky must be embalmed and made up before being delivered to his homeland.

“Embalming is a sanitary process using preservatives and microbe-killing thanatogel. This is necessary to disinfect the body and for better preservation before the farewell ceremony, as well as before long-term transportation,” experts noted.
“It is important to ensure the natural color of the skin during the funeral and give it a decent appearance, so that the face expresses peace, tranquility, and sleep,” the specialist said.

The news of the tragic death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky came as a complete surprise to many. Back in 2015, doctors gave the artist a disappointing diagnosis - a brain tumor. Note that the artist’s first wife, Svetlana Ivanova, passed away two years before the singer. Dmitry Hvorostovsky was having a hard time with his discord with his ex-wife. From his first marriage he left three children: twins Daniil and Alexandra and adopted daughter Maria. The opera singer was brought out of depression by his second wife, Florence Illy. She gave the artist two children: son Maxim and daughter Nina.

Hvorostovsky received an insulting refusal from Moscow

Friend Liliya Vinogradova said that Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who dreamed of singing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater after reconstruction, was never invited to give a concert on the main stage of Russia. The woman hinted at a disregard for the world-famous artist on the part of the theater management.

Russian poetess Liliya Vinogradova was a close friend of Dmitry Hvorostovsky. According to her, until the last minute the artist was passionate about singing: he sang and practiced every day. This was vital for him. Moreover, Hvorostovsky gave concerts as often as he could.

In June, Dmitry performed in his native Krasnoyarsk. “It was very important for him to come to Krasnoyarsk. He has an unbreakable connection with his hometown. It was very important for him to sing in Krasnoyarsk. Although doctors discouraged him from flying, he arrived there in serious condition. And thank God! And he did the right thing. It was very important for him,” said Vinogradova.

But things didn’t work out for Hvorostovsky with Moscow. The poetess hinted (and with obvious resentment) that the Bolshoi Theater did not meet the dream of the terminally ill Dmitry to perform on its stage after reconstruction. “The Bolshoi Theater did not consider it necessary. This was the theater’s attitude towards him…” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes Lilia Vinogradova.

On June 22 in Austria, the singer performs on the open stage of Grafenegg Castle. His partner was Aida Garifullina, who now cannot talk about Dmitry without tears. “He treated everyone with respect and love. Helped with advice and support. And at that concert in Grafenegg he quietly said to me: “I wish you great luck and success. You will succeed...This is my last concert.” Only I heard his words. It was during the bows, to the applause of the audience. And I burst into tears. It was clear: Dima was saying goodbye not only to me, but also to the stage, to the audience. I asked him not to say that, saying that there are still many concerts ahead, many happy years, the audience loves him very much... For an encore we performed “Moscow Evenings”. This was our final exit. The audience gave a standing ovation,” the publication quotes Garifullina as saying.

Stars publish their memorable photos with Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Russian actors, singers and musicians express condolences to the loved ones of Dmitry Hvorostovsky and publish their photographs with him, taken as a souvenir. Today, November 22, it became known that the opera singer died after a long illness.

Maria Mironova


Birthday. Frankfurt, October 16, 2016. He was a man of amazing charisma and beauty. Bright memory. Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

Khibla Gerzmava


It is impossible to convey or express words of grief; today the whole world, and not only the opera world, has lost a great man, singer, actor. I will remember our performances with trepidation and love; you have always been an amazing partner on stage and a friend in life! Your voice and music forever! God bless your family, I love you very much! RIP.

Anastasia Pokhodenko

Flowers are brought to the Bolshoi Theater in memory of Hvorostovsky. Live Stream

Fans of Dmitry Hvorostovsky bring flowers to the Bolshoi Theater building. The famous opera singer died at the age of 56 after a long and serious illness.

Details have emerged about the last hours of Hvorostovsky's life

Conductor and musician Konstantin Orbelyan told details about the last hours of the life of opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, RIA Novosti reports.

“Just last night I visited him. His parents came to see him yesterday, and he left at three in the morning,” Orbelyan said.

According to him, he often performed with the artist and was friends with him.

As Orbelyan noted, Hvorostovsky was a unique personality in everything, and the singer constantly surpassed himself, did everything not 100%, but 1000%.

“Any role became himself, he lived it. At any concert, he splashed enormous artistic and emotional energy into the audience. His landmark project of war songs transformed the country into a proud state. All this is impossible and unique. But Dima left,” said the conductor.

Kobzon: Hvorostovsky bequeathed to bury his ashes in Moscow and Krasnoyarsk

Joseph Kobzon said that the final decision on the burial ceremony will be made by the wife of the deceased opera singer

People's Artist of Russia, opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky, who died on Wednesday, left a will, according to which his body should be cremated, and the ashes should be divided into two parts and buried in Moscow and in the singer's homeland of Krasnoyarsk.

People's Artist of the USSR, famous singer and State Duma deputy Joseph Kobzon told reporters about this on Wednesday.
“He left a will... As he was, he left the same heroic will: to cremate him and bury part [of his ashes] in Moscow, and the second part in Krasnoyarsk. We are waiting, now his wife will make the final decision,” Kobzon said.
Dmitry Hvorostovsky died on November 22 in London after a long illness.

Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 56 in London.

After winning the International Opera Singing Competition in Cardiff in 1989, Hvorostovsky had engagements in the best opera houses in the world: Royal Theater Covent Garden, Bavarian State Opera, Berlin State Opera, La Scala, Vienna State Opera, Teatro Colon, Metropolitan Opera, Lyric Opera in Chicago, Mariinsky Theater, New Opera Theater, opera stage of the Salzburg Festival.

Hvorostovsky regularly performed with the best orchestras, such as the New York Philharmonic and the Rotterdam Philharmonic. Conductors with whom he has worked include James Levine, Bernard Haitink, Claudio Abbado, Lorin Maazel, Zubin Mehta, Yuri Temirkanov and Valery Gergiev.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky's repertoire includes the main roles in the operas "Eugene Onegin", "Iolanta" and "The Queen of Spades" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, "Rigoletto", "La Traviata", "Simon Boccanegra" and "Othello" by Giuseppe Verdi, "The Favorite" and " "Elisir of Love" by Gaetano Donizetti, "The Marriage of Figaro" and "Don Giovanni" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, "The Demon" by Anton Rubinstein, "The Tsar's Bride" by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, "The Barber of Seville" by Gioachino Rossini.

The singer also performed Russian folk songs, romances by Russian and foreign composers, baroque arias by Western European composers of the 16th-17th centuries and much more.

The famous baritone is considered one of the world's best performers of G.V. Sviridov's works.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky is a People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR named after Glinka.

In connection with the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, changes have occurred in the program of the Rossiya K TV channel. Today, November 22, at 15:10 (repeat at 01:30), there will be a concert by Dmitry Hvorostovsky in the Great Hall of the Conservatory. Romances by Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov will be performed. November 22 at 21:40 - Nika Strizhak’s original film “It’s me and the music...” - Dmitry Hvorostovsky’s reflections on creativity and the public, memories of interesting meetings and great stage partners.

Opera star and real rocker: Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away

The incredibly talented, charismatic opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 56. While still very young, he won the hearts of people all over the world and became not just a star of the opera stage, but a real rocker and rebel who broke stereotypes about opera performers, always did not the way he should, but the way he wanted, and fought a terrible disease until the end.

Gifted Rebel

Hvorostovsky was born in 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. His mother worked as a gynecologist, and his father was a chemical engineer, but music surrounded Dmitry from childhood. His father collected a collection of records from world stage stars, sang himself, played piano and introduced his son to Italian baritones Ettore Bastianini and Tito Gobbi, Russian bass Fyodor Chaliapin, and Greek soprano Maria Callas.

Hvorostovsky himself began to sing at the age of four, his father began teaching him to play the piano, soon they gave family concerts together, and then little Dima entered a music school. Initially, his teachers predicted a career as a pianist for him, although Hvorostovsky did not share their enthusiasm. It was impossible to call him an exemplary student - he skipped classes, received bad grades, and relationships with teachers did not work out.

© RIA Novosti / Viktor Akhlomov

Soloist of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Having somehow graduated from school, Hvorostovsky, unexpectedly for everyone, decided to enter the Gorky Pedagogical School as a music teacher, although his relatives expected him to become an artist at the Krasnoyarsk School of Arts. At this time, he became interested in rebellious music and began singing in a rock band. Dmitry did not like to remember this period, especially since it did not last long. The young man finally decided to settle down, heed the advice of his relatives and apply to the art school, which at that time had already become an institute. At the same time, he only wanted to get to Professor Ekaterina Iofel, who trained a whole generation of opera performers. It was she who marked the beginning of his opera career.

November 22, 2017

After Zhanna Friske and Mikhail Zadornov, the singer who left us today became another victim of a brain tumor. Is it possible to prevent this disaster, what symptoms should everyone listen to, said candidate of medical sciences Aleksey Kashcheev.

photo: www.hvorostovsky.com

According to the doctor, treatment for glioblastoma greatly depends on the financial condition of the patient. “Not every person has access to modern treatment methods abroad, which can be more effective. But in general, glioblastoma (also known as glioma multiforme, also known as glioma-Grade IV) is currently a largely mysterious disease,” said Alexey Alekseevich. - The disease is characterized by multiple genetic damage in the glial cells of the brain, which leads to the rapid expansion of a malignant tumor.

The main problem is that with this type of tumor the tumor is the entire brain, and not a separate part of it, because the genetic damage is everywhere. The difference from tumors such as neuroma, or meningioma, or even cancer metastases, which have a border, is that these tumors do not have a border, either on the images or during surgery. Therefore, in fact, it is impossible to completely remove this tumor. More often it occurs in the brain, sometimes in the spinal cord. It is the most common primary brain tumor. Therefore, the fact that celebrities die from it is not something special - tens and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people die from it.”

Alexey Kashcheev said that there is no way to prevent this disease. This is not an HIV infection that can be prevented by contraception, for example. “Unfortunately, this is a person’s genetic destiny,” the doctor said. — Glioblastoma is the most fatal brain tumor, but far from the only one. In Japan, which more than other countries faces the problem of oncogenesis due to radiation and other factors, according to standards, all adult residents undergo an MRI once every three years. If a person has the financial opportunity, then there is a reason to periodically do an MRI of the brain. In our country, the Japanese option is not suitable, if only because compulsory insurance does not pay for MRI for no reason, and most people are not ready to pay for it.

But we must ensure that an MRI is done for any persistent, atypical headache of unknown origin, especially morning headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In case of a one-time attack of loss of consciousness with or without convulsions, with the appearance of any neurological symptoms, for example, weakness in the limbs, rapidly progressive decrease in vision.” The doctor also noted that this will not be a warning of the tumor, but only its early diagnosis, and since other tumors are not so fatal, early diagnosis allows them to be treated in a timely manner, and sometimes without surgery. “There are so-called low-grade gliomas with low malignancy, they are well controlled by radiation therapy, and people with it can live for decades. I have an acquaintance who has been living with her for nine years,” Kashcheev said in an interview with gazeta.ru.



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