Proper nutrition is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating


The body must be kept in such a state that the soul does not want to leave it.

A man is what he eats. Food should be medicine and medicine should be food.

Nowadays, most people do not think about how important the role proper and healthy eating for a full and happy life. Rational nutrition is one of the main factors of a healthy lifestyle and, as a result, maintaining and improving health.

This is a fundamental and constantly operating element that ensures adequate processes of growth and development of the body. Proper and balanced nutrition promotes harmonious physical and neuropsychic development, increases resistance to infectious diseases, increases immunity and resistance to adverse environmental conditions.

The majority of the population does not respect their health. A banal lack of time, an information vacuum in matters of food culture, the conditions and pace of modern life - all this has led to the wrong choice of products. The complete lack of competence in nutrition culture among the majority of the population, and generally any knowledge in this area, leads to the fact that by the age of 30-35, most people have a whole bunch of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems, obesity, diabetes, thyroid problems, etc.

As a result of all this, not only the duration, but also the quality of everyday life decreases, which cannot but affect the physical and mental state of society as a whole. Proper and healthy nutrition is the most powerful factor influencing the human body, no less powerful in strength than a surgeon’s scalpel or hormonal therapy.

Nutrition in a person's life can be compared to the operation of a car. Let's say you have a car, and you want it to serve you for a long time and faithfully, and not let you down. What are you doing for this? Fill it with high-quality gasoline, change the oil, small parts, etc. on time. That is, you care about her. Our organism, our body is the same machine. And the state of our body, both external and internal, will depend on the quality, quantity and balance of fuel, in our case - nutrition.

Most people don't think about this and it's a waste. Many people care, first of all, about external beauty, forgetting that the external state is a reflection of the internal. People try to hide the fat folds on their stomach, arms and legs with clothes; they apply a bunch of different creams, cosmetics, etc. to their face and body to hide imperfections. That is, they want to hide or disguise the symptoms, but no one wants to fight the cause.

And until people understand this, start thinking with their own heads, and change their worldview, everything will remain in its place without change. A person will blame anyone for this, but not himself. He will look for a bunch of excuses, excuses and reasons. It’s not for nothing that there is such an expression - if you want to change the world, start changing yourself!

Where to start on your path to a healthy lifestyle?

First of all, you need to ask yourself the question - why do I need to lose weight and eat right? Everyone must understand for themselves that healthy and proper nutrition is a way of life, a lifelong diet, and not a limited period of time. This must become a habit in order to develop a skill. In fact, not only our appearance depends on proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition- this is, first of all, our internal state, the work of our organs (brain, heart, liver, kidneys, etc.) and systems (endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, etc.). Your emotional state, physical and mental activity, and as a result, your lifestyle and destiny depend on nutrition.

Many people believe that the cause of most diseases is a coincidence or genetic predisposition. In fact, it is the absence balanced and healthy diet in the diet of most people. Of course, we can say that, in fact, we were not taught to eat properly, the culture of nutrition was not instilled in us from childhood, and, most importantly, the value of nutrition in the development of a person as a person, purposeful, and clear-minded was not explained.

Many people view food as a way to satisfy their food receptors, some make a whole cult out of it. But it is important to understand one thing: food is primarily a source of energy and vitality. Therefore, it should be useful and balanced. A person needs to understand that his body and organism as a whole are not a trash can or a landfill.

That is why you cannot throw “dead” refined food and any gastronomic garbage into it, which most modern supermarkets are filled with. We have one body, from birth to end, we cannot change it or throw it away like some other thing. Therefore, it needs to be protected, nourished with energy from food, and constantly kept in good shape. Love, appreciate and respect yourself!

You need to start by reviewing your diet, the quality and quantity of food. First, let's figure out what food components a proper healthy diet should consist of. All the foods we eat are made up of chemical components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber (fiber), vitamins, minerals and water. Each component has its own role in maintaining health and tissue repair.

Protein (protein) - the main macronutrient healthy and proper nutrition

So, let's start with protein. Protein is the building material of all tissues of the human body. The words protein and protein are synonyms. "Protein" in English means protein. Remember this and do not confuse protein with chemistry. Skin, bones, hair, nails, internal organs - the entire human body is built from protein molecules. These are the “building blocks” of the human body.

Protein molecules are made up of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks into which protein is broken down in the stomach. To build basic proteins in the body, 20 amino acids are used, 10 of which are nonessential, that is, they can be synthesized in the body from other products, 8 are essential, that is, they must be supplied to the body from food, and 2 are conditionally essential.

The quality and high biological value of the protein will depend, first of all, on the presence of all essential amino acids in the appropriate proportion. Most essential amino acids in quantity and quality are found in proteins of animal origin (fish, seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products), as well as in our product, unique in its composition and balance - Healing bean.

The energy value of 1g of protein in food is 4 kcal. The daily protein requirement for any person according to medical standards is 1g/1kg of body weight. For example, for a person weighing 50 kg, the daily protein requirement will be 50 g. The need for protein increases during the growth and development of the body, illness, sports competitions, as well as for people who want to lose excess weight (1.5 - 2 g /1kg weight). For people engaged in active physical activity (fitness, bodybuilding, weightlifting, etc.), protein needs increase to 2-2.5 g/1 kg of weight.

It should be noted that to prepare protein foods you need to use boiling, grilling, baking, and steaming. You should not fry, as during frying most of the amino acids are destroyed and the protein loses its biological value.

The main rule in preparing protein foods is moderate heat treatment. It should be noted that the diet for people trying to lose weight should consist mainly of protein foods combined with fiber (vegetables), and with a moderate amount of carbohydrates and fats.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body

If protein is the building material, the “bricks,” then carbohydrates are the energy material, or “the workers who build them.” What could be more important than energy? The human body gets it from carbohydrates. All the main sources of carbohydrates are products of plant origin, so we can say that with their help we, in a sense, receive the energy of the Sun.

The energy value of 1 g of carbohydrates is 4 kcal. But, unlike proteins, carbohydrates are not building materials, but are intended exclusively for energy production in the human body. That is why people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or work in a sedentary position should not get carried away with carbohydrates, as unclaimed energy will be deposited in fat cells.

There are two types of carbohydrates - simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates include glucose and fructose. Sources include sweet fruits, candies, pastries, cakes, cookies, fast food and many other refined carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates very quickly increase blood sugar levels, this leads to the release of insulin, which reduces the level of this sugar and “stores” excess unclaimed energy, mainly in the form of fat deposits.

Here you must understand a very important thing - the more often such insulin surges occur during the day, the higher the likelihood of gaining excess weight, as well as developing type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and other diseases. Such insulin surges are caused not only by simple carbohydrates, but also by rare meals and fasting.

In order for the blood sugar level to increase gradually, without jumps and harm to the body, there is a second type of carbohydrates - complex ones. These include compounds such as starch, glycogen and cellulose (fiber). They are found in products such as cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, barley, etc.), rice, whole grain bread (with bran), durum wheat pasta, potatoes, and vegetables.

It takes the body a longer time to break them down into individual sugar molecules. This helps maintain stable blood sugar levels for several hours - this is the main advantage of complex carbohydrates. Thanks to them, for 2.5-3 hours we do not feel hungry, there is no sudden release of insulin, and the energy level remains stable.

When discussing carbohydrates, we must not forget about such a concept as glycemic index (GI). GI is a measure of how much a food raises blood sugar levels. Glucose is taken as the absolute value, with a GI of 100%. Foods with a high GI most often include foods containing simple carbohydrates; complex carbohydrate foods usually have a low GI.

The glycemic index also depends on the method of preparing carbohydrate foods. The higher the cooking temperature for carbohydrate foods, the higher the GI of the product. Therefore, a little advice - cook cereals and pasta until partially cooked. Vegetables also don't like high temperatures! You can find a more detailed table of products with GI indicator on the Internet.

For those who want to stay slim and fit, nutritionists recommend eating slowly digestible carbohydrates, which are found in the foods listed above. Particular attention should be paid to foods rich in fiber - primarily vegetables, as well as fruits. Vegetables should be present in every meal.

Fiber improves intestinal motility, cleanses the body of waste, toxins and free radicals. Also, carbohydrate foods, in particular cereals and cereals, are rich in B vitamins. Such well-known porridge as buckwheat is considered the “queen” among cereals, since it is the most fortified. So buckwheat should definitely be present in everyone’s diet.

Second and third places are shared by oatmeal and pearl barley, which are also rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. The daily intake of carbohydrates is approximately 2-3g/1kg of body weight. This amount will decrease if a person wants to lose excess weight and increase if your goal is to gain muscle mass.

An important point is that when a feeling of hunger appears, a person most of all wants something sweet. Avoid this feeling, eat small and frequent meals. If you can’t eat a full meal, but the feeling of hunger makes itself felt, eat a handful of nuts. They contain protein and healthy fats, which will be discussed below.

If you really want something sweet, make your choice on fruits, honey, or, in extreme cases, chocolate with a high cocoa content. Another important point for those who want to get rid of extra pounds is to take most of the carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and in the second half, focus on proteins and fiber.

The optimal amount of fiber in the body eliminates the feeling of hunger and stimulates metabolism. That is why fiber is one of the tools in the fight against extra pounds. Clean skin and blush on the cheeks are associated with the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And fiber and products containing it are just what you need!

It is used as one of the main means, the use of which leads to the improvement of the entire body. Our product Healing Bean contains not only a large amount of protein, healthy fats, but also fiber necessary for health and beauty. This once again confirms the uniqueness and usefulness of Healing Bean!!!

Fats - harm or benefit?

Fats are no less necessary for health and maintaining excellent shape than other food components. The energy value of 1g of fat is 9 kcal. The approximate daily fat intake is 0.5 - 1g/1kg of body weight. Fats are essential in our proper and healthy diet and should never be excluded. Fats, also known as lipids, are a component of living cells. The walls of blood vessels, the membranes of organs, and our brain are made of fat.

Lipids can be saturated or unsaturated. The first group includes fats of animal origin (meat, dairy products). The second is vegetable fats, the sources of which are products such as unrefined vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, rapeseed, pumpkin seeds, grape seeds), nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, etc.), avocado and fish oil. Vegetable fats (mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids) are necessary to maintain the health of the entire body, beauty and slimness.

Lipids contain fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E, K. Therefore, by depriving ourselves of fat, we deprive ourselves of such very important vitamins. Vegetable fats help fight cholesterol, excess weight, irritability, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, and are also necessary for the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Most of the necessary hormones are produced from fats.

Water is a vital component of a healthy and proper diet

Water is the basis of life and is the most vital component of nutrition. The human body is 60-70% water. Despite the fact that water has no energy value, that is, it has no calorie content, all processes of energy production in the human body occur in an aquatic environment and are greatly hampered by insufficient water consumption. Also, one of the most important functions of water is thermoregulation, i.e. maintaining normal human body temperature. The daily water requirement is approximately 30 ml/1 kg of body weight.

During a water shortage, metabolism also suffers. It is the lack of moisture that becomes the culprit of excess weight and the inability to quickly achieve the desired shape! Water moisturizes the skin and mucous membranes, cleanses the body of waste and toxins, and is the basis of joint fluid. If you notice that you are starting to have problems with excess weight, drink a glass of warm water every time you “want something tasty.” We often experience “false hunger,” under the guise of which elementary thirst appears.

Be sure to drink a glass of warm water after a night's sleep. You can add a little lemon juice to this water, thus cleansing our gallbladder of stagnant bile and harmful viruses that are on the walls of our stomach. After sleep, the body is in a state of dehydration, the blood is thickened, and metabolic processes are slow. One or two glasses of water solves this problem and ensures the normal functioning of your body.

In addition to organic substances - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - The human body needs minerals and vitamins. These are vital nutritional components. The human body is very sensitive to the lack of minerals in food. Minerals are necessary for the normal course of metabolic and energy processes, the activity of the nervous system, as well as for water-salt metabolism and electrolyte balance in the human body.

They play an important role in the plastic processes of tissue construction. The most significant minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, chlorine, iodine, fluorine, iron, copper, manganese, selenium. Vitamins, like minerals, are essential components in human nutrition. They are necessary for the normal course of metabolic and energy processes in the body, as well as for the construction of all types of tissues. Vitamins are divided into two categories: water-soluble (vitamin C and B vitamins) and fat-soluble (A, D, E, K).

I would like to say a few words about our product. Healing Bean is rich in complete protein, which includes all essential amino acids, healthy fatty acids, as well as essential minerals and vitamins, which makes it an indispensable product in the diet of not only overweight people, but also children, athletes, people involved in active activities. mental activity.

Healing bean improves immunity, reduces fat mass, improves well-being, normalizes hormonal levels, improves nutrition of all cells, organs and systems, restores the central nervous system, prevents stress, strengthens the ligamentous system, improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth.

This is not a complete list of the beneficial properties that Healing Bean has. Our product has no contraindications, which makes it even more important and unique for each of us!!!

And so, we briefly reviewed the main components of food, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, water, vitamins and minerals.

Now that you know what a proper and healthy diet should consist of, we will look at the principles of building a diet. Our task is not to give you a list of foods that you should eat, but to teach you PRINCIPLES OF PROPER NUTRITION. The most fundamental point that everyone who wants to get in shape, improve the tone of their body, lose excess weight and lead a healthy lifestyle should know - you should not starve!

A very common and serious mistake is made by people who want to lose excess weight - they stop eating! What is happening at this moment in our body? Our body is the greatest phenomenon created by God. And it is impossible to deceive him. The moment a person stops eating or consumes insufficient amounts of essential nutrients, our brain gives a signal to all body systems to adjust to an economical mode of operation.

In other words, METABOLISM begins to slow down. What is metabolism and how does it affect the functioning of our body? Metabolism (metabolism) is the totality of all processes of transformation of substances and energy in the human body. Basic metabolism is the amount of energy a person needs to maintain life in a state of complete rest per day. One of the important factors affecting metabolic rate is diet.

It was fluctuations in calorie content and fundamental errors in diet that became the key mistake of humanity. For a more complete understanding, it should be noted that the slower the metabolism, the less energy a person spends, and, conversely, the faster, the greater the energy consumption. Your diet affects your metabolic rate throughout the day. To make it easier to understand the logic of the human body, you can compare metabolism to a constantly burning fire. To maintain a fire, of course, you constantly need firewood - food and calories.

When a person sleeps, the metabolism slows down, the fire burns calmly. After waking up, the body instinctively speeds up the metabolism, the fire is ready to flare up, as if the wind is blowing on it, but you urgently need to add more wood. The best “firewood” for our body in the morning is a combination of complex and simple carbohydrates along with protein foods.

We will take complex carbohydrates from food sources such as cereals and cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, millet and other porridges), and simple carbohydrates from fruits. We will use eggs or dairy products as protein. Here is the BASIC PRINCIPLE of preparing the right breakfast, nothing complicated! In order to calculate your basal metabolic rate, you can use the Miflin Sant Geroa formula, which can be found on the Internet.

Next, the task throughout the day is to maintain the fire in a state of active combustion. To do this, every 2.5 - 3 hours you need to “throw firewood” into it, that is, from a logical point of view, everything is generally very simple! The most common mistake: it was not possible to have a proper breakfast - the wind blew on the fire in the morning, but it could not flare up, there was no or little firewood. Metabolism remained at a slow, smoldering level.

In the end, you got to the table and threw such a big armful of firewood into the fire... Well, you understand, the firewood didn’t burn out, the excess hung like an extra burden. From the above, we can conclude that in order to feel good and not gain excess weight, you MUST have a proper breakfast! It's like dogma. Ideal situation: With frequent, split meals throughout the day, your body will burn more energy than, for example, with two substantial meals.

What do we see in real life? A man wakes up in the morning, drinks coffee and a sandwich and goes to work. After an hour, he begins to feel a strong feeling of hunger, he snacks on some chocolate or cookies with tea, and dulls his hunger until lunch. At lunch there is a more or less full meal, and there is again a long pause in time before the evening meal.

A person comes home from work with a strong feeling of hunger, and then the fun begins. He starts eating everything he sees. This is a clear example of how not to eat if your goal is to maintain health, stable body weight, lack of excess weight, and good health. The human body is constantly in search of a balance between wasted and consumed energy.

Body weight remains constant if the human body is in a state of energy balance, that is, the total amount of incoming energy is equal to the amount of energy expended. If there is an excess of incoming energy, the body tries to store it, that is, “store it”. The easiest way to do this is in the form of fat deposits.

It is very important to plan your diet so that you get 5-6 split meals every 2.5-3 hours per day. There is no need to be afraid of these numbers. Let's start with the fact that eating three times a day is contrary to human nature. This diet is subordinated to the needs of production and does not meet the physiological needs of the body. Moreover, it is harmful.

A long break between meals critically lowers blood sugar levels and entails the secretion of harmful catabolic (destructive) hormones. Also, with such rare meals, bile stagnation occurs, and this can lead to cholelithiasis. Due to eating three meals a day, the blood sugar level keeps jumping.

As a result, hormonal metabolism associated with nutrition also becomes unstable. All this results in excess fat deposits, mood swings and negatively affects the tone, shape and slimness of the figure. Of these 5-6 meals, three are full meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as two or three snacks - second breakfast, afternoon snack and before bed.

An important place in a healthy diet is, in fact, the preparation of food itself. The best methods are steaming, grilling, baking, boiling, stewing. We exclude frying; in rare cases it can be used, but without oil. We try to eat as little sugar as possible; it is better to replace it with honey. Almost all foods are rich in salt, so it is better not to overuse it.

It is acceptable to take coffee and tea, but not in bags, but brewed (leaf), no more than 2 cups per day. Do not forget about maintaining a drinking regime (30 ml of water per kg of body weight). Vegetables are used in the form of salads; be sure to season them with vegetable oil (olive or flaxseed) to supply the body with the necessary unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, 6 and 9. By the way, HEALING BEANS are rich in such acids.

The food industry has made great strides in producing new food products over the past 20-30 years. And this is not surprising, because this is big business. With the advent of new technologies, manufacturers have been able to obtain new products and extend the shelf life of those products that already exist. But, unfortunately, such technologies negatively affect the quality of the products themselves, and, as a result, the health and appearance of millions of people around the world.

These “new” products use cheap ingredients, preservatives and many other chemicals as raw materials. Such products have filled almost all the shelves of supermarkets and stores. But some 20-30 years ago the amount of variety of food was minimal, people were healthy, and there was no such massive obesity among nations. Worth thinking!!!

Such “junk” food includes all refined products, such as mayonnaise, ketchup, processed foods, chips, canned foods, etc. You need to protect yourself as much as possible from such products. And one more unpleasant disadvantage of such food is that it is addictive. Substances that are found in such “junk” food affect the central nervous system, thereby increasing the desire for a person to eat more and more of such food. BE CAREFUL DON'T FALL FOR THIS HOOK!!!

Our HEALING BEAN product helps fight the negative effects of “junk” food on the human body, making it healthy, beautiful and fit.

The secret of proper nutrition is not in choosing the necessary products once and for all, but in the ability to combine them correctly. This is a very important point to remember. Don't look for some magic diet. If a diet has a name, then most likely it doesn’t work.

There are two simple rules to make every meal not only tasty, but also effective. RULE ONE. Eat any lean source of protein three times a day. Just add complex carbohydrates and fruit to it for breakfast, complex carbohydrates and vegetables for lunch, only vegetables for dinner (if you are losing weight) and vegetables with complex carbohydrates (if you are gaining muscle mass).

RULE TWO. Between main meals, it is imperative to have a snack - do not forget about the second breakfast and afternoon snack. For this we will use Our perfect product - HEALING BEAN

And, analyzing the above, we can draw the following conclusions on planning a proper and healthy diet for people who want to lose excess weight, and those who want to be healthy and beautiful:

Under no circumstances should you fast or exclude any food component.

Meals should be split, in small portions, 5-6 times a day, including three main meals and two or three snacks

Food should be balanced in quantity and quality of nutrients consumed - complex carbohydrates with protein and fiber in the morning and lunch, for dinner - protein and fiber, snacks mainly protein, with our HEALING BEAN

Be sure to follow the drinking regime during the day - 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight

The best sources of protein are lean meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products and HEALING BEANS. Protein is the foundation of your diet.
The best sources of carbohydrates are cereals, durum wheat pasta, bran bread, fruits, and honey. Your enemies are sugar, flour products, sweets, cakes, and all products containing trans fats and sugar. These enemies are your fat folds!!!
The best sources of fats are mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (olive, flaxseed, grape, rapeseed, soybean oils, nuts, avocado, fish oil) and, in small quantities, saturated fatty acids - meat, dairy products, butter.

We exclude as much as possible all “junk” food - dressings, ketchup, mayonnaise, processed foods, confectionery and other foods that cause surges in sugar in the body and a number of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

We definitely include HEALING BEAN in our diet - this is a unique product in its composition, properties and usefulness, which should become an indispensable food not only for people who want to lose excess weight, but also for children, the elderly, athletes, and simply supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

Be sure to include fruits and vegetables (fiber) in your diet.

Nutrition pyramid

If you want to be healthy, eat every day...
1. 1-2 servings of nuts or avocado (1 serving is a handful of nuts, 2 tablespoons of nut butter or ½ avocado);
2. 2-4 servings of fat (1 serving is 1 tbsp olive or flaxseed oil);
3. 2-4 servings of dairy products (1 serving is 100 ml low-fat milk, 180 ml natural yogurt, 30 g low-fat cheese or cottage cheese);
4. 2-4 servings of fruit (1 serving is 1 fruit or 20 g of dried fruit);
5. 2-4 servings of carbohydrates (1 serving is 2 pieces of whole grain bread (with bran), 40 g of rice (brown, unpolished, wild, less often white), pasta (from durum wheat), buckwheat, oatmeal, barley and other cereals, except semolina);
6. at least 3 servings of vegetables (1 serving is 100g of any vegetables (it is advisable to choose green vegetables, and in season), except potatoes);
7. 4-8 servings (1 serving is 100g of any lean meat (beef, rabbit, less often pork, lamb), poultry (chicken, turkey loin) or fish and seafood (it is best to choose fresh sea fish, shrimp, squid and etc.), 2 tbsp HEALING BEAN, 3 egg whites.)
This diagram is an indication of what the ratio of different foods in the diet should be. The amount of food consumed will depend on your physical parameters - height, weight (ratio of muscle and fat mass).
A sample healthy week might look like this:

Breakfast - omelet with vegetables, fruit,

Lunch - chicken with rice and vegetables
Afternoon snack - nuts and fruits
Dinner - fish with vegetables

Breakfast - boiled eggs, toast, vegetables
Second breakfast - yogurt with nuts
Lunch - pasta with vegetables and chicken fillet

Dinner - fish with vegetables
Before bed - Healing beans + cottage cheese
Breakfast - oatmeal, eggs
Second breakfast - salad with vegetables and cheese
Lunch - lean beef, buckwheat, vegetables
Afternoon snack - protein shake using HEALING BEAN
Dinner - turkey with vegetables
Before bed - Healing beans + cottage cheese
Breakfast - barley, eggs
Second breakfast - protein shake using HEALING BEAN
Lunch - jacket potatoes, chicken fillet, vegetables
Afternoon snack - nuts, fruit
Dinner - rabbit or fish, vegetables
Before bed - Healing beans + cottage cheese
Breakfast - omelet with toast
Second breakfast - yogurt with fruit
Lunch - turkey fillet, pasta, vegetables
Afternoon snack - protein shake using HEALING BEAN
Dinner - beef steak, vegetables
Before bed - Healing beans + cottage cheese
Breakfast - vegetables with omelet
Second breakfast - diet bread with cheese
Lunch - fish, rice, vegetables
Afternoon snack - protein shake using HEALING BEAN
Dinner - chicken fillet and vegetables
Before bed - Healing beans + cottage cheese
Breakfast - oatmeal with nuts, fruit
Second breakfast - protein shake using HEALING BEAN
Lunch - turkey, vegetables, buckwheat
Afternoon snack - fruits and nuts
Dinner - beef with vegetables
Before bed - Healing beans + cottage cheese

This is an approximate nutrition plan, the purpose of which is to show the principle of building a healthy and proper diet. There are three main meals, which include essential nutrients depending on the time of day, as well as 3 snacks. As you can see, we take Healing Bean twice a day between main meals.

The first time you can consume HEALING BEAN is for second breakfast or an afternoon snack in the form of a cocktail, the recipe for which you will find below, and also before bed. WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO TAKE HEALING BEAN BEFORE BED? During sleep, especially in the first two hours after falling asleep, one of the most important endocrine glands, the PITUITARY PHYSUS, begins to secrete a hormone such as SOMATOTROPIN, or simply Growth Hormone.

This is a very important hormone that performs a number of vital functions, such as renewal of cells, organs and body systems (hair, skin, nails, muscles, etc.), reduction of fat mass and many others. If you wish, you can find more detailed information on the Internet. But there is one big “BUT”!

If before bedtime a person eats fatty foods or “fast” carbohydrates (cakes, cookies, candies, sandwiches and any other “junk” food), then growth hormone will not be released, therefore, the person will gain fat mass, its cells, organs and systems will not be updated or restored properly.

This is a big problem for the majority of the world's population, but each of you can change it. AND WHY DOES THE BODY RELEASE THAT GROWTH HORMONE, YOU ASK??!! The main condition is the presence of protein (amino acids) in the diet, in particular amino acids such as arginine and glutamine, especially before bedtime.

HEALING BEAN contains all the necessary amino acids that help increase the production of GROWTH HORMONE. And if in children and young men who have not reached the age of 25, growth hormone is still secreted in the required amount, then after 25 years the natural production of this hormone decreases, and therefore the importance of maintaining proper nutrition and consuming our Healing Bean increases many times over.

And here, in fact, is the recipe for the protein shake itself. For this we need a mixer, blender or shaker. Take a glass of milk (low fat), 1 tsp. honey, 1 banana, and 1 tbsp. HEALING BEAN. Pour all ingredients into a mixer and beat until smooth. That's all, the cocktail is ready!

The second version of the cocktail is milk, 1-2 tbsp. oatmeal, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. HEALING BEAN. Friends, in fact, there can be a lot of cocktail options; instead of milk, you can use yogurt, kefir, juice, or any other fruit, but always with the addition of HEALING BEANS.

Dear friends! Proper nutrition and a rationally structured nutrient intake regimen are a large part of a healthy lifestyle. But for our healthy lifestyle to be complete, we need to add a little physical activity and reduce stress. Everyone should choose the type of physical activity from their own capabilities.

For some people there is an opportunity to visit a gym

It is impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle without organizing proper nutrition. A properly balanced diet is aimed not only at suppressing hunger, but also at improving the health of the entire body. If you follow the rules of a healthy diet, you are less likely to get sick, your immune system is strengthened, you have good spirits, and your overall tone increases.

Healthy eating rules

A balanced nutrition scheme for a healthy lifestyle (abbreviated as healthy lifestyle) is based on three basic principles: regularly supplying the body with all necessary nutrients and vitamins, maintaining a diet, taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body, as well as its age.

Nutritionists identify several basic rules on which proper nutrition is based:

  1. Food shouldn't be a cult. Nutrition is the basis for the life of the body, and only secondarily is food consumption a pleasure and a ritual.
  2. Fresh and natural products. You should try to eat only freshly prepared food (in extreme cases, semi-finished products). You should not buy ready-made food in stores.
  3. Balanced diet. The diet should include all available food groups; it is better not to replace or exclude any of the groups. At the same time, be sure to maintain proportions and try to diversify the menu.
  4. Snacks. If you really want a snack, you can eat some fruit, dried fruit or nuts. You should not snack on chips, crackers, sweet cookies or chocolates.
  5. Food restrictions. If possible, you should eat low-fat foods, limit the consumption of sugar, alcohol, salt, and avoid chips, soda, and mayonnaise.
  6. Physical exercise. The amount of food eaten should be balanced with appropriate physical activity.
  7. Cooking. For a healthy lifestyle, it is better to refuse (or limit as much as possible) fried, spicy, smoked foods, and give preference to boiled, stewed and baked foods.
  8. Plant and animal food. The basis of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits, and it is advisable to consume them fresh or steamed. This does not mean that you should give up meat altogether, just that the share of vegetables in your diet should be several times higher.
  9. Calorie content. It is important to monitor the caloric content of the daily diet - the calories consumed should be exactly as many as are “burned” by the body per day. It is necessary to calculate your individual daily calorie intake and use the table of caloric content of foods.
  10. Diet. The nutrition menu for a healthy lifestyle should be divided into 4-6 meals. This nutritional system prevents a person from getting hungry, does not overload the gastrointestinal tract and improves metabolism.

Proper nutrition helps slow down the processes of premature aging in the body, the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, avoid diseases of the digestive tract, hypertension, diabetes, etc.

However, you should not expect that switching to proper nutrition will give instant results. Sleep gradually normalizes, more energy appears, immunity to diseases increases, weight normalizes - the person begins to feel better and healthier.

Food pyramid of proper nutrition

Nutritionists have combined the fundamental principles of nutrition for a healthy lifestyle into a nutrition pyramid, thanks to which you can create your own diet. The pyramid does not represent specific products, but their groups.

The pyramid is designed in such a way that at the bottom (at the base) there are foods that should be consumed most often, and at the top there are groups of foods that should be consumed as rarely as possible or completely excluded from the diet.

Let's look at the pyramid of proper nutrition from bottom to top:

  • Whole grain products: oatmeal, pasta, rice, whole grain bread, cereal. These products are the basis of a healthy diet, because... provide a person with complex carbohydrates - the main source of energy. If you consume these products without butter, cheese, sauces, they will not lead to weight gain, but, on the contrary, will correct it.
  • Vegetables (and vegetable juices). This group provides the body with vitamins, is a source of protein and does not contain fat. The highest amounts of nutrients are found in yellow, green and orange vegetables and starchy vegetables (potatoes).
  • Fruits (fruit juices). The richest source of nutrients, as well as the lowest calorie group. Fruits will be useful in any form: canned, fresh, frozen, dried, in the form of juices, nectars, syrups.
  • Poultry, fish, meat, nuts, eggs, beans. This group includes protein-containing foods that contain less fat than other animal products.
  • Dairy products, cheeses, yoghurts, milk. Dairy products provide the body with calcium, proteins, and vitamins. It is better to choose dairy products with less fat content, because... They are low in cholesterol and calories.
  • Fats, sweets, salt, sugar. Proper nutrition should not be complete without these products, but it is necessary to reduce their consumption to a minimum due to their high nutritional value and calorie content.

The products listed in the food pyramid are not equal in value. Therefore, for a healthy lifestyle, preference should be given to the most useful groups.

Changes in diet should be made smoothly and gradually, without abruptly breaking your habits and taste preferences. Otherwise, the body will get stressed.

Proper nutrition for children with a healthy lifestyle is based on the same principles as indicated in the pyramid, and is supplemented by the following rules:

  • The body's energy consumption should be equal to the energy value of the child's diet. Calorie intake should be distributed as follows: 25% for breakfast, 35-40% for lunch, 25% for dinner, and the rest for afternoon tea and snacks.
  • Protein-rich dishes should be given in the first half of the day, dairy-vegetable ones should be left for dinner or an afternoon snack.
  • It is not advisable to repeat the same dish several times a day or more than 2 times a week - the child’s diet should be varied.

You should choose products from the pyramid based on your own habits and preferences and taking into account your lifestyle, gender, age, and health status. The principles of healthy eating will be different for the average adult, athlete, nursing mother or child. For example, with a high level of physical activity, a person can use more high-calorie foods or sweets in their diet, and with a sedentary lifestyle, the number of calories should be reduced.

Menu for a healthy diet

Having studied the principles set out in the pyramid, it will not be difficult to create a menu for a healthy lifestyle. Basic rules for compiling a daily diet:

  1. Morning. In the morning, when the digestive process is just recovering from sleep and the metabolism is picking up speed, you can eat food rich in carbohydrates and even allow yourself some sweets and starchy foods.
  2. Day. At lunch, you need a thorough reinforcement for the body, which allows you not to feel hungry, but at the same time you cannot overeat. Soups, stewed or baked vegetables, meat and fish, cereals, and potatoes are perfect. It is better to boil, steam or cook dishes in a slow cooker - fried “crusted” dishes are too difficult for the body.
  3. Evening. In the evening, metabolism slows down, the body begins to tune in to rest - you should eat nourishing, but light food. Dairy products, vegetables and fruits, lean fish or meat are an excellent healthy dinner option.

It is imperative to maintain a water-salt balance throughout the day: there should be a lot of water (up to 2-2.5 liters per day), and as little salt as possible.

Menu examples

1 day

  • Breakfast: homemade cottage cheese with dried fruits, weak tea.
  • Lunch: a slice of black bread, vegetable salad, boiled veal, compote.
  • Dinner: baked vegetables, jelly.
  • Snacks: orange, nuts, pomegranate juice, drinking yogurt.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with apple slices, herbal tea, low-fat cheese.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with chicken broth, baked fish, yeast-free bread.
  • Dinner: baked chicken breast with broccoli, tea.
  • Snacks: nuts, apples, kefir.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: omelet, toast, fruit juice.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup, spaghetti with herbs, compote.
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, boiled beef, tea.
  • Snacks: low-fat cottage cheese, grapefruit.

4 day

  • Breakfast: muesli, curd cheese, tea.
  • Lunch: rice with vegetables (paella), cream soup with sorrel and spinach, compote.
  • Dinner: baked salmon steak, toast, tea.
  • Snacks: low-fat yogurt, berries, fruits.

5 day

  • Breakfast: buckwheat, egg, tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, boiled potatoes with herbs and butter, jelly.
  • Dinner: seafood and seaweed salad, bread, tea.
  • Snacks: fruit cocktail, jelly.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: toast, cheese, juice.
  • Lunch: beans with vegetables, baked chicken breast, compote.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, bran bread, tea.
  • Snacks: dried fruits, pomegranate.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: rice porridge with milk.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, tomato juice, boiled fish.
  • Dinner: vegetable casserole, juice.
  • Snacks: nuts, grapefruit.

Healthy and proper nutrition in the modern world is no longer a sign of aristocracy and a tribute to fashion, but the only correct answer to the modern pace of life and its conditions. Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, in order to maintain health and youth for many years, you need to be able to correctly prepare your daily diet, taking into account all the necessary calories and nutrients

Many modern people choose two main things for their physical and emotional development: firstly, proper nutrition as a factor in a healthy lifestyle, and secondly, physical activity. In fact, these two concepts are inseparable, since only together they ensure a person’s success.

The foods consumed supply the body with the necessary building materials and energy. In humans, and especially in women, constant cellular renewal occurs, these processes are reflected in energy consumption. Food is also a source of substances that are involved in the synthesis of enzymes, hormones, and other regulators.

Principles of nutrition

Metabolic processes depend entirely on the food taken. Its composition, properties, and quantity can determine the rate of human growth, as well as his physical development. The basis of food consumed affects the individual’s ability to work, his life expectancy, the frequency of diseases and the condition of his nerves. With food we get a sufficient (although not always) amount of proteins with carbohydrates, as well as fats, important minerals, a complex of vitamins and vital microelements.

All the main theories that describe how, constantly strive to solve the main problem: to extend the active life of a person. Within its framework, scientists have identified points that should be summarized here. A person requires:

  1. Taking natural and fresh products, displacing semi-finished products from the diet.
  2. Balanced diet. The menu should consist of a variety of product groups. It is not advisable to replace them or exclude them from the diet. Maintaining proportions is an immutable postulate.
  3. Snacks from fruits, nuts, dried fruits. In this case, it is necessary to exclude crackers, chips, chocolates, and cookies as snacks.
  4. Food restrictions. It is advisable to limit your intake of sugar, salt and white flour. You should completely avoid products such as ready-made store-bought sauces, sweet sodas and alcohol. There is a healthy alternative for all of them.
  5. Pay maximum attention to physical activity. The amount of food eaten should be balanced by physical activity.
  6. Prepare food correctly. It is better to eat food steamed, baked or stewed. Fried, smoked, highly processed foods will do much more harm than good.
  7. Compliance with the basis of the diet is fruits and vegetables, fresh or dried.
  8. The predominance of plant products in the menu will provide you with good digestion, saturate you with all the necessary elements and give you a lot of energy. While meat products take away energy rather than give; this is heavy food. Please note how large the selection of cereals, grains, vegetables and fruits is in stores these days.

Nutrition with plant components

Plant proteins are more useful than animal proteins, and their intake fully satisfies human needs. Hence the conclusion: it is better to abandon meat and dairy products in favor of plant-based ones. This will give you a greater chance of delivering “excellent quality” protein along with your meal.

Fats are a complex material in their structure. When they enter the human body during nutrition, especially women, under the influence of gastric juice they break down into simple materials: vitamins and microelements. In addition, they provoke the secretion of bile, which stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

Animal fats, which include milk and dairy products, are quite harmful to the proper functioning of the human body. They contain enzymes that are dangerous to our body. Some people even get sick from drinking milk because they do not digest lactose well. Therefore, they are considered more useful because they lower cholesterol in the blood and contain polyunsaturated acids, which are required to restore the heart and blood vessels.

Carbohydrates are excellent fuel for the female body. They are different: fast substances are instantly absorbed, but complex components are first processed by the digestive canal, which secretes simple elements from them. The main difference between various carbohydrates is the speed with which glucose penetrates into the blood. It is the main element of carbohydrates. The rate of increase in blood glucose when consuming various carbohydrates determines their benefits and harms, this is especially important for patients with diabetes. Knowing the properties of the food you consume, you can easily control your weight, preventing the appearance of fat accumulation.

We advise you to monitor the correct ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats entering the body - this is the basis. These proportions have been known for a long time and are on average 1:4:1. This proportion is true for both women and men.

Diet and calorie intake

Particular attention must be paid to the caloric content of dishes. The number of calories taken with food should completely cover the energy costs of women and men. It all depends on age, the nature of the work performed on a daily basis and the usual way of life. Correctly calculate your own calorie intake for your daily diet using the calorie table.

Diet plays an important role in the properly organized lifestyle of women and men. You need to eat food in small portions. The menu is divided into 6 meals. Such a nutritional system will allow you not to overload the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and easily satisfy the feeling of hunger.

The morning meal should account for about 25% of the daily diet, 35% for lunch, the afternoon snack for about 15%, and the evening for the remaining 25%. The last time you eat should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. For lunch, you can eat easily digestible foods, which include vegetables and fruits. In the evening, you should not abuse dishes that cause flatulence and burden the motor and secretory activity of the digestive organs. When creating a diet, you should also pay attention to issues such as the intervals between meals and the time spent on the process itself.

If food is quickly absorbed and poorly chewed, this can lead to excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in poor absorption (digestion). When eating too quickly, women and men experience hunger very slowly, which can lead to overeating. Therefore, the duration of lunch should be no less than half an hour. Regular violations of the eating regimen contribute to metabolic disorders, which leads to the appearance of diseases: gastritis, ulcers, acute pancreatitis, myocardial infarction.

It is worth understanding that proper nutrition in compliance with all recommendations will help slow down the aging process in women and men, reduce the risk of heart disease and the vascular system, and prevent the development of diabetes and hypertension.

You can be sure that switching to a balanced diet will give quick results, and for this you just need to start. Physical activity will help with this. Only in combination with it will sleep be normalized, immunity will increase, more energy will appear: a person will begin to feel physically and emotionally healthier and more confident.

Healthy eating. Healthy eating rules is nature that preserves beauty and spirituality in us.

When nature is destroyed, when natural beauty is replaced by artificial things, all the good qualities that we humans have will also be destroyed.

Unfortunately, people like the artificial, the showy. Many people don't like natural things. But the natural has its own beauty, purity and divinity

Rules for healthy eating. Healthy eating

Rules for healthy eating (healthy eating) include:

By choosing a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet, you won’t have to deny yourself delicious food, much less suffer. Your idea of ​​what you can and should eat will expand so much that you will be surprised how you didn’t notice so many delicious things before!

Healthy eating is the basis of life, but not the goal of life. Proper nutrition is an important factor affecting human health, longevity and performance.

The rules of healthy eating (healthy eating) provide opportunities for a happy life, but do not make it happy. For example, one should not hope to maintain good health without physical education and sports, but without a healthy diet this will be almost impossible.

By eating right and exercising, you will be alert, active and energetic. You will need much less time to sleep. With a properly balanced diet, food will give you energy, and not take it away for digestion.

The body gradually gets used to a healthy diet. When the body gets used to a healthy diet, then if you eat unhealthy food, you can be sure that the cells will immediately signal about it.

It is not food that determines your emotional state or consciousness, but your state that determines what food you will consume.

Meat, fish, coffee, tea

Healthy eating rules exclude meat, fish, coffee and tea from the diet. For those who defend the right to meat and fish, a special article is devoted to “meat eaters”. Please note that bird eggs are not meat. Fish caviar is a fish or not a fish - decide for yourself.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Healthy eating rules (healthy eating) cannot include foods with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the diet. You can argue a lot about GMOs from technical, medical and other points of view, but the facts remain facts:

A simple question for those who believe in God regarding GMO products: When God created this world, did he not cope with his task?

A simple question for the healthy eating rules (healthy eating) of yogis: how do you feel about GMO foods, when you offer GMO food to God, does He accept the creation of scientific minds?

We all know Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, the theory of the evolution of species. It is a change in the physical organism from lower to higher, or from simpler to more complex. Spiritual evolution runs parallel to physical evolution. The soul resides in all beings. It is true that she is divine and immortal, but she has her own urge to be more complete, more fulfilling and divine. Therefore, in the process of evolution it must move from the least perfect body to the most perfect body. Meanwhile, she absorbs the real value of all her earthly experiences. This is how the soul grows, enriching itself, making its divinity more holistic, more harmonious and perfect.[~]

Simple question: Are foods with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) evolution?

Some studies show that when a patient receives a heart transplant, their personality changes after the operation. The patient with the new heart begins to imitate the character traits and behavior of the heart donor. If this is so, then the rat gene transplant cannot but affect the properties of GMO products.

Healthy eating and human health

Everyone must decide for themselves what to eat.

Each spice has its own consciousness. But everyone must decide for themselves what to eat. Man himself knows best what is good for him. Each product and each spice has its own properties, but you cannot compare two spices or two products and say that this is better for everyone. [~]

Switching to a healthy diet

When switching to a healthy diet, the main problem is what to eat? Many people simply don’t know what to eat. Take a look.

Two points of view on how to eat healthy:

Switching to a healthy diet

If you can, do it today.

  • With a sudden transition to a healthy diet, resistance may come from the psyche (beliefs) and poor health. In this case, move on gradually.

Question: What is the best way to switch to vegetarianism for those who are used to eating meat and fish?

Sri Chinmoy: The most reliable, the surest way is to transition gradually. One of my students drank tea six times a day, and I asked him to drink tea five times, then after a month I told him to reduce the number to four. Eventually he stopped drinking it altogether. Serious things need to be done gradually. If this disciple had refused immediately, he might have been ill. If the body is not strong enough, any sudden change in habits can cause serious health problems..[~]

Variety in foods and healthy eating

Eat a variety of foods. Try to eat naturally grown fruits and vegetables that are in season to avoid excess nitrate intake.

Canned foods can be eaten occasionally if your health allows.

Eat cereals and legumes, vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts, dairy products, vegetable oils, spices, honey. See a large list of products for a healthy diet.

The right combination of products

Eat salads made from fresh vegetables before hot food, since salad is a light food and is digested faster than cooked food.

Drink milk separately. For better absorption, the right time to take milk is early morning or evening after 18. Milk drunk in the evening calms the mind, relieves stress and promotes sound and restful sleep. Read more about how to properly consume milk.

It is important to combine foods correctly so that they are fully absorbed. The stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract depends on the correct combination of products. Certain categories of foods require different environments and different times for digestion. The wrong combination of foods leads to fermentation and bloating, which ideally should not happen. By combining foods correctly, you will ensure good health.

Fresh food

You can only eat fresh food. Rotting and bad-smelling foods should not be consumed.

Proper cooking

Timely consumption of appropriate foods during the time of day

Healthy eating rules

The digestibility of different types of food depends on the time of day.

This is one of the most important issues in healthy eating. You need to know at what time of day which product is best to consume - then the food will be well absorbed.

We recommend checking in practice the statement that “every product has its time.” To do this, smell some healthy food product at different times of the day. You will find that for some time the smell is not felt, or it is felt weaker or stronger. Products should be consumed at the time when they have an odor.

Modern food manufacturers know this property, which is why they add flavor enhancers to food. Foods with artificial flavor enhancers are not healthy foods.

What to eat in the morning, afternoon and evening?

What to eat in the morning?

Start your morning with a glass (500 ml) of warm drinking water. Water awakens the body from sleep, starts the work of all organs and self-cleansing processes.

You can add a teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of aloe juice or saffron to the water. It is useful to drink water with a pinch of salt. In spring and summer, you can add lemon juice. In autumn and winter, lemon cools the body, and in spring and summer it refreshes well. Warm water with lemon removes toxins from the body and “turns on” the digestive system. Add lemon to taste. If you have high acidity, then this option is not for you. After 15-30 minutes, you can drink a green smoothie, which will charge your body with solar energy in the morning and fill it with the necessary elements.

Most people do not pay attention to what and how they eat in the morning. However, it is important. Morning food nourishes our psyche. And besides, we must “charge” ourselves with nutrients before plunging into an active life.

During night sleep, when the body is resting, blood sugar drops and needs to be brought back to normal in order to restore energy balance. Therefore, people who eat breakfast are more physically energetic and mentally active. By refusing breakfast, a person deprives himself of a significant amount of nutrients, and it is quite difficult to make up for their lack during the day.

And one more argument in favor of breakfast: if you neglect it, it is much more difficult to maintain a stable body weight, because the feeling of hunger will force you to snack, and this is usually something fatty and high-calorie.

Since digestion is weak in the morning, you should not eat very heavily for breakfast, this will only cause a decrease in vitality and illness.

In the morning, it is recommended to eat light food, since our “digestive fire,” which is responsible for processing and absorbing the food consumed, is still weak at this time, and additional energy is already required. If the morning diet is incorrect, a person will not have the strength to be active and focused. In the morning, preference should be given to the sweet taste.

Morning is the right time to eat sweets

The main qualities of sweet taste are very nutritious, gives strength and satisfies hunger. Sweet taste generates love and contentment in a person. Therefore, when a person is nervous or worried, he craves sweets, especially for women.

Porridge with dried fruits is an ideal option for breakfast. In the morning, as well as in the evening, it is useful to eat buckwheat porridge. Since buckwheat is light and nutritious and is not a grain, it does not require much energy for digestion and keeps you feeling full for a sufficient time. Oatmeal is also good for breakfast. Oatmeal is gradually and easily absorbed by the body, relieving a person of hunger for a significant time. In addition to oatmeal, eat millet porridge for breakfast.

For those who want to lose weight, it is beneficial to drink flaxseed jelly or eat flaxseed porridge in the morning. Flaxseed porridge cleanses the body. The fiber in flax seeds mixes with water and swells in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness. Grind 1-2 tablespoons of flax seeds in a coffee grinder, transfer to a glass and fill with water at a temperature of no more than 40°C so that the seeds do not lose their beneficial properties. Wait 5-10 minutes for the seeds to swell a little, add honey or dates. Or drink flaxseed jelly with honey. Another option: soak whole seeds in water for 30-60 minutes or overnight, then rinse and grind them along with the fruit in a blender. See the recipe.

It is recommended to drink water 10-15 minutes before meals. Under no circumstances should you drink water after meals, as it interferes with the proper digestion and absorption of food. You should drink water no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating. Read more about why you shouldn’t drink water after meals.

What to eat in the evening?

If you have lunch properly, you will want to eat again no earlier than 6 pm. Moreover, since the body is well-fed during the day, there will not be much appetite in the evening. In other words, to fill you up in the evening it will be enough to eat some vegetables, cheese or nuts.

Proper nutrition in the evening gives the human body and psyche the ability to restore its strength during night sleep. Thus, by carefully monitoring your evening diet, you can fully rest and receive a great charge of peace and tranquility.

In the evening, neutral taste should prevail in food. In the evening, it is best to have dinner with fresh or stewed (boiled) vegetables with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil, salt and spices. At this time, you can eat nuts, cheese, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, as well as buckwheat and quinoa, as they are not grains and are well digested, without creating discomfort or a feeling of heaviness.

What to eat before bed?

It is recommended to drink a cup of warm milk 1-2 hours before bedtime. Milk can be sweetened with honey or taken as a bite with honey. It is good to add spices such as fennel, green cardamom, nutmeg and turmeric to hot milk.

If you are not particularly hungry, you can replace dinner with a cup of milk.

Taking cow's milk in the evening is intended to improve sleep and relieve mental stress. Hot milk with honey and spices improves mental functioning. Milk eliminates the problem of overeating before bed, as it completely satisfies the appetite. Cow's milk helps create peace in the mind and unlocks the potential of a person's mind.

In the morning you will undoubtedly feel the beneficial effects of evening milk. But be careful - you may like it so much that you forget about the rule variety in diet.

Axiom for adults

In adult body Fresh cow's milk is only digestible when drunk at night. Anyone who drinks a lot of fresh milk during the day will carry kidney stones. This does not apply to fermented milk products.

Doshas and healthy eating

Pitta Dosha

Pitta is a fiery dosha, so it must be balanced with cool or warm foods, but not hot. The food should not be very oily and moderately nutritious. It is worth excluding dry, overcooked and too fatty foods. People of Pitta type benefit from vegetarianism more than people of other types of constitutions. People of this type are recommended to eat foods with a bitter, astringent, slightly sweet taste. Pitta's diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes.

Pitta people have very good digestion and an excellent appetite. They can eat almost anything, but of course, within reasonable limits. Regularity in eating is important for Pitta-type people; they should not skip a single meal. As soon as Pitta's feeling of hunger worsens, they should certainly satisfy it without delay. Otherwise, Pitta shows irritability and aggression. Long-term fasting is contraindicated for Pitta type people. You can arrange fasting days on raw vegetables and fruits. Of all the doshas, ​​only Pitta tolerates a raw food diet well.

Breakfast should be sufficient, but not abundant. Lunch should be the main meal. For lunch, you can drink a glass of cool water, eat salad, porridge with a moderate amount of butter, and bread. Dinner should be light. Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm milk with honey and spices: turmeric, cardamom, fennel and nutmeg.

Kapha Dosha

Kapha is wet and cold. To balance it, it is necessary to consume foods with the opposite properties - dry and warm. The basis of the diet should be warming, light, low-calorie and soft food. Kapha increases sweet taste and, to a lesser extent, sour and salty tastes. Sharp, tart and bitter tastes reduce Kapha. Old, overcooked, fatty, watery, very cold and very hot foods, yeasted bread and alcohol should be avoided.

Kapha-type people love to eat tasty and hearty meals, but she, more than other Doshas, ​​should monitor her diet and, especially, its volume, since she has weak digestion. It is advisable for Kapha to eat by the hour and limit himself to two meals a day - at noon and in the evening.

The Kapha breakfast can be replaced with a glass of warm, but not hot, water with ginger, lemon juice and honey. For lunch, it is advisable to eat a large meal. Food should be hearty and nutritious with plenty of vegetables, richly flavored with spices. Dinner should be as light as possible and no later than 18 hours, because... After this time, food is difficult to digest. It is harmful for Kaphas to eat sweets in the evening, especially ice cream. This leads to copious mucus secretion, and in the morning the nasopharynx will be clogged.

Kapha-type people calmly tolerate fasting, unlike Vata and Pitta.

Six tastes in nutrition. DELICIOUS food

You may know the feeling when after eating you feel a feeling of heaviness in your stomach, but you still want to eat something sweet, salty, sour or spicy. This means that the food you ate had no taste. You filled your stomach with this food, but did not receive a feeling of satisfaction.

Our morning food should have a predominantly sweet taste, and our evening food should have a neutral taste. But at lunch, all six tastes should be present in the food, because... The main and most important meal of the day is at noon. When food has six tastes, it completely saturates both the body and the mind. Tasteless food does not satisfy the mind. You need to learn how to cook, combining all six tastes in food. For example, you can combine flavors for lunch by preparing porridge from cereals and legumes with vegetables, spices, and cheese. It’s good to eat homemade whole grain bread with porridge.

Drinking water consumption

If you do not have the habit of drinking clean water, then you need to accustom yourself to this. Drinking clean drinking water is the basis of a healthy diet. If the body does not have enough water, then other efforts will not give the desired effect, because clean drinking water nourishes all the cells of our body.

Read more about drinking water in a special article on water.

Proper eating

Food is nourishment not only for the body, but also for the mind. How you eat is very important.

Details in the special article “Proper Eating”

Many people live disease-free thanks to their own efforts. You can live an interesting, rich life for many years, and it will become happy for you. Lifestyle is your personal style. Make it better.

Quality food choices lead to good results

The Healthy Food Theory seeks to solve a global problem. I wanted to improve my health, make my body stable, fully assimilate all valuable elements, so that the metabolic process would be restored in a timely manner - the key and guarantee of good health. I started eating at set hours, taking into account the set of dishes and their quantity. Doctors recommend that a normal person without health problems eat up to 4 times a day. At that moment I had a whole bunch of diseases based on which I developed a program to improve my body. I had heart problems, I needed to regain weight, get rid of gout, all my joints ached, headaches bothered me, my blood pressure gave me surprises. I decided to gather my courage and become healthy. I’ll let you know in advance that I succeeded.

I started my healthy diet by drawing up a table

It included the selections I needed with vitamins. You should know this list of products and change their consumption daily, alternate, even in small quantities.

1. Peas for soups, spinach, brain peas, buckwheat, green onions, vegetable oil (preferably corn).

2. Butter no more than 20 grams per day, meat up to 3 times every seven days, liver, lactic acid products, fish three times, eggs, beans.

3. Flour, cereals, bran bread, oatmeal, beef liver, pumpkin grains, vegetables, berries, fruits; if you want milk, drink it diluted with water.

4. Apples, celery, kohlrabi, corn, nettles, soybeans, banana, pear, watermelon, eggplant, squash, red and yellow sweet peppers.

5. Hot peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, turnips, carrots, radishes, parsnips, parsley, radishes, mint, orange, these products contain vitamins E, A, C, together they enhance the effect.

Turkey contains omega 3, its composition is similar to fish

My breakfast is 1/3 of the entire daily portion, for lunch and dinner I leave 1/4 of the entire diet. Four meals a day is considered the best option. With this nutritional system, our body better absorbs all the vitamins that come with food. Proper nutrition is inseparable from a healthy lifestyle, I had to distribute the food according to the time of consumption, taking into account their properties and energy content. Foods with a high percentage of protein, which include fish, beans and meat, should be eaten in the morning or at lunch. They activate the central nervous system. Two hours before bed, eat dairy products, fruits and vegetables, turkey with a slice of bread (required) and cheese; they produce melatonin, which improves sleep.

These products relieve the burden of the digestive process. Do not drink coffee and tea before bed, the nervous system will be activated and sleep will be disturbed. Food should not be hot or cold. For complete absorption of food, it must be very carefully rubbed with your teeth so that it is completely enveloped in saliva. This helps reduce the burden on the stomach; it has no teeth. Don't talk over dinner, do without TV.

Food taken at time helps prevent stomach and intestines. You need to eat a little, within the limits of what is permissible, which reduces the load on the stomach, do not overeat, this will lead to the accumulation of fats in the body, diseases will appear, and the immune system will decrease. If you follow proper nutrition, the pain syndromes of the disease will noticeably disappear. A healthy lifestyle depends on sports, I continue to do gymnastics, and I quit smoking. Eliminate hot peppers from your menu and your heartburn or gastritis situations will decrease, and gout will recede.

The best menu is considered to contain meat no more than 250 grams per serving, fish the size of a palm per person, lactic acid products, vegetables and fruits. Food containing carbohydrates satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time, but will not bring much benefit. I kept products made from flour and sugar to a minimum. Sweets were replaced with honey. The dish should always be prepared before consumption, eaten freshly or should be today's. Otherwise it is useless. I try to diversify my diet and eat balanced meals.

For lunch I take homemade food and have 8 snacks. nuts, almonds, dried fruits, green vitamin salad or fermented milk products, I nibble on raw vegetables and fruits, because they contain vitamins with a large number of microelements. With this food, the metabolic rate in the body increases. It is recommended for people with increased body weight and people who are prone to depression to eat only raw fruits and vegetables. In spring and summer, I increase plant foods on the menu. In winter, I added foods rich in protein and fat to my food.

Weight begins to gain when there is an energy imbalance. Try to calculate the value of your diet in advance. It will seem difficult at first, but then you will think differently. Get into the habit yourself and teach your children to eat a piece of black bread with honey in the morning on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. Honey, like iodine, creates a gentle cleansing of the stomach.

Extra efforts to stay healthy

When purchasing food products, we try to accurately determine their origin, purity and quality of each product, but we do not always remember about the water we regularly use. The quality and taste of the prepared dishes depends on it. I apportion protein, fat and carbs. On average, the ratio of nutrition components is 1:1:4; for people who do light work – 1:0.8:3; and heavy physical activity - 1:1:5. When treating my heart, I use a lot of red tomatoes. They contain lycopenes, which destroy free radicals and have a powerful oxidative effect, preventing cell overgrowth. I drink tomato juice. It has been proven that heat-treated tomatoes are much healthier.

I add weight-loss spices to my food: cinnamon lowers cholesterol levels, burns fat, and cardamom and pepper remove them from the body. I eat cabbage, it has properties that destroy diseased cells and improves immunity. Low and high blood pressure is restored by drinking more water up to 10 glasses per day. Celery, cucumbers, greens absorb water, swell and cleanse the intestines like a broom, there will never be constipation. When heartburn and belching appeared, I drank kefir with 4 cloves of garlic, which relieves the destruction of the esophageal mucosa. You should not drink mint at this moment, it opens the esophagus, carbonated water, or any fatty food. Chocolate increases acidity and opens the esophagus.

Liver and meat of different varieties are champions in iron content, which ensures oxygen exchange in the body. Women lose iron during the menstrual cycle, which causes severe, sharp pain. Experts recommend eating these foods on critical days; they restore iron consumption and reduce pain. Ginger and lemon juice help joints. Lingonberries, their leaves and cranberries leach into the body. The blood from meat is especially acidic.

All green foods are rich in vitamin K

It must be consumed with vegetable oil, just a little is enough. To prevent plaques from depositing on blood vessels, the body needs vitamin K; with it, calcium does not harden. 10 young leaves (no more) of sorrel per day, collected before July 1, are enough; late collection will cause kidney stones. Wash the picked greens, put them in water and can be stored for 3 days. I do this with dill and parsley. I preserve vitamins in soups: I put water on the fire, boil for 5 minutes, throw in salt, it will remove the remaining oxygen from the water, and only then do I put the food in boiling water. All ingredients included in the soup will remain intact. The leader in vitamin K content for blood clotting is spinach. There is a lot of it in broccoli and watercress. Without it, bones will break easily.

Eat potatoes before 2 pm, then absorption decreases and everything goes into fat. Never eat the same food in the evening that you already ate during the day. Be healthy.

Lidia Petrovna Smirnova, Yelets city, Russia.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs