Why men don't urinate. Urinary retention in men - the main thing is to know why

Difficulty in such a habitual process as urination signals problems in the body. In men, it is observed more often due to the structural features of the urethra. If you have the urge, but it’s not possible to go to the toilet normally, you need to “squeeze” the urine out of yourself with difficulty - go to the hospital immediately!

Urinary retention (ischuria) is a condition when a patient, for reasons beyond his control, is unable to empty his bladder, although it is filled with urine. Pathology can be associated with both physiological and psychological reasons. Urinary disorders occur at any age.

But the majority of those who make such complaints are elderly men. The fact is that after 60, many people have an enlarged prostate gland with the development of adenoma or prostatitis.

Typically, delay occurs under the following circumstances:

The latter situation is caused by pathologies of the urinary and reproductive systems, and other pelvic organs. If a problem is detected, you need to contact a urologist for examination.

Why does urinary retention occur in men?

According to various sources, from 1 to 7% of patients with ischuria suffer from prostate adenoma. The enlarged formation bends the urethra and urine passes through it with difficulty.

Also, blockage of the urethra and compression of the bladder occurs in the following cases:

  • with congenital obstruction;
  • urethral stricture;
  • diverticulum (protrusion of the bladder wall);
  • stones;
  • formation of polyps;
  • in the presence of a malignant formation in the urethra or bladder;
  • prostatitis;
  • inflammation and injuries of the penis.

The bladder is also compressed in cases of disturbances that, at first glance, are not related to urination. For example, with a hematoma or inguinal hernia.

Problems with urine output are often observed after surgery, in the abdominal organs or spine, when the patient is forced to remain in a horizontal position in bed for a long time.

If found, in men the reasons may be as follows:

  • addiction to alcoholic beverages or drugs;
  • CNS disorders;
  • freezing;
  • physical and nervous stress;
  • bleeding in the bladder;
  • use of sleeping pills or antidepressants.

Taking certain medications is a medicinal cause of ischuria.

In addition to antidepressants, such drugs include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, and hormones.

Urinary problems are related to the functioning of the brain and central nervous system.

Therefore, the following violations sometimes lead to failure:

  • brain pathologies;
  • injuries affecting the spinal cord;
  • cerebrovascular diseases;
  • polio;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • diabetes.

Often, problems with urination begin after, due to some circumstances, a person deliberately restrained himself from going to the toilet. Therefore, when you have the urge, doctors strongly recommend not to endure it.

Classification of violations

Depending on how difficult urination is, the following types of retention can be distinguished:

  1. Complete. Even with a clear urge to go to the toilet, I can’t. A special tube is used to drain the fluid from the bladder.
  2. Incomplete. Urine flows out with difficulty, you have to tense your muscles. A tiny volume or intermittent stream is released.
  3. Paradoxical. The urine is very full, but does not empty. Discharge from the urethra appears on its own.

Incomplete delay often worries for a long time, but the patient does not attach any importance to it, aggravating his condition.

Depending on the course of the disease, ischuria comes in two varieties:

  1. Spicy. It makes itself known suddenly, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and a constant urge to go to the toilet.
  2. Chronic. It develops asymptomatically, gradually beginning to bother a person. Often urine output is impossible without a catheter installed in the urinary canal.

Chronic incomplete ischuria bothers some patients for years, and in other cases it progresses unnoticed by the man.

A severe form of ischuria, one of the serious complications, is called paradoxical. Due to the strong stretching of the bladder and its sphincters, the patient begins to experience a kind of incontinence - urine is randomly released from the canal in drops.

Associated symptoms in men

Against the background of complications with urination, patients experience:

  • stomach ache;
  • heat;
  • bloating;
  • strong gases;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • urination with discomfort at the beginning of the process.

The patient complains of weakness, a feeling of fullness in the groin. When palpated, the perineum responds with pain.

This is due to the fact that, unable to empty completely, the bladder puts pressure on the walls of the groin.

Consequences of the syndrome

In addition to the development of dangerous forms of the pathology itself, it leads to other negative consequences:

The main “impact” falls on the kidneys and the bladder itself.

But patients may also develop urogenic sepsis - the spread of infection through the bloodstream.


To determine why a patient is unable to urinate, the hospital does a series of tests.

SurveyPurpose to determine
General urine analysisInfections, hematuria
Biochemical blood testKidney failure
Blood Sugar LevelPreviously undetected diabetes mellitus or its complication
PSA blood testAn increase in PSA, which indicates prostatitis, oncology, confirms the fact of an acute form of the disease
Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladderThe amount of urine that remains in the bladder. Stones in the canal or bladder, hydronephrosis
Ultrasound, CT scan of abdominal organs, pelvic organsNeoplasms in the pelvis, abdominal cavity
MRI of the spineIntervertebral disc herniation, spinal cord compression
MRI/CT brainState of the brain. The presence of pathologies, including stroke, tumors, sclerosis
CystoscopyPresence of stones and neoplasms in the bladder, urethral strictures
UrodynamicAssessment of bladder performance

Only based on the examination results, the doctor is able to prescribe the correct treatment.

Urgent help at home

You can find many different tips for providing emergency assistance in such a situation, but it is important to remember: treatment should be carried out by a physician.

If a man suddenly finds that he is unable to urinate and there is no pain, the reason may be hidden in stress. Then you should give him cool water to calm him down.

In case of severe pain, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

Complex treatment

In case of acute stagnation of urine and the development of complications, treatment of urinary retention implies the need to urgently catheterize the bladder to release the fluid.

But if the procedure is performed once, up to 70% of sufferers turn to a urologist with repeated complaints within a week.

In order for the treatment to ultimately bring relief, patients are prescribed appropriate therapy. Most doctors prescribe alpha-blockers. These drugs are also used to treat prostate adenoma.

Patients with the chronic form are advised to periodically connect the catheter themselves. Thanks to this procedure, complications such as urosepsis and kidney dysfunction can be avoided. The urologist will explain how to perform self-catheterization if necessary.

The disadvantage of inserting a tube is the potential for microtrauma to the mucous membranes of the urethra, which leads to the development of sepsis. Sometimes the catheter becomes infected.

It is also prohibited to use if the patient already has a damaged urethra or suffers from prostatitis.

In such cases, a puncture is prescribed to free the accumulated fluid. They carry it out like this. The patient is under anesthesia. At a height of 1.5 cm above the pubis, at a right angle to the man’s bladder, an approximately fifteen-centimeter needle is inserted to a depth of 5 cm.

If the removal of fluid from the bladder and therapeutic treatment does not lead to a positive result, there is a need for surgery.

Once the cause of the problem is identified, a consultation with specialists is scheduled who will determine how to properly treat it.

Traditional medicine in the process of getting rid of an illness can only be used as an aid and after consultation with the attending physician.

In some cases, for example, it is useful to take tinctures of tea rose or rose hips.


Prevention of the disease consists in the intensive efforts of the patient himself to prevent the pathologies that provoke the development of the problem.

To avoid the unpleasant state of ischuria, it is recommended:

  1. Drink alcohol as little as possible.
  2. Avoid hypothermia.
  3. From the age of 40, be regularly examined by a urologist and undergo consultations with an oncologist.
  4. Protect yourself from injuries to the lower abdomen and foreign bodies entering the urethra.
  5. Always treat any inflammation in the body, especially pathologies related to the genitourinary system.

Before starting a course of medications, it is advisable to consult with doctors about side effects.

In this case, problems with urination can be avoided, or at least it will become known what could have caused the disease.

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If it is impossible to empty the bladder, there is a constant sensation. When the process does not occur, this indicates the presence of some kind of pathology. For example, brain injury (spinal injury). Anuria and are different pathologies. With anuria, urine does not enter the bladder at all.

Causes of urinary retention

Delays in the process of urine outflow with pain symptoms and incomplete emptying occur when:

Full bladder

  • urolithiasis;
  • narrowed area of ​​the foreskin of the organ;
  • hematomas or aneurysms in the pelvic area;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • inflammatory processes of the prostate gland, the head of the organ;
  • injury to the urethral canal or bladder.

Additional symptoms may include:

  • bleeding with the release of blood clots;
  • tumor formations of the bladder, prostate and other organs in the pelvis;
  • congenital pathological structure of the urinary system, which becomes an obstacle to the normal outflow of urine;
  • benign formation (adenoma).

When a man complains to the doctor - I can’t pee, what should I do? In men, a pathological phenomenon may occur accompanied by another disease:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • damage to the brain or spinal cord;
  • severe intoxication with alcohol, narcotic drugs, sleeping pills;
  • hypothermia;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • inability to empty the bladder in a timely manner;

Sometimes urination is impaired due to other reasons:

Prostate diseases
  • prostatitis;
  • urolithiasis of the urethral canal, bladder;
  • adenoma;
  • phimosis;
  • neoplasms;
  • prostate cancer;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system.

An acute absence of urination can occur in a state of severe intoxication, after suffering severe stress, hysteria, surgery on the rectum, perineum, after prolonged bedridden conditions, or drug poisoning.

Explanation of the causes of urine retention

Frequent interruptions or acute retention of urine are observed in prostate adenoma in the stronger half of the population after the age of sixty.

A sedentary lifestyle, frequent diarrhea or constipation are characteristic of adenoma. In this case, urine cannot be discharged in full. Sometimes there are traces of blood in the urine, and the patient feels an increase in temperature. In case of bone fractures in the hip region or trauma to the urethra, there may also be urine retention.

Acute delays have a peculiar course.

No urine coming out
  1. Initially, urine passes well, then it stops. In this case, the urinary tract is not completely emptied. When patients are unable to completely defecate, this warns of stone formations in the urethral tubule or urinary ducts. When a man changes his body position, he can urinate (establishing outflow).
  2. With constant delays in urine, the walls of the bladder and sphincter gradually become stretched. During such a pathological process, incontinence is possible, urine can be rejected by droplets or in small portions.
  3. When there is pain in the groin area, pain during the outflow of urine and a desire to visit the toilet. In this case, catheterization is performed with further examination to detect the initial factors that led to the pathological phenomenon.

Carrying out diagnostic procedures

In order to diagnose a pathological process, one should not forget that difficulties with urine output are not a separate pathology, but a complication of an acquired or congenital disease. This suggests that identifying the unmistakable cause of the pathological process is responsible for the effective treatment of this manifestation.

To identify the factors that led to such discomfort, a competent diagnosis is carried out. During difficult processes of urine outflow, a painful syndrome is noted, but this sensation also occurs with other pathological changes.

The specialist identifies the disease characteristic to continue the differential diagnosis.

Diagnosis is carried out with confirmation of the results of plasma and urine tests.

A specialist may prescribe an ultrasound examination to determine the size, thickness, and presence of foreign objects of the bladder.

Methods of therapeutic manipulations

To prescribe treatment for unpleasant phenomena in the form of urine retention, it is necessary to identify the underlying disease that provoked this process.

Urologists prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and antibacterial agents. To prevent acute pathology, catheterization is used (this is a one-time assistance for further therapeutic therapy). Often, patients use traditional treatment using traditional medicine.

If the outflow of urine is impaired due to a mechanical reason, sometimes a decision is made to carry out surgical treatment. If the disease is infectious, antibiotic therapy with sulfonamides is prescribed.

In some cases, a special implant is sewn into the wall of the bladder, which helps stimulate normal spasms of muscle tissue in the urinary canal. This method allows you to establish emptying processes, making them regular.

Folk recipes

Traditional medicines are not as effective in eliminating the underlying disease. Doctors recommend their use to relieve painful symptoms as an additional measure in the overall treatment regimen.

Treatment of the genital and urinary areas should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Urinary retention is called ischuria and it manifests itself in the inability to empty the bladder, even if it is full of urine. If such a condition occurs suddenly, it is considered an acute manifestation of the disease; a consistent and long-term increase in the obstruction of urine outflow is defined as a chronic disease.

Causes of urinary retention

Mechanical factors can interfere with urination, these are:

  • abscess,
  • adenoma,
  • prostate cancer,
  • acute urethral trauma,
  • prostatitis,
  • tumor,
  • or urethra,
  • phimosis

Diseases of the central nervous system, such as injuries and tumors of the brain or spinal cord, myelitis, and tabes dorsalis, can also lead to similar results.

This condition can also arise due to the influence of reflex functional factors, which include operations on the perineum and rectum, alcohol intoxication, hysteria, stress, prolonged stay of the patient in bed and many others.

Cases of urinary retention caused by drug intoxication have also been observed.

Acute urinary retention in men

However, the most common cause of acute urinary retention in men It turns out, especially in men over sixty years old, in principle, this is a pathology of older men.

With an adenoma, any reason that provokes a rush of blood to it, be it prolonged sitting, diarrhea, constipation, or alcohol consumption. Acute prostatitis is characterized by acute urinary retention against the background of pain, fever, and bleeding.

Less commonly, acute urinary retention in men due to fractures of the pelvic bones, injuries to the urethra, occurs less frequently and is also observed mainly in men.

A peculiar form of urinary retention, which is characterized by a sudden interruption of the stream - a clear sign of bladder stones, when a moving stone blocks the internal opening of the urethra. To continue the process of urination, the patient must change his position.

In pathological conditions of the brain or spinal cord, the nervous regulation of the detrusor and bladder sphincters is disrupted. Ischuria in diseases of the central nervous system is characterized by the absence of pain.

Prolonged urinary retention is fraught with noticeable stretching of the muscular wall of the bladder and stretching of the sphincters, in which case urine may be released externally in drops involuntarily. This, by the way, prevents the timely recognition of ischuria.

Complete urinary retention differs from anuria, in which no urine is produced and urination is impossible, but the bladder is empty.

Acute urinary retention is extremely painful and requires emergency medical care, which involves catheterization. For prostate adenoma, this procedure is performed with a rubber catheter.

Treatment of urinary retention with traditional methods

There are a number of folk methods that help in such conditions, especially when difficulty urinating is caused by temporary muscle spasms. Common sound stimuli that can unblock the ureteral canal often help. This could be, for example, the sound of water from a kettle or tap.

However, in case of frequent cases of difficulty urinating, it is recommended to take a large, “all the way” amount of juniper fruits.

An infusion of tea rose fruits in water is also recommended. for the treatment of urinary retention in men, or with diluted alcohol. For this purpose, the container is half filled with fruits and filled with water. After a few days, when the infusion turns straw-yellow in color, it is ready for use. Take twice a day, up to ten drops mixed with warm water.

For drip urination, consume nine grams of walnut shells, crushed into powder, every day and wash down with warm water.

In a similar situation, use powder from walnut leaves and bark, mixed equally, eight grams up to three times a day, and wash it down with warm water.

Recipe No. 1 for treating urinary retention in men

Grind thirty grams of dry birch leaves and pour the raw material with a liter of boiling dry white wine. Next, the mixture is boiled for another quarter of an hour in a closed container, cooled on its own and removed from the sediment. After this, add three tablespoons of honey to the product. The folk remedy is stored in the refrigerator. Drink a third of a glass three times a day for difficulty urinating, an hour after meals. In addition, you need to take several sips every hour during the day.

In case of urinary retention, half a bottle of crushed seedless rose hips is topped up with vodka, and kept for a week in a dark place, shaking the tincture from time to time. The finished tincture should have a light brown color. Store the product in a cool, dark place; there is no need to filter. Drink up to ten drops in a tablespoon of water twice a day before meals.

Duckweed powder has helped many people with difficulty urinating. Take a tablespoon three times a day, half an hour before meals, with water.

Acute urinary retention is a relatively common complication that is characteristic of various diseases. Therefore, many people are interested in questions about the features and main causes of this condition. It is very important to know about the first manifestations of the pathology, because first aid for acute urinary retention is extremely important for the further well-being of the sick person. So what are the causes and first manifestations of this urination disorder? What treatment methods can modern medicine offer? What complications does impaired urine flow lead to?

What is urinary retention?

Acute urinary retention is a condition in which emptying a full bladder is impossible. This pathology is quite often confused with anuria, although these are completely different processes. With anuria, there is no urination due to the fact that the flow of urine into the bladder stops. With acute retention, on the contrary, the bladder fills, but under the influence of certain factors, its release is impossible.

It is worth noting that this problem develops much more often in men, which is due to anatomical features. However, it is also possible in women. In addition, children often suffer from urinary retention.

The main reasons for the development of this condition

It’s worth saying right away that the causes of acute urinary retention can be very diverse, therefore in modern medicine they are divided into four main groups:

  • mechanical (associated with mechanical blockage or compression of the urinary tract);
  • those that are caused by certain disorders of the nervous system (the brain, for one reason or another, stops controlling the processes of emptying the bladder);
  • reflex disorders that are associated with a partial disruption of innervation or the emotional state of the patient;
  • medicinal (due to the effect of a particular drug on the body).

Now it’s worth considering each group of factors in more detail. Acute urinary retention often develops with mechanical compression of the bladder or urinary tract, as a result of which evacuation of its contents is simply impossible. This occurs when there is a foreign body in the bladder or urethra. Risk factors also include neoplasms in the lower urinary tract, sclerosis of the cervix or in the urinary ducts, and various urethral injuries. In men, the outflow of urine can be impaired due to prostatitis or enlargement (hyperplasia) of the prostate gland, and in women – due to uterine prolapse.

Urinary retention may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, which is observed in the presence of tumors, as well as injuries to the spinal cord or spine (including intervertebral hernia), shock, stroke, and cerebral contusion.

If we are talking about reflex disorders, then risk factors include injuries to the perineum, pelvis and lower extremities. In some cases, urinary retention develops against the background of partial denervation of the bladder as a result of operations on the female genital organs, rectum, etc. This group of reasons also includes severe emotional shock, fear, hysteria, and alcohol intoxication.

There are also groups of medications that can lead to impaired urine flow in some patients. These may be tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, adrenergic agonists, anticholinergic drugs, and some antihistamines.

What can cause urinary retention in children?

Even the youngest patients are not immune from such a violation. Naturally, acute urinary retention in children can occur against the background of the same problems and diseases as in adults. On the other hand, there are some differences.

For example, in boys, a violation of the outflow of urine can develop due to phimosis, a severe narrowing of the foreskin. Such a pathology leads to constant inflammation and, accordingly, tissue scarring, as a result of which only a small pinhole remains in the foreskin - naturally, this interferes with the normal emptying of the bladder.

Inept attempts to expose the head from the foreskin often lead to paraphimosis - pinching of the head in a narrow ring. In this condition, the urethra is almost completely blocked, which threatens acute urinary retention - the help of a surgeon is necessary in this case.

In girls, urinary retention is much less common and may be associated with prolapse of a ureterocele into the urethra - a cyst of the distal ureter.

In addition, we should not forget that children are extremely active and careless in games, so various injuries to the perineum are by no means considered uncommon, and this can lead to urinary retention.

Urinary retention in women and its features

Naturally, acute urinary retention in women can occur for the reasons described above, which most often happens. However, there are some additional risk factors to consider.

In some girls, a violation of the outflow of urine develops against the background of hematocolpometra, which is associated with the anatomical features of the hymen. In most women it has a ring or crescent shape. But for some girls, the hymen is a solid plate that almost completely covers the entrance to the vagina. When menstruation occurs, this anatomical feature creates problems. Discharge begins to accumulate, resulting in the development of hematocolpometra, which compresses the bladder and urinary tract, leading to the development of urinary retention.

Risk factors include pregnancy. Problems with normal urination may be the result of rapid growth and displacement of the uterus, which blocks the passage of urine. It is worth noting that this pathology is one of the most difficult in modern obstetric surgical practice, since it is not so easy to make the correct diagnosis in time.

Also, in women, urinary retention can be associated with an ectopic, namely cervical, pregnancy. In this condition, implantation and further development of the fertilized egg occur in the cervical uterus. Naturally, the appearance of enlargement is extremely dangerous, as it leads to disruption of the outflow of urine, bleeding and other dangerous complications.

Acute urinary retention: symptoms

If your health worsens, you should immediately see a doctor. A specialist can detect the presence of urinary retention during a general examination, since such a condition is accompanied by a number of very characteristic symptoms.

The pathology is accompanied by overfilling of the bladder and a significant increase in its volume. A painful protrusion forms above, quite hard to the touch - this is the bladder.

Patients complain of a frequent urge to urinate, which does not lead to emptying the bladder, but is often accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can spread to the genitals, perineum, etc.

This pathology is also characterized by urethrorrhagia - the appearance of blood from the urethra. Sometimes it can be only small spotting, sometimes it can be quite massive bleeding. In any case, blood in the urethra is an extremely dangerous symptom that requires emergency care.

Other signs directly depend on the cause of this condition and the presence of certain complications. For example, when the urethra and bladder are damaged or ruptured, patients develop severe pain, which leads to traumatic shock.

If there is a rupture of the proximal urethra, then urinary infiltration of the pelvic tissue is observed, which often causes severe intoxication. During vaginal or rectal (in men) examination, such patients experience tissue pastiness and severe pain when pressed. With intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder, urine spreads freely throughout the abdominal cavity, which leads to acute pain in the lower abdomen.

Features of pathology in men

Acute urinary retention with prostate adenoma is most often diagnosed in elderly patients. It is usually preceded by other urinary problems, including frequent urges at night and an inability to completely empty the bladder.

In acute prostatitis, there are also symptoms of intoxication, in particular increased body temperature, weakness, chills, and often severe nausea and vomiting. Later, problems with urination appear. The pain in this case is more pronounced, as it is associated not only with bladder overflow, but also with inflammation and suppuration of the prostate gland.

What complications can the disease lead to?

Acute urinary retention is an extremely dangerous condition, so you should never ignore it. In fact, lack of timely treatment can lead to damage to the urethra and rupture of the bladder walls as a result of too much filling and stretching. In addition, with such a pathology, urine backflow into the kidneys is often observed, which is also fraught with infections and serious disruptions to the excretory system.

If you do not eliminate the cause of acute retention, but only empty your bladder, similar episodes may recur in the future. In turn, this can lead to the development of acute and chronic pyelonephritis and cystitis. Often, against the background of a violation of the outflow of urine, the formation of stones in the bladder begins, which again threatens an acute delay in the future. Other complications include urinary tract infection, as well as chronic renal failure. Acute urinary retention in men can lead to the development of acute forms of orchitis, prostatitis and epididymitis.

Diagnostic methods

Typically, a simple examination and history is sufficient to determine whether a patient has acute urinary retention. Treatment, however, largely depends on the cause of this pathology, therefore, after providing first aid, additional studies are carried out.

In particular, a complete picture of the state of the body can be obtained after ultrasound, ultrasonography, percussion, radiography (if there is a suspicion of spinal injury), magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

Acute urinary retention: emergency care

If there are suspicions and symptoms of such a condition, you should urgently call an ambulance - in no case should this problem be ignored. First aid for acute urinary retention is limited to urgent bladder emptying. The method in this case directly depends on the cause of the occurrence.

For example, if problems with emptying arose due to compression of the urinary tract (say, with prostatitis or adenoma), then catheterization of the bladder is performed using a standard rubber catheter soaked in glycerin. Since it is impossible to carry out such a procedure on your own, employees are simply needed.

In acute urinary retention, which is caused by reflex disorders, it may look different. For example, the patient may be advised to take a warm sitz bath or shower to help relax the urethral sphincters. If such manipulations are ineffective or there is no time to carry them out, bladder emptying is induced with medication. For this purpose, the patient is injected intraurethrally with Novocaine, and intramuscularly with Proserin, Pilocarpine, or others. In addition, catheterization will also be effective.

What treatment methods are used in modern medicine?

As already mentioned, emergency care for acute urinary retention comes down to evacuation of the contents of the bladder. As a rule, this is done using a catheter (preferably rubber, since a metal device can damage the walls of the urethra). This method is perfect if the cause of the delay is reflexive or associated with injuries to the nervous system.

Unfortunately, not in every case a catheter can be used to remove urine. For example, in case of acute prostatitis, the presence of stones in the urethra, catheterization can be quite dangerous.

If insertion of a catheter is not possible, the doctor may perform a cystostomy (a vesical fistula in the suprapubic region) or a suprapubic puncture of the bladder.

Further therapy directly depends on the cause of the development of this condition and the degree of its severity. For example, in case of bladder injury, detoxification, hemostatic, antibacterial and anti-shock treatment helps.

What other measures are required for acute urinary retention in men? Treatment of this condition, which is caused by acute prostatitis, usually includes taking anti-inflammatory drugs and broad-spectrum antibiotics (for example, Cephalosporin, Ampicillin). In most cases, within a day after the start of therapy, urination returns to normal. The course of treatment also includes the use of belladonna rectal suppositories, hot enemas with antipyrine, warm sitz baths, and warm compresses on the perineum. If all these measures have not yielded any results, catheterization is performed using a thin flexible catheter and further studies.

In the presence of neurogenic dysfunction, drug treatment is carried out. To eliminate detrusor atony of the bladder, drugs such as Proserin, Aceclidine, as well as a solution of papaverine hydrochloride or atropine sulfate are used (by the way, frequent repeated injections of atropine can lead to detrusor spasm and, again, acute urinary retention, so this drug is used very careful).

If a violation of the outflow of urine occurs as a result of fear, emotional stress or any mental disorders, patients are also administered medications, warm baths, and a soothing environment. Sometimes it is possible to take sedatives. In the most severe cases, examination and consultation with a psychiatrist is required.

When is surgery necessary?

There are many unpleasant and even dangerous complications that acute urinary retention can lead to. Emergency care and proper drug therapy, unfortunately, cannot always eliminate the problem. In some cases, surgery is simply necessary. For example, the help of a surgeon is needed if there are ruptures of the urinary canals or bladder.

The operation is performed if the cause of the delay is stones that can only be removed surgically. In addition, with severe growth of the prostate gland (hyperplasia), the only way to normalize the flow of urine is to remove excess tissue. The same applies to the presence of tumors or other neoplasms in the pelvis in women.

Of course, the decision to undergo surgery is made by the attending physician.

1 Causes of the disease

Urine is difficult to pass as a result of various factors. The main reasons for the accumulation of urine in the genitourinary system are:

  • infectious diseases of the prostate;
  • BPH;
  • trauma to the genitourinary organs;
  • changes in the structure of the urethra as a result of an infectious disease or inflammation;
  • nervous system dysfunction;
  • spinal injury;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • malignant neoplasms in the genitourinary organs;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages and drugs.

Urine does not pass away as a result of surgical treatment of the digestive system, perineum, intoxication of the body with medications, prolonged stay in bed, and stressful situations.

2 Symptoms

The accumulation of fluid in the bladder is accompanied by a strong urge to urinate, while urine is absent or released in the form of drops. Urinary retention is characterized by increasing severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Painful sensations intensify during urination, bending down, and physical activity. Depending on the cause of the disease, symptoms such as:

  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • frequent urge to defecate;
  • bloody discharge from the urethra.

A full bladder can be seen during visual inspection, and when pressing on the abdomen it causes acute pain in the patient.

3 Treatment methods

When the first signs of dysfunction appear, you should seek help from a specialist. The accumulation of fluid can lead to rupture of the bladder, damage to the urethra, infection in the genitourinary organs, and the development of acute prostatitis.

Systematic accumulation of fluid is the main cause of the development of renal failure, which requires specialized drug treatment.

You can temporarily eliminate symptoms with:

  • warm bath,
  • water bottles,
  • heating pad, which is located in the area of ​​the bladder and perineum.

Antispasmodics will help relieve pain for a while. The course of therapy depends on the cause of dysfunction and the stage of development of the disease.

First aid for urinary retention is catheterization. The doctor inserts a catheter into the genitourinary system, through which the bladder is emptied. The manipulation is also carried out for diagnostic purposes. Analysis of the urine obtained allows us to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Catheterization is characterized by an immediate effect. After removing urine, tension and pressure on the internal organs are relieved, pain disappears, and the patient immediately feels relief.

In some cases, catheterization cannot be performed. To remove urine, a puncture of the bladder is performed, a surgical procedure in which an incision is made in the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity to install a catheter. If the urethra is damaged, an implant is installed in the wall of the bladder. It stimulates muscle contraction in the urethra, urine comes out in full.

To normalize the urination process, a course of medications is prescribed that have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiseptic effect. Traditional methods are used in combination with drug treatment. Herbal preparations accelerate the effect of medications, eliminate symptoms, relieve inflammation and pain. Alcohol tinctures of tea rose, rose hips, juniper, and walnut shells have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system.

To completely eliminate dysfunction, folk remedies alone are not enough; treatment must be comprehensive. Urinary retention occurs with various dysfunctions of the genitourinary system. The accumulation of fluid leads to various pathologies, disorders, and disruptions in the normal functioning of the body. To eliminate urinary retention, a course of drug therapy is prescribed and catheterization is performed. When the first signs of pathology appear, you should immediately contact a specialist. Delayed treatment or its complete absence can lead to the development of negative consequences and complications.

And a little about secrets.

Have you ever suffered from problems due to PROSTATITIS? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • Increased irritability
  • Impaired urination
  • Erection problems

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can problems be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish a link with a comment from the Chief Urologist of the country, in which he recommends paying attention to one very effective remedy for PROSTATITIS. Read the article...

Urinary retention

Uncontrollable cessation of urination is an important problem. Urinary retention in women and men (ischuria) is a pathological condition caused by various reasons and having various manifestations. Malaise in the absence of proper treatment is fraught with complications and transition from acute to chronic form. Why does obstructed urine flow occur, how to diagnose and treat the pathology?

general information

Ischuria is a condition of urinary retention during which it is impossible to empty the bladder, despite the fact that it is full. This condition, which results in poor urine output, occurs not only in adults, but also in children. There are several types of ischuria, each of which has its own characteristic symptoms. In addition, in men and women the causes and symptoms of the pathology are different from each other, and accordingly, the treatment for this condition will be different.

Types and forms of urinary retention

If urine outflow is completely delayed, catheterization is performed.

Depending on the symptoms of the disease, there is a classification of types and forms of difficult urine separation. So, types of urinary retention:

  1. Complete retention of urine outflow is a condition that results in urine not passing out even with a clear urge to urinate. With this type of ailment, you have to use a tube to drain urine from the bladder.
  2. Incomplete retention of urine. She may accompany the patient for a long time, but she is not given attention. In case of incomplete emptying, urine does not flow well. It is released in a small volume or in intermittent streams - during the process you have to strain the muscles of the organ.
  3. Paradoxical delay. With this type of illness, the bladder is excessively full, but it cannot be emptied. Urine involuntarily leaves the urethra.
  1. Acute urinary retention. Has a violent onset: the lower abdomen hurts and there are repeated desires to urinate. A quick start gives way to an equally quick finish. Men suffer the acute form of the disease much more severely than women.
  2. Chronic urinary retention. The process in the remission stage is mostly silent, without the appearance of any special symptoms. A person often does not even know about the existence of a disease, and only with an exacerbation of the disease caused by certain factors can its chronic course be revealed through diagnostics.

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Causes of urinary retention

An inflamed prostate prevents the normal flow of urine. Return to contents

Common reasons

  1. An existing obstruction that prevents the normal flow of urine from the bladder. An obstacle can be various diseases of the genitourinary system (inflamed prostate, urolithiasis, malignant tumors in the rectum, causing obstruction).
  2. Posterior urethral valves are folds of the urethral mucosa that can block the flow of urine.
  3. Nervous diseases - stroke, epilepsy, concussions, Parkinson's disease, etc.
  4. Conscious delay occurs during a severe nervous breakdown, in a state of fright and in the postoperative period.
  5. The causes of acute urinary retention are side effects of uncontrolled use of certain medications.

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Causes of obstructed urine flow in men

  1. BPH.
  2. Impaired urine flow (delay or complete absence of urination) with prostatitis in the acute stage. Symptoms of exacerbation of the prostate are also accompanied by sharp pain in the kidneys and urethra, elevated body temperature and signs of intoxication.

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Causes of the condition in women

Urinary retention in women can be caused by prolapse of the internal genital organs.

Acute urinary retention in the female half of the population is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Prolapse of the internal genital organs (uterus, vagina).
  2. Difficult childbirth and, as a result, poor urine output.
  3. Age-related changes. Acute urinary retention often occurs in older women. In this case, the patency of the urethra is impaired.
  4. Stopping urination after surgery on the genitourinary organs.
  5. Mental disorders and nervous diseases.
  6. The cause of urinary retention is a malignant tumor of one of the internal genital organs.
  7. Urinary retention during pregnancy (in most cases, ectopic) and after childbirth.

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Ishuria in children

Urinary retention, such as ischuria, also occurs in childhood. So, the causes of pathology in children:

  1. In boys, the cause of the pathology may be malaise associated with contraction and reduction of the external part of the genital organs (phimosis). With such a disease, the opening for urine separation is very small or completely closed. Inability to urinate is a condition requiring urgent surgical intervention.
  2. Girls are very susceptible to urine flow disorders. The causes of the disorders are injuries to the perineum and pathologies of the structural features of the ureter.

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Symptoms of illness

The main symptom of the disease is the inability to completely empty the bladder. The chronic form is asymptomatic. Associated signs of urinary retention look like this:

  • abdominal pain (mainly due to constipation);
  • bloating, which is accompanied by increased gas formation in the intestines;
  • frequency of urge and pain when urinating;
  • experienced discomfort at the beginning of urination and, as a result, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • leakage or, conversely, complete absence of urine in the bladder (a condition called anuria).

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Computed tomography is an effective diagnostic method.

Diagnostic tests make it possible to identify the disease in its early stages and select the appropriate course of treatment. The acute form of the disease can be diagnosed in the following ways:

  1. During a medical examination of the patient (percussion and palpation of the suprapubic area).
  2. Differential diagnosis of pain syndrome in acute urine retention.
  3. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  4. Victory cystourethrography is an X-ray contrast examination of the bladder and urethra.
  5. Intravenous pyelography is a study that allows you to see the kidneys, bladder and other organs of the urinary tract. Used to diagnose bladder and kidney stones, malignant tumors, and urinary tract blockages.
  6. CT scan. A very effective and expensive diagnostic method that replaces ultrasound and x-rays.

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Treatment of pathology

Urinary retention in men and women is treated with various conservative methods: with the help of medications and therapy with folk remedies at home. In conditions of failure of conservative treatment methods, surgical intervention is suggested - surgery on the genitourinary organs.


An emergency care algorithm for women is drawn up after determining the exact cause that provoked this condition. At the very beginning of therapy for urinary retention, catheterization of the bladder takes place (urine is released using a special tube - a catheter). For urolithiasis, medications are prescribed that, when taken, dissolve and remove stones from the body. During the postpartum period, treatment with medications involves taking antidepressants, antispasmodics, and diuretics. For prolapse of the internal genital organs, only surgical intervention called colpopexy is indicated.

Drug treatment should only be carried out in consultation with a doctor.

A man will need emergency help for acute urinary retention. In a state where no urine comes out at all, a special tube is inserted into the urethra, thanks to which it is gradually separated. Only after the bladder has been emptied and the diagnosis has been carried out, the doctor confirms the diagnosis and prescribes a specific treatment. Alpha-blockers (the drug "Artezin", "Doxazosin", "Miktosin") are used as the main drugs that correct urodynamics. If there is no positive result in treatment, a surgical operation is performed to eliminate the disease and normalize all functions of the urinary tract.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treatment are used in conjunction with the main therapy. Here are the most common recipes used to correct urination and relieve its painful symptoms:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds and birch buds. Mix both components and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, then strain the resulting liquid. Take the decoction 4 times a day. Drink a full glass before or after meals. This remedy is a pre-medical first aid used for urinary retention. It is useful for relieving inflammation of a diseased bladder and relieving painful sensations.
  2. An infusion made from rowan berries is considered an excellent remedy. Take 2 tbsp. l. berries, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours and take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.
  3. Bearberry herb copes well with the signs of difficulty urinating, prevents pain from developing and relaxes the urinary tract. Making a decoction of bearberry is quite simple: take 1 tbsp. l. herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. Anyone who treated the genitourinary organs with bearberry had long forgotten about the existence of inflammation and, especially, urological diseases.

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Urinary retention can cause blood clots.

Complete or incomplete separation of urine without proper treatment provokes even greater problems with urination. Complications of acute urinary retention:

  1. The appearance of blood clots in the urine.
  2. Exacerbation of bladder inflammation.
  3. Inflammatory process of the right or left kidney.
  4. Sudden failure of the kidneys - acute renal failure (ARF). It can turn a healthy person into a bedridden patient in a short period of time.

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What to do for prevention?

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the disease of ischuria and include the implementation of the following rules:

  1. Limit alcohol consumption.
  2. Avoiding hypothermia.
  3. Men over 40 years of age should visit a urologist who treats urological diseases at least once a year. Women need to visit a gynecologist more often - 2 times a year.
  4. Treat inflammatory processes in the body and diseases of the genitourinary organs in a timely manner (prevent the development of chronic diseases).
  5. Avoid injury to the genitourinary organs.
  6. Before using any medications, you should first consult with your doctor so as not to provoke a side effect such as urinary retention.

Prevention is necessary for every person, no matter whether he is healthy or sick. Any pathology of the urination process affecting men, women or children requires immediate contact with a medical facility. Timely diagnosis and prescribing a specific course of treatment will prevent negative health consequences.

Urinary retention in men - what to do if urine is difficult to pass

Men often have problems with urination, especially later in life. One of the main problems is that a man has trouble urinating. In medical terms, this condition is called ischuria.

Urinary retention is usually caused primarily by psychological difficulties and physical discomfort. Moreover, in a man with such stagnation, the general condition of the body worsens. If measures are not taken to eliminate the problem in time, complications may arise. That is why treatment of pathologies that cause urinary retention must be timely.

Urinary retention in men: types of pathology

Ishuria is a disease that can develop at different rates. As a rule, depending on this symptom, pathology is divided into two main types

Acute form

As a rule, acute urinary retention in men is quite unexpected for a man. At the same time, he experiences a number of symptoms that accompany the disease. Such signs include pain in the lower abdomen and the urge to go to the toilet more often than usual.

In addition, a man may experience an unpleasant feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied. At the beginning of the development of the disease, the patient’s urine is released in small portions, however, over time, even with stress, urine ceases to be released at all. In this case, urine accumulates in the bladder, causing an enlargement of the man’s abdomen, which becomes very noticeable externally. This condition is dangerous for the body, and therefore it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. .

Chronic form

The chronic form, in which a man has difficulty passing urine, usually lasts for a long time. In this case, a man may not notice signs of the disease and not pay attention to the difficulties that arise when urinating. However, sooner or later the urinary canals will narrow so much that it will begin to cause some discomfort to the man. Chronic urinary retention in men can become acute under the influence of external factors. .

Incomplete urinary retention allows a man to not notice the problem at all for a long time. With the full form of the pathology, a man feels a sharp deterioration in his health, and therefore, as a rule, urgently seeks medical help. In such cases, when a man cannot remove urine on his own, the doctor uses a catheter.

The development of ischuria can be determined by a characteristic sign - the need to strain to go to the toilet. In this case, urination often occurs intermittently. Sometimes men experience so-called paradoxical ischuria, in which the patient is unable to empty the bladder voluntarily, but drops of urine are involuntarily released from the urethra. In any case, the pathology requires medical intervention, and therefore it is highly not recommended to delay with the problem.

Causes of urinary retention in men

Ishuria can develop in a man under the influence of many factors. The most common reasons are the following:

Urinary obstruction in men can occur due to various reasons and at different ages. Even some disorders in the central nervous system, trauma or damage to the brain or spinal cord can have an effect. Disturbances in urination are common after operations on the spine or abdominal organs.

  1. Sometimes alcohol or drug abuse leads to ischuria in men.
  2. In some cases, urinary retention occurs as a result of long-term use of drugs, for example, sleeping pills or sedatives; antidepressants have a strong effect.
  3. Sometimes urine may stop excreting after severe hypothermia, after serious stress or heavy physical exertion.

The chronic form of the disease usually appears in older men. If for a long time a man has experienced various difficulties with urination or problems with the organs of the genitourinary system, pathology may develop over time.

One of the most dangerous causes of ischuria are neoplasms in the prostate, including benign hyperplasia. Typically, in most cases, urination becomes difficult due to the enlargement of the prostate gland. In this case, the gland on both sides compresses the urethra, making the urethra narrower, which is why urine does not pass completely or does not come out at all.

In addition, diseases occurring in other organs located near the genitourinary system can cause urinary retention. For example, fibrosis and sclerosis, as well as inflammatory processes in the intestines, can affect. In elderly men, neurogenic dysfunction in the bladder is sometimes observed.

How to treat cloudy urine - full article;

Signs of ischuria in a man

The main symptom of ischuria is, of course, a disruption of the normal urinary process. In the acute form, such symptoms are more noticeable, since due to the accumulation of urine in the bladder, its walls are greatly stretched, which causes quite severe pain and a lot of discomfort.

Sometimes, if the cause of urinary retention is a blockage of the urinary canal, then a man may also feel pain in the urethra due to stones that are retained there. If the cause of urinary retention is an injury to the genital organ, then discharge in the form of blood clots from the urethra is possible.

The acute form of ischuria can be seen even with the naked eye, since the man’s abdomen significantly increases in size. In addition, the man experiences a frequent urge to urinate. but no urine is released. If the cause of urinary retention lies in inflammatory processes, the man will feel sharp pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

If the chronic form of ischuria is caused by prostate adenoma, then the man will experience the following signs of the disease:

  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet.
  • Constant feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied. Typically, when you urinate, only a small amount of urine is released.
  • The stream of urine is sluggish.
  • Frequent urination at night.

In the absence of proper medical care, intoxication may occur in the body due to harmful substances in the urine. In addition, due to severe overfilling of the bladder with urine, its walls may rupture. In this case, the man experiences symptoms of an “acute abdomen”, in which irritation occurs in the abdominal cavity.

In order to make the correct diagnosis, the doctor may additionally prescribe a urine test, ultrasound, cystoscopy or computed tomography. These studies help determine the presence of tumors in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as other disorders and pathologies.

Poor urine flow - how to treat it

In the case of acute urinary retention, the doctor first uses catheterization to alleviate the patient’s condition and prevent intoxication or rupture of the bladder. However, using a catheter to remove urine is a one-time procedure that cannot be used on an ongoing basis. Therefore, to improve urine patency, complex therapy aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease is necessary:

There are also folk recipes that help improve the process of urination and relieve diseases. However, if symptoms of ischuria are detected, you must first consult a doctor and conduct an examination.



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