Feeding a nursing dog. What to feed a dog after childbirth for normal lactation What to give a dog after childbirth

A lot has been said and written. On almost all thematic websites and forums you can find information on the nutrition of puppies and adult animals. Our task is to tell new owners about what to feed their dog after giving birth. Only with proper nutrition of the lactating bitch will you get healthy, well-fed puppies and, of course, will not lead the mother herself to exhaustion. Let's look at the questions most often asked by owners.

What food is best to feed a dog before giving birth?

It depends on the type of food. If the dog is accustomed to dry food (we are talking only about the “premium” and “super-premium” classes, others are not even considered because they are of dubious quality), then you should not change it before giving birth. The dosage is usually indicated on the packaging. As a rule, the volume of dry food before birth increases by a third. Some owners, during the dog's pregnancy and during the "milk" period, switch their dogs to the so-called "puppy food" - food of the same brand, but for puppies (it contains more calcium and protein).

If the dog received natural food (home-cooked), it is worth, first of all, to increase the amount of fermented milk products (especially kefir and cottage cheese) and meat (raw offal: stomach, trachea, liver, lungs, udder).
Just before birth (about a week), the entire volume of food is divided into smaller doses. This is due to the fact that growing puppies put pressure on internal organs, including the stomach and intestines. Gentle feeding will reduce this burden.

on the day of birth?

Most veterinarians advise stopping on water for the first day. It is believed that the nutrients that a dog receives by eating placenta are quite sufficient. Water is needed to restore the amount of fluid lost during childbirth. For large litters, on the day of birth, the bitch is given cool milk (room temperature, but not cold) with glucose (5 cubes per glass).

What in the first weeks after whelping?

On the second day, you can give liquid porridge in low-fat broth (either beef or chicken). Among the mandatory products should be milk and meat (only lean). In the first three days, a dog that has given birth may have no appetite, so the food should be light and high in calories at the same time: milk porridge (rice, buckwheat, rolled oats). To prevent eclampsia, additional calcium supplements are given. The first week and a half, the content of carbohydrates and proteins should be saturated. Make sure you purchase a good, complete vitamin and mineral complex. Poor quality products, even in small quantities, should be excluded. Even mild poisoning of a nursing mother can cause serious problems in puppies.

Feedings should be frequent (at least four times a day). Please note: feeding the dog once during this period is unacceptable. Firstly, the bitch's belly will remain saggy. Secondly, for normal growth of puppies, milk must be nutritious and in sufficient quantity, and its flow occurs after eating. When feeding dry food, feeding is not required, but the dosage of calcium is still increased. Milk enhances lactation.

when weaning puppies?

As soon as the babies begin to move independently (starting from the 25th day), the bitch begins to “refuse” the puppies, approaching them less and less to feed. It's natural. On the one hand, by this time puppies can already gradually switch to adult food (taking into account baits started at two weeks of age), on the other hand, it is painful for the bitch to feed babies who bite their nipples with sharp teeth that have erupted. You should not force your pet if she is experiencing pain. The question here is: “What to feed a nursing dog?” disappears by itself, since after the fourth week the animal is transferred to its previous diet. However, calcium supplements continue to be given additionally for another month.

What to feed your dog after giving birth, when the difficult months of bearing puppies are behind you. After all, the animal burns more energy to feed its babies, which means the diet must be balanced and healthy. The quality and fat content of the milk produced directly depends on this. A lack of vitamins and microelements slows down the growth and development of puppies and exhausts the mother.

What to feed your dog after giving birth

After the birth process, it is necessary to replace the litter with clean one. The dog should be moistened with a napkin dipped in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. Her limbs are washed and her tail is wiped. The owner needs to wash off the secretions from the skin so that the animal does not become irritated.

From time to time you need to wash the tail and nipples, and also wipe with a dry cloth. The bowl and drinking bowl are placed near the litter. The dog will not want to run away from the puppies to eat. It will be easier for her to sit hungry than to go have a snack. There is no need to fuss around the animal and create unnecessary nervousness for it. If the feeding process is going well and the dog is calm, then there is no need to disturb her and the puppies again.

The first days after the appearance of puppies

During the birth process or as soon as the puppies are born, the bitch eats the afterbirth. Some owners get scared by this process and throw it in the trash. But many breeders are inclined to believe that instincts inherent in nature should be followed. Moreover, the afterbirth contains a lot of useful substances, but eating it by a dog only threatens to cause mild diarrhea. This will make it easier for the animal to defecate, which is very useful, because the dog will not have to strain. After eating the placenta, the bitch can be fed only after four to five hours.

What to feed a newborn dog? She is given rice soaked for 12 hours and put through a crusher. The cereal is steamed with boiling water and a little vegetable oil is added and salted. This diet helps the animal normalize stool.

These days, the amount of animal protein in food is minimized. It is poorly absorbed by the pet's body. Bitches add porridge, low-fat cottage cheese, omelettes and cream to the menu (the percentage of fat content should not exceed 10).

Feed the pet often, up to five to six times a day. At the same time, it is important to maintain a balance: do not starve, but also do not overfeed. The dog should always have clean water and milk available. During lactation, her menu should include a lot of dairy products (cottage cheese, milk), and the amount of meat in the diet should be reduced.

Nutrition up to 10 days after birth

The pet should be switched to fractional meals. She will choose how much she eats. If a dog eats little, then there is no need to worry, it relies on its body, which will tell you how much food it needs now. There is no need to force an animal to eat if it does not want to.

What should be on the menu?

During the first 10 days, you should not give your dog meat and offal during lactation. If you really want to feed the animal, then you need to boil lean meat and add it little by little to another dish. Such complementary foods are introduced only after the fifth day of birth. Instead of meat products, it is recommended to use fish (pollock, cod). The fish is processed to fillet, all bones are removed from the carcass. It is boiled in boiling water for 10 minutes.

It is recommended to cook porridge using the broth left over from cooking fish fillets. Milk is poured into such porridges at the end of cooking.

In order for the animal's milk to increase, it is necessary to give the dog lap tea with added milk. In the first 7 days after the puppies are born, it is not recommended to give her food with raw vegetables or added juices. This food can cause puppies to develop diarrhea.

Nutrition while feeding puppies

After the first days have passed, the question arises of what to feed the pet. After 14 days, you need to introduce more vegetables into the menu (pumpkin, cauliflower, carrots, beets), you can give the dog some fruit. If a bitch gives birth to three to four puppies, then the animal should consume twice as much food as usual. And the number of meals increases to four to five times a day.

In the period from the fourth to the sixth week after the birth process, the offspring are introduced to complementary foods and the puppies consume less milk. The amount of food consumed by the animal is reduced, it is transferred to 3 meals per day. The dog drinks less.

To prevent vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to give ascorbic acid containing glucose. To improve the quality and increase the quantity of milk, it is necessary to feed your pet with walnuts (no more than three per day). Often dog owners give apilak, which is crushed into powder and poured under the animal’s tongue (if it is white, then this is for you). You can pamper your dog a little with weak coffee with milk and a little honey or tea with milk. There is no sugar in tea.

After all the puppies have been taken apart, the pet must relieve the body. She is given a quarter portion and less water. After a daily “fast”, the dog is offered a third of the portion, then increased to half. Gradually she is transferred to standard nutrition.

If the animal eats ready-made food

How to feed a dog after giving birth if the animal eats food? During lactation, food intake also changes. After birth, it is soaked in liquid or given liquid food. To digest food, you need more liquid, and such measures will save you from dehydration.

Fermented milk and supplements containing vitamins and minerals are added to the food supply. For dogs during the puppy feeding period, the amount of protein in food should be at least 24%. Premium segment feeds already contain the required amount of vitamins and minerals. And when feeding cheap food, special additives should be added to the menu.

What do you prefer to feed your pets?

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    Porridge with various additives 46%, 8407 votes

    Only dry food 26%, 4733 vote

Childbirth is an important event in the life of a pet. The dog's body has experienced very severe stress. In most cases, dog births occur without complications, and everything ends with the safe birth of puppies. But after giving birth, the animal still needs care and attention.

She almost always gives birth on her own. Animals are more adaptable in this regard than humans. They don't need outside help. It happens that the matter cannot be done without the help of a veterinarian, but this is an exception to the rule.

Although, in any case, the dog needs to be shown to a doctor after giving birth. Its owner should call a veterinarian. The examination must be carried out within 24 hours of the birth. A specialist will examine the animal and give you a number of necessary recommendations.

After giving birth, a dog needs care and good nutrition. Provide rest for the animal. Keep strangers away from your dog. Create a comfortable environment for your pet.

What to feed your dog after giving birth

The issue of dog feeding is always important, but after childbirth it is especially important, because the dog needs to receive adequate nutrition. It must be correct.

After giving birth, a dog needs to recuperate. If she ate the placenta, she will become hungry after about 5 hours. If the new mother did not touch the placenta, you can immediately offer her food. The more puppies a dog gives birth to, the stronger her appetite will be.

There is some debate among dog breeders as to whether or not dogs should be allowed to eat afterbirth. We won't go into detail about this issue, but there is nothing wrong with it. The dog's body will even receive useful substances.

How is it after childbirth? If the animal has diarrhea, it is better to give ground boiled rice. It must be pre-soaked, and salt and vegetable oil must be added there.

When the diarrhea goes away, give your dog porridge and cottage cheese. You can give an omelet. The animal should be well-fed, but you should not make large portions. After giving birth, your dog needs to be fed 6-7 times a day.

In the first ten days you need to exclude animal protein, and then you should add broths, soups and cereals with vegetable oil. In addition, do not forget about raw vegetables and fruits.

But food is not the only thing a dog mom needs. As she feeds the puppies, she loses a lot of fluid. This need must be replenished regularly. The dog should drink at least every 3 hours. She needs to be given water, milk and 10% cream.

Dogs need to be fed after birth by gradually increasing the amount of food. This approach is used for a month. Then the amount of food should decrease. So gradually the owners come to the daily norm of feeding the animal.

If your dog has no appetite after giving birth, this is a reason to consult a veterinarian. This condition of the animal indicates the presence of certain problems.

Proper feeding of a nursing bitch that has given birth is the key not only to her health, but also to the well-being of the entire litter. That is why every owner, especially if he has witnessed the birth of puppies for the first time, should know what to feed the dog after birth.

The diet of a lactating bitch determines the quality of her milk, but even if, after giving birth, the dog for some reason refused to feed the puppies, it is important to restore the body that was damaged after pregnancy. It is important to understand that the period of gestation of puppies is not only a natural process, but also a lot of stress for any dog. Therefore, today we will discuss how to create a diet suitable for a bitch who has given birth during the postpartum period, during lactation.

Often, dogs that feel the moment of labor approaching refuse food in advance, so as not to create unnecessary heaviness in the intestines and not be distracted from the process. When a dog has already given birth, she is busy taking care of the puppies, and the owner has a logical question: “Does the animal need to be fed now and what should I offer it?”

Instinct forces the new mother to eat the placenta of each puppy, in the usual language - the placenta. In addition to the fact that this is how wild dogs previously “covered their tracks” of childbirth, preventing predators from smelling attractive odors, this way they also refreshed themselves after the grueling and painful process of childbirth. Under no circumstances should a bitch be prohibited from eating the placenta, although there is no danger of attack by predatory animals.

The fact is that the afterbirth contains vitamins, microelements and a large amount of protein that the dog needs to maintain strength and produce milk, rich in substances necessary for puppies. The placenta contains hormones that provoke the production of colostrum, that is, eating it is a kind of signal: “The puppy has been born, you need to feed it!”

The only thing is that with a large litter (more than ten puppies), eating all the placenta can cause an upset stomach in the bitch. In this situation, you need to offer the animal clean water and also give an adsorbent (for example, activated carbon, one or two tablets for every ten kilograms of weight). However, there is no need to force the dog to drink, or to persuade the dog to eat - it would be correct to offer the first food four to five hours after the birth of the last puppy, when the bitch has calmed down, licked and fed all the children. Below we will tell you exactly what food you can give your dog after giving birth.

General data on the nutrition of a dog that has given birth

Typically, the lactation period in dogs lasts about five to six weeks, and the functioning of the mammary glands increases already a couple of weeks before birth. Veterinarians have been studying the bodies of lactating dogs of different breeds for many years to determine whether such a diet is suitable for bitches at different stages of feeding their offspring.

Dogs cannot produce or store most nutrients, vitamins and minerals in their bodies unless the animal receives them through food. Accordingly, these necessary substances will not be in the milk; more precisely, the puppies will first “suck” them out of the mother’s body. If the diet is poor or improper, the bitch will suffer first; after a short time, the negative consequences will affect the entire litter. To prevent this from happening, the owner must understand the basic principles of feeding the dog during the puppy feeding period.

Natural nutrition for a nursing dog

It is important to understand that you cannot change an animal’s type of nutrition unexpectedly, especially if we are talking about a dog that has given birth, whose body has already suffered stress. Therefore, if the bitch ate natural products before giving birth, you need to keep this option, making some additions.

It is on a natural diet that it is important to focus on what time period has already passed after childbirth. The basis of the diet will continue to be fresh meat or lean sea fish, poultry, offal, vegetables, lactic acid products, and herbs.

Table 1. Feeding the dog in different weeks after birth

How much time has passed?What to feed?
The first week after the birth of puppiesFor the first two to three days, the bitch may have no appetite, but every five to seven hours you need to offer the dog food and make sure that she eats at least a little. At this stage, you can give your dog pureed meat and vegetables, kefir, cottage cheese, and lean fish.

When the appetite is restored and returns to normal, the bitch is fed in small portions five to six times a day. The dog’s diet certainly includes meat (veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken), offal (liver, lung, brains), fish (low-fat sea fish), and calcined cottage cheese. The first five to seven days after birth, you do not need to offer your dog fruits, herbs and vegetables, so as not to provoke allergies and stomach upset.

Second or third week after the birth of puppiesThe main feeding remains the same (meat, poultry and offal, sea fish, dairy products). Grated vegetables, berries, fruits (carrots, cauliflower or broccoli, zucchini, apples and pears, pumpkin), chopped greens, and eggs are returned to the animal’s diet.

The dog is fed four times a day; if the litter consists of three to four puppies, its pre-pregnancy daily food intake is doubled; if there are more than eight puppies, it is tripled.

Fourth to sixth weeks of feedingAt this stage, the puppies are introduced to complementary foods; accordingly, the number of feedings to the mother is reduced to three per day. The nutrition remains the same, only the portion sizes are reduced.

When the bitch stops feeding the last puppy, she is given a fasting time. On the first day of weaning, the dog is given a limited amount of liquid and about a quarter of the usual daily food intake. On the second day, the dog receives a third of the usual portion, then half. This will drain her milk. On the fourth day, nutrition returns to pre-pregnancy norms.

Vitamin supplements for the bitch after giving birth

During pregnancy and lactation, the bitch should receive not only natural products, but also some vitamin and mineral supplements. The fact is that regular food contains the amount of nutrients that an adult animal needs. When a dog is nursing a litter, it requires more resources.

Table 2. Additives to dog food after birth

Namebrief information

The composition includes phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper and other substances important for the dog’s body. The drug improves the animal’s immunity and removes toxins.

Contains vitamins A, E, D3 and F. The drug has an antirachitic effect, promotes the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body, increases the content of vitamins in the blood, regenerates epithelial tissue, and increases resistance to infections.

A vitamin-protein-mineral cocktail that has a beneficial effect on the formation of the skeleton of puppies, and also protects the joints, ligaments and bones of a nursing dog from calcium leaching. Contains selenium, collagen and vitamins E.

Contains the necessary amount of calcium and phosphorus necessary for richness of milk. The drug must be administered from the second half of pregnancy so that the skeleton of the fetus is formed correctly and the bitch does not waste her own reserves of nutrients.

A complex of vitamins and polyminerals necessary for every animal. The composition includes minerals, calcium, phosphorus, water-soluble and fatty acids, B-group vitamins, linoleic acid.

Important point! Before introducing the above-mentioned drugs into the diet of a nursing bitch, it is necessary to visit a veterinarian and discuss with him the need for a particular supplement.

Dry food for a postpartum dog

If a dog has been eating dry industrial food all its life, it makes no sense to switch it to a natural diet before or after giving birth. Today, pet stores offer holistic and super-premium foods that perfectly cover all the needs of a bitch after giving birth.

In the second half of pregnancy, the bitch should be gradually switched to food from the “For pregnant and lactating” line; if the desired brand does not produce this type of food, the dog is given dry food for the youngest puppies (usually the line is called “Starter”). Such feeds have an optimal protein content (24-27%) and an increased content of vitamins, minerals and micro-macroelements.

Important point! In order for a dog to digest and assimilate any of the dry industrial food offered to it, a large amount of moisture is required, so it is better to give the giving birth to food that has been previously soaked in cool boiled water. This feeding method is used in the first two to three weeks after birth (you can replace dry food with wet food from the same line).

Despite the fact that dry food covers the needs of both bitches and puppies, it is better to play it safe and add fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir), as well as supplements with vitamins and minerals, to the diet of a nursing dog. This must be done after first coordinating the actions with a veterinarian.

Lines of dry food suitable for dogs after childbirth

Even if the animal was fed budget food before pregnancy, as soon as the owner learns about the replenishment, he should smoothly transfer the dog to a higher quality brand. The Russian pet market offers dozens of dry food of the “super-premium” and “holistic” classes. Here are some options that are good for pregnant and postpartum dogs:

  1. “Royal Canin Starter” for mother and puppies (variations “Mini”, “Medium”, “Maxi” and “Giant” depending on the breed).
  2. Hill's Pappy for all breeds.
  3. “Pro Plan Performance” (variations “Small” or “Large” depending on the breed).
  4. "Grandorf Pappy" for all breeds.
  5. Monge Mini Starter.
  6. "Farmina" for pregnant and lactating bitches and puppies.
  7. "Akana Pappy and Junior" for all breeds.

Improper nutrition is a threat to dogs and puppies

Against the background of poor, inadequate nutrition, a measly bitch can develop a disease leading to death - eclampsia. Also, improper nutrition is fraught with digestive disorders in a dog (diarrhea or constipation), lethargy, loss of milk, and abandonment of puppies. Also, an incorrectly selected diet can cause skin diseases in your dog, including baldness.

The bitch who gave birth already has a reduced immune system, and if the owner does not support the pet in such a difficult time, the dog can become seriously ill. The poor health of the bitch steadily affects the puppies, and in the worst case, both the mother dog and the entire litter may die.

If the owner is experiencing pregnancy and the postpartum period in a dog for the first time, he should consult with a veterinarian or an experienced breeder. Experts will tell you what to pay attention to.

Important point! A healthy nursing dog, which receives all the substances it needs from food, behaves calmly, there is no exhaustion or severe deterioration of the coat, the dog’s appetite and stool are normal.

The behavior of puppies is also an indicator of the health of the nursing mother and the quality of her milk. After a meal, babies should fall asleep peacefully, without squeaking or fussing. The owner must weigh each puppy daily: if the entire litter regularly gains weight and develops correctly, then we can say that the feeding diet is suitable for both the nursing bitch and her puppies.

Nutrition for eclampsia in a dog that has given birth

Postpartum toxicosis in dogs, accompanied by eclampsia, is a deadly condition. Typically, small dogs are at risk: toy terriers, Yorkshire terriers, Spitz. The disease is associated with a severe lack of calcium in the body.

Symptoms of eclampsia:

  • the dog suffers from tremors, convulsive manifestations;
  • the animal’s coordination is impaired, its gaze is unfocused;
  • the pulse quickens, breathing becomes intermittent;
  • the dog cannot be in the light, tries to hide in a secluded place;
  • the animal whines for no reason, is worried;
  • lack of appetite, refusal of water;
  • bitch ignores puppies.

The owner of a dog that has developed eclampsia must act quickly: five drops of valocordin are poured into the animal’s mouth, then a 10 percent solution of calcium gluconate is forcibly given (2 milliliters per kilogram of weight). Calcium can also be administered intravenously or subcutaneously - for this it is better to contact a veterinary clinic.

If a dog has a tendency to eclampsia, ten days before giving birth, fish and meat, including broths, are completely removed from its diet. After giving birth, the animal must take food and water; if it refuses, the bitch is force-fed and watered. Having consulted with your veterinarian in advance, you should start giving your dog a good calcium supplement two weeks before delivery.


Like all mammals, in dogs there is a very strong connection between the diet of the nursing mother and the well-being of the puppies. Therefore, an owner interested in maintaining the health of his pet and helping her feed and raise healthy puppies should focus on a balanced diet. During this period, there is no need to skimp when choosing food or food for the dog - it should receive all the necessary substances in the right quantities, which cannot be achieved by skimping on good healthy food.

Video - Caring for a pregnant and lactating dog

Proper feeding during the postpartum period is important for both the bitch and the cubs: it is more likely restores the dog’s body, has a good effect on lactation and the quality of milk, and on the health of puppies.

And in the case when the attitude towards the “mommy’s” nutrition is inattentive, she may develop lack of calcium, which will lead to eclampsia. We will consider in detail how and what to feed a dog after giving birth.

Contractions are a process that affects all systems of the body, and it should be alleviated as much as possible. A a full stomach makes contractions more difficult. And the reasons for this are as follows:

  • the dog’s body temperature drops, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism and interruption of digestion (therefore, bitches at this time refuse to eat themselves);
  • the first born puppy is the largest, and advancement through the birth canal is more difficult if the “mommy’s” intestines are full;
  • contractions for a well-fed dog are more difficult than for a hungry dog ​​and last longer;
  • If a bitch gives birth on a full stomach, she may vomit or have involuntary bowel movements, both of which are stressful for her.

Should I feed my dog ​​immediately after giving birth?

The answer to the question depends on whether the bitch ate the placenta or not. The afterbirth contains vitamins, hormones, iron, oxygen and proteins that are beneficial to the dog. This together helps her recover. Besides nature has it that the bitch eats the placenta, hiding the smell of blood and protecting the puppies.

For domestic dogs this is not necessary, but the instinct remains. And therefore, the correct feeding of a dog after birth will be as follows:

  • if “mommy” has eaten the placenta, and they are very nutritious, there is no need to feed her - she will not feel hungry for 5 or 6 hours;
  • if the placenta has not been eaten, then you should offer a sweet drink, the same tea with a spoonful of sugar, and you can feed it after an hour or two.

Attention! You should not allow your dog to eat more than 2 or 3 afterbirths, otherwise he will develop diarrhea.

What to give during the first feedings if diarrhea appears?

If the bitch still ate a lot of afterbirth, and my stomach is upset, to alleviate the condition, I need to feed only rice porridge. It should be prepared like this:

  • rice is soaked in advance at least overnight;
  • then fill it with cold water;
  • no spices or salt should be added;
  • cook until very swollen.

You should not make porridge with milk, because dogs do not digest it well, and the diarrhea gets worse.

Important! Under no circumstances should you offer the bitch medication for diarrhea: it will pass into the milk and harm the health of the puppies.

The amount of food needed in the first 4-6 weeks should increase. This happens gradually.

For example, in the second week after the birth of the cubs, the amount of food is doubled. And in the third week - at three.

In addition, the amount of food depends on the number of puppies born. And there is even a formula for how to calculate it using this indicator. To do this you need:

  • after the puppies are at least 4 days old, they all need to be weighed at once;
  • For every kilogram of the total weight of the litter, you need to increase the amount of food for the “mommy” so that the calorie content increases by 250 calories.

Features of feeding lactating dogs

Everything that the bitch eats ends up in her milk, one way or another. And in the first place is not so much the quantity as the quality of milk. And the peculiarities of feeding depend on its maintenance. So, nursing dogs need food that contains:

  • a lot of calcium;
  • easily digestible proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • minerals.

And after consulting with a veterinarian, a suitable vitamin complex is selected for the dog, which supports lactation and restores the health of the “mommy”.

Postpartum diet. After giving birth, it is imperative to feed the bitch with water-based porridges: oatmeal, buckwheat and wheat, and the cereal should be heavily boiled. Dairy products such as cottage cheese, cheese or kefir are needed.

Attention! Until at least 6 days have passed after birth, the dog should not be fed raw vegetables, as this will cause diarrhea in the puppies.

What and how to feed a dog after giving birth depends on the period:

  • in the first week: porridge, fish products and cottage cheese;
  • in the second week: meat broth, but there should be no bones in the food, pieces of raw meat;
  • in the third week: during this period you can dilute the diet with vegetables and bone meal, mineral mixtures will work well;
  • in the fourth to sixth week: the amount of food for the dog decreases (puppies will soon be switched to complementary foods), but the calorie content should not decrease.

Requirement for vitamins and microelements. During the postpartum period, the bitch needs a special amount of vitamins in order not only to restore body functions and support immunity, but also to transfer microelements necessary for development to the puppies through milk.


  • vitamins of group A (they are fat-soluble, should not be given in large doses);
  • vitamins B1, B2, B9, B12 (they are water-soluble and do not accumulate in the body, so they can be given frequently);
  • vitamins C (water soluble, but the dose should be moderate);
  • vitamins of group D in large quantities (responsible for the production of calcium).

Is it possible to give dry food?

Yes, if it is food specifically for nursing dogs. Why is it important? Because such food contains a balanced amount of mineral supplements, microelements and vitamins that are needed for “mother” and puppies.

If this is premium or superpremium class food, then separate vitamin and mineral supplements are not needed. In the case of economy class food, they are necessary. If mommy has an allergy, it is allowed to use

Important! If a lactating bitch eats dry food, then regardless of its class, she needs plenty of fluids and an increased amount of dairy products.

Diet for eclampsia

The disease occurs from an acute deficiency of calcium in the body. The symptoms are terrible, develop quickly, and cannot be confused with any other ailment:

  • body temperature increases sharply and strongly;
  • heart rate increases, shortness of breath begins;
  • balance is lost, coordination is lost;
  • the dog has a darting look, barks for no reason, does not pay attention to puppies and is worried;
  • loss of appetite, the animal does not drink, its pupils are dilated;
  • paw tremor begins, which quickly turns into convulsions (the dog remains conscious).

If these symptoms occur, the bitch should be taken to the doctor immediately, otherwise she will go into a coma and then die. You can't hesitate.

At risk are:

  • dogs of small breeds, and the smaller, the higher the risk;
  • malnourished;
  • dogs that have problems with the thyroid gland.

If the bitch is prone to eclampsia, You need to carefully monitor your diet so that the disease does not recur. Give premium and superpremium food that is specially balanced, because if there is an excess of calcium, the animal will get sick again.

What should you do if your dog refuses to eat after giving birth?

If the animal does not eat immediately after birth, there are three reasons for this: fatigue, anxiety and placenta. What to do?

When labor is difficult, your dog may become very tired. In this case, she will not eat. And you shouldn't force feed. You can offer to drink and wait an hour or two: when he rests, his appetite will return.

If labor is over, but contractions continue, the dog will be restless and will not be able to feed it. This may mean there is an afterbirth or a puppy inside. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian who will give the dog appropriate stimulation.

If a dog refuses to eat after giving birth, but has eaten the placenta, then it will not feel hungry for 5-6 hours to 3 days (depending on how much it ate). Here you can only wait.

Loss of appetite during feeding is considered a dangerous symptom. This means the dog is seriously ill and needs to be taken to the vet immediately so he can do blood tests and an ultrasound.

The dog does not feed the puppies after giving birth: reasons, what to do?

Veterinarians identify three main reasons for this behavior in dogs:

  1. There is no maternal instinct, which does not happen often, but it does happen.
  2. The bitch is worried (not feeling well or sick).
  3. Puppies with congenital defects or weaknesses (dogs rarely refuse to nurse these pups, but it does happen).

In the second case, When a dog doesn't nurse puppies after giving birth due to stress or health, you need her to calm down and get better. Then she will take care of the cubs again.

Third option- also artificial feeding. It is possible in two forms:

  • the owner can bring a wet-nurse bitch, and if she accepts the puppies, she will get them out without any problems;
  • The owner will prepare special mixtures for the puppies himself.

The importance of visiting a veterinarian

Puppies are vulnerable in the first weeks after birth. Everything is passed on to them through their mother's milk, and Diseases develop in them much faster than in an adult dog. And if medical assistance is not provided as soon as possible, the outcome will be disastrous.

Hence the importance of the health of the bitch, which also becomes vulnerable after giving birth and during feeding. AND In order not to lose either the “mommy” or the litter, it is better to contact a veterinarian in time.

In conclusion, we can say that, compliance - these are the most important factors not only to maintain her health, but also for the development and growth of strong, healthy, robust puppies. And let these kids be worthy of the title or

Additionally, we suggest you watch a video about feeding and behavior of a bitch in the first days after giving birth:



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