Geometric puzzle games are very useful for developing children's spatial concepts, constructive thinking, logic, imagination and intelligence. One such game is the ancient Chinese game Tangram.

Photo © Algodoo

What mystery lies in this game?

Origin of the game

The game was born in China more than 3000 years ago. Although the word "Tangram" was coined just over a century ago in North America, the Chinese game was known as the "seven piece board of wisdom."

According to one legend, the Great Dragon, who lived among people, entered into battle with the Thunder God. And the God of Thunder cut the sky with an ax into 7 pieces, which fell to the ground. The pieces were so black that they absorbed all the light on earth, thereby destroying the shapes of all objects. The dragon, saddened by such a tragedy, took these seven pieces and began to build various forms and creatures, starting with humans, animals and plants.

Another legend tells of a monk who instructed his disciples to travel by painting the varied beauty of the world on ceramic tiles. But one day the tile fell and broke into 7 pieces. The students tried for seven days to assemble the tiles into a square, but were unsuccessful. And then they decided: the beauty and diversity of the world can be composed of these seven parts.

What is the game?

The puzzle consists of seven geometric figures by dissecting a square:

2 large right triangles

1 medium right triangle

2 small right triangles

1 square

1 parallelogram

Each of these parts is called Tang (Chinese for "part").

These figures are used to create a variety of situations. The game has 1600 possible solutions, which include a wide variety of animals and humans, objects and geometric shapes.

As with other puzzles, tangrams can be solved alone, or you can compete with other players.

How to play Tangram?

Draw a square on cardboard and divide it into parts. It is better to use double-sided colored cardboard. If you don’t have one, take regular colored cardboard, glue it with the wrong side and cut out the shapes. This will make the details more dense. Make several of these sets in different colors.

To begin, ask your child to put these pieces back together into a square. It is better if the child completes the task without looking at the drawing of the square. But if that doesn’t work, you can use the sample.

When laying out figures, it is easier for a child to use samples with drawn components. Outline patterns are more difficult to reproduce.

How to assemble a Chinese cube from 6 parts. Wooden puzzle knots made from bars

Date of: 2013-11-07

The world is designed in such a way that things in it can live longer than people, have different names at different times and in different countries, we can even play The Simpsons games. The toy you see in the picture is known in our country as the “Admiral Makarov puzzle.” In other countries it has other names, of which the most common are “devil’s cross” and “devil’s knot”.

This knot is connected from 6 square bars. The bars have grooves, thanks to which it is possible to cross the bars in the center of the knot. One of the bars does not have grooves; it is inserted into the assembly last, and when disassembled, it is removed first.

The author of this puzzle is unknown. It appeared many centuries ago in China. In the Leningrad Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after. Peter the Great, known as the “Kunstkamera”, there is an ancient sandalwood box from India, in the 8 corners of which the intersections of the frame bars form 8 puzzles. In the Middle Ages, sailors and merchants, warriors and diplomats amused themselves with such puzzles and at the same time carried them around the world. Admiral Makarov, who visited China twice before his last trip and death in Port Arthur, brought the toy to St. Petersburg, where it became fashionable in secular salons. The puzzle also penetrated into the depths of Russia through other roads. It is known that the devil’s bundle was brought to the village of Olsufyevo, Bryansk region, by a soldier returning from the Russian-Turkish war.

Nowadays you can buy a puzzle in a store, but it’s more pleasant to make it yourself. The most suitable size of bars for a homemade structure: 6x2x2 cm.

Variety of damn knots

Before the beginning of our century, over several hundred years of the toy’s existence, more than a hundred variants of the puzzle were invented in China, Mongolia and India, differing in the configuration of the cutouts in the bars. But two options remain the most popular. The one shown in Figure 1 is quite easy to solve; just make it. This is the design used in the ancient Indian box. The bars of Figure 2 are used to create a puzzle called the “Devil’s Knot.” As you might guess, it got its name due to the difficulty of solving it.

Rice. 1 The simplest version of the "devil's knot" puzzle

In Europe, where, starting from the end of the last century, the “Devil's Knot” became widely known, enthusiasts began to invent and make sets of bars with different cutout configurations. One of the most successful sets allows you to get 159 puzzles and consists of 20 bars of 18 types. Although all the nodes are externally indistinguishable, they are arranged completely differently inside.

Rice. 2 "Admiral Makarov's Puzzle"

The Bulgarian artist, Professor Petr Chukhovski, the author of many bizarre and beautiful wooden knots from different numbers of bars, also worked on the “Devil's Knot” puzzle. He developed a set of bar configurations and explored all possible combinations of 6 bars for one simple subset of it.

The most persistent of all in such searches was the Dutch mathematics professor Van de Boer, who with his own hands made a set of several hundred bars and compiled tables showing how to assemble 2906 variants of knots.

This was in the 60s, and in 1978, the American mathematician Bill Cutler wrote a computer program and, using exhaustive search, determined that there were 119,979 variants of a 6-piece puzzle, differing from each other in combinations of protrusions and depressions in the bars, as well as placement bars, provided that there are no voids inside the assembly.

Surprisingly large number for such a small toy! Therefore, a computer was needed to solve the problem.

How a computer solves puzzles?

Of course, not like a person, but not in some magical way either. The computer solves puzzles (and other problems) according to a program; programs are written by programmers. They write as they please, but in a way that the computer can understand. How does a computer manipulate wooden blocks?

We will assume that we have a set of 369 bars, differing from each other in the configurations of the protrusions (this set was first determined by Van de Boer). Descriptions of these bars must be entered into the computer. The minimum cutout (or protrusion) in a block is a cube with an edge equal to 0.5 of the thickness of the block. Let's call it a unit cube. The whole block contains 24 such cubes (Figure 1). In the computer, for each block, a “small” array of 6x2x2=24 numbers is created. A block with cutouts is specified by a sequence of 0s and 1s in a “small” array: 0 corresponds to a cutout cube, 1 to a whole one. Each of the "small" arrays has its own number (from 1 to 369). Each of them can be assigned a number from 1 to 6, corresponding to the position of the block inside the puzzle.

Let's move on to the puzzle now. Let's imagine that it fits inside a cube measuring 8x8x8. In a computer, this cube corresponds to a “large” array consisting of 8x8x8 = 512 number cells. Placing a certain block inside a cube means filling the corresponding cells of the “large” array with numbers equal to the number of the given block.

Comparing 6 “small” arrays and the main one, the computer (i.e., the program) seems to add 6 bars together. Based on the results of adding numbers, it determines how many and what kind of “empty”, “filled” and “overflowing” cells were formed in the main array. “Empty” cells correspond to empty space inside the puzzle, “filled” cells correspond to protrusions in the bars, and “crowded” cells correspond to an attempt to connect two single cubes together, which, of course, is prohibited. Such a comparison is made many times, not only with different bars, but also taking into account their turns, the places they occupy in the “cross”, etc.

As a result, those options are selected that do not have empty or overfilled cells. To solve this problem, a “large” array of 6x6x6 cells would be sufficient. It turns out, however, that there are combinations of bars that completely fill the internal volume of the puzzle, but it is impossible to disassemble them. Therefore, the program must be able to check the assembly for the possibility of disassembly. For this purpose, Cutler took an 8x8x8 array, although its dimensions may not be sufficient to test all cases.

It is filled with information about a specific version of the puzzle. Inside the array, the program tries to “move” the bars, that is, it moves parts of the bar with dimensions of 2x2x6 cells in the “large” array. The movement occurs by 1 cell in each of 6 directions, parallel to the axes of the puzzle. The results of those 6 attempts in which no “overfilled” cells are formed are remembered as the starting positions for the next six attempts. As a result, a tree of all possible movements is built until one block completely leaves the main array or, after all attempts, “overfilled” cells remain, which corresponds to an option that cannot be disassembled.

This is how 119,979 variants of the “Devil’s Knot” were obtained on a computer, including not 108, as the ancients believed, but 6402 variants, having 1 whole block without cuts.


Let us note that Cutler refused to study the general problem - when the node also contains internal voids. In this case, the number of nodes from 6 bars increases greatly and the exhaustive search required to find feasible solutions becomes unrealistic even for a modern computer. But as we will see now, the most interesting and difficult puzzles are contained precisely in the general case - disassembling the puzzle can then be made far from trivial.

Due to the presence of voids, it becomes possible to move several bars sequentially before one can be completely separated. A moving block unhooks some bars, allows the movement of the next block, and simultaneously engages other bars.

The more manipulations you need to do when disassembling, the more interesting and difficult the puzzle version. The grooves in the bars are arranged so cleverly that finding a solution resembles wandering through a dark labyrinth, in which you constantly come across walls or dead ends. This type of knot undoubtedly deserves a new name; we'll call it a "supernode". A measure of the complexity of a superknot is the number of movements of individual bars that must be made before the first element is separated from the puzzle.

We don't know who came up with the first supernode. The most famous (and most difficult to solve) are two superknots: the “Bill's thorn” of difficulty 5, invented by W. Cutler, and the “Dubois superknot” of difficulty 7. Until now, it was believed that the degree of difficulty 7 could hardly be surpassed. However, the first author of this article managed to improve the "Dubois knot" and increase the complexity to 9, and then, using some new ideas, get superknots with complexity 10, 11 and 12. But the number 13 remains insurmountable. Maybe the number 12 is the biggest difficulty of a supernode?

Supernode solution

To provide drawings of such difficult puzzles as superknots and not reveal their secrets would be too cruel to even puzzle experts. We will give the solution to superknots in a compact, algebraic form.

Before disassembling, we take the puzzle and orient it so that the part numbers correspond to Figure 1. The disassembly sequence is written down as a combination of numbers and letters. The numbers indicate the numbers of the bars, the letters indicate the direction of movement in accordance with the coordinate system shown in Figures 3 and 4. A line above a letter means movement in the negative direction of the coordinate axis. One step is to move the block 1/2 of its width. When a block moves two steps at once, its movement is written in brackets with an exponent of 2. If several parts that are interlocked are moved at once, then their numbers are enclosed in brackets, for example (1, 3, 6) x. The separation of the block from the puzzle is indicated by a vertical arrow.

Let us now give examples of the best supernodes.

W. Cutler's puzzle ("Bill's thorn")

It consists of parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, shown in Figure 3. An algorithm for solving it is also given there. It is curious that the journal Scientific American (1985, No. 10) gives another version of this puzzle and reports that “Bill's thorn” has a unique solution. The difference between the options is in just one block: parts 2 and 2 B in Figure 3.

Rice. 3 "Bill's Thorn", developed using a computer.

Due to the fact that part 2 B contains fewer cuts than part 2, it is not possible to insert it into the “Bill’s thorn” using the algorithm indicated in Figure 3. It remains to be assumed that the puzzle from Scientific American is assembled in some other way.

If this is the case and we assemble it, then after that we can replace part 2 B with part 2, since the latter takes up less volume than 2 B. As a result, we will get the second solution to the puzzle. But “Bill’s thorn” has a unique solution, and only one conclusion can be drawn from our contradiction: in the second version there was an error in the drawing.

A similar mistake was made in another publication (J. Slocum, J. Botermans “Puzzles old and new”, 1986), but in a different block (detail 6 C in Figure 3). What was it like for those readers who tried, and perhaps are still trying, to solve these puzzles?

Homemade wooden puzzles presented on our website:


Knots of six bars.

I think I will not be mistaken if I say that the knot of six bars is the most famous wooden puzzle.

There is an opinion (and I completely share it!) that wooden knots were born in Japan, as an improvisation on the theme of traditional local building structures. This is probably why modern residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are unsurpassed puzzlers. In the best sense of the word.

About ten years ago, armed with a rental machine that is unique to this day, “Skillful Hands,” for children’s creativity, I made many versions of six-bar knots from oak and beech...

Regardless of the complexity of the original components, in all versions of this puzzle there is one straight, uncut block that is always inserted into the structure last and closes it into an inseparable whole.

The pages below from the already mentioned book by A.S. Pugachev show the variety of units of six bars and provide comprehensive information for their independent manufacture.

Among the options presented, some are very simple, and some are not so simple. Somehow it happened that one of them (in Pugachev’s book it appears as number 6) received its own name - “The Cross of Admiral Makarov.”

Knot of six bars - Puzzle "Cross of Admiral Makarov".

I won’t go into details why it’s called that - either because the glorious admiral, in the lulls between naval battles, loved to make it in ship’s carpentry, or for some other reason... I’ll just say one thing - this option is really difficult, despite the fact that the details lack the “internal” notches that I so dislike. It’s too inconvenient to pick them out with a chisel!

The pictures below, created using the Autodesk 3D Max three-dimensional modeling program, show the appearance of the parts and the solution (sequence and spatial orientation) of the "Admiral Makarov's Cross" puzzle.

In computer graphics classes at Children's Art School No. 2, among other miscellaneous things, I also use mock-up puzzles made “in haste” from polystyrene foam as teaching aids. For example, the details of a cross made of six bars are excellent as a “lifestyle” for low-poly modeling.

A simple knot of three bars will be useful for understanding the basics of key animation.

Among other things, in the same book by A.S. Pugachev there are drawings of other units, including those made of twelve and even sixteen bars!

A knot of sixteen bars.

Even though there are a lot of parts, this puzzle is quite simple to assemble. As in the case of six-bar units, the last part to be inserted is a straight piece without cutouts.

DeAgostini Magazine "Entertaining Puzzles" No. 7, 10, 17

Issue No. 7 of the magazine "Entertaining Puzzles" of the publishing house "DeAgostini" presents a rather interesting, in my opinion, puzzle "Oblique Knot".

It is based on a very simple knot of three elements, but due to the “bending”, the new version has become much more complex and interesting. In any case, my students at art school sometimes twist and turn it, but cannot put it together...

And by the way, when I decided to model it in 3D Max, I suffered quite a bit...

The screenshot below from the magazine shows the assembly sequence of the "Oblique Knot"

The “Barrel Puzzle” puzzle from issue 17 of the “Entertaining Puzzles” magazine is very similar in its internal essence to the “Knot of Sixteen Bars” presented on this page.

Yes, I would like to take this opportunity to note the high quality of production of almost all the puzzles I purchased from the DeAgostini publishing house. In some cases, however, I had to pick up a file and even glue, but that’s just it... costs.

The process of assembling the Barrel Puzzle is shown below.

I can’t help but say a few words about the very original “Cross Puzzle” from the same “Entertaining Puzzles” series No. 10. In appearance, it looks like it’s also a cross (or a knot), made of two bars, but to separate them, you don’t need a smart head, but strong arms. I mean, you need to quickly spin the puzzle like a top on a flat surface, and it will figure it out!

The fact is that the cylindrical pins locking the assembly, under the influence of centrifugal force, diverge to the sides and open the “lock”. Simple, but tasteful!

On a note

A tangram can be cut from a sheet of soft magnet (magnetic tape). An excellent option would be to take sheets of different colors. Then you can assemble the tangram directly on the refrigerator.

The following rules must be observed when playing

  1. when composing images, all seven figures are used;
  2. the figures must be in the same plane, i.e. should not overlap each other or be placed on top of other parts;
  3. all parts must be adjacent, i.e. have a point of contact with other parts.

Real drawings of those objects, the silhouette image of which is created using a puzzle game, are very useful. In this case, it will be easier for the child to imagine the depicted object and, perhaps, create his own version. Such activities are very useful in preparing children for school.

Video taken from
User WwwIgrovedRu

Source of diagrams:

Stages of assembling a 6x6 Rubik's cube: Collecting the centers (16 elements each) + Collecting the edges (4 elements each) + Collecting it like a 3x3 cube.
But first, the language of rotations, the designation of edges and turns.

L - rotation of the left face. The number 3 in front of the letter means the number of faces rotated simultaneously. For example - 3L, 3R, 3U, etc... Small letters indicate the inner edges of the cube. For example - r, l, u, b, f...

The number 3 in front of the small letter means the rotation of one indicated inner middle (third) face. For example - 3l, 3r, 3u, etc... Simultaneous rotation of two internal faces is indicated by the numbers 2-3 in front of the small letters indicating this face. For example - 2-3r, 2-3l...

" - a stroke after the letter means that the rotation is directed COUNTERCLOCKWISE. For example - U", L", R"...

You need to turn the edge to face you in order to orient yourself in the direction of rotation - clockwise or counterclockwise. Further in the formulas the notation R2, U2, F2 ... will also be used - this means rotating the face 2 times, i.e. by 180.

Stage 1. Assembling centers.

At the first stage, you need to collect the central (sixteen elements) on each side of the 6x6 cube (Fig. 1). The center is the 16 elements of the same color in the middle of each face. If you rotate only the outer edges (Fig. 2), you will not disturb the position of the central elements of the cube. Rotate the outer edges to position the center elements that you want to swap. Apply the formula to swap the elements. In this case, the previously assembled elements of the remaining centers will not be disturbed.

By rotating the outer edges we achieve the correct positioning of the elements from the center of the cube before applying the appropriate formula. And don't forget that the centers in a 6x6 cube are not strictly fixed! They must be placed based on the corner elements, according to their colors, and this must be done from the very beginning.

3r U" 2L" U 3r" U" 2L

2R U" 3l" U 2R" U" 3l

2R U 2R" U 2R U2 2R"

3r U 3r" U 3r U2 3r"

3r U 3l" U" 3r" U 3l

Collecting the first four centers is simple and interesting; for this it is not at all necessary to know the formulas, it is enough to understand the basic principles.

You can also watch the entire first stage of assembly in the video.

Stage 2. Assembling the ribs.

At the second stage, you need to collect the four edge elements of the cube. The starting positions before applying the formulas are given in the figures. The cross indicates edge pairs that have not yet been joined and will be affected during the application of the formula. Application of the formulas does not affect all other previously collected edges and centers. Everywhere in the figures it is assumed that yellow is the front (front edge), red is the top. You may have a different location of the centers - it does not matter.

The result to be achieved in the second stage.

r U L" U" r"

3r U L" U" 3r"

3l" U L" U" 3l

l" U L" U" l

It is important to understand the idea of ​​this stage. All formulas consist of 5 steps. Step 1 is always rotating the faces (right or left) so as to align 2 edge elements. Step 2 is always turning the top. Where to turn the top depends on which side there is an unassembled edge, which you substitute in place of the joined one in step 1. In the pictures and in these formulas, this edge is on the left, but it can also be on the right. Step 3 is always a rotation of one right or left edge so that instead of a mated edge, substitute an unjoined one. Steps 4 and 5 are reversals of steps 2 and 1 to return the cube to its original state. So - they docked, put it aside, substituted the unassembled, and returned it back.
For a more visual demonstration, watch the video.

Tangram is an ancient oriental puzzle made from figures obtained by cutting a square into 7 parts in a special way: 2 large triangles, one medium one, 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. As a result of folding these parts together, flat figures are obtained, the contours of which resemble all kinds of objects, from humans, animals to tools and household items. These types of puzzles are often called "geometric puzzles", "cardboard puzzles" or "cut puzzles".

With a tangram, a child will learn to analyze images, identify geometric shapes in them, learn to visually break an entire object into parts, and vice versa - to compose a given model from elements, and most importantly - to think logically.

How to make a tangram

A tangram can be made from cardboard or paper by printing a template and cutting along the lines. You can download and print the tangram square diagram by clicking on the picture and selecting “print” or “save image as...”.

It is possible without a template. We draw a diagonal in the square - we get 2 triangles. We cut one of them in half into 2 small triangles. Mark the middle on each side of the second large triangle. We cut off the middle triangle and other shapes using these marks. There are other options for how to draw a tangram, but when you cut it into pieces, they will be absolutely the same.

A more practical and durable tangram can be cut from a rigid office folder or a plastic DVD box. You can complicate your task a little by cutting out a tangram from pieces of different felt, stitching them along the edges, or even from plywood or wood.

How to play tangram

Each piece of the game must be made up of seven tangram parts, and they must not overlap.

The easiest option for preschool children 4-5 years old is to assemble figures according to the diagrams (answers) laid out into elements, like a mosaic. A little practice, and the child will learn to make figures according to the pattern-contour and even come up with his own figures according to the same principle.

Schemes and figures of the tangram game

Recently, tangrams have been often used by designers. The most successful use of tangram is perhaps as furniture. There are tangram tables, transformable upholstered furniture, and cabinet furniture. All furniture built on the tangram principle is quite comfortable and functional. It can change depending on the mood and desire of the owner. How many different options and combinations can be made from triangular, square and quadrangular shelves. When purchasing such furniture, along with instructions, the buyer is given several sheets with pictures on different topics that can be folded from these shelves.In the living room you can hang shelves in the shape of people, in the nursery you can put cats, hares and birds from the same shelves, and in the dining room or library - the drawing can be on a construction theme - houses, castles, temples.

Here is such a multifunctional tangram.



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