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Almost every tourist who comes to the kingdom of Thailand includes in their itinerary a visit to the village of the Karen tribe, famous for its long-necked women.

These live amazing people in the northern part of Thailand, in a mountainous area near the border with Myanmar (formerly Burma). These are representatives of the Padaung people (“Padaung” - “copper ring”), one of the branches of the Karen tribe.

Only their girls, starting from the age of 5, put brass or copper rings around their necks, gradually increasing their number. Or rather, they do not put on rings, but a thick copper rod, which is twisted in a spiral around the neck.

U mature woman the number of turns can be more than two dozen. As a result, the neck becomes incredibly long.

By the end of life, the weight of the rings of some representatives of the tribe reaches several kilograms, and the height is more than 20 cm. Sometimes the spiral rings are made deliberately high so that they fit tightly to the chin and shoulders. In this case, women cannot turn their heads, which causes them a lot of inconvenience. But such exoticism is rarely practiced.

How longnecks appeared in Thailand

The tribe settled in the northern part of the Kingdom of Thailand in the 70s of the last century. Fleeing the unrest and persecution that reigned in Burma, the Karen people migrated to a neighboring state. and the government treated their situation with understanding and sheltered them in their state.

The Karen have refugee status here, so they can only stay in the province where they live. When leaving Thailand, they forever lose the opportunity to return. In the name of the prosperity of the tourism business, the Thai government allowed the Karen to preserve their language and cultural traditions, giving them the opportunity to make money on travelers’ desire to see exotic things.

History of tradition

Initially, neck rings were only worn on girls born either during the full moon or on Wednesday. But over time, every woman of the Padaung people began to wear such jewelry. There are several versions that explain the reason for the emergence of this tradition:

1. Metal rings protected from predators

One legend says that once upon a time, a long time ago, tigers attacked the Padaungs and gnawed off the necks of most of the tribe. In the absence of men, the likelihood of wild animals attacking women and children increased.

To prevent the clan from ending, the leader ordered that women and girls be put on a kind of protection made of metal rings. Of course, the rings did not literally protect against powerful fangs, but they could act as amulets.

2. The rings ensured that the woman was unattractive to strangers

Excessively long necks made girls very unattractive to the peoples of other tribes, so men came up with the idea of ​​ringing the necks of their lovers. Their ugliness protected them from kidnapping, captivity, and subsequent slavery.

3. Rings are a kind of decoration

The more of them and the longer the neck, the more beautiful the woman was considered. Such a girl could have married more successfully.

4. Tradition - a tribute to the memory of the ancestors of the Karen people

According to an ancient legend, the Wind and the Dragon were in love with each other. When the Wind learned that his chosen one was pregnant, he began to frantically circle around her with immense joy.

The dragon gave birth to a cocoon, from which the first Karen was born, a representative of the nationality, which today is one of. The Dance of the Happy Wind began to be symbolized by the spiral hoops on the necks of Padaung women.

5. Punishment for an unfaithful wife

Another belief says that the husband would remove the rings from a woman caught cheating on her. After they were removed, the unfaithful woman remained bedridden, so the atrophied neck muscles without rings could not hold up her head. This version is more suitable for the tribes inhabiting the African continent, whose women also wear hoops around their necks. After all, African women wear heavy rings that stretch cervical vertebrae, and when removing them there is a high risk of damaging the spine.

In Thailand, women do not experience painful discomfort after removing jewelry. Before going to bed or swimming, beauties get rid of them, and in the morning they put them on for demonstration to tourists.

X-ray studies have proven that in Padaungs the length of the neck does not increase when wearing rings - deformation occurs upper section chest when the shoulders and collarbones drop, creating the effect of a long neck.

If you stop wearing hoops, after a couple of years your body proportions will be restored. But, be that as it may, the percentage adultery and there is very little divorce among the Longneck tribe in northern Thailand.

Karens today

Having moved to Thailand, the Karen realized that their exotic custom could become a good bait for numerous tourists. They organized reservation villages where, on a commercial basis, they show visitors the conditions of their life, sell handicrafts, and demonstrate the main exhibits - women with long necks.

Female giraffes in Thailand have a privileged place in their village. They do not work in the fields, do not do hard, exhausting work, like the rest. Their main task is to engage in folk crafts. And a man whose wife’s neck is decorated with a “necklace” has a higher status than his fellow tribesmen.

The Karens are ambivalent about their business. On the one hand, they don’t like feeling like a pet in a human zoo and giving away the lion’s share of their income travel agencies, and on the other hand, a fairly tolerable existence in comparison with their compatriots from troubled Myanmar reconciles them with reality.

Karens are skilled craftswomen. Woven by them on manual machines fabrics with bright, ethnic patterns have conquered not only Thailand and neighboring Asian countries. Almost every tourist who comes to visit the tribe considers it necessary to purchase an exotic item.

How to behave in a settlement of longnecks

When visiting the Longneck Women's Reservation Village and other tribal settlements in Thailand, follow these simple rules of conduct:

  • Be respectful of the customs of the residents, their beliefs, and religious symbols.
  • Wear modest clothing to the village. You shouldn't come there with bare shoulders and knees.
  • Always ask permission before taking a photograph of anyone or anything.
  • Be prepared that you will be asked for some kind of bribe for the opportunity to pose with a long-necked beauty, and in some settlements photography will be prohibited.
  • Discourage begging. Giving children money or sweets is not a good idea.

When visiting the village, tourists can witness ordinary life tribe, as well as see ritual ceremonies. In addition, there is an opportunity to try on and buy legendary rings. For many, visiting a Longneck Karen village evokes dual feelings: pity and curiosity. What is striking is the artificiality, the staged nature of what is happening and the tortured look in the eyes of the “living exhibits.”

Nevertheless, Padaung women pose kindly and calmly in front of tourists, demonstrating what most people who come to Thailand strive to get to the north of the country to visit the ancient people.

Every girl wants to be beautiful. Cosmetics, varnishes, masks, hairdressers, creams, razors, tweezers and many, many other things help us a lot with this...

However, there are features in the appearance of many girls that cannot be corrected with cosmetics or tweezers.

Sometimes “flaws” are invented by the girls themselves and in fact do not detract from our beauty in any way (read the article). And sometimes a certain feature of appearance really takes away points from our beauty, but we are accustomed to thinking that this feature cannot be corrected.

Fortunately, many of these features that it would seem you just need to accept within yourself can also be corrected.

We have already talked about that, but now let's talk about how to make your neck longer and thinner at home . Yes, it is possible, and no, it is not difficult at all)

I will not rant for a long time about the fact that a long, graceful neck is beautiful, but a short and thick neck is not so much. You already know this. Do you want a long one? beautiful neck? Easily! Let's start the exercises!

How to make your neck longer and thinner?

If you still think that it is impossible to lengthen the neck in principle, think about the tribes where women, over the course of their lives, put on more and more hoops, and their necks become incredibly long (but not because the cervical vertebrae are elongated, of course, but because that the shoulders drop).

We certainly don’t need such long necks, so we don’t need hoops either: it’s enough to do simple exercises every day, morning and evening, that will stretch the neck muscles and relax the shoulder muscles. And if hoops make the neck weaker, then the exercises, on the contrary, strengthen the neck muscles and greatly increase blood flow to the brain, which is very, very useful.

How to lengthen your neck? Exercises.

So, to make your neck longer and thinner (at home, by simple exercises) twice a day, every day we do the following:

  1. Warm up the neck muscles. To do this, we do 10 regular head tilts to the right and left and back and forth. Then with our fingers we make spiral movements from the base of the neck to the head (from bottom to top) on the back of the neck and along its sides (do not touch the front of the neck) - i.e. stretch your neck as if it were tired. After this, we do another 10 regular head tilts to the right and left and back and forth.
  2. We stretch our ears. We stretch our right ear to the right shoulder and our left ear to the left shoulder. We stretch well so that the muscle tension is felt on the opposite side of the neck. We hold our head in this position for 5 seconds, then reach for the other shoulder. Start with 15 reps.
  3. We nod deeply. In other words, we do the same thing, only back and forth: first we stretch our chin high, high up so that we can feel the tension in the neck in front, hold for 5 seconds. Then we stretch our chin to our chest and hold again for 5 seconds. 15 reps.
  4. We refuse in amplitude. In the previous exercise we nodded, but in this exercise we make head movements as if we were giving up something: first we pull our chin to our right shoulder, hold for 5 seconds, then to our left, hold for 5 seconds. And so 15 repetitions.
  5. We turn our heads. Slowly and carefully make deep rotations with your head so that you can alternately feel the tension of all the muscles around the perimeter of your neck. 5 times one way, 5 times the other.

IMPORTANT! All exercises for a long neck must be done extremely carefully, slowly, without sudden movements! The neck is a very important part of the body, we have no right to harm it. Therefore, we work smoothly, catching the feeling of muscle tension gradually, and not jerkily.

Start with 15 reps for exercises 2, 3 and 4, and add five more reps each week. Those. in the first week you will do each exercise to lengthen the neck 15 times, in the second week - 20, in the third - 25. If you continue the exercises for the fourth week and beyond, you no longer need to increase the number of repetitions, 25 is enough.

If you do everything correctly, within two weeks you will notice (and for some even earlier) that your neck has become longer and thinner.

And another piece of advice for those who like to put cream on their face, but forget about their neck: the skin of your neck, if you don’t take care of it, will be the first to reveal your real age. Therefore, do not forget to nourish and moisturize it too. Your regular face cream will be suitable for these purposes; it will also be useful quality Coconut oil . And if the neck is already flabby, then you can contact Vichy anti-aging care.

In high mountain areas South-East Asia Home to the interesting Padaung (or Kayan) people. Padaung girls wear copper coils around their necks from the age of 5. First, a spiral of six rings is placed around the neck, and then each year their number is increased by one. By the time of marriage, the number of rings reaches its maximum, and after the wedding, as a rule, they are not added. At the same time, the woman’s neck stretches, which sometimes leads to an increase in its length to 40 centimeters. Because of the exotic appearance They began to be called giraffe women, and their areas of residence are very popular among tourists.

The Padaung live in the border areas of Thailand and Myanmar and number more than 50,000 people. The traditional occupation of the Padaung people is growing rice and raising livestock. The custom of wearing copper spirals around the neck goes back to ancient times. In every settlement there are women who master the art of putting on rings. As soon as a girl turns 5 years old, she puts on her first rings.

Subsequently, the number of rings increases, and sometimes the design is so high and uncomfortable that it hinders movement and it can be difficult for girls to turn or tilt their heads. In addition to rings on the neck, women wear rings on their hands and feet, and their national costume is complemented by a white shirt decorated with braid.

Tourists are told that the custom of wearing rings is associated with the specific ideas of the Padaung tribe about beauty. A long neck is considered a symbol of prosperity and beauty. But this custom also has a more practical explanation.

According to the Padaung themselves, such a design was intended to save them from tigers, encounters with which are still not uncommon in this region. Apparently, the men of the tribe could fight the predator and fight back, but the women had to protect their necks.

According to another version, such rings served to identify the women of the tribe. The fact is that in this region, the theft of girls by neighboring peoples, as well as unauthorized escape, flourished. That's why the padaung came up with this original way protecting their beauties from the attacks of their neighbors. After all, the rings cannot be removed without special skills and devices, and men who go in search can easily find a Padaung girl. And even if you take them off, the girl’s longer neck will be noticeable, which will immediately arouse suspicion.

According to doctors, wearing conventional IUDs does not negatively affect women’s health. But sometimes the spirals are deliberately made too high. In this case, a greater effect is achieved and the neck becomes very long. But at the same time, head mobility becomes difficult, and the muscles designed to ensure this mobility atrophy. If such women remove the rings, a neck fracture may occur.

Today, not all Padaung women want to wear the rings they wore as children. Some people remove them and continue to do just fine without spirals. But in some villages in Thailand, the custom of wearing rings is considered not only a sign of beauty, but also a way to earn money. Tourists who come to Padaung settlements happily buy souvenirs and clothes, and also take pictures with amazing long-necked women.

Original taken from melannette in The neck is the head and youth of everything! Stretch your neck #1

Some had their neck diagnosed and were upset, and some even missed 5 vertebrae. But I hasten to please you that everything can be fixed. This is what Natalya Osminina and I are telling you. Since at the young age of 26 it turns out she had no neck. You can safely verify this by looking at left side photo below. And the right one is just the result of just 1.5 months of my work with the neck.

Sadness on the left and plague on the right))) Moreover, my result is far from the most stunning. But I only talk about myself, about my results and what I believe.

Here's your first very simple exercise. There can be terrible discomfort, so be very careful and do not harm yourself.
lengthen the neck, improve blood supply to the face, remove the withers and with it the hump. For those who missed the beginning, please refer to the #youth_faces tag for those who have Instagram (later I will drag everything here).

1. Raise one shoulder towards your ear as much as possible. Pull your shoulder back so that your shoulder blade points toward your spine. Turn your head away from your shoulder. (see photo 1)
2. Press the back of your head to your shoulder. We pinched the side of the neck and part of the trapezium (see photo 2) Breathe! Keep it for 2 seconds.
3. Carefully return to the starting position.
4. Stretch the part of the side neck that was clamped. That is, we stretch in opposite directions, namely, we place one hand on the shoulder, the second under hairline and slowly pull the tight muscle in opposite directions. (See photo 3)
5. Follow these steps for the other side of the neck.

I draw your attention:
1. All clamps, although maximally tense, are up to the first discomfort!
2. Always stretch the muscles in opposite directions after clamping.
3. Check if the muscles are relaxed. This is easy: after performing the exercise, move your shoulders slightly; if they pull themselves up, it means the muscles have not relaxed.



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