In December 2015, Cancers will be torn between love and hate. As shown horoscope for December 2015 for Cancers V last month of the passing year, you suddenly want to find out who and how to treat you in your environment. That is, not just think and analyze, but also find out and arrange a showdown about this. If you take all the people around you, then there are people who hate you. And let them hate themselves, you think... There are people who love you. Let those who love you nod with satisfaction, Cancers... And there are people who hate you, but pretend that they love you. These are the ones Cancers hate the most. These people, one might say, really infuriate you! These are the ones you will be dealing with in December 2015.

Cancer horoscope for December 2015. Well, if you are determined to figure out who and how to really treat you, then the horoscope for December 2015 for Cancer indicates that the next month is great for any experiments. Moreover, as in personal life, and in professional or other areas. As the horoscope for December 2015 suggests, it is better for Cancer to do something and then repent than to do nothing and then sit and still repent. That is why in December 2015 Cancers do not need to be afraid to experiment with people, themselves and relationships. Especially in solving some problems or issues. Cancers, remember it is very difficult to solve a problem if you think the same way as those who created it for you. So feel free to experiment on yourself, your behavior, and people’s reactions to your words and actions. You can even shock and shock a little by using non-standard methods of solving problems.

As indicated astrological forecast for December 2015 for Cancers, next month many representatives of your zodiac sign will finally be rewarded for the difficult October and boring November. In December 2015, the horoscope for Cancer promises to be more friendly than in October, and not as boring as in November. It’s not for nothing that last month we wrote that in November 2015, Cancers needed to sweeten their lives a little. How sugar can add flavor to coffee bad taste, if you don't put it there. Likewise, Cancers might not have liked the “taste” of November 2015 if you didn’t sweeten it for yourself.

Horoscope for December 2015 Cancer, indicates that the stars and prophetic dreams next month they will give you hints, advice and tips on something important that should not only lift your mood, but will also really help you correctly determine the future in the long term. Of course, many Cancers are already a little tired by the end of the year, but success comes only to those who know how to wait. It’s true that the line is long... But that’s the zodiac feature of Cancers, that you don’t like to jump in line.

Reading the horoscope for December 2015 for Cancers, you are, of course, interested in: where and how to celebrate the New Year of Cancer 2016?

The horoscope advises giving Cancer's New Year's costume a slight touch of mystery. It could be a funny face mask, a cloak, or something original. Therefore, Cancers do not need to strive for revealing outfits or unnecessary pathos. But don’t strive to be gray “mice” either. Shades of yellow, gold, chocolate and purple are most suitable for Cancers. Ideally, it should be something free, flowing or flying. Of course, a musketeer costume would be most suitable for this image. With frills and a cloak. And even for Cancer women. But, since Cancers are also a little lazy, it is unlikely that you will look that far for “free, mysterious, but also fun.”

The main thing is that your New Year's costume creates a cheerful mood, imbued with warmed-up fun, which is what the energetic and impetuous Monkey expects from Cancer...

Where and how to celebrate the New Year 2016 for Cancers?

A great idea to celebrate the New Year 2016 for Cancers would be a fun costume party, where each “New Year’s” character will have their own role. Therefore, the location is not so important. It is important that Cancers cheerfully pick up the general spirit of fun and carnival. So the option of a calm and narrow family circle, which many adult Cancers secretly dream of, is not very suitable this year. And celebrating New Year Cancers may be acting a little reckless again. Don’t forget that a light wind in your head keeps a cheerful fire burning not only in your heart, but also in your soul.

Your attitude towards the financial side of life may undergo major changes in the first half of December, when the planet of limitations Saturn is activated in the sky. Even if you were not previously thrifty, during this period you will become so thrifty that others may accuse you of greed. Follow the command inner voice and don't give in to social pressure. Now you are able to accumulate a significant amount of money - and who knows, maybe those who condemned your desire to save will later even turn to you for financial help.

December 16 to 18, when the Moon is located in the sign of Pisces, you will want to perfect order in the house. But keep in mind that at this time you will be too picky with your loved ones and with your endless comments you can provoke a conflict. Therefore, refuse the help of your family and start carrying out spring cleaning on one's own.

It is possible that after December 19 there will be an opportunity to travel or even go on a short trip. However, the tense aspect that forms between Mercury and Pluto at this time indicates that it will not be possible to get the expected pleasure from the trip.

Love horoscope for December 2015 for Cancers

December will bring renewal in feelings: new acquaintances (it is possible that these will be relatives of one of your friends) and a real “burst of freshness” in your current relationship - you will once again note how lucky you are with your loved one!

Changes in appearance made in the first half of the month will be beneficial and will attract the attention of potential partners. The stars predict the successful development of the novel if you do not stay in one place. Walking together, short trips, exploring the sights - this is useful and interesting, and will allow you to get to know your chosen one better. If you are already confident in your feelings, then the second half of December is a great time to plan a wedding and submit an application. The marriage will be strong, reliable and happy, it will bring you not only love, but also success in business and mutual benefit.

Business horoscope for December 2015 for Cancers

In the first ten days of December, you will most likely have to master new areas of activity - for example, fulfill the duties of a colleague who has gone on vacation. By approaching your work not formally, but with all the responsibility inherent in you, you will certainly deserve encouragement from management in the form of a bonus or even a salary increase.

During the period of the waxing Moon, that is, from December 12 to 24, your gift of persuasion will increase. The number of “prizes” that you will be able to win depends on how skillfully and expertly you use this weapon. Plan important meetings and negotiations for this time. Business trips and participation in various seminars and trainings will be especially successful now.

The last third of December will be the most active, eventful time. At work, you will become a “lifesaver” for several colleagues who do not have time to complete the tasks set by management on time. In addition, there is a high probability that you will be involved in the preparation of some event - for example, a corporate party or a colleague’s birthday. Don't be modest - your organizational skills have been waiting for the opportunity to reveal themselves for a long time!

Health horoscope for December 2015 for Cancers

From December 2 to 4, thanks to the Moon located in Virgo, you will be in complete harmony with the world around you, which will have a beneficial effect on physical well-being. If you manage to remain as peaceful throughout the month, any ailments will bypass you.

It is recommended to begin general health procedures on December 7, when the planets form a harmonious aspect to your sign. This is a great time for spa treatment and hardening procedures. But on December 12 and 13, try not to overexert yourself, even though you will be overwhelmed with energy. Increased activity may cause sharp jump blood pressure, which is warned by the aspect formed between the Moon and Mercury. From December 23rd you will be under the protection of the Sun. During this period it is very important to observe correct mode sleep and wakefulness. Lack of sleep can cause stress.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for December 2015:

Horoscope for December 2015 Cancer

In December 2015, Cancer can think about business trips and travel - he will be most comfortable working with partners, customers and clients. It is on trips that he will be able to solve his personal problems. professional problems, achieve success. The month, of course, will not be problem-free for him, but Cancer has rich internal resources and excellent potential to overcome any difficulties. Before the chimes strike, Cancer must put an end to his weaknesses and problems, which means that he must not waste a single minute of this period.

In December 2015, Cancer should be well prepared to meet the coming year. He must put all his affairs in order, draw up documents, earn good financial support, and enter completely new social circles. The representative of this zodiac constellation should not lose vigilance in the days accompanying full moon eclipse On December 10, ill-wishers may become more active and will try to destabilize Cancer’s successes with intrigue, gossip, and ugly actions. However, you should not rush into a fight with offenders if Cancer notices such actions. The time that he would spend on useless, fruitless wars can be used for his own benefit if he changes his activity for a while, and if possible, leaves, gets away from it negative influence. Since the month is very favorable to his travel, Cancer can go on a business trip and continue to work with partners. On business trips, Cancer will meet with very interesting people, will meet very influential partners who will be able to offer him very profitable business cooperation. Far from home, Cancer will meet many new friends who will help him in difficult situations work, and will help in the future. In the second half of December, time will require Cancer to report on the work done. Inspections may begin at the enterprise; management will want to inspect the work of the Cancer employee. In the decision official tasks goals must be extremely clear and understandable - only in this case will Cancer be able to achieve clear results in their work, without being torn between many things. Because it will fall on the shoulders of Cancer increased load, he cannot do without the support of his best friends and reliable partners. A representative of this zodiac constellation must understand well that all his actions and actions taken at the end of 2015 have no reverse. In case of very significant mistakes, he will be forced to spend long time to correct them - and it is not a fact that he will be able to completely correct the situation. The last ten days of the month will not forget about gifts for Cancer, if only he was very active and active in his work. An offer of a new position may be a pleasant surprise for him, which will make him take a different look at his abilities and capabilities.
In December 2015, Cancer’s professional success will be joined by material success. He will receive a very stable profit, which will form quite a decent capital at the end of the year. At the beginning of December, he needs to buy gifts for friends and family, because at this time Christmas discounts already begin to apply. Cancer will be able to buy small gifts for all the people who are close to him, who helped him along the way - even if these are not big souvenirs at all, but with a piece of his grateful soul. In the middle of the month, a representative of this zodiac constellation should be wary of theft and fraud. Family Cancer will be able to renovate their home, purchase new furniture and things for relatives. If Cancer's profit in December was able to amount to the starting capital, Cancer may think about his own business, or about expanding his business in the future.
In December 2015 family cancer will be inclined towards peaceful communication with loved ones, cozy family evenings and a reliable rear. He will in no way disturb the peace of his loved ones; he will try to do everything to preserve his small island of peace and well-being. An increase in tension may arise in communication with distant relatives, who will try to take advantage of Cancer’s trust and good disposition towards them. However, you should not develop the conflict - the upcoming holidays will allow you to forget about these unpleasant moments, and they will reconcile those who are quarreling. If the heart of a lonely Cancer is open to new feelings, he will be able to develop a wonderful romantic relationship with his chosen one after a fateful meeting in December.

Pharmacological drugs that provoke allergies. Causes of pathology and risk factors

December will be a busy month. It's time to reap the benefits, harvest and make plans for the future.

Love, Cancer family in December 2015

Personal life is not particularly stable. The stars advise unfriendly spouses not to resolve issues from a position of strength and to remember that the other half is not at all savvy and can answer quite harshly. And as a result, the most fun party You will have to face the year alone. The most likely outcome of the struggle is separation, then reconciliation, and so on until one of you has a suitable alternative. But relationships with children will improve, and maybe this is what will reconcile quarreling parents.

New Year's Eve can be spent on a trip or with relatives who have come from afar.

Career, finances of Cancer in December 2015

December is a good period for your career, although rather chaotic. There will be so much work that you will have no time to just take a breath, let alone rest. In general, everything is going well, but, as they say, “every barrel of honey may have its own fly in the ointment.” This time it may turn out to be difficult relationships with colleagues from other cities or countries. You have already encountered all this before, it’s just that every time the problem turns towards you one way or the other. Entrepreneurs and bosses are bringing order to their subordinates, and employees are looking for ways to cooperate with colleagues. Relations with individual partners are quite tense and the most controversial issues may be raised towards the end of December.

The financial situation is improving. At the most large sums can be counted on December 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 27-29.

December 2015 will be a time for Cancer to test their feelings with practical deeds. The last month of the year may bring the need to take responsibility for a spouse, loved one, or participate in solving his business problems. But this doesn't mean that romance won't have a place in your life.

Venus moves into the Cancer house of love on December 5, 2015, which is a good omen. Many representatives of your sign will experience a time of all-consuming, intense passion and interesting love stories. For lonely Cancers, the period may bring a meeting with someone special. Venus has the ability to change relationships for the better, and if you previously had disagreements with your loved one, then agreement will come.

Saturn, ruling the house of Cancer's partner, is located in your sign's house of work and health. In December 2015, the influence of this planet will be activated by the Sun and Mercury, so love can have a relationship with business sphere or health issues. You may develop romantic interests at work, develop an office romance, or begin a love affair with someone in the medical world.

On December 11, 2015, Mercury enters the house of your Cancer partner, and your approach to love becomes more rational. From now on, communication, exchange of impressions and ideas will be intensified. If you have something to discuss with your partner, it's easier to do. Will help strengthen joint relationships intellectual interests, studies. In love and romance important role travel and communications will play a role: Email, sms, phone, etc.

Cancer career and finance horoscope for December 2015

The month is not suitable for working alone; it is most beneficial for Cancers to work in collaboration with other people or as part of a team. Career and business will only benefit if there is partnership, team participation, mutual assistance and interaction. Even money in December 2015 is somehow connected with partners and joint projects.

It is possible that the development of certain situations at work and in business will be influenced by feelings. If you have a romantic relationship at work, make sure that it does not lead to troubles, decreased quality of work, mistakes and conflicts.

At the same time, you must be prepared for rivalry, competition, and even the actions of ill-wishers. This is more likely in the first two decades of the month. This will be the influence of Mars in the career house of Cancer, which forms tense aspects with Uranus and Pluto. If you want to be successful, it is very important to be in agreement with other people.

As for the financial sphere, the stars promise you increased income and new opportunities. The Sun, which rules Cancer's house of money, is located in your house of work, so work will be well rewarded.


The period can lead to health problems associated with lifestyle and excesses. Balanced diet And physical activity will help you maintain a good mood and wellness this winter month. If you are planning to start treatment, remember that this is not the time to try anything new. It is better to turn to old, but proven methods and procedures.

Communicate more! Successful opportunities will come to you through meeting new people.



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