Dead space 2 how to open the door.

After a short video, our friend Franco finds us at the very beginning. We won't be able to stay with him for long, because... he is immediately infected by a necromorph, as a result of which our former friend is no longer capable of brain activity and rushes at us along with the rest of the infected. By pressing the acceleration button (Shift), we rush along the corridor, running around the necromorphs. An infected person will catch us near the door. Quickly press (E) to push him into the door, where he will be torn to pieces.

Here we are given a short break, we can save and continue to wander through the corridors. There is no need to be afraid of the two soldiers; as soon as they see us, they will immediately go to dinner with the “nekru”. We walk along the corridors until we meet a man engaged in glass carving. Don’t be alarmed, he is his own person - he will share a first aid kit and a flashlight. We say thank you, watch him kill himself, and move on. Then Diana contacts us and is going to help us. We call the elevator and follow where she tells us. The path can be seen by pressing (B) (switching the up and down arrows can set any direction). The rooms are dark - we use a flashlight. We open the hatch and climb into the ventilation, and a little later we fall out into the operating room. We tear off the shield from the device and take out the “Kinesis Capture” from there. Using it, we pick up the “spear” near the corpse and break the glass with it. We launch the same “spears” at the two infected people who are interested, then we go to the elevator. On the floor above we will be met by necromorphs again. We break the stand for objects and pierce the enemies with sticks from it. A little further on, we will be taught to crush boxes and corpses with our feet, and just one and the other is lying nearby. Let's practice and move on. We cut off the head of the corpse in the stroller, because... this is stated in the training. In the ward you can find a man chained; there is no need to beat him, but it is advisable to free him. But we won’t be able to do it anyway; he’ll be killed by a “dismemberment man” who comes out of nowhere. But we have our first weapon. There are few cartridges, so it is better to fire a couple of charges at the enemy’s forehead. We do the same with another “nekr” chained to the bed (by the way, by pressing the spacebar while aiming, you can change the aiming reticle of this weapon). Also, don’t forget to open the boxes on the walls - they contain credits, cartridges and other useful things. We save and go into the waiting room. You can't break the aquarium, don't try. We look at the direction and go along the corridor, where we shoot new creatures. In the room you can hear soldiers talking, where we understand that it is better to shoot enemies in the limbs than in the brain. We go further and meet a patient whom we could have seen a little earlier on TV. This is Strauss. We run after him and realize that we have fallen into a trap. The door closed right in front of our noses, and these necromorphs are creeping in from all sides. We press ourselves against the wall and fight back. Later, you can finish off completely dead enemies; there will always be something useful in their pockets. We go to the administrator's room. Around the corner, at the control place, by the way, our first power unit was lying around. They are needed to open secret rooms, upgrade costumes, weapons, etc.

In the sorting room we need to hack the “stasis”. We do this as stated in the hint, after which we immediately slow down the emerging necromorph with stasis. When he slows down, we dismember him. We approach the emergency control of the target, open the door and immediately “freeze” it with stasis so that we can quickly get through before it closes. Further along the way we will come across “acid players”. They are called that because they spit acid. Without thinking twice, we kill the necromorphs and get into the elevator, where we say hello to Nicole.

On the floor above, something explodes in the room, and a large hole is formed in the wall, into which everything is sucked. We shoot at the red triangle a little higher to seal everything. There is a corpse lying in the next room, shoot at it first, in case it is alive. Here you can also shop, finally buying yourself a normal suit instead of a blood-spattered straitjacket. Having passed through open space, we find ourselves in the arrivals waiting room. We approach the wrecked ship and notice a surprise in the form of a “brute”. We freeze him in stasis and shoot at the yellow organic flesh on his arms until they fall off. After listening to Diana, we head to the ventilation, the shield of which we remove with kinesis.

Having stocked up in the store and improved our suit (or weapon, at our discretion), we find ourselves in the apartment, where we get into the elevator. On the other side of the building he meets an old acquaintance of Strauss. Without having a proper conversation with him, we run on. When the light supply disappears, we stand with our backs to the door and shoot back, sometimes using stasis. We go into the elevator. From a conversation with Diana, we understand that the new infection came from a new Obelisk, which was created by a certain Teidmann. This is what we will have to deal with.

Continuing further, in the silence you can hear a nasty scream. Meet the “demolitionist”. You need to shoot him at the yellow cocoon on his hand before he gets too close to you, otherwise you may be hit by the explosion. A little further, Isaac will have a new attack caused by the old Obelisk. We move forward a little, say hello to Nicole again and realize that we are on the subway. In the carriage you can see an “infector” who revives dead bodies. We don’t let him do this with the rest of the corpses, otherwise there simply won’t be enough ammunition for everyone.

We go into the car, reach the end and break open the panel. The train starts moving, and we go back forward, killing necromorphs. Noticing that we need to get onto another carriage, we jump and fly towards it, maneuvering away from the flying rubbish. But there’s no point in rejoicing, the train will go downhill and we, having plowed through three carriages on our ass, will fly out of the train like a cork from a bottle and hang upside down. It is in this situation that the battle will have to be fought. We shoot in the hands of the “armored car”, which is a little late, so that it does not reach us.

We go up the stairs, where we meet necromorphs from a group of schoolchildren. Their tactics are to attack in a crowd and bite them to death, so be vigilant and stock up on ammunition when meeting them.

We follow the direction - we fix the power supply for the elevator. We rise on it to the next floor, where during the shooting the emergency door to outer space will open. We shoot at the red triangle above the door before we get sucked in there. Then we climb through the ventilation to an unknown destination. There, on the table near the corpse, you can see the video diary of this very corpse. He explains to us that there is no need to waste ammo when you can use kinesis to throw blades and pick them back up. That's what we do.

We go into the control room, where we can save and improve something on the workbench. There we turn off the press and go to the “garbage”. In complete weightlessness, we jump off the ground (Alt) and fly over the pit. We activate the fan, which will bring in a new batch of garbage (by the way, there may be cartridges among the garbage). We fly there using acceleration. Near the fan itself, turn right and go inside. Wandering in the dark, we find the battery falling out of the cell. Using kinesis, we insert it back and climb into the elevator.

We go into the room from which the melody is heard. Hi Nicole. We go further to the elevator, which will take us to the Obelisk hall. Now there's going to be a little fight. It is better, as always, to kill the “infector” first, before he has time to infect other corpses. There is a lot of room for maneuvers, so we don’t stand still, but actively practice running. Afterwards we go into the painted doors, listen to the exhibits, give up this boring business and move on, where Teidmann’s soldiers notice us. Before the oxygen runs out, we run to the Church of Unitology, where we will need to meet with Diana.

Before going further on the task, you can visit the souvenir shop, which is located on the left. There you can find cartridges, a couple of nodes, a magazine and a workbench. When everything is done, we go through the right door. When you reach the freight elevator, get ready for another battle with “infectors” and simple necromorphs.

We go up to the hall. We do not touch the glass with our hands. We need to get into a door that has no power. We go into the next room, take out the battery from the device that is located near the chair with the corpse, and insert it into the power supply panel, after first tearing off the door using kinesis. You can’t just slip through a door that has received power; you need to apply stasis. We climb into the ventilation, at the exit from which we fight with a dangerous syringe by frequently pressing (E).

We go out into the room with the statues, get into the freight elevator and go downstairs. When we approach the exit, someone will break the door from the other side. While Diana is looking for another path for us, we stand and fight off the “runners.” They are fast and also cowardly, because... They constantly try to come from behind and almost immediately run away. It’s better to just wait until they launch a frontal attack and finish them off with blades using kinesis.

Following the new path, we find ourselves at the place of memory of the dead. We deal with the necromorph vandals and go down to the “frosty freshness”.

We ended up in strange freezers. We follow the corridors and, due to Isaac’s new attack, we understand that this is a morgue. We pass one room after another, sometimes being frightened by necromorphs jumping out of the cells. Next we need to go upstairs, but we won’t be able to turn off the gravitational field. Therefore, we go down the freight elevator and hack the controls for the mechanical ball. Two magnetic holders will lower down at the top, with the help of which you need to hold the topmost ring of the structure on both sides. First, using stasis, we slow down the structure and, using kinesis, lower the two magnetic holders from the sides. You can recharge stasis right here, near a special terminal. Then we do the same with two similar rings. When the mechanism is completely turned off, gravity will also turn off. We soar into the air and fly to the ceiling, carefully flying past the blades, having first slowed them down. We fly into the opening hole at the top using acceleration. Turn on gravity and move on. Along the way, it is advisable to look into the store, there is new arrival of armor and weapons. Opposite the workbench, using kinesis, we move the boxes aside to go further and save.

We crawl through the ventilation and, having broken the bottom with our body, fall down with a roar. We come to our senses in some warehouses, where it is very dark. We wander along, illuminating the road with a flashlight. There will be few enemies, so we crawl out into the light without slowing down.

A surprise awaits you at the exit in the form of a huge “brute”. We take aim and shoot at his vulnerable yellow flesh. Afterwards, other “necrs” will come to replace him. We go in the given direction. We take the elevator with a surprise to the upper level of the church, where Diana will be waiting for us near the shuttle.

Once there, we understand that Diana from Unitology has betrayed us. But her happiness will not last long - in a couple of moments Teidmann’s soldier will arrive in a blue helicopter and show everyone a movie for free. To avoid flying into space with joy, press (E) and jump into the hole in the floor. There is another surprise prepared for us in the form of a huge necromorph. We shoot his hand in the yellow flesh until the hand falls off. When he throws us out, we don’t stand still, but turn around and, opening the door with kinesis, quickly run out of the room. After a small mess, we will find ourselves in outer space, where we will need to shoot at gas cylinders in order to finish off the huge “nekra”.

After a short video, our friend Franco finds us at the very beginning. We won't be able to stay with him for long, because... he is immediately infected by a necromorph, as a result of which our former friend is no longer capable of brain activity and rushes at us along with the rest of the infected. By pressing the acceleration button (Shift), we rush along the corridor, running around the necromorphs. An infected person will catch us near the door. Quickly press (E) to push him into the door, where he will be torn to pieces.

Chapter 1

Here we are given a short break, we can save and continue to wander through the corridors. There is no need to be afraid of the two soldiers; as soon as they see us, they will immediately go to dinner with the “nekru”. We walk along the corridors until we meet a man engaged in glass carving. Don’t be alarmed, he is his own person - he will share a first aid kit and a flashlight. We say thank you, watch him kill himself, and move on. Then Diana contacts us and is going to help us. We call the elevator and follow where she tells us. The path can be seen by pressing (B) (switching the up and down arrows can set any direction). The rooms are dark - we use a flashlight. We open the hatch and climb into the ventilation, and a little later we fall out into the operating room. We tear off the shield from the device and take out the “Kinesis Capture” from there. Using it, we pick up the “spear” near the corpse and break the glass with it. We launch the same “spears” at the two infected people who are interested, then we go to the elevator. On the floor above we will be met by necromorphs again. We break the stand for objects and pierce the enemies with sticks from it. A little further on, we will be taught to crush boxes and corpses with our feet, and just one and the other is lying nearby. Let's practice and move on. We cut off the head of the corpse in the stroller, because... this is stated in the training. In the ward you can find a man chained; there is no need to beat him, but it is advisable to free him. But we won’t be able to do it anyway; he’ll be killed by a “dismemberment man” who comes out of nowhere. But we have our first weapon. There are few cartridges, so it is better to fire a couple of charges at the enemy’s forehead. We do the same with another “nekr” chained to the bed (by the way, by pressing the spacebar while aiming, you can change the aiming reticle of this weapon). Also, don’t forget to open the boxes on the walls - they contain credits, cartridges and other useful things. We save and go into the waiting room. You can't break the aquarium, don't try. We look at the direction and go along the corridor, where we shoot new creatures. In the room you can hear soldiers talking, where we understand that it is better to shoot enemies in the limbs than in the brain. We go further and meet a patient whom we could have seen a little earlier on TV. This is Strauss. We run after him and realize that we have fallen into a trap. The door closed right in front of our noses, and these necromorphs are creeping in from all sides. We press ourselves against the wall and fight back. Later, you can finish off completely dead enemies; there will always be something useful in their pockets. We go to the administrator's room. Around the corner, at the control place, by the way, our first power unit was lying around. They are needed to open secret rooms, upgrade costumes, weapons, etc.

In the sorting room we need to hack the “stasis”. We do this as stated in the hint, after which we immediately slow down the emerging necromorph with stasis. When he slows down, we dismember him. We approach the emergency control of the target, open the door and immediately “freeze” it with stasis so that we can quickly get through before it closes. Further along the way we will come across “acid players”. They are called that because they spit acid. Without thinking twice, we kill the necromorphs and get into the elevator, where we say hello to Nicole.

On the floor above, something explodes in the room, and a large hole is formed in the wall, into which everything is sucked. We shoot at the red triangle a little higher to seal everything. There is a corpse lying in the next room, shoot at it first, in case it is alive. Here you can also shop, finally buying yourself a normal suit instead of a blood-spattered straitjacket. Having passed through open space, we find ourselves in the arrivals waiting room. We approach the wrecked ship and notice a surprise in the form of a “brute”. We freeze him in stasis and shoot at the yellow organic flesh on his arms until they fall off. After listening to Diana, we head to the ventilation, the shield of which we remove with kinesis.

It is in such conditions that you will have to spend 90% of your gaming time.

Chapter 2

Having stocked up in the store and improved our suit (or weapon, at our discretion), we find ourselves in the apartment, where we get into the elevator. On the other side of the building he meets an old acquaintance of Strauss. Without having a proper conversation with him, we run on. When the light supply disappears, we stand with our backs to the door and shoot back, sometimes using stasis. We go into the elevator. From a conversation with Diana, we understand that the new infection came from a new Obelisk, which was created by a certain Teidmann. This is what we will have to deal with.

Continuing further, in the silence you can hear a nasty scream. Meet the “demolitionist”. You need to shoot him at the yellow cocoon on his hand before he gets too close to you, otherwise you may be hit by the explosion. A little further, Isaac will have a new attack caused by the old Obelisk. We move forward a little, say hello to Nicole again and realize that we are on the subway. In the carriage you can see an “infector” who revives dead bodies. We don’t let him do this with the rest of the corpses, otherwise there simply won’t be enough ammunition for everyone.

We go into the car, reach the end and break open the panel. The train starts moving, and we go back forward, killing necromorphs. Noticing that we need to get onto another carriage, we jump and fly towards it, maneuvering away from the flying rubbish. But there’s no point in rejoicing, the train will go downhill and we, having plowed through three carriages on our ass, will fly out of the train like a cork from a bottle and hang upside down. It is in this situation that the battle will have to be fought. We shoot in the hands of the “armored car”, which is a little late, so that it does not reach us.

Chapter 3

We go up the stairs, where we meet necromorphs from a group of schoolchildren. Their tactics are to attack in a crowd and bite them to death, so be vigilant and stock up on ammunition when meeting them.

We follow the direction - we fix the power supply for the elevator. We rise on it to the next floor, where during the shooting the emergency door to outer space will open. We shoot at the red triangle above the door before we get sucked in there. Then we climb through the ventilation to an unknown destination. There, on the table near the corpse, you can see the video diary of this very corpse. He explains to us that there is no need to waste ammo when you can use kinesis to throw blades and pick them back up. That's what we do.

We go into the control room, where we can save and improve something on the workbench. There we turn off the press and go to the “garbage”. In complete weightlessness, we jump off the ground (Alt) and fly over the pit. We activate the fan, which will bring in a new batch of garbage (by the way, there may be cartridges among the garbage). We fly there using acceleration. Near the fan itself, turn right and go inside. Wandering in the dark, we find the battery falling out of the cell. Using kinesis, we insert it back and climb into the elevator.

We go into the room from which the melody is heard. Hi Nicole. We go further to the elevator, which will take us to the Obelisk hall. Now there's going to be a little fight. It is better, as always, to kill the “infector” first, before he has time to infect other corpses. There is a lot of room for maneuvers, so we don’t stand still, but actively practice running. Afterwards we go into the painted doors, listen to the exhibits, give up this boring business and move on, where Teidmann’s soldiers notice us. Before the oxygen runs out, we run to the Church of Unitology, where we will need to meet with Diana.

In some places the game is very similar to BioShock.

Chapter 4

Before going further on the task, you can visit the souvenir shop, which is located on the left. There you can find cartridges, a couple of nodes, a magazine and a workbench. When everything is done, we go through the right door. When you reach the freight elevator, get ready for another battle with “infectors” and simple necromorphs.

We go up to the hall. We do not touch the glass with our hands. We need to get into a door that has no power. We go into the next room, take out the battery from the device that is located near the chair with the corpse, and insert it into the power supply panel, after first tearing off the door using kinesis. You can’t just slip through a door that has received power; you need to apply stasis. We climb into the ventilation, at the exit from which we fight with a dangerous syringe by frequently pressing (E).

We go out into the room with the statues, get into the freight elevator and go downstairs. When we approach the exit, someone will break the door from the other side. While Diana is looking for another path for us, we stand and fight off the “runners.” They are fast and also cowardly, because... They constantly try to come from behind and almost immediately run away. It’s better to just wait until they launch a frontal attack and finish them off with blades using kinesis.

Following the new path, we find ourselves at the place of memory of the dead. We deal with the necromorph vandals and go down to the “frosty freshness”.

Chapter 5

We ended up in strange freezers. We follow the corridors and, due to Isaac’s new attack, we understand that this is a morgue. We pass one room after another, sometimes being frightened by necromorphs jumping out of the cells. Next we need to go upstairs, but we won’t be able to turn off the gravitational field. Therefore, we go down the freight elevator and hack the controls for the mechanical ball. Two magnetic holders will lower down at the top, with the help of which you need to hold the topmost ring of the structure on both sides. First, using stasis, we slow down the structure and, using kinesis, lower the two magnetic holders from the sides. You can recharge stasis right here, near a special terminal. Then we do the same with two similar rings. When the mechanism is completely turned off, gravity will also turn off. We soar into the air and fly to the ceiling, carefully flying past the blades, having first slowed them down. We fly into the opening hole at the top using acceleration. Turn on gravity and move on. Along the way, it is advisable to look into the store, there is new arrival of armor and weapons. Opposite the workbench, using kinesis, we move the boxes aside to go further and save.

We crawl through the ventilation and, having broken the bottom with our body, fall down with a roar. We come to our senses in some warehouses, where it is very dark. We wander along, illuminating the road with a flashlight. There will be few enemies, so we crawl out into the light without slowing down.

A surprise awaits you at the exit in the form of a huge “brute”. We take aim and shoot at his vulnerable yellow flesh. Afterwards, other “necrs” will come to replace him. We go in the given direction. We take the elevator with a surprise to the upper level of the church, where Diana will be waiting for us near the shuttle.

Once there, we understand that Diana from Unitology has betrayed us. But her happiness will not last long - in a couple of moments Teidmann’s soldier will arrive in a blue helicopter and show everyone a movie for free. To avoid flying into space with joy, press (E) and jump into the hole in the floor. There is another surprise prepared for us in the form of a huge necromorph. We shoot his hand in the yellow flesh until the hand falls off. When he throws us out, we don’t stand still, but turn around and, opening the door with kinesis, quickly run out of the room. After a small mess, we will find ourselves in outer space, where we will need to shoot at gas cylinders in order to finish off the huge “nekra”.

Chapter 6

We move through the living quarters. It is advisable to look into the rooms, because... there may be loans lost by someone. We go up to the square that is already familiar to us, where we will meet the “fat man”. The most important thing is not to shoot him in the stomach, because... Small creatures will crawl out from there and constantly cling to their backs. Also a little further you can see vile ulcers that are constantly in the same place and spit out explosive bombs. It is better to shoot them from a distance or “freeze” them with stasis.

In the next room you need to extinguish the flame by turning off the oxygen supply. To do this, you need to remove three batteries. Two of them are located at the very bottom, opposite each other. For the third one you will have to fly up to the very ceiling. When the flame goes out, we go forward, taking the battery with us to activate the elevator. Having risen, we knock out the panel and go into the warehouses, where we will meet old familiar “runners” who, before attacking, will run around you the entire marathon distance. We destroy them, hack the panel and go upstairs. There we will meet a pretty girl named Ellie, who doesn’t really want to be friends with us and, without giving her phone number, will quickly leave on the elevator.

We go into the children's sector, where we will see, correctly, necromorph children. On close contact they have a habit of exploding, so we shoot at them from afar. To save ammunition, you can wait until they gather in one pile and shoot at one of them.

We go out into the assembly hall, hack the panel and fight with the defenders of the hall. A little further we again see a hallucination with Nicole, after which we go into the elevator, where from the video message we see that our new friend Ellie found Stross, whom we were already tired of looking for. At the exit from the elevator we will just meet this couple. At that very moment Teidmann himself will contact us and say that he does not want to let us go alive. Then, as luck would have it, necromorphs will attack our friends, and they’ll give us an “armored car”, which we should shoot at the yellow spots near the shoulders and hind legs. When everything calms down, we separate and go to the freight elevator.

“Get away, get away from me!”

Chapter 7

The docking capsule at the elevator we need has fallen off, we need to fix it. We go out into zero gravity and go down. Having found the capsule (if you have difficulty finding it, don’t forget to press (B)), we shoot at the red valves under it so that it rises up. The elevator is repaired, let's return to it. We shoot the guests who climb. Upon arrival, we need to go through a door that uses facial recognition. Of course, they won’t just let us in. We go to the next room, using kinesis we pick up the corpse and bring it to the door. Voila, the passage is open. We pierce yellow laser beams with barrels using the same kinesis.

When we go out into the hall, we try not to be near the window, otherwise during the explosion we will not have time to close it. We hack the panel of the freight elevator and get into it. We remove the trash that blocks our path using kinesis. In the hall we turn on the oxygen supply by breaking into the next panel. Now you need to break 5 generators that are closed by a circular door. To open it, you need to crawl into the left and right rooms. Using the regulator, we select a room and enter it through the ventilation. We take out four batteries and insert them into a special panel, which just lacks these batteries. You need to insert them so that they light up green. Afterwards, a panel will appear where we disable the pass protection. We climb back out, redirect the ventilation path to another room and repeat the operation. We go into the opened room, break 5 generators and prepare to go into outer space. There we need to direct 3 solar panels to another similar battery. One is already turned as it should, we use it as an example for turning the others. If there is not enough oxygen, we go down and replenish the supply at the terminal. When the turn of the third battery comes, we will be bothered by flying subversive "necrs". We lower the camera a little lower and destroy the source of infection, after which we slowly turn the last battery. When everything is set up, we fly back, sit in the ejection seat and, flying around the rubble of buildings, head back down to the city. While the gates are opening, we shoot back from the “infected”.

Chapter 8

We go through the rooms, killing necromorphs. Having met Ellie and Stross, we understand that, as always, we cannot get to them - the door is jammed. We'll have to take a different path. We go out into zero gravity, pick up the accelerator cylinders and install them on the massive door. A shot at the cylinder - the door opened. Next you need to fly through traps using stasis. We open two closed doors with the help of the same accelerator cylinders, and shoot off the yellow vulnerable flesh of a necromorph of an incomprehensible shape. At the end, we will finally meet with Stross and Ellie, only the meeting will not last long - we need to prepare to be sent to the government sector.

Chapter 9

We destroy the necromorphs and rise higher. A classic suit appears in the store - we buy it. We rise higher and higher. In the room with the workbench, you need to insert 3 disks into the panel. One disk is lying nearby, the other two need to be pulled out of two adjacent panels. We raise the shield and take it out. Where the shield falls, we use stasis.

We activate the trolley and go down to pick up friends. Something happens along the way, we need to check. We go out into the warehouses and fight with the same “runners”. You can also use stasis cylinders scattered everywhere, throwing them up with kinesis.

We go out into the room, where we notice that the trolley is being held by a huge tentacle. We throw the cylinders into a tank with nitrogen to remove the tentacle. We go down the freight elevator to blow up another second such tank. Huge necromorphs will interfere with us, so it’s better not to be distracted by them, but simply fill the tank with cylinders and run away as quickly as possible, back to the trolley.

But everything is not going so smoothly - Teidmann figures us out and blocks the path further. Isaac comes up with the idea of ​​returning to Ishimura.

Here it is, dead and cold space.

Chapter 10

That's it, we're on good old Ishimura. We need to get to the computer. Having reached it, we are a fiasco; we will have to go down to the engine room. We move along the corridors, surprised that no one meets us. Once on the transport route, we are glad that the “necrs” have not forgotten about us and are ready to meet us. At the end of the tunnel, we hack the elevator and tell Ellie that we are heading to the centrifuge.

On the floor above, be prepared to meet a lot of enemies. Next, we enter the zero-gravity zone, looking for 4 parts for the centrifuge. We insert them so that they light up green. Then we turn it on from the control panel. When the centrifuge starts working, we go back and board the train, which will take us to the medical department.

We are moving in the given direction. In some places, in order to pass over the abyss, we move the platform using kinesis. We go down and take out the battery to remove the electrical obstacle. We go out into the zero-gravity zone and fly through the metro shaft. We go out to the arrival hall. We fight the necromorphs and go down to the gravitational grip control room. We activate them and quickly wind up on the capsule.

Chapter 11

We go down the slope and activate the door. We need to get into the hall, but the power is turned off. We go downstairs and replace the battery, taking a new one from a special place down there. Moving further, we meet Stross with Ellie’s eye on a screwdriver, cute. It won’t be possible to figure out who did what - we are dragged away by a tentacle and thrown into outer space. We destroy the “space infection”, look where we need to fly by pressing (B). Our path is blocked by 2 flying mechanisms that fire lasers. We are looking for a bunker with accelerator cylinders and attaching them to the mechanisms. The path is open - we fly inside.

We follow further until we run into a closed door. We break into the lock and meet Stross, who attacks us. After thinking a little, we pierce him, realizing that he has completely lost his mind. After the next attack, we call the elevator and get into it. We do not accept travel companions. Having gone upstairs, we have explanatory conversations with Nicole.

“Strauss, are you okay?”

Chapter 12

After shopping, we go downstairs, where we meet Ellie. She found a drilling machine, she needs to fix it. First you need to remove the battery. It is located behind the drilling machine behind the trap field. We destroy them and take out the battery. Now we need to go get the spare panel upstairs. We take it out, insert it, redirect the wires and the machine is put into action. We defend it for some time and climb onto it using the lift on the side. Drilling work begins, we ask everyone who climbs onto the ship without permission to issue charges to the forehead without waiting in line.

Chapter 13

We arrived in the government sector. We follow the corridor and launch the ship with Ellie on board so that she can be saved. Without waiting for gratitude, we sit down to chat with Nicole, after which we move on. Having gone out into the hall where our drilling machine is parked, we go straight from the elevator to the door, where we break it open. An ambush awaits us there in the form of Teidmann's men. Without thinking twice, we fly into the toilet on the right. We need to somehow deal with the soldiers. We climb through the ventilation into the room where we turn off the lights by removing the battery. Done, the soldiers were killed by necromorphs. We return back with a smile on our face.

We meet Nicole again, she shows us the way so that we don’t get lost. There will be problems with the facial recognition system ahead - to get through, you need a guard, and there is a corpse lying nearby. Against the will of the guard, we put it under the recognizer and move on.

We go out to the warehouse premises, where, as you may have guessed, our favorite “runners” will be. We replace the battery with one that is suspended from the ceiling. To get through the room with lasers, you need to use kinesis on the rotating holders. We slow down 2 of these things and run to the next room. We repeat the operation until we reach the freight elevator. We stop the obelisk lasers, lower 2 platforms to get to the other side. Having gone a little further, we come out to a three-level building, on each floor of which a serious battle awaits. Be prepared. Having gone down to the very bottom, we kill the “armored car” and open the door.

Before us is the Obelisk itself. The dimensions are, of course, impressive compared to the very first Obelisk. This is where the process of reunification began. We listen to Nicole’s advice and climb into the booth where we perform the operation on our own eye. The needle must be kept in the blue field.

Turning mirrors is the most dizzying activity. In the literal sense of the word.

Chapter 14

A “hunter” breaks into us. It has the ability to restore severed limbs - in other words, it is immortal. We take him away from the board, cut off his limbs and slow him down with stasis. While he is recovering, we hack the panel and run inside. We pick up the corpse and bring it to the recognizer at the door. And now we run and run, because the “hunter” will constantly pursue us. Having entered the transport network, we turn off gravity and fly through the traps.

Chapter 15

We come out into the light. We don’t pay attention to the “hunter”, we only occasionally cut off his limbs so that he doesn’t run after us so quickly. Having taken the elevator, we run through the rooms, opening paths and breaking open panels. We run up to the Obelisk and kill Teidmann, who is beginning to rot. During a new hallucination, Nicole drags us into her subconscious. The most important thing is not to get too close to Nicole, otherwise suicide will occur. We shoot at it until the heart of the Obelisk appears, after which we shoot at it. When everything seems to be destroyed and there is nothing left to do, Ellie will come for us. We launch our jetpack, catch up with her and watch the final video.

After a short video, our friend Franco finds us at the very beginning. We won't be able to stay with him for long, because... he is immediately infected by a necromorph, as a result of which our former friend is no longer capable of brain activity and rushes at us along with the rest of the infected. By pressing the acceleration button (Shift), we rush along the corridor, running around the necromorphs. An infected person will catch us near the door. Quickly press (E) to push him into the door, where he will be torn to pieces.

Here we are given a short break, we can save and continue to wander through the corridors. There is no need to be afraid of the two soldiers; as soon as they see us, they will immediately go to dinner with the “nekru”. We walk along the corridors until we meet a man engaged in glass carving. Don’t be alarmed, he is his own person - he will share a first aid kit and a flashlight. We say thank you, watch him kill himself, and move on. Then Diana contacts us and is going to help us. We call the elevator and follow where she tells us. The path can be seen by pressing (B) (switching the up and down arrows can set any direction). The rooms are dark - we use a flashlight. We open the hatch and climb into the ventilation, and a little later we fall out into the operating room. We tear off the shield from the device and take out the “Kinesis Capture” from there. Using it, we pick up the “spear” near the corpse and break the glass with it. We launch the same “spears” at the two infected people who are interested, then we go to the elevator. On the floor above we will be met by necromorphs again. We break the stand for objects and pierce the enemies with sticks from it. A little further on, we will be taught to crush boxes and corpses with our feet, and just one and the other is lying nearby. Let's practice and move on. We cut off the head of the corpse in the stroller, because... this is stated in the training. In the ward you can find a man chained; there is no need to beat him, but it is advisable to free him. But we won’t be able to do it anyway; he’ll be killed by a “dismemberment man” who comes out of nowhere. But we have our first weapon. There are few cartridges, so it is better to fire a couple of charges at the enemy’s forehead. We do the same with another “nekr” chained to the bed (by the way, by pressing the spacebar while aiming, you can change the aiming reticle of this weapon). Also, don’t forget to open the boxes on the walls - they contain credits, cartridges and other useful things. We save and go into the waiting room. You can't break the aquarium, don't try. We look at the direction and go along the corridor, where we shoot new creatures. In the room you can hear soldiers talking, where we understand that it is better to shoot enemies in the limbs than in the brain. We go further and meet a patient whom we could have seen a little earlier on TV. This is Strauss. We run after him and realize that we have fallen into a trap. The door closed right in front of our noses, and these necromorphs are creeping in from all sides. We press ourselves against the wall and fight back. Later, you can finish off completely dead enemies; there will always be something useful in their pockets. We go to the administrator's room. Around the corner, at the control place, by the way, our first power unit was lying around. They are needed to open secret rooms, upgrade costumes, weapons, etc.

In the sorting room we need to hack the “stasis”. We do this as stated in the hint, after which we immediately slow down the emerging necromorph with stasis. When he slows down, we dismember him. We approach the emergency control of the target, open the door and immediately “freeze” it with stasis so that we can quickly get through before it closes. Further along the way we will come across “acid players”. They are called that because they spit acid. Without thinking twice, we kill the necromorphs and get into the elevator, where we say hello to Nicole.

On the floor above, something explodes in the room, and a large hole is formed in the wall, into which everything is sucked. We shoot at the red triangle a little higher to seal everything. There is a corpse lying in the next room, shoot at it first, in case it is alive. Here you can also shop, finally buying yourself a normal suit instead of a blood-spattered straitjacket. Having passed through open space, we find ourselves in the arrivals waiting room. We approach the wrecked ship and notice a surprise in the form of a “brute”. We freeze him in stasis and shoot at the yellow organic flesh on his arms until they fall off. After listening to Diana, we head to the ventilation, the shield of which we remove with kinesis.

Having stocked up in the store and improved our suit (or weapon, at our discretion), we find ourselves in the apartment, where we get into the elevator. On the other side of the building he meets an old acquaintance of Strauss. Without having a proper conversation with him, we run on. When the light supply disappears, we stand with our backs to the door and shoot back, sometimes using stasis. We go into the elevator. From a conversation with Diana, we understand that the new infection came from a new Obelisk, which was created by a certain Teidmann. This is what we will have to deal with.

Continuing further, in the silence you can hear a nasty scream. Meet the “demolitionist”. You need to shoot him at the yellow cocoon on his hand before he gets too close to you, otherwise you may be hit by the explosion. A little further, Isaac will have a new attack caused by the old Obelisk. We move forward a little, say hello to Nicole again and realize that we are on the subway. In the carriage you can see an “infector” who revives dead bodies. We don’t let him do this with the rest of the corpses, otherwise there simply won’t be enough ammunition for everyone.

We go into the car, reach the end and break open the panel. The train starts moving, and we go back forward, killing necromorphs. Noticing that we need to get onto another carriage, we jump and fly towards it, maneuvering away from the flying rubbish. But there’s no point in rejoicing, the train will go downhill and we, having plowed through three carriages on our ass, will fly out of the train like a cork from a bottle and hang upside down. It is in this situation that the battle will have to be fought. We shoot in the hands of the “armored car”, which is a little late, so that it does not reach us.

We go up the stairs, where we meet necromorphs from a group of schoolchildren. Their tactics are to attack in a crowd and bite them to death, so be vigilant and stock up on ammunition when meeting them.

We follow the direction - we fix the power supply for the elevator. We rise on it to the next floor, where during the shooting the emergency door to outer space will open. We shoot at the red triangle above the door before we get sucked in there. Then we climb through the ventilation to an unknown destination. There, on the table near the corpse, you can see the video diary of this very corpse. He explains to us that there is no need to waste ammo when you can use kinesis to throw blades and pick them back up. That's what we do.

We go into the control room, where we can save and improve something on the workbench. There we turn off the press and go to the “garbage”. In complete weightlessness, we jump off the ground (Alt) and fly over the pit. We activate the fan, which will bring in a new batch of garbage (by the way, there may be cartridges among the garbage). We fly there using acceleration. Near the fan itself, turn right and go inside. Wandering in the dark, we find the battery falling out of the cell. Using kinesis, we insert it back and climb into the elevator.

We go into the room from which the melody is heard. Hi Nicole. We go further to the elevator, which will take us to the Obelisk hall. Now there's going to be a little fight. It is better, as always, to kill the “infector” first, before he has time to infect other corpses. There is a lot of room for maneuvers, so we don’t stand still, but actively practice running. Afterwards we go into the painted doors, listen to the exhibits, give up this boring business and move on, where Teidmann’s soldiers notice us. Before the oxygen runs out, we run to the Church of Unitology, where we will need to meet with Diana.

Before going further on the task, you can visit the souvenir shop, which is located on the left. There you can find cartridges, a couple of nodes, a magazine and a workbench. When everything is done, we go through the right door. When you reach the freight elevator, get ready for another battle with “infectors” and simple necromorphs.

We go up to the hall. We do not touch the glass with our hands. We need to get into a door that has no power. We go into the next room, take out the battery from the device that is located near the chair with the corpse, and insert it into the power supply panel, after first tearing off the door using kinesis. You can’t just slip through a door that has received power; you need to apply stasis. We climb into the ventilation, at the exit from which we fight with a dangerous syringe by frequently pressing (E).

We go out into the room with the statues, get into the freight elevator and go downstairs. When we approach the exit, someone will break the door from the other side. While Diana is looking for another path for us, we stand and fight off the “runners.” They are fast and also cowardly, because... They constantly try to come from behind and almost immediately run away. It’s better to just wait until they launch a frontal attack and finish them off with blades using kinesis.

Following the new path, we find ourselves at the place of memory of the dead. We deal with the necromorph vandals and go down to the “frosty freshness”.

We ended up in strange freezers. We follow the corridors and, due to Isaac’s new attack, we understand that this is a morgue. We pass one room after another, sometimes being frightened by necromorphs jumping out of the cells. Next we need to go upstairs, but we won’t be able to turn off the gravitational field. Therefore, we go down the freight elevator and hack the controls for the mechanical ball. Two magnetic holders will lower down at the top, with the help of which you need to hold the topmost ring of the structure on both sides. First, using stasis, we slow down the structure and, using kinesis, lower the two magnetic holders from the sides. You can recharge stasis right here, near a special terminal. Then we do the same with two similar rings. When the mechanism is completely turned off, gravity will also turn off. We soar into the air and fly to the ceiling, carefully flying past the blades, having first slowed them down. We fly into the opening hole at the top using acceleration. Turn on gravity and move on. Along the way, it is advisable to look into the store, there is new arrival of armor and weapons. Opposite the workbench, using kinesis, we move the boxes aside to go further and save.

We crawl through the ventilation and, having broken the bottom with our body, fall down with a roar. We come to our senses in some warehouses, where it is very dark. We wander along, illuminating the road with a flashlight. There will be few enemies, so we crawl out into the light without slowing down.

A surprise awaits you at the exit in the form of a huge “brute”. We take aim and shoot at his vulnerable yellow flesh. Afterwards, other “necrs” will come to replace him. We go in the given direction. We take the elevator with a surprise to the upper level of the church, where Diana will be waiting for us near the shuttle.

Once there, we understand that Diana from Unitology has betrayed us. But her happiness will not last long - in a couple of moments Teidmann’s soldier will arrive in a blue helicopter and show everyone a movie for free. To avoid flying into space with joy, press (E) and jump into the hole in the floor. There is another surprise prepared for us in the form of a huge necromorph. We shoot his hand in the yellow flesh until the hand falls off. When he throws us out, we don’t stand still, but turn around and, opening the door with kinesis, quickly run out of the room. After a small mess, we will find ourselves in outer space, where we will need to shoot at gas cylinders in order to finish off the huge “nekra”.

We move through the living quarters. It is advisable to look into the rooms, because... there may be loans lost by someone. We go up to the square that is already familiar to us, where we will meet the “fat man”. The most important thing is not to shoot him in the stomach, because... Small creatures will crawl out from there and constantly cling to their backs. Also a little further you can see vile ulcers that are constantly in the same place and spit out explosive bombs. It is better to shoot them from a distance or “freeze” them with stasis.

In the next room you need to extinguish the flame by turning off the oxygen supply. To do this, you need to remove three batteries. Two of them are located at the very bottom, opposite each other. For the third one you will have to fly up to the very ceiling. When the flame goes out, we go forward, taking the battery with us to activate the elevator. Having risen, we knock out the panel and go into the warehouses, where we will meet old familiar “runners” who, before attacking, will run around you the entire marathon distance. We destroy them, hack the panel and go upstairs. There we will meet a pretty girl named Ellie, who doesn’t really want to be friends with us and, without giving her phone number, will quickly leave on the elevator.

We go into the children's sector, where we will see, correctly, necromorph children. On close contact they have a habit of exploding, so we shoot at them from afar. To save ammunition, you can wait until they gather in one pile and shoot at one of them.

We go out into the assembly hall, hack the panel and fight with the defenders of the hall. A little further we again see a hallucination with Nicole, after which we go into the elevator, where from the video message we see that our new friend Ellie found Stross, whom we were already tired of looking for. At the exit from the elevator we will just meet this couple. At that very moment Teidmann himself will contact us and say that he does not want to let us go alive. Then, as luck would have it, necromorphs will attack our friends, and they’ll give us an “armored car”, which we should shoot at the yellow spots near the shoulders and hind legs. When everything calms down, we separate and go to the freight elevator.

The docking capsule at the elevator we need has fallen off, we need to fix it. We go out into zero gravity and go down. Having found the capsule (if you have difficulty finding it, don’t forget to press (B)), we shoot at the red valves under it so that it rises up. The elevator is repaired, let's return to it. We shoot the guests who climb. Upon arrival, we need to go through a door that uses facial recognition. Of course, they won’t just let us in. We go to the next room, using kinesis we pick up the corpse and bring it to the door. Voila, the passage is open. We pierce yellow laser beams with barrels using the same kinesis.

When we go out into the hall, we try not to be near the window, otherwise during the explosion we will not have time to close it. We hack the panel of the freight elevator and get into it. We remove the trash that blocks our path using kinesis. In the hall we turn on the oxygen supply by breaking into the next panel. Now you need to break 5 generators that are closed by a circular door. To open it, you need to crawl into the left and right rooms. Using the regulator, we select a room and enter it through the ventilation. We take out four batteries and insert them into a special panel, which just lacks these batteries. You need to insert them so that they light up green. Afterwards, a panel will appear where we disable the pass protection. We climb back out, redirect the ventilation path to another room and repeat the operation. We go into the opened room, break 5 generators and prepare to go into outer space. There we need to direct 3 solar panels to another similar battery. One is already turned as it should, we use it as an example for turning the others. If there is not enough oxygen, we go down and replenish the supply at the terminal. When the turn of the third battery comes, we will be bothered by flying subversive "necrs". We lower the camera a little lower and destroy the source of infection, after which we slowly turn the last battery. When everything is set up, we fly back, sit in the ejection seat and, flying around the rubble of buildings, head back down to the city. While the gates are opening, we shoot back from the “infected”.

We go through the rooms, killing necromorphs. Having met Ellie and Stross, we understand that, as always, we cannot get to them - the door is jammed. We'll have to take a different path. We go out into zero gravity, pick up the accelerator cylinders and install them on the massive door. A shot at the cylinder - the door opened. Next you need to fly through traps using stasis. We open two closed doors with the help of the same accelerator cylinders, and shoot off the yellow vulnerable flesh of a necromorph of an incomprehensible shape. At the end, we will finally meet with Stross and Ellie, only the meeting will not last long - we need to prepare to be sent to the government sector.

We destroy the necromorphs and rise higher. A classic suit appears in the store - we buy it. We rise higher and higher. In the room with the workbench, you need to insert 3 disks into the panel. One disk is lying nearby, the other two need to be pulled out of two adjacent panels. We raise the shield and take it out. Where the shield falls, we use stasis.

We activate the trolley and go down to pick up friends. Something happens along the way, we need to check. We go out into the warehouses and fight with the same “runners”. You can also use stasis cylinders scattered everywhere, throwing them up with kinesis.

We go out into the room, where we notice that the trolley is being held by a huge tentacle. We throw the cylinders into a tank with nitrogen to remove the tentacle. We go down the freight elevator to blow up another second such tank. Huge necromorphs will interfere with us, so it’s better not to be distracted by them, but simply fill the tank with cylinders and run away as quickly as possible, back to the trolley.

But everything is not going so smoothly - Teidmann figures us out and blocks the path further. Isaac comes up with the idea of ​​returning to Ishimura.

That's it, we're on good old Ishimura. We need to get to the computer. Having reached it, we are a fiasco; we will have to go down to the engine room. We move along the corridors, surprised that no one meets us. Once on the transport route, we are glad that the “necrs” have not forgotten about us and are ready to meet us. At the end of the tunnel, we hack the elevator and tell Ellie that we are heading to the centrifuge.

On the floor above, be prepared to meet a lot of enemies. Next, we enter the zero-gravity zone, looking for 4 parts for the centrifuge. We insert them so that they light up green. Then we turn it on from the control panel. When the centrifuge starts working, we go back and board the train, which will take us to the medical department.

We are moving in the given direction. In some places, in order to pass over the abyss, we move the platform using kinesis. We go down and take out the battery to remove the electrical obstacle. We go out into the zero-gravity zone and fly through the metro shaft. We go out to the arrival hall. We fight the necromorphs and go down to the gravitational grip control room. We activate them and quickly wind up on the capsule.

We go down the slope and activate the door. We need to get into the hall, but the power is turned off. We go downstairs and replace the battery, taking a new one from a special place down there. Moving further, we meet Stross with Ellie’s eye on a screwdriver, cute. It won’t be possible to figure out who did what - we are dragged away by a tentacle and thrown into outer space. We destroy the “space infection”, look where we need to fly by pressing (B). Our path is blocked by 2 flying mechanisms that fire lasers. We are looking for a bunker with accelerator cylinders and attaching them to the mechanisms. The path is open - we fly inside.

We follow further until we run into a closed door. We break into the lock and meet Stross, who attacks us. After thinking a little, we pierce him, realizing that he has completely lost his mind. After the next attack, we call the elevator and get into it. We do not accept travel companions. Having gone upstairs, we have explanatory conversations with Nicole.

After shopping, we go downstairs, where we meet Ellie. She found a drilling machine, she needs to fix it. First you need to remove the battery. It is located behind the drilling machine behind the trap field. We destroy them and take out the battery. Now we need to go get the spare panel upstairs. We take it out, insert it, redirect the wires and the machine is put into action. We defend it for some time and climb onto it using the lift on the side. Drilling work begins, we ask everyone who climbs onto the ship without permission to issue charges to the forehead without waiting in line.

We arrived in the government sector. We follow the corridor and launch the ship with Ellie on board so that she can be saved. Without waiting for gratitude, we sit down to chat with Nicole, after which we move on. Having gone out into the hall where our drilling machine is parked, we go straight from the elevator to the door, where we break it open. An ambush awaits us there in the form of Teidmann's men. Without thinking twice, we fly into the toilet on the right. We need to somehow deal with the soldiers. We climb through the ventilation into the room where we turn off the lights by removing the battery. Done, the soldiers were killed by necromorphs. We return back with a smile on our face.

We meet Nicole again, she shows us the way so that we don’t get lost. There will be problems with the facial recognition system ahead - to get through, you need a guard, and there is a corpse lying nearby. Against the will of the guard, we put it under the recognizer and move on.

We go out to the warehouse premises, where, as you may have guessed, our favorite “runners” will be. We replace the battery with one that is suspended from the ceiling. To get through the room with lasers, you need to use kinesis on the rotating holders. We slow down 2 of these things and run to the next room. We repeat the operation until we reach the freight elevator. We stop the obelisk lasers, lower 2 platforms to get to the other side. Having gone a little further, we come out to a three-level building, on each floor of which a serious battle awaits. Be prepared. Having gone down to the very bottom, we kill the “armored car” and open the door.

Before us is the Obelisk itself. The dimensions are, of course, impressive compared to the very first Obelisk. This is where the process of reunification began. We listen to Nicole’s advice and climb into the booth where we perform the operation on our own eye. The needle must be kept in the blue field.

A “hunter” breaks into us. It has the ability to restore severed limbs - in other words, it is immortal. We take him away from the board, cut off his limbs and slow him down with stasis. While he is recovering, we hack the panel and run inside. We pick up the corpse and bring it to the recognizer at the door. And now we run and run, because the “hunter” will constantly pursue us. Having entered the transport network, we turn off gravity and fly through the traps.

We come out into the light. We don’t pay attention to the “hunter”, we only occasionally cut off his limbs so that he doesn’t run after us so quickly. Having taken the elevator, we run through the rooms, opening paths and breaking open panels. We run up to the Obelisk and kill Teidmann, who is beginning to rot. During a new hallucination, Nicole drags us into her subconscious. The most important thing is not to get too close to Nicole, otherwise suicide will occur. We shoot at it until the heart of the Obelisk appears, after which we shoot at it. When everything seems to be destroyed and there is nothing left to do, Ellie will come for us. We launch our jetpack, catch up with her and watch the final video.

Dead Space 2- in this game you need to kill monsters not on a spaceship, but in the city. The whole city is inhabited by evil creatures. You need to find out where the monsters in walkthrough of Dead Space 2.

After the events that took place on Ishimura, Isaac Clarke ended up in an intergalactic mental hospital and is tormented by nightmares. Where is his girlfriend Nicole, constantly repeating “Make us one.” Now she looks like the walking dead: there is a bright light shining from behind her mouth and eyes.

Isaac wakes up because a man (Franco) wakes him up and wants to free him from the straitjacket.

All this time, this man is talking on the radio to a woman named Diana. She will be in constant contact with you during walkthroughs of Dead Space 2. Franco doesn’t have time to remove the straitjacket when a winged monster sneaks up from behind, sticks a sting into the back of his head, and before your eyes he turns into a necromorph. You hit a newly converted mutant and immediately prepare to run away.

If, for example, in the first part of the game, in order to get a weapon you had to run through only one corridor, then in this one, not only will you not be able to get a weapon at the beginning, but you will also go through half of the first level in a straitjacket.

While running away from the necromorphs, you notice how everyone in the hospital has begun to turn into disgusting monsters.

Run straight along the corridor, to speed up your run, press the shift button. Stay away from rooms with psychos, monsters will jump out of there. When you reach the end of the corridor, turn left, then after going to the end you need to turn right, then right again, there will be double doors.

To start searching

As soon as you cross them, you will be attacked by a monster in a wheelchair and you need to press the “E” button to fight it off. You'll end up kicking it back and getting crushed by the double doors. This is how the first chapter begins.

Chapter 1 walkthrough of Dead Space 2.

Having dealt with the monster in the wheelchair, we go further along the corridor, pass through the double doors and see two military men standing in the room. Noticing you, one of the soldiers says: “Clark! Kill him!".

But they don’t have time to do anything when a necromorph appears and drags them into the mine. We go further, find a staircase, climb it, pass the “Observation Room”. We reach a room where a man is standing with his back turned. If you get close to him, he will immediately grab Clark and put a knife to his throat.

After a dialogue with the psycho, he cuts Clark's shirt in one motion walkthrough of Dead Space 2, freeing his hands, and in the locker offers to take a first aid kit and a flashlight. We do this, and the psychopath himself commits suicide by cutting his own throat. Having improved our health with a first aid kit, we move on.

You are contacted by Diana, who says that Clark is sick. He has a rare form of madness, which he contracted on Aegis 7 in the last Dead Space. Diana promises to help Isaac, she has a cure, but to do this she needs to get to her.

We take the elevator down and pass through a dark room, where the computer monitor turns on sharply and noisily.

Using the locator (Button B) we get to the ventilation. We open the ventilation doors and crawl through the ventilation into the next room. Along the way we will meet a necromorph who will quickly run away from us. Having passed through the ventilation, we find ourselves in a room where a person is levitating using a kinesis module. We break the device and take the kinesis for ourselves. There are metal rods on the floor, take them and break the glass with them walkthrough of Dead Space 2.

Here the first necromorphs will attack you. To kill them, use the rods that are on the floor. With their help you can pin the monster to the wall. Having dealt with them, approach their corpses and hit them several times. Objects will fall out of them.
Clue: After killing the monsters, you need to shoot them a couple more times or hit them so that an item or credits fall out of them.

We go to the elevator, on the elevator we get into a room. Then three monsters appear far enough away to be able to react quickly. We run to the right of the elevator and find the rods. There are only two of them, so an accurate throw is needed.

You can outwit the third monster, lure it from one side, then run around in a circle along the railing, get to the rods and use them in battle. If you don’t use rods, you can simply kill the mutants with a flashlight. At the first level of the game they are weak and quickly killed.

After the battle with the necromorphs, we get to the “Intensive Care” compartment. There, lasers operate on a man who, realizing that everyone around him has become mutants, calls for help. We approach the device that performs the operation. There is an attack of necromorphs here. They kill a man on the operating table, and we manage to take the laser device and make a gun out of it. With it we kill all the monsters in walkthrough of Dead Space 2.

The next room you should go to is the “Intensive Care Waiting Room”, here the fire alarm system will automatically start with a very loud noise. Three necromorphs will also attack you. Using the locator, we get to the “Upper Reception”. Here we meet an abnormal man named Nolan Stross, he offers to follow him and disappears around the corner.

We go downstairs and again this Strauss, already jumping behind the just closed door and through it says that he is patient number five. Isaac was the fourth patient, and he is the fifth, and therefore Isaac must remember him in walkthrough of Dead Space 2.

Since all the rooms are blocked, you need to find another way. First, we kill all the aliens that appear. Then, following the locator signs, we get to the “Sorting Room”.

Clark's engineering skills will come in handy here, and your decision-making speed will come in handy. Remove the shield cover, and you need to rotate the triangle in a circle until the red circle turns blue. Then you need to click and repeat this three times. Of course, everything happens for a while. After you break the block, a monster will appear in the room, but it will be slowed down, and you will receive a stasis module. Use it to slow the monster down again, then kill it. If you hesitate, the monster will kill you with one blow.

Go to the touch computer and open the door. The door is equipped with laser identification, so it does not let strangers in. To do this, use the stasis module to slow down the closing door and slip through it.

Then we go to the elevator, which leads to the “Patient's Chambers”; along the way, kill two necromorphs spitting acid.
In the elevator, you see a zombie hallucination of Nicole. There will be a hole in the “patient rooms” and you need to close it by shooting at the red triangle above it.

In the next room we kill the necromorph who pretended to be dead. Since after this room, the next one will be without air, we go to the store to get a special suit in walkthrough of Dead Space 2.
We get to the “ambulance site”. Here we need to fight a giant monster. Shoot the yellow infected area that is on his limbs. This way you can shoot off his hands.

In a conversation with Diana, we learn that we have been at the Titan station for about three years. A man named Teidmann found Clark on Aegis 7 and brought him here to study him. Of course, the main character does not remember any of this, since the obelisk left a self-reproducing signal in his head. The longer Clark remains conscious, the more nerve cells the obelisk captures. He kills Clark. Tidemann tried to control the process by dosing Clark with memory-suppressing drugs.

According to Diana, she is the only one who can help Clark. Therefore, we go to the transport station.
Using the locator, we make our way to the ventilation. Through the ventilation we get straight into the second chapter.

- Go away. I know you're just a figment of my imagination. You are powerless to harm me.

Yes, I'm not going to harm you. I'll simply eat you.

R. Sheckley, "Ghost 5"

Three years have passed since irresponsible experiments with sinister artifacts led to disaster on the Ishimura ship and in the Aegis-7 colony. An epidemic of alien plague that turns people into terrible necromorphs would have been forgotten like a bad dream if scientists had given up trying to penetrate the secrets of the ancient alien obelisk.

But you know these scientists...

Engineer Arthur Azimov... sorry, engineer Isaac Clarke, which in DeadSpace I was so cheerfully cutting up alien carcasses with a plasma cutter, and by the second part of the game my head was slightly touched. Of course, anyone would lose their composure wandering the dark corridors of the infected ship and brushing off grotesque monsters sculpted from human bodies. But here it turned out a little differently.

As you remember, the first part of the game ended with a very bad vision. Over the course of three years, hallucinations became frequent and colorful. And the doctors brought the matter to the point of amnesia! Clark can't remember what he was doing all this time. He has no idea how he ended up on the wreckage of Titan, exhausted for its resources, in the space city of Sproul (from the English sprawl - “growth”, “disorderly development”, or can be translated in Gibsonian: “Anthill”).

But when the hospital where Clark was kept is attacked by monsters of a very familiar type, old instincts come into play, and our mad engineer, as is, in only a straitjacket, rushes through the corridors of the hospital, kicking particularly impudent necromorphs. Task number one is to get a plasma cutter. Task number two is to find out what is actually happening here, in the orbit of Saturn.

“The explosion broke our fence...”

The resounding success of Dead Space came as a surprise to many. Still, space is an atypical place for survival horror, and horror is reluctant to crossover with science fiction; the only thing that comes to mind offhand is SystemShock 2. Therefore, with the second part of the game, Electronic Arts chose a cautious path, already tested on MassEffect: Continue the story, but keep the gameplay the same if possible.

Seasoned explorers of the dark corners of Ishimura will feel right at home at Titan Station. All around are the same man-made claustrophobic rooms, simple puzzles, the hissing of airlocks, the deafness of airless space and flights in zero gravity. Except that now it’s not necessary to move in zero gravity by jumping - Isaac’s suit is equipped with jet gas “fizzles”.

There are differences, of course. Sproul is still a city, not a starship. There are apartments, shops, theaters, kindergartens and monumental squares. The atmosphere of destruction, death and madness makes it similar to Rapture. Similarities with BioShock is complemented by an abundance of audio diaries and visual propaganda posters. In addition, both there and there behind the fragile glass is a hostile environment.

But if in BioShock the hero was surrounded by madmen, then in Dead Space 2 Isaac himself is unwell. The haunting hallucination of his dead girlfriend Nicole haunts him. True, she is not so much frightening as she is scandalous and gets on your nerves. Although our hero has learned to speak, arguing with his own vision is not the most interesting way to spend his time. And there aren’t that many living people around - and even those that exist prefer to communicate through the videophone screen.

But Isaac, as usual, is adored by the necromorphs and constantly strive to embrace him.


There are a lot of necromorphs on Titan. To the original set - very diverse - new monsters and bosses were added, with even more vile habits. The worst of all are stalkers who hunt in a pack, sneak up from behind cover and, making a swift dash, knock you down. The “vomiter” also behaves unsightly - throwing scalding acid, which in addition slows down Isaac. Converted schoolchildren swoop in in a horde of gray, screaming gollums, and nursery babies tend to crawl up and explode with lethal belches. Of course, new bosses also appeared.

Tactics for each type of necromorph are easily selected, but by the end of the game the monsters begin to fight in huge crowds, when it is no longer possible to gracefully saw off each paw after paw. You freeze the most arrogant ones, fill everyone with plasma and pray that you don’t run out of ammunition. And this is where an expanded set of weapons could come in handy. But it's not that easy with him.

There really are plenty of guns in Dead Space 2. The developers were not greedy with them, they poured them from the heart, for every taste. There is a sniper rifle, a spear thrower, booby traps, and grenades of various types. But it’s very difficult to use this variety - it’s much easier to use two or three.

And it’s not even that you can only carry four types of weapons with you. By modern standards, this is even considered generosity. The problem is the ammunition and upgrades. There is no room left in the duffel bag for four guns for normal ammunition. But you need to carry first aid kits, drawings, and microcircuits with you for sale.

Nodes for improving weapons and equipment are still rare. For the entire game they will be enough for two or three guns. But the enemies get stronger with each chapter! By the end of the game, weapons without increased damage will only make them laugh. Buying new nodes or picking out old ones is also not an option. It’s not so easy in the game to squeeze change from monsters by knocking out money with your heel. Yes, and we need to save money for new spacesuits.

So it turns out that rather than trying to throw circular saws and invest components in improving exotic mines, it’s easier to keep the good old plasma cutter. You also don’t need to think long about choosing a second weapon - of course, an assault rifle! At the request of radio listeners, the developers added a convenient grenade launcher that does not require separate ammunition. The result is a universal gun for all occasions. Again an imbalance.

You shall not pass!

The problem with the incompatibility of a vast arsenal and strict game rules existed in the original Dead Space. There, too, you had to save money, choose your favorite weapon for the entire game, and fiddle with every detail to improve it. One of the key rules was violated: “do not hide content from the player.” Fortunately, the guns that turn out to be superfluous do not interfere - they lie in the store, do not ask for food and can save many tens of thousands.

What’s worse is that the release of Dead Space 2, for all its blockbuster appeal, contained several very nasty bugs. Somewhere a key item is missing. Terminals that need to be hacked are turned off. When a monster grabs the hero, all his weapons jam. In moments of “quick time event”, when you need to save Isaac from falling on the rails or from a screwdriver in the eye, the required key sometimes stops responding to pressing. And somewhere the game just crashes without any comment! The bugs are very different, but they have similarities - they do not appear for everyone, but if they do appear, they will not allow you to go further. It looks like the testing was leaky if such fat errors leaked through it.

However, the developers will soon eliminate the worst bugs (now, when you read these lines, the game has most likely already been patched). And then peace and tranquility will once again reign in the orbit of Titan, disturbed only by the screams of hallucinating characters and the guttural growls of necromorphs.

And he will be cured

Why did the monsters come? What do the cult of Unitologists who worship an alien monolith want? How is the Earth government involved in all this? And what, finally, is wrong with the head of the main character and half of the city? Trying to answer this question and at the same time escape, Isaac Clarke will go through the entire Sproul: from residential areas to industrial, and then to government quarters. From time to time he will jump out into outer space to fix rickety solar panels or perform some other simple work in his specialty. He'll have to look aboard the Ishimura, which is docked for repairs.

And in the end it all comes down to one question: who can you trust? The girl who promises a cure for headaches? A mad scientist talking to his own ghost and attacking everyone? Or, perhaps, we should believe the words of a hallucination - grumpy, unbalanced, impulsive, but still our own? The answers will again be found at the foot of the alien monolith, to which you will have to fight your way through hordes of necromorphs, kicking precious ammunition out of them.

Don't expect any special revelations at the end. And what new can you come up with from the “Small Set of a Science Fiction Blockbuster” with all these ominous artifacts, ruthless politicians and inquisitive scientists? It won't happen without a couple of funny surprises, but the ending, in general, is quite predictable, like the whole plot.

Of course, the developers hinted at a sequel. The third part of Dead Space is a done deal. But the next fuss around the artifact will not begin soon, so for now our hero enjoys victory and communication not with ghosts, but with living people. After two games, engineer Isaac Clarke deserved it.


Basic principles

The gameplay has changed little. Isaac Clarke still walks on a guiding beam, flies in zero gravity, runs in airless space, solves puzzles, and monsters try to kill him. From time to time, according to the plot or if the monster gets close in battle, “quick action” occurs - a cinematic fight in which the player, in order to save the hero, must drum on a key (by default - E).

And now - some useful tips:

  • The most important and useful advice that can be given is: aim for yellow! All weak points of necromorphs and bosses are marked in yellow.
  • Most necromorphs are vulnerable to dismemberment. Shoot not at the head or torso, but at the limbs.
  • Boxes that can be opened or broken are marked with white lights.
  • If the glass breaks and the hero is about to be thrown into airless space, you need to shoot at the triangle above the glass to lower the pressure bulkhead.
  • Hacking systems is simple: turn the arrow and, when the color changes to aquamarine, press the mouse button. You must repeat three times within the allotted time. If they didn’t have time or made a mistake, they received an electric shock.
  • You can climb into ventilation shafts and similar openings without danger - no one will touch Isaac there, either in the shaft or at the exit from it.
  • Stasis recharging systems on the walls signal that somewhere nearby there is a mechanism that cannot be passed without using it.
  • If there are a lot of monsters, you should knock out valuables from them with your heel as quickly as possible before the bodies disappear.
  • When fighting necromorphs, it is sometimes useful to stand in the doorway. If Isaac took a step back, the monster in the room might lose interest in him.
  • In any case, ordinary necromorphs do not know how to open doors on their own. So sometimes you can freeze a monster and run past it to save ammo.


Arms and legs

It is not necessary to bring things to the point of complete emptying of stores in order to move on to kung fu. Sometimes hitting the face with a flashlight or weapon is the best option if the monster has gotten very close and is about to grab Isaac. Weak necromorphs can simply be scattered with blows (although this is not recommended, because they pile up in a heap).

It’s not so convenient to fight with your foot - you won’t be able to crush small things with it, and it’s better not to let jumpers come within striking distance of your heel. Therefore, the main use of the heel is breaking containers with valuables and squeezing out money, first aid kits, ammunition and other goodies from dead necromorphs.

Telekinesis module

Essentially a gravity gun from Half-Life 2. Allows you to pick up things from a distance, attract them and throw them away. With its help, you can move the mechanisms marked with a triangle, attract boxes with valuables from afar, and thrash dead monsters, knocking money out of them.

You can and should use the telekinesis module in battle. Why did the developers arrange explosive cylinders into different levels? In order for Isaac to throw them at the necromorphs in a timely manner. You can also throw parts of necromorphs - claws or shredded biological bombs.

Stasis module

Slows down an enemy or mechanism for a few seconds. Spent stasis charges are restored over time. If the matter is urgent, they can be restored using a store-bought or selected battery. This applies only to combat use. In all cases when the mechanism needs to be slowed down, there is a recharging station somewhere nearby.

Stasis has an “area” effect, so it can be used to stop small monsters from spreading out. The slowed-down necromorph continues to move, and if a claw descends on the hero from above, it is better to move away.

The stasis module needs to be strengthened first, because in the second half of the game enemies will often attack in large crowds and from several sides. It will also be very useful in the finals.

Plasma cutter

The plasma cutter makes it relatively easy to cut off monsters' limbs. Its cutting charge can be directed vertically or horizontally. He has no return. It has the accuracy of a sniper rifle, allowing you to start a fight when the monster is very far away. Lastly, its ammo doesn't take up much space.

This is the most convenient weapon in the game. You need to have it with you constantly and improve it first.

Pulse rifle

In the original Dead Space, the assault rifle was a good weapon, but it was still less effective than the cutter. Now it's much cooler and more reminiscent of the pulse rifles from Aliens.

Everything about it is good - accuracy, power, versatility. The machine gun may not cut monsters' paws so well, but it is ideal in moments when monsters are attacking in a crowd and there is simply no time to aim. It also helps against small things - precisely thanks to automatic shooting, which allows you to sow large spaces with bullets. The picture is complemented by a powerful grenade launcher, which uses ordinary magazines rather than individual grenades for firing.

Line gun

And here is another type of weapon that is very good to use. Line gun - something like a reinforced plasma cutter. It fires a horizontal stream of energy that cuts everything in its path. The difference from the cutter is that the stream is a meter wide (it can be stretched up to two meters by inserting power nodes into the linear cannon), and this stream can pierce through the monster - this is useful when there are a lot of monsters.

The linear cannon is the most useful when the necromorphs are in a crowd, because it makes it possible to inflict powerful damage on everyone at once. The enhanced cannon cuts off the limbs of ordinary monsters and tears small items to shreds from the first shot.

There are three bad things about it. Firstly, you can only take so many charges with you. Secondly, they are quite expensive. Finally, the secondary firing mode is of little use in combat - the gun fires a grenade that sticks to the surface, but not with a contact fuse, but with a delay of several seconds. During an intense battle during this time, the monsters will run from place to place a hundred times. Inconvenient.

Spear thrower

Throws a spear. Can pin a monster to a wall in the best traditions of Painkiller and Aliens vs. Predator. This is very painful for necromorphs - especially if, after being hit by a spear, you press the secondary shot button and release an electric charge. Even if the spear is stuck into the floor, the electric charge around it will disorient ordinary necromorphs and kill the small ones with an explosion.

But I wouldn’t call a spear gun an effective weapon. It's nice, of course, to see how a spear nails enemies. But it’s unpleasant to see how it flies past - while you are reloading, someone will have time to crawl and bite. The clip in the weapon is very small, and you won’t be able to carry many copies with you either. In a word - not for everyone.

A circular saw

Another little thing for everyone. Technically, this is an analogue of a chainsaw, but with divergent circular blades. You can not only buzz them in front of you, but also throw them. True, they fly so slowly and are so ineffective at a distance that one can safely consider a circular saw to be an exclusively melee weapon. That's why it's useless. Yes, it's fun to chop the legs of the necromorphs crowding around. But it was in Dead Space 2 that we discovered a lot of monsters spitting from afar. And what will the saw do here? We don't recommend it.

Sniper rifle

From the name of this gun - “Seeker” - one can draw the wrong conclusion that it has homing, like the machine gun from “Aliens”. In fact, this is an ordinary sniper. And completely unnecessary, because the game hardly gives you the opportunity to shoot at enemies from afar, and getting hit in the head is not fatal to enemies. In close combat, a sniper rifle is useless due to its very small ammunition.


Sets enemies on fire. It also works in airless space. Alternative fire - throwing an ignited canister, which sets everyone around on fire when it explodes.

The flamethrower is useless, since it is a “semi-melee” weapon and has poor stopping power - even burning enemies can batter Isaac. In addition, it “devours” fuel very quickly, which forces you to shoot in targeted short bursts. What's the point of having a flamethrower if you can't spray fire on your enemies?

Power Cannon

Another “semi-melee” weapon. A kind of shotgun that scatters monsters. Useless from a distance. The secondary shot is a narrow beam that can pierce through multiple enemies. Fires with a delay.

contact beam

Another “shotgun” and another little thing for everyone. Fires a stream of energy that quickly weakens with distance. When fired with a delay, the stream becomes very powerful, but again only acts at close range. Alternative fire is a strike around the character, scattering enemies (in the enhanced version, it also plunges them into stasis).


Mine planter in the style of Half-Life or Duke Nukem 3D. As soon as an enemy (or Isaac) crosses the laser beam, a mine installed on the floor, wall or ceiling explodes. It may not kill you the first time, but the health of the person targeted will no longer be the same. Alternate fire disarms planted mines so they can be used again.

Nail gun And wrist cannon are not considered because they are not in the game. The nail gun is only available to those who have shelled out money for a pre-order or collectible, and the wrist cannon is just a joke prize for beating the game on a high difficulty level.



A classic enemy, the local humanoid “hydralisk”, so beloved by everyone back in Dead Space. He runs quickly, waves his godlike paws and hits them painfully. The method of destruction is to shoot off two or three limbs and make a control shot somewhere. If you're short on ammunition, kick the body.

Towards the end of the game, the hewers will become stronger and more dangerous. Particularly cool ones can be recognized by their black color.


Another beloved character is a small creature crawling along the floor and walls. Having entered a combat position, the worm throws out three tentacles and begins to fire at Isaac with volleys of some kind of nasty stuff. Usually he does not engage in melee combat, but when he gets close, he will not hesitate to attack, causing a quick time event.

The best way to fight is to wait for the worm to release its tentacles and shoot them off. Usually, having lost two of them, the shnyr dies from resentment.


A very harmful creature that frayed the nerves of many in Dead Space. Crawls, relying on its tail and two paws. In zero gravity he can jump from anywhere, which is what earned him universal hatred. Because of this, in the second part of the game the developers decided to populate the zero-gravity environment with mostly harmless snoops.

This, however, does not make fighting jumpers any easier under normal gravity conditions. You must not let them get close and cut off their paws. You can also cut off the tail, but without a tail they live quite well.


A funny character who can be recognized from a distance by his yellow swollen paw. Inside there are explosives of biological origin. Detonator drags his paw behind him, hobbling towards Isaac, and then lunges and blows up the engineer.

But this necromorph is one of the most harmless in the game. Isaac has plenty of time to shoot the yellow paw and blow up both its owner and all the necromorphs that are nearby. A paw can be cut off with a shot, which greatly angers the fuse (do not forget to finish him off later, since without one paw he will begin to bite out of anger). The severed paw can then be picked up with telekinesis and fired for its intended purpose.

If a fuse suddenly appears nearby, immediately freeze it and run away. Once unfrozen, it will explode on its own.


Small and very harmful crawling creatures that attack Isaac en masse. By throwing them off in a quick time event, the hero loses health. Fortunately, swarms are very rare and occur in small numbers in the wild. These creatures do not crawl very quickly and almost always allow themselves to be shot at from afar or thrown with grenades.

The most dangerous thing is the swarm contained in the belly necromorphs.


It looks like an ordinary hewer, but the pot-bellied one is easy to recognize by its huge body, where the swarm is hidden. If you hit the body, the swarm will crawl out and attack Isaac, so extreme caution and well-aimed shots at the paws and legs are recommended. In some cases, the belly can tear itself apart with its claws and release a swarm, so it is better to shoot at the “hands”.

If the swarm does crawl out, try to eliminate it while it is in the heap. If the swarm spreads, it will be more difficult to destroy it.


Hanging on the wall surrounded by “damage”. Sensing Isaac, he throws out tentacles from his stomach and begins throwing cocoons. Each cocoon, landing on the floor, throws out its own tentacle and fires at the hero. To neutralize the cocoon, it is enough to cut the tentacle with one shot.

The problem is that the guard has an endless supply of cocoons, so it's best to get rid of him as quickly as possible. This necromorph cannot leave the wall anywhere and is a convenient target. Look around - perhaps you will find a red balloon that you can throw with telekinesis, eliminating the enemy and without wasting ammunition. If there is nothing to blow up the guard, start shooting at the tentacles.

Under no circumstances come close to a living guard - he will blow his head off in a moment.

This is creepy: If you look closely at the killed guard, you can see how he twitches from time to time.


A kind of “half-boss”, reminiscent of a gorilla in posture and a rhinoceros in habits. Dangerous. Knocks you down. Protected at the front by strong armor. The best way to deal with him is to freeze him in stasis, walk around him and shoot him in the back several times. Another option is to cut off the paws (you need to aim for the yellowish joints under the shoulder shields).


A very nasty comrade, the most hated monster in the first part of Dead Space. Tall and skinny. Dangerous up close. When fired upon, it “falls apart” into several small and very fast arachnid monsters, as if they had come to visit from a John Carpenter film.

It is extremely difficult to hit a nimble little thing, so you need to immediately throw grenades at it before it spreads throughout the room. To gain time, you can throw stasis at the collapsing necromorph.

Fortunately, the separator appears only three times in the entire game.


People also hate this winged creature, and the developers did the right thing when they decided to limit encounters with it in Dead Space 2. The Corruptor is dangerous not because of its fighting qualities (Isaac will stop it in mid-ride and tear off its trunk), but because it attaches itself to corpses and for several minutes seconds turns them into necromorphs. This must not be allowed! Shoot the wings. Kill the infester as quickly as possible.

If things are bad and the corpse under its proboscis is about to rise to its feet, shoot at the corpse. At best, the infector will change his mind about reviving him. At worst, the monster that has risen will already be slightly unhealthy and will be easier to finish off.

These were the necromorphs that we already know from the first part of Dead Space. Below is a list of new arrivals!


Outwardly very similar to an ordinary hewer. Humanoid appearance, paws with blades growing from the shoulders. But the spitter - he not only chops and bites, he also... spits. And he spits from afar. This new character is one of the reasons why you shouldn't carry a melee weapon. Otherwise, it will turn out like in Monty Python - he spits, and we cannot respond in any way.


Vomit, as you might guess from the name, is partly akin to spittoon. He also pours bad liquids on Isaac Clarke, namely acid. In addition, with a successful spit, he not only deals damage, but also slows down the hero’s movement for several seconds, and this is of no use to us at all. Fortunately, before the “slowing down” spit, this necromorph takes a deep breath, giving us the opportunity to try to dodge the acid charge.

The vomit moves slowly, and this is convenient - there is time to shoot off its limbs.


Here he is - this insidious type of necromorphic appearance! This is the cause of our troubles and the most hated new monster in Dead Space 2. They are the ones that “the most cunning beasts” talk about; If you hide from them, they will hide too.”

Stalkers hunt in packs. And they don’t even hunt so much as they play with Isaac Clarke, hiding behind boxes, flashing somewhere in the distance and peeking around corners. These monsters are devilishly smart and fast. Only the best gunslingers in the Wild West can take aim and hit the box-jumping stalker the moment he is visible.

Having teased the player, distracted him and sensed his fatigue, the stalkers jump out from around the corner, quickly run up to Isaac and, sometimes not allowing him to even fire a shot, knock him to the ground with one blow. And then... Do you think they bite off the head? No! Then they hide again! And the game resumes.

What can I recommend here? Except this:

  • Use stasis! A stalker caught in a blue trap is a dead stalker.
  • Mark the places where the stalkers are jumping over the boxes, and shoot at the moments when they appear.
  • When you notice a stalker peeking around the corner, shoot. Or better yet, throw a grenade at him.
  • Stand in the doorway to exploit the "player is not indoors - player is not visible" bug and shoot at the stalkers when they lose sight of the victim.


Mine. An ordinary “frog” mine of biological origin. Can lie on the floor or hang on the walls. Unnoticeable, but gives itself away with sounds. If Isaac approaches the cyst, it will spit out a mine that explodes on impact. The mines in the cyst never end.

Be careful and, when you hear suspicious sounds, inspect the floor and walls. One shot will finish the cyst. If it is on the floor, you don't have to waste ammunition on it. Throw anything at her. The cyst will spit out a bomb, which will fall back and detonate it.


And then the children arrived. Unlike the snoops, these guys have retained their humanoid appearance, although they resemble the color of Jackson’s Gollum. They attack in a crowd, tear with their claws, and try to jump on Isaac.

These necromorphs are weak and fragile. Theoretically, they can be scattered with blows, but it’s better not to let things get to that point. Stand with your back to the wall and pour fire on the flock.


Baby from the manger. Crawling on his back, sticking his yellow swollen belly up. Explodes. These necromorphs are a little more dangerous than regular fuses because they usually attack in packs, can crawl along walls, and their small size allows them to hide. Explode with one hit.


Another "half-boss". Occurs only in zero gravity conditions. It doesn't move, it throws out an endless stream of homing bombs. In fact, everything is not as dangerous as it sounds. It’s not easy to dodge the bombs, but it’s very easy to hide around the corner - they won’t fly around obstacles. To get rid of the nest, you need to shoot at the yellow “bubbles” that it waves.

That's all you need to know to master the new weapon and successfully defeat new enemies. As for the bosses, evil and treacherous, you will see the passage of each of them in the video tour on the disc!

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