How dangerous is the flu? Heavy and deadly

The picture of outbreaks and foci of these diseases changes from year to year. How will the flu behave in 2019? The prognosis is normal. Among doctors, it boils down to a well-known saying: “We hope for the best, prepare for the worst.”

As a rule, doctors react to outbreaks of colds after the fact, especially when it comes to the emergence of new strains. The flu is constantly mutating and it is very difficult to fight it.

New flu strains in 2019

The most dangerous strains are still the A(H1N1) strain and the A(H3N2) strain.

I would like to say something about the A(H1N1) strain separately. Why did we pay attention to him?

Important! Strain (H1N1) is currently the most common subtype of the A virus. It has an incredible ability to undergo various mutations and is extremely aggressive.

Suffice it to recall the Spanish flu pandemic (popularly Spanish) in 1918, which killed 50 to 100 million people in 18 months, according to average estimates.

In 2009, the A(H1N1/09) strain, a mutation of the familiar A(H1N1), caused a pandemic, dubbed the “swine flu epidemic” by the media.

Symptoms of the A(H1N1/09) virus, when they appear, the patient must be immediately taken to the nearest medical facility:

Frequent, difficult breathing;

Pre-fainting or, conversely, extreme agitation;

The patient is disoriented and there is confusion;

Dizziness, nausea;

Refusal to take liquids;

Chest and abdominal pain.

The new flu, identified in 2009, is dangerous because if it affects the body, without a proper medical response, the disease can develop into progressive viral pneumonia that is not sensitive to antibiotics. In this case, the person dies within 24 hours after the onset of the complication.

Fact! At the moment, there are no medications that can effectively combat progressive viral pneumonia.

Will A(H1N1) mutate into new flu strains in 2019? The virus is being studied and its behavior is being monitored by thousands of laboratories around the world. However, epidemiologists cannot yet give an exact answer to this question.

Flu in Russia 2019 latest news

The number of regions of Russia where the incidence of influenza and ARVI is exceeded increased from 13 to 23, while the excess of weekly epidemiological thresholds ranged from 60% to more than 100%, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova told RIA Novosti, RIA Novosti writes.

“In the Russian Federation in the fourth week of 2019, there was an increase in the geographic spread of the incidence of ARVI and influenza and an increase in the activity of circulation of influenza viruses,” Popova noted.

“In terms of the total population, weekly epidemic thresholds were exceeded in 23 constituent entities of the Russian Federation; let me remind you that last week these were 13 constituent entities,” she said.

The agency's interlocutor noted that the highest incidence rates are in the Republic of Gorny Altai, the Sverdlovsk Region, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Republic of Buryatia, and the Altai Territory - there the excess of thresholds ranges from 60% to more than 100%.

Also, according to Popova, children from schools and kindergartens are most actively involved in the epidemic process: age groups 3-6 years and 7-14 years.

“Among children under 2 years of age, the excess is recorded in 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, from 3 to 6 years old - in 17, and from 7 to 14, that is, among schoolchildren, in 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Among adults – in 17 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This speaks of the epidemic rise that has come to our country,” Popova said.

According to her, today the AH1N1 influenza viruses of the 2009 pandemic variant are predominantly detected - this is 35% of the structure of positive findings, also the AH3N2 influenza viruses - 27%, the proportion of influenza B viruses is small (less than 1%).

According to Popova, over the past week almost 80 thousand studies have been carried out in cases of severe illness with signs of acute respiratory viral infection.

“And the total share of all influenza viruses in the general landscape of circulating viruses today is 68.9% of the number of positive findings, and this just indicates a continuing increase in the share of influenza,” Popova emphasized.

Popova reported that over the past week, an increase in the incidence of influenza and ARVI in the countries of the northern hemisphere has continued to be recorded, and there is now a growing activity of influenza viruses.

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Flu in 2019 is an epidemic of new strains of the virus that have already mutated from previous years. Because of this mutation, bacteria appear that affect the human body in a short time, with severe complications and a long recovery period.

  • The main peak of the epidemic occurs in winter.
  • But already in the fall you should be careful and take preventive measures, although this may not help.
  • How to treat flu in 2019 and what are the main symptoms of the disease this year? Find answers to these and other questions below.

What virus is going around now: flu strains 2019

Flu symptoms 2019

According to bacteriologists, this season people will suffer from a new type of influenza, which will also include strains of previously known viruses: Brisbane, Michigan and Hong Kong. Scientists predict a real epidemic. It will be difficult not to become infected with this virus, since the bacteria have mutated and the virus has turned into a dangerous and unpredictable strain. At this time, the following common strains of influenza disease exist:

  • Influenza A is a dangerous bacteria. It is transmitted from a sick organism to a healthy one. Even your pet friend - a cat, a dog and others - can get sick. This type of flu has been successfully mutating for many years and becoming resistant to medications.
  • H1N1 (swine flu)- 9 years ago this virus caused an entire epidemic. Complications occur in almost every case, and the lungs and bronchi are affected.
  • H5N1 (avian influenza)- This virus is dangerous because mortality occurs in 70% of cases. The virus continues to mutate, making it increasingly resistant to drugs.
  • Flu B- this viral bacterium is not as dangerous as avian or pork strains. It is almost not susceptible to mutation, is easily tolerated and treatable.
  • Flu C- only a few people become infected with this virus, so the risk of developing an epidemic is minimal. It occurs without symptoms and in a mild form.

Now, in the autumn, there is no influenza epidemic yet, but isolated cases of the disease occur. If the disease progresses, it is without complications or acute symptoms. With the onset of cold weather, the picture will change. Therefore, you need to know about the symptoms of the virus, how to fight it and whether there is prevention. Read about it below.

Flu 2019 symptoms in adults and children today

Severe runny nose with flu 2019

The manifestation of the virus this year will directly depend on which strain progresses more. Each type of influenza has an incubation period when the disease just begins to manifest itself. At this stage, it is important to start treatment and then complications and unpleasant consequences can be avoided. The incubation period usually lasts from 2 to 4 days.

Almost always, the symptoms of influenza virus infection in adults and children are similar:

  • Children's body It is more difficult to tolerate the disease due to not yet fully developed immunity.
  • The body of an elderly person Due to age, he is already weakened and it is more difficult for him to fight bacteria.
  • If a middle-aged adult can endure the flu “on his feet,” then a child or an old man will lie in bed, not getting up due to lack of strength to fight severe bacterial intoxication.

When influenza bacteria enters a person, the symptoms will be::

  • High body temperature, fever.
  • Painful sensations in the muscles, aching joints.
  • Weakness, chills.
  • Dizziness, headaches, increased blood pressure.
  • Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite.

You should know: If these symptoms do not go away within a week, then a bacterial infection is suspected. Pneumonia, sore throat and complex concomitant diseases may develop, which are much more difficult to treat than the virus itself.

REMEMBER: When the first symptoms appear, contact your doctor immediately to prevent the development of exacerbations!

Forms of influenza in 2019 and their symptoms

High temperature is the main symptom of various forms of influenza

There are 4 forms of influenza, differing in clinical presentation:

  • Lightweight- body temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, there is a decrease in appetite and slightly noticeable headaches.
  • Moderate- body temperature remains stable for 3 days, but does not exceed 39 degrees. The development of this form of virus is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, sore throat and dry cough.
  • Heavy- body temperature up to 40 degrees, fever, nausea, headaches.
  • Hypertoxic- the danger of this form of influenza is that the disease develops very quickly with the appearance of a severe runny nose, headaches, and cough. There may even be bleeding from the nose, vomiting, or simply a nauseating state, facial flushing.

You should know: Some types of influenza may even cause gastrointestinal upset, such as prolonged diarrhea.

You should immediately call a doctor at home or an ambulance if the following symptoms are present:

New flu - with fever, without fever, intestinal, avian, swine, Hong Kong flu: treatment, latest news

Feeling unwell with the flu 2019

Influenza, like many other viruses, is transmitted through airborne droplets. According to the forecast of bacteriologists, in 2018 and early 2019, a large number of people will be affected in a short period of time.

  • A person will feel all the symptoms of influenza, except for one of the most important ones - fever.
  • A new virus is a bacterial infection of the body that will occur without fever.
  • Although the child’s body and the body of older people can react precisely with an increase in temperature.

Flu is a special infection. This is a deadly disease. A seasonal influenza epidemic is a very serious problem, because the virus spreads through airborne droplets.

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, about 3 billion people get the flu every year, and about 3 million of them die. Even in prosperous countries, about 1% of influenza patients die. Therefore, at the first manifestation of symptoms, consult a doctor; if you delay going to the hospital, you can issue a sick leave certificate retroactively.

The flu is dangerous because this virus can mutate, i.e. change its structure, adapting to both medications and our immunity.
Signs of the disease:

1. fever (high temperature)

2. moderate catarrhal symptoms or their absence (there may be no cough or runny nose immediately, or they will appear later)

3. severe intoxication (weakness, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)

4. in severe cases, pneumonia with disruption of the capillaries (viral pneumonia with pulmonary edema) is the so-called hypertoxic form.

Knowing the symptoms, you can recognize the flu and begin treatment on the first day. Relenza and Tamiflu have proven their success, these are antiviral drugs.

The influenza virus has the ability to spread with lightning speed and infect the lungs; it affects the epithelial cells of our respiratory tract. Lung tissue begins to decompose. Instant hemorrhage may occur.

When the cells in the lining of the lungs are damaged, they become vulnerable to bacteria. Therefore, as everyone knows, the flu is dangerous due to complications. Antibiotics are often necessary after the flu.

Complications are more likely to occur if a person has had the flu on their feet. Influenza can cause the development of such serious diseases as pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura), pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), otitis (inflammation of the middle ear), sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). Flu can also lead to male infertility.

In rare cases, damage to the central nervous system occurs, as a complication after the flu. Such a person becomes disabled.
The flu is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women - they can die within three days. When there was a swine flu epidemic, a high percentage of deaths were among pregnant women. The second risk group is children. The third group is elderly people - over 65 years old, as well as with diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease and bronchopulmonary system.

It is always better to prevent the occurrence of the disease by getting a flu shot. If you pay attention to your health, recognize the disease and begin treatment, you can avoid all sorts of severe complications of the flu.

Remember, illiteracy in medical matters can have a very terrible cost - this is human life!

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Influenza is an acute viral disease that can affect both the upper and lower respiratory tract.

As a rule, the disease occurs with severe intoxication of the body and for people with weakened immune systems poses a serious danger, even death. The main feature of influenza is that, unlike other diseases of viral origin, it is much more severe.

Flu danger

The main danger of this viral disease is not even that the flu, as a rule, is severe and causes severe intoxication, but that this disease can cause serious complications in individual organs and systems. Most often, after the flu, pathologies of the heart, kidneys, joints, lungs, etc. are detected.

Complications after flu on the heart

Doctors note that most of all complications after influenza occur in the heart, as a result of which serious changes occur in its functioning. The fact is that the influenza virus has the ability to penetrate the heart muscle - the myocardium and cause its inflammation, that is, myocarditis. Almost 15% of all complications after influenza occur in the heart muscle.

It should be noted that myocarditis, with timely diagnosis and proper treatment, goes away quite calmly and in most cases the patient recovers. But if the disease is not detected and proceeds without proper treatment, it can lead to heart failure. It should be remembered that every tenth patient with myocarditis, without the necessary treatment, dies.

How to identify heart complications after the flu

To understand that the influenza virus has caused complications to the heart muscle, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms, if detected, you must immediately consult a doctor. Symptoms of myocarditis:

From time to time, heart rhythm irregularities occur, and it has nothing to do with physical activity.

Even with minor physical activity, such as walking, shortness of breath occurs.

Pain in the chest area.

Increased body temperature after the flu.

Swelling of the legs.

Fatigue, sweating, fatigue after suffering from the influenza virus.

If a person who has the flu already had certain heart problems, they may get worse after the illness. Therefore, even if there are no obvious symptoms of exacerbation, you should consult your doctor.

Vaccination is the most effective measure against influenza.

The introduction of a vaccine into the body does not cause illness, but by producing protective antibodies, it stimulates the immune system to fight infection. Vaccination reduces the incidence of influenza by an average of 2 times; in vaccinated people, if they become ill, it is milder and does not lead to the development of complications.

Get vaccinated against influenza in advance to prevent severe illness and complications!!!

Government of the Samara region

Text: Tatyana Maratova

Agree, it would be nice if there was such a road sign: Beware of the flu! After all, of all acute respiratory viral infections, influenza is the most dangerous virus, which threatens with the most unpredictable consequences. And if we always managed to avoid it, it would be a great success.

How dangerous is the flu? First of all, the most severe complications. If you don't treat your health carefully and carefully during the winter, the flu can cause a lot of trouble. Sneezing, coughing, with a high temperature, we still go to work, hoping to bring down the temperature in the evening and recover from a “common cold” the next day. Meanwhile, from some of the complications that the flu leaves us with, you can die within a few days.

How dangerous is the flu?

Immediately after infection, influenza greatly weakens the immune system, helping the further spread of the viral infection. Of the complications of influenza, besides the very dangerous pneumonia, the most common are pleurisy, otitis media and bronchitis.

Pleurisy. This is the name for inflammation of the pleura, the membrane that covers the lungs. In addition to the troubles that usually accompany a cold - fever, chills and weakness - a pronounced symptom of pleurisy is pain in the side, which intensifies with a deep breath or cough. To treat pleurisy, it is strongly recommended to go to a hospital, because this disease is dangerous and insidious. You can continue treatment at home only at the recovery stage.

Otitis. Or purulent inflammation of the middle ear. An ear cold (otitis media) is recognized by constant throbbing pain in the ear. The pain echoes through the head, neck and teeth. With such inflammation, the patient hears extraneous noises in the ear and experiences a sharp decrease in hearing. You can relieve pain by warming the ear where the pain is felt. It is also recommended to make compresses, for example with camphor alcohol diluted in half with water. If otitis media is not treated, or treatment is started too late, it can develop into a chronic disease with constant or periodic suppuration from the ear.

Bronchitis. This is a dangerous inflammatory process in the airways through which air enters the lungs. The influenza virus damages the epithelial cells of the bronchial mucosa, causing them to gradually destroy. This means that at the site of destruction, comfortable conditions are created for the penetration and reproduction of bacterial flora in the tissues. If the flu is cured and the inflammation has disappeared, the damaged mucous membrane may recover within a few weeks. But in some cases, changes in tissue structure cover all layers of the bronchial wall and the pathology becomes dangerously chronic.

To prevent health problems from extending over a long period, you need to tell yourself in time, “Be careful, the flu!” and choose treatments accordingly.

Influenza (French grippe, German grippe) is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by the influenza virus. Included in the group of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Periodically spreads in the form of epidemics and pandemics.

Flu in 2019 is an epidemic of new strains of the virus that have already mutated from previous years. Because of this mutation, bacteria appear that affect the human body in a short time, with severe complications and a long recovery period.

The incidence of influenza and ARVI in St. Petersburg is growing, and an epidemic may begin, the official publication of the city government reports, citing Irina Chkhingeria, head of the epidemiological surveillance department of the local Rospotrebnadzor.

According to Chkhingeria, now in the city there are from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand cases of ARVI per week. There is a gradual dynamic increase in the epidemic threshold, and within a week it may be exceeded.

The chief physician of the Botkin Hospital, Alexei Yakovlev, noted that from the third week of January, the H1N1 flu was replaced by the “epidemic” H3N2. According to his forecast, this trend will continue next week. Hospitals are opening up additional beds for people with the flu, including children’s beds.

According to official data, 50.8 percent of the population in St. Petersburg has been vaccinated against influenza. The structure of the flu matches the strains included in this year's vaccine.

Earlier on Monday, January 28, in the city of Tikhvin, Leningrad Region, a school for a thousand people was urgently closed due to the flu. In other areas of the region, certain classes and groups in children's educational institutions are closed.

Rospotrebnadzor data regarding the influenza epidemic for 2019

Among the sick children, 27% are children aged 0 to 2 years, 17.5% are children whose age ranges from 3 to 6 years, and 7.5% of all infected are children aged 7 to 14 years. Cases of infection were confirmed in the laboratory. According to statistics published on the Ropotrebnadzor website, over the past week, 12.6% of cases of influenza were recorded, 87.4% of cases of other respiratory diseases, including: parainfluenza - 13.7%; adenoviruses - 7.9%; PC viruses - 4.1 and others - 61.7%.

According to experts, an increase in the incidence of influenza and ARVI in St. Petersburg is expected in February. It is noted that today the number of St. Petersburg residents who have been vaccinated against influenza is 2.7 million people. The northern capital was in the top 10 regions with the highest coverage of flu vaccinations.

What is the epidemic threshold

The epidemic threshold is a special mark after which an epidemic is introduced. Each disease has its own epidemic threshold. When calculating figures, Rosportrebnadzor uses data for 7 calendar days of each year for 5 years, and a separate calculation is made for each week of the year. Epidemic thresholds are the upper limits of non-epidemic incidence of influenza and ARVI. If the indicators exceed the incidence threshold, a quarantine is introduced in the region to avoid the spread of the disease, since influenza and most other respiratory diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets. Calculations of the number of people sick with influenza and ARVI are made in the spring, when the epidemic is already over. According to data, every year in St. Petersburg from 10 to 20% of the total population falls ill with influenza or ARVI.



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