What is the cause of profuse sweating and how to deal with it? Folk remedies for sweat. The mechanism of sweating in the body

Sudden profuse or profuse sweating under the arms and in other parts of the body takes a person by surprise and causes discomfort. The patient feels sweat flowing like a hail on the head, arms, legs and other parts. People may sweat profusely for a variety of reasons, some of which are serious and require medical attention. You should consult a doctor, find out the source of the problem and use individual methods to combat excessive sweating.

Pathological causes of profuse sweating

Endocrine disorders

Sudden sweating occurs for various reasons, which are often pathological in nature. If sweat pours like hail all over the body, then these may be endocrine disorders in the human body. The reason why sudden profuse sweating occurs may be due to diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system:

  • Thyrotoxicosis. The patient is actively leaking water through, there is nervousness, sudden weight loss, and weakness.
  • Hypoglycemia. Sharp and constant sweating during hypoglycemia is accompanied by fainting, rapid heartbeat and tremors of the limbs and the whole body.
  • Carcinoid syndrome. The person sweats intensely, and silver-colored tumors form on the skin. Blisters affect the face, neck, and palms.

Can infection manifest itself in profuse sweat?

Profuse sweating of the head and body is observed in patients with infectious lesions. A patient with various infections in the body loses a lot of fluid, which leads to a significant deterioration of the condition. Patients sweat profusely with the following infectious diseases:

  • Tuberculosis. In addition to profuse sweating, the patient begins to lose appetite and lose weight sharply against the background of tuberculosis.
  • Brucellosis. Sweat pours out in streams with brucellosis, which can be transmitted from an animal. The disease causes profuse sweating, enlarged lymph nodes, and joint pain.
  • Malarial infection. Patients sweat profusely, have a fever, complain of headaches and fever up to 41 degrees.

Tumor signal

Tests should be taken to determine the root cause of the disease.

Excessive sweating is often associated with neoplasms to which the body has undergone. Thus, sweating in the armpits and other parts of the body often signals the development of Hodgkin's disease, in which the lymph nodes are damaged. The patient suffers from fever and complains that he sweats profusely in the evening and at night. Profuse sweating is also associated with malignant tumors, but in this case it will not be so pronounced.

Neurological and mental disorders

Often the patient asks the question “why am I sweating” and does not suspect that the answer may lie in neurological or mental disorders. Profuse sweat is the first sign of Parkinson's disease and stroke. Mental and psychological abnormalities can influence the occurrence of profuse sweating:

  • neuroses;
  • regular depressive states;
  • sleep disturbance.

How do hereditary diseases affect?

Sweat often drips down due to hereditary disorders. Sweat pours out in hailstones with Riley-Day syndrome, in which eating habits are disrupted due to regular vomiting and nausea. The patient additionally suffers from impaired coordination, increased salivation and increased tearing. In addition, patients break out in a cold sweat with cystic fibrosis, which is characterized by a lack of sodium chloride, intolerance to hot climates and a state of shock in the heat.

Why do you sweat in the absence of pathologies?

Genes determine our lives, and sometimes our existence.

Profuse sweating is also often observed in healthy people, mainly in the stronger sex. The andropause period, during which testosterone production decreases, can influence the development of profuse sweating in men. If the patient notes that sweat flowed at night, then perhaps the source of profuse sweating was the wrong temperature in the room or unnatural bedding. Profuse sweating can occur against the background of an unbalanced diet, which contains a lot of garlic, onions and other spicy foods. Additionally, excessive sweating is affected by the abuse of tobacco, drugs or alcohol.

Profuse sweating: features of manifestation

In violation of this nature, the patient profusely follows sweat, which has a fetid odor. It has a different color: bluish, reddish, yellowish, which can also indicate a certain disease. A patient with profuse sweating has a constant chilling feeling, weakness and dizziness. Sweat flows in streams during the day and night. With prolonged profuse sweating, the integrity of the skin is damaged, often small blisters appear in sweating places.

The most dangerous consequence of profuse hyperhidrosis is dehydration.

Each person sooner or later in various conditions faces the problem of increased sweating during physical exertion, excitement or a change in the environment. However, there is also a pathological manifestation of profuse sweating - the so-called profuse sweat.

In such cases, usually separate parts of the body sweat: feet, armpits, groin, palms, face. As a rule, in such cases, the skin is cold, and a bluish tint of the skin may appear on the extremities.

Causes of pathology

It is not surprising, but increased sweating is most often the result of an illness. In this case, you need to pay special attention to the symptoms and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

First of all, profuse sweating serves as a signal of disturbances in the autonomic nervous system. Profuse sweating may indicate the presence of bromism. In this case, hyperhidrosis is observed in the groin area, palms, armpits, feet and even around the navel. All this is accompanied by bad breath. This problem is characteristic mainly of adolescents during puberty, when the body is rebuilt.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of profuse sweat may be autonomic neurosis - in addition to intense sweating, the patient’s facial skin and hair follicles become oily. That is, even naturally dry hair becomes dirty more often and gives off a greasy sheen. Blood circulation is also impaired, as evidenced by sweating of the palms and plantar area.

Do not confuse profuse sweat with excessive sweating due to fever, fever or any infectious disease. But pathology can be a signal for the onset of obesity or diabetes, for example. In such cases, you should always consult a doctor as soon as possible and avoid self-medication.

Non-pathological causes of profuse sweat

A healthy person may develop profuse sweat, but for other reasons. So, if you are not a diabetic and do not know what a dysfunction of the endocrine system is, the cause of the pathology is probably something else:

  • frequent stress, insomnia, depression and everything related to disorders of the nervous system;
  • poisoning with chemical products or food;
  • with psoriasis, sweating is observed near the foci of the skin disease;
  • infection of the salivary gland or damage to the facial nerve.

Methods to combat profuse sweating

The first thing to do when detecting profuse sweat is to replenish the water balance in the body: drink as much water as possible. It is not necessary to drink clean water - the liquid can be completely replaced with fruit drinks, weak tea or compote.

If the body temperature is elevated, it is necessary to take antipyretic medications or wipe the body with a weak solution of vinegar. You can speed up the cooling process by creating a small draft. However, it is worth noting that if the cause of profuse sweat still lies in the disease, you should not get carried away with self-medication. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

If you cannot overcome excessive sweating at home, a therapist will help - the doctor will conduct the necessary tests.

Medical intervention is necessary if symptoms such as:

  • hyperthermia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • insomnia due to excessive sweating;
  • general malaise.

First of all, the doctor will diagnose the disease as the root cause of the manifestation of profuse sweat and prescribe treatment. Without establishing the main cause of profuse sweating, it will not be possible to get rid of it as a normal symptom.

If sweating is related in any way to disturbances in the lymphatic system, breathing problems or problems with the endocrine system, the following tests must be performed to prevent severe acute illnesses:

  • chest x-ray;
  • CT scan;
  • Ultrasound of the heart.

It is possible that after completing these initial diagnostic methods, test results for blood glucose and hormone levels will be required.

During the treatment process, it is necessary to observe basic hygiene rules and introduce some restrictions on the menu. For example, you should avoid spicy foods, fatty foods, coffee, strong tea, alcohol and allergens. In addition, sedatives (this is suitable for emotional overload and any stress factors) or Botox injections into problem areas can help in the fight against profuse sweat.

To temporarily get rid of sweat on the head or any other affected areas of the body, you can use wet wipes - they slightly mattify the smell and refresh the skin. But it is worth noting that wet wipes, creams and deodorants do not have medicinal properties, but only hide the manifestations of excessive sweating.

Preventing abnormal sweating

To prevent this pathology, it is worth paying attention to external factors that affect healthy sleep. For example, monitor the temperature in the bedroom, choose comfortable and light clothes for sleeping, etc.

Don’t forget about the so-called “sleep hygiene”. If you have a backlog of work that needs to be completed before morning, you shouldn't do it in the bedroom. Let the bed or sofa be associated only with relaxation and a pleasant pastime.

Finally, even walking before bed will have a positive effect on your health.

If you notice any of the listed situations, you should not delay the thought of visiting a doctor - timely treatment will save both your body and your wallet. Health requires care and timely prevention of diseases.

Under hyperehidrosis

General information

Under hyperehidrosis(from the Greek "hyper" - excessive, increased, "hidros" - sweat) in medical practice, it is customary to understand profuse sweating that occurs regardless of physical factors: increased motor activity, overheating, high ambient temperature, or others. Sweating is a physiological process of secretion of watery secretion (sweat) by the sweat glands, constantly occurring in the human body. The process of sweating protects the body from hyperthermia (overheating) and helps maintain its homeostasis (constancy): evaporating from the skin, sweat thereby cools the surface of the body and lowers its temperature.

In the body of a healthy person, sweating increases when the ambient temperature rises to 20-25°C, as well as during physical or psycho-emotional stress. When the ambient temperature rises to 36°C and above, the body is thermoregulated with the help of sweating; overheating is not allowed. Increased heat transfer and cooling of the body are facilitated by low relative humidity and active physical movement. On the contrary, in a humid environment with still air, the process of sweat evaporation does not occur, so a long stay in a hot bath or steam room is not recommended. Excessive fluid intake sharply increases sweating, therefore, during intense physical activity or in a room with high air temperatures, you should not drink a lot of water. As a result of psycho-emotional arousal, skin receptors react by stimulating the secretion of sweat. Therefore, increased sweating occurs if a person experiences strong emotions, such as excitement, fear or pain.

Therefore, the main postulate in the fight against hyperhidrosis should be careful adherence to the rules of personal hygiene: you should take a shower daily (and sometimes more than once!), take warm baths for the palms and feet (preferably with an infusion of chamomile or oak bark), and do rubdowns. To eliminate the smell of sweat, it is recommended to use deodorants. It is not recommended to wear clothes, especially underwear and socks, made from synthetic fabrics, as they are not airtight. You should change your underwear, socks, and tights as often as possible. Shoes should be comfortable, light, with special insoles, and open in the summer. It is necessary to limit, and if possible completely exclude from the diet, too hot, spicy foods, alcohol, nicotine, coffee. Foods such as onions, garlic, and spices increase the unpleasant odor of sweat.

If hyperhidrosis is not a symptom accompanying the underlying disease, then the following types of conservative treatment are widely used in medical practice for its treatment:

  • psychotherapeutic methods
  • drug therapy
  • antiperspirants
  • physiotherapeutic methods

Psychotherapeutic methods of treating hyperhidrosis, in particular hypnosis, are aimed at eliminating the patient's psychological problems. The ability to keep their emotions and fears under control helps some people cope with the problem of hyperhidrosis.

For drug therapy of hyperhidrosis, different groups of drugs are used depending on the severity of the disease and contraindications. Belladonna (belladonna) preparations containing atropine act on the sympathetic nervous system, reducing its excitability and reducing the secretion of sweat glands.

Sedative medications (valerian, motherwort, herbal sedatives, etc.) and tranquilizers are indicated for people with a labile, unstable nervous system. By reducing the excitability of the nervous system, they help cope with everyday stress as a factor in the occurrence of hyperhidrosis. The selection of the correct drug and its dosage should be carried out by a doctor.

Modern methods of treating hyperhidrosis include Botox injections. The pharmacological effect of this treatment method is based on long-term (up to six months or more) blocking of the nerve endings that innervate the sweat glands and a significant reduction in sweating.

Antiperspirants have a local effect and, due to their chemical composition, which includes zinc and aluminum salts, formaldehyde, salicylic acid, triclosan, and ethyl alcohol, prevent sweating. By causing a narrowing or even complete blockage of the excretory ducts of the sweat glands, drugs in this group block the excretion of sweat. Side effects from their use include allergic reactions, dermatitis, and even severe swelling at the sites of application.

Among the physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, hydrotherapy (pine-salt therapeutic baths, contrast showers) is widely used, which has a restorative effect on the nervous system. Electrosleep, a therapeutic method of influencing the brain with low-frequency pulsed current, also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The therapeutic effect of electrosleep is based on a sedative effect, enhancing inhibition processes, and improving the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Often the problem of hyperhidrosis or erythrophobia is far-fetched by a person and is his psychological problem. In this case, you should consult a psychotherapist for treatment and correction. The disadvantage of conservative treatment of hyperhidrosis is the short-term effect, which requires regular treatment procedures: the effect of antiperspirants lasts up to 6 hours, the effect of Botox injections lasts up to 6 months.

Currently, the following are successfully used in the surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis:

The use of the listed methods of surgical treatment is the safest, gives a lasting positive result, and does not cause fear of side effects. They are less traumatic and do not cause cosmetic defects. the procedure is carried out through small punctures with a size of only 10 mm. The technique of local surgical methods involves reducing the number of sweat glands, leading to a decrease in sweating. In 90% of cases, the problem of hyperhidrosis and unpleasant odor of sweat is completely eliminated.

Let us consider in more detail local surgical methods for the treatment of hyperhidrosis.

Curettage. The operation involves destruction of nerve endings and subsequent removal of sweat glands at the site of increased sweating. To more accurately determine the zone of hyperhidrosis, an iodine-starch test (Minor test) is performed before the procedure. Surgical manipulations are carried out under local anesthesia. A 10-millimeter puncture is made (for severe hyperhidrosis - 2 punctures), resulting in skin peeling. Then "scraping" is carried out from the inside.

Curettage is most often used for hyperhidrosis of the axillary zone. Eliminates excessive sweating and unpleasant odor. As complications, it may be accompanied by slight bleeding and hematoma, which are easily removable and safe. After several years, during which a persistent positive effect persists, the nerve endings can recover, and the resumption of hyperhidrosis is possible.

Liposuction is indicated for overweight people. The process of sweating in the body is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, of which the sympathetic nervous system is a part. During the operation, the nerves of the sympathetic trunk are destroyed and thus the action of the nerve impulse that causes sweating is suppressed. In the course of operational measures, a Minor test is performed to determine the zone of hyperhidrosis, a puncture is made, a small tube is inserted into it, the nerve endings of the sympathetic trunk are destroyed through it, and axillary tissue is removed. Both the course of the operation and possible side effects are similar to curettage. There is a slight decrease in the sensitivity of the skin at the site of exposure, hemorrhage, hematomas. If a subcutaneous accumulation of fluid forms, it is removed using a puncture.

Excision gives excellent results in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. However, after the procedure, a small scar (about 3 cm) remains at the site of treatment, causing some stiffness in movement. The operation, as in previous methods, is preceded by the determination of the zone of hyperhidrosis using the Minor test and its further complete excision. Despite all the ambiguity, the high efficiency rate of this method causes increased interest in it.

All of the above methods of local surgical treatment of hyperhidrosis show high efficiency and safety.

Hyperhidrosis is a disease that, like any other, reduces the quality of life and causes physical and psychological discomfort. To cure a disease and relieve its symptoms, and therefore improve a person’s well-being and emotional background, is a completely possible task with the modern level of development of medicine.

Hyperhidrosis can be local (local), in which there is increased sweating in certain parts of the body (armpits, palms and feet), and general.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis should begin with conservative methods. You should consult a psychologist, keep your body clean, and use antiperspirants. In some cases, with a slight increase in sweating, the use of iontophoresis and Botox injections are very effective. In the absence of contraindications, it is possible to use local surgical treatment methods to reduce sweating and get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat. Curettage, liposuction and excision of the skin of the axillary zone in most cases give a lasting positive treatment result and do not cause serious side effects.

In the event that these methods do not give the expected result, they resort to treating hyperhidrosis using sympathectomy - a surgical intervention called the central method.

Sympathectomy has been used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis since 1946, and its technique is quite well established. This low-traumatic procedure guarantees a positive treatment result that lasts for a long time. However, sympathectomy should be resorted to only in cases of extreme necessity in severe forms of hyperhidrosis that cannot be treated by other known methods. Exposure to the body using this method is fraught with such unpleasant consequences as dry skin of the face and palms. In the future, the skin condition is normalized. A serious warning to performing sympathectomy is the threat of developing compensatory hyperhidrosis, which cannot be predicted or influenced by any treatment methods.

There are several types of sympathectomy:

  • thoracic and cervical sympathectomy (common operations);
  • destruction or clipping of the sympathetic trunk (endoscopic sympathectomy);
  • chemical blockade or electrical destruction of the sympathetic trunk (percutaneous intervention).

Surgery in all of these cases is performed under general anesthesia. The purpose of the operation is to disrupt the functioning of the sympathetic trunk by completely or partially destroying it. Traditional sympathectomy, performed through an incision in the neck or chest, has now given way to a more gentle and aesthetic endoscopic method. Endoscopic sympathectomy is carried out in one of the following ways: either by destroying the sympathetic trunk with high-frequency current, or by applying a special clip to it. Both methods are highly effective, with irreversible positive results in eliminating hyperhidrosis.

There is a risk of bleeding, increased sweating on the face after eating spicy or hot food, drooping of the eyelid, constriction of the pupil (Horner's syndrome). It is currently not possible to eliminate compensatory hyperhidrosis after destruction of the sympathetic trunk. Compensatory hyperhidrosis in a pronounced form occurs only in 2% of patients who have undergone sympathectomy, and the prognosis for eliminating this side effect when applying a clip is more comforting.

It should be noted that 95% of people who have resorted to sympathectomy do not experience any troubles and are satisfied with the results of the treatment of hyperhidrosis. They overcame their illness and began a new, full life.

Pictured right: a patient with primary hyperhidrosis at rest at room temperature. Above - Minor's iodine-starch test on the back surface of the palms - colors from light orange to purple. Bottom - the test is repeated with the same patient under the same conditions 2 months after a successful endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy.

Complications of sympathectomy - compensatory hyperhidrosis

The operation of endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (abbreviated as ETS) in the vast majority of cases - 95-98% - gives a stable long-term effect, however, according to statistics, every tenth patient is complicated by the so-called compensatory hyperhidrosis.

The human body is designed in such a way that it constantly tries to replenish lost function with the help of various compensatory mechanisms. Compensatory hyperhidrosis is the body’s response to a sudden cessation of its usual sweating function in certain areas of the body. Its manifestations are an increase in the intensity of sweating in other parts of the body that were not previously affected by hyperhidrosis. For example, after a sympathectomy of the armpits or palms, the chest or back often begins to sweat, and with a sympathectomy of the feet, the lower torso and thighs often begin to sweat.

The manifestation of compensatory hyperhidrosis cannot be calculated in advance, but the surgeon is obliged to warn the patient who has decided to undergo this operation about the likelihood of this side effect of sympathectomy. If sympathectomy was carried out by clipping the sympathetic trunk, then compensatory hyperhidrosis can still be overcome by repeated surgical intervention (removal of the clip and restoration of the intercostal nerve), whereas after electrical destruction, which implies complete destruction of the sympathetic nerve trunk, correction of compensatory hyperhidrosis is no longer possible. Unfortunately, it is impossible to calculate in advance the likelihood of compensatory hyperhidrosis occurring after radical sympathectomy, but modern medicine is working to find methods for predicting this complication.

Manifestations of compensatory hyperhidrosis due to sympathectomy usually occur in the first months after surgery. Over time, its manifestations may decrease significantly. A constant level of sweating is established within a year after the operation and practically does not change.

Compensatory hyperhidrosis is especially pronounced with increased physical activity, visiting a swimming pool, bathhouse or sauna, or being in a humid, hot environment. Moreover, under normal conditions, sweating can be within the physiological norm. Excessive sweating can be regulated by limiting the consumption of coffee and spices, as well as by air conditioning the room.

Since sympathectomy is a radical surgical treatment method, and like any surgical intervention is fraught with a lot of complications, it should be resorted to only in extreme cases, after all the undertaken methods of conservative treatment have shown their ineffectiveness.

Compensatory hyperhidrosis can be mild, or it can be quite pronounced with profuse sweating in other parts of the body.

Compensatory hyperhidrosis can also occur with other methods of surgical intervention, such as liposuction or curettage, also aimed at excising or blocking the sweat glands. However, as a result of these manipulations, its manifestation will not be so pronounced.

It is important for both the patient and the doctor to understand that radical surgical sympathectomy is the operation of choice and does not guarantee a 100% result. First of all, weigh all the "pro et contra" and decide what is the least painful for you: to live with ordinary hyperhidrosis or to struggle all your life with the irreversible consequences of compensatory hyperhidrosis.

The latest methods for treating hyperhidrosis

The latest word in cosmetology is the method of treating hyperhidrosis with a laser. Familiar to some women, SmartLipo laser technology, successfully used in the treatment of cellulite, has found application in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. A unique laser installation first appeared in Moscow in 2007. Experts in the field of cosmetology have expanded the range of indications for laser beam treatment, including hyperhidrosis. The impact of thermal energy of the laser on the cells of the sweat gland leads to its complete blocking and cessation of function. As a result, there is a complete cure for hyperhidrosis, which does not require additional interventions.

The manipulation is carried out on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia: a cannula with a laser beam at the end is inserted into the skin through a micro-puncture and affects the cells of the gland. The procedure is characterized by low trauma due to superficial intervention, takes 20-30 minutes, does not require special preparation and subsequent stay in the clinic.

The risk of complications after laser treatment is practically absent: tissue hyperthermia does not occur, hematomas do not occur at the puncture site, in addition, laser radiation has an additional bactericidal effect on the intervention area.

Hyperhidrosis of the armpits is treated with a neodymium laser, which destroys up to 70% of the sweat glands. Literally in 1 session, axillary hyperhidrosis is completely cured. As a result of the procedure, the sweat gland is removed once and for all. Treatment of hyperhidrosis using laser technology today is the latest method and has not yet become widespread due to its high cost and insufficient number of trained specialists.

It can even be pleasant to sweat profusely in a bathhouse or sauna, or to sweat profusely during physical activity in the gym. Excessive sweating is normal for the human body. However, sometimes it becomes a problem. Excessive sweating in humans is called hyperhidrosis. It is imperative to understand the reasons for this condition, because the inconveniences we experience signal to us that we need to pay attention to our health, and the sooner the better.

The mechanism of sweating in the body

On the surface of our body there are about 2-3 million glands that produce sweat. Their activities are controlled by nerve signals. Skin receptors react to heat, food, overheating of the body as a result of stress or illness. Nerve impulses stimulate fluid production during sleep and wakefulness. Moreover, all this happens without the participation of consciousness. No one has ever been able to dry their armpits by force of will. Why is it that in 1 case out of 10 sweating is higher than normal, too profuse?

Profuse sweating in a person can be observed both on the entire body and on individual parts. Excessive sweating of the whole body is called generalized hyperhidrosis. In the second case, when one thing sweats profusely: the head, armpits, arms, legs, back, groin area - this is local hyperhidrosis.

Causes of local hyperhidrosis

Copious, excessive sweating in certain parts of the body (legs, arms, armpits, head, face, etc.) is observed in both men and women.

Moreover, the reasons for such selective sweating may be different.

Before we start fighting hyperhidrosis, let’s look at what profuse sweating in certain parts of the body may indicate in men and women.

Extremities sweat profusely

The most common problem in men and women is profuse sweating of the extremities. Moreover, for some reason, women suffer from this disease much more often. By the way, they say that in Great Britain, a husband even has the legal right to divorce his wife if her feet are cold and wet. But in South American countries, the sweaty smell is considered stimulating.

According to experts, it is in these places on the body that there are too many sweat glands that are simply doing their job. There is also an incorrect, too strong reaction of the body to such stimuli as physical exercise, warm weather, and emotional experiences. In a stressful situation, sweating can become very profuse and exceed the norm by 10 times. Such sweating can already be called not just profuse, but excessive.

Why does my face sweat a lot?

Some people experience profuse sweating on their face. As a rule, more often this happens during the day, and not during sleep. They want to take out a handkerchief, blot their forehead and the area above the upper lip.

Men are more likely to suffer from facial local hyperhidrosis. This is due to various factors:

  • Tea, coffee, alcohol or other hot and strong drinks.
  • Chocolate, honey and other sweets.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Facial nerve injury in newborns. This happens if the doctor uses obstetric forceps.

Causes of profuse sweating of the head

The head, based on statistics, sweats more often in women than in men. Although many ladies wear lush hair in the heat and do not sweat a bit. Some representatives of the fair sex, even in cool weather, are forced to wash their hair every day due to excessive sweating. Increased sweating on the head, especially often occurs in women and men at night, during sleep. The head may sweat profusely for several reasons:

  • Excess weight (here profuse sweating may be caused by a metabolic disorder, which obese people often suffer from).
  • Problems with the endocrine system (here hormonal changes or diabetes mellitus lead to sweating of the head).
  • Diseases of the nervous system (hyperhirdosis in this case is a consequence of stress, panic attacks).
  • Hypertension (sweating in the head area is caused by changes in intracranial pressure);
  • external factors (in a room where a sweaty person sleeps, it can be just hot).
  • Synthetic bed linen and accessories.

Generalized hyperhidrosis

In this condition, the whole body is literally drenched in profuse sweat, regardless of the ambient temperature. The weather may not be hot at all, the person does not engage in sports or any physical work. If this is exactly what happens, experts advise carrying out a thorough diagnosis of the body, because the reasons for constantly having to change shirts that are soaked with sweat may lie in a variety of diseases and no deodorant will save you. Here are just a few of them:

  • Excessive sweating is one of the signs of hyperthyroidism.
  • Diabetics sweat a lot in their armpits, hands and face, but their feet, on the contrary, can be excessively dry.
  • With obesity, sweating also becomes profuse, because the energy that comes from food is not consumed due to the sedentary lifestyle that overweight people lead. They often have metabolic problems and other pathologies, which also leads to profuse sweating.
  • Hormonal imbalance leads to the fact that a person often gets a fever; it happens that during sleep he sweats so much that the bed linen needs to be replaced. This is especially true for men during puberty, women during the menstrual period and during menopause.
  • The course of infectious diseases (ARVI, tuberculosis, brucellosis and others) is characterized by copious sweat production.
  • High sweating can occur with problems with the kidneys and cardiovascular system, as well as with genetic, tumor and neurological diseases.
  • Abstinence syndrome or withdrawal or overdose of drugs can cause profuse sweating.
  • It can throw a man or woman into a sweat in case of acute food or chemical poisoning.

Purely women's problems

The cause of excessive sweating in women can be the natural hormonal processes of the body:

  • Puberty.
  • Menstrual cycles.
  • Climax.

Sweat is produced especially profusely at night, during sleep. This may be local hyperhidrosis or generalized increased sweating of the whole body, armpits, head and extremities. The main danger lies in the fact that during bouts of profuse sweating, a woman tries to cool down: she undresses, opens windows, and creates drafts. An incorrect assessment of one's condition at these moments often leads to colds and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, which aggravates the situation. At night, you can drink herbal sedatives; during sleep, there should be no nervous activity.

Hormonal medications help during these periods. However, you should not take them during your menstrual cycles. Warm baths before bedtime will help you get rid of profuse sweating during your period:

  • with sea salt,
  • chamomile,
  • lavender,
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Also, eliminate synthetic materials from your bedding sets. Thick cotton fabrics (satin, calico, knitwear) are also best left until the end of the process. Use items made from light chintz or natural silk. After taking a bath or shower, dry your body with a cotton towel and apply powder (talc, starch). The use of cosmetics (deodorant, antiperspirant) is not recommended.

How to deal with excessive sweating

In most cases, people use only cosmetic products, without thinking about the causes of sweating, until it becomes profuse and deodorant no longer provides an opportunity to get rid of the smell of sweat. Deodorants can help treat excessive discharge in the areas of the feet and armpits. Sprays only help get rid of odor; roll-on deodorant has a creamy base and allows you to block sweating for a while. Cosmetics such as roll-on and gel deodorant are more effective in the fight for a clean armpit area. A special deodorant is produced for legs, so you should not use the same product for legs and armpits.

Excessive sweating must be treated. To do this, you need to be examined for the presence of the diseases listed above.

Traditional and traditional medicine offers a wide range of solutions to the problems of sweating during sleep and wakefulness at any age. As a rule, when the illness that causes profuse sweating is treated, the problem resolves on its own. In case of genetic predisposition or chronic diseases, a local effect on the sweat glands is applied. The smell will be removed by deodorant, powder, ointment, gel.

Thus, people who suffer from any type of hyperhidrosis need to understand whether high sweating is an independent disease or whether some other serious illness needs to be urgently treated. In any case, it is necessary to treat profuse sweating; cosmetic products alone will not get rid of this problem.

What is the cause of profuse sweating and how to deal with it?

Working up a good sweat in a bathhouse or sauna, sweating profusely during physical activity in the gym - it can even be pleasant. Excessive sweating is normal for the human body. However, sometimes it becomes a problem. in humans it is called hyperhidrosis. It is imperative to understand the reasons for this condition, because the inconveniences we experience signal to us that we need to pay attention to our health, and the sooner the better.

The mechanism of sweating in the body

On the surface of our body there are about 2-3 million glands that produce sweat. Their activities are controlled by nerve signals. Skin receptors react to heat, food, overheating of the body as a result of stress or illness. Nerve impulses stimulate fluid production during sleep and wakefulness. Moreover, all this happens without the participation of consciousness. No one has ever been able to dry their armpits by force of will. Why is it that in 1 case out of 10 sweating is higher than normal, too profuse?

Profuse sweating in a person can be observed both on the entire body and on individual parts. Excessive sweating of the whole body is called generalized hyperhidrosis. In the second case, when it is abundant in the armpits, arms, legs, back, groin area - this is local hyperhidrosis.

Causes of local hyperhidrosis

Abundant, in certain parts of the body (legs, arms, armpits, head, face, etc.) is observed in both men and women.

Moreover, the reasons for such selective sweating may be different.

Before we start fighting hyperhidrosis, let’s look at what profuse sweating in certain parts of the body may indicate in men and women.

Extremities sweat profusely

The most common problem in men and women is profuse sweating of the extremities. Moreover, for some reason, women suffer from this disease much more often. By the way, they say that in Great Britain, a husband even has the legal right to divorce his wife if her feet are cold and wet. But in South American countries, the sweaty smell is considered stimulating.

According to experts, it is in these places on the body that there are too many cells that are simply doing their job. There is also an incorrect, too strong reaction of the body to such stimuli as physical exercise, warm weather, and emotional experiences. In a stressful situation, sweating can become very profuse and exceed the norm by 10 times. Such sweating can already be called not just profuse, but excessive.

Why does my face sweat a lot?

Some people experience profuse sweating on their face. As a rule, more often this happens during the day, and not during sleep. They want to take out a handkerchief, blot their forehead and the area above the upper lip.

Men are more likely to suffer from facial local hyperhidrosis. This is due to various factors:

  • Tea, coffee, alcohol or other hot and strong drinks.
  • Chocolate, honey and other sweets.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Facial nerve injury in newborns. This happens if the doctor uses obstetric forceps.

Causes of profuse sweating of the head

The head, based on statistics, sweats more often in women than in men. Although many ladies wear lush hair in the heat and do not sweat a bit. Some representatives of the fair sex, even in cool weather, are forced to wash their hair every day due to excessive sweating. Increased sweating on the head, especially often occurs in women and men at night, during sleep. The head may sweat profusely for several reasons:

  • Excess weight (here profuse sweating may be caused by a metabolic disorder, which obese people often suffer from).
  • Problems with the endocrine system (here hormonal changes or diabetes mellitus lead to sweating of the head).
  • Diseases of the nervous system (hyperhirdosis in this case is a consequence of stress, panic attacks).
  • Hypertension (sweating in the head area is caused by changes in intracranial pressure);
  • external factors (in a room where a sweaty person sleeps, it can be just hot).
  • Synthetic bed linen and accessories.

Generalized hyperhidrosis

In this condition, the whole body is literally drenched in profuse sweat, regardless of the ambient temperature. The weather may not be hot at all, the person does not engage in sports or any physical work. If this is exactly what happens, experts advise carrying out a thorough diagnosis of the body, because the reasons for constantly having to change shirts that are soaked with sweat may lie in a variety of diseases and no deodorant will save you. Here are just a few of them:

  • Excessive sweating is one of the signs of hyperthyroidism.
  • Diabetics have strong, hands and face, but the feet, on the contrary, can be excessively dry.
  • With obesity, sweating also becomes profuse, because the energy that comes from food is not consumed due to the sedentary lifestyle that overweight people lead. They often have metabolic problems and other pathologies, which also leads to profuse sweating.
  • Hormonal imbalance leads to the fact that a person often gets a fever; it happens that during sleep he sweats so much that the bed linen needs to be replaced. This is especially true for men during puberty, women during the menstrual period and during menopause.
  • The course of infectious diseases (ARVI, tuberculosis, brucellosis and others) is characterized by copious sweat production.
  • It can manifest itself with problems with the kidneys and the cardiovascular system, as well as with genetic, neoplastic and neurological diseases.
  • Abstinence syndrome or withdrawal or overdose of drugs can cause profuse sweating.
  • It can throw a man or woman into a sweat in case of acute food or chemical poisoning.

Purely women's problems

The cause of excessive sweating in women can be the natural hormonal processes of the body:

  • Puberty.
  • Menstrual cycles.
  • Climax.

Sweat is produced especially profusely at night, during sleep. This may be local hyperhidrosis or generalized increased sweating of the whole body, armpits, head and extremities. The main danger lies in the fact that during bouts of profuse sweating, a woman tries to cool down: she undresses, opens windows, and creates drafts. An incorrect assessment of one's condition at these moments often leads to colds and the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system, which aggravates the situation. At night, you can drink herbal sedatives; during sleep, there should be no nervous activity.

Hormonal medications help during these periods. However, you should not take them during your menstrual cycles. Warm baths before bedtime will help you get rid of profuse sweating during your period:

  • with sea salt,
  • chamomile,
  • lavender,
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Also, eliminate synthetic materials from your bedding sets. Thick cotton fabrics (satin, calico, knitwear) are also best left until the end of the process. Use items made from light chintz or natural silk. After taking a bath or shower, dry your body with a cotton towel and apply powder (talc, starch). The use of cosmetics (deodorant, antiperspirant) is not recommended.

How to deal with excessive sweating

In most cases, people use only cosmetics, without thinking about the causes of sweating, until it becomes plentiful and deodorant no longer makes it possible to get rid of the smell of sweat. Deodorants help as a remedy for excessive discharge in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet and underarms. Sprays help to get rid of only the smell, roll-on deodorant has a creamy base and allows you to block perspiration for a while. Cosmetics such as ball and helium in the fight for a clean underarm area. A special deodorant is produced for the legs, so you should not use the same product for the legs and armpits.

Excessive sweating must be treated. To do this, you need to be examined for the presence of the diseases listed above.

Traditional and traditional medicine offers a wide range of solutions to the problems of sweating during sleep and wakefulness at any age. As a rule, when the illness that causes profuse sweating is treated, the problem resolves on its own. In case of genetic predisposition or chronic diseases, a local effect is applied. The smell will be removed by deodorant, powder, ointment, gel.

Thus, people who suffer from any type of hyperhidrosis need to understand whether it is an independent disease or whether some other serious illness needs to be urgently treated. In any case, it is necessary to treat profuse sweating; cosmetic products alone will not get rid of this problem.



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