Contraction of the uterus after childbirth: timing, pathologies, causes. How long does the uterus contract after childbirth? To what size does the uterus contract after childbirth?

During the entire period of bearing a baby, the female body changes and takes on new forms. But the most changed organ, of course, is the uterus itself, which ensures the correct development of the child in utero.

Thus, the growth of this organ from the moment of fertilization until the onset of labor may not stop, and the uterus itself (its cavity) becomes 500 times larger than its original size. Of course, such a process after the birth of the baby needs to be reversed, and therefore it is logical to assume that immediately after birth, the uterus is restored in size. But how does this happen, how much does the uterus contract after childbirth, is this process painful, like contractions?

A change in the size of the uterus in a pregnant woman occurs not due to an increase in tissue, that is, its actual growth, but due to stretching. During fertilization, a hormone is released, which in turn affects the body of the uterus, increasing the elasticity of its tissues.

The normal thickness of the walls of the organ before pregnancy is 4 cm. During gestation, at its different stages, the uterus and its walls become thin, and by the end of pregnancy its thickness (myometrium) does not exceed 0.5 cm. The level of endometrial thickness is measured every time during screening - testing. Each gestation period has its own characteristics.

How long does it take for the reproductive organ to regain its previous size if the stretching occurred for the entire 9 months? Restoration of the previous size occurs (if all processes of labor resolution occurred without complications) up to 1.5-2 months. Such periods are considered standard, and that is why women in labor are informed of the need for sexual abstinence after childbirth for the first 50-60 days.

Along with the uterine cavity, its cervix also changes, which after childbirth thickens again, acquiring its previous size. However, the entire recovery process should normally not exceed the specified time frame. This applies to both natural childbirth and delivery by caesarean section.

Dimensions of the uterus after childbirth

After it has become clear how long the uterus contracts after childbirth, it is interesting to find out the size of the organ in a normal state and during uterine contraction. What is considered normal and what is an anomaly? What processes precede such processes, and who may be at risk?

Uterine recovery (in time) or involution of the postpartum period is an obligatory stage for a woman in labor. The first thing doctors will ask you to do after the baby is born is to push out the placenta. After strong pushing and active labor, such a process does not cause pain in the woman in labor, and therefore there is nothing to be afraid of.

The process proceeds somewhat differently in women with cesarean section. Since in this option there is no natural release of oxytocin, the birth hormone, by the body, compensation in the first stages occurs due to the artificially introduced hormone in the form of droppers. Immediately after removing the baby, the doctor also removes the birth place. At this stage there will be no pain, since the woman in labor is under anesthesia.


The normal weight of the uterus after childbirth is 50 grams every two months. Immediately after the baby is born, the weight of the uterus is approximately one kilogram.

Pain after a cesarean section begins after the effects of anesthesia begin to wear off. And, as a rule, the intensity of such contractions is much more painful than after natural childbirth. This is explained by the fact that the uterus was not physiologically prepared for such a sharp hormonal imbalance, and therefore, in the absence of the fetus in the uterine cavity, the uterus contracts painfully and intensely.

During the section, the size of the uterus is identical to natural childbirth, however, contractions can be seen with your eyes: the stomach literally moves in waves, contractions are visible, and the pain is very strong. To eliminate pain, such women in labor are given additional painkillers in the form of droppers and injections in the abdomen. There is no pain syndrome, since the nerve endings are cut. Restoration of sensitivity in the lower abdomen (in full) will take at least 1.5-2 years.

The dimensions of the uterus after childbirth are the same in all cases - already in the first hours after the extraction or birth of the child, the uterus shrinks to 15-20 cm (fundal height). At the time of discharge from the maternity ward (4th day), the height of the fundus should be within 9 cm. And only by the end of the second week after birth the uterus returns to the level of the pubic bones. The weight of the uterus after childbirth without anomalies is 1-1.2 kg; after childbirth, the weight also decreases gradually, but the full process of involution occurs within two months. To make the uterus contract better, doctors in the maternity hospital additionally administer injections of oxytocin.

Dynamics of uterine contraction in the normal postpartum period

If the birth took place without complications, and there are no aggravating factors, then the weight and size of the uterus after childbirth is restored according to the schedule:

  • 1 day – uterine fundus height (UFH) 15 cm, weight 1 kg;
  • Day 4 – VDM 9 cm, weight 800 grams;
  • Day 7 – VDM 7 cm, weight 0.5 kg;
  • Day 14 – VDM 3 cm, weight 450 grams;
  • 21 days – weight 0.35 kg;
  • 2 months – weight 50 grams.

Such dynamics may be deviated from the norm by minor indications, however, in general, in a normal state of affairs, without complications, complete recovery occurs in the first one and a half to two months.

Contraction of the uterus after caesarean section

Caesarean section is performed according to indications and is considered a complication of childbirth. Since this condition is not normal for the body, the body is forced to react differently than during natural childbirth.

For normal contractions of the uterus, oxytocin injections are administered, and immediately after the mother is transferred to the ward, the baby is given breastfeeding. This increases the concentration of oxytocin. For the next 5 days in the maternity hospital, it is recommended to additionally administer anti-tetanus injections (3 days) and oxytocin drips. However, if a woman in labor is breastfeeding and feels a contraction, then such methods can be adjusted.

The intensity of contractions after a cesarean section is slightly increased in the first day; this process is somewhat more difficult for weeks with a natural birth. However, already on the third or second day the difference is not felt, the uterus contracts identically to natural childbirth.

Possible deviations from the norm

When the uterus does not contract after childbirth, this is a significant complication for the mother in labor, since this condition is dangerous to life and health. Deviations from the norm in the intensity of contraction of the uterine body can be observed in women at risk:

  • giving birth after 30 years;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • early birth (before 35 weeks);
  • anomaly of the anatomy of the uterus (sidoloid, horn-shaped);
  • polyhydramnios;
  • heavy weight of the child;
  • injuries of the birth canal;
  • the presence of fibroids in the woman in labor;
  • poor blood clotting.

If the contractions go poorly, and the woman in labor feels worse, then a decision is made on additional drug stimulation. But the best preventive medicine is the natural hormone prolactin and oxytocin, which is produced every time a baby is applied to the breast. This is natural stimulation, which is provided by nature itself.

Also read our article: “Restoration of the female body after childbirth” https://site/652-vosstanovlenie-posle-rodov.html

The entire female body is involved in the process of bearing a fetus; over the course of nine months it completely changes. The uterus experiences the main changes, because this organ increases in size along with the baby. Gradually after childbirth, it returns to its original size, that is, it shrinks. How long the uterus contracts after childbirth depends on the individual characteristics of the girl.

How does this happen?

Structure of the uterus

Immediately after labor, the uterus looks like a large open wound, in particular in the area where the placenta was attached, because there are a large number of capillaries there. After delivery, blood clots, mucus, and particles of epithelium in the uterus accumulate in it. Within three days, the organ is cleansed when the blood comes out. In this case, a physiological process occurs when leukocytes and various enzymes dissolve pathogens.

During the first month and a half, the young mother observes bloody discharge from the vagina. In medicine they are called lochia and indicate normal contraction of the uterus after childbirth and restoration of the reproductive organ. After the birth of a baby, the organ suddenly becomes almost half its size, then its size decreases every day by a couple of centimeters. If during labor the weight of the uterus reaches one kilogram, then by the end of the month its weight is only 50 g.

Important! The neck of the organ should contract much more slowly compared to the body. This part will never fully recover; after the first birth, the uterine cervix looks like a cylindrical shape.

Many women wonder how long it takes for the uterus to contract after childbirth. This question cannot be answered unambiguously. The average recovery time is two months.

Process duration

Contraction of the uterus may be accompanied by painful sensations

Contraction of the uterus after childbirth takes some time, which depends on many factors, both internal and external. The fastest recovery process occurs in the first days after childbirth. The indicators of muscle reduction are quite good, the weight of the organ is halved, just as externally it lowers its bottom by several centimeters at once and becomes slightly higher than the navel in location.

How long does it take for the cervix to shrink? The cervix closes completely only towards the end of the month, around the third week. During this period, it is especially dangerous to have unprotected sex. It is worth noting that the contraction process is always accompanied by discomfort:

  • lower back pain;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • general weakness.

How long does the uterus contract after childbirth? Doctors call the average period during which an organ shrinks – one and a half to two months. However, everything is purely individual, sometimes the process happens much faster, and in other cases problems occur.

The duration of the process of uterine contraction is purely individual

Reasons for the lack of reductions

Several factors influence the slowdown of the process.

  1. Multiple pregnancy. Since the uterus expands twice as much, the recovery period takes slightly longer.
  2. Low attachment of the placenta.
  3. Large fruit. The same case as with multiple pregnancies.
  4. Weak labor.
  5. Exhaustion of the body before childbirth.
  6. Inflection.
  7. Injuries of the birth canal.
  8. The uterus is underdeveloped.
  9. Inflammation in the reproductive organs.
  10. Neoplasms in the organ.
  11. Polyhydramnios.
  12. The blood doesn't clot.

Already in the maternity hospital, doctors provide assistance to the woman in labor to restore the uterus. Midwives apply ice to the abdomen and inject oxytocin when the placenta comes out. In the future, the process is controlled by the woman herself. If the reproductive organ does not contract, although various methods have been taken that could have a positive effect on the current situation, then cleaning of the cavity or removal of the uterus is prescribed if inflammatory processes are observed.

In some cases, uterine contraction is not observed after childbirth

Possible problems

Not all mothers who give birth recover the organ without problems. What complications arise in the female body during the postpartum period?

  1. Poor uterine contraction after the second birth and even the first.
  2. Endometritis and other infections.
  3. Bleeding.

Often these stages are interconnected. For example, the cause of bleeding is a slowly contracting uterus. To prevent complications from occurring, it is necessary to take preventive measures, carefully monitor hygiene and your own health, and regularly visit a gynecologist. If there are problems, the doctor will recommend injections of oxytocin or antibiotics, depending on the nature of the disease.

How to speed it up?

Using ice will help speed up the process.

The very first way to make the uterus contract faster is to apply ice to the lower abdomen. This is usually done by midwives in the maternity hospital after the birth, if the doctor gives such an order. So after the process of expulsion of the placenta stops bleeding, the uterus can quickly get rid of blood clots.

As a rule, doctors discharge mothers from the walls of the maternity ward with normal dynamics in the restoration of the reproductive organ. Otherwise, hormonal therapy or massage is prescribed. During this period, it is especially important to breastfeed the baby, since during feeding the hormones that have a positive effect on uterine contractions are produced in the right quantities.

Regular visits to the toilet play an important role. Frequent emptying of the bladder is the key to rapid contraction of the organ; positive dynamics appear in just a few days. Even if the stitches are placed in such a way that at first they cause pain when urinating, you should not ignore the urges of your own body. The situation is the same with the intestines, which also need to be cleaned constantly and on time so that the uterus contracts faster.

Important! Movement is life. To make the muscle contract faster, you don’t need to lie in bed all the time. Regular walks with your baby in the fresh air, simple exercises in the morning will not only give you a boost of energy, but will also contribute to the rapid recovery of the uterus.

The longer the reproductive organ takes to recover, the greater the chance a woman has of cleaning the cavity from blood clots that cannot come out on their own. If this is not done, then inflammation may begin, then the woman in labor will lose her entire uterus due to surgical intervention in order to save the patient’s life. We can definitely say that these are extreme measures and before carrying out such an operation, doctors weigh all the risks and disadvantages of this decision.

Physical activity will speed up uterine contractions

What does uterine contraction depend on?

There are situations that naturally affect the period during which the reproductive organ must recover.

  1. Artificial birth. Sometimes it happens that labor needs to be interrupted at a late stage. In this case, the body can become confused and the uterus can shrink in three weeks.
  2. Repeated births. The birth of a second and subsequent child also affects how long it takes for the uterus to recover. And, in addition, the discomfort in the lower abdomen intensifies, the new mother is bothered by headaches and sometimes dizziness. Doctors often recommend taking painkillers.
  3. The birth of twins or twins. Such a pregnancy is an increased stress for the body. The muscle is stretched even more than usual, so it must contract longer than usual. During childbirth, there is a lot of blood loss, so you need to take a course of medication.
  4. C-section. Often, after surgical childbirth, doctors immediately prescribe a course of pills for mothers to take, which would speed up the process of uterine restoration. This happens because the body spends its main efforts on ensuring that a large wound heals as quickly as possible. We can talk about full recovery only after two months, but not earlier.

It should be remembered that the female body does not always come to its senses after pregnancy and childbirth in a standard time frame; much depends on the lifestyle and health status of the mother.

After the birth of twins, the body needs more time to recover


By the day a woman in labor is discharged from the hospital, her uterus should be at a level no higher than five centimeters, above the womb. If other indicators occur, then we are talking about a pathological process.

Normally, the uterus shrinks quite quickly, by about two centimeters per day. This is also influenced by breastfeeding, during which a substance such as prolactin is produced, which has a positive effect on the contraction of the organ. It is important that the placenta comes out completely, and that its remains come out within the first three days after the baby is born.

If some kind of infection arose during pregnancy, then during such a dangerous period it will certainly begin to develop, so if the anamnesis was about inflammation, an experienced doctor will definitely take this fact into account and begin an immediate course of treatment.

First aid for the restoration of the uterus is provided in the maternity ward; if doctors cannot positively influence this process within several days, then the woman is then treated in a hospital.

Contraction of the uterus and a decrease in its size to the original size that was before pregnancy occurs in the postpartum period, which can be early and late. The early one lasts for two hours after birth, and the late one lasts almost two to two and a half months. Bloody clots come out in the form of discharge (lochia), they indicate that the organ is contracting normally. The wound on the uterus, where the placenta was attached, heals within half a month after labor. To speed up the recovery process of the muscle, it is necessary to visit the toilet on time and breastfeed the newborn.

During pregnancy, metamorphoses occur throughout the body. The uterus, as one of the most important organs, is no exception. As the fetus grows, so does it.

This organ is distinguished by its unique properties, because during pregnancy it increases significantly, and after the baby leaves it, it gradually returns to its standard size.

It is difficult to say how long it takes to return to its previous size, because every woman’s body is unique. There are several factors that can speed up or, conversely, slow down this process.

How does the uterus contract after childbirth?

After the fetus leaves the womb, the uterus looks like a large wound. Particularly severe damage is observed in the area of ​​​​the placenta, because there are many clogged vessels there. At this time, there are blood clots and parts of the fetal membrane in the cavity.

Cleansing occurs within 3 days after delivery. In this process, an important role is played by phagocytosis - the dissolution of bacteria by leukocytes, and extracellular proteolysis - the dissolution of bacteria by proteolytic enzymes.

These processes contribute to the release of wound secretions - those same lochia. On the first day they look more like blood, and on the 3rd-4th they become serous-hysterical with leukocytes. At the end of the third week, they are normally light and liquid, and by the sixth week they are completely gone.

The restoration of the epithelial layer occurs over about 20 days, and the placenta attachment site heals by the end of the postpartum period.

How long does it take for the uterus to contract after childbirth?

The average period is from 1.5 to 2.5 months. It is worth noting that the highest activity is observed in the first few days after delivery.

Immediately after the baby leaves the mother's womb, the cervix measures 12 cm in diameter. If necessary, the doctor can insert his hand there to clear the cavity of any remaining placenta.

But at the end of the first day, the cervix narrows so that only a couple of fingers can be inserted, on the third day - 1. The external pharynx closes completely in the third week.

As for the weight of the organ, immediately after the birth of the baby it averages 1 kg, after a week - 500 g, after two - 350 g, and at the end of the postpartum period, after 2-3 months - 50 g, that is, it reaches its prenatal weight .

The contraction process is always accompanied by minor cramping pain in the lower abdomen. It is worth noting that they are most pronounced after repeated births. For some women, this phenomenon causes severe discomfort, so the doctor may prescribe certain painkillers or antispasmodics, but it is recommended to refrain from them, especially if you are breastfeeding a newborn baby.

However, sometimes it happens that after childbirth atony is observed - the uterus does not contract, or the process progresses very slowly. Both phenomena pose a great danger because they can provoke postpartum hemorrhage and a number of other complications.

Why are there no cuts?

A slowdown in the process can cause:

  • Multiple births;
  • Low attachment of the placenta;
  • Large fruit;
  • Complications during childbirth (eg weak labor);
  • The state of health of the woman herself, for example, the body can be severely depleted.

Their complete absence occurs in the case of uterine bending, trauma to the birth canal, organ underdevelopment, inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity itself or its appendages, including those in the anamnesis, fibroids (benign tumor), polyhydramnios or bleeding disorders.

Slow recovery of the uterus after childbirth

Even in the delivery room, a heating pad filled with cold water is placed on the mother's belly. This event helps stop bleeding and promote the contraction process. While the mother and child are in the maternity hospital, doctors regularly check the condition of the uterus and monitor the process of its recovery.

The gynecologist will be able to establish a slow recovery during a routine examination. In this case, the bottom of the organ will be soft. The woman is left within the walls of the maternity hospital until the doctor makes sure that the contractions are progressing at a normal pace.

If independent contractions are not observed, special drugs are prescribed that provoke the onset of this process - prostaglandins or oxytocin. The complex of therapy may include external massage of the fundus, which is carried out through the abdominal wall.

In addition, breastfeeding can serve as an impetus, so it is recommended to feed the baby as often as possible. A woman should move more, and it is recommended to rest and sleep on her stomach.

The contraction is affected by emptying the bladder, which should occur regularly. Very often this fact is missed, especially if stitches were placed that cause pain when urinating. But you should still visit the toilet more often.

If the methods described above do not produce results and the uterus does not contract, cleaning is performed. The need for such an event arises due to the fact that lochia or parts of the placenta may remain in the organ cavity. In addition, the cervix may be blocked by blood clots.

In the case when postpartum discharge or pathological clots remain, inflammation necessarily occurs, which affects not only the organ itself, but also adjacent tissues. Sometimes even cleaning does not bring the expected result, then surgical intervention is necessary, which may involve removing the uterus.

Delayed contraction is medically called subinvolution. Typically, this organ returns to its previous size approximately 5-7 weeks after delivery, and after 8 for those who do not breastfeed.

Normally, a rapid contraction is observed immediately after the birth of the baby. Only by the size of this organ can one judge the condition of the mother. When contractions occur normally, the process goes smoothly. Otherwise, the postpartum period is fraught with immune disorders and hormonal imbalance.

It is worth noting that in women who gave birth to a child by cesarean section, this process occurs much more slowly than in those who gave birth to a child naturally, but in such a situation this is considered the norm. But such mothers, despite the inconvenience, should get out of bed earlier and move more immediately after the side effects of anesthesia pass. Movement will promote contraction, and passivity will cause muscle flaccidity.

Norm of muscle contraction dynamics

After the placenta comes out, the fundus of the uterus should be located at the level of the navel. Prolapse of the uterus after childbirth without complications is approximately 2 cm per day. On the sixth day, when most women are discharged from the maternity hospital, it is normally located about 5 cm above the womb. A delay of at least a day is considered a pathology.

Causes of subinvolution:

  • Lack of prolactin. The production of this hormone, which is responsible for the arrival of milk, provokes the release of oxytocin, which contracts muscles. Prolactin is produced when the nipples are irritated, that is, reflexively, so in women who are breastfeeding, recovery is faster. Accordingly, a lack of this hormone leads to disorders;
  • The cervix, clogged after childbirth, and the remains of the placenta in the cavity prevent the body from recovering. If the placenta is not completely separated, the organ cannot function fully;
  • Postpartum infection. Basically, this pathology is a continuation of a process that began during pregnancy. Postpartum endometritis is a complication after chorionitis - inflammation of the membranes. The inner surface of the organ is damaged and cannot respond to the production of oxytocin. The uterine tissue becomes flabby and activity decreases.

The causes of subinvolution are determined in the maternity ward. Treatment in all cases involves hospitalization.

During the postpartum period, all organs and systems of the young mother return to their original, prenatal state. Typically this period takes 6-8 weeks.

All organs that spent 9 months caring for the well-being of the baby and mother undergo reverse development. After childbirth, the uterus also goes through the process of involution.

Dimensions of the uterus after childbirth

Approximately 5-50 minutes after the birth of the child, the placenta and membranes (afterbirth) emerge from the genital tract of the woman in labor. Following this, the reverse contraction of the uterus occurs - it takes the shape of a ball.

If it were possible to weigh this important female organ immediately after delivery, one would have to agree that the size of the uterus after childbirth is quite large, because its weight is approximately 1 kg. After a week, the weight of the uterus is halved, and after two it is no more than 350 g.

In case of uterine contraction disorders, these indicators may differ slightly. If there is a discrepancy in these important parameters, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

After childbirth, the uterine muscles contract, some of the blood and lymphatic vessels dry out, and the muscle cells formed during 9 months of pregnancy dissolve. Upon completion of this process, the uterus returns to its normal parameters. The normal size of the uterus after childbirth (after a month and a half) is about 50 g.

Uterine contractions after childbirth

Contractions of the uterus are felt by a woman after childbirth as aching pain in the lower abdomen. During feeding, when the nipple is stimulated, the hormone oxytocin is released into the blood, which has a contractile effect. Therefore, in breastfeeding women, involution occurs by the end of the 6th week, and in non-breastfeeding women, involution occurs only at the 8th week.

After childbirth via cesarean section, the ability of the uterus to contract is much lower, so doctors recommend that women who have undergone such an operation move more and more actively to speed up the process of involution.

By how the process of uterine contraction occurs after childbirth, one can judge the woman’s condition. If the reverse development of the process occurs slowly, hormonal and immune disorders are possible in the body of the young mother.

Uterine prolapse after childbirth

Prolapse, or prolapse of the uterus after childbirth, is a fairly common consequence of injury to the pelvic floor muscles received during childbirth. The risk of this complication increases in women who have had a difficult birth or who have given birth more than once.

Normally, after the placenta has passed, the uterus is at the level of the navel. Further after childbirth, uterine prolapse occurs by approximately 1-2 cm per day. By the end of the first postpartum week, the normal height of the organ is 4-5 cm from the womb. Any deviation from this is considered a pathology and requires medical intervention.

When the uterus prolapses, the cervix is ​​significantly lower than normal: it protrudes into the vagina or may even extend beyond the perineum. If the diagnosis reveals violations of its descent, the woman needs urgent surgical intervention. If treatment is left untreated, not only does sexual life become difficult, but there is also a high risk of developing urinary tract infections, prolapse of internal organs, and difficulties with the outflow of urine.

Causes of uterine contraction disorders

The causes of uterine contraction disorders after childbirth may be different.

First of all, the involution process is affected by a lack of prolactin, which is produced reflexively when the nipples are irritated. With its deficiency, involution slows down.

Delayed uterine contractions can be caused by the presence of remnants of the placenta attached to the walls of the uterus.

In addition, an infection suffered by a woman can reduce the contractility of the uterus.

All these cases require consultation with a specialist; self-medication in such situations aggravates the situation of the young mother.

Clots in the uterus after childbirth

The uterus after childbirth is a big wound. From the inside, it is severely damaged in the place where the placenta was attached. On its inner membrane there are remnants of membranes and blood clots.

Normally, clots from the uterus are released only for 3-4 days. Thanks to wound healing processes in a woman’s body, wound secretion, lochia, begins to be released from the uterus.

In the first days, lochia is bloody, similar to menstrual discharge; on the 3rd day it becomes serous and bloody in nature, and by the end of the 20th day after birth it becomes liquid and light-colored. Lochia completely disappears by the end of the 6th postpartum week.

When involution slows down, lochia may be released longer. However, if after 2 weeks after birth there are still clots in the uterus, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary. This can be guessed if the lochia does not change its color and the intensity of its secretion does not decrease. This can happen due to an infection or when the uterine pharynx is blocked by blood clots.

The next 6 or 8 weeks after the birth of a child, or the postpartum period, is often called the “tenth month” because, as in the previous 9 months, important changes occur in a woman’s body. First of all, the process of involution occurs, that is, the return of all systems and organs to their normal state. The main female organ “responsible” for the growth and development of the fetus is the uterus. How much does the uterus contract after childbirth, what sensations accompany this process and what to do if it does not proceed as it should?

How the uterus contracts after childbirth

The uterus should contract completely around 6 weeks after birth.

Throughout the postpartum period, the size of the organ decreases. So, if after the birth of the child her weight is about a kilogram, then after 4 weeks it is about 50 grams. Why does the uterus contract with such rapid dynamics? The process is ensured by several mechanisms:

  1. Muscle contractions are tonic, in which the muscles are shortened, as well as in postpartum contractions, in which muscle fibers are removed and the blood supply to the organ is reduced. Postpartum contractions begin around the second day after the baby is born and are usually painless and unnoticeable.
  2. When muscles contract, the walls of blood vessels are compressed, as a result of which muscle hypertrophy disappears.
  3. Contractions also occur during breastfeeding, in which case they are caused by the action of hormones.

The doctor can determine the degree of contraction by measuring the height of the uterine fundus. A day after birth, it is located approximately at the level of the navel, after which it lowers - by a centimeter every day. By the 11th day, the fundus of the uterus should be behind the womb, and after 6-8 weeks the organ reaches its normal size.

The external uterine pharynx also gradually contracts: after childbirth, its size is on average 10 cm, and its complete closure takes approximately three weeks. By the fourth week, the uterus acquires tone, loses mobility, and swelling of the tubes disappears.

Woman's feelings

The absolute norm is the appearance of postpartum discharge, which is called lochia. They are formed as a result of healing of the inner surface of the uterus and restoration of the epithelium. The nature of these secretions changes during the postpartum period:

  • in the first days the lochia is bloody;
  • from 3 to 10 days they have a red-brown tint;
  • after the 10th day, blood impurities disappear, the discharge becomes transparent;
  • The discharge stops after 5-6 weeks.

Involution is usually painful. More often this is a completely tolerable aching pain, but sometimes it can be very painful. In this case, injections with antispasmodics are given. How long does it take for the uterus to completely contract? Normally, this process should take no more than 1.5-2 months. You can understand that the uterus has shrunk by the following signs:

  1. The belly has decreased (in the first days after the birth of the child, the woman still looks like a pregnant woman).
  2. The discharge is over.
  3. If a woman does not breastfeed, then after the involution of the uterus she begins menstruation. For nursing mothers, this criterion is not significant.
  4. Ultrasound and are the most accurate methods for diagnosing the dynamics of involution.

After second birth and caesarean section

After cesarean section, involution occurs more slowly. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the integrity of the muscles and blood vessels is disrupted during surgery. In addition, for the first day the woman in labor is in intensive care, in a mode of limited physical activity, which also does not contribute to the process.

After 2 births, involution usually occurs not only more intensely, but also more painfully; some women in labor even compare this time to prenatal contractions. The pain is especially intensified during feeding, but it does not last long, about 2-3 days. At this time, the woman is usually in the hospital, so she can be given painkillers if necessary.

What to do to speed up the reduction

If the uterus contracts poorly, this can be determined by the nature of the discharge. For example, they are very scarce, last only a few days and end quickly, blood impurities remain in them for a long time and the total duration of lochia increases. A doctor should monitor the process in order to take measures to stimulate it, if necessary. We list the most common reasons that slow down involution:

  1. Multiple pregnancy.
  2. Big fruit.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus.
  4. Weakness of labor.
  5. Benign tumors.
  6. Inactivity.
  7. Bends and some other structural anomalies.
  8. Location of the placenta (the uterus does not contract for a long time with a low attachment).

To make the uterus contract better, the following measures are taken:

  1. Applying cold, usually a cold heating pad, to the abdominal area.
  2. Injections of oxytocin, which accelerates involution.
  3. Special exercises can help the uterus contract.
  4. It is recommended to lie on your stomach more often in the first few days.
  5. It is worth making every effort to establish breastfeeding.

Postpartum gymnastics

In addition, the doctor is faced with the task of preventing inflammation in the absence of normal discharge. If lochia lingers in the cavity, a diagnosis of lochiometra may be made - a complication in which postpartum secretions are not removed naturally. In order to get rid of it, the gynecologist may resort to diffuse rinsing of the cavity with antiseptics or antibiotics or vacuum suction of the remaining fetal membranes.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the discharge continues for more than 6 weeks or if there is blood in it for more than 12 days.

Slow involution can lead to retention of postpartum secretions in the uterine cavity, which will cause inflammation. If this process drags on, doctors will have to resort not only to cleaning, but also to surgery.



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