Benefits, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of rhododendron. Caucasian rhododendron: medicinal properties and contraindications What is rhododendron medicinal properties

Caucasian rhododendron has established itself as a healing plant that has medicinal properties and contains tannins, bactericidal and insecticidal substances. Other plant names used to describe the diamond-leaved plant are snow rose or alpine tea. It is found throughout most of the Caucasus, as well as in Siberia and the Far East. It grows mainly on mountain slopes and river banks.

Caucasian rhododendron is an evergreen shrub reaching a meter in height. The shrub has very dense oval-shaped leaves and beautiful flowers of various colors from white to soft pink, therefore it is often used as an ornamental plant.

It propagates by seeds, so it can often be found as decoration in flower beds. As a house plant in pots, there is a similar small sized plant called Sagan dailie.

The procurement of raw materials is carried out during abundant flowering; leaves, stems, flowers and, in some cases, roots are collected. You only need to collect dry plants without excess dew. It is necessary to dry the collected raw materials in well-ventilated areas, preferably on a sheet of paper.

The medicinal plant Snow Rose has found wide use in folk medicine due to the presence of many vitamins and rare microelements valuable for human health.

Used in the treatment of heart disease, liver disease and rheumatism. Long-term use of medicinal herbs helps strengthen the heart muscle. The root and stem contain substances that help burn fat and help reduce appetite, which is why they are used for weight loss.

Benefits and harms to human health

The medicinal properties of the herb have been known to the world since ancient times, so products prepared from the medicinal plant are used not only in the treatment of serious diseases, but also for their prevention. The high content of vitamin C in the leaves and stem of the plant helps fight viral infections, increasing immunity and body resistance.

In addition to the healing substances in this plant, which benefit the entire body as a whole, it also contains a toxic compound called andromedotoxin, which has a negative effect caused by a disruption of receptor function. Therefore, an overdose only causes harm to health.

Medicinal properties of Caucasian rhododendron

Due to the high content of vitamins, microelements and tannins in the composition, the plant has the following properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • antipyretic;
  • calming;
  • fat burning;
  • diuretic;
  • sweatshops.

Very often, in case of severe poisoning, rhododendron herb is prescribed, as it promotes the rapid removal of toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances from the body. The herb also perfectly removes excess water from the body, while reducing swelling of various types.

Caucasian rhododendron tea for sore throat

For pain and inflammation in the throat, medicinal tea is used, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect. You can not only drink the prepared tea, but also gargle it with a sore throat. In folk medicine it is used as an effective antipyretic for colds caused by sore throat.

To reduce high fever and inflammation in the throat, use the following recipe:

  • take 1 teaspoon of leaves, pour 1 glass of boiling water, mix thoroughly and leave for no more than an hour; Take the strained infusion three times a day, 1 tablespoon, while you should remember the contraindications, namely, drink with caution in case of serious kidney disease.

Pressure tincture recipe

The medicinal properties of the plant can lower high blood pressure, although not to a significant extent, so it is used not as an ambulance, but as a long-term use of the drug.

The most commonly used tincture of rhododendron for pressure is prepared as follows:

  • take 20 grams of dried crushed leaves and flowers, pour a glass of vodka over them, mix and leave in a dark place for at least two weeks; take the strained product 25 drops diluted in water 3 times a day; course of treatment for at least a month and no more than two.

After taking the tincture, within a week there is a gradual decrease in not only blood pressure, but also venous, and in some cases, intracranial. This tincture also helps well with pain in the heart, reducing the frequency of its contraction and increasing the amplitude and overall tone of the heart muscle.

A decoction of rhododendron flowers for neuralgia, polyarthritis and osteochondrosis

Rhododendron flowers have a good sedative effect, so a decoction of them is taken for all types of neuralgia, and also as an additional remedy in the treatment of bones and connective tissue. The decoction is brewed according to the following recipe:

  • take 1 teaspoon of dried leaves and brew in one liter of water, boiling time is 5 minutes, then let the broth brew for about 30 minutes; take a third of a glass warm three times a day, store the rest of the medicine in the refrigerator and drink every day.

The decoction has pronounced medicinal properties, so a month of taking this medicine significantly improves the condition of osteochondrosis and normalizes the emotional state.

Tea for sore throat recipe

For pain and inflammation in the throat, take Caucasian rhododendron tea, prepared according to the following ancient recipe:

  • take 20 grams of well-dried leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, stir and leave for 2 hours; It is not necessary to brew this tea on the stove; drink 1 tablespoon 5 times a day until pain symptoms relieve.

If the sore throat is very severe, you can drink 1 tablespoon of the prepared tea every hour. If desired, you can dilute it in a small amount of water with the addition of May honey. Gargle with the same decoction several times a day. Usually on the second day of the procedures, the pain goes away and the inflammatory process becomes much less.

Caucasian rhododendron how to brew for headaches

Rhododendron has a pronounced analgesic effect due to the presence of active compounds in its composition. To relieve headaches, an infusion prepared in the traditional way is used, namely:

  • 1 teaspoon of dried leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes until it cools, take 1-2 teaspoons warm three times a day.

The medicinal properties of the prepared infusion have a positive effect on the general condition of the body, normalizing sleep disorders.

Caucasian rhododendron herb medicinal properties for men and women (benefits of rhododendron for women)

The medicinal herb has indications for both the female and male bodies:

  • treats cardiovascular diseases;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes of the prostate gland;
  • relieves pain when menstruation occurs;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • helps with temperature fluctuations during menopause;
  • treats radiculitis, osteochondrosis and other diseases associated with bone and connective tissue.

Can pregnant women eat grass?

In addition to its beneficial effect on the body, Caucasian rhododendron has contraindications during pregnancy, so you should refrain from taking the drug internally during this period.

It is also undesirable to take medicinal fragrant plants during lactation. But pregnant women can consume honey collected from the plantation of this plant, as it is an excellent honey plant. But in case of infertility, taking infusions and decoctions gives a positive result, since inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages are relieved.

ratings, average:

The Caucasus Mountains are home to one of the varieties of rhododendron. In addition to its visual appeal during flowering (live or in photos), the shrub has medicinal and preventive properties. It is customary to brew tea from rhododendron. Its range of uses is wide, but before use it is important to remember the contraindications.

Description of Caucasian rhododendron

Rhododendrons are evergreen shrubs that belong to the heather family. The distribution area of ​​the Caucasian species is the mountains of the same name. The culture grows at a level from 1.6 to 3 thousand m above sea level. Flowering occurs in the last days of May and lasts about 1 month. At this time, the mountain meadows are covered with a pleasing carpet of light flowers. The shrub has the following characteristics:

  • height - from 1 to 1.5 m;
  • the stem spreads along the surface;
  • bark - dark brown;
  • leaves are oval, dense with a red felt covering on the back side;
  • flowers - umbrellas of 8-10 corollas;

Rhododendron in the Caucasus mountains

  • the diameter of one flower is about 3 cm;
  • color - white, cream or light pink.

Attention! Another name for this type of rhododendron is Caucasian azalea.

Beneficial properties of Caucasian rhododendron

It is this type of shrub that is distinguished by its high content of useful substances that have a healing effect on the human body:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C (in high concentration);
  • organic acids;
  • sugar.

Preparations based on Caucasian azalea are used for the prevention and treatment of:

Advice. An additional property of rhododendron-based preparations is the reduction of high body temperature. Therefore, they are also used as an antipyretic.

A decoction of fresh leaves of Caucasian rhododendron has an antitoxic effect. Therefore, it can be used for poisoning. For example, when mercury vapor enters the body. It also successfully kills staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract.

How to brew rhododendron tea: recipe

Tea from Caucasian azalea is very aromatic. As ingredients for it, use 2 fresh or 4 dried leaves, water and a glass of milk. The recipe is simple:

  • place the leaves at the bottom of a metal container;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • place on low heat and simmer for 5 minutes;
  • remove from the stove and leave to brew under a tight lid for 5-6 minutes;
  • add milk at room temperature and return the mixture to the fire;
  • boil again.

Advice. Tea, of course, must be served hot and preferably fresh. Add a little salt and hot pepper to it before eating. This drink is a great tonic. First of all, it is very effective for colds, coughs, and sore throats.

Rules for harvesting rhododendron. Contraindications for use

Flowers and leaves are used in the formulation of infusions, tinctures and decoctions. It is important to collect and prepare them correctly so as not to lose their beneficial properties:

  1. The bush must be at least 2 years old.
  2. Plant elements are collected during the flowering period.
  3. To dry leaves and flowers, spread them in a thin layer on the litter. Direct sunlight, as well as excessive humidity and air stagnation, are undesirable.

A delicious and healthy tea is prepared from rhododendron leaves.

Contraindications to Caucasian rhododendron are mainly related to incorrect dosage. Do not deviate from the recipe of the infusions, otherwise you may get harm instead of benefit. Azaleas contain natural poisons. It is also not recommended to be treated with rhododendron:

  • during pregnancy;
  • nursing mothers;
  • if allergic reactions occur.

Advice. In case of severe or chronic diseases of the body, before taking medications based on this plant, it is better to consult with your doctor. It will help establish optimal norms, dosage and course duration. Be especially careful if you have kidney problems.

Caucasian rhododendron is as useful as it is beautiful. It is widely used in folk medicine. The key to obtaining all the beneficial properties of the plant will be its correct preparation and proper preparation.

Caucasian rhododendron: video

What parts of the plant are used?

For tea, the aboveground part of the plant is used: leaves, flowers and stems.

On a note. Rhododendron in the second and third years of life is considered the most useful. It is during this period that the plant contains the maximum of useful substances.

What varieties are suitable?

Four types of rhododendron have a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • golden rhododendron;
  • Caucasian rhododendron;
  • Adams rhododendron;
  • Daurian rhododendron.

Beneficial features

Rhododendron has a wide range of effects on the body:

Products with rhododendron help with the following problems:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased venous pressure;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • cold;
  • flu;
  • epilepsy;
  • migraine;
  • insomnia;
  • neuroses, irritability;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • swelling;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • neuralgia;
  • ulcers;
  • boils;
  • dermatitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • angina;
  • various infections, including those caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus;
  • intoxication;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • memory and attention disorders.

Possible harm

When using rhododendron products, it is very important to maintain the exact dosage.

Important! The plant contains a toxic substance - the glycoside andromedotoxin, and therefore can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Exceeding the dosage can cause such unpleasant phenomena as:

  • insomnia;
  • hyperactivity;
  • tachycardia;
  • hallucinations;
  • diarrhea;
  • retention of urine;
  • kidney dysfunction.

The drink has a number of contraindications:

People suffering from chronic or serious illnesses should drink this tea with caution. The drink can cause side effects:

  • dry mouth;
  • dehydration;
  • allergies.

Long-term use of tea leads to addiction to the body and a decrease in therapeutic effects.

Note! Before starting to use rhododendron products, you should consult your doctor.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing a tea drink

Stock up on raw materials

Rhododendron leaves or dry crushed leaves and stems. Flowers will also work. Raw materials are used fresh or prepared in the following way:

  1. Choose plants that are two to three years old.
  2. Leaves, stems and flowers are collected during the flowering period.
  3. Place the plant parts on a clean cloth in a dry, well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight. You can dry raw materials under a canopy, in a warm room, in the open air, or in the attic. The leaves are scattered in a thin layer and stirred periodically.
  4. Dry until completely ready: with a slight squeeze, the flowers and leaves break easily.
  5. Place in a glass container and cover tightly with a lid. Store in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding +5°C. The shelf life of raw materials is two years.

Prepare ingredients and equipment


  • leaves: fresh - 2 pieces or dried - 4 pieces;
  • hot water - 1 glass;
  • milk - 1 glass.

Required equipment:

  • a metal container with a lid or a kettle or thermos;
  • sieve or gauze.


Tea can be brewed in a thermos and steeped for 30 minutes.

Important! You need to follow the recipe exactly.

In the case of using crushed leaves, it is enough to take half a teaspoon of the raw material per glass of water. You can add honey, sugar or lemon before use.

How to make a tincture?


  • leaves and flowers of rhododendron - 20 grams;
  • vodka 40% - one glass.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the raw material with vodka.
  2. Leave for 14 days in a place protected from light.
  3. Filter.
  4. Store in a dark glass bottle.

What other herbs can be added to the mixture?

To make tea, rhododendron is combined with herbs such as:

  • oregano;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • St. John's wort;
  • mint;
  • echinacea;
  • sweet clover;
  • agrimony;
  • lungwort;
  • hawthorn flowers.

It is also useful to add wild raspberries.

An excellent combination is a mixture of fireweed and rhododendron. This drink has a delicate aroma with notes of mountain meadows and the smells of the Siberian forest. Tea improves tone, promotes rejuvenation processes, improves metabolism, eliminates nervousness and fatigue.

How to drink prepared drinks?

Tea should be drunk hot and fresh twice a day. It is permissible to drink no more than one glass per day. The treatment course lasts from 14 to 30 days, then a break is needed for two weeks. You should not drink this tea before bed - the drink tones...

While taking azalea-based products, you must drink at least two liters of water per day.

Making tea with rhododendron is not at all difficult. If the person has no contraindications and the exact dosage is observed This drink will only bring benefits:

  1. strengthens the body;
  2. relieves fatigue;
  3. will increase tone;
  4. will help in the fight against many ailments.

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The Caucasus Mountains are home to a species of rhododendron. In addition to its visual appeal during flowering (live or in photos), the shrub has medicinal and preventive properties. It is customary to brew tea from rhododendron. Its range of uses is wide, but before use it is important to remember the contraindications.

Description of Caucasian rhododendron

Rhododendrons are evergreen shrubs that belong to the heather family. The distribution area of ​​the Caucasian species is the mountains of the same name. The culture grows at a level from 1.6 to 3 thousand m above sea level. Flowering occurs in the last days of May and lasts about 1 month. At this time, the mountain meadows are covered with a pleasing carpet of light flowers. The shrub has the following characteristics:

  • height - from 1 to 1.5 m;
  • the stem spreads along the surface;
  • bark - dark brown;
  • leaves are oval, dense with a red felt covering on the back side;
  • flowers - umbrellas of 8-10 corollas;

Rhododendron in the Caucasus mountains

  • the diameter of one flower is about 3 cm;
  • color - white, cream or light pink.

Attention! Another name for this type of rhododendron is Caucasian azalea.

Beneficial properties of Caucasian rhododendron

It is this type of shrub that is distinguished by its high content of useful substances that have a healing effect on the human body:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C (in high concentration);
  • organic acids;
  • sugar.

Preparations based on Caucasian azalea are used for the prevention and treatment of:

Advice. An additional property of rhododendron-based preparations is the reduction of high body temperature. Therefore, they are also used as an antipyretic.

A decoction of fresh leaves of Caucasian rhododendron has an antitoxic effect. Therefore, it can be used for poisoning. For example, when mercury vapor enters the body. It also successfully kills staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract.

How to brew rhododendron tea: recipe

Tea from Caucasian azalea is very aromatic. As ingredients for it, use 2 fresh or 4 dried leaves, water and a glass of milk. The recipe is simple:

  • place the leaves at the bottom of a metal container;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • place on low heat and simmer for 5 minutes;
  • remove from the stove and leave to brew under a tight lid for 5-6 minutes;
  • add milk at room temperature and return the mixture to the fire;
  • boil again.

Advice. Tea, of course, must be served hot and preferably fresh. Add a little salt and hot pepper to it before eating. This drink is a great tonic. First of all, it is very effective for colds, coughs, and sore throats.

Rules for harvesting rhododendron. Contraindications for use

Flowers and leaves are used in the formulation of infusions, tinctures and decoctions. It is important to collect and prepare them correctly so as not to lose their beneficial properties:

  1. The bush must be at least 2 years old.
  2. Plant elements are collected during the flowering period.
  3. To dry leaves and flowers, spread them in a thin layer on the litter. Direct sunlight, as well as excessive humidity and air stagnation, are undesirable.

A delicious and healthy tea is prepared from rhododendron leaves.

Contraindications to Caucasian rhododendron are mainly related to incorrect dosage. Do not deviate from the recipe of the infusions, otherwise you may get harm instead of benefit. Azaleas contain natural poisons. It is also not recommended to be treated with rhododendron:

  • during pregnancy;
  • nursing mothers;
  • if allergic reactions occur.

Advice. In case of severe or chronic diseases of the body, before taking medications based on this plant, it is better to consult with your doctor. It will help establish optimal norms, dosage and course duration. Be especially careful if you have kidney problems.

Caucasian rhododendron is as useful as it is beautiful. It is widely used in folk medicine. The key to obtaining all the beneficial properties of the plant will be its correct preparation and proper preparation.

Caucasian rhododendron: video

Delicate white flowers of the Caucasian rhododendron will please the eye of any woman. However, few people know what a truly unique plant this is, and how much benefit it can bring when consumed. A medicinal plant, rhododendron also goes by other names, such as alpine tea or snow rose. Whatever you call it, this is a beautiful and useful plant that can cure many ailments of the human body.

The benefits and harms of medicinal plants

The medicinal plant has various properties that are beneficial for both the male and female body:

  1. Increases sweating to rid the body of harmful substances by removing them through the sweat glands.
  2. Treats connective tissue diseases.
  3. Calms and relaxes, which has a positive effect on the human nervous system.
  4. An excellent assistant during menopause, as it helps normalize body temperature and eliminate its fluctuations.
  5. Helps cope with high fever, acting as an antipyretic.
  6. Removes excess cholesterol from the body.
  7. An excellent assistant for those who want to lose weight, because rhododendron has the ability to burn fat.
  8. This plant is also good to use as a diuretic, to rid the body of excess fluid, for example, during edema.
  9. The bactericidal property that rhododendron possesses allows one to prevent the active growth and reproduction of bacteria, as well as lead to their death.
  10. Treats bone diseases.
  11. Helps fight pain during menstrual periods.
  12. An excellent remedy for various degrees of poisoning, as it helps remove toxins, waste, heavy metals and other substances harmful to the human body from the body.
  13. It is an excellent assistant in the treatment of infertility, due to the fact that it can fight inflammation in the uterus and its appendages.
  14. Treats cardiovascular diseases.
  15. Helps eliminate inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

However, despite the huge number of beneficial properties, rhododendron also contains one very harmful and dangerous compound - andromedotoxin, which is toxic and can harm the human body.

Therefore, when consuming snow rose, you should adhere to the indicated dosage and not overdo it with the use of the medicinal plant. Otherwise, it has only a positive effect on well-being and health, both for men and women.

Despite the enormous benefits and many medicinal properties, rhododendron has some contraindications, but there are not many of them:

  1. You should not use this plant in any form during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. If you have allergic reactions, you should also refrain from consuming the miracle plant.
  3. Kidney disease is a reason why you should avoid drinks and medicines made from rhododendron.
  4. It is also prohibited if necrotic processes occur in the human body.

If you have not found any contraindications, then you can safely consume snow rose in various forms. However, in case of severe illnesses, you should consult with a specialist who will help you individually select the dose and determine the duration of use.


Rhododendron is a medicinal plant that can be consumed in different forms: tea, tincture, decoction or just a drink. This variety allows recipes not to become boring, which is why snow rose does not cause disgust or addiction when consumed.

Top 5 most delicious and healthy rhododendron recipes:

Recipe No. 1

Tea made from Caucasian rhododendron has antiseptic properties, so it is good for sore throat and other cold symptoms.

Cooking method:

  1. Place 20 grams of dried snow rose leaves in a special container and add 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and leave to infuse for about two hours.
  3. Take one teaspoon about 5 times a day until the pain in the throat stops.

To improve the taste of tea, you can add a little honey to it.

Recipe No. 2

Tincture from a medicinal plant helps normalize blood pressure. Suitable only for people with high blood pressure, as it lowers it. The course of taking the tincture should last at least a month and no more than two months, after which a short break should be taken.

Cooking method:

  • Dried leaves and flowers of Caucasian rhododendron in the amount of 20 grams, pour 200 ml of vodka.
  • Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and leave to infuse in a dark place for about two weeks.
  • After the product has infused, it must be filtered.

The finished medicine must be taken 3 times a day, diluting 25 drops of tincture in a glass of water.

Recipe No. 3

Snow rose decoction is famous for its sedative effect, therefore it is a good assistant in the treatment of problems with the nervous system. This decoction also helps treat diseases of bones, connective tissue and osteochondrosis. The course of taking the medicine lasts at least a month, during which time improvements in the general condition of the body are already felt and the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Cooking method:

  • Boil 5 grams of dried rhododendron leaves in one liter of water.
  • After boiling for 5-8 minutes, remove from heat and let sit for about half an hour.
  • Drink warm decoction 3 times a day, 65 ml daily.

This product must be stored in the refrigerator.

Rhododendron tea can be consumed as a good antipyretic. Everyone knows that when the body fights viruses, a rise in body temperature cannot be avoided. However, experts recommend starting to lower the temperature only at 38 degrees and above. You should not give antipyretics at low temperatures, because the body needs to fight viruses and increase immunity to them.

Cooking method:

  • Pour 5 grams of dried rhododendron into 200 ml of boiling water.
  • The resulting mixture must be mixed well and allowed to brew for about an hour.
  • After the tea has steeped, it must be filtered.

Use the finished natural medicine 3 times a day, 5 grams.

Recipe No. 5

Few people know that the medicinal plant rhododendron helps fight insomnia and epilepsy. This recipe is suitable for people suffering from these ailments. It is quite simple to prepare, but has a number of beneficial properties for the human body. The course of taking this infusion is selected by a specialist individually for each person:

Cooking method:

  1. 2 grams of dried Caucasian rhododendron leaves should be poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. After thoroughly mixing this mixture, you should let it brew for about 15 minutes.
  3. After the medicine has infused, it is necessary to filter it.
  4. The infusion should be consumed 3 times a day, one tablespoon.

Recipes for preparing medicinal compositions from Caucasian rhododendron are so simple and easy that preparing them does not take much time and effort. This allows you to cook and consume this plant for a long time.

As practice shows, rhododendron can completely or partially cure various diseases of the human body. However, when consuming this medicinal plant, it is important to remember contraindications, cooking rules and consultation with a specialist.

Do not rush to use synthetic drugs prescribed by your doctor; discuss with him the possibility of treatment with a natural and beneficial rhododendron plant.

The genus of rhododendrons is quite extensive - more than 1,000 species, which include diverse varieties of this wonderful plant.

The natural distribution area of ​​rhododendrons is limited to eastern countries: China, Japan, Korea, the Himalayas; some varieties of the plant are found in the Caucasus, North America, northern Africa and Australia. In European territory, two varieties of rhododendron grow in the mountainous regions of Germany.

The culture belongs to flowering deciduous or evergreen shrubs of the heather family. The branches of the plant may have smooth bark or pubescence. The leathery, dark green, small, ovoid leaves are sometimes pubescent.

The flowers are bell-shaped, funnel-shaped, simple and double. The color of the petals varies depending on the variety: white, pink, lilac, red, purple. Modern varieties of rhododendron are yellow and orange in color. Numerous small seeds ripen in capsules.

Rhododendrons, the cultivation of which is most acceptable in Russia, are limited to 26 species belonging to three groups of plants.

  • Evergreens are tall shrubs that do not shed their dark, leathery foliage even in winter. Large flowers are painted in different colors and tones. Growing evergreen rhododendrons in open ground requires compliance with a number of necessary rules: plants are located in places with diffuse shade; the soil for them should include a large amount of peat.
  • Intermediate (semi-evergreen) - low shrubs that winter well under a layer of snow. The plant is characterized by a compact shape and a huge number of flowers during the flowering period. In winter, the main part of the leathery leaves falls off, leaving only a whorl of leaves at the ends of the branches, from the center of which new foliage grows.
  • Deciduous - rhododendrons of this group are most adapted to the conditions of the Russian climate. Growing these plants is not difficult, and the plants themselves do not require special adaptation in winter. Flowering in spring, repeated in autumn.

Planting a plant

Rhododendron: planting and caring for plants in compliance with agrotechnical rules - plant replanting is allowed in spring and autumn. In autumn - in any of three months, in spring - in warm, settled weather, when the soil is no longer frozen (usually April or May).

The choice of place for planting a plant must be done with special care. Rhododendron plantings should be protected from the prevailing wind and direct sunlight. It is important that the shrub is accessible for viewing, then the decorative appearance of the plant during the flowering period will decorate the area and please the eye.

The planting hole for rhododendron bushes is prepared based on the actual size of the root system, and should be 2 times larger in volume. Natural soil should be completely removed.

To plant a plant, you need to prepare a special soil consisting of equal parts of heather soil; peat; garden soil or leaf humus; rotted manure; needles (pine).

The prepared hole is filled with the mixture, and a place is prepared in it for planting a rhododendron bush, which must be placed strictly vertically. The soil around the root system of the plant must be compressed tightly; the formation of voids and “pockets” in the planting soil is not allowed.

If the groundwater level is high, provision should be made for laying a special drainage layer at the bottom of the pit. The top layer of soil after planting should be mulched with peat chips.

The transplanted plant requires attention and careful care. In addition to regular, abundant watering, rhododendron requires foliar spraying, especially when planting in late spring. The soil needs to be mulched to retain sufficient moisture. When mulching, you should choose options that increase the acidity of the soil.

The root system of rhododendrons consists of delicate, thin hairs, similar to matted hair, so loosening the soil, especially deep, should be excluded from flower care measures. Weeds that grow near the plant must be removed periodically.

The appearance of the plant will immediately indicate a lack or excess of water - the leaves of the rhododendron will begin to turn yellow and fall off. Watering must be carried out in sufficient quantities, but without overflowing; this is one of the main rules for caring for crops.

To ensure proper care of rhododendron, it is important to carry out timely pruning of overgrown bushes. To prevent infection of the plant, the cut areas are covered with paint or garden varnish.

Compliance with simple plant care requirements will allow you to grow a wonderful flowering bush.

Fertilizer and feeding of rhododendron

In the first year, transplanted plants already require careful fertilizer, which is applied in a highly diluted form, in small portions. The plant itself will signal the need to apply fertilizer: it will stop growing, shed its foliage or the leaves will change color, and the formation of flower buds will stop.

Organic fertilizer for feeding rhododendron bushes is semi-decomposed manure that needs to be infused in water. Feeding is carried out with an aqueous solution of manure.

To increase the formation of flower buds, as well as extend the flowering period, granular superphosphate, or double superphosphate, is used, which is scattered on the moist soil under the plants.

Feeding the plant with microelements is also useful - fertilizers are applied in the form of watering or spraying the green mass of the bush. It is necessary to intensively fertilize the bushes until the end of August.

Rhododendron propagation

Growing rhododendron involves propagating the plant by layering and seeds, dividing the bush, grafting, and cuttings.

Propagation by seeds- a great way to get plants with improved traits. Sowing takes place from the end of December to the end of March. The second period suitable for seed propagation of rhododendrons is the end of November.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in shallow bowls or boxes filled with a nutrient mixture of peat, sand, coniferous and turf soil, taken in equal proportions. The seeds are pre-soaked for a day.

Sowing is done on the top layer of soil, without planting deep into the ground. The crops are moistened by spraying. It is necessary to provide the seedlings with 12-hour illumination with fluorescent lamps. The timing of seed germination depends on the variety. The first flowering of seedlings is possible after 3-4 years.

This method has its advantages, but when propagating rhododendrons from seeds, it takes up to 5-6 years to obtain full-fledged plants.

New plants can be obtained faster using vegetative methods of crop propagation: cuttings, dividing the bush, rooting layering.

Diseases and pests

Compliance with the requirements for agricultural technology of rhododendrons guarantees excellent growth and development of plants. However, repeated waterlogging or overdrying of the soil, alkaline soil reaction, and sunburn of leaves can provoke a surge in crop diseases.

Plants can be damaged by spotting, rust and chlorosis. Disease control measures - improving plant conditions, using special means to combat diseases. Often diseases of rhododendrons are caused by pathogenic fungi: gray rot, fusarium, late blight.

Pests that damage rhododendrons: slugs and snails that eat young leaves and buds. These pests are collected manually. In addition, the plant is harmed by: bugs (rhododendron), spider mites, mealybugs, weevils, scale insects, and rhododendron fly. Getting rid of pests is not difficult when using systemic insecticides.

Rhododendron: combination with other plants

An excellent combination is observed when shade-loving ferns and hostas are located next to rhododendrons.

Caucasian rhododendron or alpine rose (Rhododendron caucasicum) is an evergreen shrub plant belonging to the Heather family (Ericaceae). This herb has many healing properties, therefore it is widely used in folk and official medicine.

Caucasian rhododendron or alpine rose is an evergreen shrub plant belonging to the Ericaceae family

The perennial has an aboveground part up to one and a half meters high, represented by a recumbent stem covered with dark brown bark. The foliage is oblong-oval, covered on the underside with dense and short reddish felt hairs.

The flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences and are yellowish-white in color with greenish or reddish specks on the throat. Corolla coloration can vary significantly from snow-white coloring in specimens growing in the Western Caucasus, to a pale cream or pale pink hue, which most often has the mountain type of perennial on the Trialeti ridge and in the Elbrus region. After flowering, rusty-felt, oblong-shaped boxes are formed.

The perennial is quite widespread in cultivation, and also grows en masse under natural conditions in the Caucasus and partly in Turkey, and was also introduced to the Altai region. It is found in Dagestan, North Ossetia, Chechnya and Ingushetia, as well as in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. In addition to the Caucasian species, golden rhododendron has become popular and widespread.

Gallery: Caucasian rhododendron (25 photos)

Types and varieties of rhododendrons (video)

Chemical composition of Caucasian rhododendron

The very great benefits of plant raw materials are due to its various chemical components. The most basic substances that make up this medicinal plant:

  • The leaves contain glucoside substances, including andromedotoxin and ericoline. Such components are toxic and have a local irritant effect, as well as a general narcotic effect, upsetting cardiac activity;
  • flowers contain components represented by flavonoids, tannins, sugars, mucilages, triterpene compounds, as well as organic acids.

All parts contain essential oils that are rich in α-pinene and β-pinene, camphene, limonene, ylangene, humulene, caryophyllene and γ-selinene. The foliage contains substances in the form of arbutin, betulin, ursolic acid, ascorbic acid and tannins.

Rhodendron leaves contain glucoside substances, including andromedotoxin and ericoline.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of Caucasian rhododendron

Folk remedies based on such plant materials are a real cure for many diseases, which due to the following effects:

  • antipyretic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • sedative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • diuretic;
  • astringent;
  • antispasmodic;
  • painkillers;
  • sweatshop;
  • disinfectant;
  • general strengthening.

Products based on Alpine rose have a rapid therapeutic effect, therefore they help to very effectively get rid of high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular insufficiency, fever, gout, rheumatism, gynecological diseases and gastroenteritis. High effectiveness has been noted in the treatment of edema, dropsy, migraines and headaches, epilepsy, excessive irritability and emotional instability, as well as sleep disorders. Medicines help stimulate appetite and bring relief from liver pathologies.

Products based on alpine roses have a quick healing effect

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

The main medicinal raw materials are rhododendron leaves, which are collected for medicinal purposes throughout the summer. However, it is generally accepted that The best time to collect plant materials is during the flowering period.

Collection is carried out manually. The leaves are dried exclusively in the shade, with very good ventilation, with periodic stirring. The greatest benefit is observed when leaves from a two- or three-year-old medicinal bush are used to prepare medicinal products.

The use of Caucasian rhododendron in folk medicine

Traditional healers prepare healing remedies that are widely used for internal use and external use.

Making a healing infusion

Dry and well-crushed leaves in an amount of 2 g are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for a quarter of an hour, and then the product must be filtered. You need to drink this infusion three times a day, a teaspoon, which allows you to normalize sleep, relieve irritability, and also get rid of migraines, cramps and PMS symptoms.

Properties of Caucasian rhododendron (video)

Making tincture

Freshly picked foliage and flowers in the amount of 20 g must be finely chopped, then pour one glass of 40% high-quality vodka and leave in a room protected from sunlight for a couple of weeks. After infusion, the healing composition must be carefully filtered. The tincture is taken two or three times a day, twenty drops dissolved in half a glass of boiled cold water. This healing tincture should be used to treat shortness of breath and tachycardia, as well as in the treatment of venous hyperemia, edema and high blood pressure.

How to brew healing rhododendron tea

To brew tea, you need to add no more than three or five leaves of a medicinal plant per one glass of drink. Thus, to prepare tonic tea, you should add no more than 1 g of dry leaves of Caucasian rhododendron per 300 ml of boiling water, which allows you to achieve a mild tonic effect when consumed. The drink is infused for about a quarter of an hour, after which it is filtered. It is very convenient to prepare a healing tea drink in a regular thermos. Important to remember, that the maximum dose for daily consumption of such tea is no more than one glass.

To brew tea, you need to add no more than three or five leaves of Caucasian rhododendron per one glass of drink

Other medicinal types of rhododendron

Not only Caucasian rhododendron, but also other types of this healing plant have pronounced medicinal properties:

Daurian rhododendron, growing wild in Siberia and the Far East. The height of the above-ground part reaches two meters. The species has fairly short leaves, and the flowering period occurs in May. Siberian healers use plant materials to prepare an infusion, which has a very pronounced diaphoretic, diuretic and analgesic effect. Healing infusions are also used to reduce excitability and improve cardiac activity, lower blood pressure and relieve difficulty breathing. The root of the plant is very often used in the treatment of dysentery;

Adams rhododendron It is characterized by a rather pleasant, but unobtrusive, light aroma that resembles the smell of fresh ripe strawberries. Collected plant materials, even after drying, can retain such a smell. Products based on plant raw materials have a pronounced tonic and adaptive effect, and essential oils contain a significant amount of farnesene, nerolidol and germacron. A tea drink based on the leaves of this variety allows you to lift your spirits, easily relieves fatigue, and also has a tonic effect on the human body.

Many plants, attractive in appearance, also have hidden inner strength - many medicinal qualities. Such cultures are widely used in traditional medicine formulations to eliminate and prevent a wide variety of ailments. One of this type of plant is rhododendron, which can be found in many parts of our planet, and even in the garden plots of many amateur gardeners. One of the most famous medicinal varieties of this culture is the Caucasian rhododendron, the medicinal properties of which we will consider today, and also talk about its use, as well as about brewing tea based on it.

Medicinal properties of Caucasian rhododendron

Caucasian rhododendron preparations have a remarkable bactericidal, antipyretic, and diaphoretic effect. They also have calming qualities and can eliminate painful sensations.

This medicinal plant has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The use of drugs based on it helps eliminate excess fluids from tissues, neutralize shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat and swelling. In addition, such compositions activate the activity of the heart and help improve the functioning of blood vessels.

Application of Caucasian rhododendron

Rhododendron leaves are often used in the treatment of rheumatism; medicinal compositions are also prepared on their basis to eliminate the chronic form of colitis, colds and vegetative neurosis. Such drugs can also be used in the treatment of epilepsy. Remedies from rhododendron leaves are a good treatment for bronchitis; it is advisable to take them with a wet cough to speed up the removal of phlegm. Such compositions have a calming effect on the lungs and significantly ease the course of asthma.

Teas prepared from Caucasian rhododendron flowers relieve sore throats and can be used to treat headaches.

Among other things, Caucasian rhododendron has found use as a fairly effective bactericidal agent. Thus, rhododendron is active against pathogenic microorganisms of the digestive tract, streptococci and staphylococci.

An infusion prepared from the flower of this culture can be taken as a good sedative and hypnotic. Also, this drink will help people with cardiovascular diseases, such as myocarditis and pain in the heart area. The infusion will also be useful for colds.

A decoction of rhododendron flowers is an effective remedy for many pathologies of the digestive tract. So it can be used to eliminate enteritis, gastroenteritis and gastritis. It is also recommended to take it as a diuretic drug in the treatment of kidney stones.

A tincture based on rhododendron leaves and flowers is intended for external use. It should be rubbed into the affected area to correct sciatica, neuralgia, as well as polyarthritis and osteochondrosis.

Homeopathic tincture of fresh leaves is used for mercury vapor poisoning, in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. This composition also helps to cope with headaches, runny nose and diarrhea. It should be taken for urinary disorders and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Internal administration of the tincture is also indicated for the correction of heart failure.

To prepare an infusion based on rhododendron, you can combine a teaspoon of dried raw materials with a glass of just boiled water. This remedy should be left to cool until completely cooled, then strain and consume a tablespoon three times a day. This version of the infusion copes well with insomnia, excessive irritability and cramps. It can also be taken to relieve headaches.

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, it is worth brewing two grams of dried and crushed raw materials with boiling water in the amount of one glass. This product should be infused in a thermos for a couple of hours, then strained and consumed a tablespoon twice or thrice a day.

These types of infusions also have a diuretic effect and can be used to rinse the mouth for sore throat, gum disease, stomatitis and unpleasant odor.

Drink, traveler, Caucasian rhododendron! How to brew tea

In ancient times, rhododendron tea was the original drink of the Circassians. Nowadays, for several years now, hunters in Siberia have been brewing rhododendron leaves and drinking them as tea.
They love that they add a delicious flavor to their drink. In addition, this tea is a stimulant and adaptogen rolled into one. To prepare such a highly beneficial drink, you only need four medium dried leaves of the plant or 2 fresh ones per glass of water. Another classic tea recipe includes the use of milk (also in the amount of one glass), salt, cream and black pepper - to taste.

Dried leaves need to be brewed with boiling water and simmer under the lid over low heat for three to five minutes. The resulting decoction must be left to steep for another five to six minutes under the lid. Next, this composition should be filtered and combined with milk, and then brought to a boil again.

Rhododendron tea was served hot, with salt, pepper and cream. However, you can try cooking it to your own taste.

This drink is beneficial for a variety of heart ailments, reduced immunity and colds. Its consumption helps to normalize blood circulation processes. So, for inflammatory lesions, it is recommended to drink rhododendron tea shortly before a night's rest, after which you should wrap yourself up well to sweat overnight.

Please note that rhododendron can provoke allergies, and it should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. It is important to follow the preparation of tea exactly, without putting more leaves of the plant into the teapot. The fact is that if the doses are observed, tea increases performance and tone, but in case of an overdose it causes a delay in urine flow, disrupts kidney function, and also excites the nervous system. So be scrupulous and you will be healthy!



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