Not a true allergy in a child. Pseudo-allergy (False allergy, Para-allergy)

False allergy

A false allergy is a disease that in its external manifestations is similar to an allergic reaction, but it is not provoked by allergens. Pseudo-allergies affect approximately 70% of adults and about 40% of children. The symptoms of the disease are very similar (even in some cases identical) to real allergies, but depend on the individual characteristics of a particular person’s body. The main clinical manifestations of a false allergy are as follows:

- lack of appetite, weakness,

- urticaria (appearance of red itchy spots),

- headache, fever,

- stomach and intestinal colic.

In especially severe cases, suffocation may occur - in this case, the victim must be hospitalized immediately.

What are the causes of false allergies?

The basis of any allergic reaction is histamine, a substance involved in regulating the most important functions of the body. It is produced in every person, and under normal conditions it is in a “bound”, inactive state. However, as soon as an allergen enters the body, histamine is released and becomes active. Free histamine acts on organ receptors, expanding capillaries and filling them with blood - this is how it “organizes inflammation”, trying to block “external aggressors”. Due to stagnation of blood in small vessels, the tissues swell, redness appears, in addition, the heartbeat quickens and adrenaline is released. Histamine in its free form provokes spasms of smooth muscles, increases the secretion of gastric juice, and reduces blood pressure.

How is histamine released in the absence of allergens? The fact is that some substances (they are called liberators) can cause nonspecific histamine activity. Such substances include fish products, eggs, chocolate, strawberries, pineapples, nuts, melons, meat of marine animals, yeast baked goods, etc. The release of histamine can also be triggered by exposure to physical factors - UV rays, a sharp decrease or increase in temperature, vibration, exposure to chemicals (acids, solvents, alkalis), and certain medications (penicillin).

The use of enteral detoxicant Enterosgel is justified at each stage of allergy development.

Treatment of pseudoallergy. Doctor's comment

First of all, as with a normal allergic reaction, it is necessary to find the irritant (food, medicine, insect bite, external factors) and completely eliminate it. As recommended by your doctor, be sure to take antihistamines. It is best to immediately, without waiting for the condition to worsen, call a specialist at home - he will be able to accurately determine which organs are affected and prescribe appropriate therapy.

In particularly difficult cases, a plasma transfusion is required, and intravenous or drip administration of S-aminocaproic acid is prescribed.

During the treatment process, it is also important to take enterosorbent - a drug that normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and quickly removes allergens from the body. For example, the latest generation enterosorbent Enterosgel is effective and safe.

Prevention of false allergies

To prevent the occurrence of the disease, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

- eat mainly natural products, limit various chemical additives as much as possible,

- when using new medications, consult your doctor first,

– regularly undergo examination by a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist,

- play sports or perform at least minimal physical activity.

Since many patients cannot independently distinguish a false allergy from a real one (and most often do not even know about such a distinction), they self-medicate. However, only a doctor can make a diagnosis, so do not put off visiting a specialist, time is working against you.

I read it and I'm a bit shocked. I have never even heard of such a term - a false allergy. That's how it happens. And here’s what else I think, because taking the sorbent definitely won’t do any harm, and your allergies will go away. Smart advice.

Yes, I agree - an interesting kind of allergy. Because of my suspiciousness, sometimes it happens that I itch, when, for example, we communicate with a friend who has psoriasis. I know it's not contagious, but that's how the body reacts. Maybe an allergy to the appearance of psoriatic plaques?

Yes, I also heard a lot that sorbents clean the body of allergens well. I also take enterosgel, especially before the holidays I try to take the course so that there are no allergies. (I have food).

Rita, as I understand you, I also have food allergies, so if we go somewhere abroad on vacation, I always stock up on enterosgel and there hasn’t been a single trip where I didn’t need enterosgel (((

False allergy

Most often, false allergies are caused by mediator substances. Their release from cells leads to the development of allergy-like reactions that develop without the participation of the immune system. The most common mediator substance is histamine.

The reasons for this may be different. For example, many foods provoke the release of histamine:

- Fish and seafood;

Clinical picture

What doctors say about antihistamines

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Emelyanov G.V. Medical practice: more than 30 years.
Practical medical experience: more than 30 years

According to the latest WHO data, it is allergic reactions in the human body that lead to the occurrence of most fatal diseases. And it all starts with the fact that a person has an itchy nose, sneezing, runny nose, red spots on the skin, and in some cases, suffocation.

7 million people die every year due to allergies, and the scale of the damage is such that the allergic enzyme is present in almost every person.

Unfortunately, in Russia and the CIS countries, pharmaceutical corporations sell expensive medications that only relieve symptoms, thereby hooking people on one drug or another. This is why in these countries there is such a high percentage of diseases and so many people suffer from “non-working” drugs.

- some fruits and berries (strawberries, melon, pineapple, etc.);

- exposure to high temperature;

— aggressive alkalis and acids;

- some medications;

- detergents, etc.

- monocalcium glutamate (E623), monosodium glutamate (E621), monomagnesium glutamate (E625), monopotassium glutamate (E622) and monoammonium glutamate (E624), which are used as flavoring additives;

- tetrazine (E102) and yellow-orange color (E110), which serve as food coloring;

- benzoates (E211/219), benzoic acid (E210), ascorbic acid (E200-208), various sulfides and nitrites, which are preservatives.

In addition, cell damage can be caused by accidental ingestion of dangerous compounds such as:

— various synthetic chemicals;

- nitrates and nitrites;

- radionuclides, etc.

Food intolerance is associated with the body’s inability to digest certain foods or their components. Almost always it is caused by congenital deficiency of certain enzymes. In this case, the human gastrointestinal tract cannot normally digest, for example, cereals, milk and dairy products, peas, mushrooms, strawberries, etc.

Drug intolerance is also associated with impaired absorption of certain drugs by the body. Most often, X-ray contrast agents, plasma replacement solutions and non-narcotic analgesics lead to the development of pseudoallergy.

In such cases, true and false allergies should not be confused. Symptoms of intolerance can be very similar to an allergic reaction, but they are not caused by a disorder of the immune system.

Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. He must choose the most appropriate treatment methods for you. In practice, it turns out that false allergies are much more common than true ones. Therefore, here are some common features by which they can be distinguished.

1. With true allergies, similar diseases often occur in the patient’s family. When false - most often not.

2. True allergies are caused by a minimal amount of an irritating substance. For the development of false reactions, this amount must be very significant.

3. With a true allergy, there is practically no direct relationship between the severity of the reaction and the amount of the allergen substance. With pseudoallergy, the clinical manifestations will be brighter, the larger the dose of the substance received.

4. A skin test with a specific allergen gives a positive reaction in case of a true allergy and a negative reaction in case of a false allergy.

5. With a true allergy, the level of immunoglobulin E in the blood increases, which is not observed with a false allergy, up to its complete absence.

The clinical manifestations of pseudoallergy are as follows:

- nausea and vomiting;

- stomach and intestinal colic;

- constipation or diarrhea.

Severe cases of pseudoallergy can lead to the development of hypo- and hypertensive crises, as well as anaphylactoid (not to be confused with anaphylactic!) shock.

The first necessary step is to establish whether this is a false allergy and not a true allergy, since the methods of treatment and prevention of these diseases are different. Most often, pseudoallergy goes away after treatment of concomitant diseases and following a diet.

1. Use of antihistamines. Only a specialist should prescribe them, and their reception is carried out strictly according to the instructions.

2. Be sure to undergo a course of treatment for existing chronic diseases. Often it is the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract or the endocrine system that lead to the development of pseudo-allergies.

3. It is necessary with the help of a specialist to review and balance your diet. For the successful treatment of false allergies, it is necessary to exclude from it all products that have an irritating effect or any pharmacological effects.

4. Particular attention should be paid to the normalization of the intestinal microbial flora. Pseudoallergy may be due to existing dysbacteriosis.

5. In the process of treatment, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, when eating, must be protected by taking enveloping agents.

6. In case of insufficiency of the enzymatic function of the digestive system, preparations containing enzymes of the pancreas, stomach, etc. are prescribed.

The prognosis will largely depend on the cause of the disease, the brightness of clinical manifestations and the presence of complications. In mild cases, a favorable outcome is almost guaranteed. But conditions such as anaphylactoid shock can be extremely dangerous.

With pseudo-allergy, prevention is the exclusion of those factors that cause its development. It is necessary to avoid exposure to physical provoking factors and contact with chemical irritants to the maximum. Before prescribing any medication, be sure to tell your doctor if you have any drug intolerance. Before administering a radiocontrast agent, experts recommend prescribing antihistamines. Prevention of food pseudo-allergy involves following an appropriate diet, as well as treating chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system.

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The site should not be used as a source of information on self-medication.

False allergy

Allergy season leads to demand for anti-allergy medications. But it often happens that no tangible results are observed from taking any remedy from this series. The thing is that many encounter so-called false allergies, which differ from the real ones. It is worth noting that the difference is visible only to a doctor, that is, an allergist.

Symptoms of the disease

False allergies, or pseudo-allergies, are quite difficult for an ordinary person to diagnose, because the reactions in both cases proceed almost identically:

  • Tearing begins;
  • Itching in the nose;
  • Skin rashes, hives, redness;
  • Manifestations of anaphylaxis;
  • Headache;
  • Feeling hot;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Dizziness;
  • Vomit;
  • Anorexia;
  • Stool disorder (diarrhea, constipation).

The main difference between these two ailments lies in the principles of their development: when a person has a true allergy, then any contact with the irritant provokes a violent reaction in the body, and the occurrence of a false allergy is influenced by the substance that provokes the painful condition and its concentration.

An allergen can accumulate in the body for several days, weeks and even months, and then provoke a negative reaction. Diagnosing a false form of the disease is also difficult because the symptoms and signs of pseudo-allergy sometimes develop quite slowly.

In practice, it is confirmed that it is impossible to independently determine the form of allergy. To make a correct diagnosis, a specialist must refer the patient to undergo many tests: blood (general), cytology smears from the mucous membranes, skin tests, etc. A true allergy will be indicated by the presence of immunoglobulins E in the blood.

In this case, the person will have an increased concentration of these antibodies. But with a false form, immunoglobulins remain normal. It is these results that largely determine the form of the disease.

Causes of pseudoallergy

Very often food and medications provoke negative reactions from the body. Sometimes the disease appears against the background of a change in a person’s psychological state. There are cases when people think that they suffer from a real allergy, but in fact it is only a false form caused by a psycho-emotional background.

Usually, in this case, antihistamines are absolutely useless, and after testing it becomes obvious that there are no antibodies. That is, the problem lies not in immune mechanisms, but in the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Such patients feel better after consulting a psychotherapist.

Very often, doctors warn their patients: if a person has ever experienced shock due to an allergic reaction, then he may forever have a fear of that substance (object, remedy, etc.) that led to negative consequences.

This factor is often the trigger for the development of a false form of pathology. When annoying symptoms do not go away for a long time, then you should pay attention to the false variety.

In many cases, proteins or protein components of foods are the cause. The most common allergens are nuts and nut-based products, seafood, and sour fruits and berries.

There are many products, the consumption of which causes a false form of the disease - histamine liberators. They contain large amounts of histamine or provoke its release. These include absolutely all fermented products: cheese, yogurt, yeast dough, alcohol, sauerkraut, etc.

In addition, many chemicals, such as dyes and preservatives, can trigger an immune response. Particular caution should be exercised when eating sausages, especially smoked ones. This applies to brightly colored caramels and carbonated drinks. Coloring and preservative components contribute to the accumulation of allergens in the human body.

It is worth remembering a few of the most dangerous substances:

  • Preservatives - sulfides, ascorbic acid (E 200), benzoates (E 211);
  • Flavoring additives – monosodium glutamine (e 621), magnesium (e 625), calcium (e 623);
  • Tetrazine is a food azo dye.

Many foods contain heavy metals, pesticides, nitrites, toxins, synthetic compounds and many other harmful substances that can also cause a reaction in the body.

The reaction can be very strong after taking certain types of medications, when irritating substances enter directly into the blood. In this regard, you need to be careful with penicillin drugs and analgesics, drugs that lower blood pressure.

Negative reactions in patients of different age groups

One of the dangers of a real, true illness is that it occurs at an early age and accompanies a person throughout his life. The formed antigen will always respond to the invasion of the allergen. But false form is associated with change.

Pseudo-allergy occurs in children from the age of 6 years. Adolescents are also at risk, since throughout this time the body’s systems are formed and developing. The period of formation of sexual functions plays an important role. The age from 20 to 25 is the calmest, the body works stably.

After 25, the reduction begins, the activity of the ovaries decreases. At this time, poor liver function and other metabolic features have an impact. People over 40 years of age with pathologies of various body systems are at risk.

Treatment of pseudoallergy

Despite the fact that this pathology is characterized by a kind of insidiousness, doctors treat it leniently. The true form cannot be treated, since modern methods of combating it do not affect the production of antibodies, that is, the cause of the reaction cannot be eliminated, only the manifestations can be weakened.

But pseudo-allergies are treatable because the memory antibodies that cause the body to react immediately are not present.

The easiest stage will be eliminated by the simplest antihistamines - ointments, creams, drops in the eyes and nose. Sometimes even a one-time use brings tangible results.

The average degree of the disease is stopped with the same drugs, but they are administered as injections (intravenous, intramuscular). Such remedies act much faster. The type of medication is selected by the doctor based on the symptoms. In some cases, a transfusion of plasma is prescribed, which is enriched with a C1 inhibitor - the main regulator of negative reaction processes.

One of the most important factors in treating the disease is diet. Sometimes it can be quite difficult to give up your favorite dishes, but without such exceptions, you should not expect a successful result. Absolutely all products from the consumption of which develop a false allergy are eliminated from the diet.

A number of measures should be taken both for treatment and as prevention:

  • Whenever possible, consume only natural products. Try to exclude those that contain chemical additives, especially dyes and preservatives;
  • Parents of small children should not rush to transfer the latter to the common table;
  • Monitor your reaction after taking any medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • Be examined by an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

In severe cases, hormonal therapy is used. In this case, hormones play the role of unique stabilizers that “calm” the body. But here you can’t limit yourself to just one technique.

In addition, in such a situation, a whole range of measures is taken, which includes a diet with abstinence from a large list of foods, taking medications, and changing the usual rhythm of life. Sometimes the help of a psychologist is required if the reaction occurs against the background of a mental state, or an endocrinologist if there are disorders of the endocrine system.

Watch your diet, do not engage in uncontrolled self-medication, do not be nervous again, and then no true or false allergy will be scary for you!

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Drawing conclusions

Allergy is a disease that is characterized by disruption of the immune system, which is associated with the recognition of a potential threat to the body. Subsequently, a disruption of the functioning of tissues and organs occurs, characteristic of the inflammatory process. Allergy phenomena are caused by the fact that the body attempts to get rid of those substances that it considers harmful.

This leads to the development of numerous allergy symptoms:

  • Swelling of the throat or mouth.
  • Difficulty swallowing and/or speaking.
  • Rash on any part of the body.
  • Redness and itching of the skin.
  • Abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting.
  • Sudden feeling of weakness.
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure.
  • Weak and rapid pulse.
  • Dizziness and loss of consciousness.
Even one of these symptoms should give you pause. And if there are two of them, then have no doubt - you have an allergy.

How to treat allergies when there are a large number of medications that cost a lot of money?

Most medications will do no good, and some may even be harmful! At the moment, the only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of allergies is.

Until February 26th. The Institute of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, together with the Ministry of Health, is conducting a program " no allergies". Within which the drug is available for only 149 rubles , to all residents of the city and region!

Pseudoallergy does not differ in its manifestations from ordinary allergies; it is also characterized by a variety of clinical forms. The difference between true and pseudoallergic processes lies in their mechanism of development. False-allergic reactions are triggered without the participation of immunological factors and specific sensitization to certain allergens.

The subsequent stages of the pathological process do not differ from those observed with allergies. This fact is important primarily for the treatment of the disease and can be determined using laboratory diagnostic methods.

A number of features help to distinguish a false allergy from a true one:

  • absence of allergic diseases in relatives;
  • dependence of the reaction on the amount of the substance that triggers the pathochemical process;
  • development of response to physical factors;
  • non-specific response, therefore, in case of intolerance to several drugs or products, a pseudo-allergy is assumed, first of all;
  • paraallergy can develop upon first contact with the pathogen;
  • connection with the general condition of the body and the presence of infections, with dysbacteriosis , helminthic infestations, chronic diseases, taking a large number of medications.

Classification and pathogenetic mechanisms of pseudoallergy

The disease is classified based on the characteristics of the pathogenesis of false allergic reactions.

The following variants of pseudo-allergies are distinguished:

  • A form of the disease associated with impaired histamine metabolism. With this type of paraallergy, both an increased release of histamine and a violation of its inactivation may be important. A significant role in the development of paraallergy is played by the consumption of foods with a high content of amines (histamine, tyramine and others): fermented cheeses, sauerkraut, legumes, raw smoked sausages, chocolate, tomatoes. Clinical manifestations are varied, in particular, urticaria and diarrhea may develop.
  • Pseudoallergic reaction due to increased activation of complement by various substances: proteases, radiocontrast agents. This pathogenetic mechanism leads to the development of anaphylactoid reactions up to shock. Activation of complement with the release of mediators from basophils and mast cells will occur with a deficiency or decrease in the activity of the C1 inhibitor. In this case, the triggered cascade of reactions leads to increased vascular permeability and angioedema.
  • Pseudoallergy resulting from a disrupted mechanism of arachidonic acid metabolism. A classic example is the asthmatic triad that occurs in response to aspirin and other nonsteroidal analgesics.

Stages of development of allergic reactions

The fundamental difference between pseudoallergy is the absence of the first phase associated with immune mechanisms.

The pathological process of a true allergy necessarily includes 3 stages:

  • Immunological, during which the formation of antigen-antibody complexes occurs, or the activation of T-lymphocytes in response to the penetration of the allergen. This step is required for true allergies.
  • Pathochemical stage, which is characterized by the release of histamine and other mediators into the blood. It is from this stage that a false allergic reaction begins.
  • Pathophysiological- stage of clinical manifestations, the body’s reaction aimed at removing the pathogen from the body.

Clinical manifestations

Histamine and other mediators cause certain effects depending on the place of their release, for example, in the skin and mucous membranes - dilation of venules and increased permeability leading to edema, in the respiratory organs - bronchospasm, with a systemic effect on the cardiovascular system they can develop hypotension and shock.

Pseudoallergy can affect many body systems. Involvement of the gastrointestinal tract in the process is manifested by abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. The skin may develop rashes, redness, itching, and swelling. With pseudoallergy, swelling and hyperemia of the eyelids, lacrimation, injection of scleral vessels, and foreign body sensation may develop. If the respiratory system is involved in the process, difficulty breathing, a feeling of suffocation, dry cough, and swelling of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract may occur. The nervous system reacts to paraallergies with headaches and dizziness. From the cardiovascular system, cardiac pain, arrhythmia, and decreased blood pressure are possible.

Laboratory diagnosis of pseudoallergy

Methods of laboratory confirmation of the disease are aimed at identifying the pathogen and differential diagnosis of true and pseudo-allergic reactions. The latter is only possible by excluding immune mechanisms. For this purpose, patients are determined eosinophil content And total IgE level , which correspond to the norm in case of paraallergy. With pseudo-allergic reactions, it is not possible to detect specific IgE, and allergy tests give a negative result.

There are also specific analyzes that allow you to identify certain metabolic defects. In particular, to identify the body’s response to histamine, determine diamine oxidase level in blood serum. This enzyme plays an important role in the inactivation of histamine, and when its level is low, pseudo-allergic reactions of the first type are often observed.

To identify the substance that led to both a true and pseudoallergic reaction, TTML (leukocyte migration inhibition test) is used. To do this, the oral mucosa is rinsed with a weak solution of a possible allergen.

The most accurate laboratory diagnostic technologies, allowing to identify and differentiate specific sensitization and false allergic reactions, are flow cytometry methods. These include cell tests: CASC (cytometric allergen-stimulating), EK-CAST and FLOW-CAST (mediator release tests).

What are pseudoallergic reactions, how do they differ from true allergies, why does pseudoallergy occur, how to identify it and eliminate its manifestations?

Nowadays, allergies have become a real scourge of humanity, causing serious illnesses in millions of people, regardless of age, gender, or place of residence. Allergic reactions can be mild and transient (minor local itching and redness of the skin, runny nose and sneezing), in other cases they cause quite serious changes in the body: in the form of swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, an attack of suffocation, damage to the gastrointestinal tract and even anaphylactic shock, which often ends in death.

And it's all to blame for the increased sensitivity of the body to certain foreign substances that enter us through the respiratory tract, during meals, with the introduction of drugs, snake and insect bites, etc.
But only in 70-80% of cases we are not talking about true allergies, but about pseudo-allergic reactions.

Allergy or pseudo-allergy?

True is an increased sensitivity to certain protein components contained in substances entering the body. In this case, the foreign agent becomes an antigen, to which our immune system reacts strongly, producing a kind of “antidote” in the form of special cells and antibodies that recognize and remember an unknown substance (the so-called cellular and humoral immunity). When this allergen hits again, the immune system reacts violently to the recognized stranger, activating the release of various biologically active substances (and, above all, histamine) by the cells. As a result, effects characteristic of allergic reactions occur - inflammation, swelling, itching, systemic manifestations (drop in blood pressure, impaired blood supply to organs and tissues, etc.).

With pseudoallergic reactions, the pathological process proceeds almost the same, only the first, immunological stage is absent, that is, the cells of the immune system (lymphocytes) do not react to the foreign substance and antibodies are not produced. With pseudoallergy, the second, pathochemical stage immediately develops, characterized by the release of inflammatory mediators (histamine, etc.).

What causative factors contribute to the development of pseudoallergy?

Pseudoallergic reactions develop more often when substances enter the body that stimulate the release of histamine by cells or foods high in histamine, tyramine and other biologically active components that trigger inflammatory changes in organs and tissues characteristic of allergies.

The clinical manifestations of pseudoallergic and allergic reactions are similar and difficult to distinguish from each other. In both cases, there are local (local) signs of the inflammatory process:

  • Damage to the skin and mucous membranes with the appearance of redness, small or large blisters, local edema (angioedema), complaints of itching of varying severity, scratching on the skin
  • Inflammatory changes in the upper respiratory tract - nasopharynx, larynx, bronchi with the appearance of corresponding complaints (runny nose, difficulty in nasal breathing, lacrimation, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, asthma attacks)
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and complaints of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen, loose stools, etc.
  • Violation of the function of the cardiovascular system with the appearance of weakness, fatigue, dizziness, repeated fainting due to low blood pressure, arrhythmia, swelling in the legs and other signs indicating a violation of the blood supply to organs and tissues, the development of cardiovascular insufficiency. With the development of anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions, the above symptoms occur acutely - pressure drops, loss of consciousness occurs, breathing is disturbed, there may be cardiac arrest.

How to distinguish between allergies and pseudo-allergies

In order to establish a diagnosis of pseudo-allergy, you must first conduct all standard allergological studies to rule out a true allergy.

  • Already by studying the anamnesis, you can obtain valuable data. So, with allergies, the pathological process occurs every time when exposed to this allergen. With pseudo-allergic reactions, there is no such dependence, and the symptoms of the disease and their severity depend on the dose of the intolerable substance (food product, drug) taken or the additive contained in it. For example, the use of bell pepper bought in a store causes a pseudo-allergic reaction with itching, local swelling on the face, and taking the same variety of pepper grown in your garden does not cause any undesirable reaction.
  • Allergic manifestations occur upon repeated contact with the allergen, with pseudo-allergy, the reaction may occur at the first meeting with an intolerable substance.
  • With true allergies, other signs of atopy are often observed (in addition to allergic rhinitis - also bronchial asthma or urticaria), with pseudo-allergic reactions such signs are not observed.
  • Carrying out skin tests and determining specific antibodies (immunoglobulins) to allergens gives a positive result for allergic reactions and a negative result for pseudo-allergy
  • For food pseudoallergic reactions, a test with histamine can be performed, which is injected into the duodenum and the reaction to its administration is studied.

Principles of treating false allergies

  1. As with a true allergy, in the case of a pseudo-allergic reaction, it is necessary to exclude the entry into the body of the problematic substance that caused the development of the pathological process (food product or additive, drug).
  2. It is important to follow certain dietary recommendations: if possible, limit as much as possible the intake of foods high in histamine, as well as histamine liberators, and include in the diet oatmeal, rice water, slimy vegetable and cereal soups, natural fermented milk products and others that are well tolerated in this particular case.
  3. Standard antihistamines are used, symptomatic treatment is carried out taking into account the specific manifestations of pseudo-allergic reactions (nasal drops and sprays, ointments and creams for topical application to the skin, inhalers, vascular preparations, etc.)
  4. Sometimes food pseudo-allergy is treated with small doses of histamine with a gradual increase.

Treatment of pseudoallergic reactions should be carried out by an allergist with the participation of a dermatologist, ENT doctor and other specialists, depending on the local manifestations of the disease. If you correctly follow medical recommendations on work and rest schedules, diet, and medication, in most cases you can achieve good results.

The body’s negative response to a stimulus can be not only true, but also false. Pseudoallergy accounts for more than 70% of the total cases of negative reactions in adults and almost 50% in children. For most patients, the problem occurs when consuming certain foods and medications.

How to prevent the development of false allergies? What types of food provoke rashes, skin itching, tissue hyperemia without involving immune system cells in the process? How to distinguish a true allergy from a false one? The answers are in the article.

general information

The body’s negative response to irritants is in many ways reminiscent of a normal allergic reaction; the signs are practically the same, but the reasons for the development of negative symptoms are different. Many patients do not know what the difference is between the two types of negative reactions when in contact with an irritant. It is important to know the reasons for the development of types of negative response of the body to prevent negative signs.

True allergy

Immune cells are involved in the process, the level of immunoglobulin E increases, and an active release of histamine occurs. The immunological stage is an obligatory element of the reaction to the penetration of an irritant. Active production of biologically active substances, inflammatory mediators leads to skin reactions, rhinorrhea, swelling, often to.

The reaction begins with a minimal amount of an inappropriate substance. With a true allergy, the body's response is often violent, with severe symptoms, sometimes life-threatening.

False allergic reaction

The same signs are present as in the true form of a negative reaction, but immune cells are not involved in the process. There is no allergic inflammation, but symptoms characteristic of an immune response to irritants appear.

The release of histamine is provoked by liberating substances:

  • salicylates;
  • flavoring additives;
  • toxins;
  • preservatives;
  • synthetic food dyes;
  • nitrates.

Among the products (in case of overeating), negative symptoms are provoked by:

  • tomatoes;
  • egg white;
  • seafood;
  • sausage;
  • strawberry;
  • melons;
  • canned food;
  • sea ​​fish;

Sometimes pseudo-allergy is caused by:

  • X-ray contrast agents;
  • non-narcotic analgesics;
  • some antibiotics (penicillin series);
  • chemicals, household chemicals, solvents, alkalis and acids;
  • low and high temperatures, UV radiation.

Important! A negative response develops only when there is a large amount of irritant: one orange does not harm the body, but after eating a kilogram of juicy fruit, skin reactions, digestive disorders, and headaches are possible. Anaphylaxis, severe swelling, occurs less frequently than with the true form of the disease. Pseudoallergy code according to ICD -10 - T78.4 (Allergy, unspecified).

Signs and symptoms

How to distinguish an allergy from a pseudo-allergy? Doctors recommend seeking advice for early detection of the type of negative reaction.

With a true allergy, the body's response is so violent that pronounced swelling can develop, making breathing difficult. For this reason, the patient should not independently decide why the body is covered with a rash, the tissues are slightly swollen, tears flow, and liquid transparent mucus is released from the nose. The doctor will prescribe skin tests and tests, clarify the clinical picture.

With a false allergy, severe swelling, decreased blood pressure, and difficulty breathing rarely appear; rash, redness, itching, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, and headache occur more often. True allergies are often accompanied by severe symptoms.

Signs of allergic reactions:

  • small rash, blisters;
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • itching (mild or severe);
  • nasal congestion;
  • mucous discharge without smell and color from the nasal passages;
  • redness of the conjunctiva, itching, swelling of the eyelids;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • swelling of tissues of varying severity;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • dyspnea.

On a note! The signs of true and false allergies are similar; to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a blood test for immunoglobulin E. Based on the results, doctors give a conclusion about the causes and types of the reaction: with pseudo-allergy, the indicators will be normal; if the body’s immune system is involved in the response, the IgE level increases. Only this study allows us to distinguish between two types of negative response of the body.

Effective methods of treatment and stages of therapy

Therapy for pseudoallergy begins with diagnosis, testing, and determining the factor that caused skin reactions, diarrhea, nausea, and headaches. The doctor finds out what the patient ate for two to three days before the false allergic reaction appeared, what medications he took, whether he was exposed to heat/cold or chemicals.

Stages of treatment:

  • exclusion from the menu of products, after consumption of which negative signs arose. Elimination for pseudo-allergy lasts at least two to three months, preferably six months. After this period, doctors advise eating a small amount of the product and checking the reaction. In the absence of negative symptoms, you can occasionally consume a moderate amount of citrus fruits, tomatoes, cheese, and other items with a high allergic risk;
  • therapy of chronic diseases, against the background of which the immune system weakens, the functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted, and problems with blood vessels appear;
  • optimizing the diet, limiting foods that may cause allergies after consumption. Chocolate, seafood, citrus fruits, honey, nuts, sweets, and canned food should be present on the menu in small quantities. With pseudo-allergy, negative symptoms occur only when overeating or excessive consumption of a certain name;
  • normalization of the composition of microflora in the intestines. Doctors often prescribe drugs that protect mucous membranes from irritation and enzymes that speed up the digestion of food;
  • reception . An important point is cleansing the body, removing breakdown products, excess salicylates, synthetic substances, and the remainder of drug components. The best effect is achieved by modern sorbents that are gentle on the stomach and intestines: White Coal, Polysorb, Lactofiltrum, Enterumin, Smecta, Carbosorb.

For a list and characteristics of hormonal ointments for skin allergies, see the page.

Go to the address and read about how and how to treat allergies during pregnancy.

Medicinal antihistamines

Therapy for pseudoallergy includes taking antihistamines. The names are the same as for the true type of the disease. The doctor will select a product in a suitable form: tablets, gel/cream.

Pseudoallergy in children manifests itself in the form of skin reactions and dysbacteriosis. The condition requires the prescription of drops and syrups; the tablet form is allowed after 6 or 12 years. It is important to take antihistamines under the supervision of an allergist, according to the instructions, take into account the age of the young patient and contraindications.

Pseudoallergy in adults often occurs with mild and moderately severe symptoms; modern antihistamines are required. After examining the patient, all medications are prescribed by an allergist.

Effective drugs of the latest generations:

In case of severe pseudoallergy, negative signs are quickly relieved by classical antihistamines:

After recovery, it is important to follow the rules:

  • eat food with synthetic additives and sweet soda less often;
  • prepare healthy dishes, diversify the diet with vegetables, fermented milk products, fruits, leafy greens, lean meat, river fish;
  • abandon ready-made sauces, canned food, sausage, mayonnaise in favor of products made from natural ingredients;
  • take care of the digestive system: bake, steam, less often cook fatty, fried, smoked, over-salted dishes;
  • Eat all foods in moderation: it is the excessive consumption of highly allergenic foods that becomes the cause of pseudo-allergy;
  • periodically visit an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, monitor the condition of the digestive tract;
  • stop taking uncontrolled medications, especially new ones. It is important to know which drugs most often provoke a negative response from the body and to carefully monitor the reaction. If rashes, redness, or swelling appear, take a pill and consult a doctor;
  • give dosed physical activity, worry less, watch your weight.

Treatment of pseudoallergy is a joint task for the doctor and the patient. It is important to know why a false reaction develops, which foods and medications most often provoke the appearance of negative signs. Attention to your health, proper diet, and moderate consumption of any foods prevent the development of pseudo-allergy. The less adults and children consume food with synthetic ingredients, the lower the risk of negative reactions.

A specialist will tell you more about what pseudo-allergy is and how to protect yourself from a negative reaction with the following video:

Many people have encountered this problem. Externally, pseudoallergy in children and adults is similar to true allergy; the symptoms are easily confused. But their origins are completely different. Pseudo-allergy (difference from true allergy) lacks the first immunological phase of its occurrence. How to distinguish them? How to treat pseudoallergy? The answers are in this article.

True pathology occurs due to the reaction of the immune system to a specific allergen. This is the so-called protective reaction of the body. In false allergies (synonym - paraallergy), this stage is completely absent. It begins immediately with the second phase, which is called the pathochemical process. This is the difference between a pseudo-allergy and a true one. Next comes the manifestation of symptoms. The second and third stages are identical for true and false pathology. Therefore they are often confused.

Interesting! Approximately 70% of people show signs of a false allergy.

Causes of false illness

The main causes of the disease:

  • Heredity.
  • Bad ecology. It's no secret that environmental degradation has a detrimental effect on human health in general.
  • Gastrointestinal tract disorders.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Liver diseases.
  • Intestinal pathologies.
  • Stress. This condition, familiar to almost every person, also significantly weakens the body and provokes illness.
  • Histamine metabolism is carried out with disturbances.
  • Intolerance to a certain food or drug.
  • A large amount of a substance that causes pathology.
  • A large amount eaten. For example, if you eat two oranges instead of one, symptoms will typically appear.

False pathology occurs due to the release of histamine. This occurs due to the influence of liberating substances on cells. The menu for pseudo-allergies should not include food with them.

Where are these substances found:

  • Nuts.
  • Chocolate and other sweets.
  • Canned food. This includes both meat and fish.
  • Semi-finished products. This includes any sausages, sausages, etc.
  • Salty fish. Mainly herring.
  • Pickled vegetables. For example, tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Citrus.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Legumes.
  • Tomatoes.

Also, a pseudo reaction occurs when eating food with certain additives, for example, monosodium glutamate, benzoic acid, sodium nitrite and others.

False pathology for citrus fruits

As mentioned above, pseudo-allergy occurs with large consumption of certain foods. Citrus fruits, mainly oranges and tangerines, are a traditional New Year's delicacy that is bought in boxes on the eve of the holiday.

During this period, the occurrence of symptoms of the disease becomes more frequent. After all, people, and especially children, consume kilograms of these fruits. As a result, the allergic person feels unpleasant consequences.

Also, the disease is unlikely to escape if a person who eats citrus fruits in unlimited quantities has:

  • Gastrointestinal and liver problems.
  • Weakening of the immune system.

A special role is played by the substances with which the fruits are processed. They can double the chance of getting sick.

In a baby, a false pathology can occur if:

  • The baby is breastfed, and his mother has eaten a large amount of a certain food.
  • He is fed an excess amount of food. Many parents are afraid that their child is hungry. Therefore, they try to feed in large portions. However, most often parents are mistaken, and their child is absolutely not hungry. And because of an overabundance of food in a child, unpleasant consequences can occur.
  • The child is on guard duty, and his mother ate foods from the list above. Food containing substances-liberators. They cause the release of histamine.
  • The child has dysbiosis.
  • A long course of treatment with any drug has been completed.

According to the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, the parents themselves are to a large extent to blame for the manifestation of true and false pathology in a child under one year old.

He believes that parents create “greenhouse conditions” for their baby. They wrap him up, constantly clean the house, and overfeed him. By doing this, they worsen the health of their child. This makes him more susceptible to various diseases.

Food pseudo-reaction in children is a disease that, according to Komarovsky, does not need to be treated at all. You just need to find what caused the symptoms and eliminate it from your diet for a while.

Evgeniy Olegovich believes that drug therapy is the last option for solving the problem.

Over the years of his practice, he has come up with a personal list of what can cause an allergic reaction:

  • Milk.
  • Nuts.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Raspberries and other red berries.

Symptoms of the disease in children and adults

Pseudoallergy - symptoms:

  • Characterized by increased vascular permeability and damage to blood cells.
  • Swelling, locally on the face (swelling of the eyelids, lips), in the neck and larynx (Quincke's edema).
  • Headaches, migraines, dizziness.
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and colic in the abdomen.
  • Dry clinical cough, suffocation.
  • Swelling in the legs.
  • Blood pressure disorders.
  • Rashes, urticaria and other redness of the epidermis, peeling and itching in the affected areas.
  • Anaphylactoid shock is possible, but unlike real pathology, anaphylactic shock does not occur.

Diagnosis of pathology

In order to cure the disease, you need to know for sure that this is a pseudo-allergy. Because the treatment of two similar diseases is different. To determine an accurate diagnosis, tests are collected and studied in the laboratory. With their help, the option of a false pathological reaction is excluded:

  • Introduction of histamine into the duodenum. It will help you find out if you have an intolerance.
  • Skin tests for reactions to allergens.
  • If necessary, more extensive examinations are carried out.

Distinctive features in contrast to the true one:

  • No symptoms occur upon repeated exposure to the substance.
  • Pathology affects locally (a separate organ or system), but not the entire body.
  • Symptomatic manifestations directly depend on the amount of the substance ingested.

Immunology in the treatment of false allergies: what do doctors prescribe?

When treating false reactions, the doctor identifies the main steps:

  1. Prescribing antihistamines, for example Claritin or Fenistil. The doctor must choose the right one.
  2. A complete examination of the body for the presence of chronic health problems, and, if necessary, subject it to treatment. Often they are what lead to the development of the disease.
  3. Drawing up a menu and daily diet. A diet for pseudoallergy involves the exclusion of irritants, a balanced diet, and vitamin therapy.
  4. To eliminate dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. They prescribe Linex, Acepol, and other drugs.
  5. Examination of the pancreas and, if necessary, treatment. After all, if enzymes are not produced correctly, it is more difficult for the body to cope with irritants.

How to overcome the disease on your own and what diet to follow?

It is worth noting right away that it is difficult to independently determine the real problem.

If you are 100% sure and the symptoms are not pronounced, then you can try to overcome the disease yourself.

If there is redness or flaking on the skin, then soothing baths with herbs will help. Chamomile and string are excellent. They will help relieve itching and reduce redness.

Nutrition tips:

  1. Exclusion of disease provocateurs. For example, if you consume oranges excessively, you need to forget about them for a while.
  2. Meals should include fresh fruits and vegetables. It is better to purchase them in trusted places.
  3. Exclusion of semi-finished products and fast food.

Cough in a child and an adult with pseudo-allergy, how to treat it

  • Prescribing an antihistamine. It should be prescribed by a doctor, especially since not all drugs are approved for children.
  • Gargling with salted water or herbal decoction.
  • Exception of the provocateur.


An excellent preventive measure to reduce the likelihood of developing an unpleasant disease would be:

  1. Proper balanced nutrition.
  2. Lack of stress. This will benefit anyone.
  3. Regular exercise.
  4. Preventive examinations to detect chronic diseases.
  5. Vitamin therapy.


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