Among the many pieces of advice given by experts during epidemics of colds, there are also recommendations regarding wearing medical masks. However, such dressings are often used incorrectly, which only increases the risk of infection. MedAboutMe will tell you how to properly handle a mask.

A disposable medical mask is designed to protect the respiratory tract from infections. Therefore, it can only be used if we are talking about diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. Such infections affect the throat, nose, nasopharynx, and lungs. Among them:

  • Acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza.
  • Measles.
  • Mumps.
  • Rubella.
  • Chicken pox.
  • Streptococcal infections, including sore throat.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Whooping cough.

Among the most common symptoms of such infections is coughing or sneezing. And it is precisely at this moment that a person is most contagious, because during coughing, pathogens can spread to a distance of up to 2 m from the patient. Indoor spaces are especially dangerous, because in a fairly short time (no more than an hour) all the air in them can become contaminated. Depending on the type of pathogen, it will remain dangerous from several hours (some viruses that cause) to 7 years (Koch bacillus - the causative agent of tuberculosis). In this case, not only the air becomes contagious, but also the dust that a person inhales. The largest number of infectious agents are spread by coughing and sneezing, but breathing also spreads a certain percentage into the external environment.

Medical disposable masks are designed to minimize the spread of infection. At the same time, it is mistakenly believed that both infected and healthy people should wear them. Doctors insist that a medical bandage cannot protect against contaminated air. The degree of its penetration is up to 50%. This is due to the fact that with certain protection of the nose and mouth, it still does not adhere tightly to the skin, which means that any air can pass through. Therefore, in a room with contaminated air, a mask is ineffective in preventing infection.

Masks are not recommended for healthy people, but only for infected people. It is through this protection that they minimize the spread of pathogens through breathing, coughing and sneezing. Wearing a mask by a healthy person can increase the risk of infection, since under the mask a suitable environment for germs (warm, moist air) is created, and when they get under the bandage, they can be activated.

And yet, in some cases, masks are recommended as a preventative measure. A classic example is a patient with reduced immunity who is in contact with other people. We are not talking about an environment with a high risk of infection - there are no obvious carriers of viruses and bacteria. However, in some cases, a patient with an infection that is transmitted by airborne droplets may be infectious even before symptoms appear, during the incubation period.

  • People in the postoperative period (on the recommendation of a doctor).
  • Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  • Patients during the recovery period from severe respiratory infections, as well as lung diseases.

Since the 20s of the 20th century, employees of medical institutions have been required to wear masks. They are especially relevant for pediatricians and therapists treating during epidemics of respiratory diseases. At the same time, in a study conducted by specialists from the University of New South Wales, in which 16 thousand doctors took part, mixed results were obtained:

  • Health care workers who wore cloth masks got sick more often.
  • Masks made of fabric and non-woven materials allow viruses and bacteria to pass through. Moreover, in the case of the former, the percentage of missed microorganisms is 97%. Essentially, this suggests that cloth masks are not effective at preventing infections at all.
  • Masks made of non-woven materials allow an average of 40% of pathogens to pass through.

Based on this and other studies, cloth masks have been abandoned in medical practice.

A standard disposable medical mask consists of three layers:

  • Two outer layers.
  • Filter.

Some versions may have an additional filter (four-layer masks), and specialized ones intended for surgeons may have an anti-fluid layer. Specialized masks are used exclusively in hospitals and only for operations.

Masks can also be:

  • Non-sterile. They are used in everyday use indoors, with large crowds of people and other situations. Used to prevent the spread of airborne infections.
  • Sterile. They are used only in special institutions by patients, doctors, and laboratory employees. Use under normal conditions is not advisable, since after a short time in an open environment the mask loses its sterility.

Medical masks can reduce the risk of spreading infection only if the rules for their use are strictly followed:

  • A patient with respiratory infections should change the mask at least once every 2 hours.
  • If the bandage is used to protect against smog, polluted air, etc., you can use it for 3-6 hours.
  • All medical masks can only be used once, are personal protective equipment and cannot be worn by two or more people.
  • It is not recommended to wear a mask all the time. You can shoot it in places with small crowds of people, in the fresh air.
  • An infected person must wear a mask at all times indoors.

It should also be remembered that airborne infections are not only transmitted through the air. Pathogenic microorganisms can settle with dust, remain on door handles, dishes and other objects, and remain on the skin of the hands. Therefore, just using a mask is not enough to protect against germs in the environment. In addition, it is recommended:

  • Carry out daily wet cleaning.
  • Frequently ventilate the room where the patient is.
  • Provide the sick person with separate dishes, towels and other personal items.
  • Wash your hands often with soap, especially after walking or coming into contact with someone who is sick.

What types of masks are there?

There are many different mask configurations. The most popular are the following:

  • Non-woven medical mask.

The simplest bandage that is used for patients with ARVI and other respiratory diseases. The classic version has ear loops, and can also have ties. Masks do not provide a tight fit to the facial skin. For their production, nonwoven materials made from polymer fibers are used.

  • Children's mask.

If the mask is used for a child, you need to pay attention to the size - the canvas should be no more than 140 by 80 mm. Otherwise, the bandage will not adhere to the face and the protective effect will be minimized. Children's masks are often made from hypoallergenic materials. It is better that the inner layer is made of natural material, without dyes.

  • Medical respirator (hard).

The rigid base allows the device to fit more tightly to the skin of the face. The respirator can be used not only by doctors, but also in everyday life. For example, it effectively protects the respiratory tract from dust and contaminants during various construction and repair work. The respirator can be worn for up to 6 hours.

  • Medical respirator with exhalation valve.

A special valve protects the mask from inflating during inhalation and exhalation and ensures a tighter fit. This respirator is more comfortable to wear. Can be used both to protect against infections and allergens during the flowering season of the corresponding plants.

The N95 respirator is one of 9 types of NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) standard respirators. The N95 mask protects against 95% of airborne particles. The letter N means that the respirator does not protect against oil particles, and the number behind the letter indicates the percentage of particles captured.
The disposable N95 respirator mask can protect the wearer's respiratory system by trapping certain types of particles. Dust from grinding, cleaning and processing of minerals, powders and other materials is captured by a respirator. The disposable N95 respirator mask can also filter non-oil particles that do not produce toxic gases. In addition, the mask effectively filters and purifies the inhaled air from unpleasant odors (harmless air). A disposable mask helps reduce the risk of inhaling microorganisms (fungi, mycobacteria, etc.). However, this respirator cannot eliminate the risk of epidemic, illness or death.

Technical Specifications of Disposable N95 Respirator Mask
1. Disposable.
2. Does not contain fiberglass
3. Does not contain allergenic elements
4. The disposable N95 respirator mask has good air permeability.
5. With adjustable nose piece
6. High filtration capacity.
7. Fits tightly on the face
8.NIOSH 95-certified
9. Disposable N95 respirator mask is designed to protect the user from inhaling hazardous dust, fumes, gas and steam.
10. Used by troops, private enterprises and the common population.
11. Packing: 20pcs/box, 20boxes/box

N95 respirator mask without exhalation valve
Article: TB04095
N95 respirator mask with exhalation valve
Article: TB04095V

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ARCHIVE: 95% safer: vapers are among us

Photo: Liya Garayeva / Kemerovo Newspaper; flickr

Today it is impossible not to notice on the streets of Kemerovo the appearance of a cloud-man with an alien stick in his hands - the so-called vaper. The excitement around vaping is growing before our eyes: every day a huge number of memes with “vaping” people are posted on the Internet, specialized stores are opening in cities, and places have already appeared where such guys can easily “bring heaven to earth” in the company of like-minded people.

The Kemerovo Newspaper correspondent decided to find out what the unfamiliar word “vaping” hides, how legal it is and how safe it is for health.

Evolution of the smoker

Today, a vaper is any person who consumes nicotine using a special type of electronic cigarette that produces steam instead of smoke.

The first “smokeless cigarette” was invented by Herbert Gilbert in 1963. This device made it possible to do without burning tobacco and paper, but it was not particularly popular for one simple reason - smoking tobacco was allowed everywhere.

Active sales of electronic cigarettes began in China in the 1990s. At that time, the Celestial Empire represented the main sales market. And it was Hon Lik, a Chinese inventor and physician, who carried out a revolution of sorts. Despite the fact that he himself was a heavy smoker, the scientist hated his habit because his father died of lung cancer due to this addiction. So Hon Lik decided to invent a safer way to smoke. His electronic cigarette, consisting of a battery, a plastic cartridge, an ultrasonic atomizer and a mixture of nicotine and propylene glycol, was introduced to the public in 2003. Afterwards, “soaring” found its fans both in the Middle Kingdom and throughout the world.

The principle of an electronic cigarette is quite simple. The atomizer (evaporator) contains a coil through which a wick is passed. Liquid is supplied to it. The spiral heats up when exposed to current, and the liquid evaporates. The resulting vapor is inhaled by vapers. The “liquid” (liquid) contains glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and flavoring. There are also refills without nicotine.

I don't smoke, I vape

Gradually, the fashion for vaping reached Russia, and then spread throughout the regions. Nowadays, compared to ordinary smokers, there are not so many vapers, but they do exist. For example, a 20-year-old Kemerovo resident Nikita Radchenko has been “soaring” for a year now.

“It all started when I tried an electronic cigarette on vacation two years ago. I wasn’t particularly interested because the vapor was the same as the smoke from a regular cigarette. Then, gradually, the history of vaping began to develop, various photographs appeared on the Internet or some information about new products in this area. Electronic cigarettes now produce more vapor and come in different flavors. So I switched from regular smoking to vaping. I no longer feel that disgusting taste of cigarettes, my clothes don’t smell, and I don’t cause inconvenience to others. Only small clouds that people usually look around at. Psychologists believe that those who soar are addicted to them. No one will get high on the taste without exhaling a lot of steam. I myself work in a vape shop and I can say that it is quite an expensive pleasure. But if you make the liquid yourself, it will be cheaper than cigarettes. Everything you need for it can be easily purchased in the store. However, there is one drawback: there are no long-term technologies yet. The devices are not suitable for repair in the event of a breakdown.", says the vaper.

According to Nikita, vaping is much safer than regular cigarettes. During his five years of smoking, he often woke up with headaches and suffered from shortness of breath, but now, he says, all this is gone. This is why many people switch from smoking to vaping.

In addition, there are already several places in Kemerovo where the clouds never seem to dissipate. Usually, lovers of vaping gather in vape shops: there they can exchange liquids, no matter how strange it may sound, and also buy something new.

When 5% turned out to be dangerous

So far, vapers are floating in rainbow clouds, and there is a completely logical explanation for this. A Public Health England report from August 2015 stated that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than cigarettes. But is everything really so rosy? We decided to find out this from the chief narcologist of the Siberian Federal District Andrey Lopatin.

“This process of nicotine use has practically not been studied. I don't think there's anything here that radically changes the concept of smoking addiction. It's just technologically more modern. And it’s probably not vitamins that are formed during the use of an e-cigarette. And these substances are likely to have a negative effect on a person’s lungs. Therefore, talk about how it is harmless is for the naive. Previously, cigarettes with filters and light cigarettes appeared, which promised to make smoking light and easy. Now even a child probably knows that there is no lightness or lightness. The negative consequences of tobacco are always the same. Of course, it is harmful to be around a vaper. The liquid contains substances that, when vaped, turn into far from useful substances. A certain period of time will pass, which will provide an opportunity to study the negative consequences on human health and his psyche from the point of view of addiction. Here we see precisely the negative aspect of a gentle initiation into smoking and the subsequent formation of a regular smoker. They start with pampering, light cigarettes, such vaping, then they move on to something more conservative, and then the traditional scenario. With regular use of nicotine, a person essentially becomes a drug addict.”, says Lopatin.

Of course, sometimes vaping helps you quit smoking. But the opinion of narcologists confirms that this is simply a psychological substitution, and the harm that nicotine causes to health is not reduced by the vapor. Meanwhile, manufacturers, sellers and consumers are trying in every possible way to position their hobby as something harmless, easy, good and even useful. However, this is nothing more than another marketing ploy, and if you call a spade a spade, then vaping is still the same old and not very good addiction to nicotine, wrapped in innovative packaging.

Not prohibited by law

If vapers themselves adore their aromatic vapor, then people who are not associated with such breathing exercises have ambivalent attitudes towards it. Passers-by may mistake the thick clouds for tobacco smoke, and the volume of smoke increases the level of aggression.

Electronic cigarettes are indeed not prohibited by law in Russia due to the fact that their effects on the human body have been practically unstudied. However, in some countries the anti-tobacco law still affected vaping. For example, in Italy, Canada, Denmark and Norway, not a single upstart will snort: “It is not prohibited by law!” And in the United States, you can no longer soar on board commercial flights.

“This is a definitive solution as it protects air travelers from unwanted exposure to aerosol vapors that are released when using an e-cigarette.”, - US Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx snapped.

Whether vaping will be included in the Russian anti-tobacco law - time will tell. In the meantime, people who can do without a dose of nicotine will have to soar in the clouds along with vapers. But, at least, not tobacco ones, but with the smell of strawberry or mint.

The Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development warns: smoking is harmful to your health

An N95 medical mask is a type of disposable respirator that can be used in medical or industrial settings. Both types of N95s function by filtering particles in the air before they reach your respiratory system. Both the FDA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health approve the use of N95 respirator masks to protect against the transmission of tuberculosis.

Video of the day

Indications for use

N95 respirator masks are commonly used by healthcare professionals who come into contact with a person suspected of having tuberculosis or diagnosed with active tuberculosis. Tuberculosis bacteria can pass through the air from an infected person to an uninfected person if the infected person coughs. It is safe to wear an N95 mask if your job puts you in contact with a person believed to have active TB. Mask use will also be required by public health workers who supervise the administration of intravenous anti-TB drugs to patients receiving treatment for an active infection.


The term "N95" actually refers to class-wide or NIOSH-approved respirator masks, and the function and effectiveness of individual mask models may vary. An N95-rated respirator mask is any one that filters at least 95 percent of air particles. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, N95 filters are installed in various types of masks, including N99, N100, R95, R99, R100, P95, P99 and P100. The letters in the model names indicate resistance to oils. "N" masks are not oil resistant, "P" masks are somewhat oil resistant, "R" masks are oil resistant. The numbers indicate the minimum filtration efficiency of the mask. "95" means 95 percent efficiency, "99" means 99 percent efficiency, "100" means at least 99.97 percent filtration efficiency.


There are different types of tuberculosis. Each of these poses a different level of risk to an uninfected person. You do not need to wear an N95 mask when in contact with a person who has latent TB. Latent TB means that a person has been exposed to TB bacteria but has no symptoms and cannot infect other people. Latent TB is usually treated with a six-month course of treatment. A patient with active tuberculosis will be symptomatic and can infect everyone who breathes the same air. You will need to wear an N95 mask or similar when interacting with a known TB patient or someone exhibiting characteristic symptoms of TB. These include a cough lasting at least three weeks, chest pain, coughing up phlegm or blood, weight loss, chills and night sweats. People with HIV or AIDS are at greater risk of developing active tuberculosis. TB is also more common in some countries around the world.

Precautionary measures

If your work or family life brings you into regular contact with people who may have active TB, your employer will likely impose many precautions. For example, healthcare professionals usually receive regular skin tests to assess whether TB exposure or infection has occurred. A positive skin test without other symptoms may mean you have latent TB. This is usually treated with six months of the drug isoniazid. Other precautions used to prevent the decline of tuberculosis include BCG vaccination, which is routinely given to schoolchildren in some European countries.

Fans of swimming and diving have probably noticed the new format of swimming masks that look like a helmet. These are underwater masks for the entire face. Their main feature is that the air tube has a valve that closes when submerged under water. In addition, there is no need to hold the pipe in your teeth. The mask itself is divided into 2 sectors: for breathing and for viewing. Thanks to this, the glass does not fog up and you can enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.

In this article, in addition to the advantages and disadvantages, we will look at the features of using this type of mask.

Full face snorkel mask: who is it for?

An underwater mask will allow you to plunge into a world that beckons with its secrets, as if you are inside a boundless oceanarium with the most exotic inhabitants. This mask will also be useful for underwater fishing enthusiasts - you will be able to dive into shallow river depths to catch the desired catch! Or you can just look at the variety of shapes and colors of sea pebbles on the bottom. Children especially love this!

Note: Although some people call these underwater masks diving masks, they are not suitable for diving deeper than 1.5-2 meters.

Therefore, if you are looking for a mask specifically for deep sea diving, then this option is not suitable for you.

Design features of an underwater mask for snorkeling

Completely sealed. Thanks to the presence of a special float in the breathing tube, which, when immersed under water, clogs its upper hole, water is completely prevented from getting inside during strong waves or diving under water - you can safely dive to depth!

The glass of the mask does not fog up. Thanks to modern ventilation technologies, it does not fog up under any conditions, creating comfortable breathing for you. The exhaled air is discharged through the side gutters, through which the air enters the tube. Thus, the air inside the mask is constantly renewed. You will feel great even if the water temperature is only 18°C, because the inhaled cool air first hits the glass, and only then into your nose and mouth.

Breathe freely and easily. The absence of a tube in your mouth and the presence of a 2-circuit ventilation system will allow you to breathe as in normal life - through your mouth or nose, which is impossible with ordinary masks!

Draining water from the mask. A special valve located at the bottom of the mask allows trapped water to be removed - an important element of safe breathing.

Panoramic snorkeling. A wide viewing angle of 180° due to the complete transparency of the entire front side of the mask will allow you to take in all the beauty of the underwater world and not miss a single inhabitant!

Prices for snorkeling masks

Especially for our readers, we have made a selection of masks for the whole face, which can be bought both on Aliexpress and on Amazon.

Popular brands of snorkel masks

Once this type of mask was developed, there were only a few manufacturers who produced them:

  • (manufacturer France). It is one of the most common brands, models of which you can buy both on the popular Amazon and Ebay sites, and in many regional online stores ;
  • (USA manufacturer). Also a popular brand that is in demand in the USA and European countries;

Subsequently, many other modifications appeared, cheaper replicas, such as . It is difficult to judge which of them will be the best purchase for you, since there are positive and negative reviews of use in all of the listed models. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them and choose the ideal combination of price and quality for yourself.

What you need to know when using the mask

Why can't I use a mask for freediving?

Since the air volume in the mask is greater than in a traditional mask, when diving up to 1 m, the pressure in the Easybreath mask increases, which leads to discomfort. The practice of freediving requires decompression, and with the Easybreath mask this is not possible due to the inability to access the nose.

Why is the tube in the mask short?

In reality, the snorkel protrudes more above the surface of the water than a classic snorkel. The classic breathing tube for swimming seems longer, because it extends from the mouth, and not from the top of the head, as is the case with the described type of mask.

What size mask is best to choose?

Full-face masks are produced by a number of manufacturers, and each has its own sizing chart and recommendations for choosing the size. To select the size in the store, you need to put on the mask and tighten it well. There should be no free space between your chin and the bottom of the mask.

Can I use a mask if I have a beard?

A beard can cause water to seep into your mask. It is not recommended for men with a beard to use this type of mask, since there is no guarantee that the plastic seal will fit tightly to the face.

Do masks really not fog up?

The anti-fog technology functions optimally at water temperatures from 18°C, because the cool air inhaled first hits the glass and only then into the nose or mouth. The moist air you exhale is discharged through the side plastic and then silicone gutters, through which the air enters the tube. Thus, the air inside the mask is constantly renewed. The same ventilation principle applies as for a car windshield.

How does the water blocking valve work (dry top system)?

This system is designed to prevent water from entering the snorkel during waves or when the user dives their head too deep while observing the underwater world. The tube contains a special float, which, when immersed under water, rises to its upper part and clogs the upper hole of the tube. Before ascending, you should not hold your breath - this way you will be sure that the float will descend down the tube again.

What precautions should you take with a full face mask?

Keep sand out! As with sunglasses and masks, avoid contact with sand as it can scratch the lens. If sand is found in the tube, do not secure it to the mask. Rinse the snorkel and mask before putting on. Sand can also block the float in the tube, which prevents water from entering. To remove sand, rinse the tube thoroughly before use or use a thin knitting needle to clean the vents.

The mask campaign is in full swing. What can you see on the streets now! There are even such things as scarves in the form of masks and masks in the form of scarves; -). Both are pure unsanitary conditions. Anything that was hanging on dirty clothes around the neck CANNOT be put on the face, be it a mask or muffler!!!

What kind of masks are there and what is the N95 standard?

Surgical masks are worn by healthcare professionals during surgery and other procedures to prevent the spread of germs in liquid droplets or aerosols from the mouth and nose.

Similar masks are often worn in Southeast Asia to prevent the spread of acute respiratory infections. For example, the Japanese wear masks when they have a cold so as not to infect others.

A mask company of unprecedented scale has now been launched in Ukraine in connection with the flu epidemic. The former Minister of Health is not shy about recommending on air to sew masks from old rags, and instead of antiviral drugs, to cook “beetroot”... It’s better to keep quiet about the rest of what you saw and heard...

Previously, masks were made from gauze, now they are mainly made from special paper or other non-woven material. They are disposable and not intended to be worn again.

A surgical mask protects the physician from biological fluids entering the mouth. She also reminds you not to touch your mouth or nose. The mask reduces the likelihood of spreading droplets of germs to other people when coughing or sneezing, and also protects to some extent from inhaling such particles. Although they do catch such particles, they are much less effective in this regard compared to respirators made specifically for this purpose. Masks provide almost no protection against microdroplets released during breathing and talking, since the size of these droplets is much smaller than those produced by coughing and sneezing.

In the United States, an institute called the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) deals with the safety of medical personnel. It is a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NIOSH has approved the N95 safety standard for medical respirators to be used by healthcare personnel in patient contact during influenza epidemics and other respiratory infections. In Europe, the N95 standard corresponds to the EN 149 FFP3 standard. According to unconfirmed information, a similar standard does not exist in Russia.

The N95 respirator mask is one of 9 types of standard respirators according to the NIOSH classification. The N95 mask protects against 95% of airborne particles. The letter N means that the respirator does not protect against oil particles, the letter R (resistant) - which partially protects against oil particles, the letter P (proof) - which protects against oil particles. The number behind the letter indicates the percentage of particles captured.

The combination of letters and numbers gives 9 types of respirators:

  • N-95, N-99 and N-100
  • R-95, R-99 and R-100
  • P-95, P-99 P-100

Unlike a regular mask, an N95 mask is much better at sealing the mouth and nose from droplets entering through the side spaces. A list of N95 respirators is available on the NIOSH website (see link: NIOSH-Approved Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators. Please note that some masks have a valve. N95 respirators do not protect against oil droplets.

N95 respirator:

N95 respirator

N95 respirator with valve. The valve reduces the accumulation of moisture under the mask:

Filtration mechanisms used in respirators.

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To improve the condition of your skin, it is not at all necessary to run to cosmetologists or spend hours with a mask on your face. It is enough to find and neutralize hidden enemies that are hidden in harmless everyday habits.

website I have prepared for you a selection of the most common household habits that turn out to be ruining your skin. Find out which ones you can opt out of today.

1. Use alcohol tonics

Many facial toners contain alcohol, which results in a complete degreasing effect.

Advice: carefully check the composition of the tonic. If you have oily and problematic skin, then the alcohol content (in the composition it will be indicated as Alcohol or Ethanol) should not exceed 5%, and for other skin types it is better to choose alcohol-free tonics and lotions.

2. Buy creams in jars

Most face creams are sold in jars, although it is much safer and more effective to use a cream with a dispenser in a sealed package: firstly, you do not put your fingers in there, which prevents the entry and proliferation of bacteria, and secondly, many of the natural ingredients of the cream retain their properties longer .

3. Wash with regular soap

Regular soap leaves the skin feeling tight and dry when washed.

Advice: choose a cleansing gel or another cleansing option: foam, milk, fluid or tonic. After the product there should be no feeling of tightness or oily skin.

4. Cleanse your skin with a scrub

Abrasive scrub particles damage dry and sensitive skin and clog pores in oily and combination skin. And in case of irritation and pimples, using a scrub is generally contraindicated.

Advice: if you want additional skin cleansing, give preference to special masks. Both purchased and homemade options are suitable.

5. Wash your face often

Sometimes, especially in summer, it is tempting to wash your face as often as possible to enjoy fresh skin. But in fact, washing more than 2-3 times a day irritates the skin. The protective mechanism will trigger increased production of sebum, which may cause a rash.

Advice: To keep your skin feeling clean even in the heat, use a light cream with a mattifying effect in the morning, and mattifying wipes during the day.

6. Dry yourself with a towel

Two problems can arise with towels at once. Firstly, wet fabric is an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria, that is, if you rarely change towels, they will cause inflammation on the skin. Secondly, rubbing with a towel injures the skin.

Advice: change your face towel as often as possible, and after washing, do not dry yourself, but lightly pat your skin.

7. You have a lot of makeup

Your skin must “get used to” each cosmetic product, which is especially noticeable when changing cream or cleanser. And if you use many different products or change them frequently, then your skin will have to constantly adapt to new care, and it will quickly respond to you with dullness and irritation.

8. Don't give your face a break from makeup

When it comes to makeup, everything is good in moderation. The main thing is to avoid harsh foundations that clog pores, be sure to wash off makeup in the evening and give your skin 1-2 days of respite per week.

Advice: When choosing a foundation, give preference to one that is labeled “non-comedogenic” - this means that such a product does not clog the sebaceous glands or clog pores.

9. Constantly being under air conditioning

Air conditioning in the car, air conditioning in the office, and perhaps also at home - and you are in terribly dry air all day, which also dehydrates your skin. If you often find yourself in air-conditioned areas, pay special attention to choosing a good moisturizer.

10. Not getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep causes stress, and stress increases cortisol levels. This hormone affects sebum production and causes premature skin aging. During sleep, cortisol levels drop, allowing the skin to repair itself. So sleep is the best beauty remedy.

11. Drink a lot of coffee

Those who drink more than 1 cup of coffee per day should be aware that coffee causes dullness of the skin, dilation of blood vessels and can cause rosacea. If you're ready to drink less coffee, but don't want to lose the energizing effect, there are others.

12. Lead a sedentary lifestyle

How safe are e-cigarettes for health, or why legislation is being revised in Britain. Scientists talk about the health threat “vapers are 95 safer than others”

Fans of swimming and diving have probably noticed the new format of swimming masks that look like a helmet. These are underwater masks for the entire face. Their main feature is that the air tube has a valve that closes when submerged under water. In addition, there is no need to hold the pipe in your teeth. The mask itself is divided into 2 sectors: for breathing and for viewing. Thanks to this, the glass does not fog up and you can enjoy the beauty of the underwater world.

In this article, in addition to the advantages and disadvantages, we will look at the features of using this type of mask.

Full face snorkel mask: who is it for?

An underwater mask will allow you to plunge into a world that beckons with its secrets, as if you are inside a boundless oceanarium with the most exotic inhabitants. This mask will also be useful for underwater fishing enthusiasts - you will be able to dive into shallow river depths to catch the desired catch! Or you can just look at the variety of shapes and colors of sea pebbles on the bottom. Children especially love this!

Note: Although some people call these underwater masks diving masks, they are not suitable for diving deeper than 1.5-2 meters.

Therefore, if you are looking for a mask specifically for deep sea diving, then this option is not suitable for you.

Design features of an underwater mask for snorkeling

Completely sealed. Thanks to the presence of a special float in the breathing tube, which, when immersed under water, clogs its upper hole, water is completely prevented from getting inside during strong waves or diving under water - you can safely dive to depth!

The glass of the mask does not fog up. Thanks to modern ventilation technologies, it does not fog up under any conditions, creating comfortable breathing for you. The exhaled air is discharged through the side gutters, through which the air enters the tube. Thus, the air inside the mask is constantly renewed. You will feel great even if the water temperature is only 18°C, because the inhaled cool air first hits the glass, and only then into your nose and mouth.

Breathe freely and easily. The absence of a tube in your mouth and the presence of a 2-circuit ventilation system will allow you to breathe as in normal life - through your mouth or nose, which is impossible with ordinary masks!

Draining water from the mask. A special valve located at the bottom of the mask allows trapped water to be removed - an important element of safe breathing.

Panoramic snorkeling. A wide viewing angle of 180° due to the complete transparency of the entire front side of the mask will allow you to take in all the beauty of the underwater world and not miss a single inhabitant!

Prices for snorkeling masks

Especially for our readers, we have made a selection of masks for the whole face, which can be bought both on Aliexpress and on Amazon.

Popular brands of snorkel masks

Once this type of mask was developed, there were only a few manufacturers who produced them:

  • (manufacturer France). It is one of the most common brands, models of which you can buy both on the popular Amazon and Ebay sites, and in many regional online stores ;
  • (USA manufacturer). Also a popular brand that is in demand in the USA and European countries;

Subsequently, many other modifications appeared, cheaper replicas, such as . It is difficult to judge which of them will be the best purchase for you, since there are positive and negative reviews of use in all of the listed models. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with them and choose the ideal combination of price and quality for yourself.

What you need to know when using the mask

Why can't I use a mask for freediving?

Since the air volume in the mask is greater than in a traditional mask, when diving up to 1 m, the pressure in the Easybreath mask increases, which leads to discomfort. The practice of freediving requires decompression, and with the Easybreath mask this is not possible due to the inability to access the nose.

Why is the tube in the mask short?

In reality, the snorkel protrudes more above the surface of the water than a classic snorkel. The classic breathing tube for swimming seems longer, because it extends from the mouth, and not from the top of the head, as is the case with the described type of mask.

What size mask is best to choose?

Full-face masks are produced by a number of manufacturers, and each has its own sizing chart and recommendations for choosing the size. To select the size in the store, you need to put on the mask and tighten it well. There should be no free space between your chin and the bottom of the mask.

Can I use a mask if I have a beard?

A beard can cause water to seep into your mask. It is not recommended for men with a beard to use this type of mask, since there is no guarantee that the plastic seal will fit tightly to the face.

Do masks really not fog up?

The anti-fog technology functions optimally at water temperatures from 18°C, because the cool air inhaled first hits the glass and only then into the nose or mouth. The moist air you exhale is discharged through the side plastic and then silicone gutters, through which the air enters the tube. Thus, the air inside the mask is constantly renewed. The same ventilation principle applies as for a car windshield.

How does the water blocking valve work (dry top system)?

This system is designed to prevent water from entering the snorkel during waves or when the user dives their head too deep while observing the underwater world. The tube contains a special float, which, when immersed under water, rises to its upper part and clogs the upper hole of the tube. Before ascending, you should not hold your breath - this way you will be sure that the float will descend down the tube again.

What precautions should you take with a full face mask?

Keep sand out! As with sunglasses and masks, avoid contact with sand as it can scratch the lens. If sand is found in the tube, do not secure it to the mask. Rinse the snorkel and mask before putting on. Sand can also block the float in the tube, which prevents water from entering. To remove sand, rinse the tube thoroughly before use or use a thin knitting needle to clean the vents.

Electronic cigarettes, or vapes, have entered consumer fashion over the past few years. Such devices are actively used by experienced smokers who want to quit smoking, and also by a whole army of people who like to “vaporize” aromatic mixtures as an alternative to a traditional cigarette or cigarillo. Manufacturers and sellers of vapes, earning multi-million dollar profits from this crop, claim that regular vaping is virtually harmless. Although, at the same time, narcologists and therapists do not share such enthusiasm, since clinical studies of the use of vaping have not yet been completed.

Vape device and operating principle

Vape or as it is also called an electronic device for vaping. This is a fairly simple device, based on only three basic working modules - an evaporator, a battery and a container for aromatic liquid. In addition, the vape is equipped with an open filament coil, a button for activating the battery, and an electronic display for monitoring the condition of the battery and some other technical parameters.

When you press the button of the device, the flavored liquid filled into the container enters the spiral, which, when heated, evaporates. The resulting vapor is inhaled by a viper (smoker or, as they are also called, a steamer). Thus, during the evaporation process, a highly dispersed aerosol is formed, which subsequently enters the viper’s lungs, and the active substances of the vapor are absorbed into the blood through the pulmonary bubbles and distributed throughout the body.

Impact on the body

The process of exposure of the body to highly dispersed aerosol is not yet completely clear. The wipe as a consumer device became widespread less than ten years ago, so research into the full range of effects and consequences of vaping has not yet been studied.
Nevertheless, a general idea of ​​the influence of vaping has already been formed. So, the vaping liquid is a mixture of two bases - propylene glycol (about 60% of the total composition), glycerin (about 30%), additionally mixed with flavorings (2-4%), nicotine and water.

Propylene glycol is a sweetish, odorless liquid that can absorb water vapor. This substance is approved for use as a food additive in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Medical studies have confirmed its relative harmlessness to the human body. Getting into the lungs and then into the blood, propylene glycol is partially excreted in its original form, and some of it is converted into lactic acid, which is subsequently absorbed by the body.

Glycerin is a relatively harmless liquid. However, with the loss of water (dehydration), which actually occurs during the evaporation process, this substance becomes toxic. Especially for the human lungs, the bubbles of which (alvioles) gradually collapse from the effects of this poison.
Flavors used for vaping are volatile esters based on natural food or synthetic bases). In principle, these compounds are relatively harmless and are used in the confectionery industry. However, their effects on the lungs and blood of the smoker as a result of conversion to vapor have not yet been studied.

The position of vaping adherents

Fans of vaping, as well as marketers promoting these devices on the global consumer market, unanimously declare that vaping is practically harmless. Their main argument is based on the fact that the aerosol contains no combustion products of paper and dry tobacco. After all, they are the main carcinogenic factors. Thus, the vaping liquid is de facto free of the vast majority of the 4,000 toxins that arise as a result of thermal distillation (smoking) of tobacco or hookah.

Vaping advocates believe that temporarily vaping an e-cigarette is one of the most effective ways to quit smoking. If nicotine is excluded from the vaping mixture, the body of yesterday’s smoker will be able to completely abandon his bad habit within a couple of months of using this device. As a result of quitting tobacco, shortness of breath will gradually disappear, taste and smell will completely return, yellow plaque will disappear from the teeth, and the gums will stop bleeding.

But WHO is against it!

In a recent report on Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially stated that vapers, e-cigarettes and similar aerosol-vaping devices are not completely harmless. As a result of research, it was found that vaping liquids, in addition to the relatively innocent glycerin and propylene glycol, contain formaldehyde and some other toxins that can cause cancer. In addition, vaping mixtures most often do not undergo any licensing at all, therefore, their compositions may contain the most unexpected ingredients.

More details about the dangers of vaping

As we have already noted, many of the nuances of regular inhalation of aerosols based on glycerin and propylene glycol are not yet clear to doctors. However, today we can speak with complete confidence about the following facts:
  • Propylene glycol when vaped can irritate the respiratory tract and cause allergic reactions. In some cases, asthma may occur;
  • chemical flavorings that enter the body of the vaper cause harm at the cellular level;
  • The dosage of nicotine in vaping liquid bottles is often unknown. By inhaling such vapor, the vaper runs the risk of receiving an overdose of nicotine, which can lead to cardiac dysfunction;
  • Chemical nicotine is added to vape liquids, which is much more toxic and, therefore, more harmful than natural;
  • There are no guarantees of quitting cigarettes due to switching to vaping. Therefore, a cigarette smoker who decides to quit smoking by vaping runs the risk of acquiring another bad habit;
  • Vaping invariably leads to psychological addiction. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to say that smoking electronic cigarettes is another variation on the theme of substance abuse.


The ancient inhabitants of the American continent used smoking in their shamanic rituals back in the fourth millennium BC. Three thousand years later, tobacco was held in high esteem by the healers of the peoples of Central America - healing properties were attributed to it, moreover, it was used as a painkiller.

Tobacco was also used as a form of currency between Native Americans and colonizers since the 1620s. In the 16th century, upon returning home, the latter introduced Europeans to tobacco. Even though the newly converted hobbyists were accused of being associated with the devil by the Inquisition, the Portuguese and Spanish continued to introduce the plant to Europe, accelerating its spread across the continent as a result.

As with the Native Americans, tobacco in the Old World was initially considered a panacea - it was used to cure a wide variety of diseases. During the First World War, tobacco was included in the mandatory diet of soldiers: doctors recommended smoking it to calm the nerves. Tobacco received the status of a strategic product during World War II, and in the 40-50s. In the 20th century, cigarettes became an element of the image of many successful film stars. It was during these years that people first started talking about the dangers of smoking.

In 1950, British epidemiologist Richard Doll published a study in the British Medical Journal that showed a strong link between smoking and lung cancer. Four years later, the so-called The British Doctors Study, which followed 40,000 doctors over 20 years, confirmed this assumption. Based on the results, the British government made an official statement for the first time that smoking is directly linked to lung cancer. Long-term statistical research by doctors was carried out until 2001, the results were published every ten years, and the latest findings were published in 2004. The final verdict is that smoking leads to lung cancer and myocardial infarction.

In the 1970s, tobacco companies began experimenting with cigarette designs and textures. The industry hoped to create a "safer" cigarette that would appeal to health-conscious consumers. The addition of filters was the first major modification to the product - later filters became an essential element in the development of "light" cigarettes (lights). Because filtered cigarettes were marketed as relatively safe and less harmful, smokers concerned about the negative effects of tobacco were convinced that by switching to filtered cigarettes they could minimize the harmful effects of smoking on their health.

In addition to promoting filtered products, the tobacco industry has simultaneously invested in developing cigarettes that would produce lower tar and nicotine levels when subject to mandatory testing by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These efforts led to the introduction and intensive promotion of "light" cigarettes in the 1970s. The new type of cigarette now had a special perforated filter, which supposedly compensated for the concentration of inhaled harmful smoke with clean air. Most importantly for the tobacco industry, however, these cigarettes exhibited lower tar and nicotine levels when tested by the FTC.

However, according to a 2004 report by the US Surgeon General, "smoking cigarettes with lower tar and nicotine levels as measured by a smoking machine does not make smoking less harmful." Moreover, the tobacco companies' own internal documents also showed that cigarette manufacturers were aware of the differences between machine reading levels and the actual doses received when smokers actually inhaled them. Tobacco companies were also aware of the existence of compensatory behavior that causes consumers to smoke more when switching to "light" cigarettes. As a result, this type of cigarette may have become the choice of a certain segment of smokers, but it had no effect on improving the health of consumers. In 2008, the US Federal Trade Commission recognized that machine testing did not provide reliable measurements and eliminated this method of analysis.

From the middle of the last century until the beginning of the current one, all major changes in the tobacco industry were of an evolutionary nature - attempts were made to improve products and reduce the content of harmful substances, but success was minimal. However, in the 21st century, a new category of tobacco products appeared, significantly different from their traditional counterparts. In 2003, a Hong Kong pharmacist invented a prototype device that, a few years later, replaced traditional cigarettes for millions of people around the world. Electronic cigarette (or vape, from the English ch. vape- “vape”) works on a smokeless principle - a special cartridge with “e-liquid” is inserted into its base, which usually includes a mixture of glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and flavoring, which heats up, releasing steam. Today on the vape market there are a lot of product variations in the form of different forms, device designs, as well as a large selection of flavors. The legal status of electronic cigarettes varies greatly in countries - from a total ban on sale and production (in Argentina) to the assignment of "e-liquid" to the official status of a medical drug (in Germany, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands).

The popularization of vaping products among smokers can be called a revolution, since thanks to electronic cigarettes, an impressive portion of smokers around the world were able to give up cigarettes and switch to smoke-free nicotine consumption. The fact is that the vapor significantly reduces the content of harmful substances and impurities that are found in tobacco smoke. These data are supported by numerous studies, including a report from Public Health England, in which scientists state that vaping is 95% safer than smoking regular cigarettes. Moreover, the agency has officially recommended the use of e-cigarettes as an alternative drug for nicotine replacement therapy, as reflected in the recently published UK National Tobacco Control Plan 2017-2022.

Nicotine itself is not a particularly harmful substance. There is no doubt that high doses of nicotine are hazardous to health, but not in the quantities found in cigarettes or vapes. There is evidence that nicotine can lead to changes in adolescent brain development, especially in areas responsible for intelligence, language and memory. At the same time, Western countries have already begun to introduce restrictions on the sale of electronic cigarettes containing nicotine - in countries such as the UK and Canada, sales to persons under 18-19 years of age are prohibited by law.

When nicotine binds to receptors in the brain, it releases dopamine, which plays an important role in regulating attention, concentration, appetite suppression and movement.

These properties explain the fact that nicotine can reduce the symptoms of a neurological disease such as Parkinson's disease. Patients with early stages of Alzheimer's disease also show some improvement when using nicotine patches, moreover, American researchers have also reported the ability to restore the balance of brain neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which ensure the transmission of information between nerve cells) in patients with depression using nicotine .

In another long-term study, a group of British and American scientists tracked the health and levels of carcinogens in five groups of participants: regular cigarette smokers, former smokers, and long-term (usage time equal to or greater than 6 months) users of e-cigarettes or nicotine replacement medications (NRT), long-term users of conventional and e-cigarettes or conventional cigarettes and nicotine replacement therapy. As a result, experts found that the level of harmful substances when a former smoker completely switched to electronic cigarettes dropped sharply to the level found in users who exclusively used NRT drugs (nicotine patches, chewing gum, etc.).

Thus, we can say that electronic cigarettes can truly become an alternative to smoking, and, with a complete refusal of conventional cigarettes, can positively affect the health of the consumer. However, not all smokers like vaping - some note that e-cigarettes do not bring the same pleasure, others complain that they do not get high, and still others point out the taste differences.

In this regard, several years ago, a new type of product in the form of tobacco heating systems gained popularity on the world market. This method of nicotine delivery differs from traditional and electronic cigarettes - the fact is that there is no process of combustion or evaporation of nicotine liquid. A special tobacco stick is placed in the device, which, when heated to a certain degree, produces a nicotine aerosol with much lower levels of other harmful substances found in tobacco smoke. Users note that such devices most accurately reproduce the taste of tobacco. And this, in turn, contributes to the transition from cigarettes to alternative products.

The technology for heating tobacco first appeared on the market in the late 80s, but early versions were not in demand - users complained about the inconvenience of the design and the unpleasant taste. Moreover, the developers were unable to completely eliminate the combustion process, as a result of which a significant reduction in harm to health during use was not achieved.

Today, a number of large tobacco companies have in their product line their own versions of products based on tobacco heating technology. Their operating principles are somewhat different - in one case, the device heats tobacco in a special stick to a temperature not exceeding 350 degrees. In another, a hot aerosol passes through a capsule containing granulated tobacco leaves. And, although all the developments of competing tobacco companies are based on different technologies, it is important to note that due to the absence of a combustion process, the level of carcinogens in device aerosols is reduced, therefore, they have less harmful effects on the body compared to cigarettes.

The development of innovation in the tobacco industry is in line with a global trend in which new technologies are being introduced into many industries in order to reduce harm to people's health. This trend is especially noticeable in the consumer goods market - the popularity of farm-grown “organic” food without chemical additives is growing, manufacturers of household chemicals are beginning to produce phosphate-free washing powders, and manufacturers of plastic products (especially toys) have stopped using harmful chemical impurities (for example, the use of the chemical Bisphenol And as a hardener in the manufacture of plastic, it is prohibited in a number of countries due to possible harmful effects on health - it can provoke endocrine system disorders and oncology). The auto industry also keeps up with the times - electric cars do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, thus positively affecting the health of city residents. Finally, innovation has led to the development of less harmful alternatives to smoking.

All these examples show that the reduced risk product industry will develop in the future as there is a growing demand for it around the world. Thus, innovative companies have the opportunity to continue to improve their products and at the same time change the world for the better.

95% safer: vapers are among us

Photo: Liya Garayeva / Kemerovo Newspaper; flickr

Today it is impossible not to notice on the streets of Kemerovo the appearance of a cloud-man with an alien stick in his hands - the so-called vaper. The excitement around vaping is growing before our eyes: every day a huge number of memes with “vaping” people are posted on the Internet, specialized stores are opening in cities, and places have already appeared where such guys can easily “bring heaven to earth” in the company of like-minded people.

The Kemerovo Newspaper correspondent decided to find out what the unfamiliar word “vaping” hides, how legal it is and how safe it is for health.

Evolution of the smoker

Today, a vaper is any person who consumes nicotine using a special type of electronic cigarette that produces steam instead of smoke.

The first “smokeless cigarette” was invented by Herbert Gilbert in 1963. This device made it possible to do without burning tobacco and paper, but it was not particularly popular for one simple reason - smoking tobacco was allowed everywhere.

Active sales of electronic cigarettes began in China in the 1990s. At that time, the Celestial Empire represented the main sales market. And it was Hon Lik, a Chinese inventor and physician, who carried out a revolution of sorts. Despite the fact that he himself was a heavy smoker, the scientist hated his habit because his father died of lung cancer due to this addiction. So Hon Lik decided to invent a safer way to smoke. His electronic cigarette, consisting of a battery, a plastic cartridge, an ultrasonic atomizer and a mixture of nicotine and propylene glycol, was introduced to the public in 2003. Afterwards, “soaring” found its fans both in the Middle Kingdom and throughout the world.

The principle of an electronic cigarette is quite simple. The atomizer (evaporator) contains a coil through which a wick is passed. Liquid is supplied to it. The spiral heats up when exposed to current, and the liquid evaporates. The resulting vapor is inhaled by vapers. The “liquid” (liquid) contains glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine and flavoring. There are also refills without nicotine.

I don't smoke, I vape

Gradually, the fashion for vaping reached Russia, and then spread throughout the regions. Nowadays, compared to ordinary smokers, there are not so many vapers, but they do exist. For example, a 20-year-old Kemerovo resident Nikita Radchenko has been “soaring” for a year now.

“It all started when I tried an electronic cigarette on vacation two years ago. I wasn’t particularly interested because the vapor was the same as the smoke from a regular cigarette. Then, gradually, the history of vaping began to develop, various photographs appeared on the Internet or some information about new products in this area. Electronic cigarettes now produce more vapor and come in different flavors. So I switched from regular smoking to vaping. I no longer feel that disgusting taste of cigarettes, my clothes don’t smell, and I don’t cause inconvenience to others. Only small clouds that people usually look around at. Psychologists believe that those who soar are addicted to them. No one will get high on the taste without exhaling a lot of steam. I myself work in a vape shop and I can say that it is quite an expensive pleasure. But if you make the liquid yourself, it will be cheaper than cigarettes. Everything you need for it can be easily purchased in the store. However, there is one drawback: there are no long-term technologies yet. The devices are not suitable for repair in the event of a breakdown.", says the vaper.

According to Nikita, vaping is much safer than regular cigarettes. During his five years of smoking, he often woke up with headaches and suffered from shortness of breath, but now, he says, all this is gone. This is why many people switch from smoking to vaping.

In addition, there are already several places in Kemerovo where the clouds never seem to dissipate. Usually, lovers of vaping gather in vape shops: there they can exchange liquids, no matter how strange it may sound, and also buy something new.

When 5% turned out to be dangerous

So far, vapers are floating in rainbow clouds, and there is a completely logical explanation for this. A Public Health England report from August 2015 stated that e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful than cigarettes. But is everything really so rosy? We decided to find out this from the chief narcologist of the Siberian Federal District Andrey Lopatin.

“This process of nicotine use has practically not been studied. I don't think there's anything here that radically changes the concept of smoking addiction. It's just technologically more modern. And it’s probably not vitamins that are formed during the use of an e-cigarette. And these substances are likely to have a negative effect on a person’s lungs. Therefore, talk about how it is harmless is for the naive. Previously, cigarettes with filters and light cigarettes appeared, which promised to make smoking light and easy. Now even a child probably knows that there is no lightness or lightness. The negative consequences of tobacco are always the same. Of course, it is harmful to be around a vaper. The liquid contains substances that, when vaped, turn into far from useful substances. A certain period of time will pass, which will provide an opportunity to study the negative consequences on human health and his psyche from the point of view of addiction. Here we see precisely the negative aspect of a gentle initiation into smoking and the subsequent formation of a regular smoker. They start with pampering, light cigarettes, such vaping, then they move on to something more conservative, and then the traditional scenario. With regular use of nicotine, a person essentially becomes a drug addict.”, says Lopatin.

Of course, sometimes vaping helps you quit smoking. But the opinion of narcologists confirms that this is simply a psychological substitution, and the harm that nicotine causes to health is not reduced by the vapor. Meanwhile, manufacturers, sellers and consumers are trying in every possible way to position their hobby as something harmless, easy, good and even useful. However, this is nothing more than another marketing ploy, and if you call a spade a spade, then vaping is still the same old and not very good addiction to nicotine, wrapped in innovative packaging.

Not prohibited by law

If vapers themselves adore their aromatic vapor, then people who are not associated with such breathing exercises have ambivalent attitudes towards it. Passers-by may mistake the thick clouds for tobacco smoke, and the volume of smoke increases the level of aggression.

Electronic cigarettes are indeed not prohibited by law in Russia due to the fact that their effects on the human body have been practically unstudied. However, in some countries the anti-tobacco law still affected vaping. For example, in Italy, Canada, Denmark and Norway, not a single upstart will snort: “It is not prohibited by law!” And in the United States, you can no longer soar on board commercial flights.

“This is a definitive solution as it protects air travelers from unwanted exposure to aerosol vapors that are released when using an e-cigarette.”, - US Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx snapped.

Whether vaping will be included in the Russian anti-tobacco law - time will tell. In the meantime, people who can do without a dose of nicotine will have to soar in the clouds along with vapers. But, at least, not tobacco ones, but with the smell of strawberry or mint.

The Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development warns: smoking is harmful to your health

The mask campaign is in full swing. What can you see on the streets now! There are even such things as scarves in the form of masks and masks in the form of scarves; -). Both are pure unsanitary conditions. Anything that was hanging on dirty clothes around the neck CANNOT be put on the face, be it a mask or muffler!!!

What kind of masks are there and what is the N95 standard?

Surgical masks are worn by healthcare professionals during surgery and other procedures to prevent the spread of germs in liquid droplets or aerosols from the mouth and nose.

Similar masks are often worn in Southeast Asia to prevent the spread of acute respiratory infections. For example, the Japanese wear masks when they have a cold so as not to infect others.

A mask company of unprecedented scale has now been launched in Ukraine in connection with the flu epidemic. The former Minister of Health is not shy about recommending on air to sew masks from old rags, and instead of antiviral drugs, to cook “beetroot”... It’s better to keep quiet about the rest of what you saw and heard...

Previously, masks were made from gauze, now they are mainly made from special paper or other non-woven material. They are disposable and not intended to be worn again.

A surgical mask protects the physician from biological fluids entering the mouth. She also reminds you not to touch your mouth or nose. The mask reduces the likelihood of spreading droplets of germs to other people when coughing or sneezing, and also protects to some extent from inhaling such particles. Although they do catch such particles, they are much less effective in this regard compared to respirators made specifically for this purpose. Masks provide almost no protection against microdroplets released during breathing and talking, since the size of these droplets is much smaller than those produced by coughing and sneezing.

In the United States, an institute called the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) deals with the safety of medical personnel. It is a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NIOSH has approved the N95 safety standard for medical respirators to be used by healthcare personnel in patient contact during influenza epidemics and other respiratory infections. In Europe, the N95 standard corresponds to the EN 149 FFP3 standard. According to unconfirmed information, a similar standard does not exist in Russia.

The N95 respirator mask is one of 9 types of standard respirators according to the NIOSH classification. The N95 mask protects against 95% of airborne particles. The letter N means that the respirator does not protect against oil particles, the letter R (resistant) - which partially protects against oil particles, the letter P (proof) - which protects against oil particles. The number behind the letter indicates the percentage of particles captured.

The combination of letters and numbers gives 9 types of respirators:

  • N-95, N-99 and N-100
  • R-95, R-99 and R-100
  • P-95, P-99 P-100

Unlike a regular mask, an N95 mask is much better at sealing the mouth and nose from droplets entering through the side spaces. A list of N95 respirators is available on the NIOSH website (see link: NIOSH-Approved Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators. Please note that some masks have a valve. N95 respirators do not protect against oil droplets.

N95 respirator:

N95 respirator

N95 respirator with valve. The valve reduces the accumulation of moisture under the mask:

Filtration mechanisms used in respirators.

American scientists were the first to study the filtering capabilities of cheap cloth masks, which city residents use when the air is heavily polluted or smoky. The effectiveness of this protection turned out to be almost zero. The authors write about this in an article published in Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

Cheap and convenient, cloth masks are a common means of protection against smoke, smog and other air pollutants. They have spread widely throughout the world from countries in Southeast Asia that are particularly affected by this problem. They are not uncommon in Russian megacities, which are sometimes covered in smog from forest and peat fires. Meanwhile, there is very little reliable data on the effectiveness of this protection.

University of Massachusetts Amherst professor Richard Peltier and his co-authors note that standard industrial, rescue or medical respirator masks can be considered sufficiently studied. By American standards, they must meet level 95 of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) filter capacity scale and filter at least 95 percent of particles 0.3 microns (300 nm) or larger. However, such respirators are not always at hand, and when there is serious air pollution, people more often use the first protective masks they come across, which can be bought on the street.

Based on this, Richard Peltier and his colleagues conducted experiments and assessed the filtering capabilities of cloth masks of four different designs. All of them were purchased from street vendors in Kathmandu, where residents use such masks quite often. It was an accordion-folded medical mask; two simple rag ones and one more complex one - conical in shape, with an air release valve at the end. For comparison, Moldex 2701 and 3M 8200 respirator masks certified according to No. 95 were selected. The authors tested their ability to retain monodisperse aerosol particles with sizes of 30, 100 and 500 nm, 1 and 2.5 microns, as well as diesel fuel exhaust suspended in the air.

Scientists note that the effectiveness of cloth masks has proven to be extremely limited, especially when it comes to trapping particles 2.5 microns in size and smaller. Particles of this size are considered especially dangerous because they can penetrate deeper into the lungs. The simplest cloth masks retained 39 to 65 percent of particles and did little to prevent diesel exhaust particles, retaining only 13 to 40 percent (by weight). The most complex and expensive mask tested, with a plastic exhaust valve, performed better than the others, retaining 57 percent of exhaust and 80-90 percent of monodisperse particles - that is, at the level of certified respirators.

“Unfortunately, the most ineffective masks are the cheapest, most accessible, and most widely used in developing countries,” the authors note.

In modern healthcare conditions, protection of both medical personnel and patients is necessary. In addition to specialized medical clothing, one form of protection is medical masks, which are currently widely used in medical institutions.

TECNOL/KIMBERLY-CLARK is a leading designer and manufacturer of these products, producing a complete collection of masks in various styles to suit any consumer needs. Just as people and their facial features are different from each other, the requirements and requests for the use of masks are also different.

The most important criterion when choosing a face mask is to ensure that both the patient and the healthcare worker are equally protected. The following must be taken into account:

What is the risk of contracting an infection by air?
- Is there a risk of contact with body fluids?
- Is eye protection required?

When danger is suspected or high levels of airborne contaminants are expected, a mask with high filtration efficiency is required for these situations. To be truly effective, a mask must provide protection against bacterial contamination to reduce the likelihood of infection. AORN standards require masks to be able to trap bacteria with an effectiveness rate of at least 95%. This requirement provides protection to the mask wearer and the patient.

All TECNOL/KIMBERLY-CLARC masks exceed AORH standards for bacterial filtration efficiency. This is achieved by combining a homogeneous, glass-fiber-free filter element with ultra-fine fibers that trap microparticles as small as 0.1 microns, providing maximum protection.

To ensure protection against liquids, keep the following in mind:
- potential exposure to liquids;
- the number of possible splashes and sprays;
- requirements of the AORN standard for protection against bloodborne pathogens.

For this purpose, TECNOL/KIMBERLY-CLARC offers special anti-fluid masks, such as FLUIDSHIELD WITH VISOR, which have the following characteristic features:
- a special breathing film "LONCET" is used as an additional protective layer to provide protection from uncontrolled secretions of the human body;
- have a fiberglass-free filter element capable of retaining particles as small as 0.1 microns with 95% efficiency;
- have a form-fitting splash screen;
- Meets OSHA blood protection standards for similar personal protective equipment;
- orange color symbolizes safety and is an indication of anti-liquid masks.

All masks in the TECNOL/KIMBERLY-CLARC collection have three common quality characteristics:
1. Made of high quality three-layer materials (latex-free) for comfortable use and easy breathing.
2. Contains a fiberglass-free filter element.
3. They have a built-in nose piece for better fit and protection.

In the production of masks, a unique joining technology "SONTEC II" is used, which involves powerful rolling of three layers of soft and flexible materials and eliminates the roughness and inconvenience of traditional methods of joining materials (gluing, heating, stitching, etc.). As a result, we have a comfortable, soft, non-irritating product.

An essential characteristic of any face mask is its ability to provide easy access to cool air. Respiratory capacity is measured by differential pressure (for a mask, referred to as DP - the difference in air pressure on the inside and outside of the mask during air exchange) and is defined as the pressure required to push air through the mask material. Of course, the higher this pressure, the more uncomfortable the mask will be for the user - especially if he wears it for a long time. And, conversely, the lower the DR, the easier it is to breathe in a mask.

To ensure optimal comfort, masks use the finest fibers based on lightweight fabrics, which achieves a low level of DR. This guarantees extraordinary ease of breathing, which leads to maximum comfort in using the mask for a long time. Individual needs and preferences are also important when choosing a mask. A face mask is one of the most personal types of medical clothing.

TECNOL/KIMBERLY-CLARC offers, in addition to standard surgical and procedural three-layer masks that have all the above properties, special masks, such as the already mentioned FLUIDSHIELD anti-fluid masks with and without a protective shield, and LAZERMASK laser surgery masks, the filter of which retains potentially dangerous particles laser plume 0.1 microns in size, or special FOG FREE/ANTI FOG masks for working with glasses, which, thanks to a special evaporation-absorbing film, protect the glasses from fogging.

In addition, a wide variety of styles and designs are offered, such as standard pleated or duckbill masks, or cone-shaped masks, allowing you to choose the right size and take into account the features of the face contour.

Below is a brief description of the company's medical masks


Lightweight surgical mask (22% lighter than other masks), blue or green; with ties.

CONE CLASSIC- the only cone-shaped surgical mask with a built-in wire nosepiece provides excellent filtration exceeding 95%; on elastic bands.

ANTI FOG- a surgical mask designed to reduce fogging of glasses and microscopes; with ties.

Surgical mask designed for sensitive facial skin, pure white material is not processed with dyes; with ties.

FOG FREE- a surgical mask, on one side has a film that prevents the glass from fogging; with ties.

LAZER- gray surgical mask, perfectly filters microparticles emanating from the laser; with ties.

PROCEDURE- procedural isolating mask retains harmful substances; on elastic bands.

CARE BEAR- the procedural mask is acceptable for protection against liquids, with a pattern; on elastic bands.

Anti-fluid masks:

FLUIDSHIELD CONE CLASSIC II- anti-fluid cone-shaped surgical mask with a form-fitting anti-splash screen, provides excellent filtration exceeding 95%, orange color symbolizes safety; on elastic bands.

Anti-fluid surgical mask with form-fitting anti-splash shield, orange color symbolizes safety; with elastic bands or ties.

FLUIDSHIELD PCM2000- anti-fluid surgical mask, orange color gives a visual impression of resistance to liquids. This mask has a built-in nose piece for better fit and protection, similar to a respirator; on elastic bands.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs