Is it possible for pregnant women to have their teeth done with an injection? Is it possible to do x-rays? Healthy teeth – healthy baby

It's no secret that pregnant women often have dental problems. This is all due to changes in the body of the expectant mother at the level of mineral metabolism, errors in nutrition and a general decrease in immunity.

After all, diseases in the field of dentistry occur due to the fault of the notorious pathogenic bacteria, which activate their vital functions when the immune system is weakened.

Dental health is an important factor

It is no coincidence that a gynecologist periodically refers his pregnant patients for preventive examinations to a dentist. Therefore, it is important to identify and eliminate problems with teeth and gums in a timely manner, and for these reasons:

  • cariesthis is a source of infection, which can harm the ongoing pregnancy;
  • neglected dental damage leads to purulent inflammation requiring immediate antibiotic therapy, which is again dangerous for the child;
  • Bleeding gums may be a symptom of advanced periodontitis, often requiring the removal of several teeth at once;
  • toothache negatively affects a woman’s emotional state;
  • decaying teeth do not look aesthetically pleasing.

How to help a pregnant woman?

There are many restrictions caused by a woman’s condition.

Anesthesia - pros and cons

Fortunately, dental procedures today are not excessively painful. All this thanks to modern anesthesia. But can painkillers be used by pregnant women? Of course, yes, provided you are not allergic to them.

An experienced doctor will easily select a safe remedy for local anesthesia and determine the required dosage. Ultracaine and ubistezin are considered the safest.

Such anesthesia will not affect uterine blood flow and will not overcome the placental protective barrier, which means it will not have a negative effect on the fetus.

There is no need to be afraid of the injections themselves. The needles used for local anesthesia are so thin that the injection is almost painless. In addition, the medicines begin to act very quickly, which means there is no need to waste time waiting in the corridor for the “freezing” effect.

So, what dental procedures can expectant mothers undergo?

Dental filling

This method is used when caries develops. If the tooth is not filled in time, then by the time of birth the disease may be complicated by pulpitis or periostitis (flux). In addition, the tooth may be so damaged that its subsequent restoration will be impossible.

If your teeth hurt, the doctor will, if necessary, remove the nerve without using arsenic.

And in the absence of a purulent-inflammatory process, it will seal the cleaned tooth canals with safe materials. In this case, one visit will be enough, because today “temporary” fillings are rarely used.

Removal of a tooth

For a pregnant woman, a tooth can be pulled out only as a last resort. Usually doctors delay this procedure as much as possible, because it is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

However, there are certain indications when surgical intervention cannot be avoided, because it will help get rid of problems in the future.

At the same time, tooth extraction is always a strong stress, extremely undesirable during pregnancy.

Treatment of periodontal diseases

Numerous studies indicate that periodontitis, that is, inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth, can cause premature birth. Therefore, women in the delicate situation of periodontal disease must be treated without fail. Measures to combat the disease include:

Teeth whitening

Since this procedure uses various chemicals, it is not recommended for pregnant women. Moreover, there is a risk of side effects after teeth whitening, such as irritation and discomfort in the mouth.

Another thing is professional teeth cleaning by a dentist, as a result of which tartar and plaque will be removed, and the teeth themselves will look 1-2 shades lighter.

X-ray - is it possible or not?

During treatment, sometimes it becomes necessary to take an x-ray of the diseased tooth. Having learned about this, the expectant mother begins to panic. After all, everyone knows about the dangers of X-ray radiation.

Portable dental visiograph

However, do not worry too much, dentists are now equipped with modern visiographs. These are devices that, with minimal local radiation, create an X-ray image transmitted to a computer monitor. This procedure is more informative and safe.

In addition, the X-ray beam is directed precisely at the unhealthy tooth, and the patient’s chest and, most importantly, the stomach are covered with a special protective apron.

It’s better to forget about implants before giving birth

The procedure for installing implants for women expecting a child is not carried out. This is a long process that includes multiple visits to the clinic and mandatory antibiotic therapy to avoid side effects.

In addition, due to the constant hormonal changes in the pregnant woman’s body, there is a risk that the implants will not take root. In short, restoring a beautiful smile has to be postponed until better times.

Favorable periods for treatment

At what time is it better to treat teeth and before what time should all issues be resolved with the dentist, if we are not talking about acute pain?

1st trimester

In the early stages, all systems and organs of the fetus are formed, and its limbs develop. But at such an important time, the placenta is not developed enough to fully protect the baby from the effects of medications used for pain relief. And the woman’s general well-being cannot be called good.

Nausea, dizziness, weakness, mood swings - all this can be worsened by medical interventions. Therefore, it is still not recommended to solve dental problems in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

2nd trimester

In the second trimester, that is, after 12 weeks of expecting a child, a woman usually feels much better. Hormonal levels and emotional state are stabilized. By week 16, the formation of the protective functions of the placenta is completed.

The rounded tummy is not yet too large and does not create much pressure on the internal organs. Therefore, during dental procedures, the expectant mother feels quite comfortable. And, this means that oral cavity treatment can be planned precisely for the 2nd trimester.

3rd trimester

This period of time also cannot be designated as successful for carrying out therapeutic measures. Closer to childbirth, the load on a woman’s body is maximum. Swelling, shortness of breath, hypertension, and back pain appear. In the later stages, nervous tension reaches its peak.

Nevertheless, before the birth of the child, it is still worth healing all carious teeth, although this must be done with extreme caution. Otherwise, every kiss given to a baby will be rich in a huge number of harmful microorganisms.

Answers to basic questions about dental treatment during pregnancy:

What to do if your tooth hurts or aches?

Toothache while expecting a baby can darken the life of any woman.

In addition to the fact that severe stress is harmful to the baby, inflammatory mediators that are released in the area of ​​the diseased tooth can penetrate the placental barrier and even cause premature birth.

Of course, if your tooth hurts or aches, you need to see a dentist as soon as possible.

If this is not possible, and the toothache needs to be calmed, then you can use safe painkillers: Paracetamol and Nurofen. The latter is not used in the 3rd trimester.

Rinsing can also relieve pain somewhat:

  • soda (1 tsp per 0.5 cup of water);
  • decoctions of herbs (chamomile and sage);
  • antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin).

When you see the doctor, don’t forget to tell her that you are expecting a baby. This will allow the dentist to choose the safest and most effective tactics.

What to do if your wisdom tooth hurts

The location of the wisdom tooth often complicates the treatment process. The fact is that wisdom teeth are often impacted, i.e. Incorrectly positioned in the jaw: at an angle or perpendicular to other teeth.

Sometimes there is simply not enough room for them in the mouth and they grow completely or partially into the gum tissue, which leads to inflammation. The only solution in this case is to remove the “eights”.

If the tooth is positioned normally, then they try to preserve it until the last moment. After all, the removal of a wisdom tooth often threatens complications in the form of swelling, pain and fever.

How to save teeth?

Even at the stage of planning motherhood, all problems regarding dentistry should be eliminated. And during pregnancy, it is important to pay special attention to oral hygiene:

  1. For example, it is better to purchase soft toothbrushes with a lot of bristles. They do not injure the gums, but at the same time perfectly clean tooth enamel.
  2. To completely remove food debris from the interdental spaces, it is necessary to use dental floss and special pipe cleaners.
  3. Toothpaste should be chosen with complex protection or based on plant extracts. They will reduce the manifestations of bleeding gums and provide good protection against caries if used regularly.

Proper nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining a beautiful smile. The diet must include foods rich in calcium: nuts, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, fish and eggs.

There is no need to give up taking synthetic vitamin-mineral complexes.

Well, the most important condition for not being left without teeth after pregnancy and childbirth is their timely treatment. If you do not put off visiting a dental clinic because of an unreasonable fear of pain, not a single problem will be neglected.

In addition, the possible harm from treatment cannot be compared with the danger that his mother’s bad teeth pose to the child.

After all, in the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby and the placenta have not yet formed properly, and in the third trimester, anxiety and discomfort during dental procedures on a sore tooth can cause premature birth.

Dental fillings during pregnancy

Before filling the canal, the tooth is drilled to remove carious formations.

Drilling teeth with deep caries causes severe pain, so it is necessary to give an anesthetic injection into the gum (in several places), and when necessary, into the pulp of the tooth. After this, the patient can have the diseased tooth cleaned and filled painlessly.

Treatment of a tooth with shallow caries is possible without the use of anesthetic. But some patients have such a low pain threshold that even filling a tooth with superficial caries causes them terrible pain. With pulpitis, you cannot do without local anesthesia.

Removal of the nerve followed by filling

Depulpation during pregnancy is carried out using an arsenic-free paste (for example, Devit-S), which is placed in the tooth cavity to die and dissolve the pulp. This is the only way the dentist can reach the dental nerve.

After applying the special paste, a temporary filling is placed on the tooth, which after several days is opened and the nerve is removed. After which the tooth canals are cleaned and widened, then the root canals are filled with gutta-percha, and finally a permanent filling is placed on the tooth. As a rule, these procedures are unpleasant, but practically painless.

Make sure that you do not chew food on a tooth with a temporary filling, and when brushing your teeth, you should also avoid touching this tooth with a toothbrush. Otherwise, the temporary filling may crumble.

If the filling has broken off a little and there is an unusual taste of medicine in your mouth, immediately contact your dentist with a complaint. It is possible for the medication to leak through a crack in the temporary filling.

Anesthesia during pregnancy

Dental anesthesia is used to temporarily numb the tooth tissues, thus reducing their sensitivity, and the dentist can treat the tooth without hindrance.

Local anesthesia is used for:

  • drilling teeth before filling them;
  • nerve removal;
  • pulp surgery;
  • tooth extraction.

Recommended anesthetics during pregnancy are Ubistezin or Ultracaine D-S (namely D-S). Their use is considered acceptable for the treatment of pregnant women, because they do not affect the health and development of the fetus.

To make the injection into the gum easier to tolerate, the injection site is treated with Novocaine. Thanks to him, the puncture of the tissue will be barely felt. Warn the dentist in advance that you are pregnant, so that when treating the injection site with Novocain, the dose of anesthetic is minimal.

Please note: the cheek, tongue, lips and other areas of the mouth that come under the spray of Novocain spray will become numb. So don't be alarmed, this is how it should be. Try not to worry and breathe evenly through your nose.

Novocaine is acceptable when treating pregnant women, but you should not swallow saliva after treating the injection site with this drug; spit it into a bowl.

Be careful! Any painkiller can lead to an allergic skin reaction and other side effects (low blood pressure, weakness and dizziness), so you must first test your individual tolerance to the drug by applying a small amount of the drug to the gums with a cotton swab dipped in anesthetic.

Dental X-ray during pregnancy

Modern dental clinics are equipped with visiographs (digital X-rays), which are suitable for taking dental photographs of pregnant women and children, since the radiation from these devices is so low that it cannot have a negative effect on the body of the expectant mother and fetus.

If the dentistry you choose does not have such equipment, a spot film X-ray of the tooth will be suitable, using a special lead apron or vest for the pregnant woman to protect the child and the woman’s organs from radiation.

X-rays use doses of radiation that are safe for humans, and the duration of exposure to X-rays is short-term, so there is no need to worry about this.

During my obstetric practice, a dozen women I observed were x-rayed in the first trimester without knowing they were pregnant, and all of them gave birth to healthy babies. Some of them had complications during pregnancy, which were caused by illnesses that were not treated in time.

It is much worse for a pregnant woman to live in a polluted city with eternally smoking chimneys of factories and factories, inhale cigarette smoke from passive smoking and drink low-alcohol drinks (even in small quantities).

A. Berezhnaya, obstetrician-gynecologist

When diagnosing teeth using an X-ray machine, a person receives a radiation dose of 0.2-0.3 mSv (unit of measurement - millisievert), and only targeted irradiation of the abdominal area of ​​a pregnant woman using a dose of 1-2 mSv or higher is considered negative for the embryo. .

Among the negative consequences of X-ray irradiation of a pregnant woman in acceptable doses, scientists most often note the birth of a child with low birth weight.

A person also receives a certain dose of radiation when flying on airplanes. In everyday life, sources of radiation are the cathode-ray picture tube of a television and a computer screen.

Removal of a tooth

Tooth extraction is undesirable during pregnancy only for the reason that this procedure can cause complications in the form of inflammation and increased body temperature. And as you know, body temperature above 37.8 °C can harm the baby, especially if it stays at high levels for several days.

Therefore, if possible, it is better to postpone tooth extraction until the postpartum period.

However, if inflammation has already begun and the toothache does not subside, it is necessary to remove the disturbing tooth in the coming days using anesthesia approved for pregnant women (see the paragraph on anesthesia above), otherwise an infection developing in the mouth of the expectant mother can harm the baby.

After tooth extraction, you must carefully monitor your general well-being (measure body temperature) and rinse your mouth at least 5-6 times a day with healing and anti-inflammatory decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile and calendula.

Dental treatment during pregnancy sometimes becomes a real problem for a woman. The reason lies in all sorts of fears and warnings that this is dangerous for the health and development of the unborn baby.

It’s good if the expectant mother solved all her dental problems before planning her pregnancy, and during this long-awaited period she will only deal with prevention. But what to do if difficulties arise while carrying a child? Treat your teeth during pregnancy and do not delay. In modern dentistry, special drugs and new techniques have long been used that do not have any effect on the unborn baby.

Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Many women have heard about the dangers of dental procedures and anesthesia, and therefore postpone treatment until the postpartum period. This is the wrong approach. If dental problems appear during pregnancy, they should be eliminated as early as possible, without waiting for childbirth.

Any disease of the oral cavity or teeth is a source of infection that can penetrate the tissue, spread through the blood and affect the fetus. During pregnancy, the body's need for calcium doubles, since it is a building material for the formation of the bones of the unborn child. If calcium supplies from food are insufficient, the fetus will begin to take it from the mother’s body, primarily from the teeth. Therefore, during pregnancy, enamel destruction very often occurs. Moreover, teeth become very sensitive and react to cold, hot and sweet foods. If this problem is not corrected in time, serious treatment may be required towards the end of pregnancy.

Due to changes in hormonal levels in the oral cavity, the microflora changes: saliva loses its protective properties and is not able to fight bacteria. Diseases such as stomatitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory processes that occur against the background of weakened immunity begin to appear.

Toothache during pregnancy is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that can cause severe stress in a woman. It occurs when food or other material gets inside the tooth through damage to the enamel. Under no circumstances should you endure pain, but using painkillers on your own is also not recommended. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor for help as soon as possible. Clinics have special medications that help relieve toothache during pregnancy without harming the baby.

When removing a tooth, you cannot do without the use of painkillers and an x-ray, and pregnant women are so scared of x-rays and anesthesia. These fears are unfounded. All modern clinics have a large number of safe anesthetics that do not penetrate the placenta and do not constrict blood vessels. When performing an X-ray, a special protective apron is worn, which completely prevents the rays from reaching the abdominal area. In addition, the dose of X-ray radiation is tens of times lower than what is hazardous to health.

Proper treatment does not pose any danger to the fetus. It is more dangerous not to treat teeth and expose the unborn child to infection. Even if during gestation the inflamed lesions did not lead to complications, then after childbirth this will definitely happen. After all, the woman is constantly next to the baby, hugging him to herself, kissing him. During contact, the mother’s microflora can be transmitted to the child’s still immature body. Due to the presence of caries, toothache may occur during breastfeeding, and then you will have to look for safe methods of pain relief.

When is the best time to treat teeth?

It is ideal if all dental problems are eliminated in advance. But what should you do if you need to see a doctor during pregnancy? When is the best time to start treatment and how safe is it? These questions worry almost all pregnant women.

During pregnancy, two routine dental examinations are traditionally carried out: the first examination in the first trimester, the second at the beginning of the third. At the first examination, a general assessment of the condition of the teeth is carried out and minor problems are eliminated. An examination in the second half of pregnancy is planned due to the fact that during this period most pregnant women begin to experience gum disease and destruction of tooth enamel due to the consumption of calcium for the needs of the fetus.

If you wish, you can visit the dentist as many times as you like, even if nothing bothers you - prevention is never superfluous. But to solve serious dental problems, you need to choose the safest time:

  1. I trimester. During this period, all the vital systems and organs of the child are laid down and begin to form. The body of the expectant mother needs special attention and rest. Any intervention in the first months can lead to complications, and sometimes even to the threat of pregnancy.
  2. II trimester. The most appropriate time for dental treatment. At this stage, the baby cannot yet distinguish sounds, and the noise of the equipment cannot scare him. The placenta is fully mature and can protect the fetus from the effects of drugs.
  3. III trimester. The fetus is already formed, it hears everything and can react. Any stress is contraindicated for both the expectant mother and the baby. In addition, in the last months of pregnancy, not every woman can go to doctors and sit motionless in a chair for a long time.

It is safest to perform dental treatment during pregnancy in the second trimester. But this does not mean that you cannot treat your teeth at other times. This is especially true for toothache. A pregnant woman should never experience pain, so she should contact a dentist immediately. The main condition is to tell your doctor about your situation.

What procedures can be done

When the question arises about the treatment of dental diseases, every expectant mother wants to know exactly how this procedure will affect the health of her baby:

  1. Installation of a seal. Treatment of caries during pregnancy should not frighten a woman. With minor damage, you can do without anesthesia. The doctor mechanically removes all damaged tooth tissue, dries and seals it. The composition of the filling has no effect on the child. Ultraviolet rays used to polymerize fillings do not pose a danger to either mother or baby.
  2. Anesthesia. Anesthesia today does not pose any danger to the fetus. Modern anesthetics have a local effect and do not cross the placenta with the blood. In addition, the concentration of substances that constrict blood vessels in these drugs is minimal or completely absent. Therefore, if the treatment is accompanied by pain, you do not need to endure it.
  3. Inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis). Occurs as a result of complications of caries. Treatment of pulpitis during pregnancy is carried out under anesthesia, since removal of the nerve is a painful process. Drugs used for pain relief are applied topically and do not penetrate into the blood.
  4. Stomatitis. Weak immunity and an increased concentration of bacteria in the oral cavity lead to the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane. Stomatitis may occur periodically throughout the entire period. The main treatment is hygiene and topical antiseptic drugs, which are completely safe for the baby.
  5. Removal of a tooth. It is advisable to wait with such a procedure, since after the operation a wound is formed that requires special care. If you cannot wait, removal is performed using anesthesia. “Wisdom teeth” are not removed during pregnancy, because such a wound is more difficult to heal and an antibiotic may be required.
  6. Prosthetics. A safe and painless procedure that does not affect the baby’s health in any way. Implantation is another matter: the healing of an implanted tooth requires significant expenditure of the body and the use of drugs that reduce the reaction of the immune system, which is contraindicated for the expectant mother.
  7. Teeth whitening. The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it is performed with the use of chemical compounds that, if they get on the gums, can penetrate the tissues and blood.

Preventive measures

Thanks to timely prevention, you can not only avoid treatment, but also completely preserve beautiful and healthy teeth. During pregnancy, the body becomes susceptible to various infections, so oral hygiene must be monitored more carefully:

  • do not neglect the problem and treat teeth during pregnancy as soon as the need arises;
  • visit the dentist regularly, even if there is no visible damage to the enamel - caries at the initial stage is impossible to notice on your own;
  • pay special attention to brushing your teeth - additionally use rinses, dental floss, replace your toothbrush with a better one;
  • take calcium supplements - the amount of the mineral that enters the body with food is not enough for two;
  • Such a phenomenon as toxicosis can lead to the destruction of enamel, so after each attack of vomiting it is necessary to rinse your mouth with water, or better yet, brush your teeth.

Oral and dental hygiene is very important during pregnancy. Changes in hormonal levels lead to the fact that all processes in the oral cavity occur more intensely than before, including tooth decay. If you do not engage in timely prevention, toothache after childbirth can lead to decreased lactation.

Following simple rules will help you survive this wonderful time without pain and discomfort.


During the period of bearing a baby, the expectant mother monitors her health more carefully. After all, harm to the baby developing in the womb can cause not only the disease, but also the treatment of the disease by one or another method.

Therefore, the question of whether problematic teeth are treated for pregnant women in the early and late stages worries every woman during this period. Is it possible to have teeth filled and removed during pregnancy? , is anesthesia dangerous, is it worth pulling out a wisdom tooth or is it better to postpone such an operation.... you will find answers to these and other pressing questions in this material.

We hasten to immediately reassure pregnant women: most dental problems are completely solvable. Treatment with modern equipment, the use of painkillers and the latest generation of filling materials virtually eliminate the possibility of harm to the developing fetus. at any stage of pregnancy.

Therefore, do not put off visiting the dentist under any circumstances if you have a toothache or a filling has fallen out. After all, harm to your baby can be caused not only by a source of infection in a sore tooth, but not enough chewing food thoroughly due to increasing pain.


It is very undesirable to refuse an anesthetic injection during dental treatment. The fact is that sharp, unpleasant pain releases a large dose of adrenaline into the blood. This may provoke increased uterine tone (hypertonicity) , which negatively affects the physical condition of the baby in the womb. Therefore, anesthesia of a problematic tooth is really necessary during pregnancy.

But it is better for a pregnant woman to avoid general anesthesia during dental treatment. Under anesthesia, some functions of the female body slow down and this can affect the functioning of the developing fetus.

Dental implantation during pregnancy is very dangerous, since this operation requires the use of potent drugs and after the procedure, a long period of implant healing begins, which is accompanied by additional stress on the female body.

Sometimes it is necessary to take a photo of the root and inside of the diseased tooth. Modern X-ray machines are quite safe and you can undergo the procedure by covering your tummy with a protective shield containing lead.

Avoid teeth whitening during pregnancy! Bleach contains substances that thin the already fragile layer of enamel. In addition, they can penetrate the baby through the placenta and cause developmental disorders.


Already in the early stages of pregnancy Be sure to visit your dentist and, if necessary, treat problem teeth. In addition, consult with a specialist about the method of oral care that is suitable for you during pregnancy. In a pregnant woman, the composition of saliva changes, the active activity of microbes and a lack of calcium provoke the destruction of tooth enamel. If you don't care for your teeth properly, you are more likely to develop caries. A caries will not only lead to deterioration of the condition of your teeth , but can also be passed on to the baby.

In addition to proper oral care, a pregnant woman needs to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. Unfortunately, foods in your diet do not always contain enough substances that you and your baby need. Therefore, ask your doctor to choose the most suitable preparations with vitamins and microelements for you.

For example, in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the skeleton begins to actively form in the fetus , which increases the need for calcium. A lack of calcium can lead to bleeding gums and destruction of tooth structure.

Dangerous diseases for fetal development include gingivitis. . If itching appears in the gum area, be sure to go to the dentist, as this is a typical symptom of gingivitis. If this disease is not treated, periodontitis will begin to develop. According to experts, periodontitis is very dangerous for the development of the fetus, since the infection begins to actively spread through the bloodstream.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

The safest period for baby development is the 2nd trimester. It is better to perform the procedure for removing a diseased tooth during this period, but if necessary, you can pull out a tooth in the 1st and 3rd trimester. Modern anesthetic agents do not cross the placental barrier and cannot have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus.

But it is advisable to postpone the removal of the so-called “wisdom tooth” until the postpartum period, since in some women this procedure causes a noticeable deterioration in well-being and an increase in temperature . Therefore, wisdom teeth are pulled out only in cases of extreme necessity.


What causes dental caries and how dangerous is this disease for a pregnant woman? Below you will find information on how to properly care for your oral cavity and what prevention can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing caries in a woman. You will also find out how effective the treatment of this disease is in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.


Local anesthesia is used before filling or removing a diseased tooth. As we noted above, the anesthesia procedure relieves a pregnant woman of stress and physical reactions dangerous to the fetus. Dental treatment during pregnancy should not be accompanied by pain, and modern anesthetics such as Ubistezin or Ultracaine perfectly relieve a woman of discomfort. However, such drugs (the main pain-relieving component is articaine) cannot affect the pregnancy or development of the baby.

Tips for pregnant women to care for their teeth:

How to properly care for your teeth, gums and the entire oral cavity so that treatment of problem teeth during pregnancy is not required. Watch video tips from dentists.

A new chapter in a woman’s life begins with the much desired phrase from a gynecologist: “Congratulations, you will soon become a mother.” In 9 months, a woman lives her whole life, full of expectations, trepidation, unexpected and joyful events. From this moment on, the expectant mother must be sensitive to her health in general and, of course, to her teeth. Many people are beginning to be puzzled by the question: “In what trimester can teeth be treated?” There are a lot of theories and assumptions about this.

During pregnancy, a woman will have to adjust her life in favor of a successful pregnancy and childbirth. It is important to get proper rest, healthy food, and daily positive emotions. Not least on the list of important things to do during pregnancy is a visit to the dentist.

Many women will shrug their shoulders in bewilderment, because they have never had problems with their teeth. You can be sure that they will definitely begin during pregnancy.

It is necessary to prevent any possible problems, try to avoid complications, and help weakened gums.

Lack of microelements during pregnancy affects dental health

What certainly cannot be avoided during this period is calcium metabolism. All reserves from the mother’s body go to the structure of the baby’s bone tissue in the womb. Therefore, microelement deficiency is quite common. Yes, a woman is sorely lacking this microelement while waiting for her long-awaited baby. And pregnant women in 99% of cases suffer from toxicosis in various trimesters. This moment certainly affects the calcium content in the mother’s body.. In addition to the fact that during toxicosis, calcium simply cannot be obtained from food, in addition to everything, the accumulated microelement is washed out of the body. In this case, the body adjusts to self-preservation and begins to look for the missing trace element in any other place. For example, in the teeth. They are usually the first to suffer from this.

Another point is that during pregnancy the composition of saliva begins to change due to changes in the salivary gland. In everyday life, the production of saliva helps protect tooth enamel from its worst enemy - caries. And during pregnancy, its protective properties are significantly reduced.

The expectant mother’s immunity also weakens, the body becomes susceptible to various infections, and the teeth become susceptible to caries. Therefore, the question is: “In what trimester can teeth be treated?” – is vital.

In turn, from a scientific point of view it has been proven that those 30% of expectant mothers who had undetected foci of infection experienced infection of the fetus. Children were born with low immunity and abnormalities. And in case of untreated caries in the mother, the child will also have it. This fact has been proven.

But caries is not the only problem. Pregnant women know firsthand what periodontal disease, pulpitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity are. Therefore, oral hygiene and visits to the dentist should be strictly controlled in women. Is it possible to treat teeth in the third trimester? Even necessary! Many pregnant women are wary of undergoing fluorography, the effect of anesthesia on the body, even going to a hairdresser or manicurist. And if you can agree with these fears at some points, then going to the dentist is out of the question. The answer is clear: if even the slightest problems arise in the oral cavity, you should definitely consult a doctor. The only question is timing...

1st trimester of pregnancy

It is strictly not recommended to treat teeth in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The most difficult period, of course, is the first trimester. This time is characterized by an exacerbation of various diseases. Teeth should not be treated in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that at this moment the laying and formation of the baby’s organs and tissues is taking place, and all sorts of actions using strong drugs can have a bad effect on this complex and important process. The most dangerous manipulations with health are from the moment of conception until the 18th day of pregnancy, because it is during this time period that the fetus is extremely sensitive to medications.

When starting dental treatment during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, you should remember these important things:

  • Anesthetics should not be used under any circumstances;
  • in the 1st trimester, the dentist does not recommend cleaning the canals; the main thing is to tell the doctor about your interesting situation, because the tummy is not yet noticeable during this period;
  • the only exceptions are purulent diseases, in this case, dental intervention is vital. And the effect of drugs on the formation of fetal tissue will cause less damage than the consequences of a progressive infection.

In other cases, it is better to postpone the trip to the dentist to a later date. And during this period, relax more, eat tasty and healthy food, spend more time in the fresh air, surround yourself with pleasant people, and receive positive emotions.

2nd trimester of pregnancy

Dental treatment during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the best option

It is recommended to postpone a visit to the dentist until the second trimester, because the uterus in this period becomes less excitable than in the previous one. And after 14 weeks, the placenta is already fully formed, serving as a kind of barrier and protection for the fetus from harmful substances. Therefore, dental treatment during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the best option.

Doctors say that this particular period is considered the most favorable for carrying out many therapeutic procedures.

At this time, a pregnant woman can afford to treat caries, clean off stones, fill a tooth, remove nerves, and other types of therapy. With the caveat that all manipulations should be carried out in a gentle manner. Anesthetics are contraindicated in pregnant women, as they can cause increased uterine tone. They are used only in 1-2% of cases when something threatens the life of the mother or child. There are modern adrenaline-containing drugs that do not penetrate the placental barrier.

The dentist may also recommend that the pregnant woman work only with those teeth that are currently at risk, and otherwise limit herself to preventive measures. The main emphasis should be on them. In general, dental treatment during pregnancy in the second trimester is not prohibited, but it is worth remembering that each case is individual.

3rd trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester bears the greatest burden on the mother's body; the fetus rapidly gains weight.

Therefore, dental treatment during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester is indicated only in extreme cases:

  • inflammation with the formation of pus;
  • unbearable pain symptoms;
  • irreversible processes requiring the removal of dead tissue.

Treatment is carried out as follows: the pregnant woman is seated in a dental chair with a slight tilt to the left side. This reduces the pressure on the arteries, which is already increased during this difficult period, because the fetus is growing literally by leaps and bounds.

If there is no special need, then it is better to refrain from removing nerves at this stage, as well as from treating initial caries. Strong medications can trigger premature labor.

So, is it possible to treat teeth in the third trimester? It is possible, but wisely. And it is better to postpone all manipulations, if they do not go against health and life, until the postpartum period.

How to save teeth during pregnancy

Some tips:

  • if pregnancy is planned in advance, then you should consult a dentist to treat all problem areas of the oral cavity;
  • in an interesting situation, it is important to eat right, get a full range of vitamins and microelements (this is especially true for calcium);
  • even if there are no significant problems with your teeth, it is worth visiting the dentist in each trimester to carry out professional hygiene and receive important recommendations on oral care;
  • it is necessary to take care of oral hygiene every day; for weakened gums, the doctor will help you choose toothpaste, a brush of the required hardness, and mouthwash;
  • In addition, you should follow simple rules: brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth, use dental floss or a toothpick.

The myth that teeth cannot be treated during pregnancy is absolutely impossible to shatter. It is better to cure a carious or rotten tooth or inflamed gums during pregnancy than to deal with the disappointing consequences after childbirth.

In addition, any infection in the body of the expectant mother can cause preeclampsia.

It is stated above in which trimester you can treat your teeth, which procedures are indicated, and which ones are best avoided. There is no need to let dental problems ruin such a long-awaited period in the life of every woman!



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs