Treatment of sexual weakness. Sexual weakness

pashaadm2 24-11-2013 10:51

When applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you are required to undergo a psychologist examination.

She asks a question:

"Why do you want to serve in the police?

Then he says draw a few pictures (“I”, “Holiday”). I don’t remember the rest, it was in 2011.

Then he conducts a color test, or rather puts cards with colors in front of you and says: “Choose the color that is most pleasant to you now.”

I (pashaadm2) did not pass the psychologist test, and therefore did not end up serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Although a salesman from one gun store told me: “You can’t be crazy, you have a hunting firearm in your hands.” + passed the trauma test. Moreover, I know for sure that I am fit to serve in the FSB. I answered the psychologist’s question like this: “To have a stable job and so that my relatives can safely go to the store.” In the pictures I drew: “Man at the Computer” and “Man with Flowers”. I don’t remember how I answered the color test because I think it’s stupid, I don’t associate life with flowers, so I answered according to the principle of choosing. If she had asked what color was your favorite, I would have said “Green,” but she didn’t ask. He further said that I love children and do not feel uncomfortable in company.

I would be very grateful for any information on this topic, more precisely how the psychologist was tested, and most importantly, how they drew and answered.
Maybe someone has those same 500 questions from a psychologist for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (they used to be in the commercial version of Consultant+) and/or a list of pictures that need to be drawn? Or maybe the correct order of the color test for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
If so, you can send it to me by email [email protected]

cop 24-11-2013 14:51

Psychological test MMPI (there is a questionnaire on the Internet) adapted from the American analogue. There are about 400 statements to which the test subject must answer whether this statement is true or not in relation to himself. You can deceive him, but it is very difficult - you need to know “the whole kitchen” from the inside. There is a “lie scale”, “correction scale” - if you exceed them, you will not pass the test. The first and second scales have a number of their own questions in the questionnaire, scattered throughout the test. I’m not even talking about the scales that directly determine your psychological portrait. It is very difficult to remember everything, how to answer “correctly”. Everything is intertwined there. More details are available on the Internet.
One of my friends, when undergoing a medical examination in the army, memorized the “Rabkin Table” (a test for color perception to determine color blindness) - these are multi-colored circles, against which you need to indicate the correct picture or numbers. He managed to deceive the doctor, but still an ophthalmologist is not a psychiatrist))
Color cards - the Luscher color test, is known all over the world and has also been passed. It is advisable to first choose “warm”, “calm” colors, then gradually to cold ones.
We also took an IQ test. Then, if everything was fine, we had a conversation with a psychiatrist.
For example, a crazy person asked me what to do with speculation in the country, jail speculators? (This was in the late 80s) - I answered, fill store shelves with goods.
In general, in the PFL (TsPD) it is better to be a non-carer than to have a “burning eye”.
If you say that you came to serve and protect! There will be questions; if you say that you need a career and living space, they will say that you’re good enough without any questions. I’m exaggerating, of course, but tests are a relative thing. They just haven’t come up with anything better yet. However, these tests coupled with a conversation with a professional psychiatrist, they provide a more or less accurate personal and psychological portrait of the subject.

shooter001 24-11-2013 18:43

I don’t remember about the questions and drawings, it was a long time ago.
And with colored cards everything is simple. Green is the color of calm, red is the color of aggression.
I put the green one first, and then arranged it according to the spectrum.
After a test of 500 questions, they asked me to come back in a couple of days and retake it.
Rewrote. Found fit.

ded2008 24-11-2013 20:24

When interviewing a candidate, many recruiters go beyond standard questions. What if HR uses psychological tests during hiring? How to react to them and behave correctly? The Land of Soviets will tell you about this.

Psychological tests for employment can be oral and written. Written tests are usually used at the initial stage, when there are several candidates for a position, and help in the initial screening. Written tests can be divided into the following types:
intelligence tests (for example, Eysenck test)
personality tests
qualifying tests
simple tests
When applying for a job, intelligence tests are used to determine the candidate’s general level of intelligence, his abilities for logical thinking and contain numerical, spatial and verbal tasks. Sometimes such tests are compiled in relation to a specific profession or area of ​​activity.

Personality tests for job applications are usually supplemental and have no right or wrong answers. Certain personal qualities of a candidate may be important for a particular type of activity, although they are not the main selection criterion. If you wish, you can discern the background of this or that question and answer “as it should,” but in the process of working in a team, the lie will most likely be revealed.

Qualification tests for employment help assess the level of professional knowledge and skills of a candidate. Using a qualification test, you can determine, for example, your level of PC proficiency or knowledge of foreign languages. Many companies develop their own qualification tests that take into account their specific work.

The simplest employment tests are used to test candidates for low-level positions and combine an intelligence test and a skills test. The tasks in them are usually simple; the skills of perception and processing of information, and the ability to perform simple operations are tested.

The most common oral psychological tests when applying for a job include the Luscher color test, cases (situational tasks) and a stress interview.

The Luscher color test is quite simple. The candidate is asked to choose from a certain set of colors in order: from the most to the least pleasant. The choice is made twice with an interval of three minutes. The Luscher test allows you to determine the general mood of the candidate, desired goals and means of emotional behavior. Based on the selected colors, it is possible to determine the potential performance of the candidate, which is evidenced by the primary choice of red, yellow and green colors. However, the Luscher test cannot be interpreted unambiguously, so its results are supported by other tests.

Cases, or situational tasks, help determine the degree of “template” thinking of the candidate, analytical abilities and his ability to creatively approach solving problems. Typically, situational tasks are offered to candidates for important responsible positions that require the ability to quickly make effective decisions in any situation. Such employment tests are quite complex, and it is not always possible to be prepared for them.

A stress interview when applying for a job allows you to determine how a potential employee will behave in a particular stressful situation. They will try to put the candidate in an awkward situation, piss him off, or force him to do something for which he may not be ready. The main signs of a stressful interview are communication in a raised voice, a large number of unrelated questions asked at a fast pace, talking on the go, interference during the interview, the presence of strangers in the office, questions about the personal life of the applicant.

How to pass a job test? When it comes to placement and intelligence tests, it makes sense to look for sample tests online and practice on them. Then such a test when applying for a job will not take you by surprise. Personality tests are a little more difficult. Many of them contain so-called cross-questions, which help to identify the lies of the applicant. These questions are in different parts of the test, worded differently, but their essence is the same. If the candidate answered them differently, then he was insincere.

When taking an oral test, answer quickly and without thinking too much. Don’t try to embellish reality too much, but don’t be crystal honest, exposing all your shortcomings. If the proposed position requires creativity and an unconventional approach, then witty answers to unexpected questions can be a plus for you. Don’t worry and don’t try to find complex answers to basic questions: most often the answer lies on the surface.

You should not refuse testing; if you do this, you most likely will not be hired. When starting to fill out the test, be sure to read the rules for filling out the questionnaire, carefully read the questions, delving into their essence.

And remember that psychological tests are important when applying for a job, but a good employer will not make conclusions about you based solely on test results. Therefore, when passing the test, you should not “wind up” yourself, just be truthful, natural and do not look for a catch where there is none.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 10:12

quote: It is advisable to first choose “warm”, “calm” colors, then gradually to cold ones.

Please describe in color sequence, I understand that this will be approximately.
quote: I put the green one first, and then arranged it according to the spectrum.

Please describe in approximate color sequence.

If you don't want to post it here, send it by email. [email protected]
Unfortunately, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but I have an abundance of creativity in my work.

cop 25-11-2013 11:33

Yes, the Luscher test when applying for a job is not the main one, it does not characterize the personality type at all, it rather characterizes your internal mood for a given, specific time.
The main test is a questionnaire. Then an intelligence test - “Roven's Progressive Test”, and the apotheosis of psychodiagnostics - a conversation with a psychiatrist. He, based on all the tests passed and a conversation with the subject, makes a decision.
For example, he may ask why you answered the test question this way and not another way? - You must justify it.
In general, verbosity is not recommended with psychiatrists. A short answer to the point, a minimum of emotions. If you begin to defend your point of view, becoming more and more carried away by your rightness, then consider that the opinion of the psychiatrist (and it is the main one in the commission’s decision) will be this: the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not for you.
In general, you could pass all the tests with “five points!” (if such an assessment is applicable) and according to them you are an “unshakable rock”, and the psychiatrist, in personal communication, could discern something in you that gave him reason not to miss, and that’s all the thing is.

cop 25-11-2013 11:59

and by the way, in one of the topics you created in this section, you zealously deleted completely innocent posts of people, mind you, practically no one does this, because it’s necessary, especially since they are easy to read even when deleted.
This also characterizes your personality type. This means that there is a certain nervousness and a lack of perception of other people’s opinions, an inability to enter into an open dialogue with an opponent—it’s easier to wipe it off—no person, no problem.
Our forum will be cleaner than any medical board))

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:35

quote: This also characterizes your personality type.

I already wrote that I don’t want to discuss phrases, for example: “Do cops sell drugs.” This is my own business. Unregistered users also come here, for example, those who make requests in Yandex. I don't think they should read what's in the deleted messages.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:47

quote: Will you try for a different destination group?

Maybe at the same level, maybe at a higher level, in a word, where will the vacancy be? But I think no higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. It seems that you are legally literate.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 12:56

I'll delete Shooter001's answer. I don't want unregistered users to read.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 13:40

quote: In general, in the PFL (TsPD) it is better to be a non-carer than to have a “burning eye”.

Once, when I received a medical certificate for a weapon, I went through everything, and they asked me: “What kind of weapon do you need?” I said hunting smoothbore. Next they asked me: “Do you need gas?” After that I went home stunned. Once again, I am a person completely devoid of imagination, but with a creative approach to work. This is necessary to work as a system administrator. For example, when a computer with breaks down, the old program with estimates cannot be saved without a creative approach.

cop 25-11-2013 17:31

quote: I don't want unregistered users to read.

By the way, there is no secret here.
Now even on Android and iOS for iPhones there are a fair amount of these tests describing the characteristics of a personality type. I counted about 6 Luscher color tests there.
I’m already silent about the Internet, there’s already a lot of this stuff in its wilds. By the way, this is also why many experienced psychiatrists improvise during a conversation with a subject. For example, during a conversation, a doctor may suddenly ask what date or day of the week it is. alcoholics are always asked this)), if you think about the answer, it means you have poor orientation in time space. And they have a lot of similar “baubles” in stock.
I remember I went through the regular, annual medical examination and was not yet married, I was 23 years old at the time. Even the psychiatrist was alarmed by this, saying that it was time, and it was so suspicious. However, I reassured him by saying that I had enough female attention and affection without a stamp in passport.
During the conversation, the doctor may ask you to show your palms - if they are wet, then they are also not comme il faut. They may ask you provocative questions, such as “how often do you masturbate” and look at the redness of your cheeks, well, in general, they really have a lot of tricks.
One doctor told me that when he was interviewing riot police officers for officer rank, many of them were generally “unbreakable,” that is, the person’s lability was zero. But the psychiatrist understands that this soldier needs to knock down the door, and doesn’t bother him—what’s the point? He’s perfect for this, why does he need superintelligence?

ded2008 25-11-2013 18:11

quote: Why does he need superintelligence?

When admitted to different services, the medical commission is slightly different. As a rule, those who do not pass the psychiatrist’s test are those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another, they just need a justified refusal. Nothing special emerges there. there are no such good specialists. the most that a psychiatrist can reveal is whether your psychotype matches the place where you are going to serve or matches the police service in general. Some questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way will get you caught in a lie. I was redirected a couple of times to go through the commission again because the psychiatrist said that I was a pathological liar. I answered questions there saying that I don’t take bribes and only turn the traffic light green. In general, to pass the test you must answer truthfully without bothering yourself. lie only on pressing questions, take as many tests as possible. You won’t have time anyway. You can skip math and advanced tests. The point is not to answer these questions, but to show the doctor that you do not bother with little things and can continue to work in stressful situations.

shooter001 25-11-2013 18:41

Maybe at the same level, maybe at a higher level, in a word, where will the vacancy be? But I think no higher than the second. Shooter001 thank you very much. It seems that you are legally literate.

You're welcome.
This is not a matter of legal literacy.
Cop and ded2008 will be better at literacy than me.
You must try to build your behavior in relation to the position for which you are going. I don’t think that, say, in the PDN inspection or in the crime department. The laboratory needs choleric people. Or, say, in the riot police there are phlegmatic people.

Yes, and more. If you haven’t passed the first group of assignments, you can go through the second/third/fourth (although if you’ve been referred by a psychiatrist, it’s already difficult to guarantee anything). If the unit commander is interested in you, he will hire you. Regardless of what position you will work in later. I myself passed the HVAC in the third, and worked in a position that required the first. This did not bother anyone, including the doctors from the 1st clinic.

cop 25-11-2013 18:57

quote: Some questions are based on contradictions. that is, the questions seem to be the same, but answering them the same way will get you caught in a lie... I answered questions there like I don’t take bribes and only turn the traffic light green.

This is the famous MMPI test (Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Inventory). This questionnaire was translated and adapted for us by some famous Russian psychiatrist, almost Bekhterev (I can’t say for sure). You can read about it on the Internet in sufficient detail.
There, the calculation of your answers is based on charts and scales. If some scale is exceeded, or vice versa, has too little value, it means you have some deviations from the norm. In this case, the scale of “lies” was exceeded. More details here:
It is this test that is still used to this day when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

cop 25-11-2013 19:27

quote: As a rule, those who do not pass a psychiatrist’s test are those who do not have to undergo a medical examination for one reason or another, they just need a justified refusal.

And this is also correct. For example, in the late 80s (and most likely earlier) there was an unspoken directive to screen out persons from the fraternal Soviet republics of the Caucasus to work in the PPSM in Moscow and St. Petersburg, i.e. not all of them, of course, but there was a limit - this is Azerbaijan, and Armenia, and Georgia, etc. Those who had passed through Afghanistan were also undesirable for employment, even if the applicant’s mental parameters were satisfactory.

pashaadm2 25-11-2013 22:15

quote: Yes, and more. If you did not go through the first group of destination, you can go through the second/third/fourth

I did not pass through the fourth group of destination, I went to the CC IC at the Department of Internal Affairs. The head of the department personally took me to a psychologist and said that I was taking him. Unfortunately, the psychologist refused. They don’t like my IT brother at all. The truth may have stuck because a higher-ranking organization had its eye on me.

shooter001 25-11-2013 22:57

quote: Originally posted by pashaadm2:
I did not pass the fourth group of destination

This is the worst option.
If you didn’t pass the 4th, then they certainly won’t let you through the higher ones.
I don’t know how long they keep the candidates’ cards...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 10:19

quote: I don’t know how long they keep the candidates’ cards...

On old passports, a mark was made with a pen near the fold on the first page. Like, he tried to pass. I had two birds like this, I passed both times. I don’t know which group, like the second one (UR), the first one was the riot police and the traffic police then.
They don’t do that now, so it’s possible that everything is stored somewhere.
According to a friend from the personnel, now many people do not pass the polygraph. They mostly complain about the question: have you ever used drugs?
quote: The truth may have stuck because a higher-ranking organization had its eye on me.

I don’t understand what the psychologist from PFL has to do with it. What difference does it make to her?

ded2008 26-11-2013 15:01

quote: They mostly complain about the question: have you ever used drugs?

a reason to sue the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For some reason no one has taken up this yet. Firstly, taking a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary. secondly, polygraph readings are not evidence and therefore cannot serve as a disqualification for hiring. thirdly, the use of narcotic substances is an administrative offense, the same as crossing the street on a red light. that is, the situation when you violated traffic rules and were not hired because of this will be similar.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 16:58

quote: Firstly, taking a polygraph is not a mandatory procedure and, in theory, it is voluntary.

No problem. Recruitment to the police is also not a mandatory procedure. If you don't want to, don't go.
But I wouldn’t want those who “use” to go to the police.
I would generally make testing urine for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

shooter001 26-11-2013 17:09

quote: Originally posted by sk0ndr:

But I wouldn’t want those who “use” to go to the police.

Do not consume before the service, they will start during the service. Business...

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:27

quote: will start on time. Business...

So I meant - necessarily during the service. That is, regularly ALL the time of service.

ZY I knew the opera, I left for seven years. Just for getting hooked. More precisely, they hooked him up for free, but during his withdrawal symptoms, in an attempt to get money, he did a lot of things there.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:30

quote: I would generally make testing urine for traces of drugs a mandatory procedure.

Well, that’s possible, once a quarter. and the polygraph is bullshit. After smoking weed, traces of use can be detected in the body within a month.

ded2008 26-11-2013 17:32

and the wives and children of employees will pee in the jar. still cunning indeed.

sk0ndr 26-11-2013 17:44

quote: and the wives and children of employees will pee in the jar. still cunning indeed.

Firstly, testing is ALREADY available at the police. Irregular, but there.
Secondly, you can provide ways, for example, to write right there. Well, turning away. You can’t carry a jar of someone else’s urine with you all the time. When you start a shift or on duty, during your shift, please pour it into a jar.

It is usually not difficult to squeeze out a hero during a search. Well, sometimes it is needed for operational expenses.
The main thing is not to use it yourself. Knowing that they will come and check at any moment, you can at least somehow hold on.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 18:21

quote: More precisely, they hooked him up for free,

They offered me to try weed on the street, but I refused. A weak person needs this, but I am not that case. I’ll still try to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the second time about getting a job. I don't have anything to lose. Moreover, 2.5 years have already passed.

The most annoying thing is that the test with the psychologist is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

ded2008 26-11-2013 19:27

quote: The most annoying thing is that the test with the psychologist is all running. You don't even have time to think. And with my lack of imagination, that's a problem.

I told you. That's the whole point. Don’t let the person think and answer automatically. The correctness of the mathematical answers is not at all the main thing.
Well, so that it’s completely clear to you, I’ll give you this example: a policeman doesn’t have to think about which hand to hit the hooligan with, right or left, the main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls. I’ll tell you a secret that you still won’t have time to complete all the tests. God forbid if you pass two thirds.
The test reveals personal qualities. the ability to build an associative series, the ability to think nonlinearly, the quality of mental development, literacy. Sometimes a person's handwriting tells more than the answers themselves. No one will grade you for mistakes.
By the way, here's an example. the security officers needed a translator from some kind of gibberish Asian language, like they were going to detain drug traffickers but couldn’t talk to them. They hired some scumbag as a full-time translator. He has a 4th grade education, a belly like my TV and the physical fitness of a 70-year-old grandfather. Now he’s walking around waving the black FSB. the right person. so if you are interested in the service, then they will agree with the psychologist for a box of chocolates.

pashaadm2 26-11-2013 19:57

quote: The main thing is to have time to kick him in the balls.

In another topic you wrote about a similar “Let him sit.”
quote: walks around now waving the black FSB

My friend who served in the FSB says that it should not be shown to anyone. Someone on the forum said that you hand it in every day when you leave the service.
quote: They’ll negotiate with a psychologist for a box of chocolates.

Maybe in the FSB, but I want to join the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I think, after an idiot named Evsyukov, the Ministry of Internal Affairs looks closely during the selection process. A friend of mine served in the VTs ITs OVD. He says it very well.

cop 26-11-2013 21:33

cop 26-11-2013 22:06

quote: MMPI(aut) Average estimated time is normally 60 - 80 minutes
Raven's option lasts 25 minutes

Yes, many years have passed since then. I won’t argue.
quote: Luscher's 8-card test DOES NOT WORK on the Russian population. Spit in the face of the diagnostician who shows it to you.

Well, I didn’t know anything about it and it apparently saved the psychiatrist))

As you know, successful interviewing and subsequent hiring depend not only on the candidate having the necessary experience, skills and knowledge. The suitability of the applicant for the job according to formal criteria is determined at the stage of reviewing the resume. Further selection is much more difficult - after all, it is important for the employer to know whether the candidate is suitable for a specific position and suitable for working in a given company, whether he will be able to fit into the team, whether corporate values ​​are close to him, etc. Some employers try to find out these matches at the very first interview with the HR department. But HR specialists in most cases have a very superficial knowledge of psychological techniques for assessing a candidate. There is always a risk that HR managers will let the “wrong” candidate through, guided by personal sympathy or the desire to quickly fill the vacancy. Therefore, companies that cannot afford to take such a risk, for example, reputable financial organizations whose employees have access to trade secrets, keep a psychologist on staff. Is it difficult to pass an interview with a psychologist? In what form is it carried out, and what is it aimed at?

A standard interview with a psychologist can be of two types: in the form of a conversation and psychological tests. Interviewers may use one or both of these practices. It happens that applicants have to wait some time until the psychologist sums up the test results and calls the candidate to talk about the results. Let's consider the tools from the psychologist's arsenal in more detail.

Psychological tests

The set of tests for each psychologist is individual. Of course, the candidate is not offered the entire set at once - the combination of tests depends on the position for which the applicant is applying and the competencies that a specialist must have for this position.


As the name suggests, this type of test is designed to identify certain personality traits, such as communication skills, leadership skills, and stress tolerance. A specific quality or a number of these qualities can be assessed. The tests are a verbal questionnaire with different answer options. Usually consist of many questions. Some tests require only “Yes” and “No” answers, while others require multiple choices. Here's an example from Cattell's test: "If Mary's mother is the sister of Alexander's father, then who is Alexander in relation to Mary's father?" Possible answers: cousin, nephew, uncle.

In the Cattell test, the assessment is carried out on several scales, such as sociability-withdrawnness, gullibility-suspiciousness, impulsiveness-self-control, etc.

The Eysenck test is also popular - 57 questions for sincerity, introversion and neuroticism. Examples of questions: “Does it ever happen that when you get angry, you lose your temper?” "Do you like to be in company often?" “Do you often have thoughts for which you would be ashamed?”

A favorite test among psychologists who are keen on Carl Jung's ideas about personality typology is the Myers-Briggsily MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) test, based on this theory. In the MBTI, any respondent can be classified based on the totality of his characteristics as one or another personality type. The assessment is carried out on the following scales: orientation of consciousness (extroversion - introversion), method of orientation in a situation (sensory - intuition), basis for decision-making (rationality - irrationality), method of preparing decisions (ethics - logic). The result is one of 16 personality types, each of which has its own manner of behavior and its own character traits. Opponents of the Jungian theory of personality types say that the division is very arbitrary and does not always reflect the real essence of things. However, the Myers-Briggs test is popular not only among psychologists, but also among HR managers.

Experienced psychologists know that test results can be distorted, because from excitement a person is able to choose completely different answer options than he would have chosen in his normal state. Therefore, if certain qualities are being tested, competent interviewers try to select questionnaires in such a way that these qualities intersect.


In essence, they are a subtype of personality tests, but are sometimes separated into a separate category. Projective tests work using the association method: the candidate is asked to transfer his own experiences and intentions to some object or animal that needs to be drawn, described, and so on. At the subconscious level, the candidate will place emphasis in accordance with his priorities, and problems that the applicant would prefer to keep silent about in a simple interview will come to light through projective tests. Example: “Non-existent animal” test. It asks you to draw a non-existent animal and call it a non-existent name. According to psychologists, an animal reflects the inner world of a person - if the picture has sharp corners, the person is aggressive, and if the animal consists of pleasant roundness, the candidate is good-natured and accommodating in nature.

In the Luscher test, you need to sequentially select the most pleasant colors. The test consists of eight cards. The basic rule: do not choose black, brown and gray first. In the Rosenzweig test, you need to write captions for pictures illustrating life situations. It is suggested, for example, to give a response to the response of the driver who sprayed you or the wife who accuses you of breaking your mother’s favorite vase. In the “House-Tree-Person” test, you are asked to consistently depict three objects from the name. The test allows you to identify a whole range of properties: the presence or absence of internal conflict, openness or closedness, attitude towards others, family relationships, etc.

A big disadvantage of this category of tests from the point of view of a psychologist is that detailed transcripts of the tests can be found on the Internet. There you can also practice passing, which is successfully used by advanced candidates. Thus, one of the readers of Planet HR shared her own experience with us. Before visiting a psychologist, she carefully prepared: she looked on the Internet for examples of possible tests. And she didn’t miscalculate - when the psychologist asked her to draw a non-existent animal, the girl willingly depicted a cute, fluffy yellow creature that looked like a Pokemon. The psychologist was completely satisfied with the test results, and the applicant was hired.


Designed to identify the candidate’s suitability for the position for which he is applying. Knowledge of professional terms, the presence of a theoretical basis and practical skills are tested. For example, one of the professional tests for teachers consists of describing situations that can happen in the classroom. The interviewee’s task is to adequately respond to the students’ actions. Another example: in a test for PR managers, you need to select from a list the correct definitions for the terms “media kit”, “jeans”, “SWOT analysis”, “press release”, etc.

A very interesting general test for managers called “Manager’s Folder”. Candidates are asked to imagine themselves in the role of a plant director who has been hastily appointed to replace his predecessor and has not yet had time to get up to speed. At the workplace of the former head, a folder with internal notes was found in which specialists and business partners of the plant asked for help in resolving a wide variety of issues. In an hour and a half, you need to correctly prioritize your work and, taking into account the information received, draw up a further plan on how to “resolve” the situation.


The name of the category speaks for itself. The most popular tests of this variety are IQ tests. Consist of many mathematical and logical problems. For example, find a numerical pattern, understand which picture should go next in a line, etc. The principle of solving tests is to give the maximum number of correct answers in a certain period of time.

The disadvantage of such tests is that the resulting IQ indicator very conditionally refers to the intellectual capabilities of a particular applicant and rather indicates his ability to solve a certain type of mathematical and logical problems. As practice shows, some creative people may have a fairly low IQ.


An interview in the form of a conversation also involves assessing the competencies required by a future employee, and also allows you to identify other things important for working in the company - for example, the candidate’s tendency to lie, his life priorities, etc.

The applicant is asked ordinary and often expected questions: “Why did you leave your previous job?”, “Tell me about your shortcomings,” “Why do you want to work in our company?” and so on. A prepared candidate tries to give so-called “socially desirable” answers to them and produces pre-programmed options. When asked about shortcomings, the answer might be: “My main shortcoming is workaholism, I can overwork myself and completely forget about time.” Psychologists (as well as recruiters) have long been accustomed to such versions and do not pay much attention to them. Seeing the psychologist’s favorable or neutral reaction, the candidate can relax. However, after some time, the interviewer may return to the topic, not just by asking the question in different words, but by forcing him to remember a specific situation. For example, asking the question: “Tell me how you dealt with a specific problem at work?” An unprepared candidate begins to improvise and gives himself away - with speech slips, pauses in the story, incorrectly constructed phrases, etc.

Unlike psychological tests, which are easy to fake, it is quite difficult to deceive an experienced psychologist in a personal conversation. If a candidate decides to tell a small lie - for example, about the reasons for leaving his previous job, and has rehearsed it so well that he is ready to tell the story from any place and in any key, here the psychologist can reveal the lie, since the candidate is given away by his deliberate smoothness , “learning” of the answer.

Although the results of psychological testing, by law, cannot be grounds for refusal to hire, many employers try to take into account the opinion of the psychologist and not hire “irrelevant” candidates. And this is another reason to think before embarking on the long and thorny path of a multi-stage interview: do you really want to work in this particular company or are you just acting on luck? If you chose the latter, then remember - time is valuable, including other people's. And if the answer is “Yes, I want” - then good luck to you at the interview!

In recent years, psychological tests have been used during hiring. If in Soviet times the employer was only interested in diplomas and characteristics, now the main attention is paid to personal qualities if a person is applying for a respectable or responsible position. “Popular about health” will tell you how to qualify for a psychologist when applying for a job.

Why do you need psychological testing of candidates??

In the United States and European countries, this method of selecting people for a certain vacancy has existed for many years. Psychological tests help to identify not only a person’s hidden needs, aspirations and desires, but also the ability to think outside the box and work in a team. During communication with a psychologist, it becomes obvious whether the candidate will cope with the responsibilities assigned to him, whether his activities will contribute to the development of the company. Tests help to find out what life difficulties a person is currently struggling with.

Someone may object - why penetrate into the depths of human consciousness and reveal all the cards! It is important for a psychologist to select a person with certain personal qualities for a specific position, because the company is interested in further prosperity. Read on to learn how to pass this test and get your dream job.

How to pass tests from a psychologist when applying for a job?

Colored cards

Testing using multi-colored cards. This test is quite interesting. The person will be asked to arrange 8 cards of different colors in the desired order. At the same time, he should post those that evoke positive emotions in him first, and those that he doesn’t like last.

The psychologist knows that the first 2 cards that the candidate chose mean his goals and aspirations, the next two - the current state of affairs, 5 and 6 - what he is indifferent to, 7 and 8 - what oppresses and oppresses him.

To pass this test, you need to have colors in the first four - blue, yellow, green and red in any order. If these colors are laid out first, the psychologist will conclude that this is a purposeful and active person who longs to assert himself and gain constancy.


The candidate is often asked to draw a tree, a house and a person on paper. Everyone draws as best they can, but the psychologist will note all the details - what was drawn first, which house is shown in the drawing, the proportions of the sketch, additional images - the road, porch, doors, windows, pets.

To get a job, you need to try to draw a proportional picture, depict a good house with windows and doors, with a path leading to it, with a cat on the porch. It is better to choose a fruit tree or oak. Be sure to draw the sun in the sky. The drawing should be as realistic as possible.


Another test involves viewing a picture and commenting on it. It is aimed at finding out what a person is thinking about at this stage of life, what his state of mind is. The point is that a person talks about what worries him. If the picture shows a crying person, the candidate will certainly express possible causes of the disorder, mentioning his own. To pass this test, try to give positive or neutral comments.


The psychologist will show the candidate for the position a dark spot. It is usually painted with black paint and has a certain shape. He will ask what it is associated with.

In fact, a black blot clearly evokes negative feelings and thoughts, but at the very least you will have to speak neutrally. For example, if one of the blots reminds you of a fight or is associated with pain, then you shouldn’t say that. Say that in the picture you see emotional communication between people or something like that.

Intelligence testing

At the final stage of the interview, the candidate will be given time (usually no more than half an hour) to answer various tricky questions. They will help determine a person's level of intelligence. Be careful, many of the questions have a trick. It is necessary to use not only the mind, but also logic.

If there are too many questions, you will have to answer quickly. Candidates do not always have time to answer all questions. Don’t despair if time is running out, check the boxes at random, but don’t leave questions unanswered. So there is a chance to guess somewhere. This is better than not answering the tests at all.

What else needs to be considered?

Before the interview, it is advisable to get some sleep, get yourself in order - comb your hair, brush your teeth, trim your nails. Be sure to pay attention to the choice of clothing - give preference to a formal suit to match the desired position. During the interview, behave freely - do not cross your legs and arms, keep your head higher and your back straight. This will give you the impression of self-confidence, and in most cases such people get good jobs.

To go through a psychologist when applying for a job, prepare in advance. Study all kinds of tests online, most of them are somewhat similar. Be sure to study the questions to determine the level of intellectual development.

Any employer wants to see exceptionally reasonable, hardworking, responsible and prudent people on its staff. Successful completion of various types of tasks requires not only specific skills and abilities, but also special personal qualities. However, to learn such a volume of information about a candidate for a vacant position, you need to observe him for a long time. For these purposes, probationary periods are established for newcomers. And yet, despite the ability of an employer to say goodbye to an employee in a matter of months if he is disappointed, most managers want to create a stable staff with minimal turnover of workers. To carry out a competent and successful personnel policy, many bosses have in their arsenal such weapons as psychological ones. Let's consider what their essence is, what information they will help reveal about the candidate and in what forms they exist.

Wishes of managers

To begin with, let’s clarify the wishes of employers regarding the composition of their staff, namely, we will determine what qualities they use psychological techniques to establish when hiring. Firstly, this is, of course, the competence of the individual, his professional suitability for the vacancy. Despite the fact that in order to occupy certain positions, it is unconditional to have diplomas of appropriate education, employers want to know both the level of intelligence and the possibility of applying the obtained theoretical bases in activities.

Secondly, the correct personal characteristics of applicants are important. These include qualities such as hard work, accuracy, communication skills, stress resistance, dedication, rationalism, honesty and politeness. Thus, the employer, using various psychological ones, identifies both professional and personal qualities of his potential workers.

Main types of impact

In order to get to know a candidate for a vacancy better, many methods are used. Specially formed departments or centers in organizations deal with issues of competent personnel selection. The main techniques used by personnel workers are various questionnaires, tests offered to applicants, and interviews. It is necessary to consider each of them in detail.

A little about the survey

There are a number of questions that the candidate is asked to answer independently. As a rule, the questionnaire is a fixed list of questions about the main characteristics of the applicant. These include the date and place of birth of the potential worker, his education, address, contact phone numbers, marital status, and citizenship. Questionnaires are a lifesaver for HR departments due to the ease of use and completeness of the information received. However, the employer wants to ask candidates for vacancies not only the above questions.

Questionnaire questions about professional qualities

Information about the education received by the applicant, as well as other information related to the level of competence of the potential employee, is established first. If the candidate does not have the necessary knowledge, and in some cases, the relevant experience, then, despite his possibly outstanding social qualities, the employer will not be interested in working with such a person. To be able to assess an individual’s professional suitability for a vacant position, a number of questions are asked in the questionnaires.

Firstly, the employer is interested in learning about the education received by the applicant. The questions that are present in the questionnaires of almost all organizations concern the place, time and form of training, the name of the specialty, qualifications, the topic of the diploma, academic degrees and titles, additional education, and knowledge of foreign languages.

Secondly, it is important to determine the candidate’s experience. In order to obtain relevant information, the questionnaires indicate periods of work, positions held, responsibilities, salary levels, and reasons for leaving companies. The answers to this range of questions clarify for the employer how often and for what reason the person left previous jobs, and how the responsibilities assigned to him changed.

Thirdly, the employer is certainly interested in versatile and easily trained people, so questionnaires often include questions regarding the availability of not only specialized skills, but also other professional skills. These include, for example, the degree of proficiency in a PC and other office equipment, and the presence of a driver’s license.

Help of questionnaires in establishing psychological qualities

In order for the head of the company to form a complete and comprehensive opinion about a candidate for a vacancy, the questionnaires ask psychological questions when applying for a job. They relate, firstly, to the motivation and incentives that drive a person when joining a specific organization. What exactly influenced a person’s choice of a company: a good team or the prestige of the company, the level of remuneration, the opportunity for self-realization, acquiring new knowledge or career prospects, stability, proximity to the place of residence? What goals does the candidate set for himself for the coming years? All this information will certainly be appreciated by the employer.

Secondly, the psychological one contains a number of questions about the hobbies of applicants. At first glance, the employer’s desire to know how a person prefers to spend his free time seems strange. However, it is the answer to this question that clarifies the individual’s activity, his diversified development, thirst for life and ability to rest.

Thirdly, psychological techniques when applying for a job are designed to determine information about a person’s self-esteem. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to find in questionnaires requests to indicate your best and worst characteristics, your main personality traits. The answers to all these questions are subsequently necessarily assessed by the head of the enterprise.

Pros and cons of surveys

Questioning is the most common technique used by employers to get to know their potential employees. Its undoubted advantages are simplicity, the ability to indicate many diverse questions in the questionnaire, speed, ease of use, as well as the completeness of the information reflected in it. However, there are also serious drawbacks to this technique. Thus, when filling out a questionnaire, the easiest way for a candidate to deceive a potential employer is to indicate only positive information about his personality, which the employer wants to see. In addition, compiling a list of questions is a responsible matter. In order to obtain complete information about the applicant and avoid possible double interpretation of candidates' answers to the questions posed, companies have to involve a wide range of specialists in the preparation of questionnaires - lawyers, psychologists, sociologists.

Psychological tests when applying for a job

The person gives answers to the questions contained in the questionnaires consciously. This means that the reliability of the information received cannot be defined as unconditional, because there is always the opportunity to embellish the true state of affairs. Therefore, in order to obtain the actual characteristics of candidates, firms use psychological tests when hiring. A person performs their tasks unconsciously, which means the results obtained can be interpreted as corresponding to reality. In addition to psychological tests, tests can be used to determine the level of intelligence and evaluate a person’s professional qualities.

IQ test

Nowadays, it is very common to ask candidates for vacancies to complete tasks that will indicate the degree of development of logical and spatial thinking, the ability to memorize several facts at the same time, and the ability to compare and generalize certain knowledge. The most famous and well-written is the IQ test, which was compiled by Eysenck. The result of completing this type of task will give a more detailed answer about the candidate’s intelligence, in particular compared to a questionnaire where the subject describes himself independently.

Tests that reveal personality traits

It's not just the level of intelligence of a potential employee that employers want to know. Currently, psychological testing is also used when hiring. Representatives of the personnel service offer applicants to complete certain heterogeneous tasks in which there is no correct answer in the traditional sense. In this case, the subjects act unconsciously, so the percentage of deception is extremely low. Here are some examples of psychological tests when applying for a job.

The first one is determining your favorite color. A potential employee is asked to arrange 8 multi-colored cards in order from the most pleasant shade to the least liked. In order to pass the psychological test when applying for a job correctly and to please the head of the company, you need to know the essence of this experiment. Here the colors represent specific human needs. As a rule, red is activity, a thirst for action. The yellow card symbolizes determination and hope. Green color indicates needs for self-realization. Blue is liked by stable and often attached people. Gray color describes a state of fatigue and a desire for peace. The purple color of the card indicates a desire to escape reality. The color brown symbolizes the desire to feel protected. Finally, choosing a black card indicates that the applicant is depressed. Of course, the first 4 colors are the most favorable, and therefore they are in the beginning.

The second testing example is drawing. On a piece of paper, applicants are asked to draw a house (symbol of the need for security), a person (the degree of fixation on one’s personality) and a tree (characterizes a person’s vital energy). It should be remembered that the elements of the drawing must be proportional. Don’t forget about such elements of the composition as the path to the house (communication skills), the roots of the tree (spiritual connection with people, the team), and the fruits (practicality).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Testing

The advantages of this technique when determining the personal, as well as professional qualities of the applicant are surprise, interestingness, and the possibility of obtaining the right result. But not everything is so simple. It should be remembered that when taking these types of tests, the results can be affected by a person’s mood. In addition, everyone evaluates the elements of reality differently. For example, for one, black certainly indicates depression, and for another, it indicates superiority, sophistication and courage.

Psychological interview for employment

Direct communication between the head of the company and a potential employee is also an important step in assessing the personality of a candidate for a vacancy. During the conversation, you can ask clarifying questions, and also evaluate the interviewee’s speech skills, his self-control, self-confidence, and reaction. During the communication process, you can find out information about both the personal and professional characteristics of potential employees.

Interview: pros and cons

Of course, employers like this method of getting to know a candidate for a vacancy, because in this way they can evaluate not only the internal qualities of a person, but also his appearance. Unfortunately, there is a lot of subjectivity here, because managers often have stereotypical ideas about the ideal employee, and if the employer has not assessed the candidate’s appearance, then he will not want to find out about his internal qualities.

Impact beyond recruitment

Psychological techniques, in addition to the initial stage of communication with potential workers, are also used by employers in the process of joint labor activity. In addition, they are used not only by company managers, but also by other categories of workers in their professional activities. For example, there are various psychological techniques for working with children. A child is not always frank with his parents and teachers, so sometimes various tests or questionnaires are used to determine the reasons for his unethical behavior. Employers, in turn, also use psychological techniques to deal with violations of discipline. As evidenced by various factors, people and the productivity of their work activities are influenced to a greater extent by incentives and favorable relationships, but not by censure from their superiors.

Psychological testing- a psychology term denoting the procedure for establishing and measuring individual psychological differences. In Russian psychology the term “psychodiagnostic examination” is also used.

Psychological testing is used in various fields: career guidance, professional selection, psychological counseling, planning correctional work, research activities, etc.

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The rules for organizing and conducting psychological testing are described within the relevant field of psychology - psychological diagnostics. Psychological testing in organizations is regulated in the Russian Personnel Testing Standard.

This is largely due to the fact that testing does not allow for any psychological factor on the part of the employee, and each applicant has more opportunities to get the desired job, since absolutely the same conditions are created for them.

However, even though this method has many positive aspects, it cannot be called perfect.

But even one such test will allow the employer to see which candidate has the minimum knowledge required to perform the job. In addition, the test result will immediately give the necessary idea of ​​​​this applicant as a person, which is no less important for a boss who respects himself and his employees.

What constitutes psychological testing when applying for a job will be discussed in our article.

Main categories of employment tests

There are several types of tests used when hiring:

  1. Qualification tests. They help to find out whether he has any knowledge in the area in which he plans to perform his work functions.
  2. Intelligence tests. Such tests help to determine attentiveness and level of mental development.
    • Accounting knowledge test.
    • Computer skills test.
    • Literacy test.
  3. Psychological tests. Such tests allow you to find out the personality traits, as well as his psychological stability.

Main purposes of employee testing

It is carried out for the following reasons:

  1. Conducting an objective assessment of the candidate, in no way dependent on the bad mood and personal sympathy of the employer or special HR manager.
  2. Selecting the required candidate who best meets all the stated qualities.
  3. Selecting an employee who will be most comfortable working in an established team.
  4. Screening out employees with mental problems. This will avoid the long hassle associated with their dismissal.
  5. Screening out applicants who are clearly unsuitable for the job. This is especially true if there is a large competition for a similar vacancy.

The most important thing when conducting a test for an employer is that he understands exactly what the test of this test is.

Many large and well-known companies first of all want to determine, using this test, whether a particular candidate has any personal leadership qualities, as well as dedication and the desire to receive promotions.

However, sometimes the purpose of testing is completely different if the employer, first of all, requires an executive employee who will not aspire to any leadership positions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other activity, testing also has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Advantages:
    • Possibility to compare answers with existing normative samples.
    • Objectivity of the final assessment.
    • The ability to quickly select the right candidate if there are too many applicants for a position.
  2. Flaws:
    • The complexity of carrying out the entire procedure for an HR employee.
    • Low quality of foreign tests, or rather, their translation and adaptation to the mentality of the Russian person.

Why do employers conduct pre-employment tests?

Testing a candidate for his suitability for a future position is quite important, but not the only source of information for the employer.

There is also a separate practice for selecting candidates based on the following parameters:

  1. Summary.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Preliminary interview.

Quite often, after passing the required testing, the candidate for the position will also have an interview. And those who fail the test are not allowed to do this.
According to statistics, testing accounts for thirty percent of all information an employer requires about a given candidate.

What indicators are revealed?

Most often, when conducting such testing, the employer is not at all interested in what specific personal qualities a given candidate has. He requires that he, first of all, correspond to a certain list of qualities inherent in the desired position.

By conducting it, the employer will be able to highlight the following professional aspects and skills::

  1. Leadership skills.
  2. Ability to competently manage the entire team.
  3. Ability to adapt to any changes and manage them.
  4. Human controllability.
  5. Ability to learn.
  6. Level of communication skills.
  7. Stress resistance.
  8. The ability to withstand any stressful situation.
  9. Ability to perform repetitive work.
  10. How does a person feel about constant control?
  11. Receptivity to information.
  12. Ability to quickly analyze all incoming information.
  13. Candidate creativity.
  14. Presence of any bad habits.

Key points when applying for a job for various professions

Any testing is carried out directly in front of the computer. Most often, such testing is the first step for a candidate who wants to get a vacant position.

However, the same test allows the employer to weed out all people who, according to the test results, will not be able to perform the duties assigned to them.

There are a number of professions for which the test is carried out on an individual basis, taking into account the specifics of the job functions performed:

  1. Accountant. First of all, during testing, attention is paid to how quickly and easily the candidate can operate with any numbers, as well as how much he knows reporting forms and the basics of accounting. For example, during testing, a candidate may be asked various questions, such as: what number will need to be multiplied by initially in order to obtain a result that is ten percent larger. In addition, questions on taxation and payroll are especially popular.
  2. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB. Of course, such a test is not officially published anywhere, so you can only find out what exactly is stated in it from the candidate who took it. According to such stories, the testing test lasts the whole day. In this case, special attention is given to the following criteria:
    • Memory.
    • Savvy.
    • Intelligence.
    • Existing priorities in life.
    • Tendency to lie.
  3. Civil service employee. In addition, almost all candidates are also tested for knowledge of the basic skills that will be required to perform the assigned job functions.
  4. Programmer. Such tests are aimed primarily at checking the personal qualities of each candidate. At the same time, during testing, special attention is paid to the fact that a programmer must always find a way out of any situation, even the most non-standard one. That’s why the testing questions they most often have are some kind of humorous ones, when answering which the candidate shows his ingenuity and resourcefulness.
  5. Employee with knowledge of English. Quite often, the employer needs to check the level of knowledge of each candidate in English. There are all kinds of online tests that take quite a bit of time and are quite simple. If a candidate is applying for a high position, then a more in-depth, international test is required. Such testing is most often carried out on the basis of a higher educational institution and does not cost a penny.

Possibility of using the result during an interview

There are two main ways you can use your results in an interview:

  1. Degree of trust. You will need to seek help from psychologists to get a complete picture of your test results. The reliability of the test will be equated to a range from 20 to 70 percent - it all depends on the qualifications of the specialist involved in the interpretation. It is believed that the more tests each candidate has passed, the more reliable the final result will be. That is why, before an interview, each candidate is most often given a whole pack of testing variations.
  2. Personal assessment. Testing, of course, cannot become the main criterion for hiring. Each result must receive a personal assessment from the head of the organization himself, because only he alone knows what the current situation is in the team.

In addition, it is thanks to such a personal assessment that a kind of contact can be created between the future employee and the employer. After all, it is quite likely that the person who, according to the test results, became the most ideal candidate for this position will turn out to be such a specialist with whom it will be simply unpleasant to communicate not only for the manager himself, but also for all his subordinates.

Is testing legal when applying for a job?

Testing each candidate is a completely legal activity. If any of the applicants is categorically against passing this test, he may well refuse it.

But the chances of him getting the desired position will become almost zero. It is likely that the employer will not even want to talk to such a candidate during an interview.

However, refusal to test or poor results cannot be a reason for refusing a potential applicant.

The employer will have to come up with another reason for not hiring him.

Among the most popular:

  1. Insufficient level of professional skills.
  2. There is a more suitable candidate for this position.
  1. Need to act as calmly as possible, be focused and answer all questions sincerely, without hesitation or long pauses.
  2. If very little time is given to complete it, and the candidate realizes that he will not have time to answer all the questions put to him, he should skip questions that cause difficulties. Most often, the final test result depends on the number of tasks completed, and none of the HR employees expects the final result to be one hundred percent.
  3. Concentrate and be attentive. This will allow you to correctly understand the essence of the task and not make mistakes when performing it.
  4. If any question in the assignment is not clear, it is better to skip it rather than poke at it at random. You can put an extra box and describe yourself as completely insane with a large number of mental deviations.
  5. If possible, it is better to find out in advance what tests will be carried out.
  6. Before the actual testing, you should get a good night’s sleep and wear comfortable clothes so that nothing distracts you from completing the tasks.

These simple tips will allow you to count on getting the desired position. And if you still have any doubts, you can cheer yourself up with the fact that most employment tests are American.

Of course, the residents of this country themselves find it quite difficult to pass them when applying for a job, but in our country any schoolchild can easily cope with such tasks.



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