What is a good probiotic to take after antibiotics, for diarrhea or constipation? All possible options. Probiotics after antibiotics: how to quickly restore children's microflora

Today we have an important topic: which probiotics to drink when taking antibiotics, and which ones to take when traveling? Hint - the base is the same! =)

I have a bad attitude towards antibiotics, especially when they are prescribed for any sneeze and for themselves, but situations are different.

And if your doctor prescribes medication, take probiotics while taking antibiotics needed from day one! This is an ironclad rule to reduce the risk of side effects: diarrhea, thrush and the accumulation of allergies.

Probiotics accelerate the restoration of the original microflora, plus reduce the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea (AAD) and the colonization of pathogenic microflora in place of beneficial ones.

This is one of the most serious problems after a course of antibiotics - the appearance of clostridia. They cause intestinal inflammation, release a bunch of toxins and are difficult to treat. You can avoid their appearance in one case - drink saccharomycetes from the first day of therapy.

Probiotics when taking antibiotics

The main question is which probiotics to choose when taking antibiotics?

Not all drugs are equally effective, which is why there are many strains for different situations.

When treating with antibiotics, the greatest effectiveness was shown by the combined use of the fungus Saccharomyces Boulardii Saccharomyces boulardii and lactobacilli Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG.

I'll explain why. Saccharomycetes are the most effective probiotics against acute diarrhea in children and adults. They do not take root in the intestinal tract, and are completely removed in a few days! During this time, they do a great job and displace pathogenic flora, which settles at the site where beneficial bacteria are destroyed.

Saccharomycetes also strengthens the epithelium of the intestinal walls(leaky gut syndrome) and prepare the ground for the establishment of beneficial microflora, which we populate with lactobacilli.

Where to look for Saccharomycetes Boulardii

There is one option on iHerb, Saccharomycetes Jarrow Formulas, Saccharomyces Boulardii, they already have a prebiotic.

The second necessary probiotic is the lactobacilli Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, we find them here Culturelle with inulin.

I like capsules, there are chewable tablets for children, and for very young probiotic drops.

The second “spare” option, instead of LGG, take the acidophilic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, they are part of Pro-Biotic Acidophilus and acidophilic pearls Probiotic Pearls.

How to take probiotics?

Start drinking probiotics with antibiotics from the first day of treatment and continue for another 7 days after taking the last dose of antibiotic.

The best time to take beneficial bacteria is during breakfast. Saccharomycetes Boulardii can be taken at the same time as an antibiotic, since these are fungi and are resistant to the effects of the drug.

It is better to drink other probiotics 2 hours after taking the antibiotic, this applies to LGG and lactobacilli acidophilus.

Probiotics for Travel

Saccharomyces fungi are also useful when traveling. If you are going on a trip, also take with you yeast fungi Saccharomyces Saccharomyces boulardii and/or Bifidobacterium longum .

Saccharomyces boulardii is the most effective probiotics against acute diarrhea in adults and children, provoked by antibiotics or pathogenic organisms during travel (salmonella, staphylococcus, E. coli).

Studies have shown that taking 500 mg (10 billion) of S. boulardii per day significantly reduces the risk of traveler's diarrhea, and also reduces the consequences if the infection does occur.

Where to find: I love this option for traveling Jarrow Formulas, Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS

Bifidobacterium longum BB536

Second travel probiotic, registered strain Bifidobacterium longum BB536. It is the most popular probiotic in Japan, where it is used in supplements and yogurt.

It supports healthy intestinal microflora in children and adults, improves the quality of life in polluted cities and helps adapt to unfamiliar foods.

The strain has over 50 clinical trials and also provides benefits for:

– reduces the incidence of influenza in older people over 65

- reduces the manifestations of seasonal allergies and the number of eosinophils in the blood, when taken a month before the start of the season

– reduces cholesterol levels (effect after 9 weeks of use)

strengthens bones in osteoporosis together with the intake of calcined milk (the probiotic improves gut health, which leads to lower pH levels and improved calcium absorption), see diagram:

Where to find: Bifidobacterium longum BB536 in probiotic Natural Factors, TravelBiotic

To summarize, probiotics when taking antibiotics need to drink from day one, and the scheme must include the fungi Saccharomycetes.

I also wrote about here, and here how to choose for the desired task

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Want more information about probiotics and new strains? Let me know in the comments =)



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In the treatment of respiratory and intestinal infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics from various groups are used. Their use helps to quickly eliminate both the cause of the pathological condition and its clinical manifestations. But antibiotic therapy has one significant drawback - the ability to suppress beneficial intestinal microflora. The resulting deficiency of lacto- and bifidobacteria causes diarrhea and abdominal pain. To prevent dysbiosis, doctors prescribe probiotics to patients while taking antibiotics. The use of drugs with beneficial bacteria becomes an excellent prevention of pseudomembranous colitis and idiopathic diarrhea.

Why are probiotics needed during antibiotic therapy?

Many doctors prefer to use local antibiotics in the form of throat sprays or lozenges in the treatment of respiratory infections. Such drugs are very effective at the initial stage of the disease:

  • quickly destroy staphylococci and pneumococci;
  • prevent the spread of infectious pathogens;
  • help stop inflammation.

Of no small importance is the inability of these antibiotics to penetrate the systemic circulation in significant concentrations. This means that small and adult patients do not have to worry about the state of their intestinal microflora. But in case of complicated pathologies, you cannot do without taking systemic antibiotics:

  • semisynthetic protected and unprotected penicillins;
  • macrolides;
  • cephalosporin antibacterial agents;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • aminoglycosides.

The bactericidal effect of systemic antibiotics is not limited to the tonsils or inflammatory lesions on the mucous membrane of the throat. They penetrate the bloodstream and create maximum therapeutic concentration in the tissues. Including the large intestine. The active ingredients of antibacterial drugs begin to destroy the cell membranes of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria, inhibit growth and reproduction, and cause death.

This is interesting: A person with a strong immune system does not experience any negative consequences for peristalsis and digestion after systemic antibiotic therapy. Even if a large number of beneficial microorganisms die, the population of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli quickly recovers.

Taking probiotics after antibiotics helps populate the intestines with new strains of beneficial microbes. A course of treatment helps normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and even improve immunity weakened by the disease. And the use of probiotics during antibiotic therapy will completely avoid the negative symptoms of dysbiosis.

Consequences of antibiotic therapy

Whether or not to take probiotics together with antibiotics should be decided only by the attending physician. There is no general consensus among doctors about the effectiveness of this method of preventing dysbiosis. Many of them believe that there is no need to load an organism weakened by a respiratory or intestinal infection with additional drugs. In addition, pseudomembranous colitis and idiopathic diarrhea do not develop in all cases. Other doctors warn about the possibility of developing dysbiosis, which in some cases causes the spread of pathogenic bacteria throughout the body. So, patients need to completely trust their doctor in this matter.

Idiopathic diarrhea

A course of antibiotics from any group provokes the death of beneficial microflora in the large intestine. As a rule, antibacterial agents do not exhibit bactericidal activity against a certain class of microorganisms, but immediately destroy lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and enterococci. In adults and children, digestion is disrupted, but the most pronounced symptom is diarrhea. In this case, doctors prefer to immediately prescribe a probiotic, without waiting for the body to independently restore the biocenosis. Which drugs are most effective:

  • Linex Forte, Linex for children;
  • Bifiform;
  • Hilak Forte.

After several days of using probiotics, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. But to consolidate the positive results of treatment, the therapeutic course must be completed completely.

Advice: If diarrhea is not very pronounced, you can increase the number of bacteria in the intestines by consuming natural fermented milk products without dyes and preservatives - yoghurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, Varenets.

Pseudomembranous colitis

This consequence of antibiotic therapy is more dangerous and, oddly enough, to eliminate pseudomembranous colitis requires taking the same antibacterial agents. In people with weak immunity, after the death of beneficial bacteria, clostridia begin to actively grow and multiply. These gram-negative microorganisms always live in the intestines of adults and children without causing any negative symptoms. And in the absence of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which previously controlled their numbers, clostridia quickly increase their population. An intestinal infection develops, the main clinical manifestations of which include:

  • increased body temperature above subfebrile values ​​(38.5°C);
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • dyspeptic disorders - nausea, sour belching, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea.

Clostridia begin to move up the gastrointestinal tract, forming new inflammatory foci. To prevent the spread of infection, gastroenterologists prescribe antibiotics along with probiotics. In this case, the doctor opts for drugs with a high content of saccharomycetes or lactobacilli:

  • Acipol;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Enterol.

The therapeutic regimen may also include sulfonamides (Co-trimoxazole, Biseptol), intestinal antiseptics (Enterofuril, Furazolidone) and antimicrobial agents (Metronidazole, Trichopolum). To strengthen the immune system when treating pseudomembranous enterocolitis, taking probiotics alone is not enough. Adults and children are also recommended to take a course of multivitamins with microelements (Selmevit, Centrum, Complivit).

How to Choose the Best Probiotic

When an adult or child complains of painful diarrhea, an experienced pediatrician or gastroenterologist will immediately prescribe a probiotic that contains a variety of beneficial microorganisms. But he will immediately send the patient to the laboratory to provide a biological sample (usually stool) for analysis. After 1-2 days, according to the research results, it becomes clear which bacteria are deficient in the intestines. Then the drug is replaced with the most suitable probiotic, which contains a high concentration of necessary microorganisms.

Selection principle

During antibiotic therapy, it is not advisable to use Probifor, Bifidumbacterin Forte, Florin Forte. These medicines contain not only bifidobacteria, but also tiny particles of adsorbent - activated carbon. Antibiotics, regardless of the method of taking probiotics, will quickly destroy beneficial microorganisms. And activated carbon, in turn, adsorbs antibacterial agents on its surface. Thus, a course of taking both antibiotics and probiotics will not have the expected therapeutic effect.

When treating respiratory or intestinal infections with macrolides, aminoglycosides or cephalosporins, it is better to take probiotic products that contain not bacteria, but Saccharomyces fungi:

  • Bactisporin;
  • Enterol.

The active ingredients of antibiotics do not have any effect on them, so beneficial fungi freely penetrate into the large intestine and begin to actively multiply there. At the same time, they suppress the growth of clostridia and their release into other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recommendation: When choosing a drug that helps prevent the development of dysbiosis, preference should be given to probiotics with a high content of lactobacilli. These microorganisms are the most resistant to the bactericidal action of antibacterial agents.

Main selection criteria

Which probiotic is better when taking antibiotics is decided by the attending physician. It assesses the general health of a small or adult patient, the stage of the pathological process and the duration of the therapeutic course. Single and daily dosages of antibacterial agents are also important. An antibiotic taken in small quantities rarely causes dysbiosis. But a high dose of cephalosporins, macrolides or semi-synthetic penicillins can provoke not only idiopathic diarrhea, but also pseudomembranous colitis.

Cost does not in all cases become a criterion for the quality of probiotics. When choosing drugs to eliminate the negative consequences of antibiotic therapy, doctors take into account the following parameters:

  • speed of onset of maximum therapeutic effect;
  • the presence of a small number of side effects;
  • minimum frequency of administration during the day;
  • method of consumption that does not require the presence of food in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ease of use in the treatment of dysbiosis in children, especially newborns and infants.
For the treatment of children, liquid dosage forms of probiotics are more often used, which are very convenient to dose with a measuring spoon or cap. For adults, it is better to take medications in capsules or tablets. They can be taken to work, on long trips and travels.

Advice: You should not choose probiotics based on the principle - the more bacteria in the composition, the more beneficial the medicine. The main criterion for preferring one drug to another should be only the results of laboratory tests and indications for use.

How to take probiotics with antibacterial drugs

Before taking probiotics while taking antibiotics, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of proper therapy. Only in this case will the treatment become expedient and safe, and the money will not be wasted. If both probiotics and antibiotics are present in the gastrointestinal tract at the same time, the beneficial bacteria will be instantly destroyed by antibacterial agents. The time interval between the use of drugs should be 2-3 hours, and if possible, more.

What else do you need to know about the combination dose?

Products rich in probiotics are increasingly appearing on store shelves. This trend is no coincidence, as more and more people are trying to maintain their health with the help of natural medicines. However, many people do not know what probiotics are and what benefits they bring to the body.

What are probiotics

According to the WHO definition, probiotics are certain microorganisms that help restore the intestinal microflora and normalize its functioning. In conditions of stress, poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, the current state of the environment, as well as other negative external and internal factors, the body requires additional support.

This is where probiotics are needed, which will help the intestinal flora function smoothly and cope with dysbiosis, protecting human immunity through their actions. Normally, the human body should contain from one to one and a half kilograms of such bacteria. Probiotics are available in different forms (dry or liquid) in ampoules, tablets, capsules, powders, suppositories.

Drugs for dysbacteriosis

A large number of people face this unpleasant disease, but intestinal dysbiosis is especially common in infants and pregnant women - they are at risk. Basically, the disease develops from impaired or overloaded nutrition. Other causes of dysbacteriosis include:

  • frequent use of antibiotics;
  • undergoing intestinal infections or stomach surgery;
  • decreased immunity for various reasons.

All of these or other factors influence what microorganisms are in the intestines and suggest the appearance of dysbiosis. This disease, thanks to prevention and the use of probiotics, can be cured or prevented. Doctors warn: beneficial bacteria (lacto and bifido) must prevail over bad ones, otherwise the intestinal microflora will be disrupted. At the first manifestations of the disease, you should consult a doctor who will tell you which probiotics are best, explain the classification, and prescribe medications for dysbiosis.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • diarrhea;
  • dyspepsia;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the intestinal area;
  • thrush in the mouth, on the genitals, in the intestines;
  • rash on the body.


Probiotics based on lactobacilli for intestinal microflora are sold in pharmacies in tablet, powder form (Lactobacterin, Biobakton) or in the form of suppositories (Acilact). Microorganisms have the ability to suppress pyogenic and putrefactive microbes, while having high antibacterial properties, producing lactic acid and alcohol. Lactobacilli produce interferons, thereby increasing the overall immunity of the body and helping in the fight against dysbacteriosis.

The absence of beneficial microorganisms sharply reduces intestinal activity, and microbes accumulate due to stagnation of food. When taking medications for dysbacteriosis, you must familiarize yourself with the composition of lactobacilli in the instructions. Lactic-containing probiotics are prescribed for dysbiosis, constipation, colitis, and bacterial vaginosis. In gynecology, lactobacilli are also widely used. Vaginal probiotics serve to protect the vaginal microflora.


Another type of probiotics that help against dysbiosis is bifidobacteria. Thanks to their actions, microbes do not manage to penetrate different parts of the intestine, and the microflora is protected. They promote rapid absorption of iron, calcium and B vitamins, maintain acidic intestinal flora, and extinguish inflammatory processes. Bifidobacteria for the intestines are contained in the following probiotics: Bifiliz, Bifiform, Bifikol.

How to restore microflora after antibiotics

Every person has taken antibiotics at least once in their life to treat any disease. However, these life-saving remedies have a downside to the coin. Antibiotics cause an imbalance in the functioning of the intestines and kill beneficial microorganisms located in the intestinal mucosa. To restore microflora, the diet includes kefir, yogurt, and beet juice - these products are rich in probiotics. Doctors recommend resorting to medications. Probiotics Linex or Bifidumbacterin will help restore the intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics.


This is one of the best multicomponent probiotics that normalizes intestinal function. Linex is available in capsules, which, upon entering the stomach, release a white powder. One gram of the drug contains: 300 mg of lactobacilli, 300 mg of bifidobacteria, and the same amount of enterococci. The use of these natural microorganisms as probiotics effectively and quickly helps normalize intestinal function. Linex is widely used in the treatment of dysbiosis, and has practically no contraindications (with the exception of lactose intolerance in the composition).

Directions for use (after meals):

  1. Children 1-2 years old – 1 capsule three times a day.
  2. Children 2-12 years old – 1-2 capsules three times a day.
  3. People over 12 years old – 2 probiotic capsules three times a day.


A type of combined probiotics (synbiotic) that helps cope with intestinal disorders and dysbiosis. Bifidumbacterin also contains prebiotics - chemical organic compounds that complement the structure of the flora of internal organs. The powder form of the medicine is indicated for any age group, capsules - from three years. Bifidumbacterin is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Directions for use: capsules and powder (mix with warm water).

For infectious diseases, doctors often prescribe antibiotics from different drug groups. These drugs have a detrimental effect on many bacteria and speed up recovery. However, often after treatment with antibacterial drugs, a person develops dysbiosis. In this condition, the stomach constantly hurts and growls, and occasional nausea and diarrhea bother you. The consequences of dysbacteriosis can be stomatitis or vaginal candidiasis. To prevent dyspepsia, doctors prescribe probiotics after antibiotics for both adults and children. These drugs are necessary to prevent microflora disorders.

Causes of dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis is a pathological condition in which the balance in the normal microflora of the digestive tract is disturbed.
The following reasons can provoke the disorder:

  • Prolonged or unnecessary treatment with antibacterial drugs.
  • Improperly organized nutrition.
  • Frequent stressful situations.
  • Addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  • Diseases of inflammatory and infectious type.
  • Travelers' diarrhea.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract - gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis.

Dysbacteriosis can occur at different ages; both infants and elderly people suffer from this pathological condition.

In a person with a strong immune system, taking antibiotics does not disrupt the normal intestinal microflora.

Functions of beneficial bacteria

To understand how to take probiotics after antibiotic treatment, you need to know the role of beneficial bacteria. The human body contains several types of beneficial bacteria, which include anaerobic gram-positive rods and microaerophiles. Most of these microorganisms inhabit the large intestine, located on its walls. These bacteria perform the following functions:

Often, intestinal upset after antibiotics can be due to the simultaneous destruction of a large amount of beneficial microflora. This can even lead to such a life-threatening disease as pseudomembranous colitis.

Many doctors believe that even if there are no visible health problems after taking antibiotics, the consequences of taking them will negatively affect the body for a long time.

Classification of probiotics

After treatment with antibiotics, you can take various medications from the group of probiotics. All these medications, recommended after antibiotics, are divided into several groups, depending on the generation.

In addition, all probiotics are divided into groups, depending on the active components. There are preparations containing bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, colibacteria and enterococci.

Probiotics allow you to create an optimal alkaline balance in the body, in which pathogenic microbes die and beneficial microorganisms develop well.

Review of drugs

During treatment, it is necessary to take bifidobacteria after antibiotics to prevent severe digestive tract disorders. But only a doctor should prescribe such drugs. A person who is far from medicine cannot always choose the right probiotic, therefore, such treatment will not have an effect.

It should be remembered that probiotics should not be taken immediately after taking antibacterial drugs, since the probiotic can neutralize their effect. You should wait about two hours between taking these two drugs. It is during this time that the antibiotic has time to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

This probiotic has increased resistance to antibacterial drugs, which significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy. The active component of Enterozermina has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, but does not change the qualitative as well as quantitative composition of normal microflora.

Take the drug orally, after adding a little cooled tea or just water. Infants can mix the drug with breast milk or formula.

Children under 12 years of age are prescribed 1 plastic ampoule of the drug 2 times a day. Adolescents and adults should take the medicine every 3 hours, 1 ampoule.

Enterozermina can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. In rare cases, urticaria appears during treatment, which indicates intolerance to the drug.


This probiotic contains yeast-like fungi that have antidiarrheal and antimicrobial effects. Enterol is also used against vomiting; it helps increase local immunity and prevents the development of pathogenic microbes.

Adults can take the drug 2 capsules several times a day. For children, the dosage is determined by the attending physician. Enterol should not be prescribed simultaneously with antifungal agents.

In rare cases, when treated with Enterol, dyspeptic disorders and allergic reactions occur.

A good probiotic after antibiotics is Bifiform. This drug quickly eliminates all symptoms of dysbacteriosis and normalizes the alkaline balance.

Children over 2 years of age are prescribed 1 capsule of the drug, twice a day, at approximately equal intervals. If the patient's condition is severe, the dose can be increased to 4 capsules.

Children under 2 years of age are prescribed one capsule, just once a day. For babies up to six months, one capsule is divided into 2 doses; the powder can be diluted in both water and breast milk.


This drug consists of lactobacilli and kefir grains. It has pronounced antimicrobial activity and creates an unfavorable environment for the life and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Acipol improves digestion and synthesis of vitamins in the body. Promotes the removal of harmful cholesterol and bilirubin, increases local immunity. The drug reduces the severity of allergic reactions. It can be prescribed for severe intestinal infections as part of complex therapy.

Children under 3 years old are given 1 capsule of Acipol 2 times a day. Children over 3 years of age and adults are recommended to take up to 4 capsules per day.

The average duration of treatment with Acipol is two weeks, but if necessary, therapy can be extended for a month.

This is a fairly popular drug that is often prescribed to both adults and children. It contains acidophilic bacteria, which normalize the microflora in the intestines.

Linex helps improve digestion and quickly eliminates all dyspepsia. The drug can be used for dysbacteriosis of various etiologies.

  • Children under 2 years old are given the contents of one capsule 1-2 times a day. The powder is diluted in a teaspoon of water.
  • Children over 3 years old are given 1 capsule up to three times a day.
  • Adults drink 2 capsules three times a day.

The duration of treatment is usually a month, but as directed by the doctor, the course can be reduced or extended. The drug is allowed to be taken during pregnancy.

To avoid digestive problems, after treatment with antibiotics you need to take a course of probiotics. These medications normalize intestinal microflora and improve immunity. Only a doctor should select such drugs.

This is perhaps one of the most important discoveries in medicine of the twentieth century. It is difficult to imagine modern life without these drugs. However, with all their advantages, antibacterial drugs also have a serious drawback - they lead to the development of infection. To prevent this problem, doctors prescribe an appointment. How advisable is such a prescription, and how to properly take antibiotics with probiotics?

When should you take probiotics?

And these are the symptoms that many people experience after antibiotic therapy. This phenomenon in medicine is called antibiotic-associated diarrhea . The fact is that the antibacterial drug has a complex effect on the body. It cannot only affect the lungs, kidneys, etc. The effect of the drug extends to all organs, so the intestinal microflora may also be affected.

It is known that a large number of bacteria live in the human intestine, an impressive part of which is represented by bifidum and lactobacilli. These bacteria play a very important role in the body - their presence is necessary for normal digestion, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and maintaining immunity. The use of an antibiotic can lead to the death of not only harmful microbes, but also beneficial intestinal bacteria. The result is the development of dysbiosis and antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

According to various sources, antibiotic-associated diarrhea occurs in 5-30% of cases.

It is known that certain antibacterial drugs are more likely than others to cause diarrhea. These are drugs such as:

  1. Protected penicillins (, etc.);
  2. Unprotected penicillins (Ampicillin);
  3. Cephalosporins (, Cefoperazone, etc.);
  4. Macrolides ( , );
  5. Lincosamides (Clindamycin);
  6. Fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin);
  7. Tetracyclines (Tetracycline, Doxycycline).

The development of antibiotic-associated diarrhea is said to occur when there are three or more episodes of loose stools, repeating for at least two days and occurring during antibiotic therapy. Most people experience diarrhea within the first days of using an antibiotic. In other people, the disorder may appear within four weeks of stopping the antibacterial drug. To prevent and eliminate diarrhea during antibiotic therapy, doctors prescribe probiotics.


In pharmacology, probiotics are drugs containing cultures of living bacteria that improve intestinal microflora.

The need for probiotics

Every now and then there are materials in the media questioning the effectiveness of probiotics. To understand the question of whether to take probiotics or not, it is worth turning to the results of world research. And a lot of research has now accumulated on the effectiveness of using probiotics in the fight against antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

Scientists E.Videlock and F.Cremonini in 2012 conducted a meta-analysis of the results of 34 clinical studies, in which a total of 4138 people took part. Summarizing the results obtained, they came to the conclusion that the use of probiotics can significantly reduce the incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.

Does this mean that absolutely everyone needs to take probiotics? This is not entirely true. Firstly, antibiotic-associated diarrhea does not develop in all cases when treated with antibiotics. Secondly, a mild form of antibiotic-associated diarrhea soon goes away on its own without any consequences. Therefore, the decision on the need to use probiotics is made by the doctor, taking into account many factors (pharmacological group of antibiotics, duration of antibiotic therapy, history of episodes of dysbacteriosis, etc.).

There are a large number of probiotics available today. The most popular among them are Linex, Bifiform, Enterol, Acipol, Probifol, more about which can be read in the article “”. How can probiotics be useful? The lacto- and bifidumbacteria included in probiotics are responsible for the following functions:

  1. Normalize the intestinal microflora, increasing the number of beneficial lacto- and bifidumbacteria;
  2. Prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines;
  3. Eliminates symptoms of dysbacteriosis - diarrhea and bloating;
  4. Take part in the synthesis and;
  5. Increases the intestinal absorption of calcium, iron,;
  6. Participate in the metabolism of bile acids;
  7. Participate in the enzymatic breakdown of macronutrients that are not absorbed in the intestine;
  8. Increases the body's immune reactivity.

How to properly take probiotics with antibiotics?

For probiotics to have a positive effect, they must be consumed correctly. Probiotics can be taken from the first days of antibiotic therapy, this will prevent intestinal dysbiosis. The most important thing is not to take medications in one dose, otherwise the antibiotic will simply kill lacto- and bifidumbacteria, and there will be no therapeutic effect. There should be an interval of at least two hours between taking the antibiotic and the probiotic. This period of time will protect the beneficial bacteria of the probiotic from the action of the antibacterial drug.

It is important to remember that food also affects the probiotic. As a rule, probiotics should be taken half an hour after meals with water.. At the same time, it is very important to monitor your diet. Thus, flour and butter products, all kinds of sweets, and alcoholic drinks suppress the growth of lacto- and bifidumbacteria. Therefore, these products should be temporarily abandoned. And, on the contrary, you need to add lactic acid products to your diet, namely: natural kefir and yogurt.

After the end of antibiotic therapy, you need to continue using probiotics. The fact is that probiotics must be taken for a long time - this is the only way to achieve the colonization of the intestines with beneficial bacteria and the restoration of normal biocenosis. On average, the duration of use of probiotics is a month, but if necessary, the course of treatment can be extended.

Valeria Grigorova, doctor, medical columnist



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