What drops help with conjunctivitis. Review of eye drops for the treatment of different types of conjunctivitis

Often the mucous membrane of the eye cannot cope with pathogenic microflora and begins to become inflamed. In this case, medicine for conjunctivitis will help. Conjunctivitis is characterized by its rapid progression and does not tolerate delays in treatment. It is possible to stop the development of the disease at the very beginning, but it is important to know an effective remedy for the treatment of this disease. It is not advisable to postpone a visit to an ophthalmologist.

Causes and symptoms of eye disease

Conjunctivitis is characterized as a pathological condition of the mucous membrane of the eyeball. This is an inflammation of the thin film that covers the front part of the visual analyzer and performs a protective function. She encounters pathogenic microorganisms every minute.

Irritation of the conjunctiva is more often observed in children due to frequent rubbing of the eyes with dirty hands.

Sometimes the development of conjunctivitis is observed during or after a cold. This inflammation passes quickly enough (no more than a week), requires standard treatment and does not leave behind complications.

But a disease that has developed due to the contact of viruses or bacteria (staphylococcus, E. coli) on the mucous membrane is more complex and requires the correct approach to therapy. This type of conjunctivitis is dangerous for others and is quickly transmitted by contact or airborne droplets.

The disease can also develop as an allergic reaction:

  • for cosmetics;
  • for medications;
  • on animal fur;
  • to air smoke.

If the irritant is not eliminated, and relapses of conjunctivitis occur frequently, then the disease takes on a chronic form, which is quite difficult to treat.

In adults, as in children, the development of the disease may be associated with the influence of external factors or be a manifestation of diseases in the body.

Depending on what exactly caused the development of the disease, types of conjunctivitis are distinguished:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • fungal.

There are also chronic and acute forms of the disease.

Characteristic signs will differ depending on the type of conjunctivitis, but the general symptoms include the following manifestations of the disease:

  • burning in the eyes, feeling of sand;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • discharge (purulent, cloudy);
  • increased lacrimation;
  • lack of perception of bright light;
  • swelling on the eyelids.

Basics of disease therapy

At the first manifestations of conjunctivitis, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist for advice. There is no point in postponing therapy. Advanced conjunctivitis often acquires the characteristics of a chronic process, the treatment of which is very difficult.

Treatment of the disease consists of selecting a medicine that will not only help relieve symptoms, but also is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

Only a doctor can determine what exactly triggered the inflammatory process. And only he will select medications that will destroy the pathogen. In addition, other drugs are prescribed that have anti-inflammatory, regenerative, and antiallergic effects.

Even if the inflammatory process occurs in one eye, treatment of conjunctivitis is carried out for both eyes. This allows you to prevent the transition of pathogenic microflora.

Treatment takes place on an outpatient basis, provided that all doctor’s recommendations are followed.

Along with medications, herbal infusions and decoctions can also be recommended. But even here there are certain rules for their application.

  1. For lotions, use a bandage or gauze folded several times. Cotton wool is not used, as its lint can get into the eye and cause additional irritation.
  2. A separate piece of gauze is used for each eye, and it is recommended to use a new one each time.
  3. The prepared herbal solution is used only once. It cannot be reused.

Before applying the medication, it is necessary to rinse the eyes from accumulated mucus and purulent contents. Furacilin or chamomile infusion is used as a rinse.

Conjunctivitis is treated individually, but the precautionary rules outlined above must be followed, regardless of the cause of the disease.

Features of therapy depending on the type of disease

It has already been mentioned that treatment and the choice of means to achieve a positive result largely depend on the correct identification of the causative agent of conjunctivitis.

Let's consider some features of therapy depending on the cause of the disease:

  1. Bacterial conjunctivitis most often occurs in children. Babies, especially newborns, do not always control their movements, which leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the eye and infection. For such babies, it is undesirable to use medications based on sodium sulfacyl, which are actively used to treat adults. For newborns and small children, Tobrex drops are recommended for therapy, which do not cause irritation, are painless, and hypoallergenic.
  2. Viral conjunctivitis is a rather dangerous disease. It manifests itself as unpleasant sensations in the eyes, which are accompanied by burning and itching. For treatment, drugs based on interferon are used (Lokferon, Ophthalmoferon, Interferon alfa 2).
  3. If the cause of the development of the disease is an allergic factor, then such a disease is quite difficult to treat. Therapy is usually complex and consists of drops, and antiallergic tablets may also be prescribed for oral administration. They help quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Before starting to use any product, consult a doctor. This is especially important if conjunctivitis is detected in a pregnant woman, during lactation or in children.

Therapy is often more aggressive for adults than for children. The complex treatment of conjunctivitis (bacterial) may include antibiotics, Levomycetin, Albucid, Futsitalmic, Tsiprolet, Vitabact. These drugs should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and for the number of days specified by him.

A disease such as conjunctivitis can cause a deterioration in the quality of the visual analyzer. And even after complete recovery, the patient may complain of unpleasant sensations in the eyes that occur periodically. Pharmacology today represents Solcoseryl eye gel, which ophthalmologists use as a restorative agent.

Its effect on the mucous membrane and conjunctiva:

  • accelerates the healing of damaged tissues at the cellular level;
  • normalizes metabolism and organ function;
  • restores tissue in a short time.

Traditional methods and recipes can be used in complex therapy in adults. These are usually eye washes and lotions.

Using only them, it will not be possible to cure the disease, so folk recipes should be used only as auxiliary methods of cleaning the eye from accumulated pus and mucus. In addition, do not forget that many components of traditional medicine can cause an allergic reaction, which will aggravate the situation.

Here are some recipes:

  • dill greens are passed through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out, from which lotions are made at the first signs of the disease;
  • Honey is dissolved in water in a ratio of 2:1 and the resulting liquid is instilled into the eyes;
  • Crush a few rose hips (no more than 5) and pour boiling water over them, put on the fire until boiling, leave for 30 minutes, strain and make lotions.

Always remember the methods of preventing the disease, follow the rules of hygiene, and the problems of conjunctivitis will not affect you.

Conjunctivitis is a fairly common eye disease. Both adults and children suffer from it. Redness of the mucous membrane, itching, pain, purulent discharge - these are characteristic symptoms of the inflammatory process.

To treat conjunctivitis, pharmacies have many eye drops for adults and children. How to understand this variety and choose the right ones? To do this, you need to know exactly the reason that caused your conjunctival inflammation, and select medications accordingly.

All eye drops for conjunctivitis are divided into several types, each drug is suitable for treating a specific type of conjunctivitis:

  1. Bacterial - easily treatable with antibiotics, in the form of ointments, drops, and in some cases, tablets.
  2. Viral - antiviral eye drops and general antiviral drugs.
  3. Allergic - goes away as soon as the effect of the allergen on the mucous membrane of the eye ceases.

The first two types are contagious, so always use caution when interacting with people who show signs of sore eyes. Among ointments and eye drops for various types of conjunctivitis, there are both cheap and more expensive ones. The choice of a particular drug should be determined by a specialist, taking into account existing contraindications and effectiveness in each specific case.

Drops for bacterial conjunctivitis

The choice of effective eye drops for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis is quite wide.

The most commonly used eye drops are:

  1. Albucid - 65 rub. Produced in the form of a 20% solution used to treat conjunctivitis in children and 30% for adults.
  2. Levomycetin - 35 rub. They belong to drugs with a wide sphere of influence. Their use negatively affects the development of gram-negative and gram-positive inflammatory pathogens.
  3. Tobrex - 190 rub. The main substance is tobramycin, which fights staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria.
  4. Tsipromed - 140 rub. They contain ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action, including activity against gonococci, spirochetes and Klebsiella.
  5. Floxal - 180 rub. Antimicrobial eye drops containing the antibiotic ofloxacin, which has a bactericidal effect on streptococci, fungi, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and chlamydia.

These drugs are the main ones for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children and adults, but the choice must be made by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the disease and individual characteristics.

Drops for viral conjunctivitis

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis are designed to strengthen the immune system and prevent the pathogen from multiplying in tissues.

A sample list of good antiviral eye drops:

  1. Aktipol. A solution with antiviral, antioxidant and regenerative properties. The active ingredient is para-aminobenzoic acid (interferon inducer). Average price – 220 rubles.
  2. Poludan. The drug is intended to eliminate adenovirus and herpes infection, developed on the basis of a polyribonucleotide complex. Price 120-130 rub.
  3. Oftalmoferon. A drug containing alpha-2 interferon. Has antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain during conjunctivitis. Average price – 294 rubles.

It should be understood that a viral infection quickly spreads from one eye to the other. As a result, if there is inflammation on one side, it is necessary to apply the drops to the other eye.

Drops for allergic conjunctivitis

Such drops are used for conjunctivitis of allergic origin, as well as for infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva to reduce unpleasant pathological manifestations - itching, redness, etc.

Here are some anti-allergic medicinal solutions for the eyes:

  1. Allergodil. A powerful antiallergic drug, has a long-lasting effect and practically does not cause side effects. Price 310-330 rub.
  2. Cromohexal. The main active ingredient of the drug, cromoglycic acid, prevents the release of inflammatory mediators during allergies. Price about 100 rubles.
  3. Opatanol. A potent antihistamine that contains olopatadine. Price 380-420 rub.
  4. Lecrolin. They prevent the release of allergic reaction mediators and effectively relieve allergy symptoms; they contain cromoglycic acid. Price ranges from 120-135 rubles.

The main components of the above drops are antihistamines.

Drops for conjunctivitis for children

There are no eye drops for conjunctivitis for children as such. Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision in a child should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

  1. For bacterial infections, the use of antibiotic-based eye drops is indicated.
  2. For viral infections, drugs that have an antiviral effect are prescribed.
  3. For allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamines are indicated. Signs of the disease disappear immediately after the allergen is eliminated.

Topical products are the safest for children, since they are practically not absorbed by the body and do not cause side effects from its various systems.

Medicine for conjunctivitis can come in various pharmaceutical forms. Depending on the type of disease, the doctor may suggest antihistamines, antibacterial, antiviral drugs, corticosteroids, topical NSAIDs, membrane stabilizing or other drugs. Some of the drugs have direct contraindications and can enter the bloodstream and cause adverse reactions. That is why self-medication of any form of conjunctivitis is unacceptable.

Principles of treatment of conjunctivitis

Therapy for conjunctivitis will not be successful if the patient does not adhere to the basic principles of its treatment. And the first of these concerns eye hygiene. Since bacteria and viruses can be transmitted by contact, it is necessary to use sterile, disposable and separate cotton swabs and disks for each eye. They are not allowed to be reused.

Professional treatment of conjunctivitis should be a mandatory rule. That is, at the first manifestations of the disease you need to visit an ophthalmologist. But not all drugs to combat conjunctivitis will be equally useful and appropriate, because there are many varieties of this disease.

It is important to remove the root cause of conjunctivitis. So, when an allergic variant appears, the first task is to eliminate the allergen; for a viral one, it is to treat a general viral disease (influenza, acute respiratory infections, etc.), and for a bacterial one, it is to fight pathogenic microorganisms.

General therapy is aimed at combating the main symptoms and general disease. Meanwhile, to speed up treatment, you can also use traditional methods of struggle. In any case, the regimen should be determined by a doctor.

Rinsing, instilling eye drops, lubricating the eyelids with special ointments - these are the main manipulations that will have to be performed during the period of conjunctivitis.

It is important to pay attention to the storage conditions of medications, because most of them contain live microorganisms and therefore cannot be stored in a warm place.

Without knowing which variety you are dealing with, you should absolutely not use thermal treatment methods. With a bacterial variant, such a procedure can cause a sharp deterioration in the situation. The same applies to cooling the eyes and eyelids.

Treatment of bacterial type conjunctivitis

As a rule, bacterial conjunctivitis always occurs in an acute form. It is common in both adults and children. There are many specific pathogens that can lead to the development of this disease, in particular: pneumococci, gonococci, streptococci. In children, they can occur as a result of rubbing their eyes with dirty hands or after certain colds or infectious diseases, for example, after diphtheria.

To treat this type of disease you do not have to spend a lot of time and medications. The main remedy is antibiotics. The following can be named:

  1. Albucid. Effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. It has an affordable price among others. Can be used to treat children.
  2. Phloxal. Instilling such a medicine is appropriate when you need to fight salmonella, staphylococci, and gonococci.
  3. Tobrex. The main active ingredient is tobramycin. It is capable of combating many bacteria, however, some microorganisms of the staphylococcal group are resistant to it.
  4. Levomycetin. It has a wide spectrum of action. In addition to many bacteria, this medicine is also capable of destroying some large viruses. Although the product is sold in the form of drops, it is, however, capable of partially penetrating into the general bloodstream, so it cannot be used for a long time.
  5. Fucithalmic. Considered a natural antibiotic. It is used exclusively topically (in the form of drops). Treatment of conjunctivitis should be carried out in courses. It does not have many contraindications, however, it should be used with caution when treating infants.

It is possible to supplement the treatment with some ointments, in particular erythromycin and tetracycline.

How to treat a viral variant?

Viral conjunctivitis is a consequence of various types of colds. Therefore, it is traditionally preceded by: high fever, runny nose, sore throat, sometimes indigestion, etc. According to therapists and ophthalmologists, the adult body is capable of recovering on its own, however, with the help of medications it is possible to speed up this process. Thus, for a viral type of disease, it is appropriate to use eye ointments that destroy herpetic manifestations and adenovirus, drops with an immunostimulating effect, and special injections administered under the membrane of the eye.

The following 3 main means used in the fight against viral conjunctivitis can be distinguished:

  1. Oftalmoferon. This is a combined remedy that simultaneously performs 3 positive effects: antiallergic, antiviral and immunostimulating. During the acute period of the disease, you need to instill this effective remedy into the conjunctivitis sac in the dose prescribed by the doctor 5-7 times a day. When the manifestations of the lesion decrease, the number of instillations decreases accordingly.
  2. Aktipol. The active substance is an interferon inducer. The product has an antiviral effect, in addition, it promotes the regeneration of the cornea and improves the water-salt balance. To obtain a sustainable result, long-term treatment is required, even after the main manifestations of the disease have been overcome.
  3. Oftan I'm coming. Causes selective destruction of herpes viruses. Used in courses from several days to 3 weeks. The use of this medicine is not very popular, because it is contraindicated for children under the first 3 years of life. In addition, the use of the product should be very frequent: in fact, every 2 hours (both day and night).

Specifics of combating allergic manifestations in the eyes

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when small allergen particles from the air enter the eye shell. This could be dust, sand, pollen, wool, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, household chemicals, etc. As a rule, this variant of the disease is accompanied by sneezing, runny nose, lacrimation, and swelling of the eyelids.

The first task in this case is to eliminate the main irritant, that is, the allergen.

It is better to rinse your eyes with warm water, but not if chemicals are to blame (they, in combination with other substances, including water, can give an unpredictable reaction).

Quite often (especially for children) with the allergic version of conjunctivitis, doctors suggest the use of antihistamines orally. These, in particular, include the tablets Zyrtec, Loratadine, Claritin, Telfast, Cetrin.

As for eye drops, in this case there are many possible options. Thus, the following are especially popular among ophthalmologists:

  • histamine receptor blockers - Allergodil, Histimet, Visin, Opatanol;
  • mast cell stabilizers - Krom-allergies, Hi-Krom, Lecrolin, Cromohexal;
  • membrane stabilizing agents - Zadiken, Lekrolin;
  • tear replacers (appropriate when the membrane of the eye is especially dry, this often happens in older people) - Oftolik, Defislez, Oftogel, Vidisik, Inox;
  • in case of inflammation of the cornea, drops with a vitamin composition are often prescribed - Quinax, Khrustalina, Taufon, Catalin, Katachrom, Vita-Iodurol;
  • corticosteroid drops (used only for conjunctivitis of particular complexity) - various options based on Hydrocortisol, Dexamethasone;
  • topical NPS - products based on Diclofenac.

Fighting purulent conjunctivitis

Purulent conjunctivitis is considered a particularly complex and dangerous form. It always manifests itself as sticking together of the eyelids, severe irritation of the cornea, discharge of purulent fluid, and fear of light. Watching and doing any work in this case is especially difficult.

The effectiveness of treatment is ensured not only by the drugs recommended by doctors, but also by the sequence of actions, attentiveness and discipline in treatment. The treatment algorithm includes the following actions:

  • morning rinsing of the eyes with a solution of potassium permanganate: first, use a cotton swab to remove the main pus from the eyelid, then rinse the conjunctival cavity with a stream of the same solution (a bulb or syringe without a needle is used for this function);
  • the cleaned eye is instilled with Levomycetin - a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug;
  • Apply tetracycline ointment to your eyelids at night.

Provided that purulent formations come to the surface during the day, rinsing and instillation must be repeated more often.

When eliminating the purulent form of conjunctivitis, you must take into account several basic tips for combating it:

  1. You should not start instillation until the eye is washed, because the purulent liquid will not allow the active substance to penetrate to the source of the inflammatory process.
  2. Do not overuse eye drops. It is erroneous to say that the more liquid, the better the effect. Excess drops will simply flow down the cheek, irritating it.
  3. Do not skip the instillation time. In the case of Levomycetin, this procedure should occur every 50–60 minutes. If less often, then there is a risk of selection of microorganisms resistant to the drug, and conjunctivitis itself then becomes chronic.

Home remedies for conjunctivitis

Home treatments can be a good alternative to traditional drug treatment for conjunctivitis. And traditional medicine knows a lot of these:

  1. Chamomile. This plant can be used in a wide variety of ways. It is perfect for making lotions, washing eyes, and also for making teas. The plant has a good anti-inflammatory effect and virtually has no contraindications. An allergic reaction resulting from the use of chamomile is extremely rare.
  2. Black tea. One of the oldest medicines in the fight against eye diseases not only in humans, but also in animals. You need to brew tea of ​​medium strength. After moistening the gauze in it, you need to rinse your eyes in the direction from the corner to the base (it is closer to the nose).
  3. Dill. You need to squeeze the juice out of these greens to treat your eyes. After moistening the cotton pads, they should be applied for 14-18 minutes on the eyelids. You can also make eye drops based on it. To do this, boil crushed dill particles in one container, in addition, extracts of the following plants: horsetail, chicory flowers, rose petals, marshmallow roots. The decoction should be quite strong. It is worth instilling according to the same principle as Levomycetin drops.
  4. Potato. Most suitable for making compresses. To prepare the mixture, you need to grate the cleaned and washed product and mix it with a chicken egg. Apply the product in a small amount for 10–14 minutes.
  5. Tea mushroom. Although obtaining such a remedy is not as easy as rose hips or honey, it will, however, be especially useful. Kombucha perfectly improves both general and local immunity, so it can be used both as a decoction for internal use and as a rinse.
  6. Bay leaf. Boil for approximately 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled, soak a piece of gauze or a cotton pad in it, and then apply it to closed eyelids for half an hour.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that conjunctivitis is one of those diseases that can be cured quickly and relatively easily. However, to obtain a positive result, the doctor must select a list of the best and most suitable drugs in this case, and the patient must adhere to precise recommendations.

Conjunctivitis is a fairly common eye disease. Both adults and children suffer from it. Redness of the mucous membrane, itching, pain, purulent discharge - these are characteristic symptoms of the inflammatory process.

There are many eye drops for adults and children in pharmacies. How to understand this variety and choose the right ones? To do this, you need to know exactly the reason that caused your conjunctival inflammation, and select medications accordingly.

All eye drops for conjunctivitis are divided into several types, each drug is suitable for treating a specific type of conjunctivitis:

  1. Bacterial - easily treatable with antibiotics, in the form of ointments, drops, and in some cases, tablets.
  2. Viral – antiviral eye drops and general antiviral drugs.
  3. Allergic – goes away as soon as the effect of the allergen on the mucous membrane of the eye ceases.

The first two types are contagious, so always use caution when interacting with people who show signs of sore eyes. Among ointments and eye drops for various types of conjunctivitis, there are both cheap and more expensive ones. The choice of a particular drug should be determined by a specialist, taking into account existing contraindications and effectiveness in each specific case.

Drops for bacterial conjunctivitis

The choice of effective eye drops for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis is quite wide.

The most commonly used eye drops are:

  1. Albucid – 65 rub. Produced in the form of a 20% solution used to treat conjunctivitis in children and 30% for adults.
  2. Levomycetin – 35 rub. They belong to drugs with a wide sphere of influence. Their use negatively affects the development of gram-negative and gram-positive inflammatory pathogens.
  3. Tobrex – 190 rub. The main substance is tobramycin, which fights staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria.
  4. Tsipromed – 140 rub. They contain ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action, including activity against gonococci, spirochetes and Klebsiella.
  5. – 180 rub. Antimicrobial eye drops containing the antibiotic ofloxacin, which has a bactericidal effect on streptococci, fungi, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and chlamydia.

These drugs are the main ones for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children and adults, but the choice must be made by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the disease and individual characteristics.

Drops for viral conjunctivitis

Eye drops from are designed to strengthen the immune system and prevent the proliferation of pathogens in tissues.

A sample list of good antiviral eye drops:

  1. Aktipol. A solution with antiviral, antioxidant and regenerative properties. The active ingredient is para-aminobenzoic acid (interferon inducer). Average price – 220 rubles.
  2. Poludan. The drug is intended to eliminate adenovirus and herpes infection, developed on the basis of a polyribonucleotide complex. Price 120-130 rub.
  3. Oftalmoferon. A drug containing alpha-2 interferon. Has antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain during conjunctivitis. Average price – 294 rubles.

It should be understood that a viral infection quickly spreads from one eye to the other. As a result, if there is inflammation on one side, it is necessary to apply the drops to the other eye.

Drops for allergic conjunctivitis

Such drops are also used for infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva to reduce unpleasant pathological manifestations - itching, redness, etc.

Here are some anti-allergic medicinal solutions for the eyes:

  1. . A powerful antiallergic drug, has a long-lasting effect and practically does not cause side effects. Price 310-330 rub.
  2. Cromohexal. The main active ingredient of the drug, cromoglycic acid, prevents the release of inflammatory mediators during allergies. Price about 100 rubles.
  3. Opatanol. A potent antihistamine that contains olopatadine. Price 380-420 rub.
  4. Lecrolin. They prevent the release of allergic reaction mediators and effectively relieve allergy symptoms; they contain cromoglycic acid. Price ranges from 120-135 rubles.

The main components of the above drops are antihistamines.

Drops for conjunctivitis for children

There are no eye drops for conjunctivitis for children as such. Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision in a child should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

  1. At bacterial infection the use of antibiotic-based eye drops is indicated.
  2. At viral infections drugs that have an antiviral effect are prescribed.
  3. At allergic conjunctivitis antihistamines are indicated. Signs of the disease disappear immediately after the allergen is eliminated.

Topical products are the safest for children, since they are practically not absorbed by the body and do not cause side effects from its various systems.


Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye is medically called conjunctivitis. This disease affects patients of all ages and can be of allergic, bacterial or viral origin. Treatment of the disease is carried out individually using different drugs. The most popular form of medicines for pathologies of the organs of vision are instillation solutions. When choosing a drug, it is important to take into account the patient’s age and the etiology of the disease.

How does eye conjunctivitis manifest?

The disease is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (the thin transparent tissue that lines part of the sclera and the inner surface of the eyelid). Pathology develops under the influence of infection or other external factors. Without proper treatment, the inflammation leads to the development of pink eye due to the prominence of the blood vessels. Some forms of conjunctivitis are contagious. The pathology is easily treated, but can provoke the development of serious complications.

Frequent causes of the inflammatory process are allergens, bacteria or viruses. In addition, the disease is provoked by prolonged wearing of contact lenses, foreign bodies entering the eyes, polluted air, etc. In newborn babies, infection can occur from interaction with bacteria located in the mother's birth canal. Therapy for the disease is prescribed after identifying the cause of inflammation, etiology, and studying the clinical picture.

Signs of conjunctivitis may differ in patients with different types of pathology. Among the common symptoms of the disease, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • photophobia;
  • burning and itching;
  • formation of films on the conjunctiva;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • inflammation of the eyelids;
  • sticky eyes after sleep;
  • purulent or mucous discharge from the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes;
  • formation of cracks in the corners of the eyes;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
  • lacrimation;
  • blepharospasm (uncontrolled closure of the eyelid);
  • irregularities of the mucous membrane;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • dry mucous membranes.

Drops for conjunctivitis for children

After detecting symptoms of an unpleasant disease in your child, it is recommended to immediately visit an ophthalmologist. The doctor will prescribe therapy, taking into account the specific case, the patient’s age, and the type of pathology. Medicines are prescribed according to indications. Drops for conjunctivitis for newborns are especially carefully selected, because all drugs have age restrictions. The procedures are carried out after washing the organs of vision. Be sure to treat both eyes, even if only one is inflamed.

For viral conjunctivitis

This type of pathology is caused by adenoviruses, enteroviruses, and herpes pathogens. Often conjunctivitis is accompanied by high body temperature, acute respiratory infections, sore throat, catarrhal rhinitis and other disorders. This type of disease affects children of all ages, including infants. Drops for conjunctivitis of viral etiology are prescribed by an ophthalmologist after laboratory tests.

Ophthalmoferon is a popular remedy based on recombinant interferon 2-alpha and diphenhydramine. The solution provides antihistamine, antiherpes and antiviral effects, reduces inflammation and swelling of tissues, and relieves itching. The drug is suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis in infants. The medicine has a quick effect in the treatment of diseases caused by adenovirus, herpes and others.

For children, eye drops for conjunctivitis are used in a course of 5 days from the moment symptoms of the disease are detected. The disadvantage of the drug is that during treatment an allergy or burning sensation may develop. The instillation regimen is as follows: 1 dose in each eye, no more than 8 sessions (every hour). Cost of Oftalmoferon in a pharmacy: 255-320 rubles.

Aktipol - drops based on para-aminobenzoic acid, which stimulates the synthesis of interferon. The drug removes swelling, accelerates corneal healing, and provides an antiviral effect. The medicine is instilled into the eyes every hour, 1 drop up to 8 times daily. The product can be used to treat children under 1 year of age. The price of Aktipol in pharmacies is 150-200 rubles.

Oftan Idu - antiviral drops for children over 2 years old. The drug is made on the basis of idoxuridine and has an antiherpes effect. The medicine is used strictly under the supervision of an ophthalmologist due to the special dosage regimen. Drops are instilled into the conjunctival cavity, 1 drop every hour during the day, every 2 hours at night until the patient’s condition stabilizes. Next, night sessions are repeated every 3 hours, and daytime sessions are left unchanged. The course of therapy is no longer than 3 weeks. Cost of the drug: 250-290 rubles.

Oftan Ida is not prescribed to patients with deep damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. Due to the components of the drug, cell regeneration processes slow down. The product may cause allergies. Among the contraindications, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • fear of light;
  • pain;
  • superficial corneal erosions.

For bacterial

This form of conjunctivitis develops after pathogenic microbes enter the mucous membrane of the eye. A child can become infected through dirty hands or toys. The disease is caused by pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia and other microorganisms. Before prescribing drops for this type of conjunctivitis, laboratory tests are carried out to identify pathogens. The disease is characterized by purulent discharge from the eyes.

Sodium sulfacyl is the most popular antibiotic based on sodium sulfacetamide monohydrate (albucid). The drug provides a rapid antimicrobial effect, suitable for young children and newborns. The product is instilled 1 drop into the conjunctival cavity of each eye. Repeat sessions up to 6 times daily. The course of therapy is 10 days. Price of drops: 45-60 rub.

Tobrex is an antimicrobial agent based on tobramycin. The drug is suitable for patients with allergies to fluoroquinolones. The medicine was used for a long time only for adult patients, but clinical studies have proven the possibility of its use for children, including newborns. For conjunctivitis, the drug is instilled into each eye, 1 drop up to 5 times daily. The course of therapy is no longer than 1 week. The cost of Tobrex is 185 rubles.

Floxal is an eye drop with a bacteriostatic effect. The drug is made on the basis of fluoroquinol, providing a quick effect. The disadvantage of using these drops for conjunctivitis is the large number of side symptoms. The product is not prescribed for children under 7 years of age; it may cause photophobia, burning, itching or swelling. The drug is used according to the following scheme: 1 drop in each eye, 5 times daily. The course of therapy is 10 days. Cost: 140-170 rub.

For allergic

If the cause of a child’s illness is an individual reaction of the body to pollen, wool or household chemicals, then anti-allergy drugs are used for treatment. To ensure a lasting effect of therapy, it is important to find and eliminate the allergen. Popular drops for conjunctivitis for children are presented below:

  1. Lecrolin is a non-hormonal drug for patients over 4 years of age. The medicine is made on the basis of sodium cromoglycate, which quickly acts on mast cells, stabilizes membranes, and reduces the production of histamine. The product is instilled into the eyes up to 4 times daily until the symptoms of conjunctivitis disappear. Drops do not eliminate the allergen, but only improve the general condition of the patient. During therapy, urticaria or bronchial asthma may develop. Price of the drug: 89-95 rubles.
  2. Allergodil is a product based on azelastine hydrochloride, which provides a strong prolonged antiallergic effect and blocks histamine receptors. Not prescribed for children under 4 years of age. Against conjunctivitis of allergic etiology, the drug is used 1 drop 4 times daily until the symptoms of the disease disappear. The cost of the drops is 430 rubles.

Drops for conjunctivitis in adults

Therapy for inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision begins with identifying the cause of infection. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor after a series of clinical studies, taking into account the severity of the inflammatory process, the pathogen, and existing complications. The basis of therapy is the use of drops, washing the eyes with medicinal solutions. Drugs are selected individually, depending on the type of disease.

Drops for viral conjunctivitis

Therapy for this form of pathology in adults does not differ from the methods of treatment for children. It is important to destroy the virus that caused the inflammation. Drops for conjunctivitis are prescribed after identifying the causative agent of the disease. During therapy, it is forbidden to wear blindfolds. Drops will be used after hygiene procedures. Below are popular remedies for the treatment of conjunctivitis:

  1. Florenal (0.1% solution) is a synthetic antiviral drug based on fluorenonylglyoxal bisulfite. The product is instilled into the eyes, one drop up to 6 times a day. The drops suppress viral replication and are effective against pathogens such as adenovirus, Herpes simplex, and Varicella zoster. Not prescribed for individual intolerance to the components. Price of the drug: 745 rub.
  2. Terbofen (0.1% solution) - drops for conjunctivitis with tetrabromotetrahydroxydiphenyl, have a pronounced antiviral and immunostimulating effect. Apply 1 dose to each eye, 3 times daily. The course of therapy is determined by the doctor, but lasts no longer than 4 weeks. Contraindications for use are pregnancy, lactation, allergy to the active substance. The product has been discontinued and is not available in Russian pharmacies, so its cost is unknown.
  3. Gludantan (0.1% solution) - a drug with amantadine, is effective against adenovirus, influenza, herpes and other pathogens of conjunctivitis of this form. Use 1 dose up to 3-6 times daily, depending on the severity of the disease. It has a large number of contraindications: renal failure, pregnancy, mental illness, dermatitis, arterial hypertension. There is no medicine in pharmacies, but you can buy an analogue of Pk-Merz at a price of 1380-1450 rubles.

From bacterial

Conjunctivitis often develops in adults and children under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. In this case, ophthalmologists prescribe antibiotics to patients. Treatment of bacterial inflammation should last at least 7 days. Popular antimicrobial eye drops are presented below:

  1. Albucid (30% solution) - a remedy for the treatment of various infections with sodium sulfacyl. Used three times daily, 1 dose. Not prescribed to patients with allergies to components. The cost of the bottle is 60-80 rubles.
  2. Norsulfazole (10% solution) is a drug based on sulfathiozole. Used for conjunctivitis three times a day, 1-2 doses in each eye. The course of therapy is determined by a specialist. Norsulfazole is not prescribed for problems with the bone marrow, kidney failure, or pregnancy. The cost of the powder for preparing the solution is unknown, since the medicine has been discontinued and is being replaced by analogues.
  3. Gentamicin (0.25% solution) is a remedy for conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology with dexamethasone sodium phosphate, gentamicin sulfate. The dosage is determined by the doctor individually. The course of therapy lasts up to 3 weeks. Contraindications are chicken pox, dendritic keratitis, corneal epitheliopathy, fungal infections of the eyes. Price of the drug: 132-150 rubles.
  4. Levomycetin (0.25% solution) is an inexpensive domestic product with chloramphenicol. It affects microorganisms (stops protein synthesis), while producing nucleic acids. Use one dose 2 times daily. Not prescribed for patients with allergies to components, skin diseases, or pregnant women. Cost of the drug: 10-15 rubles.

From allergic

This form of the disease often develops in patients with allergies to pollen, wool, chemicals, cosmetics, etc. As a rule, inflammation begins in both eyes at once. Medicines for patients with this form of the disease are prescribed only after a thorough examination and visit to an allergist. Popular anti-allergy drugs are presented below:

  1. Hydrocortisone is a potent agent that affects protein and carbohydrate metabolism, provides an anabolic and catabolic effect on protein synthesis. Additionally, the solution has an immunosuppressive, desensitizing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergenic effect. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women, patients with kidney, heart, gastrointestinal diseases, or HIV infections. Use 1 dose in 3-4 doses until symptoms disappear. Cost: 25-40 rub.
  2. Histimet is a medicine containing levocabastine. The product has an antihistamine and antiallergic effect. It has a small number of contraindications. Not prescribed for hypersensitivity to components. Apply the solution up to 4 times daily, 1 drop in each eye.
  3. Oftadek is a product with an antibacterial and antiallergic effect. The medicine contains decamethoxin. Not prescribed to patients with allergies to components. The solution is instilled 2 drops into each eye. The procedure is repeated as necessary no more than 6 times a day. Cost: 58-72 rub.


To treat conjunctivitis, pharmacies have many eye drops for adults and children. How to understand this variety and choose the right ones? To do this, you need to know exactly the reason that caused your conjunctival inflammation, and select medications accordingly.

All eye drops for conjunctivitis are divided into several types, each drug is suitable for treating a specific type of conjunctivitis:

  1. Bacterial - easily treatable with antibiotics, in the form of ointments, drops, and in some cases, tablets.
  2. Viral - antiviral eye drops and general antiviral drugs.
  3. Allergic - goes away as soon as the effect of the allergen on the mucous membrane of the eye ceases.

The first two types are contagious, so always use caution when interacting with people who show signs of sore eyes. Among ointments and eye drops for various types of conjunctivitis, there are both cheap and more expensive ones. The choice of a particular drug should be determined by a specialist, taking into account existing contraindications and effectiveness in each specific case.

The choice of effective eye drops for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis is quite wide.

The most commonly used eye drops are:

  1. Albucid - 65 rub. Produced in the form of a 20% solution used to treat conjunctivitis in children and 30% for adults.
  2. Levomycetin - 35 rub. They belong to drugs with a wide sphere of influence. Their use negatively affects the development of gram-negative and gram-positive inflammatory pathogens.
  3. Tobrex - 190 rub. The main substance is tobramycin, which fights staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria.
  4. Tsipromed - 140 rub. They contain ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action, including activity against gonococci, spirochetes and Klebsiella.
  5. Floxal - 180 rub. Antimicrobial eye drops containing the antibiotic ofloxacin, which has a bactericidal effect on streptococci, fungi, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and chlamydia.

These drugs are the main ones for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children and adults, but the choice must be made by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the disease and individual characteristics.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis are designed to strengthen the immune system and prevent the pathogen from multiplying in tissues.

A sample list of good antiviral eye drops:

  1. Aktipol. A solution with antiviral, antioxidant and regenerative properties. The active ingredient is para-aminobenzoic acid (interferon inducer). Average price – 220 rubles.
  2. Poludan. The drug is intended to eliminate adenovirus and herpes infection, developed on the basis of a polyribonucleotide complex. Price 120-130 rub.
  3. Oftalmoferon. A drug containing alpha-2 interferon. Has antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain during conjunctivitis. Average price – 294 rubles.

It should be understood that a viral infection quickly spreads from one eye to the other. As a result, if there is inflammation on one side, it is necessary to apply the drops to the other eye.

Such drops are used for conjunctivitis of allergic origin, as well as for infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva to reduce unpleasant pathological manifestations - itching, redness, etc.

Here are some anti-allergic medicinal solutions for the eyes:

  1. Allergodil. A powerful antiallergic drug, has a long-lasting effect and practically does not cause side effects. Price 310-330 rub.
  2. Cromohexal. The main active ingredient of the drug, cromoglycic acid, prevents the release of inflammatory mediators during allergies. Price about 100 rubles.
  3. Opatanol. A potent antihistamine that contains olopatadine. Price 380-420 rub.
  4. Lecrolin. They prevent the release of allergic reaction mediators and effectively relieve allergy symptoms; they contain cromoglycic acid. Price ranges from 120-135 rubles.

The main components of the above drops are antihistamines.

There are no eye drops for conjunctivitis for children as such. Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision in a child should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

  1. For bacterial infections, the use of antibiotic-based eye drops is indicated.
  2. For viral infections, drugs that have an antiviral effect are prescribed.
  3. For allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamines are indicated. Signs of the disease disappear immediately after the allergen is eliminated.

Topical products are the safest for children, since they are practically not absorbed by the body and do not cause side effects from its various systems.

An unpleasant and discomforting eye disease is conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Its symptoms are photophobia, red eyes, lacrimation, which you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. But it is not always possible to go to the doctor on time, and living and working with conjunctivitis is very uncomfortable. Most often, when this eye disease occurs, we go to the pharmacy and ask to sell “some drops for conjunctivitis.” Let's figure out which medications are really effective against this disease.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis

What types of conjunctivitis are there?

The choice of drops against conjunctivitis directly depends on the cause of the disease or, as doctors say, etiology. Depending on the etiology, conjunctivitis can be:

Viral The virus that causes the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Typically, such conjunctivitis becomes a consequence of ARVI and often manifests itself even just with a sore throat. Conjunctivitis that occurs in schools and kindergartens is called adenoviral Pain in the eye, redness of the eyes, sometimes photophobia, a desire to close the eyes
Allergic Any allergen: pollen, fruit, animal fur, etc. The eyes are very itchy and sometimes painful. Swelling may appear on the eyelids
Bacterial Purulent bacteria The main symptom is the appearance of gray or yellow purulent discharge. Eyelashes often stick together after sleep. The patient feels as if something is bothering him in the eye. The eyes themselves are dry and hurt
Negative effects on the eyes Exposure of the eye to toxic or poisonous substances The eyes hurt a lot, but they don’t water or itch. Such conjunctivitis is the only one that is accompanied by very severe pain.
Spicy It proceeds very violently and is accompanied by pain in the eyes, purulent discharge, and tearing. After a few days there is a lot of pus, and a corneal ulcer may form. As a rule, one eye is affected first, followed by the second.
Chronic Develops more slowly than the acute form. The patient feels as if sand has gotten into his eyes, he feels a burning sensation, and his eyes itch. Most often, both eyes are affected at once

The reasons may be:

  • improper wearing of contact lenses or improper care of them;
  • long exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • use of any medications;
  • eye fatigue;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • chronic respiratory diseases.

Types of conjunctivitis

Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are contagious and spread easily, and therefore the patient must be treated at home - take sick leave or, if he is a schoolchild, stop attending classes at school.

If this disease is left to chance, various complications may occur, including loss of vision.

Interestingly, people with blue eyes most often have vision problems due to conjunctivitis - their eyes are more sensitive to light.

Only an ophthalmologist can establish the exact diagnosis and type of conjunctivitis, so it is best to visit the clinic without delay. Most often, the doctor makes a diagnosis simply by interviewing the patient and examining his eyes; sometimes additional tests are required to determine the causative agent of the disease. Conjunctivitis is treated with special eye drops, the action of which is aimed at destroying the causative agent of the disease.

Only an ophthalmologist can determine the exact diagnosis and type of conjunctivitis.

Drops for conjunctivitis

Drops against conjunctivitis are prescribed depending on the type of disease - each drug has its own spectrum of action. Let's look at several types of eye drops that help fight the disease.


These drops are used in the treatment of blepharitis and conjunctivitis. The active ingredient is fluorenonylglyoxal bisulfite. "Florenal" has a powerful effect on pathogens; it should be used only according to the instructions.

Instill the drug up to 6 times during the day, 1 drop at a time, after retracting the lower eyelid, and after administering the drops you need to blink several times.

Florenal is also available in the form of ointments and eye films. Doctors advise using ointment and drops in combination to achieve a faster effect.

Florenal also has side effects, which are most often short-term: lacrimation, itching, burning. These drops can also be prescribed to pregnant women, but only by a specialist. Pregnant women should not self-medicate if they want to give birth to a baby without pathologies.


Oftalmoferon perfectly fights itching

This drug based on recombinant interferon perfectly fights itching, and also has an antiviral and antiallergic effect, quickly bringing the eyes to a normal state. Ophthalmoferon should be used at the very beginning of treatment at least 6 times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye. Then the number of instillations is reduced to 3 times a day. However, if improvements in treatment with the drug are not observed within 5 days, then you should consult an ophthalmologist.

The drug is suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis in both children and adults. No side effects were noted. The decision to use these drops by pregnant and breastfeeding women should be made by a doctor.

Interferon alpha-2

Drops cope well with viruses, and therefore are indispensable in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, especially those caused by ARVI. You need to instill the drug into your eyes once a day, 2 drops, with an interval of 5-10 minutes between them. After instillation, the patient must blink intensively several times so that the drug penetrates into the very depths of the eye. Usually the symptoms disappear on the 4th day of treatment, but for prevention it is best to apply eye drops for a total of 6 days.

Interferon is best used as prescribed by a doctor and strictly according to the instructions, since the medicine is strong. The only side effects noted were a short-term burning sensation in the eyes. Pregnant women are not advised to use this drug.


Aktipol has an anti-inflammatory effect

The medicine is characterized by rapid absorption and rapid effect. "Aktipol" not only fights conjunctivitis, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling. The drug is used for 7-10 days, 2 drops 3 to 8 times a day. Side effects include rare allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Pregnant women can use Actipol in their eyes, but you should still consult your doctor.


Levomycetin is an excellent antimicrobial drug

These are the cheapest and most famous drops against bacterial conjunctivitis. They are familiar to us from childhood and were used long before we were born. This is an excellent antimicrobial drug that easily stops the proliferation of pathogens and kills them.

Treatment with these drops lasts individually depending on the severity of the disease; the drops are used for a maximum of about 2 weeks. You need to put 1 drop in your eyes 3 times a day.

"Levomycetin" is tolerated very well; occasionally it can cause a rash on the skin, itching in the eyes or increased tearing. Pregnant women should not use Levomycetin in their eyes.


Albucid drops kill pathogens

It is used by ophthalmologists for the treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, as well as for prophylactic purposes after operations. "Albucid" is a proven drug in terms of price-quality ratio: it is inexpensive and very effective. The drops quickly penetrate the eye tissue and kill pathogens.

There are children's and adult eye drops. The dosage depends on the level of development of the disease. If you have acute conjunctivitis, then Albucid is instilled 5-6 times a day, 2-3 drops, as soon as the effect of treatment is noticeable, the number of instillations can be reduced. Treatment continues until symptoms disappear.

The drug has side effects: itching, burning, lacrimation or swelling of the eyelids. Albucid is relatively safe for pregnant women, but such a drug should still be prescribed by a doctor.


The effect of these drops is the same as that of Levomycetin - this antibiotic perfectly fights bacteria, while being practically not absorbed into the blood. Use the drug for no more than 2 weeks, 1-2 drops in each eye 3-4 times a day. After using Gentamicin, the following side effects may occur: lacrimation, allergies, photophobia, burning, short-term blurred vision. For pregnant women, the drug is prescribed only with a doctor's prescription.


Vitabact - eye drops against conjunctivitis

The drops have a good antimicrobial effect and are also used after operations. For conjunctivitis, use 1 drop 2 to 6 times a day for 10 days (the dose must be prescribed by a specialist). There is only one side effect: an allergic reaction. The drug is not recommended for pregnant women.

Since allergic conjunctivitis is most often caused by some allergen irritants, you can’t expect long-term effects from eye drops. To begin with, it is important to find out what causes the allergy and try to reduce contact with this substance as much as possible. This could be dust, hair or skin secretions from pets, plant pollen, and so on. In general, there are many drugs in pharmacies that, if they do not help get rid of conjunctivitis, will at least alleviate the patient’s condition.


Lacrisify are excellent drops for relieving allergic reactions

Excellent drops for relieving allergic reactions and redness of the eyes, especially those caused by exposure to smoke, cold, and dust. Use 4 to 8 times a day, 1-2 drops, but long-term use is not recommended. The drug is very viscous, so a side effect may be sticking of eyelashes and eyelids, and sometimes a burning sensation. If you wear contact lenses, remove them before instilling Lacrisify. This drug is not recommended for pregnant women.


The drops have a disinfectant, antiseptic effect and kill microorganisms. Their action is similar to that of known antibiotics. Apply up to 6 times a day, 2-3 drops in each eye, the duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. It is not absorbed, so there is no overdose. Not recommended for pregnant women.


The action of Allergodil drops is antiallergic

The effect of the drops is anti-allergic. They act quickly, and the effect lasts for a long time. Drops relieve swelling, itching, burning, lacrimation, and redness of the eyes. They need to be instilled 2-3 times during the day, 1-2 drops in each eye, treatment can be long. Side effects: after instillation, short-term blurred vision, a feeling of sand in the eyes, pain or swelling are possible. The drug should not be used by children under 4 years of age, women during pregnancy and lactation.


Visine instantly relieves swelling and constricts blood vessels

Instantly relieves swelling and constricts blood vessels and acts for 6-8 hours. Instill 2 to 4 times a day. Without a break, Vizin is used for a maximum of 4 days. If there is no effect on the second day of use, the drops are canceled, as they have too many side effects: burning, lacrimation, itching, blurred vision, allergies. Pregnant and lactating women are prescribed with caution. Visin is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age and patients with high eye pressure.

To get rid of conjunctivitis as quickly as possible, take the following measures during treatment with eye drops:

  • do not wear contact lenses;
  • wash your hands thoroughly before and after eye drops, as well as after touching sore eyes;
  • use only your own towel;
  • do not go to work, shops, school;
  • sleep only on your own pillow;
  • Do not stay under the scorching sun for a long time.

One of the common eye diseases is conjunctivitis. Its signs are tearing, redness of the eyes and purulent discharge. As a rule, conjunctivitis occurs due to poor hygiene. The most common means of combating the disease are drops. Their choice depends on the type of conjunctivitis, which can be viral, allergic and bacterial.

When choosing drops for conjunctivitis, you need to understand the history of its origin. If this is an allergic reaction of the body to an external irritant, for example, cosmetics, animals, then antihistamine drops are suitable. Allergic conjunctivitis is accompanied by swelling of both eyes, redness and tearing. Bacterial conjunctivitis appears due to dirt brought in by hands and is accompanied by purulent discharge. It is treated with other drops, which are based on more serious components. Weak immunity and a viral infection can trigger the appearance of viral conjunctivitis. In this case, you need to turn to antimicrobial and antiviral drops.

Children are most often infected with conjunctivitis. But not all remedies are suitable for treating children, so you need to be especially careful when choosing eye drops: study the indications and contraindications for use, side effects and method of use. All this will help cope with inflammation without harm to health.

It must be remembered that the choice of drops for treatment depends on what form of conjunctivitis affects the person. Having studied various products, namely, composition, indications for use, side effects and customer reviews, we have developed a rating of the best drops for conjunctivitis.

Attention! There are contraindications - specialist consultation is required!

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There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The basis of treatment for all forms of conjunctivitis is antimicrobial drops. Timely use of correctly chosen remedies helps to quickly cope with the disease and prevent its further development.

Belarus (produced in Russia)

Ciprofloxacin eye drops are a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has no smell. The product is contained in a glass bottle with a narrow spout. It makes it convenient to dose the drug. The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by numerous positive reviews from patients. He manages to overcome the symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis within a day; 3 days are enough for the disease to completely disappear.

Ciprofloxacin practically does not burn the eyes. It's cheap. On the first day of use, patients note relief: a decrease in inflammation, burning and swelling. Conveniently, the package includes a sterile cap - a pipette. It makes it easy to dose the drug. To achieve a real effect, it is recommended to use the drops strictly according to the instructions.

Serbia (produced in Serbia, Montenegro)

Montevisin is an “ambulance” for the eyes. The drug has proven itself quite well. It helps overcome fatigue and redness of the eyes, eliminate puffiness. Many users have noticed a decrease in pain and stinging after using the drops. I am pleased with the price of the drug in relation to its effectiveness.

The product has contraindications associated with high blood pressure and heart disease. Doctors strongly recommend not to neglect them. The product should not be used constantly; it can be addictive. But as a fast-acting medicine, Montevisin is perfect. A couple of minutes after instillation, the eyes become lighter and brighter, the reddened vascular network disappears. It is worth noting that the bottle contains a pipette, which greatly simplifies the use of the drug.

The drug Okomistin really effectively fights conjunctivitis and other eye diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria. Users leave mostly positive reviews. Rare negative opinions are associated with a side effect of the drops - itching and burning, which disappear over time. Be that as it may, these side effects are not dangerous to health.

In terms of composition and medicinal properties, the drug is comparable to the expensive Miramistin. To cope with purulent conjunctivitis, Okomistin takes 5 days. Symptoms gradually begin to disappear on the 2nd day. The versatility of the drug is due to the possibility of using it as ear drops.

There are different forms of conjunctivitis in children. It is very important to choose the right drops for treatment without causing adverse reactions that could cause other health problems for the baby.

Vitabact - broad-spectrum drops with antimicrobial action. Absolutely safe, therefore suitable for newborns. The drug is able to effectively cope not only with inflammation and suppuration, but also with the causative agent of the disease itself. Reviews indicate the positive effect of the product. It relieves discomfort in the eyes, eliminates irritation and dryness.

Among the disadvantages are the high cost of the drops and the limited period of use after opening (1 month). Parents talk about the good tolerability of Vitabakt by newborns, the absence of unpleasant sensations after using the drops in the form of burning and itching. The lack of effect may be due to particularly advanced cases, untimely consultation with a doctor, or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Users recommend Tsiprolet as an effective and inexpensive remedy compared to more expensive analogues. One bottle is enough to completely cure conjunctivitis. If you use it strictly according to the instructions, instilling it every 5 hours for several days, then already on the 3rd day the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age. It can be used for no longer than a week. Tsiprolet copes with inflammation in the shortest possible time, this has been proven in practice. The only discomfort is a slight burning sensation in the eyes. But in order to achieve a quick effect, you can be patient. Additional advantages of the drug include convenient packaging and an affordable price.

USA (manufactured in Canada)

The following rated eye drops are ideal for allergic conjunctivitis. The effect of the drug does not make you wait long; after 5-7 minutes, an improvement in the condition of the eyes is noted. The effect lasts quite a long time – from 4 to 8 hours. They effectively relieve swelling and redness caused by lenses, chemicals, cosmetics, and dust.

Patients using Visin drops leave positive reviews that the product instantly relieves irritation, redness and dryness of the mucous membranes. Visine is not suitable for continuous instillation, but only for severe inflammation and swelling. Allowed for children from 2 years old. The drug lasts 3-4 days to relieve the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.

Diclofenac is used to treat eye inflammation and conjunctivitis, as well as to relieve pain after injury or surgery. The vast majority of reviews about the drug are positive. When using drops, rapid pain relief is noted. Diclofenac copes well with various inflammatory manifestations.

Thanks to the active ingredient, diclofenac sodium, which is quickly absorbed into the blood, the drug can provide immediate help. Like any other drug, diclofenac has side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to use it strictly according to the instructions, otherwise the product may cause severe itching, swelling, allergies, vomiting, and nausea. Diclofenac is approved for use in children over 2 years of age. Once opened, the drops can be used for a month. For other drugs this period is shorter.

Attention! The information presented above is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide to purchase. For any advice you should contact specialists!

Eye drops for conjunctivitis are taken as prescribed by a doctor. The choice of drug depends on the type of pathogen and the form of the disease.

Inflammation of the eyes, which covers the mucous membrane, develops due to the entry of viruses, fungi, and bacteria into the organs of vision. The pathogen can cause colds, flu, and acute respiratory infections. Ophthalmologists recommend treating conjunctivitis in adults and children with drops of various effects.


Taking into account the classification of the causative agent of the infectious process, the following agents can be dripped into the eyes:

  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • bacterial.

Antiviral drops for conjunctivitis act on cells, destroying the pathogen.

This form of the disease is characterized by lacrimation with clear discharge.

If 1 eye is affected, it is instilled carefully so that a drop of the solution does not fall into the other.

The following drugs help against the viral form of the disease:

  1. Florenal ─ quickly neutralizes the virus.
  2. Tebrofen ─ used 3 times daily.
  3. Gludantan ─ effectively fights the virus without causing side effects. Treatment of complex conjunctivitis involves repeated doses of the drug (5 to 6 times daily).
  4. Poludan ─ is prescribed for blepharoconjunctivitis.
  5. Dexamethasone ─ is not recommended for pregnant women.

Antibiotic eye drops for conjunctivitis include Oftalmoferon and Lokferon. They destroy the pathogen, helping to increase the immunity of the mucous membrane. If the disease is bacterial in nature, then antimicrobial eye drops are prescribed. This form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of pus and mucus, and 2 eyes are affected.

Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis involves taking antibiotics, presented in the form of the following solutions:

  1. Albucid 20% or solution 30% ─ the attending physician selects the concentration taking into account the patient’s age. It is better for children to drip a 20% solution, as it does not cause a burning sensation, and for adults it is better to use a 30% solution. The drug is taken 3 times a day. It relieves redness and swelling well.
  2. ─ used 5 times daily. These drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis have an antiseptic effect.
  3. Norsulfazole is used 4 times a day. The eye is pre-washed.
  4. Levomycetin ─ has an antibacterial effect. Used 4 times a day.
  5. Vigamox ─ is prescribed to elderly patients.
  6. Floxal ─ has an antimicrobial effect. Instilled in 2 eyes 5 times a day.
  7. Gentomycin ─ drops for conjunctivitis have an antimicrobial effect.
  8. Zinc sulfate is prescribed as an effective antibacterial solution for adults.

For chronic conjunctivitis, the following drops are prescribed: 1% solution of potassium permanganate, silver nitrate. You can use herbal remedies (decoction of string, chamomile and calendula). The allergic form of the disease is associated with the negative effect of an aggressive agent on the membrane of the eyes.

What drops are used to combat allergic conjunctivitis? The list of products is selected by the doctor, taking into account the type of allergen.

The action of these drugs is aimed at relieving inflammation and swelling, redness of the eyes and eyelids.

For the prevention and treatment of eye diseases, our readers recommend

Complex for improving vision "OFTALMAX"

A unique natural preparation - the latest development of modern science. The OFTHALMAX complex has two effects: therapeutic - improving vision, lowering blood pressure, removing the effects of stress, stopping headaches. Cosmetic - relieves puffiness, relaxes facial muscles, improves skin elasticity, relieves redness. Suitable for adults and children, convenient to use at work, home and school, clinically tested, approved by the US and Russian Departments of Health.

Doctors' opinion..."

The patient uses drops for external use (Cortisone, Claritin, Lacrisifine) and antihistamines. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed Tobrex, Oftadek. Calcium chloride 10%, Diphenhydramine tablets are used intravenously.

Effective eye drops for conjunctivitis:

  1. Gludantan ─ is available in powder form, which is dissolved in anticholinergics before administration. The resulting solution is used 2 times daily.
  2. Poludan ─ used for blepharoconjunctivitis. The solution is dropped in with a pipette.
  3. Oftadek ─ effective drops against ocular chlamydia and acute conjunctivitis in children.
  4. Dexamethasone ─ provokes an acute burning sensation.
  5. Floresan ─ is prescribed for mild conjunctivitis. Effectively disinfects lenses.
  6. Norsulfazole is a powder that requires plain water to dissolve. The resulting solution is used to eliminate eye infections.
  7. Vigamox is prescribed for the treatment of corneal ulcers and any form of conjunctivitis.
  8. Floxal ─ eliminates conjunctivitis caused by staphylococci, salmonella, and gonococci.
  9. Ciprofloxacin ─ is not prescribed for keratitis, blepharitis.
  10. Lacrisifine is a gentle and effective remedy for allergic conjunctivitis.
  11. Taufon ─ is prescribed for conjunctivitis on a dystrophic cornea. Apply twice a day.
  12. Gentomycin ─ quickly eliminates keratoconjunctivitis.
  13. Indocollir is a drug used to prevent inflammation of the mucous membrane.

For the disease in question, solutions based on Levomycetin and Cortisone are used. But they provoke severe burning and pain in the eyes. The Levomycetin solution contains chloramphenicol, a substance that effectively eliminates bacterial infection. The disadvantages of this remedy include a high incidence of allergies and a negative effect on the circulatory system. Learn more about the treatment in this video:

Tobrex is a bactericidal agent that quickly relieves inflammation while simultaneously having a broad effect on the body. Drops are used to treat staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. They are based on the aminoglycoside tobramycin. The solution is well tolerated by the child and is prescribed to infants without restrictions.

Tsipromed is an antimicrobial drug used for blepharoic conjunctivitis.

It contains ciprofloxacin, a broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotic. Drops are prescribed to combat gonococci. Analogues of this solution include Normax, Oftavix. Drops with sulfonamides (Albucid) are effective and safe. But they are prescribed to children with caution.

Ophthalmologists distinguish 2 types of antiviral solutions for conjunctivitis:

  • drops with ready-made interferon;
  • drops that stimulate the production of a personal antiviral protein.

The first group of products includes Okoferon and Oftalmoferon drops. They contain recombinant interferon, which has a pronounced immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. Oftalmoferon contains an antihistamine that reduces the risk of inflammation.

Interferons in these products help fight the virus

The second group includes Aktipol and Poludan drops, which have antiviral, antioxidant and radioprotective effects. These drugs accelerate the regeneration of the mucosa, quickly stopping viral inflammation.

Drops used to treat allergic conjunctivitis are based on azelastine and cromoglycic acid. These substances stabilize mast cell membranes. During contact with the allergen, the immune complex acts on the cells, provoking the release of substances that are responsible for the signs of allergy. Effective antiallergic drops include Allergodil, Lecrolin and Cromohexal. Watch this video about fighting the virus:

In case of acute conjunctivitis, complex treatment is prescribed, which includes the use of anti-inflammatory solutions. But they only relieve the symptoms of the disease, without eliminating its cause. Therefore, the patient may be prescribed NSAIDs and hormonal medications. The first group includes Diklo F. For non-infectious conjunctivitis, Indocollir is taken to reduce the severity of pain. Effective hormonal drops include Dexamethasone.

More often, the disease proceeds without complications if proper treatment is prescribed.

Conjunctivitis is a common eye disease that causes significant discomfort, and the first obvious solution to this problem that comes to mind is to buy drops that help against conjunctivitis.

But before you rush to the pharmacy, it’s worth figuring out which of them are suitable in a particular case, because the same symptoms - pain, burning, redness of the eyes - are caused by different reasons, and therefore require different treatments.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis vary greatly in composition. This is due to the fact that conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctiva) occurs:

Therefore, for each of them there are different substances that act on the cause of the symptoms in each case.

In addition to drops that act on the causative agent of inflammation, there are also solutions that relieve unpleasant symptoms, for example, moisturizers - to eliminate dryness and pain in the eyes (Artificial tear, Systane).

Use of medications

First of all, it must be said that eye drops for conjunctivitis should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. It happens that a patient, feeling unpleasant symptoms, goes to the pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for the cheapest drops for conjunctivitis, which do not help him. Not because the price is low, but because the drug was chosen incorrectly and does not act on the cause of the disease.

You need to be especially careful when choosing anti-eye drops, since not all medications are allowed during this crucial period. The doctor will determine the cause of the inflammation, and then prescribe exactly the drops that are suitable in your case.

For treatment to be effective, follow these rules:

  • first, rinse the eye from mucus and pus with a swab dipped in a decoction of medicinal plants (for example, chamomile) or a solution of furatsilin;
  • then drip the drops into the conjunctival sac, retracting the lower eyelid;
  • blink, massaging the eyelid with your fingers, distributing the solution.

Some drops may cause an unpleasant reaction after instillation. This is due to the fact that the inflamed mucosa becomes more sensitive, it reacts sharply to the active component. Sometimes side effects such as stinging, burning and pain in the eyes occur.

You just have to endure these unpleasant sensations and use the drug as often as the doctor prescribed. Only by following all the recommendations can you count on a quick effect from the use of the drug.

What drops to use for bacterial conjunctivitis in adults to treat the eyes

Bacteria cause acute inflammation when they enter the mucous membrane. Drops for conjunctivitis of bacterial origin contain an antibiotic. This active ingredient acts on the causative agent of the disease, killing bacteria that cause inflammation.

Therefore, the main drops for bacterial conjunctivitis contain some kind of antibacterial component. Most often, solutions containing a broad-spectrum antibiotic or other antimicrobial substance are prescribed. Below is a list of effective drops for bacterial conjunctivitis.

"Levomycetin" is an inexpensive and proven product based on the antimicrobial drug chloramphenicol. It is active against many bacteria: streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, E. coli, gonococci. Use with caution in expectant and nursing mothers, as well as in children under two years of age.

The drug is usually well tolerated, but sometimes sensitive eyes react to it with a short-term burning sensation and lacrimation. Usually prescribed 1 drop 3-4 times a day, the duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

Price: 9–30 rubles.

Familiar from childhood, an affordable medicine that copes with bacteria thanks to sulfacetamide (sodium sulfacyl) in the composition. There are two dosages of albucid solutions: 20 and 30%. Children, pregnant women and lactating women are usually prescribed a 20% solution of albucid, adults – 30%. The drug penetrates the tissues of the eye, exerting a local effect; a very small amount enters the blood.

The downside of using the drug is that a number of bacterial strains have managed to develop resistance to sodium sulfacyl, since it has been used in ophthalmology for many years.

Price: 60–80 rubles.


Norsulfazole is an antimicrobial drug for adults, it belongs to the sulfonamides. Actively affects the coccal flora, which often causes conjunctivitis and some other types of bacteria. For the eyes, use a 10% solution, instill 3-4 times a day. Not recommended for use in children.

The drops are no longer produced and have been discontinued.

A modern remedy based on the antibiotic tobramycin. Many strains of bacteria have not yet developed resistance to this active substance, so in most cases it quickly cures inflammation.

Protargol is also prescribed; it has an antiseptic effect thanks to the colloidal silver in its composition, and other solutions with an antibacterial effect.

Price: 190–220 rubles.

The doctor decides which specific drops to choose for eyes affected by a bacterial infection. This often depends on the type of pathogen. For example, one antibiotic is more suitable for fighting gonococci, and another for chlamydia. Bacterial culture allows you to accurately identify the cause of the disease, and then prescribe adequate therapy.

How to put eye drops against viral conjunctivitis

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis contain components that suppress the reproduction of the virus (interferon alpha 2) or stimulate the production of the body's own interferon. They can have a regenerating, calming effect on the conjunctiva.

Eye drops for viral conjunctivitis should be prescribed by a doctor. It is he who determines the form of the disease and chooses therapy, taking into account the causative agent of the disease. For adenoviral conjunctivitis, one drop is prescribed, and for enteroviral conjunctivitis, another.

There are antiviral drugs for adult patients that significantly speed up the recovery process.

The drug contains human interferon, which suppresses the virus. Another active component of the drug, diphenhydramine, relieves itching, which often accompanies the disease.

The doctor will prescribe the regimen for use. Usually this is 6 times a day in the first days, then 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is 5–7 days, during which a noticeable improvement should occur. The medicine is well tolerated without causing side effects.

Cost: 300–350 rubles.


Very good drops for viral conjunctivitis. The medication has a pronounced antiviral effect, suppressing the reproduction of the virus in the tissues of the eye. Available in the form of ointment and eye films. Proven effectiveness against herpes viruses.

The active ingredient can cause side effects that are expressed in discomfort after instillation: the eyes burn a little, and mild itching may occur. They are usually short-lived and do not require discontinuation of the drug.

Contains para-aminobenzoic acid – an interferon inducer. The active substance stimulates the production of its own interferon in tissues, enhancing the body’s fight against the virus that attacks it. In addition to fighting the virus, Aktipol relieves swelling of the eyelids. It has an antioxidant effect, activates cell renewal, promotes the regeneration of damaged mucosa and regulates the water-salt balance of eye tissue.

Cost: 300–360 rubles.

Instillation of moisturizing solutions is also often prescribed, since viral conjunctivitis is usually accompanied by dry vision.

For allergic form

Allergic conjunctivitis drops do not cure in the literal sense of the word. They are designed to eliminate unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning, swelling, redness of the eyes. Treatment of any allergy consists first of all in identifying the allergen and stopping contact with it. If this is not possible (for example, in the case of hay fever - a reaction to plant pollen in the air), symptomatic remedies come to the rescue.

We list the best drops for allergic conjunctivitis.

An antiallergic drug that relieves the entire complex of symptoms: itching, redness, swelling of the eyelids. It works locally, but is still not recommended for children under 4 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women. Sometimes after instillation, blurred vision occurs, which lasts very briefly, and a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, which also quickly passes.

Price: 410–480 rubles.

Cromones are substances that have a pronounced local antiallergic effect. The active substance in Cromohexal is cromoglycic acid, which stabilizes mast cell membranes and relieves allergy symptoms. It is a transparent yellowish solution that does not cause discomfort during instillation.

Price: 150–370 rubles.

Visine relieves severe redness of the eyes, but does not have an antiallergic effect. It is prescribed specifically to relieve severe conjunctival hyperemia - one of the most pronounced symptoms of allergy on the part of the visual organs. Prescribed as an aid in the fight against allergic inflammation.

Cost of Visine: 230–290 rubles.

Among others, Systane is good at soothing eyes irritated by allergens. Cost of Systane drops: 500 rubles.

Other medicines

There are other medications for conjunctivitis. The choice, as well as the method of administration of the drug, is within the competence of the attending physician.

The following drugs have been developed for the treatment of conjunctivitis:

  1. Ointment: effectively complements therapy if placed behind the lower eyelid at night. May contain an antibiotic (for example, Tetracycline, Floxal) or antiviral components (Acyclovir, Bonafton).
  2. Tablets: Oral medications are prescribed strictly by a doctor. For example, in some forms of bacterial conjunctivitis, systemic use of a broad-spectrum antibiotic (Levofloxacin, Amoxicillin) is prescribed. For allergies, the doctor prescribes an antihistamine taken orally (Claritin, Zyrtec, Erius).

To prevent conjunctivitis, there are also drops used in adults. These are moisturizing preparations for a risk group: those who wear contact lenses often experience dry eyes. By drying out, the mucous membrane becomes vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, and is also more sensitive to allergens. A hydrated and healthy conjunctiva more easily resists microbial attacks and adverse environmental factors.

Drops for conjunctivitis are an effective remedy that is selected by an ophthalmologist taking into account the specifics of the disease.

Additionally, watch the video on how to properly put drops into your eyes:

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