How to cope with the pain of losing a cat. Where and how to bury a cat correctly (sensitive topic) Is it possible to bury a cat

It is necessary to be able not only to take care of your pet, but also to know how to see it off on its last journey. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the dead body of an animal must be cremated, since its burial will lead to contamination of groundwater. An attempt to bury an animal within city limits may even result in a significant fine. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the psychological discomfort of the owner of the cat.

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    How to prepare

    When burying a pet, you should inquire about local prohibitions, and then choose a burial site, coffin and headstone. The actions boil down to placing the pet in a coffin, digging a hole, and finally decorating the grave with decorations. By paying attention to these details, it will be psychologically easier to say goodbye to your pet.

    You should think about how easy it is for a pet owner to recover from stress. Theoretically, the acceptable period for ending suffering for a deceased animal is about a year. If, based on past experience, such a period lasts longer for a person, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​burying the pet himself.

    The funeral must be carried out no later than 24 hours after the death of the pet. If the period drags on, it will be much harder to survive the event. Of particular importance is the time when the funeral occurs after surgery, protracted treatment, or during the summer season.


    Difficulties are possible if seasonal and weather conditions are unsuitable: a funeral will require a hole at least 0.8 meters deep, which is not easy to organize in winter or during rain. Insufficient deepening may cause body odor to attract wild animals who will dig up the ground. It is advisable to cover the gravestone with stones, but you should not make it particularly noticeable in places not intended for burial, so as not to attract undue attention from people.

    If the owner of the animal is against cremation, the burial site is cleared of snow, the ground is cut with a chainsaw, and an additional hole is dug with a shovel.

    If it is not possible to bury the cat immediately, you can seek the help of a veterinarian, asking him to preserve the pet’s body. If you need to wait a few days, storing the body in a polystyrene foam container filled with ice is acceptable.

    Self burial

    If you decide to bury an animal on the territory of a private home, you can choose a place where the cat loved to play and relax. A secluded area is suitable, not used for planting vegetables and not favored by residents, so that people not initiated into the ritual do not step on the burial, and children do not use the place for games. For the procedure, you will need gloves when touching the cat's body, a container, and a rope for tying the box if it will be used.

    It is recommended to pour a layer of bleach at the bottom of the container so that when the body decomposes, no harmful substances are released into the air, and then place your pet’s favorite items in it. You can write the name of the animal on a large stone, and plant a plant or tree on the grave itself.

    Legislation and burial

    Deceased pets cannot be buried in cities, in parks, or in the courtyards of apartment buildings. Neglect of this clause in the legislation is tantamount to an administrative violation and is punishable by a fine of 4-5 thousand rubles; There is information that the fine will soon amount to 10,000 rubles. Many animal owners have no idea about such prohibitions, so during the mourning process it is possible to clash with representatives of the executive branch or a crowd of curious onlookers.

    Acceptable places

    According to generally accepted rules, acceptable burial places for animals are:

    • spacious clearings;
    • forest plantations;
    • area outside the city limits.

    In all of these cases, burial is possible without great expense or violation of the law.

    Places not prohibited by law include specially established cemeteries. But not every city allocates land for such purposes. If the authorities provide a cemetery for pets, then sanitary and ritual services are involved, so the burial service is paid.

    When buried in a pet cemetery, the owner must pay for the location, cremation, burial, and installation of a headstone. It is permissible to bury only cremated animals in accordance with sanitary standards, taking into account the possible infection of the deceased cat and contamination of the soil by groundwater. When using the services of a funeral service, the owner of the animal does not violate the law and can calmly accompany the pet on its final journey. It is acceptable to organize a ceremony with the participation of relatives and friends, decorate the grave with a tombstone and flowers.

    There are known cases of fraud involving the deception of owners of deceased animals, when those posing as funeral service employees take the bodies of dead pets and then throw them away. Therefore, you should worry about completing the procedure personally by contacting an official institution.

    Sanitary standards

    According to sanitary standards, every city provides for the operation of a crematorium for homeless animals. The owner of a dead cat hands over its body to a public utility service, which seems unacceptable to many. In the case of general cremation, the body is burned with the bodies of the others, after which the ashes are disposed of. In individual cremation, one animal is burned and the ashes are given to the owner. The ashes are placed in an urn, which can be buried outside the city or the remains scattered to the wind, which is not always legal: this action is prohibited in places close to water bodies, animal walking, and farms.

    Forms of burial

    When buried in a certain area, special containers are provided to avoid soil contamination. Some people prefer to bury cats in cardboard boxes, cribs, or towels if there is no desire or opportunity to pay for a coffin. However, there are much more exotic forms of resting an animal.

    Processing of ashes

    The not-acceptable trend of ashes processing has emerged relatively recently in China: the ashes of a deceased pet are transformed into a small product, an accessory, which, due to its demand, is often at hand. By touching an object that is directly related to the former pet, it is easier for the owner to accept his loss. At the same time, psychologists advise doing the opposite: remove from sight everything that would remind you of the deceased animal, so as not to experience negative emotions once again.

Life, in fact, is a very sad thing, and after the sorrowful human troubles, sometimes you have to lose a pet. Although for some people, a beloved animal is a full-fledged member of the family, and the question of how to bury a cat acquires the same fundamental importance. Some people make a mound over the pet’s burial place, some equip a special coffin so that it is not cold in the ground, and some cremate it and bury it in a cemetery.

It is absolutely necessary to bury it, because the corpse will begin to decompose, but this is a beloved cat or an equally beloved cat, and you want to do it right. There are no special laws on this subject, except for those that prohibit burying a cat in a park or in the courtyard of an apartment building, and in what form and with what rituals to bury a person decides independently.

Urban or rural settings

In a village, burying a beloved cat is much easier than in a big city, but much less importance is attached to the act of saying goodbye to a cat or even a dog. To bury a domestic cat that spent most of its time in an unknown place, neither special rituals nor searching for a suitable place are needed in the village. The cat can be buried in the nearest forest, in a forest belt, in thickets on the bank of a river, or behind a rural cemetery, where sometimes a special plot is allocated. You can bury the cat yourself at your summer cottage or in the nearest forest belt, choosing a secluded place for this. There, no one will interfere with your burial, no one will grow anything, and no one will disturb the ashes of your beloved cat.

Pets often happen to die before their owners, and the question of how to bury a pet may arise for every person who decides to get a cat or shelter a stray cat. In large cities, according to sanitary and hygienic standards, a cat cannot be buried in the front garden of a residential building, especially if it is an apartment building. And even for trying to bury your beloved cat in a secluded place between garages, or a deserted corner of the park. You may incur administrative liability. In addition, in winter, when the ground is very frozen, it will be difficult to bury the cat. Because not everyone can dig a hole of the required depth to properly bury a cat.

Ritual features

Residents of the metropolis still have several options to bury their beloved cat, or no less adored cat, with dignity. It is unlikely that a person faced with the need to bury a beloved animal will bury it anywhere, for fear of falling under administrative penalties. So you have to:

  • inform the Veterinary Department about the death of the cat;
  • obtain permission from the authority for an organization that deals with such matters;
  • give her the opportunity to cremate the corpse or prepare a coffin to bury him himself;
  • bury in a specially designated place;
  • say goodbye to the cat with dignity (cry over the grave alone or order the appropriate ritual, resolving this issue with the funeral organization).

For many people, the cat is their favorite, or even only, family member. Sometimes they want to bury their beloved cat in a human cemetery so that they can be near it after their own death, or come to the grave not only of loved ones, but also of their beloved cat.

But there is no official opportunity to bury a cat in a cemetery, because according to church canons, there is consecrated ground there, in which only people can be buried. If you try to get official permission for the cat to be near its owner or mistress after death, the cat’s funeral will be categorically denied.

People who do not consider themselves deeply religious prefer to cremate a cat, place its ashes in an urn and quietly bury a small vessel in a purchased cemetery plot. In winter, you will have to use a crowbar and a chainsaw to do this, or pay a worker. But you can place an urn with ashes somewhere in the utility room of the house, and with the onset of warm weather, bury it in a place chosen for funerals, so that you can visit your pet’s grave several times a year. In some large cities, especially abroad, there are special animal cemeteries, but this is a very expensive service.

Unfortunately, all pets die for one reason or another - this is always grief for the owner. In the summer, pets are most often buried - but how to bury a cat in the winter, when the ground most often freezes through and there is no way to bury your pet?

Why did the cat die?

First of all, you need to ask yourself why the cat died. For example, death from old age and death from rabies or other “infection” are completely different things. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the funeral of a cat that has died from an infectious disease on your own - and in no case should you bury the pet’s body in the ground, as this can trigger the outbreak of an entire epidemic.

Such a burial is dangerous, since the cat’s grave can be dug up by rodents or other animals, primarily dogs, and become infected and even become spreaders of the infection. In addition, bacteria can penetrate into groundwater, and then the risk of infection increases a hundredfold. In addition to the danger for people and other animals, this method of burying a pet has another drawback, quite material and even a little cynical - a fine for the owner of the deceased animal. It can be very large, especially if someone has already been hurt because of this step, and this has become known.

If a pet dies from an infection, the only possible burial option is in an urn after cremation. This service is available in every major city and most veterinary clinics. In exceptional cases, it is permissible to go to medical morgues - biological waste is also disposed of in crematoria. It is quite possible that it will be possible to come to an agreement and cremate the deceased pet, and later bury her ashes.

In other cases, there are several main ways to bury a cat in winter.

Basic ways to properly bury a cat in winter

If a cat dies in winter, then saying goodbye to it is further complicated by the difficulties associated with burying the pet.

Most often on forums they offer the following options for organizing a farewell to your pet::

  • Bury the body of the deceased animal in a ritual zoobox (some use old cardboard boxes or wooden boxes, wrap the body in cloth, bury it in a favorite house, on a litter, etc.). In winter, the matter is complicated by the fact that the ground freezes, often quite deeply. In this case, it is advised to build a fire on the ground and wait until the ground warms up, remove the soft soil, and, if necessary, repeat the fire. You can bury a cat either in your garden plot, in the forest, outside the city, in the courtyard of your house, or in special cemeteries for pets.
  • Cremate your pet by choosing general cremation (shared with other animals) or individual cremation. With individual cremation, you can keep your pet’s ashes in a special urn as a reminder of the animal or bury them - and you can bury the urn with ashes even when it gets warmer.
  • Contact a special service that provides ritual animal services: experienced specialists will bury the cat themselves. The disadvantage of this advice is that not all cities have companies that carry out such activities. Most often, such companies exist only in large cities, for example, in regional capitals.
  • If it is frosty outside, store the body of the deceased pet until it warms up on the balcony (if the cat’s owner lives in an apartment) or in a barn, in another outbuilding, or even outside, in a secluded corner. With the onset of spring, the cat can be buried.
  • In winter, some people advise not to bury the animal, but to throw the body of the deceased pet in the trash.

Of course, the last two tips are completely excluded. They contradict both moral, ethical and sanitary standards and are therefore not allowed. The optimal solution would be to cremate the cat.

Losing your beloved pet is very painful and difficult. But if this has already happened, we will have to deal with his burial. If the cat does not show signs of life, it is still better to first contact a veterinarian to accurately determine the death of the pet.

Once you receive confirmation from the veterinarian that your pet has died, you can choose two options - either give it for cremation or bury it yourself. Cremation will eliminate questions such as “where to bury?”, “how to bury correctly?”. If you choose general cremation, the animal's ashes will be given to the owner. You don’t have to pick up the ashes, but the veterinary clinic will take them to a pet cemetery. If you know where such cemeteries are located, you can bury your pet there yourself. Burial places are paid and must be “booked” in advance.

If you decide to bury a cat yourself, then before burying it, you need to make sure that the pet did not die from an infectious disease. And certainly not from plague or rabies. Because when the body begins to decompose, infections will spread over the next few kilometers and can harm not only the environment, but also people. According to the rules, it is prohibited to bury such animals - otherwise a fine will be imposed on the owner of the animal. The size of the fine depends on the severity of the disease that the animal suffered from. If someone has already suffered from a serious violation, the size of the fine may increase significantly. It is also prohibited to throw cats into reservoirs, lakes, swamps and waste disposal sites. There are also fines for this.

If the animal has not suffered from anything serious or dangerous, you can proceed to the next step - directly burying the pet. If you have your own plot of land, then it is better to bury the cat there. Because burial in a common yard or in a park also entails a fine.

How to bury a cat correctly

Having received permission to bury a cat on your land, you can safely begin the process itself. If it is a warm season outside and the ground is not frozen, then using a shovel you need to make a hole approximately 1 meter deep. The deeper the hole, the less likely it is that other animals will dig up the grave. The cat must be wrapped in cotton cloth and placed in a box in which the animal's body will comfortably fit. The width of the grave should be slightly wider than the depth of the box in which the animal's body will be located. If possible, it is better to keep the dug hole empty overnight and only after that put your deceased pet there. Afterwards the hole needs to be filled with earth. You can place pebbles around the cat's grave or erect something like a monument.

Burying a cat in winter is more difficult when the ground is frozen and it is difficult to dig a hole. A weak woman is unlikely to cope with this task, so it is better to involve male power in this “operation”. First, you need to clear the proposed grave site from snow with a shovel. After this you will need a chainsaw. Use it to outline the outline of the grave. The outline should be slightly larger than the box in which the pet will lie. Using a chainsaw, dig 10-15 centimeters into the ground. A piece of earth needs to be “cut” with a chainsaw into several parts. For the next step, you will need a crowbar - you need to use it to crush the frozen soil and remove the resulting material with a shovel. Repeat the process until the depth of the grave is 80-100 centimeters. Place the pet in the grave and bury it with earth. The process is not easy, so we advise you to still consider contacting a veterinary clinic to cremate the animal.

The death of a beloved pet is a sad event in the life of a caring owner. An animal can die from old age, illness, or from an accident, so every owner must be prepared for such a test. How to bury a cat, what is needed for this? Is it possible to bury a cat on my property? We will consider all these and many other questions in detail.

How to bury a cat correctly

In society, there are no clear rules for burying pets, but for loving owners, a ward is a full-fledged member of the family, to whom they want to say goodbye with dignity. How to bury a cat? First, make sure that the ward is really dead.

Interesting fact! Sometimes animals fall into an unconscious state (coma or deep sleep) and only appear dead, but their heart continues to beat. Take your pet to a veterinarian so that he can determine the fact of death.

There are several ways to bury a deceased animal:

  1. Conduct a cat funeral in a specialized animal cemetery.
  2. Cremate the animal by contacting a funeral service agency.
  3. Bury the cat in a summer cottage, in a private yard or in a forest.

Unfortunately, animal cemeteries are not available in every city, so it is advisable to consider this option only for residents of large cities and megalopolises. Organizations providing funeral services prepare the animal for burial, find a suitable coffin for it, dig a grave and install a monument. All these services are paid, but you do not have to worry about the location and procedure of burial.

Some companies provide animal cremation services. You can also bury the urn with your pet’s ashes in a specially designated place.

Where to bury a cat if there is no specialized cemetery?

Initially, with a similar question, you can contact a private veterinarian or the state veterinary service. As practice shows, companies providing funeral services for animals work closely with private and public veterinary organizations.

Pet burial places

You can officially bury a cat only with the help of companies that have the appropriate permission to do so in the form of a license. If you don’t have time to look for such a service or financial opportunity, then the easiest way remains is to bury your pet on a personal plot or in the forest.

Do not risk burying your ward in the courtyards of apartment buildings or in parks where there are a lot of people. Firstly, you will not be able to calmly (without prying eyes) say goodbye to your pet, and secondly, self-burying is prohibited by veterinary and sanitary rules and some laws relating to the well-being of the population.

If you decide to bury yourself, then allocate a small plot of land for your pet, where fruits or vegetables will not be grown. Place the person under your care in a cardboard or wooden box, dig a hole at least 60 cm deep (preferably 1 m), pour bleach at the bottom of the hole so that the corpse does not release dangerous toxins during the period of decomposition. Then place the box in the hole and bury it.

Important! Veterinary and sanitary rules for the destruction of biological waste prohibit the burial of domestic animals in the ground. Only burning of corpses in specially designated areas is permitted.

To say goodbye to your furry companion and not torment yourself with mental anguish, it is easier to contact a special service that will organize a decent funeral for your pet.



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