How to wake up easier in the morning: step-by-step instructions and recommendations. How easy it is to wake up in the morning and in a good mood

If you find yourself giving yourself permission to take a “five more minutes” nap over and over again every morning, there are a few simple ways to help you wake up easily in the morning. Try to stick to a routine the night before and set a goal to sleep 7-9 hours a night. In addition, some small tricks can help you wake up faster, for example, you can try placing your alarm clock on the other side of the room and opening the blinds or curtains to allow more light in the room. You can even use a special application that will help you wake up and get out of bed immediately.


How to wake up on time

    Don't allow yourself to doze off after the alarm goes off! It is very important to get out of bed as soon as the alarm rings. Every time you decide to sleep in a little more after your alarm goes off, you're disrupting your sleep pattern, leaving you feeling just as tired.

    • If you set your alarm for 7:00, but you're actually only going to get up at 7:10 (so you can take a quick nap and lie around after the first alarm goes off), simply set your alarm straight to 7:10, giving yourself an extra 10 minutes of normal, uninterrupted sleep.
  1. As soon as you wake up, turn on the light. This will help your eyes adapt to daylight, and it will also activate your brain, making you wake up and get moving.

    Place your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. This will help you break the habit of falling back asleep by turning off your alarm because you still have to get up to get to it.

    • Place your alarm clock on a bookshelf, near your door, or on a windowsill.
    • First, make sure that the alarm clock is not very far away and you can definitely hear it!
  2. Immediately after you wake up, open the blinds or curtains. It's much more tempting to lie in bed when the room is dark. So every morning, open your blinds or curtains immediately to let some sunlight into your bedroom to help you wake up.

    • If you don't have much light coming into your bedroom, try purchasing a dedicated alarm clock. It simulates the dawn, making it much easier for you to wake up.
  3. If you have a coffee maker with a timer, set the timer so that your coffee is ready by the time you wake up. If you're used to drinking coffee every morning, setting your coffee machine to start brewing coffee at a certain time is a great motivation to get out of bed and start a new day. The smell of fresh coffee will wake you up, and you won't have to waste time preparing it.

    Place a warm jacket, robe or sweater next to the bed. One of the main reasons people have such a hard time getting out of bed in the morning is because it feels so warm and cozy under the covers. Put on a warm jacket or sweater immediately after waking up, and you won't have to worry about the morning chill.

    • You can also wear warm socks or slippers to keep your feet warm as soon as you get out of bed.
  4. If you don't have an alarm clock, try setting up an alarm app. Of course, you can always use your phone's alarm clock, but there are plenty of apps designed specifically to help you wake up and get out of bed. Browse the application catalog and choose the one that suits you best.

    • Try these apps: Wake N Shake, Rise or Carrot - they will help you wake up easily in the morning.
  5. To always wake up on time in the morning, schedule important meetings in the morning. You are more likely to get out of bed immediately if you know you have important things to do. Schedule important meetings and walks with friends in the morning - this will be a good motivation to wake up on time and start doing business.

How to feel energetic

    As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water. This not only helps keep the body hydrated, but also helps us feel more energetic and active. Before you go to bed, place a glass of water next to your bed or simply pour yourself some water in the morning as soon as you wake up and get out of bed.

Surely, everyone is familiar with the feeling of lack of sleep, weakness, and sadness in the morning. It is especially difficult to get up in rainy, cold weather or when it is still dark outside. But for some, getting up in the morning turns out to be an overwhelming task even in the warm daylight, no matter how loudly the birds sing and the sun shines brightly.

Once again we give ourselves a little respite: “Just five more minutes and I’ll get up!” - and we wake up. During this period, neither another cup of coffee, nor an invigorating shower, nor the cheerful voice of DJs from the radio will save you.

What are the reasons for such heavy rocking in the morning?

Why is getting up in the morning so hard?

I can’t wake up in the morning, what should I do? We are increasingly asking this question. And it’s okay if you slept for an hour and a half, and before that you unloaded the cars. But no, nothing like that happened. And getting up in the morning is no other feat. Why is this happening? It's time to look for the answer. Let's consider the main factors:

The first reason is a banal lack of sleep.

Men need eight hours of healthy sleep for proper rest. Women's and children's bodies need at least nine hours to restore the body. In the constant rush and race for survival, we simply don’t have enough time to sleep. You have to sleep for four, five or six hours. In such conditions, it is naturally difficult to wake up in the morning. What influences your grueling schedule? Urgent matters, being overwhelmed at work, or the inability to turn off the computer and TV in a timely manner?

The second reason is overeating

But why can’t I wake up in the morning if I go to bed on time? This is a fairly common question. And keep track of what time you have dinner? What dishes do you choose for your evening meal? Heavy foods and alcohol negatively affect the quality of sleep. It is especially difficult for the body to process foods rich in carbohydrates, smoked and fried foods. Sleeping immediately after dinner is a big burden for the body. Heaviness in the stomach and a difficult morning rise are standard consequences of overeating.

Reason three - lack of regime

I can’t wake up in the morning, what should I do? First of all, review your daily routine. Some activities keep us awake at night. A few hours of sleep during the day is not enough for proper rest. But when evening comes, the body actively resists sleep. The whole point is that the regime is going astray. As a result, we toss around for a long time, count sheep, and cannot sleep. In the morning we dream of getting another five minutes of sleep, which is always not enough.

Reason four - going to bed late

It's hard to get up in the morning if you go to bed after midnight. The most valuable time for relaxation and restoration of the body is the period from 21.00 to 00.00. You can even sleep the required 9-10 hours. But if you go to bed late, it becomes difficult to get up in the morning. The reason for this is unproductive hours of sleep.

Reason five - indiscipline

It’s also hard to get up in the morning because we put off getting up. Turning off the alarm clock or moving it for five to ten minutes is a common mistake. It is easier for the body to wake up in the shallow sleep phase. If you don't get up immediately after waking up, you risk falling into a deep sleep. Getting out of this state will be much more difficult.

Reason six - overvoltage

Mental overstrain also impairs the quality of sleep. Our focus on work problems and family circumstances prevents us from relaxing. Thoughts in the head live “a life of their own,” causing our brain to tense up. In this case, relaxation before bed is necessary. Take a break from your thoughts, do breathing exercises, drink herbal tea. It is necessary to calm down before going to bed. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep, and then difficult to get up in the morning.

Reason seven - pharmacology

Do you find it difficult to wake up in the morning? Maybe you're taking medication? Allergy medications, antidepressants, painkillers, blood pressure medications? Drugs from these groups negatively affect the quality of sleep. The body does not fully recover. Because of this, you don't feel rested.

Reason eight – lack of comfort

Quite often, sleep disturbance occurs due to lack of comfort. Relaxation and restoration of the body can be hampered by a bed that is too hard or too soft. Or maybe you have a high and uncomfortable pillow and bedding that is unpleasant for your body. Dry air and uncomfortable temperature conditions also interfere with proper sleep.

Reason eight – ignoring sleep hygiene

Sometimes it's hard to get up in the morning because of trivial things. Did you watch TV or surf the Internet until midnight? Or maybe you decided to treat yourself to strong tea or aromatic coffee before bed? Then you shouldn’t be surprised that you can’t sleep, and it’s so hard to wake up in the morning. Many of us deliberately destroy sleep, watch what you do.

Reason nine - snoring

The scientific name for snoring is apnea. This is a phenomenon that causes discomfort to others. It also negatively affects the body of a sleeping snoring person. Holding your breath provokes sleep structure disturbances. This is fraught with daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and deterioration in memory quality.

Reason ten – restless legs syndrome

Excessive activity of the lower extremities provokes deterioration in the quality of sleep. Swelling, numbness and cramps force us to look for a more comfortable position. Which is why we toss and turn a lot. Morning lethargy is a consequence of this phenomenon.

If you find it difficult to get up in the morning, it means your body is not recovering during the night's sleep. Be sure to determine the cause of poor quality sleep. Inadequate sleep is a big stress for the body. It provokes decreased performance and bad mood. By eliminating the causes of poor sleep, you can improve your quality of life and make waking up more pleasant. After all, the day begins in the morning, and it should be joyful.

How easy it is to wake up in the morning is a question that concerns both physiology and other important factors. First things first.

It is known that in winter and early spring we lack sunlight. A deficiency of clear rays leads to apathy and drowsiness; in the morning it becomes increasingly difficult to wake up, the alarm clock rings, but there is no strength or mood to get up. You mentally repeat: “I’ll lie down for a couple more minutes...” The minutes gradually multiply, it becomes increasingly difficult to force yourself to open your eyes and get out of bed, and in especially severe cases you may even fall asleep again, and then you will certainly be late for work or school.

If you find it very difficult to wake up in the morning, try to gradually implement our advice into life. They are simple to implement, but very effective:

Jumping out of bed at the first sound of the alarm clock is just as harmful as staying in bed until the last minute. The body needs a couple of minutes to wake up and tune in to the new day. To do this, when you hear the wake-up sounds, try to smile, thinking about something pleasant that awaits you today. Almost every day something good awaits us, just remember it! Now enjoy stretching your entire body - from your fingertips to your toes. Thoroughly massage each finger for 10-15 seconds. These procedures will help you start a new day in a cheerful mood.

If you know that in the morning, when you hear the nasty ringing of an alarm clock, you will definitely, without waking up, fumble for it with your hand, automatically turn it off and again fall into a sweet slumber, this is a rule for you. Set your alarm clock in the evening not near your bed, but in the opposite corner of the room. To turn it off, you willy-nilly have to crawl out from under the warm blanket and shuffle a few meters. Some even hide the alarm clock on the closet - to turn it off, you have to move a chair. After this, there will be no point in crawling under the covers again, and it will be much easier for you to force yourself to go to the bathroom.

A great idea is to arrange a pleasant awakening for yourself not to a sharp ringing, but to the sounds of your favorite melodies. This function exists, for example, in a music center. You can also debug the automatic inclusion of your favorite music TV channel. As a last resort, train yourself to turn on the TV with the remote control immediately after the alarm clock rings. The music you like can be anything - cheerful, fiery, or, conversely, gentle and smooth. It all depends on what melodies you prefer to wake up to.

Place a couple of essential oil ampoules next to your bed. For example, orange, mint or grapefruit oils have invigorating properties. And in Japan, employers sprinkle factory floors with jasmine oil - it has been proven that it greatly invigorates and increases efficiency.

If only coffee can wake you up, prepare a thermos of this drink the night before and place it on the nightstand next to your bed. Why not drink your first cup of an invigorating drink while still in bed?

This is a win-win method. Try it yourself! If you already have enough strength to get up and make it to the bathroom, consolidate your success by turning on alternately very warm and cool water. There is no need for extreme temperatures; it is not necessary to use scalding and icy showers alternately. If you don’t have time to shower, at least put your hands under the running water and change its temperature - from hot to cold.

Tip 7. Sunny orange color

To add positivity to yourself and get into a cheerful mood, refresh your room with orange spots: scatter a few pillows of this color, buy a new vase or lampshade, and finally, put a dozen bright oranges on a large beautiful dish! Looking at this composition will definitely lift your spirits.

IMPORTANT! Go to bed not too late, ventilate the room before going to bed and do not drink stimulating drinks at night. It is much easier for a person who has had enough sleep to wake up.

Sometimes even the freshness of the morning breeze does not inspire modern man to wake up. He tirelessly presses the compassionate alarm clock, postponing the start of wakefulness further and further... Why?

It turns out that in order to be cheerful, it is not enough to take measures in the morning. Our morning depends on the evening, the night spent, and in general, on how we organize our daily and weekly routine.
For a Christian, the vigor of the morning is even more important than for a non-church person. After all, morning is a time for a lively conversation with the Creator, thanking Him, and offering the most important petitions for a person.

“When you wake up early, get up quickly and have sweet conversation with the Lord. Get well in the morning and the whole day will go well.”

People experienced in spiritual life notice that if you “read” the morning prayer rule, read it in a half-asleep state, without paying attention, it is as if you do not receive strength, you are not spiritually satisfied. And if you completely leave yourself without prayer, then “spiritual fasting” manifests itself in all its glory.
Therefore, it is so important to wake up in the morning, cheer up and properly prepare yourself for the coming day.

“We don’t realize to ourselves, for the most part, that we, emerging from sleep, are entering a completely new, unprecedented day. This day has never happened since the beginning of the universe. This day is brand new and full of endless possibilities. It will be partly determined in relation to us by the actions, words, personality of other people, and the events that are associated with them.
But to a large extent, like the day and like the events in the lives of other people, it will be determined by us, by what we are and how we act in it, in word or deed. And before entering this day thoughtlessly, by accident, we must stop and realize, accept into our consciousness as deeply as possible the fact that yesterday has passed, faded away, and now we are faced with the complete newness of a new day, and that God is in us this day sends – ideally – messengers from Himself.”

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

Getting ready for the morning of a new day in the evening

1. Get enough sleep. If we don't get enough sleep, it will be very, very difficult to wake up in the morning. The body must rest from the day's work and worries. Before midnight, 1 hour of sleep is equivalent to 2 hours, it is important to take advantage of this.
2. Mode. It is ideal to always go to bed at the same time. Once you get used to doing this, waking up in the morning will be much easier. It would be great to go to bed around 10 pm and wake up between 5 and 7 am. This is usually enough for the body to get enough sleep. Determine how much sleep you need.
3. And on weekends too. Even on weekends, go to bed at a set time, otherwise it will be difficult for your body to readjust itself and you will end up feeling lethargic and drowsy.
4. Alarm clock. Set only 1 alarm clock in the morning and expect that now you will get up when it rings. If, to be on the safe side, you set several alarms, each 5-10 minutes later, you run a very high risk of oversleeping.

“You want to get up early. Good! - Buy an alarm clock and set it for the desired hour, as soon as it reaches it, it will immediately ring and wake you up. You just need to get up quickly, even throw yourself out of bed, for a week you’ll wash yourself, and then you’ll easily obey the alarm clock.”

Saint Theophan the Recluse "Letters"
5. Evening prayer rule. In evening prayer, we also ask that the Lord grant us rest at night and awaken us for morning praise and thanksgiving. Probably, it would not be superfluous to ask the Lord for a cheerful morning in the evening in your own words, since this determines how carefully and wholeheartedly we will talk with Him in the morning.

“Get used to praying your own prayer. So, for example, the essence of evening prayer is to thank God for the day and for everything that is encountered during it, both pleasant and unpleasant; whatever bad thing has been done, repent of it and ask for forgiveness, promising to be correct the next day, and pray to God for protection during sleep. Express all this to God from your thoughts and from your heart.”

Saint Theophan the Recluse “What is spiritual life and how to tune in to it”
6. Attitude. It has been proven by experience that a strong determination and attitude to get up early, be cheerful and positive helps a lot in doing so. Tune in the evening how you will wake up, what will be your first thought, what will be your first actions. This helps a lot.
7. Fighting thoughts. It often happens that annoying thoughts prevent you from relaxing and falling asleep. Drive these disturbing thoughts away. If this happens very often, you can drink tea with valerian, mint or lemon balm before bed, put a lavender pillow under your head or drop lavender essential oil near the pillow. Short prayers are of great help in the fight against thoughts.

“If you want a peaceful sleep, go to bed, repent, be contrite in spirit and pray to the Lord. If you fall asleep with prayer, you will attract a Guardian Angel to you, who will protect you until you awaken.”

Archbishop Arseny (Chudovskoy)
8. Go to sleep with grateful thoughts. One priest recommended that his spiritual children write down at least 50 points in the evening: “Why should I thank God?” Doing this changes our thinking in a positive way and even allows us to cope with depression.

“When you bow down on your bed, remember with gratitude the blessings and Providence of God.
Then, filled with this good thought, you will more fully rejoice in spirit, and the sleep of the body will be for you the sobriety of the soul, the closing of your eyes will be the true vision of God, and your silence, being filled with a sense of goodness, will with all your soul and strength give the ascending mountain heartfelt glory to the God of all. . For when there is no evil in a person, then thanksgiving alone, without any valuable sacrifice, is pleasing to God.”

Venerable Anthony the Great

9. Cozy nest. A place to sleep should set you up for relaxation. There should be no TV or computer in the bedroom. Before going to bed, ventilate the bedroom and choose comfortable clothes for sleeping.

Happy morning!

The alarm clock rang

We had been preparing for the morning since the evening, and now it has come. The alarm clock rang. What are our actions now? The first thought of a Christian is the thought of the One who helped him to rest and wake up today.
Next, according to Theophan the Recluse, you need to literally throw yourself out of bed.

“If we slow down in getting up and praying, then the distressed guardian angel leaves us and the evil one comes to immediately instill in us a whole series of vain, idle or unfaithful thoughts - for example: about the need for additional sleep to preserve the health of the body; brings a memory of some trouble or anxiety from the life of the previous day.
You don’t need to listen to him, but quickly get dressed, constantly saying the Jesus Prayer or some other prayer to yourself or in a whisper. With this we achieve a lot at once.”

NOT. Pestov “Modern practice of Orthodox piety.”

“If you get up from your bed, and sleep again begins to torment you from demonic obsession, then jump up courageously, as from fire, or as from a poisonous snake, or as from a roaring lion wanting to devour you. Resist sleep, ascetic, and, having risen, refresh yourself in the wind, keeping up your prayer at the same time. A person living alone does not need to sleep at the end of the day or night, for this causes great burden to him.”

Paisiy Velichkovsky “Kriny villages...”

Sign of the Cross

“Get out of bed, cross yourself and say: in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and also: Lord, grant us to be preserved without sin on this day and teach me to do Your will.”

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt “How to achieve holiness”

“As soon as you wake up, let your first thing be the sign of the cross, and your first words be the words of the Jesus Prayer.”

Venerable Barsanuphius of Optina

Secular articles on the topic of waking up in the morning recommend that when you wake up, you immediately smile. Why don’t you and I, having made the sign of the cross, smile with gratitude at the new day?

Necessary for the body

Getting ourselves in order before morning prayer. Cold water will help you cheer up while washing your face; you can wash your hands and feet with cool water. So that the bustle of life does not carry us away and deprive us of prayer, it is very important to maintain attention to God during physical washing and preparation for prayer.

“Before the beginning of your prayer and after it, pray your own prayer and during the intervals of the prayers you read, insert your prayer, making bows from the waist and the ground and kneeling. Annoy the Lord, the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel, in your word to Them, asking for everything that you feel is extremely necessary for yourself; pray that you will let yourself be known, and that through knowledge you will put in the desire and provide the strength to correct everything that is faulty, and even more so that your heart will be filled with the spirit of contrition and humility, in which sacrifice to God is most pleasing to Him.”

Saint Theophan the Recluse “What is spiritual life and how to tune in to it”

Morning prayer rule

Many works have been written on how prayers should be performed. Let us make a few statements here.

« To spend the entire day completely holy, peacefully and sinlessly, the only means for this is the most sincere, fervent prayer in the morning after rising from sleep. She will introduce Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit into the heart and thus give strength and strength to the soul against the attacks of evil; You just need to guard your heart.”

John of Kronstadt “My life in Christ”

“The essence of morning prayer is to thank God for sleep and strengthening and to pray to Him to help us do things all day for His glory.”

Saint Theophan the Recluse “What is spiritual life and how to tune in to it”

“When people don’t pray in the morning, they seem to say: “Lord, today I can do without You.” By not fulfilling the evening rule, a person becomes like the nine ungrateful people who were healed of their illnesses by Christ.”

Archimandrite Eleazar (Ivanov)

« “In the morning, getting up very early, he went out and went into a deserted place, and there he prayed.”(; ). Here is a lesson to get up early and devote the first hours of the day to prayer, in solitude. The soul renewed by sleep is fresh, light and penetrable, like the fresh morning air; therefore, she naturally asks to be allowed into the place where all her joy is, before the face of the Heavenly Father, into the community of angels and saints. It is more convenient for her to do this at this time than later, when the worries of the day are upon her. The Lord arranges everything. We must accept from Him a blessing for our deeds, necessary admonition and necessary reinforcement. And hurry early, while nothing prevents you from privately ascending to the Lord with your mind and heart and confessing to Him your needs, your intentions and asking for His help. Having tuned in to prayer and thoughts of God from the first minutes of the day, you will then spend the whole day in reverence and fear of God with your thoughts collected. Hence - prudence, sedateness and harmony in affairs and mutual relations. This is a reward for the work you force yourself to do in the morning solitude. This is also for everyday people, therefore, a measure of prudence, and not something alien to their goals.”

Feofan the Recluse “Thoughts for Every Day of the Year”

“The demon of despondency... plunges those standing in prayer into sleep, and in untimely yawns steals poetry from their lips.”

John Climacus "The Ladder"


By properly organizing our day and week, we can train ourselves to go to bed and get up at the same time. Having learned to do this, and also get up at the first ringing of the alarm clock, we will overcome drowsiness and lethargy. Perhaps this should be the first step in spiritual life. If we pray with attention and feel every word of our morning appeal to God, then we are unlikely to want to go back to bed after that.

However, after illness, during periods of sunlight deficiency, with hypo- and avitaminosis, and with some diseases, drowsiness is a physiological phenomenon. This can be combated with tonic herbal preparations (tincture of ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola, Schisandra, Leuzea, etc.), invigorating drinks - coffee, cocoa, etc.

But in most cases, the lack of vigor in the morning is a consequence of our incorrect organization, weak psychological attitude, and lack of self-motivation to wake up. Thus, we deprive ourselves of the joy of meeting a new day.

In conclusion, wise advice from Barsanuphius of Optina. It is very relevant for all of us, and especially for those who live with relatives who are far from church life:

“There is a little secret to getting up easily in the morning and not oversleeping: don’t judge those who wake up and are late. If you don’t judge others, it will be easy for you.”

But it is also equally important to know how to wake up correctly in the morning, how to do it easily and relatively quickly.

After all, it depends on what the upcoming new day will be like.

From this article you will learn how to wake up, get up early in the morning easily, without problems and be cheerful, so that the day goes well, happily, and your health and energy are at their best.

If you can’t wake up in the morning and feel exhausted afterwards, it means you simply don’t know how to wake up correctly.

Remember an important rule:

Events during the day will be successful, the day will go well, only if you have enough vital energy to accomplish the tasks ahead during the day. It all depends on your personal strength.

The amount of internal energy depends on many factors. Of course, you can specifically increase it throughout the day, as convenient for you. But it is the correct awakening in the morning and a competent start to the day that gives a large percentage of how much vital energy you will have today.

How not to wake up in the morning

  1. Never wake up to the sudden, loud sound of an alarm clock.
  2. There is no need to suddenly jump out of bed in the morning and run to turn off the alarm clock, wash your face, and have breakfast.

In these cases, the brain will begin to very quickly give commands to wake up, although the body will not yet be ready for this.

Such a frantic rise in the morning leads to a large release of adrenaline, contraction of blood vessels, as during stress, increased heart rate, and muscle tension.

All this is an unjustified burden on the body, although you don’t notice it.

Over time, such awakening can lead to, or other bodily problems.

Many people think that waking up abruptly in the morning increases vitality. It's a delusion. In order for energy to increase, you need the right way out of sleep, a smooth rise in strength and proper functioning of the psyche. In the morning you need to do everything slowly.

Remember that the amount of vitality is closely related to the work of our psyche.

And for her it is also important to wake up correctly.

Firstly, the psyche does not like sudden transitions from sleep to wakefulness.

Secondly, she needs the right attitude for the new day.

What will be the first emotions or thoughts after waking up in the morning: bad or good, so will the work of the whole organism: harmonious or not, which means the amount of vital energy long after waking up.

If a person thinks about bad things, swears at the fact that he has to get up and go to work again, it means that he will attract illnesses, reduce his strength, and change the fate of the new day in a negative direction.

And a sharp rise in the morning, like stress for the body, sets your psyche to do the same.

It is also important to remember that mental health, and therefore body health, is, first of all, calmness, relaxation and tranquility. It is very important to wake up in the morning in exactly this state of mind so that the new day goes well. And a sharp awakening in the morning, on the contrary, jolts and agitates the psyche. You will have enough everyday stress throughout the day, so you don’t need to start the day with it.

Proper use of an alarm clock

Of course, few people use the old loud alarm clock these days. But if you still have it, ditch it.

Set the alarm clock of your phone or other multimedia device to a pleasant melody. It is very important that it plays quietly at first, and then gradually increases the volume, which means it does not suddenly wake you up.

Relaxation or classical music promotes good peace of mind, which means it’s better to play it. But if you still like some kind of rock, play it. The main thing is that you like the music, that it matches your soul, and that it still increases the volume gradually, without waking you up abruptly.

Don't leave your alarm clock far away. Many people do this in order to get out of bed, turning it off.

You can’t get up immediately in the morning after waking up.

It's better to turn off the alarm by holding out your hand. And if you are afraid to fall asleep again, use a repeat alarm, or better yet, increase your self-discipline.

How to wake up early in the morning refreshed

So, you can’t get up right away, much less abruptly.

Therefore, after turning off the alarm, do not rush to get up.

You can soak yourself under a warm blanket for a few more minutes. Of course, don't overdo it, otherwise you'll fall asleep again. Therefore, move around, as if doing light morning exercises in bed. Stretch your arms, legs, move your body a little. Everyone knows how a person usually wakes up by stretching his arms up and doing it unconsciously. In fact, the body needs this, the body tells us what to do, so go to meet it.

Thus, the body will gradually, without stress and injury, prepare for the coming day. And muscle stretching will have a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the entire internal energy.

How to wake up correctly in the morning

To wake up in the morning cheerful, in a good mood and not want to sleep anymore, you actually need to wake up smoothly, slowly. This seems like a paradox. But this way you meet your body, and in return it will give you increased tone.

Ideally, after you wake up in the morning, you need to gradually awaken your psyche.

Of course, if you are woken up by an alarm clock and you need to get up for work, this is difficult to do, and there is no time. Therefore, after turning off the alarm, just relax a little, stretch as described above, and get up.

But if you wake up on the weekend and you have nowhere to rush, then a smooth and long awakening in the morning will be more beneficial for your health.

First, look over your entire body, notice how you are lying, how warm it is under the blanket, how pleasant it is for you to lie.

Listen to the noise around you, in the room, outside the window. It is ideal to wake up to the chirping of birds or simply to the sound of nature, such as a slight wind.

Enjoy the fact that you don’t have to get up and run anywhere. And if you still need to, then be lazy, so a few minutes will not play a big role, but will bring benefits.

Remember what dream you had last night, try to remember all the smallest details of the dream. In fact, such a simple technique as remembering a dream leads to an altered state of consciousness, relaxes the psyche, increases intuition, thereby beneficially affecting your entire being. Maybe the dream will tell you something about the upcoming events of the new day.

How to wake up in the morning in a good mood

If you start the day with positive emotions, then there will be more of them throughout the day. And your vitality depends very much on this.

Enjoy what feels good in bed. If a loved one or child is near you, kiss him or hug him. Say, "Good morning, darling or darling." By doing this, you are making yourself happy, as well as others. And such a manifestation of love will return to you in double size, giving you an even better mood and increased internal energy.

Love gives energy, which means happiness and health.

Thank the world for waking up, for the fact that you are pleased, for the fact that your loved ones are around you, you are at home, in a calm environment. And if you need to go to work, then think that you will soon return again and in the evening you will find yourself at home among your family. If you thank the world and give it Love, the Universe, in gratitude, will give good events during the day and also an increased level of energy.

How to get up early in the morning and get enough sleep

If you develop a strict schedule for going to bed and waking up, then you will have very healthy sleep.

Go to bed and get up at the same time. It is very important.

You will get enough sleep, wake up calmly in the morning even without an alarm clock at the right time, and dream often. A person should not only sleep 7-8 hours, but also go to bed early and get up early. It has been proven that lying down before 12 pm allows the body to rest better. Of course, it all depends on the characteristics of the organism, whether a person is a night owl or a lark. But still don't forget about.

Many people ask: “How to get up at 5 or 6 o’clock in the morning and get enough sleep?”

It's simple, go to bed early. The secret is simple.

It’s very difficult to wake up normally in the morning if you went to bed late.

And if you can't go to bed earlier, it means you don't have self-discipline.

Falling asleep correctly

Falling asleep in the evening affects what the morning will be like.

What mood did we fall asleep in, what did we do before going to bed, did our loved one give us love? All this will affect not only sleep, but also awakening, and therefore the entire next day.

If you eat a lot before going to bed, go to bed with a full stomach, or even worse, take it, then the morning will be very difficult and unpleasant.

How can we wake up refreshed in the morning if we force the body to do the hard work of digesting food or eliminating poisons at night.

Healthy environmental conditions

Both the quality of sleep and the quality of waking up in the morning are influenced by external conditions.

Therefore, try to create comfortable conditions and a healthy external atmosphere.

If the room is cold, you are unlikely to want to leave your warm bed.

But it shouldn't be hot either. If the room is stuffy, this is very bad. Fresh air in the morning helps you wake up healthier. In summer, sleep with the windows open, but even in winter, do not forget to ventilate your bedroom.

Try sleeping in a tent outdoors sometime. You will immediately feel the difference. Thus, it is possible to generally treat some diseases.

What after waking up

What should you do after you wake up in the morning to make the day more successful for you?

Of course, you need to take water procedures, do morning exercises and eat breakfast.

It seems like these are basic things, but, firstly, I will tell you how to do it more correctly, and secondly, I will offer you a more effective replacement for morning exercises. All this is in your interests.

But you will read about this in the next article.

By spending the extra minutes on waking up correctly, in return you will get a great mood and increased performance for the whole next day.

So, how to get up, wake up in the morning with ease, be cheerful, happy and well-rested. You just need to be friends with your body, understand what it needs, listen to it.

And now for you a wonderful video and wonderful music.
Vera Brezhneva - Good morning.



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