What happens to your body during long-term abstinence from sex. What happens to the body when we fast?

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Hello dear women, in this article I will tell you about what happens to the body during pregnancy, what you can expect from your body over the next 9 months, we will discuss the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, blood pressure, stretch marks, dark spots on the face, hormones and restructuring psyche.

Read this article to the end and, having discovered some changes in yourself, you will at least you will remain calm, understanding what processes are currently going on inside you.

Hormones that change both the body and the psyche

From the very beginning of pregnancy, in the earliest stages, as soon as the egg attaches to the walls of the uterus, dramatic changes in the body occur - all systems are preparing for the formation of a new life.

New hormones begin to be actively produced - pregnancy hormones.

During pregnancy, the following hormones are most active:

  • human chorionic gonadotropin ( may cause nausea)
  • estrogen ()
  • progesterone ( promotes the growth of mammary glands and uterus)
  • thyroid-stimulating hormone ( stimulates the thyroid gland)
  • hormone that stimulates melanocytes cells ( synthesizes skin pigment, or darkening of age spots on the skin).

Let's see how body systems change under the influence of hormones.

Blood volume increases by 45%

The cardiovascular system adapts to additional load. The volume of circulating blood increases by 35-45%. If on average a woman’s body contains 3500-4000 ml of blood, then by the end of pregnancy it is 5300-5550 ml of blood.

Physiological hypertrophy of the heart occurs. Cardiac hypertrophy is a natural way of adapting to increased stress. Why? Very simple - the third circle of blood circulation is formed– placental, separate for your baby.

Blood pressure decreases

In the first three months of pregnancy blood pressure decreases.

If before pregnancy you had slightly low blood pressure, less than 100/80 mmHg, then in the 1st trimester of pregnancy it may drop even more and you will constantly want to sleep. Feelings of weakness and slight dizziness may occur.

One of the pregnancy hormones is progesterone. has a direct effect on the walls of blood vessels, expanding them, thereby ensuring better blood circulation.In response to vasodilation, blood pressure decreases.

If your blood pressure is low, your doctor should prescribe medications to stabilize your blood pressure based on natural ingredients, such as ginseng tincture.

After 12 weeks of pregnancy, blood pressure should return to normal, become the same as before pregnancy, at a level of 120-140/70-90 mmHg.

If, on the contrary, you notice an increase in blood pressure, consult a doctor immediately, this may be a symptom of some complications.

Changes in the tone of the bladder and ureters

Changes in tone predispose to urinary stagnation. And bacteria really love any stagnation.

Therefore, a pregnant woman is at risk of developing a urinary tract infection. Another reason for the development of infection may be compression of the ureters by the pregnant uterus.

To avoid the development of any infections, you need to have your urine tested in the first months of pregnancy. bacteria in urine ().

Bacteriuria may not manifest itself at all - no symptoms! Only a urine culture can show whether you have hidden kidney disease or not.

If bacteriuria is treated in time, then in the future you can protect yourself from infections of the urinary system, in particular pyelonephritis.

Don’t listen to the wrong advice, “Why take antibiotics during pregnancy, it’s so harmful for the child, you need to drink herbal remedies and use folk remedies.”

I really respect traditional medicine, but here This is exactly the case when you can’t do without antibiotics. There is an infection in the kidneys that is lurking and waiting for an opportunity to shoot. And it will shoot very accurately - the development of pyelonephritis, which leads to serious complications, or even worse, to sepsis (blood poisoning). Therefore, in this case, prevention is the golden rule!

Slight swelling in the legs in the evening is normal

The next thing to monitor is the amount of urine.

The volume of urine depends on the volume of liquid drunk. A healthy pregnant woman produces an average of 1200-1600 ml of urine per day, with 950-1200 ml of urine excreted during the day, and the rest at night.

For a pregnant woman, “running” to the toilet at night is the norm, and “running” often is also the norm.

If in the last months of pregnancy small swelling in the legs is also normal! Under no circumstances should you reduce the volume of water.

If swelling appeared suddenly and is growing rapidly, this is an alarming syndrome– run to the doctor, or better yet, call him home!

The most important thing when edema appears is not to reduce the amount of fluid consumed, this can be very dangerous!

Change in taste preferences

At the beginning of pregnancy, many women's taste preferences change, various whims appear (craving for sour and salty foods), aversion to certain types of food (meat and fatty foods); appetite increases.

Nausea and vomiting may occur in the morning. This is a normal reaction to pregnancy-related changes in the body, but only if vomiting no more than 3-4 times a day and does not cause weight loss.

If vomiting causes a sharp deterioration in your health and you lose weight at the same time, this is a complication of pregnancy, which is called vomiting pregnancy. And here you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Doctors now have effective means to relieve the symptoms of this complication.

Decreased intestinal tone

Again under the influence of hormones intestinal tone decreases, food passes through the entire digestive tract more slowly than usual so that the body can absorb as many nutrients from the food as possible for the baby. And this is what often leads to constipation. You can get a list of safe laxatives during pregnancy.

Moreover, the intestines and stomach are pushed upward by the pregnant uterus and are compressed. Stomach contents can back up into the esophagus and cause heartburn.

For heartburn, I recommend Rennie. This is a mild product that does not contain aluminum. Take 1-2 tablets 1 hour after meals, repeat if necessary. No more than 11 tablets per day. Preferably do not take it for more than 2-3 days.

In fact, proper nutrition during pregnancy can significantly reduce all these inconveniences; I will give you a number of detailed recommendations on this topic.

Already now you can significantly improve your well-being by simply adding 200 ml to your diet daily.

Mammary glands prepare for feeding

The number of lobules and adipose tissue increases in them, and blood supply improves. The mammary glands increase in size, the nipples become hard, and the vascular network becomes clearly visible.

Colostrum is released - a thick yellowish liquid. Sometimes “stretch marks” may appear on the chest. No creams or medications should be used as they are not effective. Leave all activities for later - the period after feeding.

The uterus enlarges and its position changes

By the end of pregnancy, the weight of the uterus increases 500 times, and its volume increases 1000 times.

The blood supply to the external genital organs increases, and the amount of vaginal discharge increases significantly.

Starting from the 14th week, the uterus may begin to contract from time to time.. At first, the contractions are weak and irregular, and you may not even notice them. From the 30th week, contractions become frequent and strong; they are called “Braxton-Hicks contractions.” They do not at all mean an imminent birth, but they indicate that the baby’s due date is approaching.

The position of the uterus changes according to the stage of pregnancy.

  • At 14 weeks, the belly begins to protrude and the uterus stretches above the junction of the pubic bones of the pelvis (at the level of the hips).
  • By the 20th week, the upper part of the uterus reaches the level of the navel, it begins to put pressure on the lungs from below.
  • By the 30th week, the uterus reaches the ribs, making breathing difficult.
  • At the 34th week, the lumbar curve of the back increases, this is due to the heaviness of the uterus.

Body weight gain – 12 kg during pregnancy

Healthy woman at the end of pregnancy should gain an average of 12 kg with fluctuations from 8 to 18 kg, of which:

  • fruit weight is 2800-3400 grams
  • weight of the placenta with membranes (baby place) – 680 grams
  • amniotic fluid volume – 900 grams
  • per uterus - 1130 grams
  • blood volume is 1600 grams
  • breast weight – 900 grams
  • fat tissue weight 4000 grams
  • fluid in the lower extremities – 900-1300 grams
  • extracellular fluid - 1000-1500 grams

That's arithmetic!

Dark spots may appear on the face

Some women develop brown spots on their face (called chloasma).

When exposed to sunlight, the color of these spots may become more intense, so be sure to apply sunscreen to your skin before going outside.

Do not try to remove them during pregnancy - it is a waste of time and money.

In addition, do not forget that spots can be camouflaged using fake tanning products or tanning powder, which will give the face a natural tanned appearance and make age spots invisible against dark skin.

In the first months after the birth of the baby they lighten and then disappear.

Hair growth will increase

Accelerated blood flow and an increase in the amount of nutrients also cause improved nutrition of skin cells. Improved skin nutrition can cause hypertrichosis - increased hair growth.

Hair may appear in places where it is completely unnecessary, for example, on the face in the lip area, on the chin, on the cheeks. Hair may also appear on the shoulders, legs, back and stomach.

Most of this hair disappears six months after birth, but some part may remain longer.

What to do in this case?

It is better not to use depilatory cream during pregnancy. Firstly, all the chemicals in the cream can be absorbed through small blood vessels, which is unfavorable for the child, and secondly, the skin may not perceive them, and the result will be zero.

It is also better to postpone electrolysis or waxing until after the baby is born, as this is a rather painful procedure that can provoke a risk of miscarriage.

I advise you to pull out hair on your face with tweezers (under no circumstances should you shave it off!), and on your legs and arms - shave with a razor. These are the safest methods.

New moles and papillomas may appear

New moles may appear on the skin, and existing moles may enlarge and darken. If you have a mole that began to change during pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor.

If a mole grows quickly, it should be removed in the hospital. Pregnancy has no contraindications for such an operation.

In addition to moles, papillomas may appear, these are small formations on the skin. If you already have them, they can become larger.

Don't worry about this. There are safe ways to remove them that do not require pain relief or hospitalization. They can be removed both during pregnancy and after it.

Stretch marks may appear on the skin

Stretch marks are areas of stretched skin that are reddish in color. Typically appear on the abdomen, chest, thighs or buttocks.

Despite popular belief, Not everyone gets stretch marks.! And it depends on individual characteristics and hormonal levels.

After childbirth, stretch marks turn white and become invisible, but they will never completely disappear. There is still no reliable way to get rid of stretch marks. Women tried various lotions, but often it all turned out to be useless.

You can make stretch marks less noticeable after childbirth if you connect a good program to strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve skin turgor.


Finally, I want to say one more thing - from the first day of life you are inextricably linked with the child, you feel fear and he receives fear hormones through the placenta, you feel joy - the body secretes the joy hormone, it is also transmitted to the child.

Scientists have established and recorded an amazing fact in the photographs: the child smiles almost synchronously with the mother or makes a “grimace of grief,” repeating her facial expressions (and therefore her state!). Therefore, you experience every scandal, all your tears together! Remember this and try not to get emotional.

Thank you for reading this long article to the end. I know it wasn't easy :)

But now you are armed with knowledge and you will no longer be caught by surprise! Well, don’t forget to subscribe to new articles, share with your friends if you liked the article. And thanks again for your attention!

What happens to your body during?Why do women “fall in love” and men just “have fun?” Read the answers to these questions in our article.

The hug hormone oxytocin

During sex, the body of a man and a woman produces the hormone oxytocin, which is also called the cuddle hormone. During sexual intercourse, this hormone helps to relax and remove psychological defenses, which helps partners trust each other. However, the insidiousness of this hormone is that it affects men and women differently.

Women produce significantly more oxytocin during sex than men. Psychophysiologists believe that because of this amount of hormone, a woman often falls in love with her partner, even if it was casual sexual intercourse.

In men, the hormone oxytocin only enhances the feeling of satisfaction. In addition, the hormone dopamine is also produced, which makes the man want more sex, while the woman is almost in love.

Reader Questions

*******I had sex without sex on the 6th day of my period (my period was still coming a little), while having sex I had the feeling that I wanted to go to the toilet (when I stopped having sex this desire disappeared), and there was a sensation that in an intimate place 18 October 2013, 17:25 *******I had sex without sex on the 6th day of my period (my period was still coming a little), while having sex I had the feeling that I wanted to go to the toilet (when I stopped having sex this desire disappeared), and there was a sensation that the intimate area is damp. After this, my period was still going on. Now my periods have stopped, and from time to time, discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen appear in the lower abdomen (this appeared after sex during menstruation). Tell me, could I get pregnant? am I pregnant? and if this is not pregnancy, then what could it be, and is there any cause for concern? Thank you*****

The chemistry of sex in men

Shortly before orgasm and during ejaculation, a man's blood composition changes. Thus, the level of endorphins (hormones of happiness) increases, oxytocin, prolactin, norepinephrine and vasopressin continue to be produced. At the same time, the level of glycogen, a form of glucose storage that is responsible for feeding muscles, drops sharply. That is why after ejaculation a man feels a loss of strength, and his brain prepares for sleep. Since a man has more muscles than a woman, the lack of glycogen relaxes men more. That's why men fall asleep faster after sex. For this reason, many women blame men for selfishness and inattention. You shouldn’t do this, because glycogen is to blame.

After dozing a little, the man’s strength returns again, and he is again ready for sex. The more muscle a man has, the longer it will take him to recover.

Chemistry of sex in women

In addition to oxytocin, during sex a woman also produces happiness hormones that bring pleasure to the woman. It is worth considering that a woman has many more nerve endings on her lips than on her fingertips. Passionate kissing during sex allows you to produce more happiness hormones.

Unlike men, women can have sex longer and more often. So, a woman can have sex again soon after orgasm, which cannot be said about a man.

What are the benefits of sex

No one argues that sex is very beneficial for the body. The benefits of sex for the body are as follows:

    During orgasm, pain signals that go to the brain are blocked. That is, sex has a slight analgesic effect.

    Regular sex helps improve memory and learning because it causes brain cells to grow.

    Sex can be a wonderful sleep aid, especially for men.

    Since sex leads to the production of numerous hormones, it can be considered an excellent “antidepressant”. Sex helps cope with stress and relieve tension.

Arkady Galanin


We need quality and full sleep - our livelihoods directly depend on this. If the body lacks sleep, both mental abilities and physical condition will deteriorate. We don’t notice a lack of sleep at first, but its negative consequences tend to accumulate. To understand why sleep is so important for us, we decided to tell you about some facts that happen to our body during sleep. If you think that the body is completely relaxed, then you are deeply mistaken!

  1. Body temperature drops
    From our usual 36.6 degrees Celsius (and some have more), it drops by about 1-1.5 degrees. Due to the fact that all muscles are in a relaxed state, the body spends much less calories, and therefore the temperature decreases. Scientists have proven that the lowest temperature per day will be around 3 am.
  2. Blood pressure decreases
    This, again, is because the body is not moving, the blood does not have to circulate quickly, delivering energy and nutrients to the muscles and organs. Therefore, it runs through the vessels more slowly, which lowers the pressure - by about 5-7 millimeters of mercury.
  3. The body twitches and the eyes move
    Sometimes we experience involuntary twitching of the muscles of the body, mainly the limbs - arms or legs. This happens in the first stage of sleep, while still falling asleep. And since the brain is not completely turned off yet, we sometimes notice it ourselves. Moreover, the whites of our eyes move - the movements will be more frequent and intense in the fast phase of sleep, and slower, but still obvious, in the slow phase.
  4. Skin cells are restored
    During good, full sleep, the breakdown of proteins decreases. That is, this is the very time when amino acids enter our cells to restore their damaged structure or give impetus to the emergence of new cells. This is especially true for the cells of the dermis and epidermis. That is why sleep is so important for the beauty of the face and body.
  5. Cleansing of toxins occurs
    This process is most activated during sleep. Toxins accumulate in the intestines, pass through the liver, and settle in the bladder. That is why doctors recommend drinking a glass of water after sleep, then waiting until you go to the toilet, and only then having breakfast.
  6. Hormones are produced
    Despite the fact that during the day the level of one or another hormone in the blood can jump sharply (for example, insulin after eating sweets, cortisol after experiencing stress, ghrelin if you are hungry, etc.), most of the vital hormones are synthesized precisely at night while you are sleeping.
  7. Immunity works at full capacity
    At night, the immune system turns on fully and begins to look for weak spots in our body, trying to protect them. Scientists even conducted an interesting experiment. If a person gets a flu shot, antibodies will begin to be produced within about 10 to 20 hours. So, if he is not allowed to go to bed on this day, the production of antibodies may be delayed by two days, or even more. Precisely because the immune system does not want to work without sleep.
  8. Pain threshold decreases
    Due to the fact that our body is completely relaxed, not only the muscles, but also the nerve endings relax. They work so slowly that they cannot transmit pain signals to the brain. And not only pain, but also a variety of other senses - smell, touch, hearing, etc.
  9. Clears the brain
    Yes, in the literal sense of the word. The brain does not relax, but continues to work quite actively. And it is in sleep, when external stimuli are turned off, that he begins to “restore order” within himself. At the same time, it gets rid of unnecessary information, freeing up new memory cells for remembering something really important.

  10. The brain is capable of making decisions
    Remember the saying “The morning is wiser than the evening”? So, she appeared completely justified. It turns out that while you sleep, your brain is able to make decisions. Sometimes this may be a solution to a problem that you have not been able to cope with for a long time, sometimes it may be drawing up an action plan before a future important event, sometimes it may be some kind of discovery.
  11. Weight loss
    Yes, the changes that took place during sleep are not too noticeable. But if during the day we constantly consume calories and eat something, then at night this does not happen. And the basic metabolism continues to work and waste energy. So, if you want to lose weight, don't forget about getting good sleep.
  12. Your height increases
    Yes, this is not a joke. During sleep, the spine relaxes as much as possible, since it does not experience stress, and, accordingly, lengthens. That’s why our height becomes taller - even by a few centimeters. Check it out for yourself - measure your height in the morning and evening after a hard day, and compare the results.
  13. You keep waking up
    Paradoxical, right? It turns out that we wake up many times during the night, and usually this happens when moving from one phase of sleep to another. But these awakenings are so short that you simply won’t remember them. Unless you turn over to the other side for convenience.
  14. You can talk in your sleep
    Involuntary muttering or even slurred speech during sleep is a type of parasomnia (it also includes sleepwalking). Some are susceptible to it, and some are not. And when you try to listen to your partner's speech during his nightly conversations, you can hear a lot of interesting things.
  15. Sexual arousal occurs
    This is one of the most pleasant moments. Moreover, in a dream, many can even experience an orgasm. The vessels are dilated, blood circulates freely throughout the body, and therefore flows to all organs, including the genitals, and you can feel sexual arousal.

Many people smoke and have no idea what harm they do to their body. And if someone knows about this, they simply turn a deaf ear. They think: “A lot of people smoke and live normally, why am I worse?” Normal for the time being. While the body is young and strong, smoking may not have a strong effect on the body. I am amazed by schoolchildren and teenagers who start shooting at the age of 13-15. Smoking at this age is especially dangerous, as the body is just developing. They think they look mature and “cool.” I’m generally silent about girls. Okay, I've deviated from the topic. Let's learn more about what happens to the human body when smoking.

What happens to the body when smoking

Before writing the article, I surfed YouTube and watched a video about smoking. So, I found a video in which a person recorded two videos. In the first, how he quits, and in the second (after 30 days) his feelings. He says that there are no disadvantages, only advantages. As soon as a person starts smoking within 8 seconds, nicotine already enters the brain. There is a deficiency of oxygen, and because of this, the smoker’s skin suffers greatly. A cigarette contains more than 3,500 chemical elements, 50 of which are very dangerous. The temperature of a lit cigarette exceeds 500 degrees. All smokers suffer from bad breath, severe cough, and often red eyes from smoke. There is no part of the body that is not affected by nicotine. People who smoke have a sharply increased risk of getting sick: bronchitis, , lung cancer, and other dangerous diseases. A smoker's blood vessels are constantly narrowed, causing the heart rate to increase.

I would like to write a little about the effect of cigarettes on women’s bodies. Constant wet cough, sometimes vomiting and nausea. As a rule, these are the initial symptoms of a “young” smoker, as the body exhibits a protective reaction to harmful toxins. Most women begin to notice the consequences of smoking (severe cough, yellow teeth, bad smell and taste) and switch to light cigarettes, but whatever you say about smoking, there is smoking! Smoking is addictive and people start smoking more. When smoking a cigarette, a person spends 3-4 minutes. Now calculate how much time you spend per year?

Now let's see how harmful smoking is for a passive smoker. If pregnant women are exposed to tobacco smoke, the chance of miscarriage increases. Statistics show that more than 3 thousand people die from passive smoking every year. All smokers have a poor sense of smell and appetite.

Did you know that tobacco contains tar, so in a year of smoking more than 600 grams of tar enter the human body. Smoking lowers a person's immunity, especially the level of vitamin C - which increases the body's protective properties.

Lungs of a smoker

It's no secret that a smoker's lungs are “a little” different from the lungs of an ordinary person. I've added a few photos below. Maybe you’ll see it and want to quit smoking (I hope so). Understand that there is nothing healthy about smoking. It is better to spend your free time exercising or going for a walk in good company. Not only are you killing yourself, you are also paying money for it! I know many people who quit smoking and proved to me that this was their last cigarette. And a week later I saw them again with her. The most important thing is to believe in yourself. Without this faith, neither sweets nor electronic cigarettes will help you. Here's mine, about how to quit smoking.

Smoker and healthy person

I hope you have drawn conclusions for yourself? Good luck and health to everyone, see you soon.

Best regards, Artyom Simonenko

Probably every person asked this question at least once in his life when he realized that twenty-four hours was sorely not enough for everything he had planned. Well, isn’t it a shame to spend a third of this precious time in bed? However, it is impossible to live completely without sleep. In the evening we fall into the sweet arms of Morpheus - and feel much better after that.

What's the matter? Why does our body need so much time to just lie there and not move? Or are we not just lying? What happens to the body during sleep?

The body is resting

This means that many (but not all) processes in it slow down. For example, blood circulation rate and body temperature decrease (by 1 degree). The heart rate slows down, blood pressure drops by 5-7 mm. rt. Art., breathing becomes slower and deeper.
man's dream

The speed of processes occurring in the liver and kidneys decreases; The digestive system works much slower during sleep than during wakefulness.

Most of the muscles of the body are also in a relaxed state during sleep - of course, if we are talking about sleep when a person lies comfortably in bed. Attempts to sleep while sitting (for example, during long bus rides, air flights) do not allow the muscles of the head and neck to relax, and their owner to have a normal rest. However, if fatigue has reached its critical level, these muscles will tend to relax, and the person sleeping in an uncomfortable position will begin to “drop” their head and wake up.

The muscles of the larynx are also relaxed during sleep, which is why many people snore even if they do not have a stuffy nose. In some cases, the muscles relax to such an extent that the lumen of the larynx

Hearing works, smell sleeps

Our hearing organs continue to function normally even during sleep, so any sharp sound can wake a person up (the operation of alarm clocks is based on this principle).

But the perception of smells, especially in the deep phase of sleep, is greatly dulled, gradually disappearing. This means that if a person is fast asleep, it is impossible to wake him up, even by bringing a substance with a pungent or unpleasant odor to his nose. It becomes clear why so many people die without smelling the smoke and burning during a fire...

Your eyes move during sleep, and especially often during REM sleep. Usually at this time we see dreams, that is, some images are born in our subconscious, and it records them.

Why do we sometimes remember our dreams in great detail, and sometimes it seems to us that we didn’t dream anything? It all depends on how soundly a person sleeps. “Night Movie” is remembered well if the sleep is light and superficial; if we slept soundly, then in the morning we will remember absolutely nothing.

Scientists believe that the brain needs to wake up to remember information. During the periods of his wakefulness (it is precisely at this time that our sleep is very sensitive) the memorization of dreams occurs.

We are growing

During the night, the spine straightens, the intervertebral discs stretch and take the correct position, and we wake up 0.5-1 cm higher than we were when we went to bed. True, with active stress on the spine and long walking, by the evening we again become a little shorter in height.

Losing weight

During sleep, the body loses a certain amount of water and other substances, which are not immediately replenished by eating and drinking, as happens during the day. Therefore, adequate sleep is the key to the effectiveness of any diet. If you lack sleep, even the most rigorous methods will not give the expected result.

During sleep, the metabolic rate decreases, and there is also a lack of physical activity. Therefore, if you have dinner before going to bed, everything you eat will go straight to fat depots. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. You shouldn't overeat before bed also because the digestive processes slow down significantly.

Skin rejuvenates

While the brain sleeps, skin cells “work”: collagen production increases, oxygen metabolism activates, and the number of free radicals decreases. During sleep, hormones are produced that stimulate cell growth and regeneration. As a result, fine wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes more elastic.

However, if you want to wake up rejuvenated, it is important to fall asleep at the right time; beauty sleep lasts from 11 pm to 4 am.

Hormones “work”

Sleep time is a period of active work of the endocrine system. At rest, the level of adrenaline and corticosteroids decreases. The body begins to produce the hormone somatotropin, which ensures growth, protection and restoration of muscles and bones.

Also, during sleep, another hormone is actively synthesized - melatonin, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems. By the way, the human immune system is at its peak activity during sleep. It is at this time that the synthesis of antigens necessary to fight infections occurs.

Male and female sex hormones are also more actively produced during sleep than during wakefulness.

If a person is chronically sleep deprived, the level of leukocytes in his blood decreases, as well as the level of the protein FIO (tumor necrosis factor), which stimulates these same leukocytes.

The brain “puts everything in order”

During sleep, the brain analyzes and sorts the information accumulated during the day, stores everything necessary in memory and gets rid of what is unnecessary. Remember how much easier it is to find the right solution “with a fresh mind”!

It is easy to see that a third of your life spent sleeping is not a waste of time, but one of the best ways to ensure that the other two thirds of this very life are as long, active and healthy as possible.



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