What to do if your dog is bleeding. Bleeding

Uterine bleeding (Haematometra) is the process of blood leaking from damaged blood vessels of the uterus, including through the external genitalia.

Bleeding from the genitals in dogs is quite common. If we have bleeding from the external genitalia, then it is usually called external bleeding, if bleeding from the uterus goes into the abdominal cavity - internal bleeding.

Causes of bloody discharge from the genitals

  • Various neoplasms of the vagina and uterus (and others).
  • Traumatic injuries, including birth injuries.
  • Diseases of the urinary system (, urethritis,).
  • Violation of the blood clotting process, including in case of poisoning, hemophilia.
  • For various hormonal imbalances in the dog’s body.
  • Normally, spotting may occur during estrus, up to three weeks after birth.

Clinical picture. Symptoms of uterine bleeding in a dog depend entirely on the cause that led to the bleeding, as well as on the intensity and speed at which the blood comes out of the damaged vessels of the uterus.

In the case when bleeding in a dog develops as a result of trauma during a pathological birth, the bleeding is massive and rapid, blood clots are periodically released from the vagina, the dog becomes sharply weaker before your eyes, the visible mucous membranes have a pale tint. In such cases, as a result of large bleeding, the dog may collapse, convulsions, quickly leading the dog into a comatose state. Depending on the nature of the injury, death in the dog is possible within a few minutes after the start of bleeding.

In the case where there is moderate bleeding (venereal sarcoma or other tumor), the characteristic symptoms of blood loss in the dog develop gradually. Such a dog becomes lethargic, tends to play less, during a clinical examination the visible mucous membranes are pale, and signs of anemia appear (). Gradually, the dog begins to lose its appetite, and we note its emaciation. In some animals, owners notice dried blood on the root of the tail and external genitalia.

In the case when bleeding from the uterus is a consequence of inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) or there is a blood clotting disorder, the dog during a clinical examination looks depressed, lethargic, refuses to eat, vomits (), body temperature rises, and increased thirst appears.

Diagnosis. The diagnosis of uterine bleeding is made based on the clinical picture of the disease; the clinic’s veterinarian will conduct general and biochemical blood tests, a blood coagulation test, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, and in the presence of neoplasms, a biopsy of the material and a general urine test.

Forecast. It is unfavorable for fetuses located in the uterine cavity, but doubtful for the dog itself due to possible complications in the form of inflammation of the uterus.

Treatment. Treatment for uterine bleeding should be aimed at stopping the bleeding. The owners provide the dog with complete rest; the animal is placed with the rear part of the body elevated. A cold compress is applied to the sacrum and lower back area at home. Conservative treatment of uterine bleeding is reduced to the use of a 10% solution of calcium chloride, which is given orally in a dose of 5-20 ml, intravenously administered depending on the weight of the dog from 1 to 15 ml. To stop bleeding, the dog can be given a 0.1% solution of adrenaline in a dose of 0.05-0.5. A good hemostatic agent is the use of a 2-5% solution of stipticine orally and subcutaneously at a dose of 0.02 - 0.05. To stop bleeding, pregnantol is used intramuscularly and subcutaneously at a dose of 0.005-0.02, spherophysin at a dose of 0.005-0.01. If severe bleeding occurs, then it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinary clinic to take emergency measures to stop the bleeding. Typically, in a clinical setting, the dog undergoes a laparotomy, during which a veterinary specialist opens the uterus to assess the severity of bleeding and, in case of minor injuries, performs ligation of damaged blood vessels. If oncology is detected, complete removal of the uterus is performed; complete removal of the uterus is also resorted to in cases where the bitch does not provide breeding value. In cases where surgical intervention is not possible, a blood or plasma transfusion is first performed. For inflammatory infectious diseases, a course of antibiotic therapy is carried out. For transmissive venereal sarcoma, chemotherapy is performed.

Bleeding- this is the release of blood from the lumen of blood vessels or cavities of the heart due to a violation of the integrity of their walls.
Blood can be released drop by drop, flow in a trickle, or beat in a powerful pulsating stream. The volume of blood lost can vary from a few drops to several liters. And all this will be called bleeding.

Depending on the type of damaged vessel, bleeding is distinguished between arterial, venous, capillary and mixed. Bleeding may coincide in time with the onset of exposure to a damaging factor (primary bleeding), or it may begin after several hours or even days (secondary).

If blood flows freely outward, it is called external bleeding; if it rushes into any natural cavity of the body, it is called internal bleeding. It can also forcibly make its way into the surrounding tissues, forming so-called extravasates, bruises and hemorrhages.

External bleeding is clearly visible even with minor injuries, but internal bleeding is dangerous because it is not visible.
Important! Consult a doctor in a timely manner, determine the cause of the bleeding and provide timely assistance to the animal. The alarming symptoms characteristic of internal bleeding will help you with this.

So, internal bleeding happens:

  • obvious(gastric, intestinal, pulmonary, uterine, etc.).
    They can be suspected when scarlet foamy blood is released when coughing, vomiting of “coffee grounds”, liquid tarry stools, stools streaked with scarlet blood are noted; bloody discharge from the loop, blood in the urine, and in all its portions;
  • hidden, intracavitary, invisible to the eye.
    As a rule, characteristic external signs are shortness of breath, pallor of the mucous membranes, sudden fatigue and a rapidly increasing abdominal volume.

Why are bleeding dangerous?

The body of any animal contains a certain amount of blood: freely circulating and deposited in various organs. Any bleeding leads to the loss of some amount of blood from the bloodstream.

The animal body has a powerful mechanism for regulating and redistributing the volume of circulating blood, which allows maintaining the effective functioning of vital organs in conditions of blood loss. But everything has its limit. Minor blood losses, if they are infrequently repeated, pass without a trace for the body. Severe bleeding due to rupture of large blood vessels (for example, carotid arteries, thoracic and abdominal aorta, vena cava) results in instant death. Damage to smaller vessels and internal organs, especially through which a large amount of blood passes every minute (spleen, liver, kidneys, lungs), also poses a great danger to the life and health of animals.

After significant blood loss, the mechanics of blood circulation are disrupted due to insufficient filling of blood vessels and the heart and a drop in blood pressure. Acute anemia develops, which is expressed in a sharp decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood and a decrease in hemoglobin levels. As a result, the process of oxygen delivery to organs and tissues is disrupted. Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of tissues occurs, local metabolic processes are disrupted, cell death occurs and, as a consequence, the death of the entire organism. The maximum amount of blood loss that leads to death depends on the age, species and individual characteristics of the animal. Animals that have lost 2/3 - 3/4 of their total blood mass, as a rule, cannot be saved.

When you need to see a doctor urgently?

  • External bleeding could not be stopped on its own, and the blood has been flowing or oozing for more than 15 - 20 minutes
  • External bleeding has stopped, but your pet has lost a lot of blood and his condition remains severe (shortness of breath, poor mucous membranes, lethargy)
  • You notice that the animal is emitting blood from a natural orifice or the stool/discharge is colored red or dark red: scarlet foamy blood when coughing, vomiting “coffee grounds”, liquid tarry stools, stools streaked with scarlet blood, bloody discharge from loops, blood in the urine, and in all its portions, blood from the nasal passages
  • Blood is not released from the wound or from natural orifices, but the animal’s condition is deteriorating, shortness of breath, pale mucous membranes, lethargy are noted, or you notice a rapidly increasing volume of the abdomen
  • Your pet has a very red eye or both eyes
  • Hematomas (elastic, voluminous swellings) appeared under the skin on the paws (can be on the thigh, lower leg, shoulder, i.e. over the entire surface of the limb), on the outer ear, hemorrhages on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity or skin.

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Bleeding is the leakage of blood from a vessel or heart when it is damaged. Blood can come out in the form of a powerful jet or drip. This depends on the extent and location of the injury. If bleeding began at the time of injury, it is called primary. Secondary bleeding appears some time after the injury.Bleeding in dogs can be external or internal. With the internal form of the pathology, the appearance of hemorrhages, bruises or extravasations is noted. It is worth noting that diagnosing external bleeding does not cause difficulties. The greatest danger is internal bleeding.

In such cases, immediate assistance to the animal is indicated.Obvious internal bleeding is characterized by the release of bubbles of scarlet blood when the animal coughs. The vomit takes on the character of coffee grounds. Scarlet inclusions are found in the stool. Urine also often takes on a scarlet color.Revealing occult bleeding does not always happen. In most cases, the reason for immediately visiting a veterinarian is the appearance of shortness of breath and pallor of visible mucous membranes, an increase in abdominal volume, increased fatigue, etc.

Pathogenesis: Bleeding in dogs leads to an imbalance in the distribution and storage of blood. As a result, a significant volume of circulating fluid is lost in the bloodstream. The dog's body has an effective mechanism for redistributing and regulating blood volume. This helps maintain the effective functioning of all organs and systems in conditions of blood loss. However, if the damage is significant, the animal may die. Minor blood loss is practically not dangerous for the dog’s body.

Damage to small parts of the vascular system and internal organs (kidneys, liver) can cause great harm to the body. This is due to the passage of a huge amount of blood through these organs.Severe bleeding in dogs causes a drop in blood pressure and circulatory disorders due to insufficient blood supply to the heart and blood vessels. This leads to the development of acute anemia. The lack of oxygen, in turn, causes a violation of metabolic processes.Diseases and recommendations forCane Corso Italiano

Clinical picture of bleeding

The greatest danger is typical for arterial bleeding in dogs. As a rule, this condition is observed when the dog's paw pads are damaged by sharp objects. Blood flows out of the artery in the form of a bright red jerky jet.For venous bleeding the blood is dark. Its outflow from the vessel is smooth and uniform. Stopping such blood loss is facilitated by minor efforts on the part of the dog owner.Parenchymal bleeding is evidence of damage to internal organs such as the liver, kidneys and spleen. Stopping it presents some difficulties. This is due to the fixation of vessels in the dense stroma of organs. >>>Menstrual pain in women

Help measures

First of all, it is necessary to stop bleeding when iometer in dogs . In order to temporarily stop the flow of blood, applying a pressure bandage or tourniquet is indicated. In addition, it is possible to press the vessel with your fingers.The fight against bleeding in dogs is to mechanically stop it. It is also possible to use low temperatures. To eliminate closed bleeding, it is recommended to apply ice bags to the affected area.To increase blood clotting and constrict blood vessels, the animal is injected with adrenaline. After stopping the bleeding, massive infusion therapy and the introduction of WOLMAR WINSOME® PRO BIO OMEGA 2500 into the diet are indicated.

- The dog cut its paw, probably stepped on a fragment of a bottle. Strongly flows blood.

Bleeding in a dog, or in any animal, can stop on its own - this is an evolutionarily acquired protective reaction of the body. Self-stopping of bleeding occurs because the blood coagulates when leaving the vessel, a blood clot is formed (from the Greek “thrombos” - “lump”, “clot”), which is facilitated by the narrowing of the lumen of the vessel at the site of injury. A thrombus also appears outside the damaged vessel.

However, this does not always happen. Blood loss due to a dog's toe injury and other limited blood losses, as a rule, do not cause noticeable disturbances in the body. However, the loss of one third of the total amount of blood in a mammal is accompanied by profound disorders; the loss of half of it is fatal.

Newborns are especially susceptible to blood loss., as well as adult animals with severe suppurative processes or suffering from dystrophy and cardiovascular diseases. Birds are very sensitive to blood loss: canaries and budgies die if they lose 0.5 milliliters of blood.

According to the type of damaged blood vessels, bleeding is divided into several types.

For arterial bleeding blood is ejected in a strong stream, the height of which varies: it increases, then decreases. From the arteries of large diameter, the blood comes out with noise. The color of the pouring blood is scarlet, bright red: it is saturated with oxygen.

For venous bleeding blood flows continuously with less force because the blood pressure in the veins is low. The color of the blood is dark: it is saturated with carbon dioxide.

For capillary bleeding, which is also observed with cuts to the toes, it is not possible to see the damaged vessels because they are tiny. Bleeding occurs in many places of the wound. Merging, the drops form small streams of blood.

Urgent Care. It is to prevent blood loss and prevent death from exsanguination.

There are several ways to prevent this.

Very easy way to stop bleeding- pressure bandage. Thanks to it, tissues and blood vessels are compressed, the edges of the wound come closer together, which contributes to the formation of blood clots in damaged vessels. Such a bandage, which is not changed for two or three days, in many cases finally stops bleeding even when vessels of a relatively large diameter are damaged.

The pressure of the bandage on the tissue in the bleeding area and the adjacent area should be uniform. The recesses formed by the protrusions of the fabrics are filled with layers of cotton wool.

When a paw is damaged, to reduce bleeding, the animal should be placed on its back, the paw will be at the top, and the flow of blood to the wound will be difficult. When applying a bandage, you need to start bandaging from the bottom up, the first turn of the bandage should be on the fingers. They bandage from left to right, and each turn of the bandage extends a little onto the previous one.

If the injury occurs in the winter and far from home, the bandage soaked in blood may freeze, and frostbite may occur. Therefore, such a bandage cannot be left for a long time,

When the wound is deep, when the blood vessels are damaged, you need to use a swab made of sterile material, for example, cotton wool. It is pushed tightly into the wound cavity, and a pressure bandage is placed on the outside.

You can use a bandage and cotton wool. Unwinding a sterile bandage and pushing it into the wound, wrap lumps of cotton wool in it. The end of the bandage is left on the outside of the wound.

The third way to stop bleeding is to use a tourniquet.

Ordinary limb constriction was resorted to in ancient times. A rubber bandage or elastic band began to be used in the second half of the last century. This is the main and reliable way to temporarily stop bleeding on the paws, tail, and penis. In each of these cases, take a rubber tube of appropriate thickness and elasticity.

If your dog is bleeding from the anus, this is most likely a sign of a fairly serious illness. In normal condition, the feces of these animals are dark or light brown in color.

Main reasons

Most often, blood in the stool of dogs appears due to:

    carnivore plague.

If your dog has helminths, the following symptoms may also appear:

    change in habitual behavior - lethargy, anemia, pale mucous membranes, eating inedible objects;

    difficulty swallowing;

    frequent hiccups;

    bloating with protruding ribs;

    rickets, growth retardation.

The main symptom of this disease is itching in the dog’s anus. Blood from the anus appears quite often during helminthiasis.

It is advisable to give medicine to a dog infected with worms in the morning. In this case, the tablet can be pressed, for example, into a piece of sausage. If the dog refuses to take the drug in this way, it must be forcefully placed on the root of the tongue.

Symptoms of canine plague

If a dog has blood coming out of its anus in its stool, this may be a sign of such a disease. Distemper is caused by a virus related to the one that causes measles in humans. Symptoms in a dog with this disease are as follows:

    rise in body temperature to 40-41 degrees;

    food refusal and exhaustion;

    conjunctivitis and rhinitis;

    labored breathing;

    inflammation and redness of mucous membranes;

Also, dogs infected with distemper usually scratch their nose with their paw. Blood in a dog's stool in most cases appears due to the intestinal variety of this disease. Animals of any age can get distemper. However, it is most often diagnosed in young dogs. Puppies under 3 months of age are especially at risk of getting the disease. Animals of the following breeds are also most susceptible to distemper:

  • Pekingese;

This disease is quite rare in terriers.

How is plague treated?

What to do if it is because of this disease that the dog starts bleeding from the anus. The causes of this phenomenon in this case are inflammation of the intestinal lining. Effective therapy for this disease can be mainly only in the first stages. You cannot treat carnivore plague on your own. If an animal shows signs of this dangerous disease, owners should immediately contact a veterinarian. The technology for treating plague in clinics is usually used as follows:

    the doctor confirms the diagnosis;

    measures are taken to maintain the dog’s immune system (ready-made antibodies are administered in the form of serum);

    antiemetics and medications that make breathing easier are prescribed;

    An IV is placed to correct dehydration.

In severe cases of the disease, dogs are usually hospitalized. Plague is very difficult to treat. Therefore, animals should be vaccinated against it necessarily and on time.

Symptoms of parvovirus enteritis

This disease is also a common reason why dogs have blood coming out of their anus along with their stool. In terms of the degree of danger, enteritis can be compared with plague. Blood in the stool of dogs usually appears in the intestinal form of this disease. Symptoms of such enteritis most often are:

  • tucking the tail and arching the back when stroking the sides;

    refusal of food and water;

    stringy or foamy vomit;

    constant diarrhea.

Bloody feces in dogs with enteritis have a putrid odor.

Treatment of the disease

A visit to the veterinary clinic is a must at the first symptoms of enteritis in a dog. Blood from the anus is a very serious sign in this case. As with distemper, with this disease, first of all, they try to eliminate dehydration and vomiting with diarrhea in the animal. The dog is given immunoglobulin and hyperimmune serum. To restore the water balance, the animal is also given salt solutions. In addition, treatment of enteritis involves the use of heart medications, some antibiotics and vitamins. In this case, the dog must be given complete rest.

As with distemper, an animal can only be prevented from contracting enteritis by completing a full course of vaccination.

Treatment of other diseases

Of course, with other diseases, blood may appear from the dog’s anus. We have found out what to do in case of helminth infection or if symptoms of plague or enteritis appear. You should also contact a veterinarian for diseases such as:

    Enterocolitis and colitis are inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. This disease is treated by fasting, drinking plenty of water and tea. Also, if such dog health problems arise, it is useful to use oatmeal broth and immune serums.

    Cracks in the anus. In this case, there is usually not too much blood in the stool. Cracks are treated with special ointments. Most often, Levomekol is used for this disease. Other disinfecting and wound-healing drugs can also be used for treatment. In this case, processing should be carried out with medical gloves.

Blood may appear in a dog's stool due to a stomach ulcer. Oncology is also sometimes the cause of this phenomenon. can not be.



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