Amstaff breed features characteristics. American Staffordshire Terrier: what does the owner need to know? Relatives from different countries

Usually after the expression “fighting dog” a portrait of a bloodthirsty, stupid monster with one goal in mind is drawn - to kill. It is precisely this hostage of human stereotypes, and sometimes, unfortunately, illiterate treatment of the breed, that the Staffordshire Terrier is. This is a dog with a menacing appearance and absolutely childlike trust in relations with humans.

History of the origin of the breed

The history of the breed dates back to the deep Middle Ages. Until 1800, spectacular gladiatorial fights were popular in England. Both man and man, man and animal, fought. For the crowd this was the main entertainment event. Gradually, bloody battles began to become more “humane”; people stopped participating in them. But the crowd was still entertained by dogs that poisoned other animals. Most often bulls.

But there is evidence that the King and his nobles loved to watch monkeys, lions, tigers and bears being poisoned. But initially, dogs did not show cruelty towards other animals; man made them that way for his own amusement. One day, the Earl of Stamford, an English city, was contemplating the views from his balcony, as usual, and a scene caught his eye: two bulls were fighting.

One of the bulls became mad with pain and rushed away. Then, several dogs chased him to return him to the grounds. The count liked the rampage of the bulls, and he officially ordered similar competitions to be held every year, including dogs.

Subsequently, bloody spectacles were practiced more and more. People began to bring out those suitable for battle. Mastiffs and bulldogs were used. These were heavyweight giants on the field. But their dimensions let them down and the dogs often found themselves under the hooves. Then they already understood that they needed a strong, muscular, but nimble and lean dog that moved quickly and maneuverably. From the bulldogs they began to choose the most muscular and agile ones.

This is interesting! In 1835, the English Parliament prohibited all forms of fighting involving bulls. But, unfortunately, people’s excitement does not subside and dog-dog fights appear.

By this time, breeds were known that can be called the forefathers of modern Staffordshire Terriers. This is a bulldog and terrier. The Bulldog of the 1840s-1860s is a dog weighing 22-23 kg, with high limbs, an elongated muzzle and a long tail. The terrier, according to some sources the fox terrier, was described as a small-sized but agile dog, temperamental and attacking until the enemy is completely defeated. The crossing of these two breeds gave birth to a new species called the bull and terrier, which absorbed all the qualities necessary for fighting from the bulldog and terrier.

From that time on, Bull and Terriers became indispensable participants in dog battles. Special rings with wooden walls were built. The fight was clearly regulated and had rules. Dogs with the best wrestling qualities were selected for the league. Soon these dogs are called pit dogs and pit bull terriers. After 1870, pit dogs came to America, where they continued to actively perform in animal fights. But at this time, some breeders notice that there are dogs that do not show aggression in fights and they are more drawn to humans.

Some American breeders, led by W. Brandon, began to specifically select such individuals, avoiding bloody battles, cultivating the qualities of companions and helpers. They were cuter than pit bulls, more friendly and relatively calm in reacting to other animals. And in 1936, the breed was officially registered - the Staffordshire Terrier. Later, the “American” Staffordshire Terrier is added in order to separate the breed from the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Description of the Staffordshire Terrier

The Staffordshire Terrier is a strong, resilient, muscular dog. Shows incredible courage and even more incredible devotion and love for a person. Suitable for security, hunting, sports. Great friend and... Wonderful .

Breed standards

  • Height: 46-48 cm for males, 44-46 cm for females.
  • Weight: 27-30 kg for males, 25-27 for females.
  • According to the standard, the dog should look strong and robust. Overweight or underweight is not allowed.
  • Head: wide, muscles are clearly expressed. A clear transition from forehead to muzzle.
  • Eyes: deep-set, small, dark.
  • Ears: Cropped and undocked are allowed.
  • Strong jaw. The nose is black.
  • Neck: Wide, muscular and massive.
  • Coat: short, shiny.

The forelimbs are widely spaced. Strong. Medium sized paws. The gait is springy.

Stafford colors

The colors are varied, among them there are the following types:

  1. Blue. Shades vary from light blue to bluish-dark. The lighter the shade, the lighter the nose.
  2. Black. In the light it does not give off any other shades, it is a deep black color. Small markings are acceptable in the area of ​​the nose and paws. The eyes are dark brown or almost black.
  3. “Seal” color: when the dog is completely black in the shade, but in the sun the color turns red.
  4. "Black Boston": white on the face, neck, back and paws. The rest is black.
  5. Brindle. Brindle-reddish, uneven brindle are allowed.
  6. Ginger. The color is even throughout the body. The nose is black. The eyes are dark brown.
  7. “Boar” color or red “with a touch.” When the main color of the coat is red, but on the surface some hairs are dark in color. A heart-shaped pattern is created on the head. Dark plaque can be only on the head, on the head and tail and throughout the body.
  8. White. The nose, eyelids, lips and eyes are pigmented. The nose is black or gray.
  9. Pale yellow. Or sand color. The eyes are dark. Black pigment on the nose, lips and eyelids.
  10. Blue-fawn color. The wool seems to have a silver coating. It can be on either light fawn or bright red fur. The eyes are dark. The nose is always gray.
  11. Black and tan. The main color is black, with tan markings on the eyebrows, chest, limbs, and under the tail. If there are white markings, then the color is called “tri-color” or “black and tan and white.” There are also variations of three-color colors: blue and tan, black and brindle, blue and brindle.

According to the 1971 FCI standard, any solid color, particolor and spotted, is allowed. White color should not occupy more than 80% of the body. Pure white, as well as black and tan and liver, are not desirable for this standard. However, in the AKC standard, pure white color is completely acceptable.

Dog character

Despite prejudices, the character of the Staffordshire Terrier is very gentle and good-natured towards people. This dog is by no means a plush couch potato - he needs to exercise a lot.

Amstaff loves his owner and his entire family endlessly and devotedly. This is an amazingly smart dog. She distinguishes between adults and children. In games with children it becomes more gentle, and adults will bravely and bravely defend. It attacks only if it sees a direct threat to the life of its owner or family members. To do this, it is important to raise the staff from a puppy. A careless “would-be owner” who doesn’t take the time to train the dog can get a lot of negative consequences.

Important! The owner will have to devote at least two hours a day to intensive outdoor exercise with an adult dog. You can combine it with your own sports training, as this dog will perfectly support you in Frisbee hobbies and swimming lessons.

The American Staffordshire Terrier breed standard excludes unmotivated aggression in the dog's character towards humans. Breeders deliberately excluded from breeding individuals who were equally aggressive towards other dogs and humans, leaving the most human-oriented representatives. Qualities that are inherent in a thoroughbred Amstaff, brought up according to all the rules: intelligence, devotion, courage, endurance, the desire to protect a person, respond to the slightest demands of the owner, be his guard and friend.

The only drawback of this dog is that it cannot ignore the command of its owner. And here it is extremely important that the owner himself is mentally healthy, adequate and does not pose a threat to society. The Staffordshire Terrier really needs attention from people and feels best in a home environment, with family. This dog is not suitable for living on the street or in an enclosure. In this case, she may lose her sociability, become rude or too distrustful.


On average, Staffordshire Terriers live 12-15 years.

Proper care and care brings human and animal together and increases the level of affection. Keeping a dog includes maintaining hygiene, proper feeding and proper training. This is an important component in maintaining your pet's health.

Care and hygiene

Despite the fact that this dog's coat is short and smooth, it still requires care in the form of periodic combing with stiff bristles. Before exhibitions, washing and grooming are required. But even in normal, non-exhibition times, Amstaffs are happy to do it. Before bathing, it is necessary to inspect the animal for scratches, cuts, and minor wounds. If there are any, the procedure is postponed.

This is interesting! To make the Amstaff's coat shiny, you can wipe it with car suede after bathing.

After washing, the dog should not emit any unpleasant odors. If they are present or suddenly appear, it is better to immediately show the animal to a doctor. An unpleasant odor may be a symptom of an infectious disease. The dog is walked daily for 1.5-2 hours. It is necessary to play and exercise with the dog in a specially designated area. In crowded places, keep nearby on a leash and muzzle to avoid unpleasant incidents when meeting drunk people or stray dogs.

The staff's eyes and ears should be inspected regularly and, if necessary, cleaned with a cotton pad previously soaked in warm boiled water. If the dog has redness, then this area can also be wiped with a cotton pad or rinsed with chamomile decoction. Anal gland care should also be done regularly and as needed. It is best to do this at your veterinarian's office. Also, under the supervision of a specialist, you can master this procedure and repeat it yourself at home.

Stafford diet

There are two approaches to feeding dogs. Natural food and... In both cases, you should choose quality products and carefully choose the manufacturer. If the owner feeds natural food, then it is imperative to balance the diet, add vitamins and microelements, and select a varied menu. If feeding dry food, you should choose food. They contain the most optimal and health-friendly composition.

When feeding dry food, there is no additional need to include a vitamin complex. Feeding should occur according to a schedule, at the same time. Best after a walk. Remaining food is immediately removed. Clean drinking water should be available to the dog around the clock, regardless of the type of food.

Let's take a closer look at the method of natural feeding

  • The basis should be animal protein. Raw and boiled meat is suitable. Beef, chicken or turkey, liver, offal, fish. Lamb should be given no more than twice a week.
  • From fermented milk products give cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. It’s good to mix an egg into the cottage cheese, once a week.
  • Porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn. Definitely with the addition of meat, vegetables, herbs.
  • Amstaffs are very popular feast on offal: giblets, scars, heads, ventricles, hearts. It is better to give this delicacy boiled.
  • Fish also very beneficial for the dog's health. Before serving, you can either boil and remove all the bones, or simmer until the bones become soft.

When the puppy begins to teethe, you need to give him sugar or spinal bones. But frequent feeding of bones to adult dogs can lead to constipation and damage to tooth enamel.

It is strictly forbidden to feed your dog the following foods:

Sausage, sausages, cookies, candy! You should not give leftovers from the table, since the dog’s stomach will not be able to cope with fatty foods, seasonings and all kinds of food additives. Salty, sweet, smoked, spicy, fatty, stale, moldy foods are not allowed.

Important! Under no circumstances should you overfeed your staff. Obesity has an extremely negative impact on the health of this breed!

As for dry food, as mentioned above, it is better to choose premium and super-premium class. The modern market provides an opportunity to choose such feeds. The Royal Canin, Hills, Acana, and Grandorf food lines have proven themselves well.

Diseases and breed defects

In general, the American Staffordshire Terrier is in good health. Like all dogs, they are susceptible to viral diseases, so it is important to get all the necessary vaccinations on time. Staffies have sensitive digestion. It is important to choose the right diet and not overfeed the animal. Breed-specific health problems for Staffordshire Terriers include:

  1. Dermatological diseases;
  2. Colitis;
  3. Inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  4. Benign tumors;
  5. Problems with ;
  6. Eye diseases: entropion, cataracts, etc.

The most unpleasant breed defect is ataxia is a genetic lesion of the cerebellum. Unfortunately, it is impossible to diagnose this disease until 3-5 years of age. Symptoms arise rapidly - the dog’s coordination of movements is sharply disrupted. The only thing the owner can do is to familiarize himself with the tests of the puppy’s parents for this disease.

Education and training

For successful training, motivation must be developed. There are three types of motivation in dogs:

  1. Food.
  2. Social.
  3. Gaming.

Amstaffs have all three types of motivation clearly represented and this helps them achieve incredible progress in their studies.

Important! You need to exercise your dog for at least 2-3 hours every day.

In a person, the Amstaff appreciates strength of character and constancy. You can’t “babble” with him. It will be much more useful to initially build a hierarchy where the owner is the leader. A person inevitably begins to communicate with animals as with people, so it is better and more correct to address the staff as an adult, and not as a child. It is also worth choosing firm and confident intonations. The owner’s word should sound clear and precise.

With this presentation, the dog quickly learns that any of its actions can only begin with permission. This is especially true for the FAS team. There are usually several people in a family. It is imperative that all family members behave the same way around this dog. There should be no connivance. Everyone must adhere to the same, clear parenting style. The basic minimum commands that the American Staffordshire Terrier is accustomed to from early childhood:

  1. « Sit“- you need to clearly, distinctly and loudly pronounce the command, showing a piece of treat. As soon as the puppy sees the piece, raise the food higher. The puppy will stretch forward and automatically sit on the floor. At this moment, it is important to help the dog sit down with your hand, say the command “Sit” again and be sure to give a treat in order to establish a positive cause-and-effect relationship between the execution of the command and the reward.
  2. « To me“- the command is pronounced at a time when the dog is at a distance, but in the person’s field of vision. When spoken, a treat is also shown. As soon as the dog runs up, the “Sit” command is executed and a treat is given.
  3. « Lie" - the command is executed similarly to the command "Sit", with a difference in position.
  4. « Near“- this command should be taught during a walk, after intense physical exercise.
  5. « Place"- the command is practiced before bedtime, when the puppy is on its bedding.
  6. « Aport"- performed while playing with the dog.

Training must be consistent and constant. It is necessary to choose the right load and stages of mastering commands and elements. If the owner has little theoretical knowledge and practical skills in training, you should definitely seek advice from specialist dog handlers.

Combination of the best qualities of a terrier and a bulldog

The American Staffordshire Terrier extremely successfully combines the characteristics of the two breeds from which it was bred: the terrier and the bulldog. He inherited the liveliness of the first and the calm strength of the second. That is why this angel, in the minds of some and a demon in the belief of others, became the most famous representative of North American breeds. This is a strong, brave, self-confident dog, devoted to the family in which it lives.


They are easy to train, but cannot be forced into anything.

The character of the American Staffordshire Terrier combines absolutely opposite qualities: strength and complacency, fearlessness and sensitivity. These animals are easy to train, but they cannot be forced into anything. In the description of the breed, one feature of the Amstaff's character is often mentioned - the struggle for leadership. But it is important to know that attempts to dominate must be stopped immediately. At the same time, American Saffordshire Terriers love to play, both with adults and children.

Despite the fact that the American Staffordshire Terrier is a fighting dog, they are becoming increasingly popular in families with small children.

And this does not mean at all that people deliberately endanger the lives of their offspring or other family members.

This situation only serves as proof that proper training of a dog contributes to the development of valuable qualities and devotion.

Initially, these dogs were bred for baiting cattle, and later for fighting entertainment.

At the same time, after crossing a bulldog with a white terrier, the Staffordshire bull terrier was obtained, which was first recognized by dog ​​handlers in England in the 19th century.

At the same time, breeders approved the bull terrier breed standard and gave it the name “Staffordshire bull terrier”.

In the first half of the last century, many dogs of this breed were exported to America and England, where they won the hearts of dog breeders.

During this time, the external features of the breed that the previous bull terrier possessed changed significantly and became more “American”.

Because of this, dog experts decided to divide the dogs into 2 autonomous breeds: the American Staffordshire Terrier and the English Stafford Bull Terrier.

It should be noted that the pit bull terrier breed, as a working and sporting breed, has survived to this day.

However, monitoring of their behavior, training and education is currently carried out under the strict supervision of only experienced professionals.

Today, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a dog that is bought into families as pets, excellent companions and nannies for small children.

They get along perfectly and take care of the younger ones, protecting the “treasure” entrusted to them.

The standards and characteristics of each breed are individual. Therefore, it is very important, when owning a pet, to know the parameters of your breed.

Today, every experienced breeder can easily distinguish between an English bull terrier and an American dog.

Visually, the Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier have...

The pit bull is higher at the withers, but visually it seems lighter.

Amstaffs, according to the standard, have a black nose and a wide chest.

The emotional state of the American is more balanced and peaceful towards others than that of pit bulls.

The Pit Bull Terrier has a good memory for insults or insults caused. It is very important during training and education to accustom your pet to the fact that the person is in charge.

The Pit Bull Terrier tends to show dominance and is one of the smart animals that can make their own decisions in emergency situations.

It is reliably known that in the presence of extreme situations, a dog will quickly make the right decision, for example, carry a child or animal out of a burning house, or help victims get to the exit.

Briefly about the main thing

The Amstaff is an active, cheerful dog that requires constant attention and exercise. As a pet, he is suitable only for a self-confident person who spends his time actively, loves sports and long walks.

In the city, dogs of this breed feel great only if they have daily long walks, one of which should be active for at least an hour.

Pets get along easily with people, but with other animals - on the contrary, due to the story of the “past”.

Therefore, if there are already living creatures in the house, breeders recommend that the dog be taught “peaceful coexistence” from the first days.

These dogs treat small animals with trepidation and care, and perceive adults as their equals.

Even with cats, pets may not have disagreements. Over time, cats get used to the fact that licking against the grain is a manifestation of the dog’s great love and affection for the fluffy dog.

Among the many advantages that “today’s” staffs have, the following should be noted:

  • friendliness;
  • curiosity;
  • activity;
  • desire to please, to be useful.

During training, the dog strives in every possible way to receive praise and please the owner.

It must be remembered that any encroachment on personal space, coercion to carry out a command, can result in revenge, aggression, and the awakening of “bloodlust.”

A dog of this breed is the best nanny for small children and small animals. She is ready to risk her own life in order to protect and save the “treasures” entrusted to her, namely children and animals.

Can endure for a long time and without compensation the “games” of young children who do not know how to control their own strength, ambitions, and desires.

The American Staffordshire pet needs special nutrition.

For such a dog, the protein from regular dry food is not enough.

They require the purchase of either special food for their breed from leading trusted manufacturers, or vitamin supplements.

If the dog is fed “live foods,” then in addition to meat, the daily menu should include: fermented milk products, meat/fish, cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

The American Staffordshire pet is highly allergic and needs careful selection of foods.

If there is a rash, acne, dandruff, or discharge from the eyes or ears, it is necessary to identify the allergen and exclude it from the diet.

Caring for the coat of these dogs is quite simple:

  • You need to comb the coat 2-3 times a week with a rubber glove.
  • Nails need to be trimmed only if they do not wear down on their own during training and daily walks.
  • It is recommended that the dog's ears and eyes be examined at least once every 7 days and cleaned of discharge if necessary.

The average lifespan of a dog with good care and nutrition is 12-15 years.

If something doesn’t suit your pets, they get injured or get sick, then their lifespan is reduced to a minimum.

Dogs are susceptible to the following pathologies:

  • food allergies;
  • pelvic joint dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • Demojecosis;
  • heart pathologies;
  • aortic stenosis.

The Bull Terrier and all its descendants are smart, quick-witted dogs.

They tend to show their will, therefore, at the slightest willfulness, the owner must insist on his own and achieve the task.

Puppies develop proper socialization and attitude towards the world around them from birth. By creating a pleasant atmosphere, the dog easily gets used to the company of other animals and small children.

The Bull Terrier is a hardy dog ​​that loves to work and please its owner.

Among dog activities, the Bull Terrier will gladly take part in freestyle competitions, dog training, agility, and weight pulling.

Features of the acquisition

Today, purchasing a pit bull is not difficult. The breed is still popular among breeders, owners of private houses, country cottages and lovers of extreme, active sports.

When selecting for purchase, you need to carefully study all the breed criteria, know how to identify the standard and “defective” dogs.

Ideally, in order to eliminate the pitfall and avoid purchasing a sick puppy, experts recommend making a purchase through a specialized organization - the National Breed Club.

The cost of the puppy will depend on the following parameters:

  • Floor. Girls are always more expensive because they can bear offspring.
  • Age. The cost of a 3 month old dog is much higher than a 6 month old one. Despite their age, the likelihood of puppies being sold decreases, so owners can make concessions and reduce the price slightly.
  • Pedigree. If there are awards, recognitions and BESTs from international and local exhibitions, the cost of puppies increases significantly.
  • Purpose. The cost of a show dog is always higher than representatives for breeding or pets. Availability of vaccinations and medical examination.

    Timely completion of all vaccinations with the corresponding entry in the pet’s passport is an expensive matter, and therefore requires appropriate compensation.

Photo gallery

When getting a pet like an American Staffordshire Terrier, it is very important to become a strong leader for him, whom he would respect and obey.

Service dog breed, medium size. Despite their formidable appearance, they are very trusting towards people, which is not typical for service breed dogs. With the necessary attention from the owner, they are well trained, successfully perform in competitions such as agility and obedience, engage in freestyle (dancing with dogs), and can work as rescuers of drowning people on the water without any problems, as they have great strength and endurance, They take a blood trail and work on the trail.

As experienced breeders say, there is no sport that the Amstaff cannot master, but it all depends on the owner’s desire to engage in the American Staffordshire Terrier. Their ancestors were brought to America from Britain, where they were used as a gladiator dog for baiting wild animals. Starting from the 13th century, the nobility entertained themselves with animal fights; the most enduring and ferocious individuals were selected for this. Time passed, and the breeders wanted to breed a super fighter. They crossed: an English bulldog with his iron grip and a terrier fast and agile, like a bullet. They are considered the ancestors of today's Amstaffs and pit bulls.

Pit bull terriers are not a recognized breed of the FCI, they took part in dog fighting until animal rights activists protested and the state had to ban this bloody sport. Of course, fighting still took place illegally.

The Staffords faced a different fate. In the 20th century, American farmers began to teach them to work for peaceful purposes. They guarded the owner's house and territory, helped shepherds graze livestock and drove coyotes away from them. In Russia, the peak of popularity of the American Staffordshire Terrier occurred in the 90s of the 20th century.

American Staffordshire Terrier breed standard

Menacing looking American Staffordshire Terrier - photo on the grass

American Staffordshire Terrier color

American Staffordshire Terrier sitting on a mat for a photo

  • Single color (any color from cream to black)
  • Particolor (spotted coat - white with black, white with gray)
  • Spotted (piebald)
  • Brindle main color is red, painted with vertical stripes, dark in color.
  • Two-color
  • Blue, wool from light gray to black-gray.
  • Fawn, light red, sand color. The lips, eyelids and nose are pigmented black.
  • Black and tan (black color with red markings located on the muzzle, above the eyebrows, on the chest, limbs, under the tail)

White markings are allowed, occupying no more than 20% of the main color. White, black and tan or liver coloring should not exceed 80% of the body surface. Pure white color is not acceptable. For any color, it is acceptable to have a mask on the face, black or gray.

American Staffordshire Terrier character

By nature, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a balanced, energetic, courageous and cheerful dog. The Staffordshire Terrier is independent, self-sufficient, alert, curious and extremely intelligent. This active and strong dog is an excellent protector and friend who is infinitely devoted to his owner.

The American Staffordshire Terrier can be aggressive towards other dogs. If the owner teaches the Amstaff from an early age to treat strangers and animals correctly, he will grow into a completely adequate dog that will not lunge at everyone in the street.

Towards cats, rabbits or other pets, the terrier can be very aggressive. The Staffordshire Terrier is a good watchman and guard, very distrustful of strangers, and will not let a guest out of sight until he leaves the owner's house. American Staffordshire Terriers are very friendly towards children, but to protect your baby, it is better not to leave him alone with the American Staffordshire Terrier, despite his gullibility and devotion.

We must remember that a feature of the character of the American Staffordshire Terrier is the constant desire to please its owner in everything. Therefore, in the inexperienced hands of a person who does not realize what strength and dexterity a dog has, the Amstaff can grow up pugnacious and aggressive.

The different character of the American Staffordshire Terrier in the photo

When walking, always keep your AST on a leash, especially in crowded and public places, and always control his behavior when strangers appear. Any aggression on his part must be immediately stopped by the owner.

Remember, the main instinct of the American Staffordshire Terrier is protection, so they can become aggressive in a split second if they suddenly feel a threat to their owner.

By nature, the American Staffordshire Terrier is quite helpful, cheerful and proud. Always controls himself, even if he shows character. But if suddenly such a dog becomes furious, it will be very, very difficult to control.

If you want to buy an American Staffordshire Terrier, think about whether you can show strength of character and control this breed so that it does not cause harm to others, and only brings you joy; if in doubt, then get another breed.

The Stafford needs early socialization and proper and consistent training. A terrier should not be hit or punished without reason. If you find it difficult to train, be sure to seek the help of a specialist. He will teach obedience, which is very important for such a strong dog. The American Staffordshire Terrier must constantly be busy with something, otherwise he will find something to do on his own, and then he will have to buy new furniture, sofas and various household items.

The American Staffordshire Terrier can live both in a city apartment and in a country house. They are compact and clean, do not take up much space, but need constant, long walks and good physical activity. The Amstaff needs to be walked 2 times a day for 2 hours, the walk should be active with elements of training. It is better to walk away from playgrounds and heavy traffic. If possible, take the dog to the forest, river or field so that he can run around and release the powerful force inherent in him by nature.

American Staffordshire Terrier care and maintenance

The photo shows an American Staffordshire Terrier puppy, black and white.

Caring for the coat of the American Staffordshire Terrier is not difficult; the breed is short-haired and sheds. Shedding is seasonal 2 times a year, spring - autumn. If your dog has dandruff and shedding continues throughout the year, pay attention to its diet; these may be signs of a food allergy or the air in the room is dry and warm.

American Staffordshire Terrier coat It is necessary to comb regularly with a brush with coarse bristles; this procedure will improve blood circulation, provide a pleasant massage and remove dead hair.

Bathe less often, the better, or with shampoo as needed for short-haired breeds. Dry shampoo works well. It must first be rubbed into the fur, then after a few minutes, thoroughly combed out with a brush. To give the wool shine, it is wiped with a piece of cloth. Before swimming (especially in open water), always check the condition of the American Staffordshire Terrier's skin for cuts, wounds or irritation, this could be a sign of a bacterial infection. After bathing your Staffordshire Terrier in open water, always rinse with clean water.

Check your eyes regularly. The eye of a healthy dog ​​is without redness or excessive tearing. To prevent souring, wipe your eyes once a week with a soft cloth soaked in chamomile decoction.

The ears are open and well ventilated. Wipe your ears with a damp cotton swab once a week to remove dust and wax. If you notice redness of the ear, excess wax, foul odor from the ear, or the dog frequently shakes its head and rubs the ground, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Claws are trimmed once a month, using a nail clipper for medium breeds. If the American Staffordshire Terrier is active, runs a lot on asphalt and stones, and the nails wear off on their own, then they are trimmed less often. Always remember about the fifth dewclaw; the claw on it is short and does not wear off while walking. A claw that is too long cuts into the paw, causing pain and inconvenience.

After walks, wipe your paws with a damp cloth and check the condition of your paw pads. Inspect for cracks and cuts. In winter, do not let your dog lick the reagent and wash its paws thoroughly after walks. To prevent cracks on the paw pads, rub vegetable oil into them and add 1 tsp to the diet. lie in a day.

Check your Amstaff's oral cavity regularly. Healthy gums are a pleasant pink color, teeth are white and smooth. Yellowness is the first sign of the appearance of tartar on the teeth. It is recommended to brush your teeth every day with a special toothpaste for dogs, using a toothbrush or a finger attachment. To prevent the appearance of tartar, include fresh tomatoes in your Staffordshire Terrier's diet, let's gnaw hard cookies, or chewing bones that mechanically clean off plaque on the teeth.

The main thing is to accustom the American Staffordshire Terrier to all procedures from an early age, be sure to praise and encourage him. After trimming his nails or washing him, always give him his favorite treat.

The photo shows an American Staffordshire Terrier near the city lake

You just have to understand that it won’t be easy to deal with an adult, disobedient pet. Therefore, he must calmly accept all hygiene procedures.

There are several types of drugs:

If you find a tick, don’t be alarmed; just drip some vegetable oil on it. After a few minutes, he will loosen his grip, use tweezers or a special “tick twister” to grab him and twist him out of the body in a circular motion. Treat the bite site with iodine.

Be sure to monitor the health of your American Staffordshire Terrier over the next few days. If he is active, eats with appetite, and does not have a fever, you are lucky the tick was not contagious.

But noticing:

  • Lethargy
  • Refusal to eat and drink
  • High temperature (39 -40 degrees)
  • Red-brown urine

Seek help from a veterinarian immediately. Only a specialist can diagnose, prescribe treatment and save your dog’s life.

American Staffordshire Terrier food

American Staffordshire Terrier photo at competitions

Each owner creates his own diet for his dog. It is best to consult with the breeder from whom you purchased your American Staffordshire Terrier about what is best to feed. A responsible person will always be able to give good advice. For the American Staffordshire Terrier, there are two types of feeding: natural food and premium ready-made dry food.

The main rule is never mix two types of food in one feeding, this is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

Number of amstaff feedings:

  • From 2 to 4 months - 5 times a day
  • 4 - 6 months - 4 times a day
  • 6 - 9 months - 3 times a day
  • After 9 months, an adult dog is fed 2 times a day

For any type of nutrition, follow simple rules, and your pet will be active and healthy:

  • Feed only after walks.
  • Feed the puppy from a bowl located on a stand so that correct posture is formed. Adjust the height of the stand as it grows.
  • The bowl should be at chest level or slightly higher so that the puppy only puts his face in it.
  • It is necessary to have two separate bowls: for food and for water. Bowls are washed with hot water after each feeding.
  • There should always be fresh water in the water bowl.
  • Food should be freshly prepared, at room temperature.
  • The diet of a growing dog should include 30% protein for the harmonious development of the skeleton and muscles. Lack of protein leads to a weakened immune system.
  • The food should be eaten quickly; if the portion is untouched, after 15 minutes we put the food in the refrigerator until the next feeding.
  • Never feed table scraps.

Healthy Foods for the Staffordshire Terrier:

  • Lean meat (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken) scalded with boiling water or boiled without skin
  • Fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, whey)
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • By-products (heart, lungs, lean udder)
  • Greenery
  • Vegetable oil 1 tsp. lie in a day
  • Porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal)
  • Sea fish (boneless)

Prohibited products for amstaff:

  • Fatty meat (pork)
  • River fish
  • Smoked meats
  • Salty, spicy food
  • Seasonings
  • Sweets
  • Legumes

Diseases of the American Staffordshire Terrier

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Bloating
  • Mastocytoma (mast cell cancer)
  • Cutaneous histiocytoma (benign tumor)
  • Lick granuloma
  • Arthritis
  • Deafness
  • Patent ductus ductus (disease of the cardiovascular system)
  • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • Cataract
  • Progressive retinal atrophy

The American Staffordshire Terrier dog breed is known to the world, but not everyone has heard about the long and interesting history of the origin of the breed. Staffords were created through selection in England. Bulldog and terrier crosses were carried out to create an aggressive and courageous dog. The result exceeded imaginable and unimaginable expectations. The American Staffordshire Terrier was originally called a bull terrier, indicating its origins in the bulldog and terrier.

There are debates regarding the origin of the terrier; there are a number of contradictions in the history of the dog. The Stafford is a cross between the aggressiveness of a bulldog and the endurance and mobility of a terrier. What can we say, the dog turned out to be truly harsh and cruel.

A completely reasonable question arises: why did the British need such a dangerous dog? The answer is extremely simple. In the 19th century, dog fighting actively gained popularity, promising great income for the organizers. Gradually, betting moved to the USA, Mexico and even Canada. The Staffords showed fearlessness and tenacity in fights, shedding blood for the amusement of those around them. A truly monstrous sight.

The dogs did not stop fighting. Even serious wounds did not knock the dogs down and the dogs continued to fight like true fighters. This is a proud and strong breed, improved through selection many times. The names were constantly changing. The Staffordshire Terrier was previously called the Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier and even the Brindle Bulldog. The name of the new breed did not affect the character of the breed - a living machine for endless battles and bloodshed. Keeping an animal at home was considered crazy, to say the least. Years passed, centuries changed. Staffords began to appear in private homes as staunch and hardy guards.

The pet received its modern name - American Staffordshire Terrier - only at the end of the 20th century. At the end of the 19th century, the breed was given its current appearance.

The role of the ancestors of the breed was played by the English terrier and bulldog, successfully crossed by American breeders. As a result of scientific work, the Pit Bull Terrier breed was born, which served as the further creation of the Staffordshire Terrier dog. Today it is customary to shorten the long name; the dogs are more often known as Stafs or Amstafs. Pets appeared on the territory of Russia recently - at the end of the 20th century.

Description of the breed

Before purchasing this difficult animal, you will need to study the characteristics of the breed in detail. The Stafford is a fighting dog with a complex and difficult to control temperament. You have the right to madly love and cherish the dog as a full-fledged member of the family, but he is an aggressive fighter, such are the genes.

To earn the dog’s complete trust and obedience, you need to re-read a bunch of books and thoroughly learn the psychology of the breed. They are complex and unruly, unyielding and extremely stubborn animals. The appearance speaks of extraordinary sporting potential. Raising a dog will become the basis for safe coexistence in the same territory. Stafford makes a true warrior:

  1. strong body,
  2. strong legs,
  3. short hair,
  4. pile of muscles.

Despite his dashing disposition, the Staffordshire Terrier recognizes hierarchy and follows the rules of the pack. The dog's owner and family members must demonstrate their own importance and remain an authority so that the dog never touches them. If it is not possible to achieve strict subordination, the dog is capable of showing monstrous aggression at any second, both against adults and children.

It is recommended to conduct regular training, exercises, and educational games so that the Amstaff becomes a family friend who is not capable of causing pain. If a person is ready for such a complex upbringing and a waste of nerves and energy, it is possible to purchase a puppy of the specified strong breed.

To the full description of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed, I would like to add that the breed is created for murder and bloodshed. There is no dog’s fault in the resulting cruelty and mercilessness. A proper upbringing and regular training can turn a growing villain into a truly sweet animal, ready to protect his family to the last drop of blood.

Breed characteristics:

  1. 44-46 cm height for females, 46-48 cm height for males;
  2. 25-30 kg weight;
  3. The head is large;
  4. The ears are semi-raised, erect, set high;
  5. The eyes are round, dark, rimmed, and set wide apart;
  6. Black nose;
  7. The back is sloping, short;
  8. The stomach is tucked;
  9. Oblique placement of the shoulder blades;
  10. Shoulders are muscular;
  11. The chest is wide and powerful;
  12. Limbs straight, widely spaced;
  13. Short pointed tail;
  14. Short coat, smooth, thick;
  15. Various colors, spotting is acceptable.

The Staffordshire Terrier dog breed has a contradictory character. On the one hand, genetic traits influenced the formation: courage and dedication, quick response and ruthlessness. The fighting past has not passed without a trace in the history of the dog; the fighting blood inherent in dogs continues to flow in the veins of staffs.

Staffordshire Terriers, on the other hand, are portrayed as intelligent dogs that are calm and level-headed. The dog is infinitely devoted to its owners and absolutely loves children. Staffordshire Terriers are often bred as nannies for naughty pranksters.

Dogs get along well with children and are ready to indulge their whims, make them happy and play from morning to night. The breed is distinguished by its mobility and energy; representatives get along comfortably with children and spend most of the day in active games.

Among other things, the Staffordshire Terrier breed is not endowed with a desire for dominance. Thanks to this, getting along with another pet is easier than ever. Dogs will not leave their owner and family in trouble, they will always support. If danger arises, they will stand up for the family and will not offend anyone. In ordinary life, staff radiates calm and regularity.

The dog has extraordinary sensitivity, it is not recommended to scold or punish the dog, you should not raise your voice without reason or show aggression. The upbringing and comfortable existence of staff is directly related to the manifestation of love and tenderness, trust and other positive emotions.

Thanks to their innate sense of smell, Staffordshire Terrier puppies and adult dogs always feel what is going on in the family. Dogs will not raise their voices and will not impose their presence during serious situations. They are not prone to barking without permission. At such moments, they will either try to support the owners, or will go to their place and lie quietly.

Caring for the American Staffordshire Terrier

When the Amstaff puppy crosses the threshold of the apartment, he will immediately begin a thorough inspection of the territory. On the first day, the owner must designate a place for the dog to sleep. Of course, basking with an affectionate puppy is nice and healthy, but the baby will quickly turn into a calf weighing 30 kg.

Proper care of the American Staffordshire Terrier will eliminate unwanted moments in the process of coexistence with the wonderful beast. As a puppy, the staff undergoes vaccination procedures against measles, distemper and rabies. Subsequently, vaccinations are given annually, in the prescribed month. There will be no difficulties in caring for the coat. A stiff brush is enough to make your pet's coat look healthy and well-groomed.

The Amstaff does not like nail trimming; it is recommended that the dog's owner entrust this task. The authority of the owner for the staff is undeniable; he will not touch him even if he feels pain when trimming his nails.

It’s easy to learn how to care for an American Staffordshire Terrier from breeders; nothing specific is expected.

Taking care of the healthy state of the staff is a complex of measures, including:

  • Preventive actions;
  • Therapeutic measures;
  • Hygiene procedures;
  • Optimal diet;
  • Optimal walking mode.

Proper care of the Staffordshire Terrier is directly related to caring for your pet's coat. You will need to periodically clean the coat with a damp cloth or towel and regularly comb out dead hairs. The procedure promotes rapid hair renewal and provides the skin with the necessary massage.

It is important not to overdo it with bathing your pet; frequent procedures will undermine the health of the coat and skin. For mandatory bathing, special shampoos are used as a cosmetic product. The use of inappropriate products causes an allergic reaction and dry skin.

You will need to shorten your pet's claws monthly using a special tool. Walking on an asphalt surface is good for the natural development of claws. It is important to pay attention to your teeth.

To ensure a healthy state, it is necessary to brush your teeth with a special brush. It is important to monitor the condition of the nose; if it is dry and cracked, the dog is unhealthy. Ears are kept clean and healthy.

What to feed

American Staffordshire Terrier puppies must be fed well in order for their muscles to grow properly. Let us outline a number of important points about what to feed the American Staffordshire Terrier:

  • A massive and strong skeleton requires a high level of calcium in the blood; give the dog special vitamins sold at the pet store.
  • The digestive system is not complicated, which contributes to the rapid digestion of food. It is not recommended to feed your dog high-calorie foods. This can lead to difficulty in bowel movements.
  • A healthy American Staffordshire Terrier dog walks at least twice a day.
  • Meat should prevail in the diet. You should not feed exclusively dry food. The dog willingly eats scraps from the owner's table.

It’s easy to find out from the sellers what to feed American Staffordshire Terrier puppies. It is better to purchase the appropriate book for a thorough study. However, there are no fundamental differences in the diet of Staffords. Dogs eat everything and do not experience any difficulties with the digestive tract.

The food of the staff is designed to correspond to the physical condition of the pet and support it. The diet of puppies is supposed to be balanced, taking into account the size of the animal and gender. The main component of the diet is meat, offered raw and boiled.

It is recommended to give your pet milk, cottage cheese and eggs. The last component is required when boiled. Boiled cereals are useful for food; it is not forbidden to prepare soups. Porridges and soups are complemented with vegetables. Offer to gnaw bones, with the exception of tubular ones, add meat and bone meal to food.

Character of the breed

Some researchers say that due to its rich fighting past, the Amstaff has practically lost the pack instinct characteristic of its relatives. Became an individual. The change led to the emergence of character traits: the ability to make independent decisions, the absence of the need to dominate, and to obey the general mood.

Amstaff owners talk about the dogs’ ability to think, understand words different from standard commands, and the mood in the house.

A smart dog is always happy to play with those who want to. Needs attention and love. Next to a person is fully consistent with the well-known saying that with great power comes great responsibility. Despite the quick reaction and ability to instantly respond to stimuli, the American Staffordshire Terrier always thinks about everything, which is noticeable in his facial expressions. The dog will not bark in vain. In a tense situation, he will give a warning with an impressive roar.

The aggressiveness of the breed is directly proportional to the aggressiveness and level of intelligence of the owner. If a person gets a dog to sublimate his own unsatisfied ambitions in dominance and self-esteem, the dog will definitely adapt to the owner and will pose a threat to others. In families where the dog is surrounded by love and care, it grows up socialized and calm. Then its best qualities will be fully revealed, making the bag of muscles an affectionate pet.


Training the American Staffordshire Terrier is considered to be the key to an easy-going character and well-developed muscles. Education should begin from the moment the puppy arrives at home. Trips to special training sites begin at seven months. The breed is easy to train. There is no need to stock up on nerves and patience; Stafford understands, if not the first time, then the second time.

An important aspect of education in the life of a staff is that the dog is historically aggressive and dangerous. Training the Staffordshire Terrier consists, first of all, of socialization. Without this moment, the dog becomes uncontrollable. It is important to start training and education at the age of 1.5 months. From the age mentioned above to 6 months, the breed is extremely trainable. With the right approach and systematic training, you can achieve excellent results and turn your pet into an assistant and companion.

The main point is that training, like upbringing, begins as early as possible, giving the puppy the dominant position of the owner. Taming a dog will take a significant amount of time; the puppy can be overly playful and uncontrollable. It is forbidden to hit the dog, causing retaliatory aggression. The American Staffordshire Terrier breed is distinguished by its excellent memory, which allows the dog to take revenge on the offender even years later.

American Staffordshire Terrier dogs are sweet and kind creatures - only if they are raised correctly. It is supposed to nip in the bud any attacks of rage of the animal and indicate human authority, so that the dog does not risk showing grin and aggression in front of the owner.



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