Removal of calculus on teeth. The main stages of ultrasonic processing

Among the modern methods of removing hard plaque on the chewing surface, there is one that allows you to not traumatize it. This is ultrasound. How does it work, and if such cleaning of tartar is carried out, does it hurt?

Everyone who follows the beauty of their smile must have heard or already tried this popular type of cleaning of the thin layer of teeth. But not many people know that thanks to its implementation, the risk of re-formation of stones in the area near the gums is reduced.

The feature of the device allows you to keep the surface in a healthier state.

In order to reveal for ourselves the peculiarity of carrying out such a procedure as cleaning tartar, whether it hurts or not, it will feel to a person, we will consider what cases are possible. Because they are different.

Noticeable effect compared to before and after plaque removal on the chewing surface


  • elimination of the formed undesirable biological composition on the frontal side of the chewing surface;
  • on interdental hard-to-reach areas;
  • treatment of pockets that appear in the gum area.

It is possible to understand whether it will be painful to remove the stone from the teeth in each case after we find out how the process of exposure to the device takes place.

2. The optimal method for different options for cleaning the chewing surface, is it painful to remove stones from the teeth with its use

In each individual case, whether it will be painful to clean the stones on the teeth can be said only after we figure out which area is planned to be treated.

Does it hurt to remove tartar with ultrasound from the front side

An effective option for removing hardened plaque is carried out by applying an ultrasonic wave. With a procedure such as the removal of tartar, it will not hurt for sure. After all, it is carried out on the surface of the protective layer of enamel and does not penetrate inside. The soft tissue of the gums is not injured, which helps to avoid subsequent inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. In this case, the answer: does it hurt to remove tartar will be: absolutely not. The same applies to distant chewing elements.

Professional method, directing the tip of the device to break the stone in the oral cavity

hard-to-reach areas

Even for areas that are between densely spaced solid elements, the procedure is available. But will it hurt to remove tartar with ultrasound in this case? Considering that this manipulation is aimed at breaking up the dense composition not only from the front side, but from the side of the interdental spaces, where even the thread (floss) does not penetrate, it will not hurt to remove tartar during the procedure.

Cleansing the area under the gum, does it hurt to remove tartar during this procedure?

In cases of inflammation in the gums, pockets appear around the tooth. In them, the collected composition of food debris and saliva is the most dangerous, it causes cervical caries. Does it hurt to clean the tartar in this case? Yes, in this case, due to the sufficient tight fit of the soft tissue, it can be unpleasant.

Many are afraid of whether it hurts to remove stones from the teeth with periodontal disease.

To eliminate discomfort during the procedure, it is possible to use a surface application of an anesthetic in the form of a spray. Or you can make an internal injection of a small dose of a composition that relieves sensitivity.

Each of the options is a breakdown of the formed plaque. Its elimination is a preventive measure that prevents the presence of bacteria.

As a result of cleaning, the surface not only becomes lighter, but it helps to prolong the healthy state of the enamel and the inside of the chewing element.

Removal of tartar is a unique procedure that allows you to completely remove hard and soft deposits from the enamel. The first thing that the patient feels after the completion of the work of the dentist is a special freshness and cleanliness of the oral cavity.

The main question that interests everyone who has been recommended to clean the stones on their teeth is how much it hurts. In most cases, a visit to the dentist is always associated with discomfort and the expectation of pain. Although modern dentistry offers many ways of effective anesthesia and the latest treatment methods with minimal trauma.

Important. Go to brush your teeth boldly and without fear. We guarantee that after the first procedure you will brush your teeth constantly.

Does it hurt to clean the stones on the teeth

The specific sensations of a particular patient depend on the method of cleaning the stone on the teeth and the individual sensitivity of the person. The pain threshold is different for everyone, so you should not rely on the reviews of other people. What may seem unbearable to someone may remind you of a mosquito bite and vice versa.

Important. When choosing a way to remove stones from your teeth, listen to the doctor's recommendations. The dentist makes a decision based on the results of the examination - the condition of the enamel, the amount of deposits, the predisposition or presence of diseases such as periodontitis and periodontitis.

ultrasonic cleaning

Hard dental deposits can only be removed with an ultrasonic scaler. Under the action of ultrasonic waves, the stones completely crumble, while the enamel remains intact. The procedure is almost painless, but with increased sensitivity, discomfort may occur. In this case, the doctor uses a special anesthesia.

A feeling of slight pain may also occur during the treatment of gum pockets. But the feeling is quite tolerable and lasts literally a fraction of a second. Ultrasonic cleaning is the only possible way to remove hard stones from pockets and should not be abandoned. It is better to warn the doctor before the procedure that you have increased sensitivity of the teeth.

When treating areas with enamel, that is, directly on the teeth, pain, as a rule, does not occur.

The main advantages of the method include:

  • perfect cleaning quality - the enamel becomes smooth and even;
  • the ability to remove hard deposits from interdental spaces and hard-to-reach places;
  • bactericidal effect - pathogenic microflora dies under the action of ultrasonic waves, which reduces the risk of caries;
  • optical effect - after removing brown spots and stripes, the enamel visually becomes lighter.

The procedure for removing tartar is mandatory prescribed before prosthetics, implantation, before installing braces, and other orthopedic manipulations. Hygienic cleaning with a scaler is also indicated in cases of periodontitis and periodontitis with a frequency of twice a year. In other cases, it is recommended to remove tartar with ultrasound once every 12 months.

The duration of the procedure depends on the condition of the patient's teeth, but, as a rule, does not exceed 40-60 minutes. In especially severe cases, the doctor cleans for several visits.

There are contraindications:

  • severe heart disease, the presence of a pacemaker - an ultrasonic wave can disrupt the rhythm of the heart or device;
  • pregnancy - ultrasound cleaning can negatively affect the development of the fetus, as well as lead to miscarriage or premature birth;
  • increased pathological sensitivity of enamel - here we are talking not so much about the pain syndrome, but about the reaction of the body as a whole;
  • the period of rehabilitation after surgery, infectious diseases.

Another risk factor is childhood. Remove stones from the teeth can be no earlier than two years after the eruption of the last tooth.

Important. Hard dental deposits can not be removed at home. In fact, the stone grows into the pores of the enamel, and even the hardest toothbrush is not able to remove it.

laser removal

From the point of view of the pain syndrome, the procedure is recognized as completely painless. The laser beam completely destroys hard and soft deposits without affecting the enamel. Dentists recommend removing tartar with a laser in cases where cleaning of gum pockets is not required. Perhaps this is the only drawback of the procedure.

After laser cleaning, the enamel becomes smoother, its resistance to external influences increases, the likelihood of caries, gingivitis, and stomatitis decreases. The procedure takes no more than an hour. The main indication for laser calculus removal is the presence of hard dental deposits on the teeth.

There are a number of contraindications - pregnancy, postoperative period, reduced immunity, infectious diseases. They also include untreated caries, a large number of fillings, and increased sensitivity of tooth enamel.

Laser stone removal is an expensive procedure.

Air flow

The procedure is the cleaning of teeth from calculus using a water-dispersed mixture that goes under pressure. Small crystals remove soft deposits from the enamel, while it is polished. The main advantage of the technique is a high degree of teeth cleaning even in the most inaccessible places, including gum pockets.

Air-Flow is traditionally used in the complex as a subsequent step after ultrasonic cleaning. The result is a complete cleansing of the teeth from hard and soft deposits. Teeth become smooth, as if polished.

The specific advantages of the method include:

  • painlessness - the patient does not experience discomfort even with very sensitive enamel;
  • excellent result - interdental spaces, gum pockets are perfectly cleaned, pigmentation is eliminated;
  • natural whitening - due to the removal of stains, the teeth become lighter by one or two tones;
  • hypoallergenicity - the composition of the mixture includes water, fine crystalline soda, citrus fragrance.

The effect is especially noticeable for those who have orthopedic structures installed in their mouths - crowns, braces, veneers, implants. The procedure is also recommended regularly for smokers and lovers of strong tea and coffee.

It is contraindicated to remove stones from the teeth by this method:

  • patients with respiratory diseases - to avoid a possible attack;
  • with thin enamel and pathological sensitivity of teeth;
  • with caution during pregnancy.

The procedure is carried out in 30-40 minutes, while the patient experiences a feeling of comfort, which is facilitated by a light massage of the gums.

Complete cleaning of teeth and interdental pockets minimizes the risk of caries.

Chemical removal

You can also clean off old tartar chemically - this method is now used extremely rarely, only in cases where ultrasound and air flow are powerless. A composition containing chemically active substances is applied to the enamel. Under their action, the stone is softened and cleaned by hand.

The second name of the procedure is chemical bleaching. The enamel becomes lighter by 3-4 tones.

mechanical cleaning

The procedure is extremely unpleasant and is now practically not used anywhere. Hard tartar and soft plaque are removed with special metal blades. During the manipulation, there is a high risk that the doctor's hand may slip and damage the gums with the instrument. The effectiveness of the method is questionable, since it is not possible to completely clean out deposits.

Does it hurt to remove a subgingival calculus?

When cleaning the stone in the subgingival pockets, in most cases, there are mild pain sensations. This is explained by the fact that the stone is attached directly to the periodontium. Even a thin layer of enamel significantly reduces the sensitivity of the teeth; it simply does not exist in the subgingival zone. Therefore, discomfort during the procedure is a completely reliable and expected phenomenon.

Subgingival stone must be removed without fail, as it causes the development of putrefactive bacteria and contributes to the occurrence of caries and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Does it hurt to remove tartar with periodontal disease?

The disease is characterized by the fact that the cervical region is exposed. Stones are formed on the entire free surface. In places with enamel, sensitivity is reduced, but treatment of the root zone that is not protected by enamel will cause minor discomfort.

Will my teeth hurt after the procedure?

Teeth after cleaning the stone will not hurt. On the contrary, the feeling of freshness in the mouth contributes to the overall comfortable state of health. Your doctor may recommend using mouth rinses for a while after brushing.

Mineralized deposits on the teeth, or tartar, is one of the most common problems that require the intervention of a dentist. Hardened plaque not only looks unaesthetic, but also provokes the appearance of various diseases - periodontitis, caries, gingivitis and others. It is impossible to remove it on your own, besides, there is a risk of damaging the enamel, so the only solution is to go to the doctor. Those who are afraid of dental procedures should learn more about how tartar is removed in dentistry and how safe it is.

Where do deposits come from

It all starts with the fact that plaque remains on the teeth after eating. It is soft at first and can be easily removed with toothpaste and a brush, subject to thorough and regular brushing. But if the plaque is not completely removed, it reacts with the salts contained in saliva and hardens. Around these deposits, a new plaque accumulates, mineralizes, and promotes the reproduction of microorganisms.

Insufficient care is only one of the reasons for the appearance of tartar. Such deposits can form due to malnutrition, illness, smoking, as well as the characteristics of the body that affect the salt balance. In some people, the formation of tartar on the teeth is caused by an inborn predisposition, and the most careful hygiene does not help to prevent it.

Why does tartar need to be removed?

There are many microscopic pores in the tartar in which microbes multiply. As a result of the vital activity of these organisms, an acid is released that softens the enamel. Under the influence of solid food, the enamel layers are easily erased, microcracks appear, and then caries. But that's not all: when there are a lot of deposits, they begin to put pressure on the gums, causing inflammation of the mucous membrane, bleeding, and pain while eating. These are the first symptoms of gingivitis.

If treatment is not started in time, a pocket with deposits of tartar will form between the gum and the tooth, the inflammation will worsen, suppuration will appear. Further development of the disease is characterized by severe pain, tooth mobility, bad breath and other symptoms.

Regular brushing of teeth slows down these processes, but does not provide 100% protection. No matter how well you take care of your oral cavity, tartar will not disappear anywhere and will inevitably lead to negative consequences over time. The sooner these deposits are identified and removed, the better for the teeth. The cleaning procedure should be repeated periodically, because the formation of plaque after this does not stop.

Advice. To detect the presence of tartar and plaque, it is not necessary to visit a dentist. Now pharmacies sell special tablets containing food coloring. After chewing the tablets, all deposits are painted over, and areas without plaque remain white.

Ways to remove tartar

The procedure for removing tartar should be carried out in a clinic by a professional dentist. It is impossible to clean at home, and no folk recipes will help with this either. If you do not want to harm your teeth, trust only a specialist. At the moment, there are four methods of stone removal, differing in efficiency, time and cost.


This cleaning is the traditional way to remove deposits with a drill. Rotating, the bur clings to the tartar and tears it off the tooth surface, after which the enamel is further polished. This method helps to remove only surface deposits, so it cannot be called effective. In addition, when treating teeth with a drill, many patients feel discomfort, and some experience mild pain. Because of this, mechanical cleaning is used less and less, and its only advantage over other methods is the low cost of the procedure.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasound is widely used in various medical fields, and dentistry is no exception. Ultrasonic devices make it easy to remove any deposits, including those under the gums. Under the influence of sound waves, not only tartar is destroyed, but bacteria are also killed, so that in addition to cleaning, the oral cavity is also disinfected. In the process of manipulation, pain may appear in places where the tooth enamel is thinning, and in such cases, the patient is offered local anesthesia. To reduce sensitivity at the time of cleaning, the teeth are covered with a special composition, which is washed off upon completion of the treatment of the oral cavity.

The procedure for removing deposits should consist of three stages:

  • cleaning - performed by an ultrasonic scaler, which is a compact device with a special nozzle. When the device is turned on, the tip of the nozzle vibrates at a frequency of 25-50 kHz, and at the same time water enters under pressure. When the nozzle touches the deposits, they come off the surface of the tooth and fall apart, and the water washes everything down to the smallest fragments. The procedure is completely safe if the movements of the nozzle are directed strictly along the surface of the teeth, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the enamel. It is for this reason that the qualifications and experience of the doctor are of great importance;

  • polishing is a mandatory step after ultrasonic treatment. After cleaning, microscopic irregularities and particles of stone remain on the tooth enamel, which makes its surface rough. If the enamel is not polished, the plaque will settle on the teeth much more intensively than before cleaning, and the stones will have to be removed not once every six months, but every month. Polishing is done in two ways. The first involves the use of polishing brushes, the second - a special apparatus that acts on the tooth with a water-air jet mixed with abrasives;

  • fluoridation - it is recommended to perform after polishing the enamel to improve the condition of the teeth. After removal of massive deposits, the enamel at the roots becomes too thin, which causes exacerbation of tooth sensitivity. The application of formulations with a high content of sodium fluoride reduces pain and discomfort and allows faster repair of damaged layers. The procedure is not mandatory, it is offered mainly in paid clinics.

  • Ultrasonic cleaning is by far the most popular, although the cost is much higher than mechanical. The duration of the procedures depends on the complexity of the procedure: light plaque and stones above the gums are removed within an hour, old subgingival deposits require several sessions.

    Laser cleaning

    The laser technique is considered the most gentle and safe, since it is carried out in a non-contact way. Dental deposits are treated with laser beams at a distance, so the risk of damage to the enamel is reduced to zero. The laser removes the stone layer by layer, grinding it into powder, after which it is all washed out with a jet of water with air. The whole process is completely painless, so there is no need for anesthesia.

    Usually laser cleaning is carried out in one session, but if the deposits are large, several procedures may be necessary. In addition to removing calculus and plaque, during the cleaning process, the enamel is lightened, pathogenic bacteria die, and the condition of the gums improves.

    Despite the safety of laser treatment, such cleaning has contraindications:

    • age up to 18 years;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • the presence of braces;
    • a large number of fillings and extended teeth;
    • the presence of endoprostheses in the body;
    • excessive sensitivity of teeth and soft tissues;
    • cardiopulmonary diseases;
    • infectious and viral diseases;
    • hepatitis.

    The cost of laser therapy significantly exceeds ultrasonic cleaning, and not everyone can afford it, especially regularly. For this reason, this method is not yet very popular, although the high price is its only drawback.

    Chemical cleaning

    This method consists in using compositions based on alkalis and acids. Under their influence, deposits soften and are easily removed from the surface of the teeth. Most formulations have a pleasant taste so that the patient does not feel discomfort during the procedures. Such cleaning does not give painful sensations, but it cannot be called effective either. Old stones do not completely dissolve, in addition, there is a risk of damage to the gums and enamel if the composition is applied incorrectly or overexposed on the teeth.

    Some specialists combine stone removal methods to achieve the greatest effect. Much depends on the condition of the teeth, the presence of contraindications, as well as on the financial capabilities of the patient.

    Comparative table of stone removal methods

    Types of cleaningAdvantagesFlaws

    Affordable price, fast resultsDiscomfort during the procedure, high risk of damage to tooth enamel

    No discomfort, high quality cleaning, safetyThe procedure takes a long time, tooth sensitivity may increase

    Silent operation of the device, no discomfort, high cleaning efficiency, safety, enamel brighteningVery high cost, contraindications

    Affordable price, the procedure takes little time, there is no discomfort and painLow efficiency, risk of injury to gums and enamel by acid-base exposure

    Preventive measures

    In order for the stone on the teeth not to form so intensively, you need to pay more attention to oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed twice a day, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Be sure to rinse your mouth with water after eating.

    The bristles on the toothbrush should be moderately stiff, because the soft bristles will not be able to clean the plaque well. Interdental gaps deserve special attention - this is where the most plaque accumulates. To get rid of it helps dental floss or irrigator.

    A lot depends on the toothpaste. On sale there are compounds that slow down the mineralization of plaque, due to the high content of pyrophosphates. True, it is impossible to use such pastes regularly, but it is necessary to do this periodically as a preventive measure.

    Video - How to remove tartar in dentistry

Removal of tartar by ultrasound is necessary to get rid of a thin film of plaque on the teeth. Its occurrence is a natural process, due to the physiological need of a person to eat daily. It consists of bacteria of the oral cavity, food remnants that envelop the enamel, settle in the interdental space and the area of ​​the basal holes.

After eating, the formation of soft, imperceptible to others, plaque that covers the tooth enamel occurs. Theoretically, in the process of hygienic procedures, deposits are cleaned off without adversely affecting the oral cavity. But as the practical side of the issue shows, it is not possible to completely get rid of plaque at home, which is why it gradually accumulates and strengthens.

Over time, deposits mineralize, acquiring a dense and solid structure. Such hardened plaque is called tartar, it can be localized in the lower part of the tooth, above the gum, go deep into the soft tissues, causing many diseases. A person cannot remove the formed tartar on his own, so you need to contact a dentist who will effectively remove tartar with ultrasound.

Stone removal by ultrasound is a professional procedure that absolutely every person needs to carry out once every 6 months.

The need for the procedure is due to the following reasons:

  • The main reason for the rapid formation of hard deposits is irregular and insufficient dental care. If a person does not have the habit of paying due attention to proper hygiene, forgets to brush his teeth before going to bed, then the formation of tartar is inevitable;
  • the appearance of hardened plaque is directly related to the way of life, in particular, the quality of the consumed foods and drinks. Sugary carbonated drinks, confectionery, sweets, tea, coffee in large quantities have a particularly negative effect on teeth;
  • for smokers, professional cleaning is simply an indispensable manipulation in the first place. Moreover, the regularity of visiting the dental office to remove the stone is closely related to the length of service. Heavy smokers need to spend much more time in the dentist's chair, because tobacco tar covers the enamel very quickly and reliably, forming an unattractive brown coating.

Larisa Kopylova


Untimely violates the aesthetics of a smile, is a source of bad breath, causes bleeding gums, provokes diseases of healthy teeth, up to their premature removal.

Professional teeth cleaning with ultrasound will help to avoid the consequences, thanks to which it eliminates:

  • hardened stone on the teeth, localized above the gums;
  • mineralized deposits located under soft tissues - are of particular danger, provoking the destruction of bone tissue, gum margins, dentition mobility;
  • black pigment coating;
  • periodontal pockets, hard-to-reach places, interdental space are cleaned.

In the presence of supragingival calculus or pigmented plaque, ultrasonic cleaning can be performed by a regular dental therapist. If periodontitis is present, there are suspicions of a subgingival stone, then it is better to consult a periodontist.

How are tartars removed?

Removal of tartar is carried out with a special device - an ultrasonic scaler, which can be in the form of an independent unit or located directly in the dental unit. The device is equipped with a built-in generator operating from the power supply network.

When connected to electricity, the tip vibrates at ultrasonic frequencies, due to which the dentist removes plaque and stones. Simultaneously with the ultrasonic wave, a liquid is supplied, which washes away crushed stones and ensures the procedure is painless.

Larisa Kopylova


The advantage of an ultrasonic scaler over other methods is as follows:

  • ultrasonic cleaning quickly and effectively removes tartar, when compared with mechanical cleaning;
  • Compared to chemical hygiene, a scaler is a safer device, since it acts more gently on the enamel, ensuring its safety.

Ultrasonic cleaning includes several stages:

  1. The dentist removes plaque and removes the stone with ultrasound. During the treatment of the tooth surface, the scaler nozzle makes oscillatory movements, directly acting on dental deposits, provoking their destruction. The flow of water immediately washes away the particles that are excreted by the saliva ejector. Proper operation implies longitudinal, consistent movements of the device relative to the tooth surface - with this technique, the enamel is not injured.
  2. After the stones are removed by ultrasound, the dentist polishes the teeth. This stage is an obligatory part of the manipulation, since after the removal of deposits, the enamel has a rough structure. If the tooth is left in this form, then soon microbial plaque will again stick to it and form.
  3. The fluorination step is optional, but desirable. Fluorides have the most beneficial effect on professionally cleaned teeth. The enamel becomes less sensitive, especially in the cervical region. It is the neck of the tooth that is most susceptible to pain, since hard stones were located on it. Fluorination is carried out with special gels, varnishes with a high percentage of sodium fluoride.

Polishing can be done using two techniques:

  • polishing brushes and pastes are used to treat the entire surface of the tooth, the contact points of the interdental space are polished with thin abrasive strips - pins;
  • using the Fir Flow sandblaster for cleaning and polishing. Its principle of operation is based on the supply of water and air under pressure. This mixture contains abrasive particles, and together all the elements polish the teeth, making them mirror-like. If we talk about the removal of tartar by ultrasound, then the device is effective in non-started cases - with minor deposits.

Before performing ultrasonic scaling, the doctor visually examines the oral cavity to assess the condition. In the presence of severe carious lesions, inflammatory processes of soft tissues, the dentist can refer the patient to an X-ray examination in order to decide on the possibility of manipulation.

In the arsenal of some dentists there are special fluorescent solutions for pre-treatment of the tooth surface. They stain plaque, which makes the procedure more convenient and allows you to perform it even better.

Larisa Kopylova


As a rule, ultrasonic cleaning is painless and does not require anesthesia. Local anesthetics are indicated for use in patients with sensitive soft tissues, as well as in the presence of subgingival mineralized deposits.


Ultrasonic removal of deposits is a safe procedure, but there are a number of medical contraindications, in the presence of which it is necessary to resort to alternative methods:

  • not carried out in childhood during a change of bite, as well as on milk teeth;
  • if prostheses, implants, veneers are installed;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (especially if a pacemaker is installed);
  • asthma, chronic bronchitis;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • there is no unequivocal opinion on the effect of ultrasound during pregnancy and lactation, so doctors advise to wait with the manipulation.

In addition to the above restrictions, the patient should inform the dentist about the presence of other possible obstacles to professional hygiene with ultrasound.

Prevention of tartar formation

In order for the achieved result to be maintained as long as possible, simple preventive recommendations should be followed:

  • You need to learn the correct technique for brushing your teeth. As a rule, the dentist talks about the key points of care, defiantly shows the tactics of rotational movements, focuses on the duration and thoroughness of cleaning;
  • use appropriate hygiene products;
  • if the arsenal contains only a toothbrush and paste, it must be supplemented with a mouthwash, dental floss (to remove food debris from the interdental space);
  • a useful acquisition for care will be an irrigator;
  • review the daily diet: if possible, minimize coloring foods, drinks, sweets;
  • get rid of nicotine addiction.

If these tips are made a regular basis, then hardened deposits will not have a chance of excessive accumulation on the teeth. Accordingly, then there is no need to visit the dentist, more often than standard preventive examinations twice a year.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to remove tartar with ultrasound,
  • pros and cons of the method
  • cleaning teeth from tartar - price 2019.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Removal of tartar by ultrasound is the most effective way of professional oral hygiene. Its advantage is that it allows you to clean your teeth from any type of dental plaque -

1) supragingival tartar,
2) ,
3) ,
4) partially mineralized soft microbial plaque.

But, unfortunately, ultrasonic teeth cleaning - reviews are not always positive. Usually this is due to the fact that doctors remove only supragingival stones, leaving subgingival deposits, which leads to gradual destruction of the bone around the teeth and the appearance of their mobility. But the quality of removing dental deposits depends not only on this, and in this article we will analyze in detail all the features of this method.

Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from calculus - price 2019

If you need to remove tartar, the price will be about 100 rubles per 1 tooth (this price includes ultrasonic cleaning and polishing, but does not include fluoridation). The calculation can be made not only on the basis of the number of teeth to be cleaned, but also on the all-inclusive basis.

Removal of tartar by ultrasound - the prices for the all-inclusive tariff (tartar removal by ultrasound + AirFlow polishing + fluoridation) will be: in the regions about 2500-3000 rubles, and in the blades of the economy segment of Moscow - the price for "all inclusive" starts on average from 4300 rubles.

Removal of dental deposits by ultrasound: technique

If you only have supragingival deposits and/or pigmentation on your teeth, then the cleaning procedure usually only takes about 1 hour. With this type of deposits, ultrasonic cleaning can be carried out even by an ordinary dentist-therapist.

Important: but if you suffer from periodontitis (inflammation of the gums), then cleaning is best done at. This will give a great guarantee that you will then be removed, including subgingival dental deposits, and, if necessary, a course of home anti-inflammatory therapy will be prescribed, which will include mouth rinses with antiseptics and gel applications on the gums.

The removal of dental deposits by ultrasound consists not only of the procedure of ultrasonic cleaning, but also the obligatory subsequent polishing of the teeth, and ideally also their fluoridation. Below, we will detail the intricacies of each stage.

Stage 1 - removal of stones and plaque by ultrasound

The so-called treatment of tartar with ultrasound is carried out using special devices called ultrasonic scalers (or scalers). Such devices can be made either in the form of a separate unit, or built directly into the dental unit.

The most important thing in an ultrasonic scaler is a special tip, at the end of which a metal nozzle will be fixed (Fig. 4-5). The tip of this nozzle oscillates at a very high frequency (from 25 to 50 kHz), which belongs to the ultrasonic range. During operation, water is plentifully supplied to the nozzle, which is immediately removed from the oral cavity through a saliva ejector.

What is the removal of deposits

Cleaning of teeth from tartar occurs when working with ultrasonic scalers due to two parallel processes…

  • Oscillatory movements of the nozzle(Fig. 6) -
    the dentist drives an oscillating nozzle along the surface of the tooth, on which there are dental deposits, and when they come into contact, mechanical destruction of tartar and plaque occurs. Those. there is a destruction of their attachment to the surface of the tooth. Water supplied to the tip of the nozzle immediately washes away all fragments of tartar and plaque.

    It is very important that the oscillatory movements of the tip are directed strictly along the surface of the tooth. Only in this case, the deposits will be removed, and the surface of the tooth will remain intact. Therefore, the doctor requires certain skills. However, not everything depends on the doctor, because. There are different types of ultrasonic scalers, some of which are almost guaranteed to injure the tooth surface (which ones - read below).

  • The effect of ultrasonic cavitation
    the water supplied to the tip of the tip is needed not only to cool the tip and the surface of the tooth. The fact is that ultrasonic vibrations of the tip of the nozzle form numerous microbubbles in the aquatic environment, which immediately burst, releasing energy that is enough to destroy dental deposits on the surface of the enamel or tooth root. In addition, this process has a bactericidal effect on bacteria.

Cleaning stones on the teeth with ultrasound: video

Advantages of ultrasonic cleaning -

Before the advent of ultrasound, mechanical cleaning of deposits with hand tools was widely used. The peculiarity of this method is the low quality of cleaning, a high degree of injury to the enamel and the surface of the roots, and a very fast sticking of new portions of dental deposits. In general, if your dentist suggested this method to you, then feel free to run away from this clinic.

If we compare ultrasound with (Fig. 7), then the latter effectively removes only a not very pronounced layer of pigment plaque, and only small fragments of tartar. If compared with ultrasonic cleaning (Fig. 8), then the procedures on the latter apparatus are very expensive and, in our opinion, do not have great advantages over cleaning with classic ultrasonic scalers.

Thus, the removal of dental plaque by ultrasound has the following advantages -

  • Versatility and quality
    ultrasonic scalers remove everything: black plaque, supragingival and subgingival deposits of tartar. Moreover, ultrasonic scalers have many nozzle options, some of which are more convenient to remove massive deposits of deposits, while others (thinner and longer) are convenient to use in deep periodontal pockets to remove subgingival calculus.
  • Antiseptic effect of ultrasound
    in patients with inflammation of the gums (periodontitis), the main part of the infection is concentrated in the periodontal pockets. The effect of ultrasonic cavitation, which we described above, allows you to have an additional bactericidal effect on pathogenic bacteria in periodontal pockets.
  • Comfort and affordable price
    in most cases, the procedure is painless and only a slight vibration is felt. However, if you have sensitive cervixes or need to clean subgingival deposits, this may cause some discomfort. The cost of ultrasonic cleaning is about 80-100 rubles per 1 tooth.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic cleaning -

  • If the doctor saves time or is incompetent
    removing supragingival deposits is very simple, and the main thing here is painstaking. In this case, 1 hour is enough to clean all the teeth, including the subsequent polishing of the teeth. But most people also have subgingival calculus deposits, which are found on the surface of the roots of the teeth below the gum line. Such deposits cannot be found by normal visual inspection.

    The search for subgingival calculus and especially its high-quality removal is a process that is very long, requires several procedures, as well as a highly qualified doctor. Therefore, above, we have already drawn your attention to the fact that it is best to remove deposits on the teeth from periodontists who specialize in gum treatment.

Stage 2 brushing - teeth polishing

Polishing after ultrasonic cleaning is a very important step. microscopic particles of plaque and calculus remain on the teeth. They give the enamel a roughness, which will greatly increase the rate of adhesion of microbial plaque and the formation of tartar.

There are two polishing methods:

Ultrasound + AirFlow polishing: before and after photos



2022 "" - ultrasound examination of human organs