Detralex tablets - therapy for venous insufficiency. Detralex, what helps? Instructions for use, dosage

Detralex tablets for hemorrhoids have proven effective in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases. Given that the root cause of the development of the disease is the weakness of the venous wall, the use of venotonic drugs eliminates the main cause of the disease and contributes to a speedy cure.

The vast majority of the population believes that hemorrhoids are treated only with ointments and suppositories. This is far from true. Modern medicine successfully copes with hemorrhoids with tablet preparations. One of these drugs is Detralex, designed to restore venous circulation. It is available in the form of tablets or capsules for oral administration.

Proctologists widely use this medicine in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids. Drug therapy using tablets, ointments, suppositories in the early stages of the disease can achieve very good results. In the later stages and during exacerbations, Detralex tablets from hemorrhoids contribute to the rapid elimination of symptoms and greatly alleviate the patient's condition. Let us consider in more detail the effect of this drug, its composition and methods of application.

Detralex is a complex drug with an angioprotective and venotonic effect. It is able not only to strengthen the venous walls and increase the tone of the veins, but also to regenerate the tissues of the vascular membranes, promote the accelerated withdrawal of edematous fluid, eliminate inflammatory processes and restore normal blood circulation.

Under the action of Detralex tablets, capillary fragility decreases, congestion is eliminated, and blood microcirculation improves. As a result of the use of the drug, bleeding from hemorrhoids disappears, swelling is eliminated and pain is relieved.

In the production of tablets, a special technology is used, thanks to which the particles of the active substance are in micronized form (that is, in the form of tiny particles). This allows them to be quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and have the most effective effect on the body.

The composition of the medicine

The main active ingredients of Detralex are diosmin and hesperidin. Diosmin - this component belongs to the group of angioprotectors and venotonics. It reduces the permeability of capillaries, as a result of which the symptoms of inflammation are removed: redness, swelling, pain. Having a tonic effect on the vessels, diosmin promotes the outflow of blood and lymph from inflamed nodes and restores blood microcirculation.

Hesperidin - enhances the therapeutic effect of the main active substance - diosmin, strengthens capillaries, improves the tone of the vascular wall. Due to this, inflammatory phenomena such as burning, itching, swelling are reduced, and the risk of bleeding is reduced.

Release form

Detralex tablets for hemorrhoids are available in a pink-orange film sheath, on a break the color is pale yellow. They have an oval shape and a heterogeneous structure. 1 tablet contains: 450 mg of diosmin and 50 mg of hesperidin.

The composition of the film shell includes macrogol, titanium dioxide, dyes. Excipients: gelatin, cellulose, talc, magnesium stearate, purified water.
Tablets of 15 pcs. soldered in blisters, each carton contains 2 blisters.

The average price for the drug Detralex - from 650 rubles.

Indications for use

Detralex is a modern drug with a wide spectrum of action. It is successfully used not only, but also in the treatment of venous insufficiency and varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Doctors often prescribe Detralex tablets as a prophylactic or use it to speed up recovery in the postoperative period after surgical removal of hemorrhoids.

Instructions for use of the drug Detralex for hemorrhoids

The pill regimen will depend on the condition of the patient and the severity of the disease.

  • the drug is taken in shock doses, namely: 6 tablets per day (3 in the morning and 3 in the evening). This treatment regimen is followed for four days. Then, in the next 3 days, take 4 tablets per day (2 in the morning and 2 in the evening). Further, the intake of tablets is reduced to 2 per day.
  • For chronic hemorrhoids, take 1 tablet twice a day (morning and evening). After a week of admission, the dosage regimen can be changed and taken 2 tablets once a day during breakfast. Usually the duration of admission is 30-45 days. Doctors recommend prophylactic administration of Detralex once a year.
  • Detralex tablets should be taken while eating, this reduces the negative effect of the drug on the stomach. As a rule, adverse symptoms of the disease disappear within 12-24 hours after the first dose of the drug.

Side effects

In some patients, taking the drug can cause adverse reactions such as:

  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Headache, dizziness, weakness
  • Allergic manifestations: itching, rash, urticaria

Side effects from Detralex tablets are rare. If the patient develops adverse reactions, the tablets should be stopped and consult a doctor.
The drug does not depress the nervous system, taking pills does not affect driving or performing work that requires concentration and physical reactions.

Contraindications to the use of Detralex tablets for hemorrhoids

The drug is contraindicated in case of intolerance to hesperidin, diosmin or other components that make up its composition. Detralex is not prescribed during breastfeeding, as no studies have been conducted on the safety of its use during this period.

Detralex for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most important event in the life of every woman. In a very short time, her body completely rebuilds and prepares for the birth of a baby. At this time, the expectant mother needs to be especially attentive to her own health. But it is in pregnant women that the risk of getting such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids increases 5 times.

Especially often. In these cases, medical care is indispensable. The course of treatment, dosage and duration of administration should be prescribed only by a doctor. Detralex tablets are widely used. Clinical trials have not revealed the negative effect of this drug on the health of the expectant mother and child.

The drug has a minimum of side effects, is well tolerated and quickly copes with the symptoms of the disease. But taking the drug should be under the supervision of the attending physician, it is unacceptable to self-medicate! If a pregnant woman is prescribed this drug, she should carefully follow the doctor's recommendations, eat a sparing diet and not give up moderate physical activity.

It is important for any patient suffering from hemorrhoids to understand that it is impossible to cure with just pills. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect is possible only with the help of a whole range of measures. Along with taking medications, it is important to properly organize the daily regimen, establish nutrition, drinking regimen rich in fiber and vitamins.

Giving up bad habits, increasing physical activity, long walks, running, and therapeutic exercises will help fight the causes of the disease. All together will help stop the development of the disease and prevent its recurrence.

Detralex is a drug that has an angioprotective and venotonic effect. It fights venous stasis and reduces vein extensibility. In addition, taking the drug enhances microcirculation in problem areas, reducing the permeability and fragility of capillaries. This improves their resistance. The venous tone increases and the time of venous emptying decreases.

Composition and form of release

Release form and storage conditions

Detralex is available in the form of oval-shaped, pink-orange coated tablets. At the break, the tablet has a pale yellow color and a heterogeneous structure. The package contains 30 pieces.

Storage: List B. Instructions for use informs that Detralex is recommended to be stored in a place protected from light and children at a temperature not exceeding 25 - 30 0 C and normal humidity. The shelf life of the medicinal product is 4 years. After its expiration, the drug is contraindicated.

Composition of Detralex

  • 1 tablet of Detralex contains active substance purified micronized fraction of flavonoids, including 450 mg of diosmin and 50 mg of hesperidin.
  • The tablet also contains Excipients: magnesium stearate, gelatin, microcrystalline cellulose, macrogol 6000, talc, sodium starch glycolate, yellow iron oxide, sodium lauryl sulfate, titanium dioxide, red iron oxide, glycerol, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.

pharmachologic effect

Detralex has a dose-dependent nature, which is best observed when taking 2 tablets of the drug. Has a high metabolic rate. The active substance Diosmin is excreted by the intestines, and only 14% of the dose consumed is excreted by the kidneys. It is used both separately and in combination with other drugs.

The best effect from the use of Detralex is achieved when combined with a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle and moderate physical activity. With an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the medication can be combined with other methods of treating anal disorders.

The drug is not addictive and does not accumulate in body tissues. It does not affect the speed of reactions, cognitive processes and does not require the refusal to drive a car or control other mechanisms while taking it.

Indications for the use of Detralex

  • symptomatic treatment of vein diseases, including pain, feeling of heaviness in the legs, cramps, trophic disorders, "morning fatigue" of the legs;
  • symptomatic treatment of hemorrhoids of varying severity.

What helps Detralex, from what diseases:

  • haemorrhoids,
  • venous insufficiency, including in chronic form,
  • lymphoedema not classified elsewhere
  • phlebeurysm.


Among the contraindications to taking Detralex, there is only hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary components of the drug.

Side effects

Usually Detralex is well tolerated by all patients. But in rare cases, you may experience such side effects after taking the remedy, such as:

  • diarrhea,
  • vomiting and nausea,
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • general malaise,
  • allergic reactions, including skin rashes, itching, urticaria,
  • dyspepsia,
  • colitis.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

The regimen in each case is selected by the attending physician individually. This takes into account the nature and severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient, including sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Detralex for vein problems

Instructions for use Detralex recommends taking the drug inside. The standard dosage is 2 tablets per day. Moreover, 1 tablet is taken in the middle of the day, and the second - in the evening with food. With exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the daily dose of Detralex can be increased to 6 tablets for a period of up to 4 days. In the next 3 days, it is recommended to use 4 tablets per day. In chronic venous insufficiency, 1 tablet is prescribed twice a day with meals. After a week, the dosage regimen should be changed: it is recommended to start taking 2 tablets of the drug once with meals.

Detralex for children

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible, but not recommended, since the effect of the active substance on the fetus has not yet been fully studied, and targeted studies on this issue have not been conducted. During lactation, it is contraindicated to take Detralex, as it tends to be excreted in breast milk.


Cases of overdose of Detralex are not registered in medical practice. However, if you suspect it, it is recommended to consult a doctor and carry out symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

The duration of the use of Detralex in each case is determined by the specialist individually. In this case, the tolerability of the drug and the severity of the disease are of great importance. On average, the course of treatment with the drug is 3 months. If necessary, its duration can be reduced or increased. But in the treatment of an acute form of hemorrhoids, the results should appear after a short-term therapy. If this does not happen, then you should consult a doctor and prescribe another drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Incompatibility with any Detralex preparations has not been registered. However, before taking it at the same time as other medicines, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Domestic and foreign analogues

Gepatrombin - an analogue of Detralex

Available in the form of an external ointment. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous action. It is used for diseases of the veins of various kinds and complexity, for convulsions, sports injuries, external inflammatory processes. There is a contraindication and an allergic reaction may occur.

Detralex analogue - Daflon

Daflon is a remedy with a wide spectrum of action. It is prescribed mainly for diseases of the veins and hemorrhoids. Produced, like Detralex in the form of tablets. Among the contraindications, only hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, and does not cause significant side effects. You can use Daflon during pregnancy, but it is recommended to do this only after a visit to the doctor and under his supervision. Lactation at the time of taking the drug is better to suspend due to lack of data.

Detralex analogue - Venoruton

This is a broad spectrum drug. It is prescribed for various diseases of the veins, pain and swelling, post-traumatic recovery, hemorrhoids and in other cases. It has several forms of release: gel, capsules and tablets. There are contraindications and possible side effects. It has a tonic, anti-inflammatory, angioprotective effect.

This is not the whole list of drugs similar to Detralex action. Each of them has its own advantages, contraindications and can cause side effects. Therefore, only an experienced specialist will be able to choose one or another correctly.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Detralex in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the drug Detralex, the instructions for use of which include general information and a treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Detralex is a fairly well-known medicine, but there are moments that are misleading, because there is conflicting information on the Internet, and readers themselves are confused in understanding. Most often, the doctor prescribed pills, but did not explain what was what. And the doctors don't have time to explain.

The situation is especially questionable when a doctor prescribes detralex for a diagnosis that is not associated with the main indications: venous-lymphatic insufficiency of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids. It is these problems that are indicated in the instructions for use of detralex as indications for use. However, the range of application of the drug is much wider, as proven by clinical trials.

It should be noted that both varicose veins and hemorrhoids are associated with the circulatory system, in which the heart is the engine. Any problem with the veins and blood vessels affects the performance of the heart. It is for this reason that it is important to carefully consider the material.

That's why people are interested in traditional therapies, consult each other and look for the "miracle" pill.

Proper treatment of varicose veins should be prescribed only after consultation with a surgeon, and even better with a phlebologist. These specialists are available in the vascular centers. Even if you have to pay for advice, this will save on the purchase of unnecessary drugs, avoid complications of varicose veins through the use of effective and proven medications.

Here are the main directions of drug therapy (that is, what needs to be done to fix the problem):

  • restore blood flow in the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • strengthen the walls of the veins to prevent loss of elasticity;
  • strengthen venous valves;
  • increase the tone of the vessels of the muscles of the lower leg;
  • ensure a sufficient level of microcirculation in the capillaries of the legs;
  • reduce blood viscosity and ability to thrombosis;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect on the walls of blood vessels and surrounding tissues.

Long list, right? That's what the desired "miracle" pill should do.

The success of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the use of drugs that can prevent serious complications (thrombosis, embolism of vital blood vessels). The list of worst consequences of varicose veins is headed by a pulmonary embolism.

Medicines for the treatment of varicose veins differ in their mechanism of action, have their own limitations and contraindications.


A group of drugs for the treatment of varicose veins is called phlebotonics, but is better known in the pharmacy market as venotonics. These drugs (agents) are able to increase the tone of the venous wall, restoring the transmission of nerve impulses, enhance the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in cells and improve elasticity. They affect the contractility of the veins, increase the outflow from the toes upwards, reducing swelling of the legs and feet. Patients who take venotonics report ease of walking, relief of pain and cramps at night.

Venotonics have a different composition, can be used in the form of tablets, capsules, and topically in the form of ointments, gels, injections, if necessary.


  • preparations made from herbal products based on flavonoids
  • saponins;
  • combinations of drugs, including not only venotonics, but also anticoagulants, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • purely synthetic drugs.

The flavonoids found in the most beneficial fruits and vegetables are similar in essence to vitamin C. From natural flavonoids and saponins (plants with biological activity, glycosides), drugs such as Detralex, Aescusan, Diosmin, Herbion Aesculus, Venarus, Aestsin, Vazoket.

For reference. Flavonoids are physiologically active elements that play an important role not only in metabolism, but also have a huge impact on the activity of enzymes.

Plant materials include:

  • digitalis,
  • ginseng,
  • licorice,
  • fruits and leaves of chestnut,
  • calendula.

In addition to the tonic effect, they reduce blood clotting, exhibit a lymphotropic effect (the liquid part of the blood moves to the nodes in the lymphatic system) and thus reduce swelling in the legs.

Detralex is considered the number one venotonic on this list.

How Detralex works

Detralex is a complex preparation that consists of two main flavonoids (diosmin and hesperidin, which are actively involved in metabolic processes) and three additional ones (isoroifolin, diosmetin and linarin) with a very small particle diameter that form a tablet, which allows it to be quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract.

Attention! Detralex instructions for use, which contains only two flavonoids - diosmin and hesperidin, but the new content listed on the official website of the manufacturer notes the presence of five flavonoids. Thus, the detralex composition has been somewhat improved.

Detralex has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, since it is able to stop the formation of prostaglandins in the body, which cause inflammation. Detralex has an antioxidant effect, preventing the appearance of free radicals - one of the most important factors in damage to the vascular wall.

Detralex increases the tone of the veins and reduces the extensibility of the veins and eliminates venous congestion, promotes the outflow of lymph through the lymphatic vessels, normalizes blood flow in small blood vessels (reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries) and prevents the formation of blood clots (reduces the adhesion of leukocytes to the walls of blood vessels and releases toxic components from them that can damage the vessel wall).

The effect of the drug depends on the dose received, the recommended dose is two tablets per day. Detralex is effective in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities and hemorrhoids.

Stop! Again, only two directions of application are mentioned, but according to the description of the action, one can definitely assume the possibility of influencing the entire circulatory and lymphatic systems. It all comes down to clinical trials.

Clinical Trials

Detralex is manufactured by Servier Laboratories Industry, France. One of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies. There is a representative in Russia. Also in Russia there is a partner of the manufacturer LLC "Serdiks", which is engaged in packaging and packing of Detralex tablets.

Since the manufacturer of Detralex is a serious company, it cannot recommend the use of the drug without clinical trials. It turned out that the first clinical evidence in a large sample of subjects was obtained just for the problems of chronic venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids.

Here are some examples of the tests carried out:

  1. Dubrava University Hospital
    Zagreb, Croatia
    Period: August 2012 – May 2016
    Clinical Trial ID: NCT01654016
    Head of trials Dr. med. Marko Ajduk.

    Tests are carried out under the supervision of the manufacturer "Servier Laboratories Industry".
    Research topic: study of the anti-inflammatory action of Detralex.

    Detralex is taken 500 mg twice a day for three months before surgery.

    Chronic venous disease, which is most often thought of as varicose veins, occurs in 40% of the adult female population and about 30% of the adult male population.

    Various mechanical and biological factors play a role in the deterioration of the tone of the venous wall and, as a result, dysfunction of the venous valves occurs, which ultimately leads to an increase in venous pressure. Evidence suggests that inflammation is central to this process, even in early CVD.

  2. Or EudraCT Test Number: 2004-002707-32
    In this trial, Detralex was tested in the treatment of acute hemorrhoids.
  3. In the Pyatigorsk branch of the VolgGMU, under the guidance of E.T. Oganesyan (Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences), interesting studies were conducted that tested the hepatoprotective effect of Detralex. Moreover, Detralex was compared with the well-known hepatoprotector Karsil.

Conclusion . Especially the last cited study shows that the field of application of Detralex is much wider than indicated in the instructions for use. Most likely, the instruction will be expanded after testing on new topics.

To contemplation. Most likely, the capabilities of the drug indicated by the manufacturer relate to the entire circulatory system, since even the smallest vessels, for various reasons, lose their properties, lose their wall tone and become brittle. That's where the field for the activity of venotonic detralex!

Based on this understanding, not only phlebologists can make Detralex appointments, but also, for example, surgeons to accelerate the healing of blood vessels after surgery. This moment depends on the advancement of the doctor and his desire to help the patient.

Detralex instruction

Attention! Detralex is available only in the form of tablets.

The basis of the disease of the veins and blood vessels of the circulatory system is a specific inflammation of the venous (vascular) wall. As a result of inflammation, the venous wall changes its thickness and permeability. In places of pronounced inflammation, there are prerequisites for adherence of cholesterol, which gradually leads to the very cholesterol plaques that can create a blood clot. Here is such a dependence.

What is visible - swelling, bulging of the veins in the legs, pain, heaviness in the legs - this is all just an external manifestation. Ointments, gels of Detralex analogs perform a distracting function due to their own evaporation, but they do not solve the problem radically. Not a single topical preparation (ointment, gel) is able to reach the venous wall through the skin and suppress inflammation.

If you start the inflammatory process, the disease will progress and may develop into a trophic venous ulcer or varicose eczema, which are the most severe forms of the disease.

Important. To solve the problems of inflammation of the veins, complex treatment should be used.:

  • systemic drugs
  • topical preparations
  • in case of varicose veins, compression underwear should be used!

The most proven drug of systemic action, which has passed many clinical trials both abroad and in the Russian Federation, is Detralex. Local preparations include its analogues (troxevasin, venozol, etc.). But doctors often forget to say about compression underwear (stockings, knee-highs), and even the patients themselves completely forget. And this is an important part of the treatment.

How to take

Do not forget that only varicose veins and hemorrhoids are indicated in the official instructions for use. Recommendations for use are given for these two indications only. If the doctor recommended a different scheme to you, then he apparently had a reason for that.

In a normal situation, the manufacturer recommends taking 2 tablets per day (morning and evening). At the same time, studies have shown that both tablets can be taken at one time - the effect is the same. Although it is still better to take at different times, since the duration of the drug is 4 hours.

The state of acute hemorrhoids makes it necessary to increase the number of tablets taken to 6 (3 + 3) per day for the first 4 days of administration (loading dose). For the next 3 days, switch to the 2+2 scheme, and then switch to the 1+1 scheme.

If the disease is in the initial stage, then the duration of the course is up to three months. This is the standard course duration. But in any case, the doctor should monitor the dynamics of treatment and make recommendations.

In severe manifestations of the disease, the course can be extended for 6 months. Studies note that the safety of taking Detralex is ensured even for a year.

Why Detralex and not other venotonics?

There is one more important detail that sharply distinguishes it from all other venotonics. This is a production technology based on micronization. In order to get the active substance into the bloodstream as soon as possible, the active particles of the drug are reduced by 20 times. For example, regular diosmin has active particles 36.5 microns in size, and micronized 1.8 microns, which is thinner than a human hair (70 microns), or an erythrocyte (from 5 microns).

Micronization allows detralex to get into the blood much faster. The same improvement allows, due to such a decrease in active particles, to penetrate the intestinal walls faster, which reduces the time of exposure to the gastrointestinal tract (the side effect decreases).

Of course, the price of detralex corresponds to the quality. The cost of an N30 package is on average 700 rubles, and an N60 package (standard monthly rate) is 1,500 rubles. However, the result is worth the price. On the other hand, do not forget about an integrated approach to treatment.

An effective pharmacological agent, the purpose of which is to correct existing venous circulation disorders - Detralex tablets. What does the medicine help? The drug has an angioprotective and venotonic effect. Detralex has proven itself excellently, the instructions for use note this, in the treatment of pathologies with severe venous insufficiency - for example, in the lower extremities, in the anus. According to its pharmacological properties, it is classified by experts as angioprotectors.

Active ingredients in the composition, release form

The manufacturer indicates the following composition of the drug "Detralex", on which its action depends:

  • 500 mg micronized flavonoid purified fraction, of which 90% Diosmin and 10% Hesperidin.
  • also produce orange-pink film-coated tablets Detralex 1000 mg.

The pharmacological agent is produced as biconvex oval-shaped tablets coated with a protective shell, with an active ingredient volume of 500 mg or 1000 mg. They have a pinkish color, or an orange tint, at the break the contents are represented by an inhomogeneous mass, with a yellowish tint. Packing in cellular blisters of 15 pcs. In consumer packaging, 2 or 4 blisters.

Of the auxiliary components, the instructions for the Detralex preparation indicate: gelatin and magnesium stearate, sodium starch glycolate and talc, microcrystalline cellulose and glycerol, as well as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and iron oxide yellow, titanium dioxide and sodium lauryl sulfate, iron oxide red. Their main purpose is to support and enhance the therapeutic effects of the active ingredient.

Pharmacological actions

Since the drug "Detralex", instructions for use reports this, is a bright representative of angioprotectors, it has all of the above properties. With the course use of the drug, the following pharmacological actions are observed:

  • strengthening the walls of vascular elements;
  • maintaining an active tone;
  • prevention of negative stretch;
  • minimizing the release of proteins and plasma solution from the bloodstream into nearby tissues;
  • lowering the fragility of capillary structures;
  • reduction of congestion.

The drug has a bright dose-dependent effect - to achieve the optimal therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take 2 tablets per day, with a duration of at least 2-3 months. The main excretion is carried out with the contents of the intestine. With urine no more than 14%. The drug is actively metabolized. The half-life is 10-11 hours.

Tablets "Detralex": what helps the medicine

According to the instructions, the main indications for taking Detralex are:

  • organic, as well as functional venolymphatic insufficiency in the lower extremities and other organs;
  • symptomatic measures at the time of an acute hemorrhoidal attack;
  • in the complex treatment of varicose veins;
  • reducing the severity of venous insufficiency in the VBB and improving vascular tone;
  • for the relief of pain at the time of exacerbation of the chronic form of hemorrhoids;
  • to reduce the risk of thrombosis.

From what pills help more, the doctor will tell. Only a specialist should recommend taking the medication - after evaluating many parameters: the severity of the symptoms of the disease, the age category of the patient, the presence of other somatic pathologies that may be complicated by bleeding, susceptibility to the treatment.

Basic and relative contraindications

Based on the instructions for the drug "Detralex", the list of absolute and relative contraindications includes:

  • the period of bearing a baby and its subsequent lactation;
  • age category up to 18 years;
  • individual hyperreaction to the active and auxiliary components of Detralex, from which tablets can provoke allergic reactions;
  • a history of allergic reactions to other angioprotectors.

As a rule, the tolerance of the drug "Detralex" by patients is good. Correction of doses and frequency of administration is not required. In some cases, however, against the background of taking medications, the following undesirable effects occurred:

  • various dyspeptic disorders - urge for nausea, vomiting;
  • severe discomfort in the area of ​​intestinal loops;
  • diarrhea;
  • persistent dizziness;
  • intense pain impulses in the head;
  • various dermatorashes;
  • exhausting skin itching and burning;
  • other allergic conditions.

After stopping the use of the drug "Detralex", all the above negative effects completely stop. No specific treatment measures are required.

The drug "Detralex": instructions for use

With various pathologies accompanied by venous insufficiency, drug therapy regimens may vary slightly:

  1. With venolymphotic disorders - 2 pcs., Which equates to 500 mg per day, usually in the morning and evening, after meals. The drug is intended only for the treatment of adult patients. The duration of therapy is determined by a specialist on an individual basis, on average - 6-8 months, less often 10-12 months. The need to repeat the course is also determined by the attending physician.
  2. Recommended doses for acute hemorrhoids - in the first 3-4 days, 2 pcs. 3 times a day, then with a decrease in dose - 2 pcs. 2 times a day. When a chronic variant of hemorrhoids is detected - 2 pcs. twice a day for the first 7 days, with meals, then 2 pcs. once, at least 2-3 months. The duration of the treatment course directly depends on the severity of the symptoms and the severity of the pathology.

If, against the background of taking the medication, unpleasant symptoms - a feeling of heaviness, burning, swelling persist, it is recommended to undergo a second examination with a specialist. With further adjustment of therapy.

Analogues of the drug "Detralex"

Complete analogues are drugs:

  1. Venarus is a cheaper analogue of Detralex.
  2. Purified micronized flavonoid fraction.
  3. "Venozol".

Only diosmin (active element) contains analogues:

  1. Phlebodia 600
  2. "Vazoket".

Analogues have a similar effect:

  1. "Antistax".
  2. "Troxevasin".
  3. "Venoruton".
  4. "Troxerutin".
  5. "Anavenol".
  6. "Venoruton".

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of chronic venous insufficiency. High loads contribute to blockage of blood vessels, increase blood clotting, lead to swelling, disorders and inflammation around the veins and lymph nodes. All this turns varicose veins into a serious problem of mankind.

To date, there are many different ways to get rid of this disease: folk remedies, for example, bodyaga for varicose veins, nutmeg, nettle; minimally invasive procedures; as well as medications. Among the large assortment of medicines that promise to cope with such an ailment as varicose veins, the well-known and effective phlebotropic drug Detralex deserves special attention.

The composition of the drug

The medicine has the form of oval dosed tablets (500 mg) in an orange-pink shell, which are convenient to drink. Detralex is 90% composed of the active substance diosmin. The remaining 10% is the second active ingredient - hesperidin and additional substances:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc;
  • gelatin;
  • purified water.

Tablets are packaged in blisters of 15 pieces. A cardboard box may contain 2 or 4 such blisters. The peculiarity of the drug is that it belongs to micronized drugs, i.e. the diameter of its microparticles does not exceed two microns, due to which it is absorbed faster and begins to act on venous and lymphatic outflows after 4 hours. When a similar effect of non-micronized analogues of the drug occurs only after 1-2 days. Completely Detralex is excreted from the body after 22 hours, while the load on the kidneys is only 14%, 80% of the dose is excreted through the intestines.

Action of Detralex

Detralex is a highly effective phlebotropic drug that has a complex effect on the human body. Flavonoids, which are part of the drug, have the following effect:

  • diosmin - increases the tone of the veins, reduces vascular permeability, prevents blood stasis, promotes its outflow, reduces hydrostatic pressure in the veins;
  • hesperidin - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, increases blood flow.

Both flavonoids are combined with each other, as well as with other components of Detralex - this allows us to talk about other properties of the drug:

  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Detralex inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins E2, E26 and thromboxane B2, which are the main mediators of inflammation. and has the same property. The recipe for making an ointment based on the fruits of this tree is quite simple, which means that anyone can prepare such a potion for themselves. The only thing to take into account is that Detralex therapy enhances the effect of anti-inflammatory ointments, which means that this fact must be taken into account when calculating the dosage.
  • Has antioxidant properties. The drug prevents the formation of free radicals, leading to damage to the vascular walls.
  • It prevents leukocytes from sticking to the walls of blood vessels and penetrating into the tissues surrounding them. Reduces the concentration of white blood cells in inflamed tissues, reduces the release of toxic substances - leukotrienes, cytokines and oxygen superoxides; beneficial effect on blood microcirculation.
  • When administered intravenously, it increases the lymphatic and colloid-osmotic pressure of the lymph, the frequency and amplitude of wave-like contractions of the lymphatic vessels.

Based on the facts described above, we can conclude that taking Detralex for varicose veins:

  • blocks inflammatory processes;
  • stimulates lymph flow;
  • increases the tone of the veins;
  • prevents and eliminates microcirculation disorders.

Instructions for use

Detralex is prescribed for adult patients suffering from chronic venous disease (with swelling, pain and heaviness in the legs), as well as for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The drug is taken orally.

In the acute phase of the course of varicose veins, a long course of treatment with Detralex is prescribed for at least 1 month. Patients are advised to take two tablets per day (morning and evening). It is advisable to drink after meals. If the condition of dilated veins improves, the dosage can be reduced to two tablets per day.

To achieve the best effect, phlebologists recommend wearing and doing therapeutic exercises for the legs in the morning and evening. The doctor sets the duration of the course of drug therapy on an individual basis, based on the results of the tests.

Tablets help to effectively cope with the pathology before the manifestation of serious complications in the form of pronounced violations of tissue trophism. In chronic venous insufficiency and at advanced stages of varicose veins, Detralex is replaced with surgical intervention. In the rehabilitation period, the drug can be drunk as an angioprotector to prevent remission.

Advice: it is also possible to take the drug for prophylactic purposes. Experts recommend drinking Detralex for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, or for those who have to stay upright for a long time. For this purpose, you can take one tablet at lunchtime and in the evening.

Side effects and contraindications

While taking the drug, the following side effects are possible:

  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • skin rash (urticaria);
  • dyspepsia;
  • colitis;
  • general malaise.

If unwanted side effects appear, you should consult a phlebologist.

Detralex does not affect the speed of mental and physical reactions, and therefore is not contraindicated when driving a car and working with mechanisms. The drug is not recommended for use during lactation due to the lack of data on the excretion of the drug into breast milk.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to active substances and auxiliary components of the drug. Despite the positive reviews, you can take Detralex during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor.

How much does the drug and its analogues cost?

The price of one package of Detralex of 30 tablets ranges from 650 rubles and more, 60 tablets - from 1269 rubles. Prices for analogues vary depending on the manufacturer and form of release. Complete analogues include:

  • Venarus - from 423 to 750 rubles;
  • Venozol - from 292 rubles per pack of capsules.

Advice: if the doctor prescribes Detralex, then it is definitely worth asking if it is possible to replace the drug with a cheaper analogue. But if a specialist insists on this particular drug due to the fact that this remedy is able to give the greatest effect, taking into account individual characteristics, then it is impossible to experiment, trying to save on your health.

Patients suffering from varicose veins and starting a course of treatment with Detralex must comply with the following instructions:

  • Avoid prolonged standing.
  • Eat right, include in the diet foods rich in iron and selenium.
  • Wear compression underwear and stockings that regulate blood circulation.
  • Take regular sunbathing for 15-20 minutes (if possible).
  • Stay outdoors for a long time, move on foot.
  • Try not to lift weights.
  • Give up bad habits such as smoking and alcohol.
  • Avoid hot baths.


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