Coincidence or not? Incredible, but it seems to be true! Why does the human brain look like a walnut kernel?

Everyone knows that fruits and vegetables are good for our body. But it turns out that some foods reflect parts of the body and also provide them with nutrients.
Carrot: eyes
If you cut a carrot crosswise, you can easily notice that this vegetable resembles an eye. It turns out that chewing carrots is also good for eye health. It is high in vitamins and antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, which reduce the likelihood of macular degeneration, which causes vision loss in older people.

Walnut: brain

The folded and wrinkled walnut brings to life another human organ: the brain. Even the outline of the nut resembles this organ. And dividing a walnut into two halves is also similar to dividing the brain into the left and right hemispheres. And the similarities are not surprising; walnuts are called “brain food” for a reason. They are very high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help support brain function.

Celery: bones

The long stalks of celery look like bones and are also good for them. Silicon is found in bones, blood vessels, cartilage, tendons, skin and hair. Silicon is found inside bones in areas of active growth. Celery is a source of silicon, which is part of the molecular structure of bones. Another funny coincidence: bones, like celery, contain 23% sodium.

Avocado: queen

The bulbous shape of the avocado resembles a womb. Avocado also supports reproductive health. It is a good source of folic acid, which reduces the risk of cervical dysplasia, which is a precancerous condition.

Sweet Potatoes: Pancreas

Oblong sweet potatoes are very similar to the pancreas and also promote healthy functioning. It contains a lot of beta-carotene, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects all body tissues, including the pancreas, from damage associated with cancer or aging.

Grapefruit: chest

The resemblance between round citrus fruits and breasts may be more than just coincidental. Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which prevent the development of breast cancer.

Molluscs: testicles

It turns out that shellfish, which look like testicles, are actually good for the male reproductive organs. Research conducted in the Netherlands found that supplementing the diet with folic acid and zinc, which are found in large quantities in shellfish, can significantly improve sperm quality in men.

Red wine: blood

Red wine, which is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, looks like blood. When you drink it, you'll actually be filled with healthy stuff that will protect you from damaging substances in your blood, such as LDL cholesterol, which can cause heart disease. Red wine also contains blood thinning agents, thereby reducing the number of blood clots that are associated with heart disease and stroke.

Ginger: stomach

Ginger root somewhat resembles a digestive organ. And ginger has long been known to help fight motion sickness and symptoms of departure due to its pungent odor and taste. Scientists from Denmark have found that the crushed root of this plant suppresses nausea and vomiting even in cases where they are severe and require hospitalization. Ginger is also a good remedy for nausea for many pregnant women.

Tomato: heart

If you cut a tomato, you will see that the red fruit has several chambers that resemble the structure of a heart. Studies have shown that lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women. And, if you mix tomatoes with a little fat, such as olive oil or avocado, you can increase the amount of lycopene your body absorbs by almost tenfold.

We discovered 10 foods that closely resemble the parts of our body that they are most beneficial for. For example, the kernel of a walnut is very similar to the brain. Coincidence? Maybe. But far from the only one

Translation for mixstuff – Sveta Gogol

Everyone is familiar with the saying “You are what you eat.” So, perhaps there is more meaning hidden in it than we think. We discovered 10 foods that closely resemble the parts of our body that they are most beneficial for. For example, the kernel of a walnut is very similar to the brain. Coincidence? Maybe. But it’s far from the only thing:

Carrots - eyes

Cut the carrots into plastic slices a little diagonally and you will see how much this vegetable resembles an eye, right down to the smallest lines imitating the iris. And it's true that by eating carrots, you are doing a good deed for your eyes. It is full of vitamins and antioxidants (beta-carotene, for example), which reduce the threat of vision loss in old age.

Walnut - brain

The folds and wrinkles of the walnut make its shape incredibly similar to the brain with its left and right hemispheres. It's no surprise that nuts are considered "gray matter food" - they contain a high concentration of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which support normal brain function.

Celery - bones

The long, thin stalks of celery look like bones—and are very good for them. Celery is a source of silicon, which regulates bone mineralization.

Avocado - uterus

Avocado is shaped like a uterus and is very useful for maintaining reproductive health. Avocados contain a lot of folic acid, which reduces the risk of cervical dysplasia.

Molluscs - male reproductive gland

Research has shown that shellfish are actually very good for men's health. They contain folic acid and zinc, which can significantly improve sperm quality.

Grapefruit - breast

The resemblance of round citrus fruits like lemons and grapefruits to women's breasts may be more than just a coincidence. Grapefruit contains so-called “limonoids” - substances that prevent the formation of cancer cells in the breast.

Tomatoes - heart

Cut a tomato in half and you will see numerous chambers that resemble the structure of a heart. Studies have shown that due to their lycopene content, tomatoes reduce the risk of heart disease. Moreover, if you add a little fat to this vegetable - olive oil or avocado, then the digestibility of lycopene will increase almost tenfold.

Red wine is blood

Blood-like red wine is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, including resveratrol. Drinking a little red wine can help protect against LDL cholesterol, which can cause heart disease. In addition, wine has a blood thinning effect, which means it prevents the formation of blood clots.

Ginger - stomach

Ginger is similar to the stomach and is known to help relieve nausea. It contains gingerol, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

The benefits of walnuts are legendary in folk medicine, and its popularity in many cuisines around the world is explained not so much by its calorie content as by its unusual and rich taste. In Eastern medicine, treatment with walnuts is successfully practiced, and in the Caucasus, the walnut tree is considered sacred. We will prove that it is not for nothing that the walnut is called the royal walnut!

Properties of walnut

Stimulates brain function. The shape of a peeled walnut is similar to a brain, which has given rise to many rumors about the benefits of this product specifically for the mind. This is one of the rare cases when myths turn out to be true, because walnuts stimulate brain activity. Omega-3 fatty acids, contained in large quantities, are involved in the formation of brain cells.

Quickly fills you up. Walnuts are very high in calories. 100 g of product contains 654 calories, which is twice as much as the calorie content of pasta or buckwheat. Nuts are digested slowly, and therefore last a long time. There is nothing better for maintaining stomach functionality than a light snack of nuts between breakfast and lunch, since such food is easier to digest in the first half of the day. This will maintain energy balance and keep your stomach from emptying.

Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Scientists have proven that walnuts improve the functioning of the layer of cells lining the surface of blood vessels. It also stabilizes blood pressure levels and prevents the formation of blood clots, which reduces the risk of blood clots.
The tincture for which green walnuts are taken is used for the treatment and prevention of coronary heart diseases: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, heart attack. Delicious jam is made from green nuts, but sometimes ripe fruits are also used for it.

Used in cosmetology. Walnut oil is used not only for medical purposes, but also for cosmetic purposes, because it has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, strengthens hair and nails. It is used to make an anti-inflammatory mask that is suitable for any skin type. This oil is very easily absorbed, makes the skin silky and has regenerating properties.

Enriches the body with iodine The high iodine content in the product explains its benefits for people suffering from thyroid diseases. As we know, iodine regulates metabolism in the human body and without it our life is impossible. We recommend eating more walnuts for people living in granite areas and areas with high background radiation.
It is iodine, contained in large quantities in nut peels, that colors the hands of nut pickers.

All this explains why walnuts are included in the list of the healthiest foods. We have already confirmed the information about its benefits for the brain, but I would also like to refute the myth that says that walnuts spoil your figure.

The high calorie content of nuts is dangerous if you eat a whole bowl of them, which is almost impossible, because this product is very filling. Five or even three nuts are enough to help the body and your figure, because walnuts improve metabolism. They eat walnuts with beets, honey and just like that.

Share our article with your loved ones and treat yourself to nuts more often!

There may be no other product about which there is so much guesswork and confusion! Since, in fact, among everything that we are accustomed to calling nuts, only hazel (hazelnut or hazelnut) is a real nut. Because, scientifically, a nut is a dry fruit with a hard shell and a kernel that is not attached to it. And everything else is bones and seeds.

All varieties of nuts contain vitamins A, E and B, and potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Nuts are rich in healthy proteins, just keep in mind: in order to provide yourself with nut proteins, you must eat nuts of various types throughout the day. Nuts supply the body with unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, omega-9. They contain fiber, which is the most reliable “cleanser” for the intestines.

Disadvantages of nuts: high calorie content and addicting taste. If you are too fond of nuts, you can get liver enlargement; in addition, nuts lead to allergies, and a very important one: an allergy sufferer may also feel unwell from just one crumb in the ice cream. Nuts are not easily digested, and if problems arise with fat metabolism and the liver, they are generally prohibited. For best absorption, the nuts are easy to toast – and great for chewing! In order not to gain weight from nuts, you need to calculate your nut limit. 20-30 g of nuts in a small bag (approximately 120-140 kcal) is a snack. But 60 g (400 kcal) is already a replacement for a full lunch. And more than 100 g of nuts at one time is, by and large, not digestible. So during the day we allow ourselves no more than 30 g of nuts; for those losing weight, 15-20 g is enough - this is, for example, 6-7 walnut kernels. And we’ll eat them in the first half of the day! If you get carried away and gnaw twice as much, we generally avoid nuts for the next two days. And do not combine nuts with other protein foods (meat, dairy products).

How to choose the right nuts? When choosing inshell nuts, take those that are heavier and do not rattle if you shake them. They should not have cracks or holes. Take nuts and seeds whole, rather than chopped, ground or peeled, as nut kernels become rancid more quickly. When purchasing nuts and seeds, pay attention to their color. Old, rancid fruits in most cases have a yellowish tint. Moldy nuts are scary and harmful: under the influence of mold fungus, aflatoxins are produced in the kernels - they have neither taste nor smell, they are impossible to taste, they can provoke the development of cancer. Based on this, if, after cracking a nut, you see a cloud of pollen above it, throw it away without regret. Peanuts are especially guilty of this quite often.

How to store? Nuts can be stored for a very long time. They were also found in excavated mounds and Egyptian pyramids - and at the same time they did not lose their taste. But the pyramids have a special regime of temperature and humidity, and in untouched mounds there is no access to oxygen for oxidation. In modern kitchen cabinets, fats oxidize quite quickly and nuts go rancid. Despite the fact that if frozen, they can be stored for years without loss of quality. We put the nuts in the shell in a cool black place (a wooden box, a cardboard box) and store them for up to six months; it is better to put the shelled nuts in a well-closed container in the refrigerator - this way they can last for several months. And now more about various nuts.

Walnut, in reality, it is not a nut, but a seed. Its wrinkled kernel resembles a brain in appearance, as if nature were hinting: this nut is especially valuable for brain function. In terms of vitamin C content, walnuts are many times higher than dark currants and citrus fruits. Based on this, it is indispensable during the cold season and is needed by people with low immunity. Walnut strengthens muscles and relieves fatigue after physical activity. In addition, walnut fruits have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. There is a myth that walnuts increase lactation in nursing mothers; in fact, they increase not the amount of milk, but its fat content, but can be an allergen for the child. The daily norm is up to 5 nuts. Walnuts grow in North and South America, as well as in Asia, from where they are mostly imported.

Walnut fruits contain up to 65% fat, rich in unsaturated fatty acids that lower blood cholesterol levels, and vitamins B1, E. carotene, therefore they are very popular among vegetarians due to their nutritional value. In addition, when dried, walnuts retain all their qualities.

Due to the presence of minerals (potassium, magnesium, iodine) along with unsaturated fatty acids, it is recommended to include them in the diet of patients with ischemia, heart disease and hypertension. Walnuts are very necessary for anemia, because... contains compounds of iron and cobalt. Used as a multivitamin and medicinal product.

Hazelnut- the only nut in the law, they began to collect it in the Neolithic: archaeologists quite often find its petrified shells during excavations. Presumably, the homeland of hazelnuts is Greece. In the past, hazelnuts were a sign of marriage, domestic happiness, abundance, health and wealth. Unlike other nut trees, the hazelnut tree does not bloom in the spring. Hazelnuts are one of the fattest members of the nut family. But the fats in it are correct, therefore it is optimal for the prevention of atherosclerosis, helps with hypertension, kidney stones, and varicose veins. Hazelnuts help with chronic fatigue, diabetes, high blood pressure, varicose veins and inflammation of the veins. The daily norm is 10 pieces.

Hazelnuts are characterized by a high content of fat (60%), protein (20%), vitamin E, and minerals: potassium, iron, cobalt. As a dietary food product it is used for diseases of the cardiovascular system and anemia, enlarged prostate gland, varicose veins, phlebitis, trophic ulcers of the lower leg and capillary hemorrhages.

Peanut- this is not a nut, but a bean, the seeds of a herbaceous plant of the legume family. Most of all nuts are rich in protein. An excellent source of folic acid, it enhances memory and attention; in addition, it is needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart, and liver. It is better not to overuse raw peanuts, as they can lead to poisoning. Peanut skin is a strong allergen, so it is necessary to eat roasted and peeled nuts. Compared to other nuts, peanuts are very inexpensive; they are often mixed into them to reduce the price. The daily intake of peanuts is 30 g (20 pieces). It is believed that it does not make you fat, because... Peanuts contain cholesterol-lowering substances. Boiled peanuts - a classic delicacy in the southern states of the United States - are not only tasty, but also necessary, because they contain 4 times more antioxidants than dried or fried nuts. The origins of peanuts are little known; all that is known is that they were first discovered 950 BC. It is believed that peanuts were first found in Brazil and Peru, and after that they were taken to Africa by missionaries, from where they were brought to North America by slave traders. Peanuts were introduced to Europe in the sixteenth century, but did not become widespread until the 19th century.

Peanuts are not only very tasty and nutritious, but also have many useful properties. Groundnuts are useful to include in the diet for diseases of the cardiovascular system. It contains B vitamins, which add shine to hair and have a calming effect on the nervous system, and E vitamins, which stimulate muscle activity and the function of the sex glands.

Almonds - This is basically a seed; its relative is the peach. Contains a large amount of calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins B2 and B3, essential for healthy teeth, hair and skin. Almonds are rightfully considered champions in calcium and vitamin E content. Almonds are extremely useful for anemia and visual impairment. The daily norm is just a couple of grains. Almonds are considered an elite nut because, according to legend, they were especially adored by royal courts. The king nut is not uncommonly unpleasant and sweet. In the confectionery industry, sweet is used, and the unpleasant is added for taste (60 fresh bitter almonds lead to fatal poisoning: they contain hydrocyanic acid). Almonds come from the Middle East, were known to the ancient Jews, and currently grow from the Mediterranean to Central Asia, in California, South Africa, and southern Australia.

Almonds are very rich in all the components necessary for nutrition. This is an excellent source of vitamins and microelements. Almonds have medicinal properties; herbal medicines are produced from them. It contains protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus that the body needs, and vitamins B2 and B3 promote metabolism and are indispensable for maintaining healthy teeth, hair and skin.

Pine nut- this is a seed. As we know, cedar is in fact not cedar at all, but Siberian pine. True cedars grow in Lebanon, and ours were so named in the fifteenth century, at a time when the Russians penetrated into Siberia and, struck by the beauty of a little-known tree, likened it to the cedar from the biblical books. Pine nuts contain tens of times more vitamins than all others, and twice as many minerals. And there are very important amino acids - more than in milk and meat. The daily norm is 20-40 g. They are completely free of fiber, these are the most tender and delicate nuts. Russia is not the only country where cedar grows. Cedar grows extensively in North America, whose inhabitants have been accustomed to it since ancient times, and in China. Pine nuts also grow in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland.

An interesting fact is that the fat content of American pine nuts is 13% higher than the fat content of European cedar. There are cedar trees that begin to bear fruit only after a quarter of a century.

Pine nuts have a high nutritional value; they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which is why they are very popular. It has found its use in various areas of the industry. Cedar oil is produced from pine nut grains, which has unique medical properties (promotes the healing of wounds in the gastrointestinal tract and on the surface of the skin). It has a rejuvenating effect, helping to accelerate cell regeneration.

Cashew- these are also seeds, they are found in a fruit similar to an apple or pear. Cashews strengthen the immune system and are good for the heart. Previously, cashews were considered a delicacy of the rich, due to the fact that separating them from the shell was a very labor-intensive task. And it is necessary to separate carefully: the shell near the seed contains a very caustic oil. Don't forget, in history books there is some kind of inky nut? – this is the cashew; ink for laundry marks is made from its oil. Cashews are rich in vitamins A, B2, B1 and iron, the daily norm is a dozen pieces.

In 1558, the cashew tree was found by the Portuguese in Brazil. The Portuguese took this tree to the South African continent, where it took root well. Currently, it can be seen in countries such as Mozambique, Tanzania, Benin, Kenya, Madagascar, India and Brazil.

Cashews contain 17% protein, 45% fat, vitamins B1, B2, V3, A and microelements. Vitamins promote the metabolism of proteins and fatty acids in the body and lower cholesterol levels in the blood, strengthen the immune system, and support the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Coconut— The origin of the coconut palm is unknown; it grows in many countries, and dried coconut comes mainly from Thailand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Coconut has medicinal and healing properties and is a good remedy for diseases such as diarrhea. Contains vitamins B and C, and mineral salts, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium, necessary for the human body, and up to 5% glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Pistachios- also the seeds that live in the fruits that appear on a tree that grows very slowly, but lives up to 400 years, and its roots go 15 meters deep! Pistachios are needed by those who are recovering after the end of an illness, and for liver diseases, nausea (toxicosis of pregnancy), jaundice, and as a preventive measure for heart problems. The green color of the kernels indicates ripeness: the greener the pistachios, the tastier they are. These nuts are considered the best snack not for beer, but for champagne and dessert wines. To do this, they are fried and served in lemon juice. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals and are high in calories. The daily norm should not be more than 10-15 cores, otherwise dizziness and nausea may occur. This is an unusual nut: it both leads to nausea and also cures it. Wedge with wedge.

one pistachio - Middle East and Central Asia. Currently, the main importers of nuts are countries such as Iran, Turkey, Syria, Greece, Italy, and Afghanistan.

Pistachios are used as a food coloring and for making various dishes, both savory and in the manufacture of confectionery products, such as nougat, for example, or ice cream.

This nut contains a fairly large amount of protein, vitamin E and minerals. Vegetable fat has a stimulating effect on the body's defense mechanisms, thereby strengthening the immune system. Proteins satisfy the body's need for essential amino acids. Vitamin E normalizes muscle activity, neutralizes oxygen metabolism products harmful to the body, and reduces the possibility of cancer.

Brazilian nut By and large an unusual plant! The fruits are large boxes with a lid, weighing as much as two kilograms, in which nut seeds are stuck like a fan. Brazil nuts look like large peanuts and taste like pine nuts. Reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes blood sugar, helps children grow and nervous stress, because it contains a large amount of selenium. It is enough to eat one nut to feel energetic and talented for feats! Tall and beautiful Brazil nut trees grow in the jungles of the Amazon and Orinoco (Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guiana), and they come from Brazil. The leaves of the tree are shaped like the leaves of a bay leaf, and the panicles of white flowers, after a certain time, become denser and transform into thick, brown oblong casings, which hide a dozen or more nuts, similar to orange slices, in their own hard shell and a tasty white kernel.

Brazil nuts contain 66% fat and 14% protein. In addition, when stored without shell, Brazil nuts do not lose their properties for two years.

Nutmeg- seed of the tropical fruit nutmeg. In grated form, nutmeg is used in cooking as a spice, adding to dairy sweets, vegetable dishes and drinks. In case of overdose (only 1-2 nuts), it causes prolonged and severe intoxication.

Now there are a couple of rules for handling nuts that you need to remember and under no circumstances ignore:

1. Walnut kernels are most easily digestible only in very finely crushed form. Otherwise, the stomach simply cannot cope with their processing, and their necessary properties will not be fully used.

2. Because nuts are a protein food, it is necessary to use them for medicinal purposes only at night or before bedtime, since protein is better absorbed when the body is resting.

3. For 1 dose, the maximum number of nucleoli should not be more than 7. This is the maximum permissible norm. Ideally, 4–5 nucleoli.

4. It is generally not recommended to give nuts to children under 3 years of age! It is better to give nuts starting from school age, at a time when enough enzymes are already being produced for their complete absorption. Be very careful when introducing nuts into the diet of children over 3 years of age, since nuts are highly allergenic foods. But baby food products with nut additives for babies without allergic reactions are allowed because the nuts in them are ground into dust. Children over 3 years old can be offered nuts and seeds in the form of dessert in the amount of 50 g 1-2 times a week, and muesli with nuts and seeds. Some mothers give their young children halva and kozinaki, arguing that their actions are beneficial for the nuts. The nuts and seeds in these products have been subjected to heat treatment, which means they do not contain the necessary substances. But halva and kozinaki are oversaturated with sugar, empty calories and low-quality fats. Almonds, cashews and peanuts should never be given to children raw; these types of nuts contain toxic substances. Despite all the attractiveness and excellent taste of nuts, we must not forget that their protein is a strong allergen, which can lead to allergies in the form of skin rashes, coughing, sneezing, digestive disorders, or even anaphylactic shock, especially in children and adults susceptible to food intolerance.

— Coconut liquid from young nuts can be used as a blood plasma aid. Fiji doctors found this during World War II.

— According to nut sellers, the most popular in Russia are cashews, pine nuts, almonds and hazelnuts.

— If the walnuts are dry, they must be kept in salted water for 5-6 days. In order to easily remove the skin of almonds, you need to put them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, and then rinse with cold water and dry.

— The priests in Old Babylon forbade the common people to eat nuts, believing that these fruits strengthen the mind, and the mob has no use for this!

-Where did the expression come from? Since prehistoric times, nuts have been a favorite treat for children and are cheap. Therefore, a simple gift from the father of the family, who returned from his income, was a couple of kopecks to the children for nuts. What if the children did not behave well in the absence of their father, then the mother said promisingly: If dad returns, it will be in your nuts! If you pour in such roasted nuts, you will never forget them.

Composition and calorie content of nuts.



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