Treatment regimen for Jacobs ulcer in a cat. A sore on the lip of a cat: Causes, methods of treatment and prevention

Representatives of the cat family are resistant to various diseases and changes in the environment. This works with a balanced diet and strong immunity. However, unpleasant diseases still overcome pets. Sometimes ulcers appear on the lips of a cat, which indicates the neglect of the process.

Causes of manifestations and symptoms

Cats are curious animals, so even at home they can get hurt. Small abrasions heal quickly, without outside help. With constant access to the street, cats can fight with relatives, especially not neutered ones, as they show a violent character. Sharp claws leave deep cuts on the muzzle, lips, which can look like sores on the muzzle.

The causative agent of herpes is a virus. It is dangerous not only for animals, but also for humans. If the pet has strong immunity, then the pathogen does not manifest itself. However, with a decrease in the body's defenses, the animal begins to get sick. An indicative sign - ulcers appear on the cat's lips. Sores in appearance resemble small pinkish bubbles. Sometimes they open, covered with crusts.

Symptoms of herpes cause severe discomfort to the pet. The sore constantly itches, hurts. The behavior of the cat changes, she becomes restless, tries to comb her lips. This only leads to the growth of the lesion and a general deterioration in health. At the same time, ulcers interfere with normal eating. If you do not provide timely assistance, then herpes causes a complication in the form of rhinotracheitis. It is characterized by the following features:

Rhinotracheitis is an inflammatory disease that is dangerous for poor health and death. Herpes becomes a catalyst for other infections as well. Sometimes complications can be avoided, but the virus still leads to a deterioration in the pet's life. It manifests itself in behavioral changes. The cat licks the fur less, loses weight, hides in dark places, tucks its tail, constantly shakes its head and meows.

Jacobs ulcer

Eosinophilic granuloma requires prompt treatment, as it can develop into a malignant tumor.

Photos of cats with ulcers on their lips

Treatment of herpes is a long and laborious process. The first step is to protect the mucous membranes. To do this, use anti-inflammatory ointments (Acyclovir, Tetracycline). It is necessary to lubricate the lips up to 5 times a day. In severe viral infections, the veterinarian prescribes Acyclovir tablets. The owner is required to strictly follow the recommendations on dosage and number of doses, since the drug negatively affects the liver. Self-appointment is prohibited.

If the complication has gone to the upper respiratory tract, then antibacterial drugs (Tylosin, Tetracycline) are prescribed together with antihistamines. To maintain the functions of the liver, kidneys, heart, they give the appropriate funds prescribed by the doctor. Protective forces are replenished by taking immunomodulators. Vitamin B and C injections are helpful.

The appearance of an ulcer in a cat on the lip is a warning sign. Usually it is formed at the extreme stages of pathological processes, which complicates the treatment. Therefore, at the first deviations in the behavior and condition of the pet, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.

Jacobs ulcer in cats treatment

Doctor's consultation, no pet

General urine analysis

Also, to assess the general condition of the cat, you will need to donate blood for a general clinical analysis. To identify the cause of a lip ulcer, you need to be tested for especially dangerous infections in cats, which include the leukemia virus.

In some cases, a biopsy may be required.

It is worth differentiating the disease from calcivirosis, a viral infection of cats, manifested by multiple ulcers in the oral cavity.

Cat lip ulcer treatment

Treatment is complex, in uncomplicated cases is reduced to the use of drugs for immunocorrection, corticosteroids, and local treatments. Treatment should be timely and under the supervision of a veterinarian. Thus, it is possible to avoid dangerous complications.

Jacobs ulcer is a defect of the skin, which is most often found in the region of the cat's upper lip, but can also appear on other parts of the body (lower lip, abdomen, cheeks, etc.). This is a fairly rare disease that occurs in animals with a weakened immune system.

Yard and outbred cats get sick much less often than purebred ones. This is most likely due to the good and strong genetics of the former, which cannot be said about the second category of pets, whose immunity and genotype have been undermined as a result of numerous closely related crosses in the past.

Jacobs ulcer, prone to progressive growth of the defect, is a precancerous skin condition, and if not properly treated, it can develop into a sarcoma or fibroma. In another way, this pathology is also called eosinophilic granuloma or eosinophilic ulcer.

Causes of Jacobs ulcer

At the moment, veterinary science does not have reliable information about the causes of eosinophilic ulcers in cats. There are three theories of the etiology of ulcers, each of which has the right to exist.

The first theory is viral etiology

It is known that cats with a history of viral leukemia are more likely to develop ulcers. But there are cases of granuloma development in those animals that have never been infected with leukemia.

Important! During treatment, it is necessary to carry out constant biochemical monitoring of the cat's blood serum and urine so that complications do not develop: kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, damage to the genitourinary system.

Rhinotracheitis or herpes virus infection is an acute infectious disease in cats. This disease most often affects the upper respiratory tract, but can also develop in other tissues. For humans, feline herpes is not dangerous, but for the animals themselves, it brings a lot of problems. How to recognize it and whether it is possible to get rid of a herpes infection, read our article.

Who is susceptible to the rhinotracheitis virus?

Both cats and cats of various ages and breeds can become infected with the rhinotracheitis virus.

Most often, young kittens and adults with weak immunity are susceptible to infection.

Animals are most affected by the disease:

  • undergone hypothermia;
  • with poor and unvaried nutrition;
  • with poor conditions.


The causative agent of herpes infection is "DNA containing virus" - "Feline viral rinotracheitis-2". The family of the virus is "Herpesviridae".

It is difficult for him to survive in the external environment and he can only survive in wet conditions for 18 hours, and even less in dry conditions - 16 hours.

The virus is unstable, very sensitive to any impact. It is these properties that do not allow reaching the epidemiological threshold. But despite this, infection, although not often, still occurs.

Ways of infection. Can a cat get infected from a human?

A cat can become infected in several ways:
  • through contact with a carrier of herpesvirus;
  • from the external environment.

Most often, the infection is airborne, that is, through direct contact with a sick animal. In addition, a person can bring the herpes virus from the external environment - from the street, on shoes.

How does this happen? In animals, the disease develops in the upper respiratory tract. From there, through nasal, conjunctival or oral routes, the virus enters the external environment.

Localization of rhinotracheitis is extensive. The virus lives and actively develops on the mucous membranes (nasopharynx, tonsils) and other tissues (conjunctiva, tongue, lymph nodes), which are a good nutrient medium for them.

Susceptibility of cats

The spread of the virus is very fast. If you keep several animals at once and one of them is sick, then it is likely that the symptoms will soon appear in other pets.

Incubation period

It is possible to detect the presence of a virus in a cat, in laboratory conditions, already a day after infection.

The incubation period for herpes is from two days to a week. The virus can stay in the body for up to three weeks.

Rhinorrhea in cats: symptoms (with photo)

Most often, the presence of the virus is determined by the initial symptoms, which appear about 15 days after infection:

  • lacrimation;
  • nasal discharge;
  • sneezing and coughing;
  • abundant mica excretion;
  • blisters and ulcers on the mucous membranes and lips;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase in body temperature.

Nasal congestion often makes cats unwilling to eat or drink, which can lead to general dehydration. In this case, the animals have to be force-fed.


When infected with a virus, the organs of vision are affected and a characteristic symptom is inflammation of the eyes.

Inflammation is often accompanied by purulent discharge that contaminates areas near the nose and eyes. The conjunctiva becomes swollen. The eyelids of a cat stick together due to discharge, and the result is a narrow palpebral fissure.

The herpes virus can hide for a while and not manifest itself in any way.

That is why its symptoms on the lip sometimes appear a week after infection.

In this case, small sores and vesicles appear, which are filled with a clear liquid.

immunodeficiency virus

If the immune system does not respond to infection and does not fight the virus, then it begins to accumulate in the cells of the animal. Thus, the cat becomes a carrier and releases the virus into the environment.

Symptoms of the immunodeficiency virus in cats:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • stomatitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • damage to the nervous system.

Home treatment regimen

When confirming the diagnosis of herpes infection, it is necessary to ensure correct and timely treatment. The longer the disease lasts, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it.

If the disease is allowed to take its course, then infection with other infections, various complications and, in rare cases, death are possible.

A complication of a herpes infection can be:

  • inflammation of the trachea;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial inflammation.

As a rule, a cat, even after undergoing treatment, remains a carrier of the virus for a long time. Only animals with strong immunity are completely exempt from it.

  • At the initial stage, a small pink or red spot forms in the mucous membranes or on the skin.
  • As the ulcer progresses, it increases in size, a seal forms in the affected area. The cat does not feel any discomfort, leads an active lifestyle, does not refuse food.
  • Over time, the seal becomes irregular in shape, turns into a weeping wound or becomes covered with numerous ulcerations. The wound exudes an unpleasant odor.
  • In the advanced stages, the ulcer affects deep tissues, which leads to the exposure of teeth and gums. When these symptoms appear, the disease is no longer treatable. The ulcer causes severe discomfort and pain in the animal.

Sometimes the animal has an increase in salivation and staining of the skin in the affected area in brown.

When infected tissues are infected with bacteria, an even greater weakening of immunity occurs. The animal becomes lethargic, lethargic, refuses to eat and drink, and eventually dies.

Laboratory diagnostic methods

Since in the early stages the disease does not manifest itself with any symptoms other than the formation of a barely noticeable speck, it is difficult to identify it on your own, without the help of a doctor. The owner of the animal should be alert if the animal does not experience pain when pressing on the reddish seal. If the cat is older than 8 years old, has allergies to any food, or has recently had a viral disease, it is necessary to take her to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of the disease includes the following activities:

  • A biopsy is a procedure in which a doctor examines a section of a piece of diseased tissue. If during his study zoophilic cells are found, then the diagnosis of "Jacobs' ulcer" is confirmed. With the help of a biopsy, the oncological nature of the ulcer is also confirmed or excluded.
  • Blood test - helps to get a general picture of the state of health of the furry patient. At the same time, for the disease in question, this analysis does not carry any informative value, since the patient's blood contains the same number of eosinophils as usual. A noticeable deviation from the norm is observed precisely in the tissues of the ulcer itself.
  • Urinalysis - helps to assess the health of the animal, and is not informative in the diagnosis of Jacobs ulcer. In the course of treatment, periodic studies of the patient's urine are carried out, the results of which are compared with the data obtained during the initial study of the urine. This helps to detect possible complications caused by intensive drug therapy in time.

The task of the doctor is to differentiate the pathology from the usual ulcer of an infectious nature, oncological neoplasm or injury to the tissues of the lip.

Successful treatment of Jacobs ulcer in cats depends on its timely detection. The earlier therapy is started, the greater the chance of defeating the disease.

During the therapeutic course, it is required to constantly monitor the patient's condition by conducting biochemical blood and urine tests. Such measures are necessary to identify complications, since the medications used can lead to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys, and diabetes.

These measures will allow you to activate the protective functions of the body. To increase immunity, special medications are also prescribed.

First aid

It is impossible to self-medicate this dangerous disease. Only an experienced veterinarian knows how to treat Jacobs ulcer in cats, what drugs and in what dosages should be used. The following drugs are used as medical treatment:

Before prescribing medications, the veterinarian does allergy tests, which prevents the development of an allergy to the medications used.

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Jacobs ulcer is characterized by the formation of a wound on the mucous membranes of a cat. More often, the place of localization of the pathology becomes the upper or lower lip of the animal. The disease has similar features to herpes on the lips in humans, and affects animals with reduced immunity, as well as purebred cats.

Untimely or incorrect therapy leads to the rapid progression of the disease and degeneration into fibroma or sarcoma. Another serious danger of pathology is the high risk of developing purulent inflammation on the affected mucous membranes or skin areas. The penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria into an open wound can cause sepsis and death of a cat.

The reasons

The exact causes of the development of the disease are not known. Studies have shown that Jacobs ulcer has 3 main etiologies:

European veterinarians believe that genetic failures may be the cause of the development of Jacobs ulcer. The pathology under consideration is more often diagnosed in pedigreed cats. This is due to the fact that selective breeding of the breed is often carried out by closely related crosses, which leads to the occurrence of congenital genetic mutations.

Allergic reactions can occur to shampoos, plastic containers from which a cat eats or drinks, an insecticidal collar, etc. To understand which factor caused the allergy, you need to contact an allergist who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the animal.


A distinctive feature of the disease is that the ulcer does not heal without treatment. At the same time, the use of medications that are not suitable for its treatment does not help at least reduce the symptoms.

More often the disease is found on the upper lip. Less often - on the lower, in the mouth or on the skin of the body. Pathology can be identified by the following signs:

  • At the initial stage, a small pink or red spot forms in the mucous membranes or on the skin.
  • As the ulcer progresses, it increases in size, a seal forms in the affected area. The cat does not feel any discomfort, leads an active lifestyle, does not refuse food.
  • Over time, the seal becomes irregular in shape, turns into a weeping wound or becomes covered with numerous ulcerations. The wound exudes an unpleasant odor.
  • In the advanced stages, the ulcer affects deep tissues, which leads to the exposure of teeth and gums. When these symptoms appear, the disease is no longer treatable. The ulcer causes severe discomfort and pain in the animal.

Sometimes the animal has an increase and staining of the skin in the affected area in brown.

When infected tissues are infected with bacteria, an even greater weakening of immunity occurs. The animal becomes lethargic, lethargic, refuses to eat and drink, and eventually dies.

Laboratory diagnostic methods

Since in the early stages the disease does not manifest itself with any symptoms other than the formation of a barely noticeable speck, it is difficult to identify it on your own, without the help of a doctor. The owner of the animal should be alert if the animal does not experience pain when pressing on the reddish seal. If the cat is older than 8 years old, has allergies to any food, or has recently had a viral disease, it is necessary to take her to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of the disease includes the following activities:

  • A biopsy is a procedure in which a doctor examines a section of a piece of diseased tissue. If during his study zoophilic cells are found, then the diagnosis of "Jacobs' ulcer" is confirmed. With the help of a biopsy, the oncological nature of the ulcer is also confirmed or excluded.
  • Blood test - helps to get a general picture of the state of health of the furry patient. At the same time, for the disease in question, this analysis does not carry any informative value, since the patient's blood contains the same number of eosinophils as usual. A noticeable deviation from the norm is observed precisely in the tissues of the ulcer itself.
  • Urinalysis - helps to assess the health of the animal, and is not informative in the diagnosis of Jacobs ulcer. In the course of treatment, periodic studies of the patient's urine are carried out, the results of which are compared with the data obtained during the initial study of the urine. This helps to detect possible complications caused by intensive drug therapy in time.

The task of the doctor is to differentiate the pathology from the usual ulcer of an infectious nature, oncological neoplasm or injury to the tissues of the lip.


Successful treatment of Jacobs ulcer in cats depends on its timely detection. The earlier therapy is started, the greater the chance of defeating the disease.

During the therapeutic course, it is required to constantly monitor the patient's condition by conducting biochemical blood and urine tests. Such measures are necessary to identify complications, since the medications used can lead to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys,.

These measures will allow you to activate the protective functions of the body. To increase immunity, special medications are also prescribed.

First aid

It is impossible to self-medicate this dangerous disease. Only an experienced veterinarian knows how to treat Jacobs ulcer in cats, what drugs and in what dosages should be used. The following drugs are used as medical treatment:

Before prescribing medications, the veterinarian does allergy tests, which prevents the development of an allergy to the medications used.

Basic treatment

Medications help only in the initial stages of the disease. Therefore, in the later stages, it is often necessary to resort to surgery.

Surgical intervention is required if through wounds have formed in the cheeks of the animal, or pronounced defects over a large area. After the operation, it is required to wash the cat's mouth, lips and cheeks daily with antiseptic solutions. Such procedures are carried out until the complete recovery of the pet.

If the ulcer has developed into a malignant tumor that is rapidly increasing in size, then the disease has a poor prognosis. Removal of the tumor increases the chances of survival, but this pathology often relapses.


One of the main preventive measures is to be attentive to the pet and immediately contact the veterinarian if suspicious symptoms are detected.

Examine animals over 8 years of age regularly for ulcers, sores, seals, and other defects.

Noticing the sores on the lips of a cat, some owners do not attach much importance to this, hoping that everything will go away by itself. If we are talking about an ordinary wound on the skin or mucous membrane, received during a meal or during a fight with another cat, then it will really heal quickly.

Although in these cases it is desirable to show the animal to the veterinarian and be sure to disinfect the damaged area. However, there are situations much more serious. These are sores called herpes and Jacobs ulcer (the second name is eosinophilic granuloma).

herpes in cats

Thus, an ulcer on the lips of a cat may turn out to be herpes, the virus of which can affect not only people, but also animals. As a rule, if the cat is healthy and his body is strong, the pathogen behaves passively.

However, as soon as immunity decreases, or the pet becomes ill with something, herpes appears in the form of sores on the lips (both upper and lower). They look like pink bubbles that periodically burst and become covered with a yellow crust.

Herpes on the lips brings severe torment to the cat. It hurts and itches. The cat is anxious, cannot eat normally, strives to comb the sore all the time. This contributes to its growth and deterioration in general.

If a sore similar to herpes is found, the pet must be taken to a veterinary clinic, where it is examined, the necessary tests are taken, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed. By itself, the disease of cats does not always go away. Often the consequences of a sore on the lip become rhinotracheitis, which manifests itself:

  • constant sneezing;
  • secretion of mucus from the nasal passages, which enters the eyes of the cat, and they stick together;
  • rise in temperature;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite.

Rhinotracheitis is considered a dangerous disease for cats. It can even lead to death. Sometimes other infections develop against the background of herpes. However, even if complications have been avoided, a sore on the lips caused by the herpes virus significantly reduces the cat's quality of life.

You can see it in her behavior. In neglected situations, the animal stops licking, its coat becomes dirty, crusts hang in the lips. The cat loses weight, hides from people under beds and in other dark places, shakes its head, meows plaintively. She needs help.

How to treat a viral sore on the lip of a cat, the doctor will tell you. Usually use the same drugs as for humans. It is imperative to consult with a specialist. Many herpes medicines are toxic, and if used incorrectly, the sore on the lip will result in serious liver damage.

Jacobs ulcer

Jacobs ulcer in cats is another dangerous disease. It is considered quite rare, and if it strikes, then, as a rule, purebred pets that do not have strong immunity. At the same time, yard cats are practically insured against this disease. The second name of the sore is eosinophilic granuloma, which is considered a precancerous condition.

It looks like a sore like a pink spot. There is no wool on it. The lesion does not cause painful sensations, and it may not cause any discomfort to the cat for a very long time. However, if a cat has a sore on its lip, you need to carefully observe it. The eosinophilic granuloma will grow steadily.

In advanced stages, it resembles a huge erosion, which can expose the roots of the teeth and, affecting the mucous membrane of the gums, expose their bones. In this state, the cat can no longer take normal food because of the sore, its condition is rapidly deteriorating. The causes of Jacobs ulcer are:

Shocks to the occurrence of sores on the lip or other parts of the body (stomach, ear, cheek) can become:

Jacobs ulcer on the lip (and not only) requires mandatory treatment. Without it, it can be reborn into oncology. Although this does not happen in all cases, the sore itself can kill the animal. You can't do without the help of a veterinarian. As a rule, doctors prescribe complex therapy, which includes:

  • corticosteroids;
  • antihistamines;
  • immunostimulants.

If a cat has a sore on its lip and does not go away for a relatively long time, the pet should definitely be shown to a specialist. Timely diagnosis and treatment started guarantee a quick solution to the problem. The sore can be overcome, and serious consequences will be excluded. Delaying a trip to the veterinary clinic does not bode well. At stake is the cat's health and even his life.


Cats, especially thoroughbreds, often get sick. And ulcers in representatives of the cat family are not uncommon. Ulcers affect the stomach, eye corneas, oral cavity, and even the ears of your furry pet. Therefore, it is highly desirable that cat owners have an idea of ​​at least the most common ailments. After all, knowing about the characteristic clinical signs and causes of this or that ailment, you can recognize it in time and, without delay, rush to the ailments for help.

Jacobs ulcer

Nevertheless, there are six factors that influence the acceleration of the development of this disease.

  1. Inadequate nutrition.
  2. Feeding poor quality food.
  3. Recent bacterial or viral infections.
  4. Depletion of the cat's body.
  5. Cachexia.
  6. The cat's predisposition to allergic reactions.


On the lip of a fluffy pet, most often on the upper one, a small reddish spot appears, which over time can turn into a huge stinking eczema. In this case, the cat will not feel pain and even an elementary itch. If you start the treatment, then in the future you can observe the ulceration of the foul-smelling spot, as well as its deepening. The cat will be in pain, the animal will lose its appetite and become lethargic. This stage of the disease has dubious prospects for healing.

Jacobs ulcer treatment

With an accurate diagnosis of this type of ulcer by a veterinarian, pets are treated for approximately three weeks with corticosteroids - Sulfetrim, Prednisolone or Depo-Medrol. True, the above remedies will be very effective only in the early stages of Jacobs ulcer. "Patch" holes in the cheeks will have exclusively surgical methods.

Corneal ulcer

A corneal ulcer in a cat is always the result of injuries or other damage to the eyes, as well as the development of certain infections.

Types of corneal ulcers in cats and their signs

Distinguish purulent and perforated peptic ulcer of the cornea.

Symptoms of a purulent ulcer

  1. Photophobia.
  2. Strong pains.
  3. Corneal defects of various shapes and sizes.
  4. Discharge from the eye of mucopurulent fluid.
  5. Blepharospasm.
  6. Vascularization.
  7. Clouding of the edges of ulcers.
  8. Edema around the edges of ulcers.

Symptoms of a perforated ulcer

  1. Part of the cornea has a gray-blue tone.
  2. In the center, the iris most often falls out.
  3. There is mixed vascularity.

Corneal ulcers are fraught not only with scars, but also with macula, leukoma or nubecula.

Treatment of corneal ulcers

All cats with a rapidly progressive corneal ulcer must be hospitalized. Aibolit puts a special collar on the purr so that the animal cannot damage its eye.

Antibiotics in the form of ointments lubricate the conjunctival sac 2-4 times a day. Solutions are instilled every 3-6 hours. Tobramycin, Gentamicin, Chloramphenicol, and Terramycin may be prescribed.

Good anti-collagenolytic characteristics are distinguished by the drug Acetylcysteine, which is instilled into the cat of the diseased eye on average every 3 hours.

Excellent anesthetizes and relieves inflammation aspirin. Cats drink it after 48 hours at 10 mg / kg.

Contact lenses may be prescribed to a sick cat to protect the cornea from irrigation, reduce pain, and prevent leakage of medication.

Each type of treatment for corneal ulcer should be administered exclusively by a qualified veterinarian, since the use of most medical drugs has some contraindications.

Superficial ulcers are predominantly treated conservatively.

Operations are inevitable for descemetocele, as well as an ulcer, the size of which exceeds 50% of the thickness of the cornea. All operations are fraught with possible serious complications, up to complete blindness, therefore caring cat owners are categorically contraindicated to delay contacting veterinary clinics when the first pathological symptoms are detected.

stomach ulcers

There are two types of stomach ulcers.

  • Simple gastric ulcers in cats with irregular shape and relatively good healing
  • Peptic ulcers with a round shape and thick edges.


This disease occurs in cats quite often, since there are many reasons for its occurrence.

  1. Various wounds, injuries and other damage to the gastric mucosa, for example, a purr can accidentally swallow a small bone or nail.
  2. Stress.
  3. Poisoning.
  4. Long-term feeding with cheap dry food, such as Whiskas.


A stomach ulcer is difficult not to recognize, since any cat owner will see its signs.

  1. Weight loss.
  2. Loss of appetite.
  3. Vomit.
  4. Depressed state of the animal.

Methods for treating gastric ulcers in cats

Having diagnosed a stomach ulcer in a fluffy pet, the veterinarian will prescribe sedatives, painkillers and antispasmodic drugs, as well as drugs that protect the walls of the stomach and help accelerate scarring.

But the treatment of this disease cannot guarantee any effect, without the use of diet therapy. A recovering purr should be fed with slightly warm and semi-liquid food - mashed potatoes, soups and soufflés, 3-5 times a day. The veterinarian will most likely advise one of the ready-made diets - Royal Canin, Ekanuba or Hills.

Indolent ulcer

Indolent, otherwise called eosinophilic, ulcers in cats are localized in most cases above the upper lip.

The early stages are manifested by small ulcers with a concave surface. With the progression of the above disease, the size of the lesions increase and acquire a reddish-brown hue. In the future, such ulcers will characterize slightly elevated edges, as well as ulcerated masses.

How to properly treat an indolent ulcer? Aibolites prescribe a course of glucocosteroids to the cat (it can be cyclosporine, prednisolone or similar drugs), as well as antibiotics (amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are most often prescribed).

Ulcers on the tongue

An ulcer on the tongue in cats is one of the manifestations of calcivirosis. Calcivirosis is a feline viral disease that affects the respiratory system. The causative agent of this disease almost does not react to most of the disinfectants.

To prevent your cat from getting calcivirosis, ventilate the room better and more often, vaccinate your fluffy pet against this disease in a timely manner, and also do not keep a sufficiently large number of felines in the house.

With the destruction of cells affected by calcivirosis, erosions and ulcers often form in the oral cavity and on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

The cat, at the same time, refuses food, the temperature of his body can rise to 40C. The tongue, hard palate, lips, and even the tip of the nose may be affected by sores.

Medicine does not have specific means against this bacterial infection. However, calcivirosis can be effectively treated in several ways.

  • To prevent the layering of a viral infection on a weakened cat's body, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • The antiviral immune response is stimulated using feline immunostimulants.
  • Prevention of dehydration.
  • Antipyretic drugs.
  • Appointment of adaptogens and vitamins.
  • Sanitation of the cat's oral cavity with Dentavidin, Miramistin, chamomile decoction or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Ulcers in the ears

The auricles of a cat can also be affected by sores of various etymologies. It will be very easy for caring owners to recognize this ailment by a number of symptoms.

  1. The purr often scratches the ear with its paws or claws.
  2. There is serous discharge from the ears.
  3. Redness and foul-smelling sores are visible on the inside of the ear.

Purulent ulcers in the ears are the result of a fungal infection. When ripe, the sores burst, releasing a pink, gray or yellow liquid. Be sure to show the cat to the veterinarian, who, based on the results of the scraping study, will prescribe an individual treatment for the pet.

This type of ulcer is a defect in the skin, a common area is the upper lip of the animal. It is extremely rare, cats get sick more often, in which the protective properties of the body are reduced.

Among the population, thoroughbred pets are more susceptible to the disease. Ordinary cats are distinguished by strong immunity, which they need to survive.

This ulcer is considered a background disease, that is, precancerous. The defect, if left untreated, very quickly increases in size, restructuring can occur in the structure, leading to malignant neoplasms of the skin.


There is no clear understanding of the etiology of the disease. In the process of observation and painstaking work, three theories were put forward regarding possible causes:


Predisposing factors include:

  • Poor nutrition with a lack of nutrients;
  • Decrease in the protective properties of the body in various diseases;
  • Improper care of the cat;
  • Increased allergic reaction;
  • The presence of fleas.


Usually the favorite place is the upper lip, its middle part. Rarely, on the bottom. At first, redness appears, then it quickly spreads, looks like wet eczema. In advanced cases, ulceration of the entire lip occurs, teeth are exposed.

Usually the cat itself feels good, this formation does not bring discomfort. All organs and organ systems work without changes.


A specialist can make a diagnosis only after one examination. Sometimes you have to resort to taking tests to confirm the diagnosis. A distinctive feature of Jacobs ulcer is that it does not heal without treatment.


The disease is very complex, only a specialist should deal with treatment. The sooner it starts, the more likely it is to prevent the development of oncology, the inevitable death of your pet.


  • Immunostimulators and immunomodulators;
  • Anthelmintic drugs;
  • Hormone therapy, topical ointments;

An obligatory condition for the start of treatment is the conduction of allergic tests. They make it possible to prevent the development of allergies.

A special low-calorie diet should be observed for the entire period of therapy.

In the process of treatment, control the work of vital organs. Periodically conduct a biochemical study of the cat's blood.

With timely, proper treatment, a complete recovery occurs. If your pet has any of the above complaints, contact your veterinarian for help.



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