The most beautiful and popular girls. The most beautiful girl in the world - who is she

Blondes and brunettes, thin and plump, tall and petite - the standard of female beauty has changed at all times.

Looking at the portraits of the recognized beauties of past centuries, contemporaries feel good if they honor them with the epithet “pretty”. Or they will shrug their shoulders in bewilderment, marveling at the “tastes” and beauty standards of bygone days ...

What are they, the most beautiful women in the history of mankind? There were many beautiful women at all times. Not all of them left a mark in history, but there are so many of those whose names have become synonymous with female beauty that it is very difficult to even list them!

Every year, the most famous magazines and online publications publish their ratings of beauties. They are all different, all have different names. Well, beauty is subjective...

Keeping this in mind and that they don’t argue about tastes, let’s just “go over” through world history, remembering the most beautiful women in the world of all times and peoples, ranking not by beauty, but by era. Well, who of the beauties is worthy of the first place, let everyone decide for himself!

With all the desire to include at least the most famous in the list of the most beautiful women, such an undertaking will unfortunately remain unfeasible, there are too many beauties around, so this thematic article will definitely have a continuation))

So, let's begin….

Ancient world


“The beauty has come” - this is how the name of the Great wife of King Amenhotep is literally translated. We can judge her appearance only by the bust found at the beginning of the last century. But legends say that Egypt has never seen such beauty. Contemporaries called her "Perfect", and her face could be seen in all the temples of Ancient Egypt.

Once upon a time, I, who did not particularly “understand” the beauty of Cleopatra, came across a small story told by the same non-connoisseur of the beauty of the queen, when in her presence the artist began to paint the familiar white bust of Cleopatra with colors.

And then the beauty appeared and played in a different perspective. Therefore, it is worth believing the words of contemporaries who claimed that the queen was a true beauty, perhaps in addition to the correct facial features, there was a luminous skin color, an unusual shade of eyes, and a snow-white smile. How do you like this modern interpretation?))


What the last of the Ptolemies really was, we will probably never know.

Her image is “not visible” both because of the romantic veil woven by writers and directors, and because of the dirt in which Roman historians smeared her name. There are no images of her in her lifetime.

Well, let's believe Plutarch, who noted the enormous charm of the queen of Egypt and her irresistible charm, which literally crashed into the soul.

Middle Ages


A wise ruler and a beautiful woman, whose name is associated with the "golden age" in the history of Georgia.

Poets called her "smiling sun" and "slender reed", tirelessly praising her mind, charming beauty and talent as a commander. Her hands were sought by the eastern rulers and princes of Byzantium.

She fought very successfully (in the literal sense) with her ex-husband, defeating him near Tbilisi, and found happiness in her second marriage.

Eleanor of Aquitaine

She was a duchess and countess, wife of King Louis VII of France and, later, King Henry II of England, mother of 10 children, among whom were two future English monarchs. Her role in history cannot be overestimated (no wonder she was called the grandmother of medieval Europe).

... And another was just a beautiful woman, whose angelic beauty was sung by troubadours, and whose eccentric behavior drove men crazy.


The favorite of the king, who managed to make friends with the queen, a trendsetter (it was thanks to her that diamonds became the “best friends” of women, and fashionable dresses exposed one breast) and an incomparable beauty, whose beauty was recognized even by the Pope.

Her life was bright, but short - one of the champions of morality, without thinking twice, poisoned a girl pregnant with four children with mercury.


Incomparable and beautiful. The first beauty of Florence of the Renaissance and the "lady of the heart" Giuliano Medici. Botticelli painted Madonnas and Venus from her, men went crazy over her, but, oddly enough, it never occurred to any of them to be jealous of her. And women did not envy her and praised her for her meek disposition and sweet manner of communication.

… Simonetta died of consumption at the age of 23. But even in death she was beautiful...

new time

16th century


The romantic love story and the tragic death of the 30-year-old handsome Barbara have been haunting the minds of historians, writers and artists for several centuries.

The recognized beauty and beloved wife of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and the King of Poland, Sigismund II Augustus, was called “the great whore of Lithuania” before the wedding and compared her with Helen of Troy.

And after her death, she was prepared for the role of the Black Panna - a ghost that roams the corridors of the ancient Nesvizh castle.


Lady-in-waiting and mistress of King Henry II of France.

Her beauty saved the life of the rebel father (the king, like many men, could not stand the tears streaming from her beautiful eyes) and allowed her to "take over" not only Henry, but all the power in the kingdom, making her the true Queen of France.

17th century


She was a courtesan and mistress of a literary salon, a writer and an educated woman who knew several languages ​​and owned several musical instruments.

Ninon was strikingly beautiful - to a ripe old age. And at the same time - smart and ironic, freedom-loving and extravagant.


"Charming creature" and one of the many favorites of Louis XIV.

Her fate is a clear illustration of male deceit: for only a year she bore the "title" of the official favorite. And then - a difficult birth, a dead child and a farewell gift from the king - the title of Duchess de Fontange.

Official resignation. Rejected and so recovered after giving birth, she retired to a monastery, where she died at the age of 20.

18th century

Madame Recamier

Julie Recamier. Smart and beautiful. The wife of a banker and the mistress of the salon famous throughout Paris, where not only writers, but also opponents of Napoleon's policy gathered.

She captivated with her charming beauty, made her lose her head and broke hearts. But - did not cross the border, preferring to leave their fans in the category of friends.


What was she like, Kitty Fisher? History is silent on this.

It is only known that she was a priestess of love, that artists loved to draw her, that her beauty was mortally envious, that she was beautiful and did not know the measure in make-up. This led to her death from lead poisoning, which at that time was contained in whitewash.

19th century


She was called the first fashion model and the last "fatal woman of the Belle Epoque." Artists painted her portraits, and postcards with her image scattered around the world in millions! Films were made about her and books were written ... She was an opera singer who was applauded by the whole world.

But the reason for the success was by no means the exceptional voice of the prima donna, but her unearthly beauty. A dark-eyed brunette who broke the hearts of men and made the halls cry. A broken-hearted beauty suffering from lost love...


Her name is forever associated with the name of Pushkin. “The purest charm is the purest example,” the poet wrote about her. She was his love, his muse, the mother of his children.

She was directly and indirectly accused of his death ... A fragile beauty with an aspen waist. Aristocratic pallor. Gentle hands. Charming smile and expressive eyes. Classic antique beauty.

Is it any wonder that among her admirers was the emperor himself?

Beauties of the twentieth century

Beginning of the century


30 roles in 4 years. Millions of fans around the world and huge queues at the cinema (and this at a time when the First World War was raging!). And a ridiculous death at just 26 years old ...

Who would have thought that a quiet and obedient girl, a “Poltava dumpling”, as her mother called her, would be destined for the “queen of the screen” - so bright and so dramatic ...


The refined beauty of Lily evokes admiring sighs even today.

But she herself did not consider herself a beauty at all. Shy and insecure, she saw in the mirror only excessive thinness and not at all spectacular appearance. She changed only on stage.



Cold Scandinavian beauty and piercing blue eyes. Huge talent and a halo of mystery.

One of the greatest actresses of the last century was called the "Swedish Sphinx" - for her unwillingness to give interviews, appear at the premieres of her films and sign autographs for fans. But this only fueled interest - all her films made a splash, and an intriguing look hypnotized and conquered ...


A blonde in trousers, with scarlet lipstick on her lips and an invariable cigarette.

Queen of the screen and revolutionary in fashion. Sultry woman and style icon. Rebel and muse of Remarque and Hemingway. She was smart and educated, but believed that female beauty was more important than intelligence. After all, it is much easier for men to see than to think. And they, justifying this statement, stacked at her feet in piles!



Not everyone knows that the first film star of the USSR was from an old noble family. Hence the refined, “aristocratic” beauty, which even the images of the housekeeper Anyuta and or the letter bearer Dunya could not hide.

She was idolized and copied. Psychiatrists even introduced the term "Orlova's syndrome." However, the ideal was almost unattainable - a waist of 43 cm, always a straight back, slender legs in high heels - and an eternal struggle for beauty.


Her life was full of dizzying ups and downs. Two Oscars (one of which was for the role of Scarlett in Gone with the Wind) and devastating reviews of the play Romeo and Juliet, the roles of Cleopatra and Ophelia, passionate love that sweeps away all obstacles, and a painful divorce, the most severe work on oneself and poor health.

She was a gifted actress and a stunningly beautiful woman, and her fate in itself could be the plot of a movie.



The famous Hollywood actress, who became a princess in her third marriage. Not relying on nature, she slightly corrected her appearance (and this was in the 40s of the last century!).

Then for the first time she performed a striptease in front of the camera (even if it was just a high glove) - and became the sex symbol of America of her era.


The owner of an absolutely fantastic figure (91-45-96), she was a real sex symbol of the 40s and 50s and the highest paid model of that time.

Starting her career at the age of 13, she wore the crown of the beauty queen in various competitions more than fifty times, posed for more than 300 magazine covers and smiled invitingly from all the billboards of the country.

Fifties era


A sexy blonde with a vulnerable soul of a child…

A talented actress and an unhappy woman, bright and dazzling in the movies - and naive, trusting and at the same time reserved - in life. Her aura captivated everyone without exception.

She was loved by the camera and directors, and she loved life ... Perhaps that is why the official version of her suicide seems so ridiculous.


The famous Italian actress celebrated her 82nd birthday. She does not hide her age. Moreover, she actively acts in commercials and leads a social life, striking everyone with her slender girlish figure, perfect hair and makeup.

She has 181 films, 12 film festival awards (including the Oscar), 2 sons and the love of millions of admirers of her beauty and talent.



It was said about her that at birth she was kissed on the cheek by God. She was not only an outstanding actress and fashion model, but also a goodwill ambassador, and her name has forever become synonymous not only with talent, but also with femininity, true beauty, generosity and charm.

Her eyes always radiated kindness and a smile, she had an angelic character and an amazing capacity for work, she gave herself to people without a trace - and became the standard of a Real Lady.


In the early 50s, she made a splash when she appeared in the movies.

Then on the beach in a bikini, then gave the famous “babette” to fashionistas, became a model for the bust of Marianne, the symbol of France, and on the eve of her 40th birthday, she announced her retirement from the profession and decided to devote herself entirely to protecting animals.



One of the most beautiful women in the world never dreamed of becoming an actress, planning to become a teacher to teach literacy to children in Africa. But fate decreed otherwise.

Striking beauty, magical black eyes and His Majesty Chance made her a star of world cinema, a favorite actress of Luchino Visconti and Federico Fellini.


Charming cornflower blue eyes and soft feminine beauty brought the actress more trouble than joy.

Even in her youth, she was burdened by her appearance: men showed increased attention, women frankly envied. Yes, and in her career, beauty did not really help her: the role of Dasha in Constance is rather an exception to the rule. So the actress herself does not like it when her beauty is praised - she prefers that her acting abilities would be appreciated.


Childhood in a family of alcoholics, participation in a TV show and the subsequent immersion in a wild life - with clubs, endless parties and cocaine. She was able to overcome it all.

The amazing resilience of her character allowed her to achieve world fame - one of the most beautiful women on the planet became the first actress with a 10 million fee. Although his personal life was not as successful as his career ...


Kim's beauty blossomed only at the age of 17. But what a magnificent color!

The title of "Miss Georgia", a successful career as a model, then - no less successful - in the movies. She was a sex symbol of the 90s: she posed for Playboy, starred in the erotic melodrama 9 1/2 Weeks, and even won an Oscar for her role as a prostitute in the movie L.A. Confidential.

End of the century

A sultry Italian, a model in the past and an actress in the present, although she has crossed a half-century milestone, she still “strikes on the spot” with just one look.

Her beauty is almost perfect. The directors saw in her both Mary Magdalene, and Cleopatra, and a courtesan. She was the "face" of Dior and represented the Dolce & Gabbana brand, posed naked for gloss (even being "in an interesting position") and posed for legendary photographers.

Claudia Schiffer

Height - 180 cm, 41st leg size - as a teenager, Claudia was terribly complex and shy of her completely "non-feminine" parameters. And even an invitation to a trial photo shoot, she considered a mistake.

Well, and then there were - the cover of "Elle" (and later - Cosmopolitan, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, Playboy, Vogue and other magazines), countless shows of leading fashion houses, a contract with L'Oreal and Chanel. And the great Lagerfeld, for whom she became a muse.

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Russian girls are deservedly considered the most beautiful and attractive in the whole world. Statistics say that it is our beauties that many foreigners want to marry. And it's not even about external beauty and attractiveness, but about endless charm, a bottomless soul, a big heart and boundless devotion. All these qualities distinguish our Russian woman from other representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

In our article we will try to figure out who they are - the most beautiful women in Russia?

10th place. Zoya Berber

The idol of modern youth, a wonderful actress and just a beautiful girl has already received recognition from millions of viewers. Zoya was born on the first day of autumn 1987. From childhood, she aspired to learn something new and unknown. While still a teenager, Zoya became seriously interested in sewing, and even sewed her own prom dress. Despite her passion, the girl still decided to devote herself to acting. The beginning was the admission to the Institute of Art and Culture. Already in 2010, Zoya achieved her first and main success. She was approved for the role of Lera in the famous Russian TV series "Real Boys". Thanks to this fateful event, she conquered the majority of Russian viewers with her acting talent.

9th place. Christine Asmus

Christina Asmus continues our rating of "The Most Beautiful Girls of Russia". The real name of the young actress is Myasnikova. Christina was born on April 14, 1988 in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region. As a child, the future actress was actively involved in gymnastics and even achieved significant success in this area - she became a candidate for master of sports. After that, Christina tried her hand at modeling. And in 2008 she entered the Higher Theater School. Shchepkin. Now the young actress is not busy either in theatrical activities or in the cinema. Christina, together with her beloved husband Garik Kharlamov (a resident of the Russian comedy show Comedy Club), is raising a little daughter.

8th place. Julia Snigir

For the first time, the beauty Yuliya Snigir appeared on the TV screen in the video of the famous Russian rock band Zveri. Further, the career of a young beauty quickly rushed up.

Julia was born on June 2, 1983 in the city of Donskoy, Tula Region. The actress already has many well-known roles, including Rada Gaa in Fyodor Bondarchuk's famous fantasy action movie Inhabited Island. It was after this beautiful performance that the girl sunk into the hearts of many men.

7th place. Alena Shishkova

Of course, Alena Shishkova deserves a place of honor in the list of "The Most Beautiful Celebrities". Girls of Russia have long been an object of imitation all over the world, and the young model in this case is no exception. Alena today is successful not only in the modeling business, but also in family life, because few people know that she is the mother of the child of the famous rapper Timati.

Black Star and Alena have been living together for a long time, but the girl did not agree to become his legal wife.

For the first time, the model flashed at the Miss Russia contest in 2012 and took second place. But, despite the fact that she did not become the winner there, many men believe that it is she who should be in first place in the ranking of "The Most Beautiful Girls of Russia."

6th place. Maria Sharapova

This beautiful young athlete has long been considered a role model for millions of girls. A beautiful, charming, dazzling tennis player takes 6th place in our list of "The most beautiful girls in Russia." Where was our famous athlete born? In the city of Nyagan on April 19, 1987. Despite her age, the girl is already a five-time Grand Slam champion, the 2008 Federation Cup winner, the 2012 Olympic silver medalist, and the ex-first racket of the world. Maria has already become the face of several well-known cosmetic and jewelry companies, starred for many glossy magazines, and more recently she has been one of the leaders in advertising earnings among athletes. We wish Maria good luck in the upcoming tennis championships.

5th place. Natalia Rudova

This blonde beauty won the hearts of millions of people with her acting talent, true beauty and infinitely kind heart. These qualities brought Natalya Rudova a well-deserved 5th place in the TOP of the most beautiful girls in Russia.

The young actress was born on July 2, 1983. Few people know that since childhood, the girl has been painting. This occupation brings her peace and joy.

In 2003, Natalia graduated from the School of Culture. After that, the future actress was busy in the modeling business. The girl has repeatedly sparkled on the covers of famous glossy magazines.

Natasha played her first role in the film "Tatiana's Day", where she played Tatyana Barinova. Now the young actress does not leave the TV screens, which immensely pleases her fans.

4th place. Irina Shayk

The rating of the most beautiful girls in Russia is continued by a Russian model named Irina Shayk. The real name of the girl is Shaikhlislamova Irina. The famous world model was born on January 6, 1986. For the first time, the girl flashed on television screens in 2004 at the Chelyabinsk beauty contest "Supermodel 2004", where she won a well-deserved first place. Here she was noticed by Gia Dzhikidze, who immediately offered her to become a model.

At the moment, Irina works with well-known magazines, and is also the face of several large companies. As you know, for some time Irina was the civil wife of a famous football player - Cristiano Ronaldo.

3rd place. Oksana Fedorova

An extraordinary beauty girl was born on December 17, 1977 in the city of Pskov. Oksana's specialty does not match her charming appearance, because Fedorova is a police major.

In 2002, the girl assumed the position of associate professor of the Department of Civil Law, and in 2007 Fedorova also became a candidate of legal sciences.

Oksana was also involved in several films, where she played episodic roles. In 2008, the girl was offered to become the face of a jewelry company. In addition to her natural beauty, Oksana has a big and kind heart. She has been actively involved in charity work for several years. That is why the beautiful, good-natured Oksana is deservedly included in the list of "The Most Beautiful Celebrities (Russian Girls)".

2nd place. Olga Fadeeva

This wonderful actress was born on October 15, 1978. From early childhood, Olya dreamed of following in the footsteps of her parents and becoming a ballerina. But for some reason the girl was not accepted. In 1990, Olya entered the Academy of Arts, and after a while she was offered to star in the clip of Dima Malikov. After that, the creative career of the actress goes up the hill. Olga plays her first role in a film called Zorka Venus. Then she is invited to play Irina Pyleeva in the film "Soldiers". Thanks to her wonderful performance, Olga sunk into the hearts of millions of viewers. That is why Fadeeva takes 2nd place in the list of "The Most Beautiful Girls of Russia" (see photo below).

1 place. Marina Aleksandrova

This woman is simply the standard of female beauty, grace and grace. Marina was born on August 29, 1982 in Hungary. The parents of the future actress wanted the girl to become a translator. Since childhood, Marina sought to try herself in various fields of activity. She was actively involved in music and mathematics. At the age of 14, the girl decided to try her hand at theatrical activities.

In 1999 she entered the Shchukin Theater School. Marina performed her first role in the film "Northern Lights" and after that did not leave the TV screens. Many viewers fell in love with the actress not only for her beauty, but also for her tenderness, charm and immense talent. Therefore, this beautiful actress deserves a place as a leader in our ranking of "10 most beautiful girls in Russia."


Each of these beautiful women has its own zest. But all of them are connected by one single quality - true beauty. Well, these beauties have already achieved a lot in their lives, so we wish them success.

Women's beauty has long been admired by the male half of humanity. Women's silhouettes were displayed in works of art, poems were dedicated to ladies, and the most bloody wars began for the sake of women. Let's take a look at the top 10 most beautiful girls in the world.

10 Monica Bellucci

This iconic model has set the standards of beauty for a generation. A pretty girl from Italy aspired to a career as a lawyer, but fate decreed otherwise. She did not have enough money for training, and Monica began to earn extra money as a model.

At 24, she was noticed by the whole world. She became the most recognizable face of the D&G brand and appeared on glossy covers. This beauty has become a muse for photographers who have worked with Marilyn Monroe herself in the past.

9 Marion Cotillard

Fall in love with her if you dare. The playful Frenchwoman became known to a wide range of viewers thanks to her role in the drama Fall in Love with Me If You Dare. An open smile and dimples on her cheeks brought Hollywood fame to this coquette.

Marion Cotillard won an Oscar for her role in La Vie en Rose. Her partners on the set were such stars as Leonardo DiCaprio, with whom she took part in the film Inception.

8 Beautiful Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman is of Jewish-Russian origin. The star's acting career began at the age of 13, when Luc Besson hired her for a role in the film Leon.



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