Role playing games for children. Role-playing game

Card file of role-playing games for preschoolers

Development of gaming activity.
Main goals and objectives:
Creation of conditions for the development of children's play activities. Formation of game skills, development of cultural forms of the game. Comprehensive upbringing and harmonious development of children in the game (emotional-moral, mental, physical, artistic-aesthetic and socio-communicative). Development of independence, initiative, creativity, self-regulation skills; formation of a benevolent attitude towards peers, the ability to interact, negotiate, independently resolve conflict situations.

Plot - role-playing game "Shop"

Target: to teach children to classify objects according to common features, to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.
Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located in a shop window, money.
Age: 3–7 years.
Game progress: the educator suggests that the children place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with such departments as a vegetable, grocery, dairy, bakery and others, where buyers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, sales workers in departments, sort goods into departments - food, fish, bakery products,
meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket for shopping with their friends, choose goods, consult with sellers, and pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and goods can be in the supermarket.

Plot - role-playing game "Toys at the doctor"

Target: teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, expand vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “sick”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.
Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: a thermometer, a syringe, pills, a spoon, a phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, a bandage, a dressing gown and a bonnet for a doctor.
Age: 3–7 years.
Game progress: the teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls, come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases go to the doctor: the bear has a toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, the Masha doll pinched her finger in the door, etc. We specify the actions: the Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Children of senior preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. Getting to the reception, the toys tell why they went to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats patients - makes dressings, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

Role-playing game "Pharmacy"

Target: expand knowledge about the professions of pharmacy workers: a pharmacist makes medicines, a cashier-seller sells them, a pharmacy manager orders the necessary herbs and other preparations for the manufacture of medicines, expand the vocabulary of children: “drugs”, “pharmacist”, “order”, “medicinal plants ".
Equipment: toy pharmacy equipment.
Age: 5–7 years.
Game progress: a conversation is held about what people of what professions work in a pharmacy, what they do. We are getting acquainted with a new role - the Head of the pharmacy. She accepts medicinal herbs from the population and gives them to Pharmacists to prepare medicines. The manager helps Pharmacy Employees and Visitors to sort out difficult situations. Medicines are issued
strictly by prescription. Children distribute the roles independently, at will.

Role-playing game "Building a house"

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a building of a simple structure, cultivate friendly relations in a team, expand children's knowledge about the features of builders' work, expand children's vocabulary: introduce the concepts of "building", "mason ”, “crane”, “builder”, “crane operator”, “carpenter”, “welder”, “building material”.
Equipment: large building material, cars, crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures of people in the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.
Age: 3–7 years.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is standing, and the light is on in the window? We live in this tower, and it is called ...? (house)". The teacher offers the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could live. Children remember what construction professions are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of builders and talk about their duties. Then the children agree on building a house. Roles are distributed between children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they deliver building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in. Children play on their own.

Plot - role-playing game "Zoo"

Target: expand children's knowledge about wild animals, their habits, lifestyle, nutrition, cultivate love, humane treatment of animals, expand children's vocabulary.
Equipment: toy wild animals familiar to children, cages (made of building material), tickets, money, cash desk.
Age: 4–5 years.
Game progress: the teacher informs the children that a zoo has arrived in the city, and offers to go there. Children buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo. They examine animals there, talk about where they live, what they eat. During the game, children should pay attention to how to treat animals, how to care for them.

Plot - role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Target: to expand children's knowledge about the purpose of a kindergarten, about the professions of those people who work here - an educator, nanny, cook, music worker, to instill in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults, to treat their pupils with care.
Equipment: all the toys you need to play in kindergarten.
Age: 4–5 years.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play in kindergarten. At will, we assign children to the roles of the Educator, Nanny, Musical Director. Dolls and animals act as pupils. During the game, they monitor relationships with children, help them find a way out of difficult situations.

Plot - role-playing game "Hairdresser's"

Target: to introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser, to cultivate a culture of communication, to expand the vocabulary of children.
Equipment: dressing gown for a hairdresser, cape for a client, hairdresser's tools - a comb, scissors, bottles for cologne, varnish, hair dryer, etc.
Age: 4–5 years.
Game progress: knock on the door. Doll Katya comes to visit the children. She gets to know all the children and notices a mirror in the group. The doll asks the children if they have a comb? Her pigtail was untangled, and she would like to comb her hair. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is clarified that there are several rooms there: women's, men's, manicure, good masters work in them, and they will quickly put Katya's hair in order. Assign
Hairdressers, they take their jobs. Other children and dolls go to the salon. Katya is very pleased, she likes her hairstyle. She thanks the children and promises to come to this hairdresser next time. During the game, children learn about the duties of a hairdresser - cutting, shaving, styling hair in a hairstyle, manicure.

Plot - role-playing game "In the library"

Target: broaden the horizons of children, teach children how to use the services of the library correctly, apply the knowledge of literary works previously obtained in the classroom, consolidate knowledge about the profession of a librarian, cultivate respect for the work of a librarian and respect for the book, expand the vocabulary of children: "library", "profession" , "librarian", "reading room".
Equipment: books familiar to children, a box with pictures, a card file, pencils, sets of postcards.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play in the library. Everyone together remembers who works in the library, what they do there. Children themselves choose 2-3 Librarians, each of them has several books. The rest of the children are divided into
several groups. Each group is served by one Librarian. He shows many books, and in order to take a favorite book, the child must name it or briefly describe what is written in it. You can tell a poem from a book that the child takes. During the game, they give advice to children who find it difficult to choose a book. The librarian needs to be more attentive to visitors, show illustrations for the books they like. Some children wish to stay in the reading room to look at sets of pictures, postcards. They share their experiences. At the end of the game, the children tell how they played, what books the Librarian offered them, and what they liked the most.

Plot - role-playing game "Cosmonauts"

Target: expand the theme of story games, introduce the work of astronauts in space, instill courage, endurance, expand the vocabulary of children: "outer space", "cosmodrome", "flight", "outer space".
Equipment: spacecraft and building material, seat belts, spacecraft tools, toy cameras.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: the teacher asks the children if they would like to go to space? What kind of person do you need to be to fly into space? (Strong, brave, dexterous, smart.) He suggests going into space to leave a satellite there that will transmit weather signals to Earth. It will also be necessary to take photographs of our planet from space. Together they remember what else they need to take with them so that nothing could happen during the flight. Children play the situation. They complete the mission and return to Earth. The roles of Pilots, Navigator, Radio Operator, Captain are distributed at the request of the children.

Plot - role-playing game "Family"

Target: to form an idea of ​​collective housekeeping, family budget, family relationships, joint leisure activities, cultivate love, benevolent, caring attitude towards family members, interest in their activities.
Equipment: all the toys needed for family play: dolls, furniture, dishes, things, etc.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to "play in the family." Roles are distributed as desired. The family is very large, Grandma has a birthday coming up. Everyone is busy about arranging a holiday. Some Family members buy food, others prepare a festive dinner, set the table, and others prepare an entertainment program. During the game, you need to observe the relationship between family members, help them in time.

Plot - role-playing game "In a cafe"

Target: to teach the culture of behavior in public places, to be able to perform the duties of a cook, a waiter.
Equipment: necessary equipment for a cafe, toys-dolls, money.
Age: 5–6 years old.
Game progress: Pinocchio comes to visit the children. He met all the children, made friends with other toys. Pinocchio decides to invite his new friends to a cafe to treat them to ice cream. Everyone goes to the cafe. Waiters serve them there. Children learn how to place an order correctly, thank you for the service.

Plot - role-playing game "Around the world trip"

Target: expand the horizons of children, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, cultivate a desire to travel, friendly relations, expand the vocabulary of children: "captain", "travel around the world", "Asia", "India", "Europe", "Pacific Ocean ".
Equipment: ship made of building material, steering wheel, binoculars, world map.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to go on a round-the-world trip on a ship. At will, children are chosen for the roles of Captain, Radio Operator, Sailor, Midshipman. We consolidate knowledge about what these people do on the ship - their rights and obligations. The ship sails through Africa, and India, and other countries and continents. Sailors have to deftly manage the ship in order not to collide with an iceberg, to cope with a storm. Only well-coordinated work and friendship help them cope with this test.

Plot - role-playing game "On the roads of the city"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road, introduce them to a new role - a traffic controller, cultivate endurance, patience, attention on the road.
Equipment: toy cars, flags for the traffic controller - red and green.
Age: 5–7 years.
Game progress: children are offered to build a beautiful building - a theater. Choose a place to build. But first you need to transport the building material to the right place. Drivers in cars can easily cope with this. Children take cars and go for building materials. But here's the failure - the traffic lights do not work on the main roads. To avoid an accident on the road, it is necessary that the movement of cars is controlled by a traffic controller. Choose a Regulator. He becomes a circle. He has red and green flags in his hands. The red flag is "stop", the green flag is "go". Now everything will be all right. The traffic controller controls traffic.

Plot - role-playing game "Rules of motion"

Target: continue to teach children to navigate by road signs, to follow the rules of the road. To educate the ability to be polite, attentive to each other, to be able to navigate in a traffic situation, to expand the vocabulary of children: “traffic police post”, “traffic light”, “traffic violation”, “speeding”, “fine”.
Equipment: toy cars, road signs, traffic lights; for a traffic police officer - a police cap, stick, radar; driver's licenses, technical cards.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: children are offered to choose traffic police officers to keep order on the roads of the city. The rest of the children are motorists. At will, children distribute the roles of gas station workers among themselves. During the game, children try not to violate the rules of the road.

Plot - role-playing game "We are athletes"

Target: to give children knowledge about the need for sports, improve sports skills - walking, running, throwing, climbing. Develop physical qualities: speed, agility, coordination of movements, eye, orientation in space.
Equipment: medals for the winners, a billboard to demonstrate the number of points earned, sports equipment - balls, jump ropes, skittles, rope, ladders, benches, etc.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to hold a competition in different sports. At the request of the children, judges and organizers of the competition are chosen. The rest of the kids are athletes. Everyone independently chooses the sport in which he will compete with rivals. The judges award points for completing the task. The game ends with the awarding of the winners.

Plot - role-playing game "At the car service station"

Target: expand the theme of building games, develop constructive skills, show creativity, find a good place to play, introduce a new role - a car repairman.
Equipment: building material for building a garage, locksmith tools for car repair, car washing and painting equipment.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: inform the children that there are a lot of cars on the roads of the city and these cars break down very often, so we need to open a car service station. Children are offered to build a large garage, to equip a place for washing cars, to choose employees, attendants. They are introduced to a new working specialty - a mechanic for the repair of machines (motor, steering, brakes, etc.).

Plot - role-playing game "Border guards"

Target: continue to acquaint children with military professions, clarify the daily routine of military personnel, what their service consists of, cultivate courage, dexterity, the ability to clearly follow the orders of the commander, expand the vocabulary of children: “border”, “post”, “guard”, “violation”, "alarm", "border guard", "dog breeder".
Equipment: border, border post, machine gun, border dog, military caps.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher invites the children to visit the state border of our Motherland. A conversation is held about who guards the border, for what purpose, how the service of the border guard goes, what is the daily routine of a military man. Children on their own
distribute the roles of the Military Commander, Head of the Border Outpost, Border Guards, Dog Breeders. In the game, children apply the knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes. It is necessary to draw the attention of children to support and friendly mutual assistance.

Plot - role-playing game "School"

Target: clarify children's knowledge about what they do at school, what lessons there are, what the teacher teaches, cultivate a desire to study at school, respect for work children's vocabulary: "school supplies", "briefcase", "pencil case", "students", etc. d.
Equipment: pens, notebooks, children's books, alphabet, numbers, blackboard, chalk, pointer.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: The teacher invites the children to play school. A conversation is held about why the school is needed, who works there, what the students do. At the request of the children, a teacher is chosen. The rest of the children are students. The teacher sets tasks for the students, they independently and diligently complete it. Another teacher in another lesson. Children are engaged in the lessons of mathematics, their native language, physical education, singing, etc.

Plot - role-playing game "Space Adventure"

Target: teach them to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, create a friendly atmosphere between children, develop their responsibility, interest, expand their vocabulary - “space”, “planet”, “Mars”, “outer space”, “weightlessness”, “cosmodrome” .
Equipment: spaceship, medical instruments for a doctor, posters of views of our planet from space.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the children are announced that in a few minutes the spaceship will start. Those who wish can become space tourists. But in order to fly into space, you need to think about what qualities you need to have? (To be smart, brave, strong, kind, cheerful.) And you also have to be healthy. Those who decide to go into space must pass a medical examination. The doctor examines tourists and writes out permission. Children choose the Pilot, the Doctor on the ship, the Navigator. Everyone is ready to fly. The dispatcher announces the start. Passengers fasten their seat belts. From a height, children consider (pictures) a view of the planet Earth, discuss why it is called the blue planet (most of it is covered with water). Children tell what they know about oceans, seas, mountains. The spacecraft makes a stop on the planet Mars. Tourists go out, inspect the planet, draw conclusions about the existence of life on this planet. The ship flies on. Next stop is Jupiter. Tourists once again inspect the planet, share their knowledge and impressions. The ship returns to Earth.

Plot - role-playing game "We are military scouts"

Target: develop the theme of paramilitary games, teach children to complete tasks exactly, be attentive, careful, cultivate respect for military professions, a desire to serve in the army, expand the vocabulary of children - “intelligence”, “scouts”, “sentry”, “security”, “ soldiers."
Equipment: elements of military clothing for children, weapons.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Game progress: the teacher offers to remember films, stories about the life of military intelligence officers, invites children to play them. Children distribute among themselves the roles of Scouts, Sentinels, Commanders, Security Soldiers, determine goals and objectives, monitor their implementation.

Material from summer camp

This section is dedicated to the so-called MIGs or office role-playing games. On the page you can find materials on creating, running games of this kind, as well as some interesting games.

Small role-playing game (MIG)

Features and rules of conducting role-playing games. The game gives the child the opportunity to try himself in adult roles, to show creativity in non-standard life situations. A game is a competition in solving problems of human interaction.

  1. Role play features (any game):
    • socio-cultural function (in the course of games, the cultural traditions and values ​​of the people are recreated, and the game itself acts as a standard of cultural values, because it contains the rules of behavior and interaction of people, social universal values);
    • communicative function (playing, the guys learn to establish new connections and relationships with people, organize interaction to achieve the goal);
    • activity function (a game is an action, a real activity, in addition, the game makes it possible to use various types of activities);
    • the function of realizing the child's ability, self-realization (any game has a goal, to achieve which the participant must use all his knowledge, skills and abilities in order to evaluate himself at the end of the game);
    • protective, or corrective function (the game is a model of society, its life and relationships, therefore, during the game, a child can be taught to see and solve his problems).
  2. Role play features:
    • fictional situation,
    • extremeness;
    • well-defined rules.
  3. Role play rules.
    1. The master is always right (he decides all controversial issues and situations in the game).
    2. Mandatory knowledge and observance of the rules of the game.
    3. Here and now (the game has a clearly limited time frame, all the relationships that have developed in the game are not transferred to real life).
    4. Information about the playing role (it is a secret for other participants in the game, this is a "trump card", an advantage for any player).
    5. Possibility of in-game death ("the deceased" cannot communicate with the current players, transmit any information to them; all information known to him "dies" with him).
    6. Benevolent attitude towards gamemates (the main task of the game is to establish interaction, cooperation in the process of achieving game goals).
    7. The law of the playing territory (the territory of the game is always limited and it is forbidden to perform game actions outside it; whoever leaves the playing territory leaves the game).
    8. The unity of the playing role (image - who are you?
  4. Game action algorithm:
    • building your gaming legend;
    • acquaintance with the participants (characters) of the game;
    • collection of useful information;
    • search for allies and opponents;
    • determining the means to achieve its goal;
    • choice of means and implementation of game actions to achieve the goal - analysis of the results of their activities.
  5. Role play technology:
    1. choosing a suitable game that implements these goals or writing a new special game;
    2. familiarity with the text of the game:
      • general rules;
      • special rules;
      • general introductory;
      • individual introductory;
    3. informing and training the participants in the game: general introduction and rules of the game, after which it is necessary to ensure the involvement of all participants in the game;
    4. study of the participants in the game and the distribution of roles between them, taking into account the individual characteristics and abilities of the players;
    5. selection of a place and preparation of game tools;
    6. design of the playing area;
    7. the last collection before the game, the issuance of tools and advice on the game;
    8. organization of a bright theatrical beginning; organized end of the game;
    9. detailed analysis of the game.
  6. The activity of the Master during the game.
    • The master organizes a spectacular beginning and end of the game.
    • The master controls the implementation of the rules during the game.
    • The master advises the players.
    • The master supports the story of the game.
    • The master performs pedagogical functions: the microclimate during the game, the game, the ethics of the game, the consolation and support of the losers, the interaction of the players.

Technology of organization and conduct of the game

The person who organizes and conducts the game is traditionally called the master. He himself does not participate in the game, his goal is to create conditions for the successful play of children. In order for the game to be successful, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • analysis of conditions and opportunities for conducting a role-playing game;
  • goal setting for this game;
  • the choice of a game that implements these goals;
  • familiarity with the text of the game;
  • informing and training game participants;
  • study of the participants in the game and distribution to roles;
  • Gathering of participants: mood for the game, getting to know the general introductory game and its rules, issuing individual roles (1-2 days before the game);
  • preparation of tools and place of the game;
  • immediately before the game, individual consultations, individual issuance of tools;
  • gathering of players, announcement of the start of the game.

During the game, the master gives advice on the content of the role and methods of the game, controls the rules of the game, maintains a high emotional mood of the players, supports the development of the plot of the game by means of the game, helps players who cannot cope with the game situation, organizes a spectacular end of the game.

After the game, it is necessary to conduct a conversation, where each participant tells what role he played, what means he used, with whom he interacted, whether he was able to achieve his goals. The pronunciation of the game takes place in a general circle, in an atmosphere of goodwill and voluntary statements. The greatest pedagogical effect will be given by group and individual analysis, the subject of which can be relationships in the group, individual characteristics and methods of activity in a conflict situation, personal difficulties that arose during the game, problems of values ​​and morality.

Rules of the game

  • the master is always right, that is, in all disputable situations, the final word remains with him.
  • obligatory knowledge and observance of the rules of the game.
  • "here and now". Do not transfer the relationship of life to the game and vice versa.
  • role information is secret and cannot be disclosed, this will make the game not interesting for you and your comrades.
  • game death is possible in the game, when exposed to any weapon, in this case the player leaves the game and does not have the right to disclose information.
  • friendly attitude towards teammates.
  • careful attitude to gaming tools.
  • the law of the playing area.

In addition to these general rules, each game may have its own technical rules, which stipulate the possibility of using game tools.

  1. Litigation "Planet and man - friend or foe"

Role-playing games (RP) are of two types: scripted and non-scripted.

Scenario RI

They belong to the category of great creative works. The group of organizers takes as a basis a real-life situation (revolution, Miklukha Maclay's meeting with natives, etc.), or a situation from a book, and adapts it to the real place of the game and the participants. After that, tasks are formed for the participants, which talk about the situation and their role in it. (Of course, the task must be formed in advance so that the guys have time to get acquainted with the materials about the situation: read books, ask adults, prepare costumes.)

Scenario games, as a rule, have the following pedagogical goals: to familiarize children with historical material in an interesting way and to develop acting skills. Such games are easier to conduct than non-scenario ones and, as a rule, give fewer failures during the conduct.

Non-scripted RI

A non-scenario RI can end unplanned for two reasons: loss of interest in the game, fulfillment of the game goal by the game participants. Accordingly, special attention should be paid to the prevention of these reasons when preparing the RI.

The organizers formulate for themselves the goals of the participants in the game (for example: earn as much money as possible, establish parliamentary government, etc.). Next, the possible roles of RI participants are described. Whether or not to tell the guys about their game goals and their roles depends on the specific game. Sometimes the role goal of the participants is set through the situation, and not directly. After the development of roles, methods of influencing the course of the game are considered, roles for game masters are selected, they sign when and how game masters begin to influence the game. The options for setting additional game goals for the guys in a playful way are signed in case they fulfill their goal ahead of schedule.

Non-scenario games, as a rule, have the following pedagogical goals: the development of independence, the ability to navigate in a new situation, the development of intellectual potential, the formation of a concept of goals and means to achieve them.

Stages of composing a role-playing game

  • Problem formulation. The problem must excite the author (or it must be savored, which requires some skill). Break down into tasks.
  • A fan of bright, emotional scenes, pictures that will<задевать>playing. This is necessary because mainly those things that took place against the backdrop of vivid emotions are remembered. The scenes should roughly correlate with the tasks at hand.
  • thinking through<географии игры>, that is, what is where, what heroes play what. The development of scenes, that is, the plot. What groups of players are there. Modeling and isolation of constants and variables. + rules and standards. (+ sinusoidal activity).
  • Schedule by people or teams, finish by individuals
  • Thinking through the background activity (creating a special activity for the younger psychological age).
  • Prescribing game algorithms (to increase the tension in the game).
  • Beautiful and visual design of the game.
  • Docking the game with the leaders of the group.

It is necessary to take into account:

  1. Atmosphere is very important for RPGs. Because if you want people to feel like pirates, kindly put them on a "ship". To create an atmosphere, music, costumes, vocabulary are used ...
  2. Role setting is a way to create a role, the ability to distinguish a person from the mass.
  3. You can add a role moment to almost any game. And it's often worth it.

What are the games

  1. Epic games (full-time activity) The game, which becomes the leading activity, the core of the shift, subjugating all collectives and groups, all-camp mass holidays. The epic game is based on an invented legend. It is overgrown with rituals, secrets, mandatory division of labor and duties, and certainly has a printed set of laws - taboos, charter, code of honor, etc. The secret of the game is in a well-thought-out program and an unusual plot, which easily solves many children's problems in the detachment.
  2. field games Such games are most often held "in the field", that is, in a more or less uninhabited area, which is why they are called that. For example, players decide to play Ancient Rome. They distribute among themselves the roles of patricians and plebeians, warriors and slaves, residents of neighboring countries. The scale can be different: somewhere they try to portray the whole city, or even several cities or even the whole Mediterranean, somewhere, say, guests at a patrician's feast. Throughout the game, players will attempt to live the way they think the characters lived, speak the way they would speak, and make decisions based on their characters' goals.
  3. No less common board word games, they are also modules, "dengens" and so on. In such games, no one runs anywhere or waves anything, and the actions of the characters are simply described. For example, the player says: "I'm climbing a rope on a wall." What and how he succeeds is determined by the rules of the game. They give the player truly limitless possibilities, but require a developed imagination.

Beware the game!!!

It may seem paradoxical, but the most serious obstacle to the use of the game in the camp is the professional training of the counselor and his teaching experience.

  • Firstly, alas ... but, many counselors use the dominant methods of communication and raising children: discipline, rules, distribution of roles, regime. Inspection functions are prohibited in the game: they destroy the game itself. The task of a competent organizer of the game is to make sure that the players are "ordered, punished and explained" by the game itself.
  • Secondly, the organizer can only influence the course of the game, but cannot determine it. A personal attitude cannot be divided into right or wrong, it either arises or it does not. And the attitude of the players to the last game may not be at all what the counselors expected. Role play is an unpredictable, spontaneous method! The use of stereotypes here leads to show participation.
  • Thirdly, it is imperative to avoid the symptoms of "gambling" when a child begins to use the game as a compensation for his own failure in life. Most often this is due to the construction of games according to a template. After a series of similar games, the players have the illusion of their own "coolness" - "we all know, we can do everything." As a result, there is a desire to act only in the mastered area, and then the child reveals himself only in the game.
  • But the most dangerous thing, in our opinion, is to “play too much”. Another father of "psychodrama" J.-L. Moreno noticed that some, having entered the role, had difficulty getting out of it. In especially susceptible children, when immersed in a role, psychosis and depression begin. For a certain category of children, the line between the imaginary and the real world is unsteady, and when playing “in role” it sometimes disappears altogether. The task of the counselor is to prevent immersion, to help use the game as a means, and not as an opportunity to escape from reality.

How to build a role playing game

When preparing a role-playing game, along with the creation of a plot, it is necessary to single out another important stage - the placement of people in the playing places. The scenario is divided into two parts:

  1. distribution of roles between people, taking into account their personal characteristics;
  2. introduction to the game - the construction of special "bridges" along which the child adapts more easily. The main thing is not to forget that in a role-playing game, as in life, there are rules and steps.

The first step is the joint distribution of roles. After the playing places are filled, the little man is introduced into the role - installation. At the same time, it is important to outline the boundaries of the game world, give an idea of ​​the type of the game world (epoch, roles, legends), set a set of actions possible in the game (what is possible and what is not). Children will only play what you tell them to play, so the text of the installation must be very carefully drafted and even more closely monitored for how it is understood. As a rule, most of the turns of the game that are contrary to the plan of the counselors are associated with an incorrect installation. The final stage can be put out of the game situation. A purely entertaining game almost always comes down to a "game of war" - the child tries on a role and acts according to the plot in life.

Why are they playing?

As you know, with age, the needs of the child change, respectively, the motives of his behavior, including the game, become different. So, initially children play because it is interesting, then they play “for something”, by the age of 12 they move on to a serious role-playing game in which they discover the world of relationships. For us, adults, this game is a waste of time, an opportunity to “occupy” a bored person. For children, the opposite is true: only in the game the child solves his problems that he could not solve in reality (get to know a girl, learn to command, try his hand at something new, chat with guys from other units). If there is no game, one of the most effective ways of managing and learning about the world around us will disappear.

Role-playing game script

(senior group)

educator: Bunkova Irina Vladimirovna

Subject:"Report on the city of masters"

Target: construction of role-playing dialogues, role-playing interaction of children;

continue to teach to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, using attributes, encourage children to independently create the missing items for the game, parts (tools, equipment);

to encourage children to use knowledge about the work of doctors, hairdressers, manicurists, cooks, waiters, builders more widely and creatively in games;

develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly deploy the game, continue to form the ability to negotiate;

cultivate goodwill, readiness to help out a comrade.

Attributes and material: pictures - signs, correspondent (microphone, camera, notepad, pen);

train (cubes, checkers, a tray with dishes, magazines);

beauty salon (aprons, combs, bottles, jars, false nails, etc.); cafe (tables, tablecloth, menu, dishes, replicas of vegetables, fruits and products); hospital (gowns, plates, bandages, syringes, bottles, pill boxes, phonendoscope, etc.); construction site (schemes, plans, constructor, tools, helmet, vest)

Vocabulary work: correspondent, conductor, manicurist, menu, waiter, virus, vaccination, foreman, electrician, bricklayer.

Preliminary work: examining the illustrations "Hospital", "Beauty Salon", "Cafe", getting acquainted with the work of builders, talking with a kindergarten nurse; a conversation with children about how they went with their parents to a cafe, children's stories about what they learned new about the profession of a builder.

Organization and conduct of activities:

1. Conversation

If I ask you what kind of games you know, then you will name many games, and therefore I propose to name only role-playing games.

(children list)

2. Distribution of roles:


Please note that our group has turned into a mini-city, a city of craftsmen and master builders, hairdressers, and even cooks and doctors live there, real masters of their craft.

So where are these masters?


And this is us!


- What is your occupation?

And what are you doing?

Who do you work with?

(children answer)


Well, then turn into masters and take your places

(children are distributed in different corners, the correspondent remains)


And the correspondent and I will take the train to get to this city and shoot a report about the masters

3. C\r game "Train"


Is this train 320, the city of masters?


Yes, leaving in 5 minutes, please, your documents?

- I looked at the tickets.

Good afternoon, please go

Your seat is 9-10

Can you bring tea?


- Yes, please bear

It will be very good

(the conductor carries tea and serves it to the passengers)


- The conductor brought sugar, tea, biscuits

Riding the train friends, just fun!


- Everyone, they've arrived!

Since the train will stop

Just a few minutes

You will have to go out

Very very fast here.

(Educator and correspondent thank you for a pleasant trip)


- After the trip, I need to clean myself up, and I already see that there is a beauty salon in this city.

4 C\r game "Beauty Salon"


- Hello, we would like to do our hair and manicure.

(salon workers and correspondent greet each other)


- What is the name of your profession?


- I am a manicurist, I do a manicure, smear my nails with a special solution, and then cover them with varnish.


- And what are you doing?


- I am a hairdresser, I do hair


- On what occasion do you do your hair?


- I'm going to my friend's birthday


- Please do something special for me

(the teacher sits on a chair and they give her a manicure)


I'm so hungry, do you know where the cafe is?


- Yes, around the corner, very close.

(correspondent goes to a cafe)

5 C\r game "Cafe»


- Good afternoon, come to our cafe.

(teacher and correspondent sit down at the table)

- What will you order?

(gives menu)


- Tell me, are you cooking?

- No, we have a chef and I take orders and serve customers

(correspondent goes to the cook)

- What are you cooking now?


- I cook pizza, first I roll out the dough, then I put mushrooms and tomatoes.

(The teacher from the salon comes and takes the correspondent with him)


- I heard that the flu virus is rampant in the city and therefore it is necessary for everyone to be vaccinated. Would you like to see how our doctors work?


- Of course with pleasure!

(on the way they talk about cafes and dishes)

6 C\r game "Hospital"


Hello, we would like to shoot a report about the work of a doctor and a nurse.


- Good afternoon, today is vaccination day, and we vaccinate all patients against the flu.


- I would like to be safe and get vaccinated too, can you help me?


- Yes, of course, but before that, you must definitely examine and listen to you.

(examines, listens, then sends to the treatment room)


- Good afternoon, you have already been examined so that prepare your hand.

(performs procedures and vaccinates)


Do not wet for 3 days, do not keep your hand in the cold, and now hold the cotton wool a little and sit.

(the correspondent takes pictures all this time)


- Do you know where the builders work here?


- Yes, of course you need to go to the next street.

(correspondent goes to the construction site)

7 C\r game "Construction site"


The whole area knows the builder

He is an excellent master

With his team, he

Building a brick house

House among other houses

And slimmer and taller

They speak up to the clouds

He will get the roof.


- Yes, a good house turned out, which means that real craftsmen work.

- And who are you?


- I am a bricklayer, I lay brick walls so that the house is strong and strong.


- And I am an electrician, so that there is electricity in the house, I run the wires, and people will be able to watch TV and use the equipment.


8 Outcome:

Attention, all residents of the city gather in the main square!

(The correspondent thanks everyone, promises to print and invites to his city, the children get on the train and go)


1. To consolidate children's knowledge about the theater, about theater workers, to teach children to act in accordance with the role they have assumed.

2. To form a friendly attitude between children, moral and ethical standards of behavior.

3. Develop dialogical speech, expressiveness of the performance of the role.

4. Develop imagination, the ability to jointly deploy the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all the players.

Preliminary work:

  • trip of parents with children to the theater;
  • a conversation about the theaters of our city as cultural institutions;
  • examining postcards with theaters of the city;
  • viewing posters and programs;
  • conversation about the rules of conduct in the theater;
  • production of attributes for the game: tickets, programs, poster, cash desk, signboard "buffet", tailoring of an apron and headdress for the barmaid, production of "confectionery" for the buffet;
  • production of puppets for the performance (ant and dragonfly);
  • subject-game environment.


  • details for the buffet - a sign "buffet", cash desk, money, products (cakes, chocolates, juices, sweets), an apron, a cap, doll utensils (cups, teapots, saucers, a tray);
  • details for the flower seller - flowers, money;
  • details for the cash desk - cash desk, calculator, money;
  • details for the controller - chairs, numbers.

Game progress:

Child - What kind of house, what kind of house -

You will see a fairy tale in it,

Dancing, music and laughter -

Presentation for everyone.

More in this establishment

Actors are always working.

And the performance is on stage

And watchmen meet us.

If you buy a ticket

You can watch ballet.

There is also an intermission -

Break to rest

And not just relax

And look at the buffet.

You can watch the play here...

What kind of house is this, please?

Children: Theatre.

Let's remember what theaters are? (Dolls, cats, shady, drama, desktop, finger, planar ......) Guys, what is the poster for? (In order to know what and when the performance will be.) Let's remember who works in the theater? (Cashier, director, dresser, make-up artist, actor, barmaid, cloakroom attendant, controller, decorator, stage workers ...) What rules should visitors follow in the theater? (Come at least 20 minutes before the performance, do not talk, do not interfere with other spectators watching the performance, do not bring food to the hall, do not get up or walk during the performance, do not talk loudly ......)

How do we dress for the theatre?

The theater is a temple of culture and you need to behave there culturally.

And now I suggest you guys play theater. What do you need to play? (Distribute roles.) Distribute roles.

Educator: What are the duties of the controller?

Children: checks tickets with spectators, helps them find their place.

Teacher: Who will be the controller? Please go get your workspace ready.

Educator: What are the duties of a cashier?

Children: The cashier sells tickets.

Educator: Who will be the cashier? Please go get your workspace ready.

Who else works in the theater?

Children: Barmaid. She puts the goods on the counter, sells them during the intermission and before the performance.

Educator: Who will take on the role of a barmaid? Please get to work. (We also distribute the roles of a cloakroom attendant, a flower girl.)

Educator: Without whom there can be no theater and why?

Children: Without actors and director.

While we have time, let's you be the actors, and I'm the director.

In an even circle one after another

We go step by step

I turn you into cockerels, (One child helps to put hats on all the children.)

Do it like this now. (They clap their hands on their sides and shout to the crow.)

Oh, handsome - a cockerel on top of a scallop

Raise your legs higher through the stick step. (Walking with high knees.)

In an even circle, one after another, we go step by step

I turn you into hedgehogs. (The make-up artist draws noses with makeup.)

Do it like this now. (Running snake.)

Guys, who chooses the costumes for the actors? (Dresser.)

And who does the makeup? (Make-up artist.)

Educator: And we will be spectators. What do we do?

Children: Buy tickets, buy programs, go to the buffet, after the second call we will take our seats in the hall, clap our hands, give flowers to the artists.

Educator: Let's put ourselves in order, fix our hair

Children play according to assigned roles. Visitors buy tickets at the box office and pay with cards. They go to the locker room, who undresses, who rents binoculars, who buys flowers, and who visits the buffet. The teacher approaches the children, watches how they cope with their duties, helps if necessary. Children order in

The first bell rings, the second, the third. Spectators take their seats.

The performance begins.

It turns out, the leading girl and says: We are glad to welcome you to our puppet theater. Today we invite you to watch a play based on Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" After the words of the author - (as winter rolls in the eyes) I turn on the recording of the song "White Snowflakes". At the end of the performance, the ant will take pity and let the dragonfly into the house on the condition that she will help him with the housework.

The performance ends with the words of the presenter: “A fairy tale of lies, but in it there is a hint of a good fellow and a red maiden lesson.”

It's time for parting

But let's not be sad goodbye

We are always happy to meet again.

Theater of Miracles says "goodbye!"

Artists take the stage, the audience clap their hands, shouting: “Bravo!” present flowers to artists. The artists bow and go backstage with flowers.

Children go to the closet to collect their things.

(The teacher asks all the children to come to her.)

Teacher: What did you like the most?

(Children say what they liked best about the game. The teacher summarizes the statements of the children, thanks all the players.)

One of the children reads a verse

It's good to have a theatre!

He was and will be with us forever

Always ready to assert

That everything in the world is human.

Everything is fine here - gestures, masks,

Costumes, music, game.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And with them the bright world of goodness!

Guys, we haven't finished our game. There are many more interesting performances, and we will visit there again, where new heroes and another troupe of artists will be waiting for us.

The yacht was designed as a role-playing game for teenagers, nevertheless, for adult players it is of no less interest than children. What's more, when the role-playing game Yacht is played by adults, the gameplay becomes a truly action-packed spy detective. The yacht has long been a good classic example of a game scenario and deservedly takes its place in the file cabinet of any “armchair” role player. Even if you are far from the role-playing movement, and are quite a respectable person, this role-playing game, as a means of having an unforgettable time and taking a break from your serious problems and worries, will undoubtedly come in handy for you. Many firms dealing with the theme of corporate recreation take a lot of money for organizing the role-playing game "Yacht". Below, I will tell you how to download the game script and give you some tips that will greatly help the organizer to make Yacht more interesting and better.

So, if you are planning to become involved in this role-playing game as a player, then I categorically do not advise you to read the game script. Only the master should know the entire script. The tips written below can be read, as they are of a general nature and do not reveal the essence of the legend of the characters.

You can download the script for the role-playing game Yacht, and now let's get down to the tips:

There is a version of the scenario online that adds two more players, but this is for the most extreme case. These two roles are written into the game without changing the roles of other players, and in fact, no one needs them. I advise you to meet with all the players in advance, give them their roles (at least a couple of days in advance, since you need to get a grasp of the role and, ideally, make a costume). In addition, I recommend taking payments for the game (for consumables, etc.) in advance. It disciplines the players. If, nevertheless, one of the players refused at the last moment, urgently look for a replacement, or, what can you do, you need to start without any player. (the main thing is that the captain was J). If the missing player was supposed to have an important prop, we stage a suddenly dead character with the help of any toy and whoever has time to rummage around him, well done. In extreme cases, even without two players, the game can go with a bang.

According to the scenario of the role-playing game Yacht, you will need various props.

It is detailed in the rules, however, I will say the following:

  1. 1. The map can be printed, or you can draw it beautifully on whatman paper, if you have time and hands.
  2. The seal of the captain, you can buy at the kiosk of Rospechat (seals with Smeshariki are sold there).
  3. If you simply stick a piece of plasticine as a seal, it will easily peel off from the door jamb and stick back without a trace of opening. To avoid this annoying possibility of hacking, you can make real seals: we take a cap from under the soda, coat it with plasticine and tightly tape it into the door jamb. To the door, just as tightly we fasten a thin rope with adhesive tape. We wind the rope into the lid, to a slight tension and put a piece of plasticine on top, pressing the prospector into the lid. From above, on plasticine (preferably light colors), we stamp a signet. Thus, it will become impossible to open the room without damaging the seal. The sealing procedure must be carried out by the captain in the presence of the owner of the cargo, but the props must be glued with adhesive tape in advance.

According to the scenario, in almost any role-playing game for teenagers or adults, you will need a weapon.

Pistols can be used from children's pneumatics of two types: with plastic balls and with rubber bullets. The difference is as follows:

With plastic balls, the gun is easier to reload and there is a real magazine that can be removed. However, the bullets are small, and it is not always possible to notice whether you hit the enemy or not.

With rubber bullets, the gun will have to be reloaded like a musket, driving the bullets into the barrel after each shot. This bullet is much easier to find on the floor, pick up and use a second time.

Which option is preferable - decide for yourself, the main thing to remember is that All weapons must first be tested on yourself, on the strength of a shot at close range. Shooting point-blank (really point-blank) I recommend modeling like this: the shooter points a pistol into the enemy’s body and says “bang-bang”, after that he immediately lowers the barrel down and shoots at the floor. If the bullet flew out and the shot was successful, then the enemy was killed. If it turns out that before the bang-bang the shooter forgot to cock the gun, then there was no shot.

The entourage of the role-playing game "Yacht" can be provided by the following elements.

In addition to the general design of the room, you can download music from the 30s and 40s for the cabin campaign and the sounds of the sea for other rooms on torrents.

As a radio station, you can use not a typewriter, but a cell phone glued / tied to the captain's table (respectively, using a walkie-talkie is sending the right SMS or calling the right number). At the same time, do not forget to write down the number in this phone as a “radio station”.

Also, if you have portable radio stations, then you can organize a speakerphone from the captain's cabin to the entire yacht (and also make masterful announcements through them).

During the organization of the role-playing game Yacht, you need to take into account one flaw in the script.

More precisely, a phrase in the tasks of one of the players. He needs to "acquire a document confirming the right of ownership ...". No one can issue this document. Because of this, the game task becomes impossible. The solution is as follows: 1. Remove this phrase from the task. 2. Give the captain the powers of a notary (confirmation of transactions, weddings, issuance of death certificates, etc.). In other words, any document sealed (signature is not important) becomes legal. Well, except for passports, of course. The second option complicates the task of the first character and brings a little variety and side jobs to the life of the captain.

In almost every role-playing game, there are hard-core "bad guy" roles.

Otherwise, the role of the bad guy would be played by the master. Given that the game is pseudo-historical in nature, it is important to pay special attention to the issuance of such roles, especially if the game is played for teenagers. After the game, it is always necessary to give each player the opportunity to speak out. For those masters who will be especially stressed by the brutality of a number of roles, I recommend looking for a version of the Yacht about the Caribbean crisis. In fact, this is the same yacht, only a remake with different names and countries. But the remake, in terms of atmosphere, is worse than the original, so take it only as a last resort.

The finale of the plot-role-playing game "Yacht" can be beautifully beaten.

This can be done with the help of killed players. 5 minutes before the final in one of the rooms (preferably not a game room), we dress them all in camouflage (and the master also dresses), put on bulletproof vests (black bags with holes for the arms and head), paste the necessary chevrons with adhesive tape, distribute spare pistols ( the more weapons, the better). In two minutes we explain who they are. And at the moment when the game time expires, we break into the playing territory and then, depending on what chevrons you have on, do so. But in general, the process of victory should be driven by the winning players, and not special forces in camouflage (he only makes sure that no one else takes out pistols and tries to escape, well, he also controls the behavior of the winners, checks passports if necessary).

If you decide to enlighten your friends on the game according to the scenario of the yacht, then be sure to write how it went. Also, if you have any questions while preparing for the game, feel free to ask in the comments. I will help with all I can. And if there are other powerful scenarios in your file cabinet of role-playing games, I will be glad if you share the link.

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This post has 39 comments

  1. Leonid 27th May 2012 .

    Interesting. Tell me, in what place does the murder, the introduction to sleep and the search take place? Not in front of everyone. And how then does the put to sleep react to the put to sleep?

  2. Yuri 10th March 2013 .

    an interesting situation arose 12 guys and 3 girls was it worth rewriting the legends or just giving the girls male roles and the guys female?

  3. Denis 11th July 2013 .

    Hello! Decided to play the game on the other camp site. There are only 13 of us, so I excluded English intelligence from the game and edited the roles.
    A few questions.
    How is it possible that the flag will be moved not by the captain and the first mate? When will they be offered money, for example?
    how to open a safe with weapons in the game?

  4. Denis 12th July 2013 .

    In the role of the captain, it is written that he and the first mate are on duty in turn, but in the role of the first mate, this is not written.
    in the roles still in my opinion a mistake. the first mate of the sapota wrote that “Among the passengers, you recognized several more people: SS officer Peter Bocca (F. I. player), who rides under the name of Pierre Brusso, and José Balboa (F. I. player). You have never met them personally. You saw Peter Bock once in the Reich Chancellery. And you know Jose Balboa in absentia - his photograph appeared in the case of the laboratory, it was assumed that he was well acquainted with the author-developer of "Weapons of Retribution."

    José is a typo and refers to Tomaso?

    About the safe. - the captain has the key and they can steal it, redeem it probably? I'm interested in the game. Can it be hacked?

    About the management of the yacht is written only by Abraham Weinger (in addition to the captain and the first mate)

    Another question - is there enough poison for only 1 person?
    What about a sleeping pill?
    Where to put the antidote? Isn't it released to anyone?
    The seal and the false seal must be identical?
    Are real passports different from fake ones? on what basis?

  5. Vova 16th November 2013 .

    And how long does the game last?

  6. Elizabeth 2nd December 2014 .

    Good afternoon
    Tell me, please, where can I find more scenarios for cabinet role-playing games? I can't find any scripts on the internet.
    I really liked the yacht, but, unfortunately, we are not recruited 15 people.

  7. Roman 26th December 2014 .

    in the text document CAPTAIN FORMS, a link is given to this page and it says that on this page we will find out why the captain's forms are needed, unfortunately I did not find this (
    that was the first question.
    The second question: in the terms of the game it is said about a real phone and about real calls and SMS, where and to whom should they be sent?

    (As a radio station, you can use not a typewriter, but a cell phone glued / tied to the captain’s table (respectively, using a walkie-talkie is sending the right SMS or calling the right number)
    Or are we talking about masterful announcements, then in this case you don’t need to write or call anyone, and the phone may not be real, and I can pronounce announcements out loud ???!!!

  8. Roman 26th December 2014 .

    How to use radio?

  9. Roman 28th December 2014 .

    Please write an answer regarding the captain's forms!
    And it is not entirely clear how infection occurs, how to determine who has become infected.
    Thank you))

  10. Roman 28th December 2014 .

    Who should initially have an order for the right to issue funds ... and who should find it??

  11. Andrew 13th January 2015 .

    Hello, super scenario, there are only a couple of questions that I did not find answers to.

    If there are fewer than 15 players, which characters should be eliminated in order?

    In 1 of the comments I saw that there are other characters, where to find information about them, this is if more than 15 characters play

  12. Victor 14th January 2015 .

    How to "throw the body overboard"? Carry the dead man in your arms or tell him that I threw you overboard?

  13. lexrem 26th April 2015 .

    The question arose, are coffee / cookies in the bar sold for play money, or is it better not to bother with this and consider food included in the fare?

    Funny Reply:
    April 27th, 2015 at .

    In general, this is the captain's competence - this is his ship and his rules. But according to logic and torture, they are usually sold for 1-2 dollars a piece. The fact is that both the bartender and the captain will be able to earn extra money somehow + the bartender and the waiter do not have the feeling that they are wasting their time + eating like the rich on the ship. so the poor for whom 1-2 dollars is a significant amount. So it's better for the money, however. the captain can announce for free and make an exception for someone separate (sometimes the team is fed by the yacht)

    lexrem Reply:
    May 5th, 2015 at .

    I apologize for a possibly stupid question, but I can't figure it out. And how to attach the lid (for sealing) to the jamb with tape? Then cut a hole in the tape? But she won't hold on, will she? Or does it need to be tied to the end? Nothing comes to mind in any way ... I completely lost my ingenuity. 🙁

  14. lexrem 11th May 2015 .

    Thank you so much for your help, we played the game. The first time it turned out a little crumpled, but everyone just loved it terribly. If anyone is interested:

    Funny Reply:
    May 11th, 2015 at .

    Normal such money))
    How many people survived by the end of the game?

    lexrem Reply:
    May 14th, 2015 at .

    And by the way, here is the file, there is money, passports and slightly reworked add. roles that I used in the game.

    Maria Forest Reply:
    December 26th, 2016 at .

    You have Israel in additional roles. In 1945, there was no such state yet :) Do not kill historical authenticity))

  15. lexrem 14th May 2015 .
  16. Alex 5th February 2016 .

    What's the point of giving Sandra Trevolyan the skill to control the radio if the task of British intelligence is not to transmit anything over the frequencies?

  17. Alexander 17th April 2017 .

    Do I understand correctly that the captain's cabin is in a separate room so that no one can see who is there now? What about the cargo compartments? Should they be located so that no one sees that someone is approaching them? And another question: if, for example, the V-2 documents and the amber room are a folder and a box, respectively, then all players will immediately see if someone has taken possession of these items. What is the best way to avoid this?



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