Preparing for childbirth in a dog. How dogs give birth If suddenly your dog gives birth what to do

Pregnancy and childbirth in dogs. Whelping.

Whatever the breed and no matter how easily this bitch has bred before, she must not be left unattended during whelping. What kind of supervision is required depends largely on the nature of the bitch and her breed. Dogs that live in large kennels and don't have much human contact may prefer to whelp themselves and may often resent interference. However, even such bitches should not be left unattended during whelping. While they are puppies, they need to be looked after, but in order not to be too disturbing - after an hour or so. Bitches that occupy the position of a family member usually prefer to have their owner closer during whelping. And they feel better with his sympathetic attention.

So, you have already prepared a place for childbirth and keeping a dog with puppies, as mentioned earlier, it should be spacious enough, in proportion to the size of the dog, with two compartments: a bed and a place for walking puppies, the exit should be made so that the puppies cannot get out, and the dog could, although it is better that the door is closed completely, not all bitches are ready to spend most of the time with the litter. In addition to preparing an absolutely clean bed and whelping box, it is very important that the delivery room is well cleaned and disinfected. The bitch should be introduced to the new location and whelping crate at least ten days before whelping. But if she is the type of dog that is slow to get used to change, she can be moved to a new place earlier - two to three weeks before the expected whelping date. And in general, all preparation for whelping should be carried out in advance, taking into account, if possible, all the chances.

Prepare also a "birthing kit" so that everything you need is at your fingertips.

maternity kit :

- old duvet covers or large disposable diapers (60 * 90), on which the bitch will whelp (disposable diapers are preferable - less washing, and more cleanliness);

- a lot of small soft rags ironed with a hot iron from old bed linen (to wipe the puppies);

- sterile gauze wipes (usually unnecessarily, the puppy's mouth is dried with a piece of cloth, into which, in fact, the puppy is accepted);

- a pen, notebook, scales and thick woolen threads or ribbons (it is better to use floss, because the bitch licks and removes woolen threads);

- a bowl for afterbirth;

- a box or bowl for puppies with a heating pad (wrap in a diaper) - this is in case the bitch behaves restlessly in childbirth and there is a risk of losing puppies ... the best option is a bitch giving birth with puppies at the nipples;

- sterile scissors and a medical clamp (it is not necessary to boil, at the beginning of childbirth, place in a jar with any alcohol);

- a bar of milk chocolate;

- cinnamon powder - for mild stimulation of weak contractions and attempts;

- antiseptic, better spray (Aluminum, Xidikol, Septonex) for treating the umbilical cord.

As well aspuppy resuscitation kit :

- cordiamine to stimulate cardiac activity (a drop on the tongue of a newborn);

- an oxygen canister (let a weak puppy breathe), costs about 400 rubles in pharmacies;

- a small rubber heating pad;

- a small enema for sucking mucus from the mouth of a very weak puppy.

As for drugs, they will not be needed during normal childbirth, and if you really had to resort to the help of a veterinarian, then he will have the necessary set.

Essential medical kit

– Homeopathic preparations: Ovariovit, Travmatin, Mastometrin;

- hydrogen peroxide;

- glucose 40% - 2-3 ampoules - for soldering the bitch during prolonged labor;

- Oxytocin (gefetocin or mamafisin) - 2-3 ampoules for quick stimulation of contractions or rejection of an unreleased placenta (as prescribed by a doctor!).

- No-shpa - 2-3 ampoules;

- Corvalol or valocardin - 5-10 drops immediately after the end of childbirth to prevent "birth hysteria", if necessary, repeat every 4 hours;

– Calcium gluconate 2 ampoules;

- 1-2 ml syringes for injections if necessary (+ 5-10 ml for subcutaneous injections depending on the size of the dog);

You will also need a watch to mark the time of the puppies' births and a notepad to record the details of the puppies (these will come in handy in the future), in a conspicuous place - the phone number of your veterinarian. It is also great to have a scale for weighing newborn puppies. The weight of the puppy at birth, among other details of whelping, should also be recorded in a notebook.

Bitches usually whelp between 58 and 63 days. Large litters are born earlier, and small ones a little later. In small breeds, bitches usually mate three days earlier than usual. In the last days before whelping, you need to monitor the body temperature of the bitch. The normal temperature measured in the anus is about 38.5°C. Two days before giving birth, the bitch's temperature usually drops to 37°C or even lower. But since this is not always the case, you need to be attentive to all other signs of approaching whelping. And yet, more often than not, if the temperature remains normal, then the bitch is unlikely to whelp in the next 24 hours. Before whelping, it is good to give the bitch a not very strong laxative so that she clears the intestines.

The most objective indicators of the last days of pregnancy are :

1. lowering of the abdomen. Puppies are well palpable and move (7-10 days before birth);

2. Relaxation of the ligaments of the pelvis, the appearance of mobility of the sacral bone (2-3 days before delivery);

3. The appearance of viscous transparent discharge from the vagina - the mucous plug leaves (2-3 days before the onset of labor);

4. Drop in body temperature by 1.5 - 2 degrees - 1 day.

It is better if 2-3 days before the expected birth, you call the veterinarian or clinic, warning in advance of a possible call, in any case, the necessary phone numbers should be in a conspicuous place.

First signs

A few days before giving birth, the bitch will probably refuse to go far from home for a regular walk, will seek a place to be alone, may refuse to eat. Many dogs, especially at the first whelping, become very restless, running around the house in desperation. They often whine and moan. They begin to scrape in the corners or tear their bedding, showing with all appearance that they do not feel well at all. Before giving birth, the bitch becomes more tender and especially affectionate with her owners. A few hours before the start of the fight, she often lies in a very typical position, so dogs rarely lie - she lies down with her front legs fully extended, her head lowered between them with a particularly mournful expression of her eyes. She looks pleadingly at her master all the time, it is noticeable how worried she is.

If the dog is whelping for the first time, it is better if you show it to a veterinarian 2-3 days before the birth. A few days before giving birth, milk appears, especially in dogs that have already given birth, the stomach drops, the topline sags. But it must be taken into account at the first birth, and especially with small litters, all these signs may be unexpressed.


A few hours before the onset of contractions, the vagina swells, the loop becomes very soft, thick, sticky secretions appear from it, which dog breeders often do not notice, especially in small breed bitches. At the same time, the temperature drops to 37°C.

Whelping begins with a restless state, often accompanied by trembling, the dog may at times pant rapidly, scraping and tearing the bedding in the crate. This condition can last from one to 24 hours. Therefore, be patient, do not fuss and do not excite the dog. So far everything is going according to plan.

The stages of labor activity can be divided into three parts:

First stage - expansion of the birth canal.

Second stage - breeding a puppy, when contractions are visible and felt, it continues with normal childbirth up to two hours.

Third stage - removal of the placenta and membranes. They usually come out within 5-15 minutes after the puppy is born. Sometimes they go out with the next puppy.

The anxiety stage, which appears at the beginning of whelping, is caused by an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. The contractions of the uterus at this time are still irregular and weak, so they are not noticeable. Between contractions, the muscles of the uterus relax and gradually the body of the uterus, the vagina and the loop expand. The pains are initially vague and uncomfortable, so the dog becomes more and more restless. She looks back anxiously, turns around, then lies down, but soon gets up again, it is definitely noticeable how unwell she is. Some bitches vomit at this time, almost all refuse to eat. Abundant mucous secretions appear from the loop, which lubricate the birth canal, preparing them for the passage of the puppy. Until the contractions become strong, regular and noticeable, they cannot harm the bitch or puppy.


With an increase in the intensity of labor pains, the second stage begins, when uterine contractions - contractions - are joined by attempts - contractions of the abdominal muscles. At this time, the bitch usually lies down and when she strains, she firmly presses her back and croup against the wall of the box. Well, if she has at the same time an emphasis for paws.

Most females whelp lying on their right side, but some prefer to whelp standing up, others do this and that. Gradually, the water bubble with the puppy is pushed through the opening of the pelvis into the vagina. First, the water bubble presses on the cervix and passes into the birth canal, gradually the canal becomes softer and expands more and more, until, finally, the uterus, cervix and vagina make up one wide birth canal.

In the second stage of labor, uterine contractions can be felt by placing a hand on the female's abdomen. Contractions become regular, strong, and the uterus hardens with each contraction and then gradually relaxes. In the intervals between contractions, the bitch relaxes, breathes heavily and looks with an absent look. During contractions, she may even scream.

The appearance of puppies

The logical conclusion of the attempts should be the appearance of a puppy. Gradually, the water bubble with the puppy enters the pelvis under the action of contractions, and then it is pushed further towards the exit from the vagina, passing part of the way with each strong contraction. The lowest pup in the uterine horn comes out first, unfortunately it is often the largest in the litter and therefore the most difficult to birth. Often in this section of the puppy's path, with the greatest force of the contraction, the bubble breaks. Sometimes he appears from the loop several times and disappears again.

The appearance of a water bladder should not be confused with the harbinger of the birth of a puppy with a fetal bladder and the bladder that appeared from the loop during attempts should be torn. This cannot be done.

It is easy to determine if the puppy is walking by feeling the crotch above the loop. There will be noticeable swelling - it must be touched. If there is a bubble, it will be soft to the touch, and the puppy will feel like something solid and solid. After the bubble bursts, nature allows the dog to rest a little to gather strength for the last very strong, even powerful contractions before the birth of the puppy. These contractions are extremely painful and exhausting, accompanied by strong contractions of the muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm. All these muscle movements push the passive puppies until finally the first one comes out.

The puppy is usually born head first, back up. Gradually, the puppy moves along the birth canal, and his head reaches the loop. At this point, the bitch has a short rest before the next contraction, which should push the puppy's shoulders through the opening of the pelvis, this is the most difficult moment in the birth of the puppy, after which he simply slips out of the birth canal.

Usually a puppy is born in a bubble, sometimes the bubble bursts at the time of birth. While the puppy was walking through the birth canal, the placenta began to separate, sometimes it manages to separate from the wall of the uterus, and by the time the puppy comes out, it can follow the umbilical cord along with it.

Department of the placenta

After the puppy is expelled, there is usually another contraction before they stop for a while, this contraction pushing out the membranes and the placenta if it did not come out with the puppy. After the puppy exits the uterus, it contracts in size, which causes the complete separation of the placenta and at the same time the contraction and closure of the blood vessels damaged during the separation of the placenta. The uterus contracts rapidly and the cervix remains open so that the membranes and placenta are expelled easily and are usually expelled immediately after each pup is born. Sometimes their exit may be delayed, but then the last one will push the puppy following in front of it.

Not all dogs attempt to remove the sheath from the puppy and treat the umbilical cord. Of course, the bitch must be allowed to rest, but it is very important that the host quickly breaks the membrane of the amniotic sac near the muzzle of the newborn puppy, otherwise he may suffocate.

If the whelping goes without complications, then the bitch herself tears the shell of the bubble with her teeth, frees the puppy, and then bites the umbilical cord. She should be allowed to do all this herself if she wants to. The exceptions are round-headed breeds such as Bulldogs and Pekingese, some toy breeds, and any other breed with bad teeth. Some dogs, especially from disproportionately built breeds, have a hard time whelping, they cannot bend over and reach their loop until all the puppies are born, so they cannot help them at birth. In this case, the entire processing of the puppy must be carried out by a person.

All bitches, regardless of breed, should be supervised at this stage of whelping, as some bitches can be very rough with their babies, especially if they have not had puppies before. Some bitches pull the umbilical cord with their teeth even after they have bitten it. Do not let the bitch do this, as an umbilical hernia may form.

The puppies are usually born strong and healthy, being licked hard by their mother and quite roughly nudged and turned over. This is great because it stimulates the puppies in every way, especially breathing and circulation. Thorough licking dries out the puppies and causes the first stool. A strong pup knows exactly how to reach the nipple, and some puppies get to the rear nipples and start suckling while connected to the mother by the umbilical cord, that is, before they are fully born. Sucking puppies stimulates uterine contractions and speeds up whelping.

It's important to know! If more than 2 hours have passed from the moment of the onset of attempts and the departure of water to the appearance of the fetus, this is an occasion to urgently resort to the help of a veterinary specialist!

Puppies stuck in the birth canal, especially if the bladder has burst, will die without assistance, and can also put the health of the dog itself at risk.

Branch of the umbilical cord

If the bitch has not bitten the umbilical cord, it can be easily torn. The umbilical cord has an area where it is weakened and often breaks itself in this place. The best case is when the umbilical cord is long enough and does not break during the birth of the puppy, and the placenta comes out with or immediately after the puppy. In this case, you should first help the bitch to release the puppy from the membranes and wipe it from the mucus, only after that you can deal with the umbilical cord. The puppy should not be allowed to crawl, dragging the placenta along the umbilical cord, as an umbilical hernia may occur.

Before separating the umbilical cord, you need to carefully "milk" the blood in it towards the puppy. This will be his last internal nourishment from his mother. Do not cut the umbilical cord - this usually causes a little bleeding, which weakens the puppy. If, after the birth of the puppy, the placenta is still in the birth canal, then, after squeezing the blood, clamp the part of the umbilical cord at the very loop of the bitch with medical surgical forceps. In this way, you can keep the placenta so that after the rupture of the umbilical cord it does not go back into the uterus. Now grab the umbilical cord with your thumb and forefinger at a distance of 2-3 cm from the puppy's stomach, and with the index and thumb of the other hand even further from the puppy's tummy, about 2-3 cm. Keep the hand farthest from the puppy completely still. With the hand closest to the puppy, pull the umbilical cord towards the puppy and it will immediately break. In this case, the blood vessels stretch and narrow, there will be no bleeding and there will be no need to tie the umbilical cord. There is also no need to use any antiseptic and certainly not iodine!

If the puppy comes out without a shell, if he is covered in blood or green liquid, it is very important to free his nose and mouth from this so that he can start breathing on his own as soon as possible.


Most dogs puppies every 15-30 minutes. Sometimes 4-6 puppies will be born one after the other, and then if the litter is large, there may be a break of 1-2 hours before the next batch of puppies arrive. A litter of 12-14 puppies often takes anywhere from a few hours to a full day, and sometimes it can take longer.

When a bitch is too exhausted after giving birth to a puppy and refuses to lick and stimulate it, this should be done with a hard heated towel by the delivery person.

The delay in the release of the next puppy for more than 2-2.5 hours is a reason to call the veterinarian!

The afterbirth is called everything that comes out with the puppy - the fetal membranes, the umbilical cord and the placenta. Sometimes the umbilical cord is so short that at the time of the birth of the puppy itself is torn from tension and the placenta, not having time to leave, remains in the uterus or in the vagina. After 15 minutes, she comes out on her own or is pushed out at birth by the next puppy.

The afterbirths must be counted and thus the number of afterbirths eaten by the bitch, and possibly not coming out at all, can be established.

Most often, the release of placenta from puppies born last is delayed. These puppies may have occupied the far end of the uterine horn and take longer to exit. If by chance the placenta or parts of it remain in the uterus, metritis may develop, i.e. inflammation of the uterus and the consequences of this will be extremely serious.

If there is any doubt about the release of all afterbirths or the delivery of the last placenta is delayed, you need to call a veterinarian.

It's important to know! If the placenta or dead puppy is not removed from the uterus within 60 hours after birth, the dog will die!

newborn puppy

Immediately after birth, the shell must be removed from the puppy so that he can breathe: this is done by the bitch or the person taking delivery. The puppy usually opens its mouth once or twice, then begins to breathe. At first, breathing is shallow and rather weak, but soon it becomes completely normal. A very bad sign if the puppy is breathing with its mouth open. Some puppies will be born as if completely dead, motionless and without signs of breathing. It is very important that the puppy starts breathing immediately after birth. As soon as breathing returns to normal, he will crawl with great energy to the mother's nipples, quickly find the nipple and begin to suck.

The first milk - colostrum - contains a mild laxative and it is very important that this milk enters the puppy's intestines as soon as possible. It stimulates peristalsis and promotes bowel movements. A puppy's first stool (meconium) is a black, sticky mass that accumulates in the intestines before birth. It is important that the meconium is passed as soon as possible, because until this happens, normal digestion cannot begin. When a bitch licks a puppy, she also stimulates intestinal activity. If a weak puppy is born, he has to be helped additionally by massaging the tummy with a small piece of moistened cotton until he empties his intestines.

Childbirth in a dog is a rather “dirty process”, so change the litter after the birth of each puppy and the afterbirth, do not force the dog and puppies to lie in a puddle and mud!

After whelping

As soon as the bitch finishes whelping, she should be given some warm tea with milk and glucose. During whelping, in between the births of puppies, she should also be offered a warm drink, as well as a small piece. The birth of puppies is a big test for a bitch. The amount of fluid she loses with water blisters and bleeding should be gradually replaced. She should not be allowed to drink too much immediately after whelping - she should be offered to drink a little, but often.

The bitch will be very tired after the effort, and in order to restore her strength, she must be kept warm, not disturbed and left for a while completely alone with her puppies.

After giving birth, there will be spotting for some time, especially noticeable in females of large breeds. These discharges will continue for a week or a little longer.

The bitch will have a rather weak stomach for a few days after whelping, this is considered normal, although if the stomach seems to be working very badly, the bitch should be given a few tablets of activated charcoal. Strong medications should not be given because whatever the bitch takes will be passed on to the puppies through her milk.

Nutrition in the first days after childbirth should also be in small portions and dietary. If the bitch is given too high a calorie diet immediately after whelping, milk production can be overstimulated and there will be much more than the puppies need. This can cause overflow of the mammary glands, and then their inflammation, especially if the litter is small. Natural raw meat should not be given in the first week!

In the first week, the bitch should be taken away from the puppies so that she can relieve herself, four times a day for about 5-10 minutes each time. In the second week, the walk time can be increased to 15-30 minutes. Walking stimulates the secretion of milk, in addition, at least minimal physical activity is needed so that the bitch gradually restores her condition.

After walking, the nipples should be wiped with a damp cloth and dried, after which you can allow the bitch to return to the puppies.

It must be remembered that at this time the bitch is experiencing great mental and physiological stress and it is better that no one disturbs her when she lies in the “nest” with her puppies. Cleaning in the box should be done in the absence of the bitch, while she is on a walk. In these early days it is best to keep the bitch out of the way, the owner should refrain from displaying the cute litter to his friends until the puppies are a little older and the bitch is no longer so nervous. The appearance of strangers is usually very upsetting for the bitch, especially if she is a very caring mother.

Here we have described how normal births occur in dogs, but we must always remember that there are often deviations from the norm, in the form of an incorrect presentation of puppies, narrow birth canals in a dog, large puppies, etc. This is especially true for owners of dogs of the so-called "extreme" breeds: toy breeds, breeds of dogs with a shortened muzzle, giant breeds. It is important to remember that with all the deviations from the norm that we talked about here, you must urgently contact veterinary care, and not try to correct the situation yourself.

Childbirth is a process that cannot be stopped or delayed, so “wait for everything to work out” in this case is unacceptable!

Used materials of the article from the site

You need to prepare: clean soft cloths for wiping the puppies, a hand towel, sterile gauze wipes, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, bandage, cotton swabs, vaseline oil, a heating pad, a small box for weaning puppies during the birth of the next, a bowl for the placenta, sterile scissors .

In the pharmacy you need to buy insulin syringes, oxytocin, decynon (hemostatic), calcium gluconate, sulfocamphocaine or magnesia (heart drugs), do not forget to calm yourself.

Be sure to prepare a box for childbirth with low sides. At the bottom, you can put a dense rug wrapped in waterproof diapers.

During childbirth, you can not leave the dog alone even for a minute. You should always be ready to help her. During contractions, the bitch will begin to worry, and during breaks she may lie down. You must make sure that she does not jump from a chair to a sofa or from a sofa to the floor!

Keep a close eye on the dog's loop. As soon as the bubble appears, then the firstborn will be born soon.

During childbirth

In no case do not try to break through this bubble or pull it out. Watch what position the puppies are in. They can be born with their head and hind legs forward. If the puppy comes out with its hind legs, then it must go with its legs down.

In the event that the puppy comes out with its hind legs up, try turning it around. To do this, lubricate with Vaseline, cleanly washed and disinfected fingers, insert them into the loop and try to turn the puppy to the correct position clockwise.

If the head comes out and the dog's pushing stops, stroke the dog's belly with strong but gentle strokes from the ribs to the pelvis. This should trigger a new attempt.

If the pushing has stopped and the puppy is stuck halfway, coming out with its hind legs first, your help is needed. To do this, you need to take a gauze napkin, wrap the back of the puppy and move it with a twisting movement in a spiral, clockwise and towards you. Don't pull the puppy, just move it! This should cause a push.

If this does not help, then massage the abdomen and, after waiting for an attempt, carefully pull the puppy out. In no case do not pull the puppy without an attempt, this can cause numerous ruptures of the uterus.

When the puppy was born, he needs to cut off the umbilical cord at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the puppy's abdomen, treat it with hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Rub the puppy with a soft cloth, he should squeak. Give the baby to the mother immediately. Help him take the nipple if he can't.

As soon as the next attempts have begun, the born puppies must be removed in a separate box and closed so that they do not freeze. On the first day, the temperature in their nest should be at least 28 ° C.

After childbirth

If, after giving birth, the bitch has scarlet, and not brown blood, then there have been ruptures and a hemostatic injection of decynon should be given. Enough 0.2 cubic meters.

When all puppies have been born, count the number of afterbirths. There should be as many of them as there are puppies. If you are still sure that one or more afterbirths did not work out, wait a few hours.

If everything remains unchanged, inject oxytocin 0.2-0.3 cc. If this did not help, and the bitch began to have greenish discharge, call the doctor immediately!

On the first day after birth, measure the temperature. The norm is up to 39 degrees. If the temperature rises, and atypical greenish or purulent discharge is observed, be sure to call a doctor. Delay can cost the dog his life.

If the dog eats willingly and the mood is good, then the birth was successful and there is no need to worry.

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The birth of a new life is always extremely pleasant. But taking part in childbirth is a responsible and rather complicated matter. For such an event, one must be prepared not only physically, but also mentally.

You will need

  • clean rags, scissors, small boxes, soft rags, heating pad or lamp (heat source).


First you need to know that the gestational age is 62-65 days. Therefore, starting from the 60th day, you must be extremely attentive to the condition of your pet. It is recommended to take leave during the last term of pregnancy and for the first time until the puppies grow up. The fact is that mother dogs differ, for example, from mothers in that a cat will never crush her kitten, but a dog, alas, can easily. In addition, childbirth is a very complex process. Especially if the dog is the first time, she has no experience, and it will be very difficult for her to cope, which can subsequently lead to the death of puppies.

To understand that childbirth is about to begin, it is necessary to observe the dog. Approximately 24 hours before birth, the dog's body temperature drops (38-39 degrees). The dog becomes restless, tries to hide, hide. By this time, clean rags, scissors, small boxes (preferably from under shoes), a soft cloth, a table lamp or a heating pad should already be ready.

Childbirth begins with discharge from the female's vagina, dark mucus appears, after a while attempts begin (or, in other words, contractions). By this time everything should be ready. Perhaps the dog will start at night, but never, at any time of the day, you should not leave him alone. For a dog, the presence of the owner is a moral support. After the onset of contractions, after a while, a fetus should appear in the opening of the vagina. At this stage, the puppy is surrounded by a fetal membrane (bladder). In no case should you pierce it until the baby's head is completely on the surface, otherwise the puppy will choke on the amniotic fluid. After the puppy has appeared, it is worth helping the dog with the umbilical cord. To begin with, you can slightly pull the umbilical cord towards the fetus (but only very carefully, not with sudden movements), after the puppy, the afterbirth should come out. You can offer the dog to gnaw the umbilical cord itself, or you can use scissors to carefully cut it, leaving at least 2 cm from the puppy. It is advisable to let the dog eat the afterbirth, at least one from the entire litter. Childbirth can last from 1 hour to 2 days, depending on the number of puppies and the complexity of the birth. Don't worry if the puppy walks feet first - a third of the puppies in a litter can be born this way. In this case, the main thing to remember is that you should not pull the puppy and in no case should you damage the bladder, otherwise the baby's chances of survival will be almost zero.

After the birth of each puppy, it should be wiped with a soft, warm cloth, and the mouth should be cleaned of amniotic fluid. Sometimes it happens that the baby has to be resuscitated - if the fetus does not breathe, but it moved during childbirth, it may still be possible to save it. In this case, an indirect heart massage should be done. It's quite difficult, but the effort is worth the life saved. To help the baby, you should put a soft cloth on your hand that warms well and with your finger, gently rub the baby's chest, thus starting his heart. You can also try to pipette excess fluid from the lungs with a pipette - for this, it is enough to put pipettes with pre-deflated air into the baby's mouth. If there is no liquid, a few “breaths” and “exhalations” can be made with a pipette, i.e. create artificial lung ventilation. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to fully expect that the baby will get out, but there is still a chance. Next, you should put the puppies to the chest and make sure that the kids stick to it. Immediately after childbirth, colostrum appears (the most useful). Further, after 10-15 minutes, you should put the baby in a box, previously covered with a soft cloth. After giving birth, all bedding should be changed to clean rags. Boxes with cubs should be kept near the female, in front of her, so that she does not worry.


If you are afraid to give birth, you have no experience or weak nerves, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian. Many veterinary clinics provide home visit services.

Useful advice

If you have children who are curious to see puppies being born, it’s better not to let them go to birth, firstly, this can injure the child’s psyche, and secondly, it will cause unnecessary anxiety in the dog.


  • breeds of toy terriers

The appearance of puppies in a dog is a joyful event that the owners need to approach responsibly. Often, ignorant people believe that pets do not need any help and are able to cope with childbirth on their own. However, this opinion is erroneous. Childbirth is a great stress for the dog and can be fraught with complications. It is very important that the owner at this moment be present next to the pet, be able to provide her with the necessary assistance and be able to call the veterinarian at home in an emergency.

You will need

  • - sharp scissors with blunt tips for cutting the umbilical cord;
  • - medical alcohol for disinfection of scissors;
  • - iodine or brilliant green;
  • - potassium permanganate;
  • - bandage;
  • - threads for bandaging the umbilical cord;
  • - sterile cotton wool and gauze;
  • - several conventional syringes;
  • - several insulin syringes;
  • - sterile medical gloves;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - vaseline oil or "Levomekol";
  • - sterile diapers or towels for wiping newborn puppies;
  • - box for puppies;
  • - a box for giving birth to a dog;
  • - a small mattress or a warm blanket;
  • - polyethylene film;
  • - a clean pillowcase;
  • - warmer;
  • - silk surgical thread, cut into pieces of 10-15 cm.


At the preparatory stage for childbirth, care must be taken to have a place. It needs to be arranged approximately one and a half weeks before the expected date. Usually, before giving birth, the dog chooses a convenient place on its own. However, she needs the owner's close attention throughout the process, so she should not be allowed to hide under the bed or settle in another secluded place.

You can place your dog on a mattress by laying it on the floor and covering it with cling film and sterile absorbent pads. But the bed is not suitable for, because if the owner is distracted for a second, a pet or a newly born puppy can fall from it, which is fraught with sad consequences.

It is better to use a box for giving birth to a dog. The latter should be protected from drafts and spacious enough. The place should have free access so that you can help your pet in a timely manner.

Waiting for the replenishment of the family is a troublesome and exciting business, maternity hospitals and professionally trained doctors are “invented” for people, and dogs have only their owners. But the feeling of "the closer, the scarier" is identical for both cases, especially if your pet is becoming a mother for the first time. “Obstetricians” without experience need to prepare in advance, from the moment of mating to the first signs of childbirth in dogs, two months of waiting pass, but more on that below.

Depending on the breed and the rate of physical maturation, females begin at 7–12 months of age. Breeding rules are slightly different in different countries, regions and even clubs, but the "law" of mating in 3 estrus has not lost its relevance and validity for decades. Based on the cycle, depending on the size of the female, she is untied no earlier than 1.5–2.5 years.

Males show sexual activity much earlier, sometimes, a 2-3 month old puppy tries to “jump” on the chosen one, not quite realizing what exactly he is doing. However, males mature mentally and physically later than females, this applies to all mammals, including humans. The normal age for the first mating of a male is 2 years, for small breed dogs - 1.5.

Ignoring the above "law" brings problems to everyone. The female may become sterile or lose health. The male will sacrifice mental stability and duration of sexual life. Owners run the risk of getting weak or defective offspring that will be culled from breeding.

Stages of development of pregnancy

Things to know before giving birth to a dog

To beginner "dog breeders" - absolutely all dogs have a genetic memory of behavior in childbirth. If there are no complications, the dog will give birth completely on its own. "Problem" in terms of breeding pets need mandatory "accompaniment" in childbirth.

Childbirth in a dog requires a responsible approach to their preparation, especially if the owner of the animal decided to take part himself and help newborns to be born. The efforts of the pet owner should be aimed at maintaining the health of the female and getting viable offspring. Some dog owners believe that there is no need to interfere with the natural process of childbirth. But it is worth remembering that childbirth is stressful for a bitch and she needs moral support. In addition, different breeds of animals have anatomical and physiological features, fixed by selection, which can make childbirth difficult.

Before giving birth, you should consult with a professional - if there is any pathology, and whether the birth will go smoothly. You need to take the contacts of the veterinarian, in case something goes wrong.

1.5 weeks before the birth, you need to equip the "rodzal" for the dog. It is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the animal so as not to miss the time of preparation for the upcoming birth. It is best to choose a "family nest" according to the size of the dog, so that it is convenient for her to rest against the walls during contractions.

Along the perimeter of the box from the inside, it is necessary to strengthen the bar at a height corresponding to the lying bitch in order to prevent injury to the puppies crawling along the bottom of the box. The bottom should be lined with a soft natural light-colored cloth so that stains are visible and it is possible to change the soiled diaper in time. It is better to place a dense mattress under the diaper.

The outer wall of the box should be lower, but a threshold is needed to prevent the puppies from leaving it. In addition, prepare a separate box for weaning newborn puppies. At the bottom you need to put a warm heating pad covered with a diaper.

In addition, the dog should be accustomed to the box in advance so that at a crucial moment she does not go to give birth in a secluded place, which may be inconvenient for observing the birth of the owner. Immediately before childbirth, place the necessary tools and medicines within reach. The tools should be:

  • a thermometer for monitoring the temperature of a dog;
  • a tray with sterile instruments - sharp scissors, a medical clamp, syringes;
  • sterile dressing material - cotton wool, gauze wipes, bandage, surgical threads.

And medicines:

  • medical alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • several ampoules with 5% glucose solution;
  • ampoules of the drug "Traumeel" for pain relief, stopping bleeding and relieving inflammation;
  • ointment 10% "Synthomycin".

Other drugs may be needed, a list of which should be compiled by a veterinarian. The dog also needs to be prepared for childbirth:

  • wash and blot with a towel the genitals and belly of the dog with warm water;
  • if the hair on the stomach is long, then it should be cut off in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe loop and “panties”;
  • if the hair on the muzzle is long, it is also trimmed so as not to interfere with the dog biting the umbilical cord.

You should be guided by those signs that indicate the approaching birth, so as not to miss the moment the first puppy appears.

Signs of an upcoming birth

A couple of days before the onset of labor, the dog is nervous, rushing about, showing signs of anxiety, as rising intra-abdominal pressure and still weak contractions cause pain to the dog. From the birth canal, a sticky mucous liquid is released - a cork. The dog worries, licks the genital area. Rapid, shallow breathing and increased heart rate become noticeable.

A sign by which the owner may know that there are several hours left before the birth is a decrease in the body temperature of the animal. If you put your hand on the dog's stomach, it will become noticeable that the puppies have stopped moving, which means that contractions will begin soon. If after these signs of contractions there are no more than a day, then you should seek help from a veterinarian.

During childbirth, some dogs push while standing, but most take a characteristic position - they lie on their side, with outstretched paws and their backs rest against the walls of the box. A few hours before birth, amniotic fluid leaves, which "disinfect" the exit path of newborns.

The amniotic fluid that fills the outer or "water" bladder serves to waterproof the puppy. The outer bladder ruptures on its own, in some cases the dog gnaws through it. You should not try to break through the bubble, so as not to damage the inner shells. After the amniotic bladder has opened, prolactin is released into the bloodstream, stimulating the contraction of the walls of the uterus and abdominal muscles.

Stages of the birth process

During contraction, the inner bubble is "pushed" outward. Sometimes the placenta, which is attached to the inner wall of the uterus and is connected by the umbilical cord to the puppy, is separated even inside the birth canal and comes out along with the bladder in which it is located. The most difficult moment is the exit of the shoulders and withers - the widest part of the body, beyond the pelvic ring. After the appearance of each next puppy in the fights, there is a pause and only at the next fight does the last one come out.

Between two newborns, the muscles of the uterine wall contract, the damaged blood vessels "collapse", which prevents bleeding. At the same time, the cervix of the uterus continues to remain open, and at the next contraction, the placenta comes out through it. If her exit is delayed, then the next puppy, being born, pushes the placenta out.

A puppy is usually born in a bladder, which the dog ruptures itself. Then he bites the umbilical cord. This is a natural instinct, you should let the dog do everything by itself. The exception is dog breeds with a short muzzle. They have poorly developed jaws, and it is difficult for them to independently release the puppy from the bladder surrounding it. Dogs with a disproportionately shaped torso may have difficulty reaching for the umbilical cord until all puppies are born, so they need assistance with delivery.

Dogs that are puppies for the first time may incorrectly bite the umbilical cord, tugging at it after they have already had a bite. You should not allow the female to do this - this can lead to a hernia.

It sometimes seems to the owner that the dog treats the newborn puppy roughly - turns it over, pushes it with its nose, licks it. This is a normal behavior that stimulates all the functions of the newborn - breathing, blood circulation, fecal excretion. A healthy puppy immediately looks for a nipple, some, still connected by the umbilical cord, fall to the rear nipples. This stimulates uterine contraction and accelerates labor.

The reflex action of a dog, which is inherent in all predatory animals, is eating the placenta. The question is whether it is worth allowing the dog to do this. The placenta contains many nutrients and hormones that promote lactation, accelerate labor activity. Experienced dog breeders believe that a bitch should not be allowed to eat more than three afterbirths. A larger amount will lead to colic, diarrhea. Perhaps that is why veterinarians are against eating the bitch placenta. They believe that, unlike wild animals, a domestic dog has a fairly complete diet and no afterbirth.

Help in childbirth

The owner must know how to give birth to a dog in order, for example, to follow the process of releasing newborn babies from the amniotic sac. You should help the dog to do this, and if it refuses, then release the puppy yourself, wipe it with a warm natural cloth, and then only proceed to cutting the umbilical cord. An experienced dog breeder will never allow a puppy to crawl with the umbilical cord, otherwise, when pulled, an injury to the umbilical ring may occur.

Even if the child's place came out after the baby, the umbilical cord may be too short. Then cutting the umbilical cord is a must, as the dog can injure the newborn by biting the umbilical cord.

It is better to break the umbilical cord - there is a place on it where it is easily torn, while the vessels collapse and prevent bleeding so as not to weaken the puppy. To do this, the host presses the umbilical cord 2-3 cm below the loop with a surgical forceps. This will prevent the placenta from returning back into the body at the next contraction. During the subsequent contraction, you need to carefully pull the tip of the umbilical cord and pull the child's place out.

It is necessary to intercept the umbilical cord in two places - 2-3 cm from the puppy's tummy, "driving" the blood from the umbilical cord to the newborn's body, and 5-6 cm further. By pulling to the sides, the umbilical cord is torn, and if there is no bleeding, then there is no need to tie the umbilical cord and treat it with peroxide. If the umbilical cord is too strong and had to be cut with sterile scissors, then bleeding is noted, and the umbilical cord is tied with alcohol-treated silk thread.

If the puppy is not breathing due to the fact that blood or mucus has entered the respiratory tract, then it is urgent to release them and let the dog lick the puppy, stimulating breathing. Prolonged labor can weaken the dog so much that she refuses to lick the puppies, then this should be done with the help of a heated towel by the owner.

In addition, the owner must carefully monitor the number of afterbirths. There should be as many of them as puppies were born. Sometimes when the last of a litter of puppies is born, the placenta can remain inside the uterus, causing it to become inflamed and the dog to become seriously ill. If the placenta could not be removed, it is urgent to contact a veterinarian to administer a medicine that stimulates the expulsion of the placenta.

Before giving birth, it is recommended to undergo an x-ray to find out the exact number of puppies and subsequently monitor their output. Sometimes the last, weakest puppy cannot come out, and the dog is too weak during childbirth. Then there is a possibility that the puppy will die and blood poisoning will begin.

Puppies can be weaned for the duration of the birth, but it is better to leave them with the dog, as this will be beneficial for both the bitch and the puppies. Attentive attitude to the dog and knowledge of the birth process will ensure the health of the dog and offspring.

The process of childbirth in a dog usually goes well. The animal is able to cope with its biological mission without outside help. Nevertheless, the owners are anxiously waiting for this event, worrying that their pet will not be able to give birth or bleeding will open. It is better to prepare for a possible force majeure. At a minimum, you need to know the signs of the onset of the process and the symptoms of its pathological course.

Veterinarians recommend preparing for the upcoming birth of an animal in advance, even before mating. It is necessary to examine the pet to find out if she can normally bear offspring.

prenatal period

At this time, it is important to provide the expectant mother with good living conditions, care, medical supervision, diet and exercise. From the 55th day of pregnancy, the average duration of which is 58-68 days, you need to be "fully armed": puppies can appear at any time.

Engage in preparing a comfortable place for childbirth. This is usually a secluded corner, protected from drafts, where the bitch will feel calm, comfortable and safe. Organize in advance the future "rodzal" - a spacious box covered with an old blanket, a clean sheet or a diaper. Do not even consider a place in the passage room. A crowd of people will unnerve the dog, but the presence of a beloved owner is necessary for the animal.

Potential Issues

There are breeds that are considered problematic in terms of delivery. If your pet is one of those, it is better to agree in advance with the veterinarian about the support of the process. It will also be needed in the following cases.

  • Dysplasia. The hip joint is underdeveloped, the musculoskeletal system is disturbed.
  • Heart diseases. Not necessarily the mother herself. It is better to play it safe, even if there were similar problems in the family. The first sign of heart failure is shortness of breath.
  • Big litter. Six or more puppies are expected. The number of kittens can be determined using ultrasound as early as 40-45 days after mating.
  • Small breeds. Miniature individuals give birth more difficult, especially if this is the first litter.
  • C-section. If previous pregnancies ended in surgery.

In addition, it is better to trust specialists if you cannot stand the sight of blood, are squeamish, and do not understand the mechanism of childbirth.

Symptoms of the onset of labor

As the estimated date approaches, observe your pet more closely.
The surest sign of imminent labor is considered to be a change in rectal temperature. It begins to fluctuate in seven days, and in 36-12 hours it decreases by 0.5-2°C. In women in labor of decorative breeds, the thermometer drops to 36-36.5 ° C, in large varieties - up to 37 ° C. The temperature is measured twice a day: in the morning (before the activity of the animal) and before bedtime (at rest).

Harbingers are other physiological and behavioral manifestations.

  • For 10-14 days. The abdomen noticeably increases and the hair around the mammary glands begins to fall out. The dog begins to “nest”, look for a secluded place (look into cabinets, hide behind an armchair or sofa). Follows the owner "on the heels" or, on the contrary, seeks solitude, avoids contact with family members. Some people get milk. At rest, rhythmic contractions of the uterus (training) are possible.
  • For two or three days. Sticky and white mucus comes out of the genitals - a cork is separated (after sleep or at the time of urination). The uterus drops, the stomach sags.
  • For a day or two. Colostrum leaks from nipples (when pressed). The abdomen and the area near the nipples become bald. It softens, the loop increases. The pet is anxious, restlessly "digging" the floor, scraping the walls. Constantly licks the genitals, rubs against the owner's legs, clings to the hands. Requiring attention, may whine.
  • Less than a day. Pulse, respiration, urination begin to become more frequent. The loop becomes soft, loose, sagging. The animal refuses to feed, thirst appears. Puppies after active stirring become "immobile".
  • For 30-120 minutes. The bitch is extremely excited. Red eyes, pupils dilate. The animal arches its back, crouches, urinates, looks at its tail. When pain freezes, looking at one point. Trembling limbs, there may be trembling all over the body. There is a "stone belly effect" (abdominal cavity in maximum tone). There is a "wooden gait" when the dog exerts excessive strain on its hind legs. The female lies and constantly tosses and turns.

In the last hours before the “H” moment, the dog will feel the need for frequent walking, which is associated with the need to completely empty (intestines, bladder). This is necessary for the normal course of the birth process, so the owner must take the animal outside several times in early contractions. Later, you shouldn’t do this, otherwise everything can start in the yard, in the entrance or in the elevator, that is, in unsanitary conditions.

Mandatory skills and knowledge of the owner

Generic activity is a physiological act, consisting of several stages. A successful outcome depends on:

  • general well-being of the pet;
  • anatomy of the birth canal;
  • uterine muscle tone;
  • number and size of fruits;
  • the state of the organs of the cardiovascular system;
  • individual psycho-emotional characteristics.

Litter in miniature individuals - from one to five puppies, in large breeds - up to 15 or even more. The number of offspring is also affected by age: fewer children are born to young and older females. In case of infertile pregnancy, weak labor activity is observed, called the “single puppy syndrome”. With multiple pregnancy, everything goes easier.


The birth process consists of three stages.

  1. Preparatory, disclosure of the birth canal. Lasts from six to 12 hours.
    (Up to 36 hours in case of first pregnancy). During this period, the cervix opens and the vaginal muscles relax. The uterus begins to shrink. The dog feels discomfort, constantly licks, breathes often, seeks attention and affection. Shortness of breath, irritability, vomiting, or asymptomatic course are possible. By the end of the stage, the uterus contracts more often, longer, but the abdominal muscles do not contract (contractions without attempts). There is a rupture of the membranes, mucus comes out.
  2. Labor pains, expulsion of the fetus. The average duration of the stage is from three to 12 hours. The maximum is 24 hours. Amniotic fluid is poured out, rectal temperature is normalized (may be a little higher). The muscles of the uterus and abdomen are actively contracting (attempts and contractions). The fetus moves along the birth canal. The woman in labor gnaws through the amniotic sac, then the umbilical cord. Puppies appear at intervals of 15-20 minutes to two hours.
  3. birth of the placenta. The afterbirth appears 10-15 minutes after the puppy. It can be expelled both after one fetus, and after every two or three. The female eats the placenta. You can not eat more than two to avoid diarrhea and vomiting.

There is no need to feed the dog during the process. You can support the forces of a woman in labor with a long birth course with sweet tea, milk with honey, and weak broth. Some give a solution of cinnamon (a pinch in a glass of water).

Childbirth is over if:

  • the woman in labor begins to calm down and falls asleep;
  • the number of afterbirths corresponds to the number of puppies;
  • moderate red-cherry discharge is observed (green-black is considered a pathology).

After that, the mother with puppies should be relocated to a specially prepared place on the floor. If the room temperature is below 23-25°C, place a heating pad under the diaper. It is impossible to place a bitch with offspring on high chairs or on a sofa. It is important to control the even distribution of puppies along the nipples: the weakest cubs are applied to the milkiest ones. And the nursing mother herself must be forced to roll over on different sides in order to avoid stagnation of milk.

Assistance in case of force majeure

Prepare a first aid kit in advance, which may be needed during the birth of a pet. In addition to hand sanitizer, it includes:

  • sterile scissors and thread- for cutting and tying the umbilical cord;
  • ironed clean diapers- for rubbing puppies or rubbing them to stimulate breathing;
  • nasal aspirator- or a regular syringe to remove mucus from the nose of newborns.

Usually the dog gnaws the umbilical cord itself, if not, then cut it with scissors at a distance of 3-4 cm from the baby's stomach. Also keep the following medicines on hand.

  • "Gamavit". This is an immunostimulating drug that is prescribed to animals in stressful situations. It is also used as part of mandatory means for obstetric care at home. The drug acts on the smooth muscles of the uterus, thereby facilitating pregnancy and childbirth. The veterinarian will tell you in what dosages and when to do subcutaneous or intramuscular injections.
  • Calcium preparations. A dangerous complication of childbirth is eclampsia. It is associated with calcium deficiency in the body. Symptoms - nervousness of a whelping female, convulsions, swelling, as well as an indifferent attitude towards offspring (up to destruction, eating puppies). As a first aid, a 10% solution of calcium gluconate and a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate should be injected intramuscularly. Discuss their dosage with your doctor in advance. If you do not know how to give injections, explain calcium gluconate tablets to your dog.

Urgently need a doctor

It is unacceptable when veterinary care is required, instead of a doctor, call a cynologist. The omniscient "dog neighbor" option is also excluded. It is not the best way out in case of force majeure to run to the pharmacy for an ampoule of Oxytocin, which is often administered without taking into account the condition and weight of the woman in labor.

If obvious contractions / attempts do not lead to the appearance of offspring, professional help is needed. Call the vet in the following situations:

  • weak contractions of the abdominal muscles- last from four hours;
  • futile attempts- permanent, strong, lasting from half an hour;
  • there is a suspicion that not all fruits came out- if more than four hours have passed since the appearance of the last puppy;
  • green-brown or brown discharge- and the first cub is absent for two or three hours;
  • weak labor activity- or stopped altogether
  • copious scarlet discharge- bleeding;
  • not all traces came out- there were dead puppies;
  • the mother has a fever- above 39.5°C.

postpartum period

It begins after the delivery of the placenta and lasts until the final recovery of the uterus. Normally, lochia (uterine discharge) lasts about three weeks. At first they are brown with a greenish tinge, neutral smell. Then gradually brighten and become slimy. The depressed state of the lactating bitch, fever, copious fetid discharge - pathology.

As during pregnancy, the dog should receive a balanced diet, special vitamins for lactating bitches. Food - six to seven times a day, but in small portions. Water and milk should be offered every three hours. In the first ten days, give up animal proteins, preferring cereals, scrambled eggs, fresh cottage cheese.

preterm birth

The contrast of temperatures during water procedures can cause spasms in the uterus and premature birth in a dog. Bathing and washing a pregnant pet should always be done with warm water. The main causes of pathology also include:

  • intrauterine infection- can be introduced during estrus or mating;
  • hidden diseases - various diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys;
  • brucellosis - an infectious disease that provokes spontaneous miscarriage;
  • staphylococcus, herpes- cause mutations, intrauterine death and spontaneous miscarriage;
  • toxoplasmosis - pregnancy fails in the later stages;
  • hormonal disruptions- the body of the expectant mother does not produce the hormones necessary for the development of the offspring (or their level does not meet the standards).

The chances of survival of offspring depend on the timing of whelping. The woman in labor is urgently cesarean, resuscitation is carried out to open the lungs of the puppies. But as practice shows, premature litter still in most cases dies in the first five days.

Breeds at Risk

Various "buts" in the process of childbirth can occur in a watchdog, and in a breeding champion, and in a mongrel. But there are breeds that are considered the most difficult in terms of reproducing offspring.

english bulldogs

The verdict of the veterinarians - only caesarean. The thing is that vigorous labor activity causes oxygen starvation due to the small volume of the lungs. During attempts, the heart begins to work with a double load, and the lungs do not cope with their function. That is, the female has to choose one of two things - either give birth or breathe.

Similar problems are characteristic of Pekingese, pugs, Japanese chins.


All Molossian giants are at risk. Protracted childbirth is their characteristic feature. The reason is in the parameters: too large internal organs, which at the same time have a normal (average) physiological reserve. The "abnormality" of the birth process is determined by:

  • myometrium - in Molossians, the muscular layer of the uterus is much weaker than in miniature and medium breeds;
  • heart - big, but weak;
  • multiple pregnancy - giants traditionally bear 10-15 puppies.

Often, after the birth of three to six puppies, the dog develops uterine atony (complete loss of tone). As a result, the pregnancy ends with a caesarean section. Another complication is postpartum atony (incomplete recovery of the uterus), fraught with endometritis - inflammation of the inner mucous layer of the organ.

Russian Toy, Yorkie

Toy breeds have several obstetric problems.

  • Body dimensions. In small breeds, the ratio of fetal weight to mother's weight is approximately 1:10, while in large breeds it is 1:50. Therefore, the exit of the fetus in "dwarfs" even through the widest birth canal is extremely difficult.
  • Character features. These breeds have smoothed generic instincts. They have a labile psyche, are vulnerable, prone to stress, and cannot stand a nervous atmosphere. Therefore, the outcome depends on the careful, delicate handling of a miniature woman in labor.

If a female Russian toy terrier or Yorkshire terrier breeds herself, it can take from three hours to a day or more. The pet must be under constant supervision, including at night. If complications occur, the animal is operated on.

After birth, the responsibility for their life, upbringing and further arrangements lie not at all on the pet, but on the owner. Perhaps the owner will even have to go on "maternity leave", because at first it is better not to leave babies and a nursing mother unattended. The main troubles will arise if the dog has a poorly developed sense of motherhood. Then you will have to feed the puppies yourself, massage them to empty them and teach them other tricks of independent living.



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