Why is a hamster constantly running on a wheel. Why do hamsters run on a wheel? Reasons why hamsters run on a wheel

Having a pet in the house is a typical dream of a child or an adult. Some like cats, others like dogs, and still others choose little hamsters. Care is simple, you need little food, there is little noise from them. Hamsters run in the wheel, drag all the objects in the cage into the house, burrow in sawdust, etc.

Why do hamsters run on wheels? Animals definitely need to buy or make a ball for running. The hamster directs the accumulated energy into physical activity.

Why do hamsters run on a wheel

Running is one of the natural instincts of a hamster. In the wild, the rodent runs in search of food or runs away from a premonition of danger.

But why do hamsters run in a wheel at home? This is due to reasons:

  • the need to get rid of excess weight;
  • large accumulation of energy;
  • the need for physical activity, etc.

Hamsters love to run on a wheel. This is one of my favorite leisure activities. Inside it, they can sleep, sit, eat, wash.

Djungarian hamsters are more mobile than Syrian ones. An adult hamster can run 10-12 km per day at a normal pace. These are nocturnal animals, so hamsters run in wheels at night. In the period from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., they can run up to 6-7 km.

The hamster does not run in the wheel: reasons

The first reason is that little hamsters have just settled in a new house. The first time they look at him. After a period of adaptation, their interest in the wheel will increase. The hamster will want to try out the toy. He will try to climb inside, sit. After 2-4 days, the hamsters begin to run every day.

Another common problem is the lack of desire to run in the simulator. Reasons for this behavior:

  1. Small wheel sizes. For the Syrian hamster, the diameter of the toy is 18 cm, for the Dzungarian hamster it is 15 cm.
  2. The age of the animal. Young hamsters are more active and run in the wheel every day, older ones - once every 2-3 days.
  3. Disease. Check the animal for diseases.
  4. Poor quality toy. The distance between the bars should be small. The wheel is solid, without metal mesh.
  5. Large fixture weight. Choose a plastic trainer. Metal structures cause discomfort in animals.

The third reason is the presence of rods that threaten the hamster with injury. The paw of the animal gets stuck, it gets dislocations and bruises. Running becomes painful. Most of the time the rodent spends sitting or lying down. Be sure to contact your veterinarian so as not to aggravate the situation.

The fourth reason is a large cell. If its dimensions exceed 1 * 1 m, then the animal will run throughout the free territory, not limited to the wheel.

Which wheel to choose?

Hamsters like to spin high-quality wheels, without gaps and with serifs. After metal toys, the paws get tired and can be torn off to the point of blood. The small dimensions of the device will cause problems with the spine.

The owner should choose a quality hamster wheel. Consider these options:

  • diameter from 14 to 18 cm;
  • material - solid plastic or iron with a fine mesh;
  • lack of distance between the bars;
  • attachment to the cage, etc.

When running, there should be no rumbles, vibrations. This will scare the hamster. Before launching it into a toy, check the mount. Found causes must be eliminated immediately.

Attach the device not too high. 5 cm from the cage floor is a great solution. The hamster will easily climb into the wheel and run.

How to teach a hamster to run on a wheel?

Sometimes hamsters do not understand the purpose of the toy even after a period of adaptation. How to teach a hamster to run on a wheel? A tamed animal is easily trained.

Ways to get your hamster interested in the wheel:

  1. Consider the arrangement of objects in the cage. Free access to the wheel - convenience and comfort for the beast. Do not clutter up the space with unnecessary accessories. If the animal's house has several floors, the wheel should be on the bottom.
  2. Change your toy. The animal may not like the appearance of the accessory. Change the color, size, location of the wheel.
  3. Put food in the simulator. Favorite delicacy will attract the attention of the beast. Give it every time the pet shows interest in the toy. Pleasant associations are great motivation.
  4. Show how the accessory works. Put the hamster inside and start spinning the wheel a little. Do it smoothly, without sudden movements. The main thing is not to harm the animal and teach how to use the device.

The task of the owner is to properly familiarize the animal with the device. You need to try different methods. Do not forget about the individual approach to each animal!

Wheel or walking ball?

Not all hamsters prefer conventional wheels. Offer your pet a walking ball. It is an accessory with transparent material and doors. The lid is used to enter or exit the animal. Fastens with snaps.

Why do hamsters like to run in this kind of wheel? Running in a walking ball, the hamster has more free space. He can move around the house, and not only spin the toy in the cage.

  1. The design should have natural ventilation - small holes in the lid, along the entire length of the accessory.
  2. The time limit is 30 minutes. Prolonged activity exhausts the pet and can be harmful to health.
  3. Do not leave the animal unattended. Over time, the ball will wear out, the cap will loosen. The hamster will get out of the accessory, it can harm the property and itself.

Color does not matter. Hamsters are color blind. They love comfortable and light balls. Buy a transparent plastic sphere.


Standard parameters of walking balls:

  • 13 cm;
  • 18 cm;
  • 29 cm;
  • 33 cm

For a Syrian hamster, a diameter of 20-30 cm is suitable. This is due to the size of the beast.

For Djungarian hamsters, choose small balls. The optimal range is 13-18 cm.

Pick up a wheel for your pet. Check the wheels: its diameter should be at least 18 cm. If the hamster is cramped in the wheel, he may refuse to run in it, or get problems with his spine, because he will have to arch his back strongly when running.

Check if the wheel spins easily, whether the animal will have to make too much effort to move it. Turn the wheel yourself by hand: if it turns tight, lubricate the axle with oil.

For the safety of the hamster, it is important that there are no cross spokes in its path. Otherwise, there is a risk that the baby will hurt himself. Therefore, purchase wheels with a solid working surface. A good option would be a wheel that is completely closed on one side and open on the other so that the hamster can easily climb into and out of it.

After making sure that the wheel meets all the necessary requirements for the safety and convenience of the animal, you can introduce the hamster to his treadmill. Carefully place your pet in the wheel and cover the exit with your palm or a piece of paper. The animal must instinctively move forward in order for the wheel to start spinning. If he doesn't think to do it, try to help him with a treat.

Don't be upset if your pet doesn't immediately start running in the wheel with enthusiasm - he needs to get used to the new object. Give your baby a treat every time he shows interest in the wheel.
Remember that hamsters are most active in the evening and at night - that's why you need to make sure that the wheel is as silent as possible.

Naturally active hamsters need to move at home no less than it happens in the open spaces where rodents are used to living. It is very important for animals to be able to expend their energy in order to maintain good physical shape and health. Otherwise, they may face obesity problems and metabolic disorders due to a passive lifestyle that is not characteristic of rodents. In such cases, hamsters are saved by allowing them to run hundreds of meters a day. However, the animals do not always readily accept the simulator, ignoring jogging. About why the hamster does not run in the wheel and how to teach it, we tell below.

First you need to figure out why the hamster does not run in the wheel:

  1. a problem in the design or fastening of the wheel;
  2. the size of the running wheel is not correctly selected;
  3. the level of fixing the wheel is not convenient for the hamster;
  4. noise when the wheel rotates;
  5. the risk of injury to the hamster;
  6. the age and health of the pet.

Now let's move on to a more detailed consideration of each reason. So, perhaps the problem lies in the simulator itself, so you need to check it for fixing. Carefully inspect the device for strength and correct fastening. A wobbly design or excessively large distances between the twigs on the running surface may not please the rodent and he will refuse to run. Fasten the wheel more firmly, and lay a path of thick cardboard on the surface so that the hamster's legs do not fall through, do not get stuck during movement.

Pay attention to the dimensions of the device. Perhaps the hamster does not spin the wheel due to its small diameter. For the Syrian rodent, the wheel should be at least 18 cm in circumference, for the Dzungarian - at least 12 cm. The small size will not allow the animal to move freely, forcing it to abandon active activities. It is also important to consider the material from which the wheel is made. Some hamsters do not like metal products, preferring plastic ones, while others do the opposite.

Check the level of the wheel. If the mount goes along the wall of the cage, try lowering the simulator lower or higher, depending on the size of the rodent. One of the reasons for ignoring is the inconvenience of climbing inside the running "field". Make access free, remove possible obstacles in the form of a house or a feeder.

Among the reasons leading to the rejection of the wheel may be its squeaky and potential danger. If a metal wheel begins to creak, lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable oil for silent movement. Loud sounds may not please the hamster, having a bad effect on the emotional background, which ultimately leads to the refusal to use the simulator.

Check how close the axis of rotation is to the running surface. If the distance is too small, provoking injury to the rodent, adjust it, or replace the wheel with a new quality option. It is possible that during the movement the hamster could pinch or bruise its paw, repelling any desire to run again in a dangerous object.

Pay attention to the health of your pet, whether he is healthy. He may have entered a stage of old age and ceased to be active for natural reasons. In this case, the animal runs rarely and not for long, showing clumsiness and sluggishness. Do not worry about his passivity and persuade him to run, luring him into the wheels with delicious treats.

If you have only recently purchased a wheel and all the conditions described are met, then leave the rodent for a few days and observe its behavior. As soon as the animal gets used to the new object, it will begin to show interest in the “toy”. It is advisable to observe the pet at night, which is the peak of its activity. If the animal continues to pass by the simulator or stops running in it for an unknown reason, you can try to accustom the jungar or a representative of another breed to the running wheel in several ways.

We accustom the rodent to active activities

A great helper in how to accustom a hamster to a wheel will be his favorite food. Watch your pet to find out all his gastronomic preferences. Then place your favorite treat inside the running wheel and observe the behavior of the ward. The smell of food will make the rodent climb inside the simulator to find a fragrant piece. Such tricks must be done until the animal learns to run. Pieces of food with each new approach should be placed one level higher, provoking the hamster to turn the wheel, climbing up.

If the favorite food did not move the pet to take action, use the method of blocking the entrance. To do this, you will need a piece of plywood or thick cardboard, which needs to block the exit from the wheel while the hamster is inside. The inability to get out will force the rodent to actively look for ways to get out, moving along the wheel. You need to apply the method several times, forcing the animal to run inside the drum. After several procedures, the rodents are fully mastered, they begin to understand the principle of the simulator and use the new “toy” with pleasure.

Running wheel alternative

If the activities carried out did not arouse in the pet the desire to spin the wheel, then it is better to provide him with a full replacement. Despite the natural needs for active movement, there are bright individuals among hamsters who completely ignore the simulator. Such hamsters do not like running in a wheel, regardless of the material of its execution or the convenience of the location.

Alternatively, give or to your pet to move inside the apartment. Hamsters readily use this item, which provides them with an active lifestyle and freedom of movement with protection from external danger.

Walking in the ball, the hamster opens up a large area for running and exploring the territory, attractive to rodents. By the way, sometimes it helps to teach a hamster to run on a wheel if other methods have been powerless. For an unknown reason, the rodent's opinion of the drum changes, leading to active use of the "toy".

Train your hamster on the wheel

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Almost every family has a beloved pet. Someone breeds cats, someone breeds dogs, others love more exotic animals - snakes, unusual fish, lizards. Well, such small animals as hamsters are one of the most common types of pets. They do not take up much space, they live in their cage, they need little food and you can watch for hours how funny hamsters are spinning in the wheel.

To find out, zoologists have been tracking the behavior of hamsters in their natural habitat for quite some time.

It was found that an adult hamster can run in one night about 12 kilometers!

It's all about instincts. Hamsters in nature run so much in search of food. You could say, " hamster feet fed". Although hamsters do not eat much, these animals are used to hiding food in reserve. Therefore, they need constant replenishment of stocks. And in the artificial environment of life, they do not need to find food for themselves, but the instinct remains. Therefore, the wheel in their cage is simply necessary.

The second reason why hamsters run on a wheel is protection from dangerous predators. In nature, you need to be able to run fast if you want to survive. And, since hamsters are animals of the dark time of the day, they most often run away from owls and other birds of prey. If the animal is in constant motion, the chance of being eaten decreases significantly.

These two factors show that hamsters have a very large energy reserve. If in a real habitat they can throw it out, then in a cage it is much more difficult to do this. Therefore, they should buy such wheels. It is not only entertainment for the animal, but also a great way to put your energy in the right direction.

Zoologists have long figured out how fast hard-working hamsters turn their wheels. The average speed of the animal at which it accelerates is 5 km/h. It is just like a person walking. Only now, a person's legs are ten times longer than those of a hamster. This means that the animal in the ratio spends many times more energy to turn this wheel.

The energy of hamsters has long haunted people. After all, their energy can be used with real benefit to humans. So did the English student. He with the help of his animal charged a mobile phone. When his hamster once again turned circles in the wheel, the young man led an electric generator to it, and fixed it with the other end to charge the phone. Thus, his mobile device was charged by 10% every few minutes. This is how a pet, without knowing it, developed free energy for its owner.

In addition to such benefits, by installing a wheel in a hamster cage, you benefit the health of your animal. Running every day, he will never suffer from obesity. It is useful for these animals to engage in a kind of physical education, because they eat very often during the day, and problems with weight for such a small animal can even threaten death.

Does your hamster run on a wheel?

Why doesn't he like running? There can be two reasons.

First, the hamster can I do not like his wheel. For example, very often owners buy their pet a wheel not solid, but made of metal mesh. Yes, a hamster cannot chew such a wheel, but its paws can be damaged if they fall between the bars of the net. And he doesn't like it.

Secondly, your hamster may already got old. From a certain age, the hamster becomes less active and mobile. Less and less often runs in the wheel. Runs are getting shorter. Later there will be clumsiness in movements. Unfortunately, the age of these rodents is very short, and they quickly age after 2-3 years of life.

How to teach a hamster to run on a wheel?

Getting a hamster to run on a wheel is almost impossible. If he himself does not want this, he is unlikely to take cross-country walks. The only thing you can do is buy him good comfortable wheel which he will definitely like. Well, if your hamster is old, then this will not help either.

Take care of your little friends! Be sure to purchase a high-quality wheel, a feeder along with a hamster. After all, even such a small animal wants to have its own cozy corner.

These little red rodents have long won their place in the human world and in our hearts. Who didn't have a hamster as a child? Units! And we are all one hundred percent sure that we know everything about the content and character of these fluffy babies.

Did you know that hamsters, like chinchillas, love to swim in clean sand, this keeps their coat neat and shiny. But volcanic dust does not suit them.!

If you have a Syrian hamster, then regardless of the size of the cage, in no case should it be settled with the company. The Syrians are very pugnacious and prone to solitude. But dwarf hamsters (Teddy bear) willingly live with the company.

If you do not want your hamster to hibernate, you need to keep the room at a constant temperature of 20 degrees C.

In nature, a hamster can run up to 12 km per day. At home, you can measure how many kilometers a hamster runs in a wheel. During the night, the Syrian hamster runs 6-10 km in a wheel at a speed of 2 to 3.6 km per hour.

Hamsters are flat animals, they have no sense of height, so you should not leave your pet alone on a table or windowsill. The hamster will simply break, wanting to leave his place.

These small rodents are not vegetarians at all. Hamsters do not disdain bugs, therefore, they will really like a little boiled chicken.

Hamster exhibitions are held in Western Europe, North America and even in Russia. They assess the compliance of the animal with breed standards. But such events can be taken part in competitions: races in pleasure balls, competitions for the heaviest hamster, the most capacious cheeks, the most charming character.

Hamsters live up to 3 years, but most often die at 2 years.

An interesting fact concerning hamsters was registered on February 28, 1974. A female hamster belonging to the Miller family (USA) gave birth to 26 cubs. This is more than 3 times the average litter size of 8 pups.

Dwarf hamsters entered the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest rodents. In the northern dwarf hamster (Baiomystaylori), which lives in Mexico and in the states of Arizona and Texas, the United States, the length of the head along with the body is 3.6 cm.



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