How to get back to a job you got fired from. Should I go back to my old job?

It happens that employees leave the company in search of career prospects and better income. But not getting what they want, they find themselves in a situation where returning to a familiar company to their previous position turns out to be one of the best options. What difficulties the employee and the employer have to face in this case - our expert, people management consultant Dmitry Novitsky shares his opinion.

In the current situation on the labor market, when there are fewer and fewer job offers, few people decide to change jobs. And those who dare not always get what the new employer promises. In such situations, many return to their original place. What are the pros / cons of such solutions and what difficulties they can be associated with.

What does an employee get by deciding to return


1. He knows where he is coming back: he is familiar with the corporate culture of the company, he is aware of the formal and informal rules of behavior at work

2. Returning to a former boss and colleagues does not imply building a new relationship.

3. Goals and objectives are clear. Most likely, no one will present new requirements

4. Income levels are predictable.

Weak sides. Most likely, the attitude of colleagues will change towards the “returnee”. Loyal employees and old-timers of the company may perceive leaving as a betrayal. In addition, the employee returns to the "comfort zone", where everything is familiar and convenient, but loses the possibility of development. Such a “comeback” can be professional and personal degradation.

Capabilities. Returning to a familiar environment, the employee can plan his personal and working time - he knows how much he needs to work and in what rhythm, how much time is left for himself and his family.

There is no need to undergo adaptation in a new place - the employee knows that he can easily cope with the tasks. And, therefore, it will meet the requirements of the employer.

Threats. Most likely, with the return of the former employee, he will not receive the trust of the manager and colleagues. He will have to launder his "tarnished" reputation. After all, many are ready to leave the company, but do not admit it to themselves. In addition, such a return may be perceived by colleagues as a sign of weakness. I tried - it didn't work. Began to ask back - they took ...

What to do to make the return successful

1. Realize the true reasons for leaving and talk them over with the employer. Voice your expectations and find out the prospects in the company.

2. Explain to colleagues the reasons for leaving and returning. At this stage, it is best to be extremely honest with yourself and others.

3. Be prepared to be wary of yourself at first.

4. Understand that you are again on probation - the old way will not work. You still have to make up lost contact.

5. Try to bring in new experience from another company. To tell and show: what is done there differently, more successfully - what can be taught to colleagues.

Example 1 An employee of a printing company has reached the position of chief accountant. Further career growth meant only the position of manager, but at that moment the owner was not ready to offer her this position. And the employee went to another employer - to a leadership position. We parted well, without scandal.

After some time, she was called back - to the position of manager, because the owner, having changed several directors, realized that his own person who knows the specifics of the business will cope with this work. She continues to manage the company for several years, the owner is busy with development and does not interfere in the current affairs of the company.

Example 2 An employee of a telecommunications company left the position of a specialist in connection with moving to a permanent place of residence abroad.

After 6 months of being abroad, she decided to return. Came with a request for employment to a previous employer. Her place was taken, but the director, taking into account previous merits, offered a position in an adjacent unit. Now she is already the head of this department.

How does the employer perceive the return of employees?

When deciding to hire a former employee, an employer should consider the following:


  • The employer saves money on recruitment and adaptation. Either way, it's cheaper than hiring a new employee.
  • The employer can entrust the solution of urgent tasks and burning issues to a person who has experience in his business
  • An employee comes - and from the start he can start working efficiently, he does not need to delve into the specifics of the position and business

Weak sides: Usually they don't part with the best. If an employee leaves the company, it means that his level is lower than that of possible candidates for the position. Taking back the “old man”, the employer will have to deny himself those new competencies that an employee from outside could bring.

You have to put up with the old habits of the former. The level of wages is rarely the main reason for leaving a person, usually everything is deeper: friction with colleagues, dissatisfaction with the manager.

The employer has no confidence in re-leaving. If once a person left the company, it is quite possible that he decides to take this step next time even easier. The situation on the labor market will change, they will offer something better - and he will wave his hand. Is it worth investing in competency development and committing to long, complex projects?

Capabilities: When hiring a former employee, the employer can predict his performance and be sure that the "old man" will cope with the tasks.

Hiring ex-employees can be a good "lesson" for other employees. After all, if they return, maybe others should not seek happiness on the side and demand improvement in their conditions.

Threats: It is quite possible that the team will not accept this decision - which means that the results of the work as a whole will worsen. This is especially true for managerial positions.

Such a decision may encourage other employees to look for offers on the side. If they take it back, maybe you shouldn't hold on to your place ...

What to do before hiring a former employee

1. Collect recommendations from the previous place: how he has proven himself there. It is possible that he spoke unflatteringly about his former employer or failed to cope with his duties. And decided to return to sit out until the next offer.

2. Learn true reason leaving the company "then". Of course, it is better to do this at the stage of dismissal during the exit interview. Compare the reasons with the capabilities of the company. If nothing can be changed and offered, is it worth taking the “former”?

3. Prepare the team. Explain the reasons for this decision and the consequences of the decision. Why do we need him and what will he do next.

4. Re-negotiate the deal under the terms. When the passions subsided after the dismissal, it is quite possible that the employee's requirements will not seem impossible, and the employer will be able to change working conditions and make concessions.

5. Try to start from scratch. It is important to agree that former merits and relationships will not have weight. New attempt - new relationship. Otherwise, the result is likely to be similar - dismissal.

Example. An example of a not entirely successful return is the practice of one of the manufacturing companies. For the position of general director, the owner called a former employee who grew up in business from an ordinary position to a deputy in the direction. He worked for more than 10 years in this structure, but at some point he decided to leave.

After leaving, the employee and the owner continued to maintain a relationship. As a result, the owner, having decided to retire, offered the post of general director to his former "student". The calculation was simple: a person knows the company and processes, he can be trusted. But it turned out that the new director lacked managerial experience and the ability to build relationships with former colleagues. When they were equal, everything worked out, but as soon as he began to lead them, colleagues ceased to perceive him as more competent. A year later, we had to leave - and the owner again became at the helm of the business.

Dmitry Novitsky

Consultant for working with people (, business coach of the Natalia Sheina Center for Comfortable Communication.

He has more than 10 years of experience in large Belarusian companies as a HR director.
Currently, he is engaged in advising business owners on work with personnel, as well as hiring top managers.

Conducts personal consultations and trainings on job search.

You have been planning your dismissal for a long time, looking for a new job in advance. But it turned out that the dismissal was a mistake. Can the situation be corrected? Should I go back to my old company? What difficulties will you face in the old place?

There is a saying: "You cannot enter the same river twice." Many believe that this rule also applies in the case of a job search: if you quit the company, then it is better not to return there. And this has its own reason. However, it happens that after the dismissal of the ex-employee, he realizes that leaving was a mistake. Colleagues, bosses, tasks, relationships are perceived differently “from a distance”... Suddenly it turns out that working in the previous company had a lot of advantages, and more and more often the thought comes to mind that it would be nice to return there.

It is better to consider in advance that such a development of events is possible in the future. People tend to strive for development and growth, leave in search of more interesting tasks, higher salaries, and just from time to time "change the situation." But at the same time, you don’t need to leave, “loudly slamming the door behind you,” thereby depriving yourself of the opportunity to return there again.

Naturally, we do not take those situations when the atmosphere inside the company was "hellish", the reason for the departure of the sals was a serious conflict, and in principle you do not want to meet with former colleagues. In these cases, the thought of returning is unlikely to come to mind. But there are other situations where the idea of ​​going back doesn't seem so absurd.

And yet, in what cases can you try to “enter the same river”, and when is it better to stay away from such a temptation? Much depends on the reasons for leaving.

Reasons for leaving and conditions for returning

1. Low wages. There was not enough money, and you decided to find a better paying job. You have successfully completed this task, but... the new place does not please with anything but money. After some time, the former boss offers you to return to your original position with a new, increased salary. Is it worth the risk?

Return is possible if you have maintained good relations with colleagues, and you are sure that your return to a higher salary (and this will not remain a secret for long) will meet with their understanding. But you need to think carefully before agreeing if you know for sure that the salary of other colleagues performing the same duties will be lower than your new salary. In this case, there is a high probability of encountering envy and alienation. Financial and "salary" issues are perceived acutely in the team, and it will not be easy to work in such a heated environment.

2. Conflict with management. Let's say you liked your job, the salary was decent, and you had a good relationship with your colleagues. But you could not find a common language with the authorities. As a result, you changed companies. But now the situation suddenly changes, and already the new leader asks you to return to your original place.

In this case, you need to try to assess the alignment of forces in the company: how strong are the positions of the new management? How do colleagues react to the new appointment? How will they react to your return? What are your chances of working with a new leader?

3. Conflict with the team. Here we can say almost unequivocally: you should not return. Even if we assume that a significant part of the team has already changed, there are no guarantees that the situation will not happen again. Most often, it is not only about specific people, but also about the system of relations that has developed in the company, the type of corporate culture. These “ephemeral” factors should not be underestimated. Where you had a difficult relationship with colleagues once, most likely it will be difficult again - but with other people.

4. The desire for career growth. For example, you came to the company as a young specialist and in a few years you have made good progress up the career ladder. And suddenly - stop! Career growth has stopped, in this company this level is the ceiling for you. But what about high aspirations and creative plans? The only thing left is to change jobs. You are already in a new company, when suddenly an offer comes from the old place of work to take a higher position.

In the event that before leaving for a new job you managed to maintain good relations with colleagues, you can return. But you need to soberly assess your chances for further growth (no one has canceled the ceiling!) And compare the tasks that you will have to solve: how much it meets your goals, how interesting it is in a professional sense.

5. Inappropriate work schedule, family circumstances. If now your circumstances have changed for the better, and the old problem has been resolved, you can talk to your former manager and explain the situation. If the company still needs you, there are chances of a return.

6. The need for constant change. There is a type of people who do not know how and simply cannot work in the same place for a long time. And neither the growth of unemployment in the region, nor the responsibility to the family can affect this. At the same time, a person may well be an excellent specialist, and he can find a common language with colleagues. But... the craving for change turns out to be stronger: such people get tired of the monotony. They often receive an invitation to return to their previous job and most often accept it.

If you are just such a person - there are no problems, you can return. When you again feel that it is time to change something, it is also easy to quit. But, perhaps, it is worth thinking about project work - perhaps this option will suit you best.

7. Downsizing. In this case, much depends on the circumstances of this reduction. If you understand that the company had no other choice and “got it for everyone”, you can return. If you think that you have been sacrificed "in the forefront", then it is worth considering - are you ready to find yourself in the same situation again?

What to expect after returning

On the one hand, returning to the previous organization is easier than getting a job in an unfamiliar company. You are already familiar with the inner life of the team, familiar with colleagues and management. But, on the other hand, in this case, you have no chance to start your relationship from scratch. Moreover, difficulties may await you. Which?

Alertness from colleagues. It seems that outwardly nothing has changed: the same office, the same official duties. But... the attitude has changed. You need to be patient and try to win back the trust and respect of your colleagues, give them the opportunity to get used to you again, try to become “their own” again.

There may be several reasons for this concern. One of them is the understanding by colleagues of the fact that the management eventually agreed to your terms. Some of your colleagues may keenly feel the injustice: why are they worse than you? And you could get "everything at once." Therefore, if you really managed to return on more “advanced” conditions, it is better not to brag about your privileges, excluding this topic from your conversations with colleagues as much as possible.

Another situation - when it is clear to everyone that you agreed to return to the previous conditions - is also not at all in your interests. This creates the image of a loser: a person has not been able to find anything better in return, cannot really understand his desires. If you are not satisfied with the condescending and patronizing attitude of colleagues, it is better not to “feed” such an image.

Prejudiced attitude of superiors. Even in the case when the manager personally asked you to return to your previous place of work, it will still not be possible to avoid some of his wariness towards you. Apparently, he considers you a valuable employee, but at the same time unreliable, and therefore you will be checked again and again, and, of course, educated.

Personal experiences. The decision to return to your previous job is as difficult as the decision to quit. It requires a lot of inner energy and mental strength. Perhaps your life will be facilitated by the understanding that psychological discomfort and increased curiosity for your person will pass in a couple of weeks - people will get used to you again.

Your other support for this difficult period is a rational approach. Try to consider any difficult situation during your re-adaptation without unnecessary emotions, simply fixing and comparing the pros and cons. Treat problems like math problems, not allowing deep emotional involvement. And, of course, before returning, once again weigh the pros and cons.

Imagine that when you decide to change jobs, you find a hospital that suits you, successfully pass the interview and receive assurances that you are expected with a work book and a job application. After that, you quit your previous job and come to a new place at the appointed time to apply for admission. And here the most interesting begins, because you are greeted with very polite explanations and apologies, the meaning of which is that you are not hired!!!

Then, when you come to your senses, you understand that now the only way is to return to your previous place of work. Let's discuss the strategy and tactics of implementing this solution.

Do not hurry!

Most likely, you are stunned by this turn of events, your thoughts are confused and you must definitely take a breath. Because it depends on how detached and, therefore, how effectively you will act in the current situation.

Immediately, looking ahead, we want to add that very soon you will remember this whole nightmare with slight irony and, we hope, with pride that you were able to successfully solve the problem. So, do not forget that life does not end there! The main thing is to act, and not wait until you are picked up and carried away by any extraneous circumstances.

Analyze your reasons for leaving

If you are determined to return to previous employment, be sure to think carefully - WHY you wrote resignation letter, and at the same time about why you signed it? How long did it take you to make such a decision? A lot depends on the answers to these questions: whether you can continue to live the way you used to live, put up with the circumstances that forced you to change jobs. What if returning to your previous job permanently discourages you from looking for something better for yourself, makes you unsure of your own abilities?

If, however, after deliberation, you decide to return, you must choose the best course of action.

We plan the most painless way to return

Surely at least one person remained at your previous job, whose opinion you trusted, and whom you turned to for advice. Tell him about the current situation, that you want to return, and carefully listen to the comments.

Most likely, your departure was discussed in the team, perhaps there were even remarks from the head of the department (polyclinic), the chief medical officer or the head physician. Try to guess their reaction to your attempt to return.

Remember in what form you were released (or vice versa, not released) from work. If the specialist is valuable, upon dismissal, the management will try to find out the motives for making the decision, they may even offer something to keep them at work. Worse, when one of the parties (or both), upon dismissal, allowed themselves categorical statements, reproaches, threats or blackmail. In this case, the chances of a successful return are significantly reduced, although they always exist!!

Try to find out from your former colleagues whether the work environment has changed since your dismissal. A true professional creates a favorable climate around him, which is sometimes very difficult to forget or change. The better the aura that you left behind, the easier and more likely the process of returning will be.

Ask one of your previous colleagues to start a conversation in the presence of the head of the department that you didn’t get a new job (you don’t need to specify the details of what happened) and would like (VERY would like to! or are just planning) to return to your team. Depending on the reaction of the interlocutors, you can quite fully predict how your attempt to return will be met. Yes, and the authorities will be psychologically prepared for a conversation with you.

Choose a convenient time (in the sense that at the height of the working day you can be given enough attention) and personally appear at your previous job. Even if the conversation turns out to be about extraneous things. The main thing is to evaluate how kindly they will meet you, what questions the former bosses will ask, what impression you will make on each other in general.

To go or not to go? Let's start action

So, preliminary preparatory work has been carried out, information has been collected, memories of you have been refreshed. It's time for serious negotiations. Do not think that it is hard for you alone now. Returning a "defector" to work is also psychologically difficult for management. And here it is very important to "help" him make the right decision - i.e. the one you need. Namely - to ensure you re-employment!

Let's simplify the situation: we have only two extreme options - they categorically hire and categorically do not hire.

If from the first words of the interview you are convinced that you are remembered, appreciated and sincerely glad to return, feel free to move on to solving specific organizational and production issues. We congratulate you on the successful completion of the task!

If you are convinced in advance (or this becomes clear during the interview) that the administration is against the return - this is not at all a reason to leave the battlefield defeated! Because there are no hopeless situations in life!

  1. Re-hiring you can improve the image of the administration as fair and firm, but quick-witted and not remembering personal grievances. The team is always pleased that they are led by superiors with a "human face" who can forgive subordinates for their errors and mistakes.
  2. The administration can present your return as an edification to others as “everywhere is good where we are not” and if you returned, this is the main confirmation that “we are better!”.
  3. Argument the benefits of your return by the fact that you do not need to adapt in a team, everyone knows each other's features well and this is an undoubted benefit for the common cause - the treatment of patients and other administrative issues.
  4. If everything is so bad and you have nothing to lose - seek help and support from one of your reputable colleagues with a request to recommend your employment to the administration. This can contribute to a more impartial view of the authorities on the situation and making decisions in your favor.
  5. Even the most categorical refusal is not a reason to give up unconditionally! Take a short pause and be sure to try again! In the second meeting, use all the same arguments, act as openly as possible, convince that returning to work is beneficial primarily for the administration (even if this is not entirely true!).
  6. If you really have nothing to lose and returning to work is the last chance - say so directly, in your last resort refer to the human senses of guidance.

Pitfalls of returning to a previous job

Be prepared for the fact that the authorities can afford the reproaches and accusations associated with the dismissal. But you REALLY wanted (for a variety of reasons) to return?! So, be patient and work! After all, you have been given such a happy opportunity.

Talks behind your back, discussions, etc. may begin in the team. The best counterargument is professionalism! Sooner or later, gossip will dissolve, and a job well done will always stand up for itself.

Do not feel guilty about someone, do not fawn (especially without extreme necessity) - just do your best work. Return is a worthy choice of a strong personality, respect yourself for this, and others will appreciate such an act.

I wish you good luck and self-confidence, as well as the ability to turn your defeats into victories!

What happened: Layoffs have become a bitter reality for most workers and employers. Oftentimes, managers reluctantly had to part ways with good employees due to budget cuts. Whether you were fired as an inefficient employee, whether you were asked to leave in an amicable way - it does not matter. The main thing is that the company's business has gone uphill, and you do not mind joining the old team.

Why back: Perhaps your work activity did not work out after being fired - for many, it became a problem to find a job. Or maybe such a good team (management, salaries, working conditions - underline the necessary) is nowhere else to be found. Either way, you don't mind coming back.

Reaction: Mikhail Semkin, adviser to the general director of the Imperiya Kadrov holding, reveals the secrets of employers: research. But in real life, the chances of returning are really great, since the motives for leaving the company could be very different, and after a while a lot could change - both the organization and the employee himself.

What to do: Mikhail Semkin outlines an action plan for the applicant: “As for the process of returning to a former employer, I would highlight a few points that are worth paying attention to.

Before you apply for a job or call a former manager and/or HR, you need to make sure that deep down you don't hold a grudge against the company and really want to come back.
If you decide that you still want to return to your former employer, you definitely need to conduct research and collect data on the changes that have occurred in the company's activities. At the interview, this will show your loyalty and that you are still in the know.
If the company does not currently have an open vacancy or no full-time vacancies, offer your candidacy as an external consultant.
No matter how the relationship develops in the company in which the specialist now works, in the event of leaving it, you should not “close the door behind you” - it is better to leave it ajar.
No matter how the employer treats the employee, if he sees a real return on the specialist, he will definitely take him back.
There was a case: Nikolai worked as a programmer and was not in very good standing with his superiors. At least, he was never ranked among the most valuable employees. When the company fell on hard times, he was at the top of the list of top layoff candidates. After some time, Nikolai noticed that the company was starting to recruit employees again. He called his former friend, who worked in the personnel department, and asked for help to return to his native walls. The HR manager, reporting on the work done, said that he had found an excellent candidate - suitable for experience, loyal - and asked to give him a test task. Nikolai coped with the task, after which he went to the final meeting with the leader. Seeing him, the former boss was very surprised, but, after weighing all the pros and cons and taking into account the fact that Nikolai knows the specifics of the work and does not have to be brought up to date again, he offered him a job. Again.

To a better life

What happened: Sometimes a career hits a ceiling and doesn't want to budge. And if, despite the employee's attempts to somehow influence the situation, the authorities ignore this issue, a job change becomes an available solution to the problem. In a new place, a career can develop much more successfully.

Why back: Again, everything rests on the eternal bait that makes applicants aspire to the company, and employees to hold on tightly to their place: working conditions, salary, team - everyone has their own priorities. If the career in the old place was successful, and you are no longer the specialist you were before, and you want to rejoin the old team, but with new rights, there are chances to return.

Reaction: Of course, the employer will immediately begin to worry about the question of why you left the best place where your career finally took off. Particularly suspicious ones can begin to conduct a whole investigation: did you have a scandal in your last place, did you let your former employer down, and also try to find out what conditions were in the previous company. It is worth being honest about what attracts you to the company - this will demonstrate loyalty, which will add points to you in the eyes of management. But loyalty will only add to the heavy artillery: all the qualities and skills that you have acquired in another job and are ready to use for the benefit of the company.

Olga Yuryeva, Leading Consultant at Penny Lane Personnel Recruitment Agency, encourages applicants: “Up to 80% of employers do not welcome the return of employees to the company. Therefore, an employee, before making a decision to dismiss, needs to carefully weigh the pros and cons. However, no matter how the employer treats the employee, if he sees a real return on the specialist, he will definitely take him back. There are examples of quite successful comebacks in the market.”

Actions: First of all, it is worth evaluating your advantages over other applicants. Do you have unique skills or knowledge that will make your resume stand out from other professionals? If there is, it may be worth taking part in the competition for a vacancy on a general basis. Overwhelmed by your competencies, former colleagues will not be able to offer you a job.

If the scandal was related to your work, it is useless to try to return. Gross mistakes, and even more so - malfeasance, no one forgives.
If your achievements are not so impressive in order to immediately conquer the personnel department, you should contact your boss directly: explain to him what you have learned outside the walls of the company, what benefits you can bring to the business and, finally, why you want to return, why you want to continue your career exactly in this place.

There was a case: Roman left the position of a leading specialist in the IT department of a large investment bank due to an offer from a western company (with the possibility of relocation): an interesting experience, completely different money, finally, the opportunity to live in Europe. But, unable to settle down in a foreign country, he decided to return. He contacted management and explained the situation. And the management made a decision: a specialist with valuable foreign experience was entrusted to head the division. Moreover, the salary that Roman was offered was comparable to what he received in Europe.

Unsuccessful attempt

What's Happening: When a career hits a dead end and there's no movement for a long time, for those who can't get over it, the only solution is to look elsewhere.

Why back: Of course, few people risk going into the unknown. A letter of resignation is written most often when the first working day at a new place has already been determined. But if everything goes wrong: the team weaves intrigues against the newcomer, the boss demands the impossible and hints that you may not pass the probationary period. If everything ended sadly in a new place, and the search for a new job does not give a result, you have to confess to your old place.

Reaction: Open arms and touching speeches should not be expected - even if everything was peaceful, both colleagues and management can be negative. The boss may think that you let him down by leaving your position and creating a problem. Colleagues may decide that you do not care about the team and corporate spirit.

Actions: Of course, all is not lost. You need to prepare your return through acquaintances at your previous job: knowing the objective situation is worth a lot. It's worth talking to your boss and explaining why you want to come back. Taking back an employee who is in the know, knows the requirements and is familiar with everyone is easier than teaching a newbie. But here it all depends on how painful the boss is to such dubious loyalty of the employee. Will they be able to trust you, knowing that you can leave the company at any time.

There was a case: Anna worked in a call center. The team was very close-knit, friendly, the bosses were friendly, but Anna wanted a promotion, and the department had only one head, and his place would hardly have been vacated in the near future. Anna decided to look for promotions on the side. She was satisfied with the position of the head of the group of operators - everything was agreed. But a few days before the start of work (of course, she had already quit her old job), she received a call and was told about the overlay: the specialist who worked at this place and quit after the birth of a child wanted to return. In other places, something did not suit me: either the salary, or the location, or the office, or the team. Anna had to return to her old place. The boss was not happy about this, but workers were needed, and it would take a long time to train someone again. Anna worked for several weeks and quit again: the team did not forgive her flight. There was no question of any former friendship: everyone tried to offend her, set her up, refused to help. Some companies cannot be logged in twice.

No matter how the relationship develops in the company, in case of leaving it, you should not “close the door behind you” - it is better to leave it ajar.
What a scandal!

What happened: Scandal! You quarreled with colleagues or boss and slammed the door in your hearts. Which was later very regretted.

Why back: The work suited you in all respects. And I would like, closing my eyes to all, to go back.

Reaction: You should immediately understand that if the scandal was related to your work, it is useless to try to return. Gross mistakes, and even more so - malfeasance, no one forgives. Also, if you have a conflict with your boss, you should think several times before going back to obey a person who has already managed to bring you down once. If the conflict came out with a colleague, the case may have a favorable outcome.

Actions: It is worth contacting the boss directly, explaining to him the essence of the conflict and suggesting possible ways out of their situation, for example, transferring you to another site or department so that you do not have to deal with an unpleasant person. But adequately assess your capabilities: of course, if you are a unique specialist and they simply cannot refuse you, management will find solutions, but if you are an ordinary employee - no worse and no better than others - it is unlikely that they will make any special concessions for you . It's easier to find a trouble-free worker.

There was a case: Irina Petrovna had a real talent for accounting, which she successfully implemented in the position of chief accountant, and a very bad character. She brought everyone around - subordinates, bosses, colleagues. Several times she quarreled with the CEO and, slamming the door, quit. But after it cooled down, I realized that I had done it in vain and tried to go back. And surprisingly, each time she was taken again to the same place without any objections. A good specialist requires a lot of money, including nerves.

When you leave an employer, don't give up and remember that anything can happen. Career life develops in different ways, and who knows, suddenly you will have to work together again. Therefore, when leaving, do not slam the door, try to stay on the best possible terms with colleagues and management. Explain the reason for leaving as softly as possible, emphasizing that there is no other way out, do not save on a farewell banquet. So that in the event of your return to the company, everyone remembers not your departure, but the fact that an old friend is better than two new ones.



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