How to make yourself blue eyes. Changing eye color by self-hypnosis, a step-by-step technique

The eyes are called the mirror of the soul for a reason. They reflect the mood of a person, his thoughts and even the state of health. Improper nutrition, poor sleep, diseases and stress are the causes of a dull look, which spoils the appearance and causes distrust among others. How to make eyes brighter and regain a clean, clear look? We know three ways, which we will discuss in the article.

Good sleep is the best way to brighten up your eye color

How to make eyes brighter with makeup?

The richer the color of the iris, the larger and more expressive the eyes appear. Properly selected cosmetics help to emphasize their shade. Below is a step-by-step version of makeup for eyes of different colors:

  1. Apply a white pencil to the inner corner of the eyes. Neutral color will refresh and open the eyes.
  2. Color the eyelids with shadows that contrast with the shade of the iris. Purple and blue colors are suitable for green eyes, brown and green for blue, brown for any color and black.
  3. Apply mascara to curled lashes. The first layer should be black: it will emphasize the depth of the look and give it expressiveness. To make the iris brighter, you can color the eyelashes with a second layer of colored mascara. Its color is selected according to the same principle as the shadows.

Do not forget about the basic skin makeup, which will also help emphasize the eyes. The tone of the face should be even, clean and fresh.

Properly selected assistants will cope with the task: foundation, powder, blush, highlighter

How to make eye color brighter with contact lenses?

Modern contact lenses perform several functions at once. Corrective models with diopters improve vision, designer ones are used for a creative look, and color ones help to change the color of the iris or make it more saturated. To make your eyes look brighter, choose lenses that are similar in color. They will make the look clear and expressive.

Even ordinary lenses that do not correct vision must be selected together with an optometrist.

An experienced specialist will find the material, shade and thickness of products suitable for you

Healthy lifestyle as a way to brighten eye color

The safest, most effective and cheapest method of transformation is a healthy lifestyle. A complex of simple and affordable actions has a beneficial effect on beauty and mood. Want a bright, fresh and healthy look? Help the body with the following measures:

  • full sleep;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • drinking enough water;
  • restriction of alcohol and tobacco;
  • relaxation.

You can make your eyes more expressive and beautiful instantly - with the help of lenses or the right makeup. But along with the washed off cosmetics, the brightness of the iris, obtained in an unnatural way, will also disappear. Therefore, you can resort to such tricks, but you should not forget about cardinal changes - until health problems are resolved, there can be no talk of natural brightness and brilliance of the eyes.

The easiest and most proven way to change the color of the eyes are lenses. But what about those who have itchy and watery eyes from them, and want to surprise their friends with a change in appearance?

What determines eye color?

Often our desires seem impossible to fulfill. This is the opinion of many of those who wonder if it is possible to change the color of the eyes. Of course, many will argue that you cannot go against genetics and that it is impossible to do so. But doctors, as well as lovers of experiments, believe otherwise.

So, eye color is completely dependent on heredity. It affects how much melamine is in the iris. The more it is, the darker the eyes will be. Therefore, most dark-skinned people will have brown or even black eyes. Fair-haired and white-skinned people can boast gray, blue or light green eyes. Of course, there are often exceptions.

Selection of wardrobe and makeup

If you are thinking about how to change eye color at home, then the following tips will come in handy.

The easiest way for owners of gray eyes. Even a small scarf in bright blue or green can help them. A jacket or any other piece of clothing is also suitable. The main thing is that it should be visible. A well-chosen combination will help make gray eyes appear blue. This method is considered the easiest and safest.

Owners of a green iris can make the color more expressive if they listen to the advice of makeup artists. They can definitely tell you how to change eye color at home. To do this, they will need a gray or brown contour pencil. Such an accent changes the color perception right before your eyes.

Stages of growing up

Everyone knows that most babies are born with blue eyes. But for many of them, the color changes already by the year. It can turn green, honey, or even dark brown. The dominant role in this process belongs to genetics, and parents cannot influence this process.

But with age, people cease to be interested in whether it is possible to change the color of the eyes. After all, their iris begins to brighten. Bright blue eyes turn to light gray, burning dark brown become honey.

Serious illnesses

Sometimes people who do not think about how to change eye color at home find that another person is looking at them in the mirror. Blue-eyed people are most likely to experience this. But brown-eyed is not threatened. The iris changes its shade with the progression of the Fuchs and Posner-Schlossman syndromes. These are diseases of the cornea. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor if you notice that your color has begun to change.

Posner-Schlossmann syndrome is manifested by an increase in intraocular pressure. But it is not accompanied by glaucoma. Doctors suggest that this may be an allergic disease. But Fuchs's syndrome is a corneal dystrophy. It is characterized by the fact that epithelial cells begin to die, which are responsible for pumping fluid from the transparent layer - the stroma. With these diseases, only one eye can change color.

Intraocular pressure

The shade of the iris also changes in patients with glaucoma. The drops prescribed to such patients contain special substances identical to prostaglandins. This means that hormones also affect the intensity of the color of the iris. Their regular use leads to the fact that the iris begins to darken. As a rule, drugs such as Unoprostone, Latanoprost, Bimatoprost, Travoprost are prescribed. They help reduce intraocular pressure.

Knowing about their properties to make eye color more saturated, many begin to experiment with them. But it is worth remembering that by checking how to change eye color to blue with drops, you risk your health. They can only be used as directed by an ophthalmologist if indicated.

The power of autosuggestion

If you are a fan of non-traditional approaches to all the processes that take place in life, then you will like the auto-training method. To do this, every morning and evening you need to imagine yourself with the desired eye color and pronounce your desire out loud. You can make appropriate changes to your photos for better visualization. Fortunately, modern computer programs for image processing allow this.

This is the easiest and most affordable method if you can't figure out how to change eye color at home. The main thing is to believe in the result and do it in a relaxed state. It is believed that it is best to influence the subconscious in the first minutes after waking up and before falling asleep. If you come up with a rhymed plot and pronounce it, it will be just wonderful.

Science achievements

But everyone understands that it is impossible to change one's own genetic characteristics with the power of thought. In this case, ophthalmologists will come to the rescue. They will tell you how to change brown eye color. This is easy to do if you buy lenses of the shade you need.

At the same time, please note that only Color lenses are suitable for a dark iris. They are able to completely change the color of the eyes. But people with blue or gray eyes can opt for tint options. They will give the iris brightness and make the look more expressive.

With the right selection of lenses, addiction passes in a few minutes. The main thing is to listen to all the advice of an ophthalmologist, take care of them properly, remove lenses at night. It is also important to change them in time. Remember to thoroughly rinse the lenses that change the color of the eyes with a special solution and make sure that the container for their storage does not get infected. Otherwise, you may start having problems with your eyes, they will turn red, inflammation will go.


Not everyone knows about it yet, but now there is an opportunity not to even think about how to change the green color of the eyes. You can have surgery and get the color you want for the rest of your life. True, it is quite difficult to find a clinic specializing in such procedures. Such an operation was invented by the ophthalmologist Delary Albert Kahn. He received a patent for his invention in 2006, which will expire in 2023.

Initially, such an operation was performed on patients with certain eye defects, such as ocular albinism, heterochromia, coloboma. But now it is used simply to change the color of the eyes.

The procedure consists in the fact that a special implant is implanted into the iris. He covers it with a disk of the chosen color. You can make blue, brown or green eyes. Moreover, if the patient changes their mind, the implant can be removed. But the cost of such an operation is quite high. You will have to pay about 8 thousand US dollars to make your dream come true.

Working on your unique style, you can not only change clothes or accessories, but also change the color of your eyes. This can be done today even at home, although no one cancels surgical intervention. However, all kinds of operations performed even in modern clinics pose a danger to the body. Therefore, at present, lenses are being used more and more often, since they can change the color of the eyes without harm to health.

Before we move on to practice, let's figure out a little what determines the color of the human eye, or rather, its iris. The presence of a particular color determines the melanin pigment and its amount. With a low content of melanin, the eyes become blue, with moderate - greenish, with an average - gray-blue, with a high - brown.

Method number 1. Can food change eye color?

Let's start with simple and affordable ways. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is extremely small, so before you start them, you need to understand that it will not work to completely change the color (only a slight tone correction will occur). Some methods may require a lot of time and, oddly enough, the person has a tendency to vividly display emotions.

You can start by changing your diet. Certain foods, when consumed regularly, can increase the content of melanin. True, this method is only suitable for those who want to change the color from blue to brown. So how do you change your eye color? To do this, you need to eat foods: nuts, fish, ginger (affects saturation), olive oil, chamomile tea, onions and green onions, honey.

Method number 2. Clothing selection

Can eyes change color from certain clothes? Of course, the main thing is to choose the right one. For example:

  • To make gray eyes appear blue, you need to wear blue, silver and dark gray clothes. In all other cases, it is impossible to radically affect the color of the eyes, but you can emphasize and saturate their shade.
  • If you have green eyes, then wear brown, purple and dark red clothes.
  • If brown, then yellow, orange or coral.

Method number 3. How to change eye color with drops

Here we will consider a more effective method, which is carried out using special eye drops. Why did the color of the eyes change from the drops? The fact is that they are made from prostaglandin, a synthesized hormone.

These drugs have some side effects. These include: deterioration in the blood supply to the eye, the development of cataracts, heterochrony (left and right irises have different colors).

Today the most popular drugs are:

  1. Latanoprost.
  2. Xalatamax.
  3. Glauprost.
  4. Travatan.
  5. Bimatoprost.
  6. Unoprostone.
  7. Travoprost.

Is it possible to change eye color with drops without consequences? Unfortunately no. Firstly, their use leads to negative consequences, which we have already mentioned. Secondly, eye color can only change from light to dark. Thirdly, a noticeable result will appear in 2-3 months.

Method number 4. Meditation to change eye color

Meditation is a specific but rather interesting way to change eye color. With the help of self-hypnosis, some trained people influence the chemical processes occurring in the body. Immediately, we note that there were very few positive results after using this method. However, on the Internet you can see some good reviews.

Consider a few practical exercises on how to change eye color.

  • Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine some well-known area. It can be your room, workplace or the view from the window. Try to visualize all the small details, think of the weather, season, day. Then begin to imagine how the whole space is filled with the color that your eyes have. Imagine that the paint is slowly dripping onto houses, furniture, trees, people. After everything is filled with your color, start "applying" the desired color over the current one. Do it slowly, watching each change. Repeat the exercise daily for 10-15 minutes. Changing the color of the eyes by self-hypnosis can take months.
  • Look at the light bulb for a second so that a bright spot flickers before your eyes. Then take a mirror and focus on your iris. Imagine how the desired color spills over it, how it fills your eyes. The exercise does not need to be repeated too often, once every 1-2 days is enough.
  • Start assuring yourself that your eye color has really changed. Imagine, for example, how you met a friend and he was delighted with your new color, or how you looked in the mirror and were surprised at your transformation.

Change eye color with mood

Our mood can also affect eye color to some extent. Longing and sadness make the eyes brighter, give them richness. Irritation and anger color the iris in dark shades. Light shades add a feeling of joy and happiness to the eyes.

Changing eye color with this method works, as they say, 50 to 50. After all, not all people are equally prone to self-hypnosis, not everyone has a good imagination. In meditation, the main thing is to believe in success.

Method number 5. lenses

Perhaps the most effective and fastest way to change eye color is lenses. Let's say a few words about what lenses are. They are usually classified into the following groups:

  • Disposable. Cheap and uncomfortable lenses that are usually worn for no more than 12 hours.
  • Multiple use. The most popular type of lens that can last up to two years. True, for a quality model you have to pay well.
  • Fully colored. These lenses completely change the color of your eyes. And even from dark brown you can make light blue eyes.
  • Partially colored. They saturate your natural color or bring a new shade to it.
  • Carnival. Such lenses allow you to change the color of the iris, for example, a cat's eye or a vampire's eye - your choice.
  • Let's look at some of the features of colored lenses to learn how to change the color of the eyes. The density of each lens is different: for bright models that completely change color, it is higher, which simply enhances the natural shade - lower. It is undesirable to wear dense lenses for people who have increased eye sensitivity, so you should consult a doctor before buying.

Negative effects after colored lenses

Colored lenses have other negative sides. These include:

  1. If the lens is incorrectly selected, it can put pressure on the eye, as a result of which vision will begin to deteriorate.
  2. Some models, especially carnival ones, are covered with a special film that does not transmit light well or completely distorts it. As a result, the eyes will be very strained.
  3. Lenses, especially with high density, often slip off the iris.

But all these problems can be avoided if you choose the right model. When buying, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Before purchasing a product, find out what type of eyes it is intended for (for light or dark eyes). There are also universal lenses.
  • If you have light eyes and want to change them, for example, to brown, then you should buy tinted lenses. Otherwise, it is better to take dense colored lenses.
  • By purchasing bright colored lenses, you make the look unnatural. If possible, it is better to take tint.
  • A quality product should have good gas conductivity so that the eyes are less tired and watery.

Can contact lenses change eye color? Yes, the main thing is to choose a manufacturer. There are a lot of them on the modern market, but there are several companies that have managed to establish themselves well.

Lens manufacturers

Acuvue colors. Pack of 6 colored lenses, which are made of silicone hydrogel - a classic material for such products. Lenses are recommended to be changed every 2-3 weeks. That is, the package will last you somewhere for 1.5-2 months.
Multi Curve. Products of this brand have a unique feature of softly adhering to the eye, which makes them as comfortable as possible. In addition, the lenses freely pass oxygen and even protect against ultraviolet rays. Changing eye color is easy.

Fresh Look Color Blends. These lenses can both change the color of the eyes and slightly correct vision. They also provide comfortable wearing and use. And thanks to new technologies, they allow you to create an interesting gradient of several colors on the lens.
Doll eye. Due to the fact that the lenses go beyond the iris, they slightly increase the eye, making the look more expressive. And now the color of the eyes has changed.
As for the price, it varies from 300 to 1 thousand rubles for an ordinary pair of lenses, a better and more durable product can cost more than two thousand. However, keep in mind that lenses are usually available in packs of 3-4 pairs.

Method number 6. How to change eye color in photoshop

Photoshop (or any other graphic editor) can help you if you want to experiment with the image, choose the right color or shade.

To get started, choose a photo that clearly shows your eyes; the photo itself must also have a high resolution. After loading the image into Photoshop, start processing. The editing method can be many, it all depends on your skills. Here is the most simple and clear method.

  1. Use the zoom tool to zoom in on the photo.
  2. Then select the area of ​​the cornea with the Elliptical Marquee tool (oval area). To get an even circle, you need to set the "shift" key. If part of the eye is covered by the eyelids, then it will be more convenient to use a lasso (Lasso).
  3. Now you need to copy the selected area to a new layer. Press the "Ctrl" and "j" keys at the same time.
  4. Once you've created the layer, click the "adjustment layer" or "New Adjustment Layer" button in the bottom right corner. In the menu that opens, select "Color balance ..."
  5. Now add a mask: "Layers" - "Create Clipping Mask".
  6. Having opened the color balance, in the "Tone" column, select "Midtones" and, moving the sliders, select the desired color. You can also change the "Opacity" of the layer to achieve the desired effect. And now - the change in eye color happens instantly!

Method number 7. Operation

No matter how good the lenses are, they still cannot permanently change the color of your eyes. But modern medical technologies can cope with this task. Foreign ophthalmologists have long been practicing operations to change the color of the iris.

The essence of this method lies in the fact that a special implant is implanted into the cornea, which is a colored silicone plate of very small thickness. Usually the operation lasts no more than 20 minutes under local anesthesia. However, it is carried out only if the patient is absolutely healthy.

Possible complications include: inflammation of the cornea, cataracts, glaucoma. In rare cases, partial loss of vision has been observed. The cost of the procedure is huge - from 8 thousand dollars. Therefore, such procedures are extremely unpopular.

There is, however, another method of surgical intervention - laser correction. However, it can only change brown to blue, as a special laser can only remove melanin.

The change in eye color occurs within 1 minute, while the patient does not even feel pain. This method also has fewer complications. Sometimes manifested: photophobia, short-term pain in the eyes, glaucoma. The cost is about 5 thousand dollars, but every year the price drops.

How to change eye color is up to you. However, doctors strongly advise not to resort to surgery. It is better to try simple and safe methods first: change your diet or do yoga.

A quarter of a century ago, women striving for perfection could not even conceive of a cardinal change in eye color. However, now it has become possible to turn, say, gray eyes into green, and this is not perceived as magic and sorcery, but has a completely logical explanation.

Modern methods of changing eye color

Color contact lensesall shades

Quickly, simply and relatively cheaply, anyone can change the color of their eyes with the help of colored ones. You can even choose such lenses in optics, where a specialist, focusing on the original eye color, will advise the most suitable option. For example, tinted lenses are enough for light eyes, such tinting will effectively change the iris of the eyes, but if the eyes are dark, then colored lenses are indispensable. The choice of shades and colors of lenses is now so huge that even the most sophisticated buyer will be able to choose the right lenses for themselves. But when buying lenses, you need to take into account the recommendations of ophthalmologists and follow all recommendations regarding the mode of use and the timing of lens replacement.

chameleon effect

Depending on the lighting, the intensity of eye color can change, the brightness of the eyes is also affected by mood, outfit, makeup. This effect is more often observed in women with gray, blue or green eyes by nature. This method is the most studied, harmless, entertaining, and accessible to every woman. You just need to buy a pair of bright scarves, learn how to effectively combine clothes and choose the right shade of shadows and other eye makeup.

Special eye drops

Usually, when ophthalmologists prescribe drugs containing prostaglandin F2a to patients, this is a natural hormone that quickly reduces intraocular pressure. This drug can be found in pharmacies under the names travoprost, unoprostone, bimatoprost, or latanoprost. If treatment with this group of drugs is quite long, then gray or blue eyes become darker and may gradually acquire a brown color. But we must remember that the main purpose of such drops is to reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma. It is strictly forbidden to use a hormonal drug only to change the color of the eyes, because it will still not be possible to permanently change the iris, but it is possible to permanently spoil the vision. Even those suffering from glaucoma should use the drug only on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.

Eye color change scalpel

Eight years ago, Delary ophthalmologist Alberto Kahn received a patent for eye color change surgery. Fifteen years of experience in performing operations to remove glaucoma and implant implants led to this practice of the doctor. It is no coincidence that in the course of operations to eliminate defects of heterochromia, ocular albinism, it was necessary to change the color of the patients' eyes, but it turned out that the demand for a surgical change in eye color is quite high, and patients are willing to risk a lot for the sake of beauty. The doctor has minimized the risk of negative consequences and quite successfully uses his talent in cosmetic surgery.

A quarter of a century ago, women striving for perfection could not even conceive of a cardinal change in eye color. However, now it is possible!

Eye Color Correction Laser

Dark-skinned women with sky-blue eyes are not very common in life. The miraculous transformation of a true Creole woman into a blue-eyed goddess is possible with the help of the gentle Strom laser, which Dr. Gregg Homer successfully uses in his technique. During the operation, which lasts less than a minute, the laser burns out pigmentation in the upper layer of the iris, and after a month, brown eyes become blue for the rest of their lives. This technique is still being studied in California, there is no patent for it, so one can only hope and assume that in the future eye colors will bring only beauty and no detrimental health effects.

Meditation method

Eastern methods of self-hypnosis and meditation in many cause a skeptical attitude towards this method of restoring health, and especially to such a subtle method as changing eye color. However, the survey showed that many who wished, during the practice of meditation, received exactly the color of the eyes that they desired.

Particularly subtle and gifted individuals can test this method according to the following scheme. In the evening, immediately after sunset, you need to sit comfortably, relax and with your eyes closed concentrate on changing the color of your eyes, all unnecessary thoughts during the session should be driven away from yourself. For several minutes, you need to mentally imagine the desired eye color, you need to fill the whole body, brain, and mind with color. You need to imagine how the native color gradually disappears, and another bright and saturated color, for example, green, fills its place. effective if done for a month for 30-40 minutes 2 times a day. The main thing is that this method does not give side effects, even if the result is not achieved, the nervous system will be very healthy.

I have known Anastasia for many years, and all this time she always found a bunch of flaws in herself: either she doesn’t like her skin, then she needs to lose weight, then her legs are crooked, even her eyes have been criticized. Nastya coped with some of her shortcomings, but she could not change some of the features of her body.

Somewhere she did not have the patience or money, and somewhere she physically could not do anything. So, Nastya had to come to terms with her crooked legs (she limited herself to clothes that hide this flaw), and she simply felt sorry for the money for a nose job.

The next item on Nastya's list of "defects in her own body" was her eyes. My friend categorically did not like the color of her eyes. To all my beliefs that this problem can only be reconciled, she responded with new ideas to solve it.

At first there were colored lenses, but Nastya was uncomfortable wearing them (and sometimes just too lazy). As a result, the lenses were thrown into the far drawer of the table, and this restless girl began to think about laser eye correction. But this idea was not crowned with success either, since Nastya was too afraid for the health of her eyes to take such a step.

Finally, my friend found a way that she liked. Nastya decided to change the color of her eyes by self-hypnosis. At first I was skeptical about such an undertaking, because it sounds very suspicious. However, I then went through a bunch of literature, looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to change the color of the eyes with autosuggestion, and as a result, my skepticism went away.

After finding some of the most credible articles, I advised a friend to follow the steps in those articles. After some time, at first I just called and asked if auto-suggestion helps to change the color of the eyes.

Hearing a joyful “yes”, it became so interesting for me to see the result that I asked for it to visit her and immediately came to her. I was really surprised when my brown-eyed friend met me with gray eyes. If you look closely, you can still see the brown streaks in her eyes, but otherwise the iris was light gray. It was at that moment that I believed in the power of self-hypnosis.

Most people who dream of changing their eye color have never even thought about using the power of thought for their own purposes. Few seriously thought about how to change the color of the eyes with the help of self-hypnosis.

It is quite understandable why people are so distrustful of this technique, because at first glance this technique may seem like sheer charlatanism. However, in fact, this method of changing eye color is quite effective.

Of course, the effectiveness of self-hypnosis depends on the correctness of the technique used, because in any business you need to make an effort and follow certain rules in order to get what you want.

The main principles of self-hypnosis for changing eye color and historical background

Many underestimate the power of self-hypnosis, although cases when a person was cured of an illness, simply by wanting it strongly, often force him to change this opinion. Thus, all that is needed to achieve the desired result is just two points:

  • allocate enough time for self-hypnosis;
  • have a strong will that motivates you to take care of yourself.

Previously, self-hypnosis was equated with magical powers. It has been historically proven that among the ancient Greeks, the problem of changing the color of the eyes was solved precisely by self-hypnosis. Often such a desire arose among girls who wanted male attention and changed a lot in their appearance with the help of the power of thought. Such women became witches, according to the rest.

Changing eye color with self-hypnosis is not as difficult as it seems, but with a certain skill, the task will become much easier. To begin with, you can practice changing the temperature of your hand or try to see what is happening behind your back without looking back.

Method of changing eye color by self-hypnosis

Before embarking on self-hypnosis, one should understand one simple truth - it takes time for a visible result to appear. With self-hypnosis, the eyes will begin to change color gradually, becoming less and less like their original appearance.

Taking it seriously, a person will need at least one month in order to get even a little closer to the desired eye color.

Of course, each person is individual, and where it takes one month to achieve at least some progress, another will need at least three.

Thus, the key to success in this matter is patience (but do not forget about the correct technique for performing self-hypnosis).

Speaking about the self-hypnosis technique itself for changing eye color, there are several main ways to achieve the desired result.

  1. After waiting for the sunset, you need to say a special affirmation. An affirmation is a short phrase that carries a positive attitude. It is recommended to repeat this phrase several times (preferably an odd number). Affirmations can not only be read aloud, but also repeated to yourself. As a motivational phrase, it is better to take an affirmative sentence, for example, "I have (desired color) eyes." This phrase should accompany a person when he falls asleep, as well as when he wakes up.
  2. Toward evening, you need to lie on the floor on your back and relax. All attention must be focused on the desire to change the color of the eyes. Then the person must say a rhyming phrase, repeating it the maximum number of times. You can take a poem from the Internet, for example, “The color blue will come, color your eyes the other way around,” or you can come up with a phrase yourself. The main thing is that the sentence contains the necessary setting (change in eye color) and a rhyme for easy memorization.
  3. There is another use for the rhyme described above. In the morning before breakfast, take a glass of water and say a rhyme into this water. Then you can drink water charged with a positive attitude.
  4. The next exercise requires special concentration. The person closes their eyes and imagines their true eye color instead of darkness. Then you need to try to gradually change this color to the desired one. It is necessary that the new color gradually replace the old one, which at first will simply fade, and then transform into the eye color that needs to be achieved. The new color becomes brighter and richer, and in the end there is only one new color.
  5. Before going to bed, think about meeting a friend or colleague who will notice your new eye color and be surprised. The clearer and more detailed this fantasy is, the more effective this exercise will be.
  6. Left alone with yourself, take a relaxed posture. Imagine the desired eye color and imagine that it gradually fills the entire body. Further, this color must be collected throughout the body and directed towards the eyes. Once you're done, open your eyes.
  7. Take a sitting position, close your eyes and put your fingers on them, pressing lightly. Imagine that the darkness is filled with the color you would like for your eyes. Remember this state.
  8. Look at your palms and release a strong charge of internal energy into them. Let your body feel it. Then cover your eyes with your palms and let this energy go to the iris, changing its color to the desired one.

For any exercise, regularity is important, so try to engage in self-hypnosis without missing a single day.


Thinking about how to change the color of the eyes with self-hypnosis, it is not enough to just do the exercises monotonously. The key to success is a strong desire, so the usual whim, which will be forgotten in a week, is not enough for effectiveness.

A person should really dream about a new eye color and be ready to do a lot of exercises for this.

Although self-hypnosis requires a lot of time and aspirations, you can change the color of your eyes with the power of thought, and reading this article is the first step towards your goal, so be patient and go for your dream.

Self-confidence, backed up by daily exercises, works wonders, and changing eye color by self-hypnosis has long ceased to be considered a miracle.



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