How to make an advertising newsletter by email. Bulk email distribution

But there is physically not enough time to correspond individually with each user, even if you work 24 hours a day. And mass mailings, for example, on the social network Vkontakte, give us the opportunity to provide information quickly and to a large number of people at once.

Sending invitations to the group

To send messages on VKontakte, you first need to promote a group and gain a sufficient number of subscribers. Advertising will make this process faster, but if there is no budget for an advertising campaign, you can send invitations to users yourself. This can be done in two ways: manually or using special programs.

  • Open the menu under the group logo.
  • Select "Invite friends to group."
  • In the window that appears, select the users to whom you want to send invitations.
Select “invite friends” from the drop-down menu

You can send no more than 30 invitations daily. If you use a special application for sending, this limit may be exceeded. But excessive activity in the group is a direct reason for temporary or permanent blocking of the community (at the discretion of the administration).
Select the friends you want to invite to the group.

VK newsletter to group subscribers

Before you read the step-by-step instructions, it should be noted that VKontakte mailings cannot be used to distribute spam. This means that the user must first agree to receive messages from the group, and only then become a member of the mailing list. The administration of the social network is actively fighting spam, so in order to protect your account and group from blocking, you should not distribute advertisements to users without their consent.

If you can’t send spam on behalf of a group, then the question arises why mailing lists on VKontakte are needed at all. In fact, if you organize the process correctly, you can get a lot of benefits from mailing.

  • Purchasing an additional tool for interacting with subscribers with the possibility of a personalized approach.
  • Increased trust and loyalty to the company.
  • Unlike posts on a community wall, an important message will not be lost in the news feed.

So far, the dissemination of information through social networks cannot replace SMS and. But there is potential. After all, the open rate of messages on VKontakte is much higher than in email, and cheaper than SMS messages. At the same time, there is no risk that the company’s letter will be lost among hundreds of similar letters.

How to send a VK newsletter to subscribers of your group?

To try out this marketing tool in practice, you need to first check your community settings. To do this, select Community Management – ​​Messages from the menu. If community messages are enabled, the settings remain unchanged. Otherwise you need to enable them.

  • In the settings menu, select Community Management - Applications.

  • From the available applications, select “Messaging” and click “Add”.

  • Set application settings.

  • Click "Save".

  • Subscribe to your newsletter to see in what form messages are received to users.

In the initial application settings, the user needs to adjust only 4 points: button name, visibility, snippet and application name. A button with which users can independently consent to the newsletter will be located on the right side of the community. The owner of the group can give it any name, for example, you can use “Subscribe to news”, “Subscribe to newsletter”, “Latest news”, etc. Visibility settings determine who can see this button. Here you need to set “All users”.

Next comes the Snippet. In simple words, this is the name of the button with which users can subscribe to the newsletter at the request of the group owner. That is, in order to draw people’s attention to the fact that they can receive fresh and relevant information in personal messages, the administrator can post a link with a button on the community wall, on the company website, or send it individually. It’s also better to choose something neutral for the snippet, such as “Open” or “Go.”

The app name appears at the top of the subscription page after the group name. It can be left unchanged or titled in accordance with the purpose of the mailing. After this, you need to save the settings and try to use it in practice. In order for users to actively subscribe to your newsletter, it is best to use all traffic sources. Therefore, you need to place a subscription button on the company’s external website.

Installing a widget for mailing on a website

To send messages not only to group subscribers, but also to third-party users who visit the company’s website, it is appropriate to place a subscribe button on its pages. To do this you need:

  • Create a new mailing list in the application.
  • In the settings, check the “Hidden list” and “Collect subscribers to this list” options.
  • Follow the link and create the button code.
  • Set parameters.
  • Copy and paste the code onto the company website.

It is worth noting that this will not only increase the list of users for the mailing list, but will also attract new subscribers to the group. In addition, you can give users a choice and make several thematic mailings. This is useful for both subscribers and the community owner. Since users will be able to receive only the information they need, and the owner will be able to divide the total mass of subscribers according to interests into separate lists.

How to send a VK newsletter to all friends?

For those entrepreneurs who offer their services not through a group, but from a personal account, it will be interesting how to send VK mailings to all friends. The good news is that there is no limit to sending messages to friends. But, as practice shows, sending the same text to several users is regarded by the administration as spam.

There are several ways to send messages to all your friends:

  • Manually. You can create a message in advance, and then send the message to everyone on the list using copying. To make the process easier, you can use a program that allows you to record a sequence of actions on your computer and then automatically play them back without your participation.
  • Using programs.
  • By creating a conversation.

Creating a conversation is the way to send out messages with the least risk of getting banned. But it has a significant drawback - when each person joins and leaves a conversation, all participants receive notifications. If the user is not interested in the topic of the conversation, he will quickly leave it due to the intrusiveness of notifications.

To create a conversation, you need:

  1. Go to Messages and click “+” next to the search bar.
  2. Select members from your friends list.
  3. Enter the name of the conversation and click “Create”.

When selecting participants, you can tag only those friends who are online. After you create a conversation, you can add new users from your contacts list. But they can leave it only of their own free will.
Click on the “cross” and select the friends you want to invite to the conversation.

How to send a VK newsletter to non-friends?

There are strict restrictions regarding sending messages and friend requests to strangers. The number of messages per day is no more than 20, requests – no more than 50. Some users bypass these restrictions by creating fake accounts.

The administration of the social network also prohibits such actions, but this is not the most depressing thing. Messages from such pages are usually not viewed by recipients or become grounds for complaints. Therefore, before sending out mailings from additional accounts, you will have to make them “live”, and this will take a lot of time.

To manually send messages to strangers, you must first add them as friends. Since the number of queries is limited, when filtering users, you should set search criteria that match the target audience. This:

  • Age.
  • City.
  • Marital status, etc.

In this case, you can attach an accompanying message to the request, which may be of interest to the addresses. Messages should not mention the words: promotion, free, buy and the like. Letters that come in private messages are also moderated, so the administration quickly recognizes intrusive advertising. And this, in turn, is another reason to block the account.

Programs for automatically sending invitations

Bots and special software that will independently send messages to users are considered “gray” methods of promotion. This means that no one, not even the developers of such programs, can guarantee that the group will not be banned.

  • Quickly attract new subscribers.
  • High risk of account (community) blocking.
  • Attracting a dubious audience.
  • High price.

There are two types of automatic mailing programs: partially paid and paid. Partially paid ones allow you to use the software, but with limited capabilities. Fully paid programs allow you to try out their functionality for free during a test period, with subsequent payment for the full version.

It is not recommended to use third-party applications to promote the community. If you have start-up capital, it is better to use the services of special agencies, otherwise high-quality and interesting content will attract the public no worse than other methods of promotion.
But even after users have begun to actively join the community, it should not be left to chance. The public needs to be retained - this is what VK mailings to subscribers of your group are used for.

The decision to use automation rests solely with the user. There are many programs on the Internet that are designed to automatically send messages. However, you cannot use several of them at the same time. Therefore, you will have to make a choice and download one of them. Of the most popular, two programs can be distinguished: LSender VK PRO and Quick Sender.

LSender VK PRO

LSender VK PRO is a paid program for sending messages to the target audience. It provides 16 automatic mailing methods. At the same time, the developer assures that the risk of account freezing is minimized.

In addition to mailing, the software allows you to create template responses for automatic dialogue with the client. Moreover, dialogues can be conducted simultaneously from two or more user accounts. The program has a convenient and intuitive interface, but even if questions arise, the user can use the instructions for use, which are issued after purchasing the program.

Quick Sender

Quick Sender is a program for commercial mailing, community promotion and target audience generation. It has a separate block for the parser (searching for the target audience) based on multiple criteria. The user only needs to set the search parameters.

Another feature of this program is the liker. This is a mechanism that automatically likes the posts of users included in the target audience to attract attention. After this, the program will independently send messages that need to be delivered to the recipients.

Users also have access to reposts, automatic inviting and posting. You just need to set the necessary parameters, and then the program will be able to do everything on its own.

The use of multifunctional programs for promoting VKontakte communities does not guarantee the success of the enterprise. Content plays a decisive role. If a community cannot offer users high-quality and interesting information, nothing will keep them as subscribers. Therefore, first of all, you need to rely on your own strength, and not on a set of instructions and algorithms.

The first erroneous thought that arises in the head of an inexperienced entrepreneur who decides to develop a business on the Internet. It seems like a working website with information posted on it is enough. It may seem to you that you will be able to communicate, have the opportunity through the site to tell the audience everything you want, but this is not so. Let's figure it out.

Let's say 100 people came to your site. You “greeted” them with your face. They looked around, read something (if you have, for example, a blog), made a purchase (if you have an online store) and left. All. If they want, they will “contact” you - they will visit the site again. If not, then you have lost your audience because your visitors remain strangers to you. You can't contact them, they can. The same pager. Now imagine that these 100 people left you their email addresses.

Email is a direct analogue of a telephone number, a contact through which YOU can contact your visitors. True two-way communication, like a telephone. All that remains is to get an email.

How to get an email

A fundamental problem that marketing gurus have struggled to solve. To answer the question, you need to put yourself in the shoes of a site visitor. They don’t just give away email addresses. Compulsion? Will not work. Deception? Even worse.

The only effective way to get an email is to make the person want to give it to you.

  • Stay up to date. In many cases, the user, if your site is relevant to his interests, will not mind subscribing to notifications about new events on the site, be it the release of new material, the appearance of a new product, and so on. The same function can be served with the sauce “it’s more convenient.”
  • All the best. A good suggestion would be to send a selection of the best of what's happening on your site. The best articles, the best products.
  • Exclusive. A more aggressive, but very effective method that refers to the peculiarities of human psychology. Access to something is provided only to subscribers. It could be anything: unique “most useful” materials, competitions, special conditions and functionality. Think about the list of your offers that could be classified as exclusive, and give only to the “selected”.
  • Discounts and promotions. This information is objectively useful to your audience. Who wants to miss out on a great deal? This point partly overlaps with the more abstract notification function, but here the motive for the visitor is financial, more specific and attractive.

The reasons listed above for sharing your email address need to be shown to your visitors in a simple and clear way. Place static and pop-up subscription blocks on your website. No tricky long texts. Clear, obvious, accessible, understandable. The effect will not be long in coming, and you will soon have an impressive base of contacts.

What to do with email addresses

Having email addresses allows you to speak to your audience through newsletters. You need to use this opportunity correctly, because inept work with subscribers will not only not help, but will also harm you.

Rules for good email marketing

So, you address the audience. Appeal is speech. Speech must be beautiful and elegant, which means your letters must be attractive with every element.

If the subject of the letter does not interest the recipient, then he will no longer get to the content. The topic should not repeat the previous one, but it should arouse curiosity with the originality of the message.

An address I trust

Tell me which sender name is less doubtful: volodyaspamer1999@gmail.? Your company name is your name and should be in the sender's address. He must be recognized. This is why marketers focus on brand awareness.

Life is too short to read long letters

And in the mobile era, when people view your content from small smartphone screens, size requirements have become even stricter. No more than 50 characters per title is a strict rule. Ideally, key phrases, appeals and talking points should fit into 28–39 characters.


Too much uppercase won't help you capture the reader's interest. Quite the contrary. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of perception. Caps may be perceived as shouting. Nobody likes to be yelled at.

I'm talking to you, friend!

Personalization in communication is the strongest tool for increasing the loyalty and interest of the recipient of the letter. It seems as if the letter came not from a soulless robot, but from a friend who knows your name. What attention! It brings us together, incredibly brings us together. Personalization in the offer is an even more advanced tool that works based on the history of the visitor’s actions.

Teaser letter

Email cannot be considered in isolation from the overall business process. A letter is the first stage in a chain, and therefore must fulfill a strictly defined purpose. For example, going to your website, store, specific page. The content of the letter must lead the recipient to this through a clearly formulated call-to-action (call to action). As a rule, this is an element that stands out in the body of the letter, like a button, and the text acts as a catalyst for attracting people to click on it.

A/B testing

Have you decided to make several versions of the letter because you are not sure which one will be the most effective? There is no need to doubt. Using the right tool, you can send all versions of the letter, distributing them so that, for example, 33% of recipients see the first version, 33% see the second and 34% see the third, and then evaluate the effectiveness of each option.

The wizard always arrives on time

And in the context of email campaigns, “on time” means the best time in terms of recipient response activity. There is no perfect moment at which everyone in the world will suddenly want to read emails and click on links. Everything is very individual, and simple practice and observation of subsequent activity will help you find the best days and hours.

Thanks to these not-so-tricky techniques, you will turn your email newsletter into an effective communication channel through which a loyal audience interested in your offer will come to your website.

However, there is a problem, and you already understand it well. How, for example, can you personalize hundreds and thousands of emails? How to format a letter beautifully? It's the same with A/B tests and analytics in general. In the end, not every entrepreneur ALREADY owns his own website, and therefore his first priority is to find a simple and inexpensive way to get a high-quality, beautiful “digital office” for his business.

With the advent of website builders, the life of small businesses and private entrepreneurs has become much easier. No need to contact programmers and designers. You don't need a system administrator to support the server. It is enough to choose one that does not require specific skills to configure, and independently modify it to suit your needs.

All that remains is to add an email newsletter application to the site. A minute to install, a couple of clicks to create a beautiful letter, convenient selection of recipients, and your newsletter is ready to send.

Today I will give you instructions on how to create an email newsletter yourself in just 90 minutes. I tried to make it as simple as possible so that you can understand the main stages of email marketing.

Please note that each of the stages can and should be greatly improved, complicated and brought to perfection.

So, you and I will need:

  • your own database of email addresses of subscribers (mail address or mail address and subscriber name),
  • account in the UniSender service with a replenished balance (at the rate of 0.005 USD per 1 subscriber),
  • desire to learn something new and 90 minutes of time.

Stage 1. Create a subscriber base in Unisender

The first time you enter a new email in this field, Unisender will ask you to confirm it. This is a standard procedure for confirming an address, you will quickly cope with it.

  • Field " From whom" I recommend filling out the field in the format "name + company name". This will make the letter seem personal and remind you of your company. Try to fit in 20 characters.
  • Field " Letter subject" As you can see in the screenshot, the topic begins with the construction ((Name|Attention)). It is needed to address the subscriber by name if the “Name” field is filled in (if not filled in, “Attention!” will be written).

The subject line also conveys the main essence of the letter to the reader and contains several numbers that will attract attention.

Try to put the main essence of the letter into 35-50 characters. Please be aware that long topics may be cut off on some devices.

Filling out this field is a separate topic for discussion and experimentation. In the future, we will write instructions with more complete recommendations for working with the subject line.

After filling out three fields and selecting a mailing list, click on “Continue”.

Step 2.2. Design and content

This seems to be the most difficult part of creating a newsletter. However, let's use the special "Block Editor" and quickly create a simple and meaningful letter.

After selecting a completed template in the block editor, all you have to do is:

  • remove blocks you don't need,
  • fill in the required blocks with your content,
  • mark all links to the site with UTM tags according to the instructions.

So, here is an example of quick editing and filling of this template:

Please note that the height and padding of some blocks have been changed, and some blocks have been completely removed. Changed font size and line spacing, added P.S. and a “See all” button.

To understand what you need to write in a letter, at this stage I recommend you do two things:

  1. Look at letters from other companies: what language they are written in, what they focus on, and how they format the content. Surely you can note something useful for yourself.
  2. Read a book " How to write so that people trust you"(K. Rowman, D. Rafaelson). An excellent book, adapted for modern means of communication.

I advise you not to linger on creating the letter. This stage can last for several days, and in some cases for several weeks. Keep your first letter simple. And you will gradually improve the second and subsequent mailings yourself or create a beautiful design and layout using contractors.

After you finish editing the letter, look at how approximately it will look like on computers and smartphones, and don’t forget to send a test letter to your email using a special button:

If some elements have moved out, then you need to edit them: change the indents, height, add empty blocks, etc.

I am sure that if you have done all of the above and read the article up to this point, then it will take you about 10 minutes to master the block editor. J You can do it - there’s just a little time left until your first newsletter!

Step 2.3. Sending letter

If you have already looked at the trial letter and are satisfied with it, then let's proceed to the final stage - sending the letter. Make sure all fields are filled out correctly. Click on “View” to look at your letter again.

All. Now all that remains is to wait for Unisender to send out the newsletter. Usually this does not happen instantly, but once every 10 minutes. However, it doesn't take much time.

Stage 3. Analysis of mailing results

And to evaluate the quality of the headline, email content and the offer itself, use open rate (Open Rate) and click-through rate (CTOR) indicators. In Unisender, you can view these statistics on the “Mailmails > Sent Reports” page by going to the desired mailing list.

If any of the indicators is significantly lower, then the matter is most likely due to one of the following reasons:

  1. Your proposal is too weak. People don't benefit from what you have to offer. Perhaps the benefits need to be made even greater.
  2. Your audience is not interested in this offer. In this case, try to understand how else you can attract your subscribers, or divide your audience into segments so that you send only offers that interest them.
  3. The title is not attractive. As a rule, this happens if it does not reflect the benefit or looks suspicious. Try to completely change the structure of the title.
  4. Poor presentation of content inside the letter: the text is difficult to read, links are not highlighted or absent at all, the essence of the proposal is not clear, there is no call to go to the site.

Try to find weak points in your mailing and eliminate them. Remember that the main task of the headline is to encourage the reader to open the letter, and the task of the letter is to interest and “sell” the transition to the site.

So why 90 minutes? In fact, all the described stages of work take me from 30 to 180 minutes. The total time depends mainly on the complexity of the letter itself. If the content of the letter is not very complex, you can definitely do it in 60 minutes.

If you have any difficulties or have questions about how to organize an email newsletter on your database, then look for answers to them in the Tactics blog or write to me about it in the comments. I'll try to help you. Good luck!

Despite the rapid development of advertising and marketing technologies, the method of communicating with customers through mass mailing remains a very effective business tool. The simplest method is to send letters by email, for example, sending them via mail ru.

Log into your mail account at, click the “Write” button, fill in the “To” field with a list of addresses (click the checkbox).

Then everything is even simpler - enter the subject, write the text of the letter, fill out the signature and press the “send” button.

After this, the message goes to all marked recipients. For the best design, there are buttons above the text field. With their help, you can change fonts, add postcards, change your signature, etc.

Despite its apparent simplicity, novice users often complain that their emails often do not reach the recipient or end up in spam. Professional programmers and marketers voice the reasons and explain how to properly prepare letters for sending and set up mass mailing to mail ru.

  • Before mass mailing, the IP and domain need to be “warmed up” - increase the number of letters gradually, since large information traffic from an IP that does not yet have a reputation can lead to its inclusion in spam filter databases. This will also lead to your email being blocked.

  • When sending a letter, you need to be 100% sure that the specified mailbox exists with the client. If more than 5% of all email addresses in your mailing list are not valid (do not exist or are not used), this may lead to complete blocking of the entire mailing list.

  • In the body of the letter, it is very important to provide the opportunity to unsubscribe from the mailing list, otherwise users who are not interested in it will use the “spam” button, which will ultimately lead to your blocking.

  • It is advisable to use Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) authentication. This authentication method will ensure that all your mailing lists have a consistent reputation.

Mail agent who is not 007

This is a program for audio/video communication and instant messaging online. It comes in two versions - linked to a mail page, or it can be installed separately on a computer. It makes it possible to send short free SMS. Convenient if the client base is small, otherwise it is pointless, because each number will have to be entered manually.

In the lower right corner of the account page there is a narrow strip, click on it, a window with contacts appears, click in the lower left corner on the cloud with the inscription sms, another window appears with the name “Send sms”. We enter the text and phone number, or the name of the contact, if you enter a name, make sure that the number was previously entered in his account, click “send”.

This method is suitable for short notifications or congratulations to clients.

"Trojan Horse" mail ru updater

The first thing you will see when you enter the phrase “mail ru updater” into a search engine is an endless row of links with answers to the cries of the soul “how to remove the updater from mail ru”, “can’t be cleaned from the registry”. Experienced users already know that this is a pig in a poke or a real Trojan that, without your knowledge, delivers something to your computer and shamelessly steals any available data.

Pros and cons of mass mailings through the Mail ru service

Let's look at the objectively positive and negative aspects that mass mailing via email gives us.


  • quick start, you don’t have to search for and understand a variety of services for sending letters;
  • Even a beginner can send a newsletter this way;
  • mailing is potentially free.


  • there is no way to automate mailings at certain times or with certain promotions;
  • you cannot know for sure whether your letter will pass spam filters;
  • Most of the functions that are important for business and making money are not available, such as auto funnels, series of letters, advanced statistics, letters based on an event, integration with landing pages, telephony, SRM, etc.;
  • to send SMS, you will have to use and study the subroutine agent on the page or install its independent analogue on your computer.

The maximum number of recipients in a letter is 30. There are also restrictions on the speed of sending letters from and limits on the number of letters. Read more about limits.

How to send mass emails via mail ru from a computer

There are special programs, their general algorithm is simple - we launch it, and once we create an action record (there is a corresponding button) as a template. At the same time, open the page with the email address, enter all the necessary addresses in the field, form the text and before sending, click the “save” button, the template is written down. A file is generated, opening which for the second and hundredth time, we can, with the click of one button, send the prepared template to a large number of clients without going to the email page. The text of the message can be changed, the list of addresses will remain the same.

Programs for mass mailing of letters from mail ru mail are of the same type in the basic design; there may be only minor nuances in additional “bells and whistles” for design. All of them are created in the form of a step-by-step guide, it won’t be difficult to figure it out, you can download any one.

The only thing worth noting are packages like Email or Atomic Marketing Studio - it contains three programs, each of which allows you to create mass mailings, checks addresses for reality, and also makes it possible to generate automatic responses or notifications. Convenient “three in one” product.

Using programs, the likelihood of ending up on spam lists is many times higher than when working with services.

Alternative mass mailing services

Services are orders of magnitude more convenient than the best program and independent services. Let's look at the top leaders.

Allows you to send both email and SMS messages. The service is paid, the cost depends on the selected service package; you can check the prices on the website. Unisender uses a designer for professional letter design, with its help you can download databases from Excel, as well as set the start time for mailing.


  • professional design of the content of the letter;
  • ease of use of the database;
  • scheduled launch;
  • the ability to check a domain in spam databases;
  • convenient reporting form.


  • the cost of sending one letter with a small client base.

A very large service for sending letters and more, it is notable for the fact that it has its own API, which makes it easier to integrate its services into projects. It is possible to connect an SMTP service. Quite an interesting service with the ability to choose the design of the text of a letter from ready-made templates.


  • good technical integration capabilities, API available;
  • many ready-made templates for all occasions;
  • abundance of additional tools (SMS, split testing, etc.)


  • not free, although it is possible to send up to 15,000 letters per month for free (you need to check on the website, as conditions may change).


  • A fairly young service that cares about every client;
  • free mailing to a small customer base.


  • a meager set of technical characteristics;
  • no editor, pre-installed themes;
  • there is no API for integration;
  • less clear statistics.

A relatively new service specializing in providing an expanded range of marketing services. There is a convenient editor, many ready-made templates with adaptive design. It’s disappointing that there is no free version for beginners, but there is a free version for 30 days with a base of up to 250 people.


  • provision of a wide range of services;
  • good technical basis for maintaining statistics.


  • prices are above average, aggressive payment policy;
  • there is no API, which may lead to the complexity of full-fledged “native” integration;
  • no SMS messaging.

An interesting service that provides a “full package” of services for sending letters. It has a convenient newsletter content editor, many newsletters, and a built-in photo editor.


  • b free up to 1000 subscribers;
  • has “a full complement of young fighters” on board.



  • free newsletter for a small client base;
  • convenient API and the ability to integrate into any project;
  • all types of mailings, convenient monitoring system and viewing statistics;
  • smart editor and many templates.


  • minimum functionality, sufficient only for the simplest tasks.


Having analyzed the pros and cons, it can be noted that sending letters through mail ru is carried out mainly manually and has additional problems, such as possible espionage from an updater. It is more convenient for any businessman to work with safe automation. Mass mailing method via mail [Total votes: 5 Average: 3.6/5]



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