How to make friends with adult dogs of large breeds. How to make friends a dog and a kitten: practical tips

You already live adult dog but you decide to adopt a puppy. Well, this is very commendable, especially if you are a caring master. However, one should immediately warn about a problem that will not take long to wait, namely, the adult dog's addiction to "replenishment".

Often a pet, which is conditionally considered an authority, either because of a long period of life with you, or because of its strength, or because of the feeling of immense love of the owner, it is not easy to accept new residents into the house; becomes very aggressive. And, so that there are no serious problems, an adult dog and puppy were able to find a common language as quickly as possible, we recommend reading a few of our tips.

Jealousy of an adult dog

Jealousy adult dog to a puppy - the most famous manifestation of the attitude of "authority". Most often, the owners of several dogs face this problem. adult dog starts to feel like master spends more time with the puppy than with her. However, in most cases, this is true, because the baby requires more attention and time, especially in aspects related to puppy training.

In order to counteract jealousy, try to give the adult dog proper attention while the puppy is acclimating. Sometimes it takes more time than usual. It is very important during this period to let an adult dog feel your love - it will be easiest to do this through direct physical contact (stroking, playing, etc.). You must let the dog know that puppy didn't show up to take her place.

2-3 weeks before you take the puppy to your home, it would be a good idea to introduce the dog to the puppy. For a meeting, you should choose a neutral territory, preferably one where the dog has not been before. To avoid feelings of jealousy on the part of an adult dog, it is better to ask someone to bring a puppy to such a meeting.

Protection of the territory by an adult dog

Dog, as you know, the animal is territorial and when a new dog appears on this territory, then all this can result in a fight between them. adult dog during acclimatization, the puppy may not follow the owner's commands, it will behave very cool. This is her response to the interference of outsiders within her territory. In no case, use the command "Fu!", "No!".

Remember that the dog must not be allowed to violate the established order with its behavior and, at the same time, it must not be deprived of proper attention, otherwise it may feel in danger.

Before you bring home a puppy, you can prepare an adult dog. For example, as yet puppy located at the breeder, take a piece of cloth and carefully wipe the puppy with it. Then bring this fabric home and transfer it to different places over the course of several days. adult dog will begin to get used to the smell and will no longer be suddenly "stunned" when a new resident appears in the house.


Even a well-trained, sociable and kind dog can show aggression towards a puppy. This happens, usually, due to the lack of enthusiasm and energy inherent in small puppies in an adult dog. In order to show the puppy who is the boss in the house, adult dog can snarl, growl and even lightly bite the puppy. Such a manifestation of aggression is quite natural and you should not immediately "ring the bells". For a puppy, such an assertion of his power by an adult dog will seem like just a game and fun.

Do not leave a puppy alone at home with an adult dog - this is not a good idea. An unattended adult dog can cause serious harm to a puppy. And although such cases are very rare in practice, you should not leave them alone, at least not for the first time.

We hope that these simple tips and precautions will help you make friends between an adult dog and a puppy.

Dogs perceive the owner's house as their property, and will always fight those who encroach on it. But sometimes it may happen that you need to bring another dog or cat into the house. To save nerves and prevent a large-scale war, it will be necessary to solve the problem of how to make friends friends, that is, to introduce them to each other correctly.


  • It will be good if the dogs get to know each other on neutral territory until the moment they live in the same house. It will be great if they can play with each other, as play leads to friendship.
  • If this is not possible, then the new dog is brought into the house carefully. You can make an attempt to introduce the animals at once. This is the case when both sides are not aggressive. After the introduction, let the new dog recover and look around.
  • If your dog has aggressive behavior, then you should close it in another room and only then introduce a new dog into the house. This will allow your dog to get used to the new smell, and the new one to look around.
  • Then, with the help of an assistant, you can try to introduce animals. You will need to take your dog by the collar and lead it into the room, where the assistant will hold the new dog in the same way. Dogs should be allowed to sniff and do not forget to praise them at the same time. If everything goes well, then you can gradually weaken the insurance of animals for collars.
  • If the behavior of the dogs towards each other remains aggressive, then keep them in different rooms for several days. During this time, they will get used to someone else's smell and find contact with each other more easily.
  • If this option does not help, then let the animals figure out the problem on their own. How to make friends with dogs in this case? To do this, bring them into one room, but be ready to intervene at any moment. The dogs will figure out who is in charge without hurting each other. After that, one of them will have to become a subordinate of the other.
  • In the process of "grinding in characters" between them, conflict situations are possible, which eventually come to naught. Do not forget that you are the owner of the house, so all quarrels must be stopped with a strict shout.
  • Distribute the caress evenly. Don't forget your dog if you pet the receptionist. Otherwise, the struggle for your attention can become the main cause of conflict situations.

How to make a cat and dog friends

  • If you brought a cat into the house, then in the first 3-4 days you should keep them in different rooms so that they do not see each other, but only “hear the smell” of the new animal.
  • They should also be fed in different rooms. So the smell of an outside animal will be positively associated with food, which will contribute to learning.
  • After some time, arrange the first meeting, before which put a collar on your dog. If the dog rushes at the cat, then it is necessary to give a strict “fu” command, and after it, sharply jerk the leash towards yourself. However, you should not do it too abruptly, so as not to wring the dog's neck. You just need to show her that you can't do it.
  • Let the animals be opposite each other for some time (at an acceptable distance). If the dog is no longer angry, stroke and praise him, while not forgetting to resolutely stop any aggressive attempt.
  • The dog will be jealous of you for the cat if you stroke it. If the dog is "outraged" - punish him again, if he is calm - encourage him.
  • After some time, approach the cat with the dog and stand next to it. Let the dog sniff the cat. After the situation has stabilized, someone from the household should take the cat in his arms, and then give her the opportunity to walk around the room.
  • The dog must be seated. If she got up from her place, then you should take her to where she was sitting and give a strict command to “sit”.
  • Over time, the dog should calm down and stop responding to the cat. At first, it is necessary to constantly monitor their communication and intervene in the conflict in time.

It is a mistake to think that the problem of how to make friends between two dogs or a cat with a dog can be solved only with the help of punishments. There must be a measure in everything. It will be better if another animal evokes positive emotions in your dog - the feeding process and the owner's affection.

So you've made the decision to get a new puppy. You may have acquired a puppy with a pedigree, you may have adopted him from a shelter, but the main thing you need to consider is how to integrate him into your family, especially if you already have a beloved dog. You need to think not only about just integrating the puppy into the family, but also about how to train him while keeping your old dog happy.

Dogs are by nature social creatures. They generally love to be in the company of other dogs, but it's important that you know your dog and understand how it might react. If she is not properly socialized, this can create problems for both dogs when the puppy is placed on her property, so in such a case it is advisable to consult a behaviorist before bringing the puppy home. However, if your dog is well trained and quite friendly to other dogs, puppy integration will be much easier and faster.

Before bringing the puppy to his new home

First meeting

Before introducing your puppy to a new home, it's a good idea to have the first dog encounter in neutral territory, such as a neighbor's garden or a local park. It is best to hold the meeting outdoors, where the dogs will have plenty of other things to distract them. For the meeting, you will need the assistance of a family member who will help supervise one of the dogs. Keep the dogs on a leash and bring them close to each other so they can greet and sniff their new friend. Keep the leash loose so they don't feel like they're being held back. Don't pick up your puppy so he doesn't feel trapped or threatened. Stand straight with your legs apart so that the puppy can step back and take cover behind them if necessary.

You must remain relaxed, as dogs may mimic your tense behavior. At this stage, the puppy will probably show submissive behavior, such as licking the adult dog's face or lying on its back. Your adult dog may growl at the puppy, but this is normal behavior and just a way to teach the puppy good manners. Of course, if your dog continues to show aggression, you should remove him and end the meeting. Trained dogs will usually examine the puppy and then either play with it or ignore it. The classic invitation to play in dogs looks like the front of the dog goes down and the tail goes up.

Bringing the puppy home

After a short meeting, you should bring the dogs together and once you reach the house, you can let the adult dog off the leash. Keep the puppy on a leash and let them explore the room together. If your adult dog maintains a positive and normal behavior, you can let go of both dogs, but keep them under control.

Supervise any interaction between the dogs, especially the first week of their living together, so that they get to know each other better. Don't leave them alone. Maintain all existing walks and feedings as normal. Let the puppy fit into your regular routine.

Be careful, especially in situations that can cause aggression, for example, when you come home, when guests come, while walking, and also during meals, both yours and theirs. It's also important to spend time alone with each dog so that the adult dog gets the attention it's used to and your puppy has the opportunity to develop a bond with you. If you only spend time with both dogs, they will develop a bond with each other in the first place.

During feeding, you should feed the dogs from their individual bowls. Space them as far apart as possible, and always stop them from intimidating each other or stealing food. When they have eaten, remove the bowls. Teach them not to touch or eat from someone else's bowl, even if the other dog is gone.

Remember that an adult dog will try to teach the puppy good manners and show him how to behave, so do not interfere much with this, however, you may need to adjust his behavior a little. Also, don't let the puppy constantly disturb the adult dog. If they start to fight, stop them as quickly as possible so they don't develop their aggressive behavior.

Over time and with some patience, both dogs will learn to recognize each other, but until then, they should not be left alone, keeping them in separate rooms or parts of the house if necessary. By following these steps, you need to make sure that your new puppy becomes part of the family with as little effort as possible.


If, having, you decide to bring it into the house, keep in mind that for most animals this is stressful, and sometimes a serious danger. As a rule, the pet that appeared in your family first feels like the owner. It is easier when yours is properly brought up and has a balanced, sociable disposition. Such a dog will be able to get along with any living creature, perhaps he will even make friends with a kitten. Cats are much more individualistic, but they can also be tolerable neighbors for other pets.

True friendship between animals of different species is very rare. But mutual tolerance, common interest in the form of joint games, the absence of conflicts between domestics are quite real. However, some precautions are required. Control the process of the first acquaintance of the kitten with dog. Do not force the pets, give them the opportunity to first study each other at some distance, and then calmly sniff.

Allocate for each animal its own place to sleep and rest, its own bowl for food, so as not to allow conflicts between them in the struggle for property. At first, feed your pets in the same room, but in different places. In this way, pets will gradually get used to each other's smell, associating it with something positive. Dogs tend to eat their food faster, leaving their bowl empty. Cats often do not finish their food. Therefore, remove the kitten's bowl after he has eaten to avoid the dog eating leftover cat food.

Give equal attention to both animals so as not to give them a reason for rivalry and jealousy. Pets accustomed to each other often play and sleep together. Warmth-loving cats use the dog as a "living heating pad". At the same time, while licking their skin, clean representatives of the cat family often begin to wash the dog.

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Often among pet owners you can find the opinion that only dogs can be trained and educated, and cats are wayward and independent. These qualities are indeed present in the character of cats, but, nevertheless, cats lend themselves perfectly to education, and if you start the educational process from the first day a cat appears in your house, the result will pleasantly surprise you. A kitten that gets into your house requires learning the rules of behavior and good manners - without your guidance, he will not learn about them, and subsequently this will bring you and your family a lot of trouble.


As much as you love your kitten, don't let him do absolutely everything. Having spoiled a cat, it is very difficult to raise it in the future. Gently but firmly explain to the kitten what he can and cannot do in your home.

It is useless to punish a cat for a misdemeanor, because, from a dog, she does not accept punishment at the expense of her own misconduct, but considers it a personal insult, and can be seriously offended by you. The first step towards reconciliation should always be taken by the owner.

Influence by changing the intonation of the voice. Praise the cat in a soft and affectionate tone, and scold it in a strict and serious tone. If the cat has a tendency to bite the owner during the game, be sure to wean it from this bad habit. In no case do not beat the animal - brute force can ruin your relationship with him forever.

In order for a cat to grow up smart, well-mannered and calm, it must grow up in an atmosphere of care and love. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, explain to them that the cat is a new member of the family that needs attention and affection. Let the children know that the cat must not be hurt, otherwise it may grow up scared and nervous.

To keep your cat from ruining your walls and furniture, get a good scratching post and spray it with catnip so that your cat will transfer its claw-sharpening instinct to a safe object.

Wean the kitten to beg for food from the common table. To prevent the kitten from feeling hungry during a family dinner, feed him before you sit down to the table, and then distract him with a toy.

Toys in general are very important for raising a cat - if she does not have toys, the cat, in accordance with natural instincts, will gnaw and ruin shoes, clothes and other objects. Toys will help the kitten fulfill its needs and divert attention from your personal belongings.

To distract the animal from damage to indoor plants, plant cat grass or catnip in a separate pot. Make sure that among your houseplants there are no poisonous for cats herbs - calendula, tulips, lilies of the valley, ivy, wisteria, crocuses and other flowers that are harmful to the cat's health.

If your cat is aggressive, just show calmness and submission. The cat will take this as a signal to reciprocate calmness.

The main condition for the proper upbringing of a cat is the absence of physical strength and coercion. Keep a mutually respectful relationship with the animal, and the cat will respond to you with love and devotion.

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The dog always perceives his house and the surrounding area as property and tries to kick out anyone who encroaches on him. But sometimes it happens that you have to bring another dog into the house. In order to prevent large-scale wars and save the nervous system not only for dogs, but also for yourself, it is necessary to properly introduce animals to each other.


The second dog gets to our house in different ways. It happens that you could not get past the trusting eyes of an abandoned animal. Perhaps you were asked to temporarily hold your pet by friends, as they are going on vacation, or perhaps you just dreamed of a second one for a long time and finally decided to make your dream come true. In any case, you need to correctly "introduce" the beginner to your dog.

Well, if you have the opportunity even before they end up in one. Ask the owner of the other dog to go for a walk with you and your dog. Let the dogs meet on neutral ground. It will be great if they play together - after all, the game is a direct path to friendship.

If you do not have the opportunity to introduce dogs in advance, then a new dog must be brought into the house carefully. If your dog is friendly, then you can try to introduce the animals right away. If they do not show aggression towards each other, then you can let the new dog look around and come to his senses.

If your dog is aggressive, then close it in another room, and then introduce a new dog into the apartment. Let her look around and let your dog smell the new scent. Then try to introduce the dogs - here you can not do without help. Take your dog by the collar and lead him into the room where your assistant will hold the new dog in the same way. Let the dogs sniff and praise them as they do so. If all is well, then you can stop insuring pets for collars.

If the dogs are aggressive towards each other, then you can try to hold them for several days in different rooms. Getting used to the smell of each other, it will be easier for them to find contact.

If that doesn't work, try letting the dogs figure it out on their own. Bring them together in the same room, while being prepared to intervene. As a rule, dogs find out which of them is in charge without hurting each other. Once the relationship is sorted out, one dog will have to put up with being a subordinate.

In the process of communication between dogs, conflicts are also possible. Over time this should fade away. But, remember: you are the master in the house, so all attempts at quarrels must be stopped by a strict shout.

Don't forget about your own when petting someone else's dog. Your attention must be equally divided, otherwise the struggle for your affection will become the main cause of conflicts.

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A cat and a dog in the same house is a very possible combination. Of course, the ideal option is when they get into a new house at the same time. But more often it happens that a newcomer arrives in a house already inhabited by an old-timer. How to make a kitten get used to a dog? And so that the dog accepts the baby and does not offend him?


You have to gradually introduce yourself to your dog. It is better if the first time they stay in different rooms. For example, place them in rooms separated by a glass door. Animals will be able to see each other, but will be deprived of the opportunity to enter into conflict. And the first meeting will not be a shock.

A day later, the kitten can be released to the dog. He will be busy with the development of a new premises and will not focus on another animal. Be sure to be close to the dog, carefully monitor its reaction. Stop any attempts to attack, even in the form of a game. If the kitten raises its hair when the dog tries to get closer. Don't worry, this is a completely normal reaction. Stroke the baby, cheer him up.

It is best to introduce animals at a time when they are both full and complacent. In no case do not let climb into the dog bowl - the dog will perceive this as an encroachment on its territory and may bite the baby. But more often she will just growl and the kitten will understand that it is undesirable to climb into dog territory. It is also better not to touch the litter and the dog for the new tenant.

If the kitten is guilty of something, do not yell at him in the presence of the dog. The dog may decide that he must punish the culprit. According to the dog hierarchy, the kitten is on the lowest rung. Do not let the dog get stronger in this opinion - treat both animals equally affectionately.

Usually the kitten behaves quite confidently. Most likely, it is he who will attempt to get to know each other better. Make sure he doesn't inadvertently hurt the dog. Little kittens have very sharp claws that they do not yet know how to control.

If the kitten is too annoying - for example, will tug at the dog's hair or squeak loudly and piercingly, it may react unexpectedly sharply - for example, bite the kitten hard or hit it. After that, the baby may begin to be afraid of the dog. To prevent this from happening, stop the molestation of the kitten yourself. Take him to another room or give him a toy.

It usually takes one to two weeks for pets to get used to. During this time, when leaving the house, close the animals in different rooms. Be present when the cat and dog meet until you are sure that they do not conflict.

Not in all cases, the expression "live like a cat and a dog" means that there is enmity between animals. Very often, these pets feel affection for each other and even make friends. However, at first, their joint existence in the same apartment can be overshadowed by daily squabbles. How can you teach a dog to a cat and make them live together?


Try to take the kids home. If a kitten and a puppy start living together from a very young age, then their friendship is almost guaranteed. If you already have an adult dog, but you also want a cat, then take a small kitten.

Be sure to check the first meeting of your pets. Let them sniff each other, the kitten will master the space a little. At the very beginning, do not try to bring them together. It is quite natural if the dog and the cat will study each other from the side. Just make sure that your dog, for any reason, perhaps even exclusively friendly, does not frighten the baby.

At first, feed the dog and kitten in the same room, but in different corners. In this way, instinctively, they will begin to associate each other's smell with something pleasant. In general, animals should always be fed separately, even if later they start to treat themselves from other people's plates. But until your pets make friends, do not let them climb into someone else's dishes - this is fraught with conflict.

Try not to single out your favorite. Both the dog and the cat, being in the role of deprived of attention, can show jealousy and do you minor dirty tricks. With each other, this will also alienate them. If you stroke and play with one, then take time for the second pet.

Control the period when the animals begin to approach each other. Belonging to different species and families, dogs and cats “speak” different languages. Signals that for a dog are an expression of joy and an invitation to play, a cat can understand in a completely different way and show aggression. On the other hand, a cat can show its location with light tail bites, which the dog may not like. But over time and under your supervision, they will learn to understand each other's language.

Encourage their nascent friendship. Arrange games together, stroke both animals and talk to them. The cat will most likely quickly realize that a friend can be used as a live heating pad. You will understand the affection of animals by mutual licking, sleeping, playing.

The cat, by the way, had a lot of work to do. Every day she taught the puppy local customs. Who can lie on the couch, where you can’t hide the owner’s sock and who is the first to run to the doorbell - all these important points had to be explained to the bare-bellied “recruit”. In general, the cat was all in labors and worries.

How the cat played with the dog

Play? Yes, the cat, of course, played and sometimes even with the dog, but it must be taken into account that she was not an ordinary cat, and her games were of a peculiar nature. The most beloved one is to gallop through all the rooms, pretend to be terribly frightened of something and freeze in the middle of the table in the form of a curved electric arc. Then grin, wave a paw at the astonished puppy and start washing as if nothing had happened.

But it was so, more like a five-second warm-up, good for health. But when a fly flew into the house, or better two, then pandemonium set in. The cat flew head over heels along the upper tier of the house, the puppy did not lag behind on the lower one, the fly somewhere between them, and a terrible cacophony added to this whole tangle. Everyone in the house was extremely happy, well, maybe except for the flies.

But such nonsense was not often honored by the head of the house, which the cat considered itself to be. After all, she kept order in the whole dwelling. And not without reason, such an absent-minded mistress, like hers, still had to be looked for. What is the runaway water worth ...

Flood, or "Save yourself who can"

“So, it happened, she forgot about the bath,” the cat could not believe her eyes. Water with a quiet splash overflowed, and the hostess sat at the table and pounded on the keyboard, completely forgetting about the time, the open tap, the noisy water, and in general about the existence of this world.

"Maybe scratch her?" - the cat asked herself, carefully watching the stream running across the floor. But then she decided to follow the rule of her ancestors and not interfere: “In the end, they dragged this dog into the house, let her report.”

The dog, by the way, was not thoughtful. The poor puppy did not know at all how to behave. He stepped from paw to paw about ten times, scratched behind his ear, yawned widely, and this water continued to crawl stubbornly right at him. The kid did not dare to take any more decisive actions and rightly concluded that the mission of the hostess should begin next.

Alas, he did not know that this case was that rare exception when it was possible for him to vote in the apartment. The puppy decided to crawl under the owner's feet, well, yes, the cat almost fell off the table with laughter. But the dog was serious about informing the elders about the danger coming from the side of the bath, even in such an extremely unusual way.

However, the hostess did not look up from the keyboard and did not pay attention to anything, she only slightly moved the puppy. And the danger, meanwhile, was no longer approaching as a stream, but as a full-flowing river, washing away socks and forgotten balls on the way. The cat was bursting with laughter, sitting on a safe platform and anticipating the ending. The puppy decided that it was time to growl, and then the doorbell rang. It was the next door neighbor...

“Now the main thing is that they don’t cut our rations,” the cat later became nervous, hiding her eyes guiltily and intensively licking her fur coat. And the puppy happily splashed in the puddle behind the mistress, hard helping her to wipe the water with her belly.

It used to be a mystery to me why people get a second dog. And with one hassle a lot, but why so many more? And what is the interest? But life ordered me to experience all the delights of this situation myself.

My history

We have a second plot and a house in which no one lives yet. It was decided to get a second dog (the dog Caesar already lived in our yard). On the one hand, for protection, and on the other, so that it can be seen that if they do not live in the house, then they visit it regularly.

I found an ad on the Internet in which they gave an adult German Shepherd in good hands. So we got Jack.

In order for the dog to get used, first of all, to us, we decided to settle him in our yard for the time being. Before picking up a second dog, I read several articles on the topic of animal reconciliation.

Let's turn to theory

Cynologists advise, if possible, to introduce two adult dogs on neutral territory, and only then to start on someone else's property.
It is easier to make friends between a male and a female, with two males there can be serious difficulties.

There will be constant skirmishes in order to find out who is stronger and more in charge.

Also, when I studied this question in theory, I read that "who's in charge" dog fights rarely end in serious injuries.

If the males have already grappled, it is better to let them fight than to try to separate them. In extreme cases, pour water in the truest sense of the word - from a hose. This cools the ardor of fighters.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that I couldn’t watch how one dog “bites” another.


Caesar (our first dog) is very friendly and hospitable. But, as it turned out, this only applied to people.

When Jack was brought in, we called Caesar outside the yard. He sniffed the guest, said: “Rrr ... Woof!” and hid in the yard. I didn't want to get to know each other.

When they brought Jack into the yard, Caesar did not like it categorically. He constantly tried to attack the frightened relative, and only the formidable shouts of the owner prevented him from carrying out his cunning plan.

It became clear that there was nothing to talk about friendship. Jack had to be closed separately, and Caesar constantly strove to bite him on the nose through the openings of the fence.

For several days we repeatedly tried to reconcile them, but Caesar showed unprecedented aggression. At the same time, Jack behaved much smarter - he did not encroach on someone else's territory, but when he tried to attack, he lay down. Like, well, you are the owner, but is it possible to be friends?

One day, Jack opened the latch of his enclosure while we were not looking, and ran out to Caesar. AND…. nothing happened. Everything was quiet in the yard. But as soon as one of the people appeared there, Caesar again started a fight.

human jealousy

And then it became clear. Protecting the territory is absolutely irrelevant here. Feelings are much more human - elementary jealousy. Caesar was afraid that now he would be loved less. And if not less, then he does not mind having a friend at all.
Since then, we began to leave them alone more often, and the dogs became friends.

The morning began with the fact that they were fighting. When I first saw these “hippo games”, I couldn’t recover from laughter for a long time.

And when someone else approached the gate, the dogs staged a “tigers in a cage” performance, desperately jumping on the gate. I have never felt so safe in my life.

Now I understand why people need a second dog. Despite the fact that a bucket of food has to be cooked every two days, I can no longer imagine our life without Jack.

And in terms of reconciliation between two dogs, it turns out that we need to look much deeper. Maybe they are sometimes driven by instincts, but mostly they are quite human emotions. The only difference is that dogs do not speak, but wait for their owners to understand them.

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