How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation and pregnancy? Learn how to measure your basal temperature correctly. Correct measurement of basal temperature

The basal body temperature (BT) method is one of the ways to track fertile days, which are considered the most favorable for conception. Many women, when planning a pregnancy, use it with success. It is also interesting in that it can determine the presence of ovulation, or its absence, evaluate the work of the ovaries, suggest a possible pregnancy a few days after ovulation, and also follow its development for the first 12-14 weeks.

What is basal body temperature

Basal temperature is the temperature that is measured with a thermometer orally, vaginally, or, most often, rectally (in the rectum) at rest after a night's sleep. During the menstrual cycle, body temperature under the influence of certain hormones changes.

In the first phase of the cycle (follicular), from the end of menstruation to the onset of ovulation, estrogen hormones dominate in the body. During this period, the maturation of the egg occurs. The average indicators of the basal temperature of the first phase are in the range of 36 - 36.5C. And its duration depends on the time of maturation of the egg. For some, it can ripen for 10 days, while for others it can take all 20.

The day before ovulation, the value of BBT for one day decreases by 0.2-0.3C. And during ovulation itself, when a mature egg is released from the follicle, and a large amount of the hormone progesterone enters the body, BT should jump by 0.4-0.6C in one or two days, reach 37.0-37.2C and stay within these limits throughout the luteal phase.

During the period of ovulation, the dominant role of hormones changes (estrogens give way to the leading role of progesterone). The most successful period for conception is considered to be 3-4 days before the onset of ovulation (sperm viability time) and 12-24 hours after ovulation. If during this period the egg does not merge with the sperm, it dies.

The second, luteal phase, takes place under the influence of the hormone progesterone. It is produced by the corpus luteum, which appears at the site of the burst follicle. The luteal phase lasts from 12 to 16 days. BBT throughout the entire phase is above 37.0 C, and if pregnancy has not occurred, a day or two before the onset of menstruation, it decreases by 0.2-0.3 C. During menstruation, the expulsion of an unfertilized egg from the body, along with an unnecessary layer of the endometrium already in this cycle.

It is believed that normally the difference between the averages of the two phases of the menstrual cycle should be at least 0.4C.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

According to the rules, basal temperature is measured in the morning, at the same time (a deviation of 20-30 minutes is allowed), without getting out of bed, avoiding sudden movements. Therefore, prepare a thermometer - shake it off and put it near the bed, it is necessary in the evening.

If you have chosen any method of measuring basal temperature, for example, rectal, it must be followed for the entire cycle. The thermometer is held for 5-7 minutes. It is better to start measuring the temperature from the sixth day after the first day of menstruation.

Data can be written on a piece of paper, and then, connecting the dots together, get a graph. Or keep charts on the Internet. For this, there are special programs that are convenient to use. The most difficult thing to do is to correctly measure BBT and enter the indicators into a spreadsheet. Further, the program itself will calculate the time when ovulation occurred (if it was), draw a graph, and calculate the temperature difference between the two phases.

If you had to get out of bed at night, BT should be measured after 5-6 hours. Otherwise, the indicators will be uninformative and you can ignore them on this day. It is also worth noting the days when you got sick and your body temperature was increased.

It would be much easier if you could measure simple body temperature rather than basal. The difficulty lies in the fact that the temperature of the body during the day can change from stress, cold, heat, physical exertion, etc. Therefore, it is very difficult to catch the period when the body temperature would be informative. Therefore, it was decided to measure the basal temperature - after 5-6 hours of sleep at rest.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

As mentioned above, the most favorable period for conception is a few days before and one day after ovulation. If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum will produce progesterone up to 12-14 weeks. The basal temperature all this time will stay above 37C, it will not fall before the days of menstruation.

Some women stop measuring BBT when they become pregnant. It is not recommended to do this, because. BT during this period is very informative and allows you to control pregnancy.

With the onset of pregnancy, BT stays above 37C, the allowable deviation is 0.1-0.3C. If in the first 12-14 weeks the BBT values ​​fall below normal for several days in a row, it is likely that the embryo is at risk. Possibly progesterone deficiency. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for appropriate measures. It will not be superfluous to be examined on an ultrasound machine.

If BT has risen above 38C, this also does not bode well. It may indicate the presence of infections in the body of a woman or the onset of inflammatory processes. Based on a single decrease or increase in BT, conclusions should not be drawn, because. perhaps mistakes were made when measuring it, or extraneous factors influenced the value - stress, general condition of the body, etc.

After 12-14 weeks, it is already possible not to measure the basal temperature, because. the indicators are not informative, because by this time the hormonal background of the pregnant woman is changing. The mature placenta begins to produce progesterone, and the corpus luteum fades into the background.

Basal temperature chart during pregnancy

If you write down your basal temperature readings on paper, or keep a chart on the Internet, you can pay attention to certain signs that signal that you are pregnant:

- 5-10 days (usually 7) after ovulation, BBT decreases by 0.3-0.5C for one day. There is, as they say, implantation retraction. At this time, the embryo for the first time tries to penetrate into the endometrium of the uterus, i.e. find a place and settle down. Often during this period, women notice minor bleeding within 1-2 days, it is called implantation bleeding. Sometimes it looks more like a cream or light brown daub;

- the temperature of the second phase tends to a mark above 37C;

- before the expected critical days, the basal temperature does not fall, but still rises by 0.2-0.3C, this is highlighted on the chart as the third phase;

- critical days have not come on time, BT continues to stay at a high level for more than 16 days after ovulation. You can do the first test and see the result. It is likely that he will show two stripes.

Do not be upset if your schedule does not look like a classic pregnant one. There are charts according to which it is impossible to determine the signs of pregnancy, but nevertheless it has come.

High or low basal body temperature

The ideal BT chart should look like a flying bird with outstretched wings. The temperature difference between the two parts should be at least 0.4 C. Sometimes there are deviations from the ideal, which may indicate certain problems in the woman's body.

If the readings of the second phase of the cycle are normal, and the values ​​of the first phase are above normal, this indicates estrogen deficiency. And if it is significantly below the norm, then on the contrary, about an excess of estrogen. What is one of the causes of infertility. Only in the first case, this indicates a thin endometrium, and in the second, the existence of follicular cysts.

If the indicators of the first phase are normal, and the values ​​​​of the second phase are below normal, this indicates a lack of progesterone (pregnancy hormone). In this case, pregnancy can occur, but not be retained. Therefore, to correct the situation, drugs containing progesterone are prescribed, which should be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

If both phases of the cycle are above or below the norm, but the difference between the average temperatures remains at least 0.4 ° C, in this case there are no pathologies and deviations in health. This is how the individual peculiarity of the organism is manifested.

Although the method of measuring BBT is simple and affordable for determining pregnancy or diagnosing health, it should not be the only factor for diagnosis. Therefore, it must be combined with other methods. For example, to determine ovulation, you can additionally use test strips or ultrasound monitoring, to confirm pregnancy - donating blood for hCG or a test, and to diagnose health problems, take into account laboratory data.

Ovulation is a process that takes place in the body of a healthy woman, which is associated with the release of an egg into the fallopian tube for further fertilization. Knowing when you ovulate can help you plan your pregnancy or prevent unwanted conception. There are several methods for determining it, but the most accessible and simple is the measurement of basal body temperature.

What's this?

Basal body temperature (BBT) is an indicator that is measured in a state of complete rest, in the anus, immediately after waking up in the morning. It is a reflection of the hormonal background of a woman and allows you to identify problems in the work of the sex glands. However, more often BTT is used to determine the days favorable for conception.

Many gynecologists advise women to keep their own basal temperature chart. Especially for those who are planning to replenish the family. The schedule of basal temperature during ovulation has its own characteristics. It allows you to calculate the most suitable day for getting pregnant. The basal temperature directly depends on the hormonal processes in the woman's body.

and its phases

Created for procreation, therefore, all the processes occurring in it are aimed at ensuring conception and preparing the body for pregnancy and childbirth. The menstrual cycle has three consecutive phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal.

The first phase begins with menstrual bleeding, then the formation of a follicle in the ovary and the formation of a new endometrium. Its duration can suggest a graph of basal temperature. Its normal duration is 1-3 weeks. In this phase, the follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen play a role. It ends with the maturation of the follicle.

The second phase is ovulation itself. The walls of the follicle rupture, and the egg passes through the fallopian tube towards the sperm. The phase lasts about 2 days. If fertilization occurs, then the embryo attaches to the endometrium, if not, the egg dies. On a normal day, ovulation is at its lowest level for the entire cycle.

In the third phase, the production of progesterone begins. It is produced by the corpus luteum, which formed at the site of the ruptured follicle. The basal temperature after ovulation changes upwards - by 0.4-0.6 ° C. During this period, the female body prepares for bearing and preserving the fetus. If conception does not occur, then the concentration of female sex hormones decreases, and the circle closes, the follicular phase begins. Its duration is normal for all women is about 2 weeks.

Why do temperature fluctuations occur?

The measurement of basal temperature during ovulation as a method characterizing hormonal changes in a woman's body was proposed in 1953 by the scientist Marshall. And now approved by WHO as an official method for detecting fertility. Its basis is a regular change in the concentration of progesterone in the blood. This hormone affects the thermoregulatory center in the brain, which causes a local increase in temperature in the organs and tissues of the small pelvis. That is why a sharp increase in temperature in the anal region occurs in the luteal phase.

Thus, ovulation divides the menstrual cycle into two parts: in the first, the average temperature is approximately 36.6-36.8 ° C. Then it drops by 0.2-0.3 ° C for 2 days, and then rises to 37-37.3 degrees and stays at this level almost until the end of the cycle. A normal basal temperature chart during ovulation is called biphasic.

Measuring your BBT can help you pinpoint a fertile day with high accuracy. According to statistics, it is known that the highest probability of getting pregnant will fall on the day before and after the temperature rise - 30% each. 2 days before the jump - 21%, 2 days after - 15%. Pregnancy can occur with a 2% chance if fertilization occurs 3 or 4 days before the temperature rises.

What is this method used for?

If you constantly draw up a graph of basal temperature, the norm and pathology begin to be traced literally after 2-3 cycles. The resulting curves can answer many questions. Therefore, gynecologists strongly recommend this method to solve the following problems:

  • Determination of a favorable day for conception.
  • Early diagnosis of pregnancy.
  • As a method of contraception.
  • Identification of malfunctions in the work of the sex glands.

Basically, basal temperature is measured to calculate the day the ovulatory phase of the cycle begins. This is the easiest and cheapest way. It is very easy to determine ovulation by basal temperature if you take measurements regularly and follow all the rules.

Correct measurement is the key to the effectiveness of the method

In order for the results of the method to be true, it is necessary to follow all the instructions when measuring BBT, because it is very important that the basal temperature chart during ovulation includes only accurate and reliable data. There is a set of basic rules:

  • Temperature measurement is carried out daily at the same time (optimally - 7.00-7.30) in the rectum.
  • You must sleep for at least 3 hours before the procedure.
  • If a woman needed to get out of bed before the measurement time, then the readings should be taken before taking a vertical position.
  • The thermometer must first be prepared and placed near the bed. Shake it off before bed.
  • You can measure the temperature only in a horizontal position, lying motionless on your side.
  • During the cycle, you can not change the thermometer.
  • It is better to enter readings in the graph immediately after the measurement.

For measurements, both a digital and a mercury thermometer are suitable. But an infrared thermometer is absolutely not intended for this method, since it has a high probability of an error in the results. Since the basal temperature before ovulation and on the day it starts differ by only 0.2-0.3 ° C, such a thermometer may not show this difference. An electronic thermometer gives large errors if you do not follow the instructions for its use. The most accurate readings can be obtained using a mercury thermometer, but it requires special care when handling.

When the received indicators may be incorrect

It must be remembered that the basal temperature during ovulation, the norm of which is individual for each woman, can fluctuate depending on the influence of various factors. Often, external influences on the body lead to the fact that BBT indicators are highly distorted and have no informative value. These factors include:

  • Flights, transfers, business trips.
  • Stress.
  • Excessive intake of alcohol.
  • Taking psychotropic and hormonal drugs.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body, fever.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Short sleep.
  • Failure to follow measurement instructions.
  • Sexual intercourse a few hours before the measurement.

If something from the above list happened, then you should not trust the measurements. And the day on which there was a violation can be ignored in the construction of the schedule.

How to plot a basal temperature chart

To build a graph of basal temperature, it is necessary to take measurements every day and make notes in a specially designated notebook. The graph is the intersection of two lines at a right angle. The vertical axis contains data on temperature, for example, from 35.7 to 37.3 ° C, and on the horizontal axis are the days of the menstrual cycle. Each cell corresponds to 0.1 °C and 1 day. After making the measurement, you need to find the day of the cycle on the graph, mentally draw a line up and put a dot in front of the desired temperature. At the end of the cycle, all points of the graph are connected, the resulting curve is an objective display of hormonal changes in the female body.

In the chart, you should indicate the current date and build a column for special notes. In order for the data to be sufficiently complete, you can describe your state of health, the symptoms that appear, or situations that could be reflected in a change in basal temperature.

If it is not very clear to a woman how to draw up a schedule of basal temperature, then a gynecologist from the antenatal clinic will definitely explain how to do this, and also help to decipher the data obtained.

Now there are many programs with which you can create an electronic schedule that will always be at hand. In this case, the woman just needs to enter the temperature. The program will do the rest.

Chart decoding

In this method of determining fertility, it is important not only to build, but also to decipher the basal temperature graphs. The norm for each woman is individual. However, there is an approximate view of the graph, which should be obtained if the gonads are working properly. To analyze the resulting curve, you need to build the following elements: overlapping line, ovulation line, duration of the second phase.

The overlapping (middle) line is built over 6 points of the follicular cycle without taking into account the first 5 days and days when the indicators deviated greatly due to external factors. This element has no meaning. But it is necessary for clarity.

The basal body temperature decreases on the day of ovulation, so in order to determine the day for a successful conception, you need to find successive points that are under the overlapping line. In this case, the temperature values ​​of 2 out of 3 points should differ by at least 0.1 °C from the midline, and at least 1 of them should have a difference of 0.2 °C with it. The next day after that, you can observe a jump of the point up by 0.3-0.4 degrees. In this place, you need to draw an ovulation line. If there are difficulties with this method, then you can use the "finger" rule to plot. To do this, it is necessary to exclude all points that differ by 0.2 degrees from the previous or subsequent indicator. And based on the resulting schedule, build an ovulation line.

The basal temperature after ovulation in the anus should be kept above 37 ° C for 2 weeks. Deviations in the duration of the second phase or a small jump in temperature indicate ovarian dysfunction or low productivity of the corpus luteum. If 2 cycles in a row the duration of the second phase does not exceed 10 days, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, since this is the main sign of progesterone deficiency of the luteal phase.

The basal temperature chart during ovulation should also correspond to the norm for such a parameter as the temperature difference between the follicular and luteal phases. This indicator should be equal to more than 0.4 ° C.

What does the schedule look like in the presence of ovulation and pathologies

The normal ovulatory schedule consists of two phases. In the first one, an average temperature of 36.5-36.8 °C can be observed for 1-3 weeks, then a drop by 0.2-0.3 °C and a sharp rise to 37 °C and above. In this case, the second part of the schedule should be no shorter than 12-16 days, and before the onset of bleeding, there is a slight decrease in temperature. Graphically it looks like this:

You should also give examples of basal temperature charts in which pathology is traced. The curve in this case will differ from the norm in various ways. If there is, then the temperature jump will be no more than 0.2-0.3 ° C. This condition is fraught with infertility, therefore, it requires an appeal to specialists.

If the second phase on the graph is shorter than 10 days, then this is a clear sign of progesterone deficiency. Usually, there is no decrease in temperature before the onset of menstrual bleeding. In this case, pregnancy is possible, but under the threat of interruption.

If there is a lack of estrogen in a woman's body, then the schedule will be chaotic, strikingly different from the norm. It may also be due to the influence of external factors (flights, excessive alcohol intake, inflammation, etc.).

When the curve does not have sharp jumps in temperature and is a monotonous graph, then this is called This happens in healthy women, but not more than 1-2 times a year. If this is repeated from cycle to cycle, then this may be a sign of infertility.

If, after the second phase, there is no decrease in temperature, then most likely the woman is pregnant.

Deciphering the basal temperature charts, examples of which are presented above, require specialist knowledge. Therefore, you should not independently draw conclusions, diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The advantages of the method are its absolute availability, simplicity and complete absence of costs. When the basal temperature chart during ovulation is maintained by a woman regularly, this makes it possible to determine the days of ovulation, recognize early pregnancy in time or detect hormonal abnormalities and consult a gynecologist.

However, there are also downsides to the method. This method is not very accurate due to the individual characteristics of each organism. Here are its main disadvantages:

  • It does not make it possible to predict when the ovulatory phase will come.
  • Does not give accurate information about when ovulation occurred.
  • It does not guarantee, even in the presence of a normal two-phase schedule, that ovulation really took place.
  • Cannot give specific information about the quantitative content of progesterone in the blood.
  • Does not provide data on the normal functioning of the corpus luteum.

In order to know exactly how informative the method is, it is necessary in the first couple of cycles to take blood tests for female hormones and do an ultrasound scan. If the data of the graph and research coincide, then the woman can easily keep a graph of basal temperature. The norm and deviations displayed on the curve, in this case, will correspond to reality.

This method is convenient, simple and does not require financial costs. If you follow all the rules exactly and know how to decipher the basal temperature chart, then finding out the day of ovulation and planning conception is very easy. However, if there are any deviations from the norm, it is worth contacting a specialist to prevent the development of pathological processes.

The body, how and for what purpose it is measured, doctors call one of the most valuable for a woman who is conscious of her own health and future motherhood. So, the compilation method is very, very informative for those ladies who are extremely important to get information about the hormonal changes taking place in the body, depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, and the possibility (or impossibility) of pregnancy associated with these changes. The fact is that it is the hormones that cause changes in the basal body temperature in a particular period of the cycle: if the first half of it passes under the sign of estrogen dominance in the body, then the second phase of the menstrual cycle proceeds with an increase in the level of progesterone in the body. And this “tipping point” - the transition from the “estrogen” to the “progesterone” period - is the moment: the most favorable time for successful conception and subsequent bearing of the baby.

Basal body temperature: what is it and how does it change

Basal body temperature in specialized literature is the lowest body temperature in the period immediately after sleep. A woman can measure the basal temperature in three different ways to choose from: in the mouth, in the vagina or in the rectum. At the same time, the choice of a thermometer is unimportant - both a classic mercury thermometer and a supernova electronic thermometer can be used to measure temperature indicators. But a prerequisite for observing all the rules for measuring basal temperature with the subsequent drawing up of a temperature chart is the rule of the thermometer's invariability: the basal temperature is always recorded exclusively by the same thermometer, because the errors of each individual thermometer are even 1 tenth of a degree different. Accordingly, the use of different thermometers may well be the reason for drawing up an incorrect temperature graph.

Temperature indicators when measuring basal temperature throughout the entire menstrual cycle change and directly depend on hormonal fluctuations. Specialists divide the menstrual cycle into 3 periods: follicular (the period of time before ovulation), ovulatory (the period of release of a mature egg from the ovary) and luteal (the period after ovulation before the onset of menstruation). In the basal temperature chart being compiled, at the same time, the menstrual period is divided into 2 periods by changing the curve: the follicular and luteal phases. The transition from one phase to another - the ovulatory period - becomes the most suitable time for conceiving a child, for which, in most cases, the mentioned schedules are compiled.

The follicular period is characterized by the prevalence of estrogens in the female body, this is the time of low temperatures: the basal temperature will now be kept at 36.2-36.5 degrees. With the onset of the luteal phase, on the eve of the release of the egg from the ovary, the temperature drops even more, by about 0.1 degrees, and then a sharp jump in temperature upwards follows - the active production of progesterone causes an increase in basal temperature to 37.2-37.5 degrees. Such temperature indicators will be maintained until the start of the next menstruation, after which a gradual decrease in basal temperature should be expected.

So, drawing up a schedule of basal temperature with a daily indication of temperature levels will allow you to optimally calculate the most favorable days for successful conception, as well as the days for actually safe sex. Please note that for each woman, depending on the characteristics and duration of the menstrual cycle, the duration of the follicular phase will be different. At the same time, the luteal phase always has approximately the same duration: from 10 to 14 days. For example, if the menstrual cycle is optimal 28 days, the phases of estrogen and progesterone dominance will be approximately equal. If the cycle is shortened or, conversely, longer, the estrogen dominance phase decreases or increases.

How to measure basal temperature?

In order to get the most accurate basal temperature chart, according to which it will be possible to navigate and calculate the chances of conception, a number of specific rules must be strictly observed. After all, even seemingly insignificant acts or interventions from outside subjective factors affect the temperature indicators of the body. By the way, keep in mind that by observing the basal temperature for several months, it is also possible to identify possible hormonal problems in the body. For example, elevated temperatures in the first phase indicate a deficiency of estrogen in the body, while lower temperatures in the second phase may indicate insufficient production of progesterone now. But a smooth schedule, without any special temperature changes and sharp jumps in the schedule, can be an alarming signal of the absence of ovulation and inability to conceive. In any of the above cases, it is advisable, if possible, to consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a diagnosis for possible hormonal disorders.

You can correctly and accurately track the basal temperature and draw up the correct schedule, be sure to follow the written rules. So how to measure basal temperature so that the chart is as informative as possible?

  • Basal temperature is measured exclusively after sleep, without getting out of bed and before any physical activity. Temperature measurement should always take place at the same time: if you wake up at 8 am, then the temperature should be taken daily at the same time. In the case when, for example, on a weekend, awakening occurs a little later (and, accordingly, measurements are also made with a time shift), it is necessary to make a note about this state of affairs in the schedule.
  • The duration of uninterrupted sleep before measuring basal temperature should be at least 4-6 hours. So, if, for example, you woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning for a small need, and then go to bed, it is better to measure the temperature immediately after waking up "with a urge": waking up at 8.00 you will no longer receive accurate data. And, even after sleeping more than 3 hours after a preliminary awakening, the data will be less accurate than received a few hours earlier.
  • Having decided on the method of measuring temperature (orally, rectally or in the vagina), in the future it is necessary to use this method as the only one without moving the thermometer. Otherwise, there is no need to talk about the exact schedule. The temperature should also be measured during menstruation, each time recording it immediately after the measurements, so as not to forget to do it later.
  • The following factors can influence temperature indicators: drinking alcohol the night before or at night; stressful conditions; various diseases, including those with an increase in body temperature; insomnia; moving or flying with climate change; taking medications; sex a few hours before waking up. Please note that it is not possible to plot a basal temperature chart while taking hormonal drugs or contraceptives.

basal body temperature chart

Drawing up the actual schedule of basal temperature - in fact, the matter is not so difficult. For the graph, you need an ordinary checkered leaflet, which is drawn by hand: horizontal and vertical rays are drawn from one point. On the horizontal beam, the days of the menstrual cycle are marked, on the vertical - degrees are fixed, with the calculation of 1 cell = 0.1 degrees. Every morning, when measuring basal temperature, you should immediately make an appropriate mark in the chart, marking the indicators with a dot.

For the greatest reliability, it is better to draw up a schedule for at least 3 cycles. And after - you can study the dynamics of the change in the curve, determining the day of ovulation.

In the process preparation for motherhood, women use many ways to determine. One of them is the study of basal body temperature. For convenience, this phrase has been abbreviated - BT.

  • What is basal body temperature?

    The body temperature, under the condition of its calm state, is called basal. It's measured rectal way by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Basal temperature is considered the lowest after a long sleep. It is able to reflect the hormonal processes occurring in the female body. The two main functions of the measurement are determining the exact day and detecting gynecological diseases.

    Some women use information obtained through research for the purpose of contraception. This method can hardly be called error-free. The probability of conception in this case is quite high. The method of measuring rectal temperature brings much more benefit

    REFERENCE! In the process of measuring BT, it is important to follow the established rules. Otherwise, the result will not be reliable.

    How to measure to determine ovulation?

    All processes taking place in reproductive system women are carried out in strict sequence. They are accompanied by characteristic features. Exit is a mandatory component of successful conception. There are many methods by which you can identify with the greatest accuracy - a special test, ultrasound monitoring, as well as using the method of measuring BBT.

    The result will be accurate only if follow all the rules. During the measurement, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

    • The most preferred is mercury thermometer.
    • It is necessary to measure BT after continuous sleep, lasting at least 6 hours.
    • Results should be recorded daily without missing a single day.
    • Manipulations are carried out at the same time of day.
    • Before measurements, no body movements can be made. That is why the thermometer should be placed in the immediate vicinity of the bed.
    • Hold a thermometer in the rectum need at least 5 minutes.
    • Any factors that may affect the result should be indicated in the graph (sexual intercourse, stress, medication, climate change, poor sleep).

    To maintain a measurement schedule, it is better to use a separate notebook or notepad. Space should be provided for additional footnotes for each day. The days of the cycle are marked horizontally. The vertical is indicated measurement temperature.

    Each day is marked with a dot in front of the corresponding indicator. At the end of the cycle all points are connected. A graph is drawn that allows you to understand when it happened.

    IMPORTANT! According to the BT schedule, the attending physician can determine the nature of the existing diseases.

    How to determine pregnancy according to the schedule?

    Regular filling of the BT schedule allows you to notice any deviations I am in a woman's body. There are norms that the temperature must comply with at certain stages of the menstrual cycle. Before the onset of menstruation, the temperature drops. If conception has occurred, then the parameters remain at the same level.

    Graph-based observations help determine whether pregnancy is still present. before the delay of menstruation. This is especially true in cases where a woman needs to take medications. Taking some of them can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

    With a successful conception, the following items will be reflected on the woman’s chart:

    • Implant retraction 5-12 days after follicle rupture.
    • No temperature fluctuations at the end of the cycle.
    • The indicators will not fall below the level of implantation retraction.

    REFERENCE! If there are deviations in the course of pregnancy, BT will not meet the standards.

    Implantation retraction may coincide with the appearance of pinkish or bloody discharge. They often occur as a result of tissue injury. in the process of implantation. Signs of conception before a delay appear extremely rarely. These include mild nausea, dizziness, anorexia, and an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands.

    The information provided by the built measurement graphs will more reliable when used in conjunction with other features. During the exit period, mucous secretions appear, an increase in libido is noted.

    Correct basal temperature measurement makes it possible to control the processes occurring in the female body. Violations of the measurement technique lead to the fact that all manipulations become useless.

The most familiar way for us to measure temperature is in the armpit. But not everyone knows that this value does not characterize the true body temperature.

During the day, the human body is affected by many factors that can cause temporary temperature fluctuations. Therefore, the most informative body temperature at rest, which is otherwise called basal temperature. It is measured rectally (in the rectum).

During the menstrual cycle are cyclical and depend on the level of female sex hormones. If the daily measurement data is plotted on a graph, a defined curve will be obtained at the end of the cycle.

Based on the analysis of this curve, the doctor will be able to make an assumption about the patient's fertility or identify some hidden diseases.

But most importantly, basal temperature measurements are often taken to determine pregnancy.

Daily monitoring of basal temperature allows you to identify:

  • egg maturation;
  • favorable and unfavorable time for conception;
  • the time of the onset of menstruation;
  • hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle;
  • some gynecological diseases.

Indicative only if at least 3 menstrual cycles are conducted, and measurements are performed under certain conditions.

Which thermometer to choose: conditions for correct BT measurements

To measure basal temperature, you need to use a separate thermometer.

Best of all - ordinary mercury, since the data of other types of thermometers are less accurate.

It must be prepared in advance by putting it on the bedside table.

The thermometer should be placed in such a way that it can be taken in the morning without getting out of bed.

The data of the previous measurement must be reset in the evening, because in the morning this will entail unnecessary hand movements. This may adversely affect the accuracy of the measurement. The thermometer must be thoroughly cleaned after use.

Daily measurements should be taken using the same thermometer.

If for some reason the thermometer was replaced by another one, this should be noted in the table with the results.

Rules for taking measurements

In order to provide the doctor with reliable information, it is important to know how to correctly measure the basal temperature at home.

Any deviation from them can have an impact on what numbers a woman will eventually see on a thermometer. Even tenths of a degree matter, therefore, for accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to approach the measurement process as responsibly as possible.

With daily measurement of basal temperature, the following rules should be strictly followed:

  • the procedure is performed every morning at the same time (permissible error - no more than half an hour);
  • measurements begin on the first day of the menstrual cycle;
  • it is best to measure basal temperature with an ordinary thermometer;
  • the thermometer is inserted into the anus to a depth of 3-4 cm immediately after waking up;
  • you can not get out of bed, roll over, sit down or show other activity;
  • the body must be at rest for at least 6 hours before the start of the measurement;
  • the duration of the thermometer in the rectum is at least 5 minutes.

Basal temperature cannot be measured during the day or in the evening. In this case, the data will be uninformative.

The resulting value must be immediately entered in a special table. It should contain columns indicating the date, day of the cycle, temperature values, the nature of daily secretions (abundant, scarce, transparent, and so on).

Based on the data in the table, a graph of changes in basal temperature is built. On the horizontal axis of the graph, the days of the cycle are marked, on the vertical axis - the results of measurements.

It can be done manually - on a lined sheet of paper, or you can install a special application that will form the curve yourself.

Factors affecting the reliability of the results

An uncharacteristic fluctuation in basal temperature is possible in the following cases:

  • taking a significant dose of alcohol the day before;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives or an intrauterine device;
  • sexual intercourse less than 6 hours before the measurement;
  • taking medications (sedatives, sleeping pills, hormonal). For example, when taking or may be lower or, conversely, higher than normal. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • insufficient duration of night sleep (less than 6 hours);
  • flights, stress, unusual physical activity;
  • diseases (for influenza, any infections, etc.).

Any of these factors can cause measurement errors. Therefore, it is necessary to add the “Note” column to the table for entering the measurement results. It must record all the reasons that may affect the accuracy of measurements.

The basal temperature control method is available and safe, but not reliable enough due to possible measurement errors.

The control of the internal body temperature is one of the additional diagnostic methods, therefore, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the health of a woman and her ability to conceive only on the basis of an analysis of the graphs.

To make a correct diagnosis, additional tests and examinations should be prescribed.



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