Breathe alkaline solution. Alkaline inhalations: main advantages and rules of implementation

Inhalation is a method of administering drugs by inhaling steam, gas or smoke. This method of treatment allows the therapeutic agents to be absorbed more quickly and has only a local effect on different parts of the respiratory tract. Oil inhalations are used for bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, dry cough, and sore throat. Vapors of essential oils envelop irritated mucous membranes, preventing bacteria from entering the bloodstream.

Indications for the use of oil inhalations

Treatment procedures are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • pneumonia is in the process of resolution;
  • spicy and ;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • during remission;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • non-purulent, recurrent tonsillitis;
  • colds;
  • prevention of acute respiratory viral infections during a seasonal epidemic;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, rhinosinusitis, pharyngitis.

Steam inhalations improve the discharge of viscous sputum during a dry cough, promote the dilation of blood vessels, and create a protective film on the surface of the mucous membranes that protects the tissues from irritation, drying out, and the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Discomfort in the throat, hoarseness, discomfort during swallowing, and nasal congestion disappear.

After a course of oil inhalations, the drainage function of the tracheobronchial tree and lungs is restored, and the resorption of inflammatory infiltrates and edema is accelerated. In combination with basic drug therapy, home treatment accelerates recovery and a person’s return to normal life.

It is not recommended to carry out inhalations at elevated body temperature, pulmonary or nosebleeds, or individual intolerance to the aromatic oils used. Treatment is contraindicated for people with arrhythmia, cardiac, respiratory failure, signs of pneumothorax, and emphysema.

Oil solutions for inhalation

For ENT diseases, the most effective oils are juniper, lemon, fir, St. John's wort, menthol and. It is useful to add a decoction of chamomile, calendula flowers, birch buds, and black currant to the main solution. You can do cold or hot inhalations; the choice of method depends on the degree of the inflammatory process. The stronger it is, the lower the liquid temperature should be.

For colds and dry coughs, this recipe helps:

  • boiled water – 250 ml;
  • expectorant pharmaceutical collection - 1 teaspoon;
  • eucalyptus oil – 1 tsp.

Brew the herb with hot water and leave for 2 hours, then boil, remove from heat and add essential oil. The patient bends over the container with the solution and covers it with a towel. You need to inhale the vapor for at least 5–10 minutes.

Oils for inhalation can simply be diluted with water; to enhance the antiseptic effect, a little is dripped into the liquid. Do not make the composition too concentrated, this leads to burns and irritation of the mucous membranes.

Recipe for a solution for steam inhalation for barking cough:

  • black elderberry flowers;
  • St. John's wort;
  • menthol and - 10 drops each.

Take herbs in equal quantities, pour a tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, and leave for 30 minutes. Then reheat and add oil. The remedy makes the cough become moist, viscous sputum comes out easier, and night attacks go away.

Alkaline oil inhalations

This type of inhalation is performed with cold solutions. For home therapy use (Essentuki No. 4, Narzan) or with the addition of esters. Alkaline oil inhalations are prescribed to patients suffering from asthma, pharyngitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the vocal cords, and rhinolaryngitis.

Mineral water should have a temperature of 35–40°C; it must first be poured into a bowl and the gases must be allowed to escape. Then St. John's wort, lemon or lavender oil is added to the liquid and mixed thoroughly.

When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the size of the aerosol particles that are formed during the transformation of the liquid. The smallest of them settle in the lower respiratory tract, and the larger ones are retained in the oropharynx and nasal passages.

The use of oil inhalations accelerates the recovery of patients with acute respiratory viral infections, various forms of bronchitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, and tonsillitis. Home procedures are prescribed during the period of subsidence of the inflammatory process, to prevent exacerbations of chronic diseases. Physiotherapy should be carried out in combination with medication.

The benefits of inhalation for the human body

Colds and respiratory diseases require specific procedures. Alkaline inhalations are considered especially effective and efficient. The result of such manipulations depends on the pharmaceuticals used for the procedure in each specific case. The action of alkaline inhalations is aimed at quickly diluting accumulated mucus and removing the resulting phlegm. This is the most accessible method of alleviating the patient’s condition during colds.

Preparation of the composition for inhalation

You can do alkaline inhalations yourself at home. To prepare the healing composition, you need to add half a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of hot water, stir, pour into an inhaler and breathe in the emanating vapors. The duration of this procedure should be approximately 8-10 minutes. Instead of regular water, you can use alkaline water. Pharmacies offer it in a wide range. Alkaline inhalations give positive results after the first procedure. The cough becomes more productive, the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases. As a result, breathing becomes significantly easier. Doctors recommend alkaline inhalations for painful and painful dry cough. Similar procedures are also indicated for people who suffer from bronchial asthma caused by infection and allergic reaction.

Rules for inhalation

It is recommended to breathe healing vapors a few hours after eating. It is better to do physical therapy after alkaline inhalations in order to first remove accumulated mucus from the respiratory system. The vapors of the hot solution should be inhaled at a moderate distance, using the oral cavity or nasopharynx. After the procedure, you must refrain from eating and drinking for an hour, and also give your vocal cords a rest. Despite their high effectiveness, alkaline inhalations are contraindicated for people with respiratory or cardiovascular insufficiency, as well as for people suffering from frequent nosebleeds.

Carrying out oil-alkaline inhalations

For the treatment of ENT diseases, doctors recommend oil-alkaline inhalations, the effect of which is aimed at increasing the protection of the affected mucous membranes. Indications for the use of such procedures are sinusitis and bronchitis. Inhalations help eliminate pain, reduce coughing and protect the airways from possible irritants. For such procedures, almond and peach essential oils, as well as refined sunflower oil, are used. It is very useful to add menthol to the finished mixture, which has bactericidal and analgesic properties. If the nasopharynx is inflamed, it is recommended to add eucalyptus oil to the alkaline composition for the treatment procedure. To get a more lasting effect, you first need to do alkaline inhalations and then breathe in essential oils.

Alkaline inhalations help with many diseases that are accompanied by hacking and dry cough. At the same time, experts recommend taking mucolytics and expectorants. Such procedures can be carried out using modern nebulizers. But you can also use the old method, inhaling vapors over a pan of hot solution. Immediately after inhalation, throat irritation decreases, and sputum is well cleared from the respiratory organs.

When are alkaline inhalations necessary?

With the help of alkaline inhalations you can quickly get rid of a dry and hysterical cough. Such physiotherapeutic procedures are recommended for many infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The main indications for prescribing inhalations are the following diseases:

  • Laryngotracheitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.

In addition, alkaline inhalations for children and adults can be prescribed for diseases of the nose and ears. Such procedures are often prescribed in the treatment of occupational diseases. But before resorting to inhalations, you should consult with your doctor about the advisability of such treatment.

Alkaline inhalations can also be carried out for preventive purposes to prevent respiratory pathologies and flu.

Benefits of the procedure

The benefits of alkaline inhalation through a nebulizer are undeniable. Thanks to these procedures, the mucous membrane of the throat softens, microcracks heal quickly and phlegm is cleared well. In addition, the alkaline environment is completely unsuitable for the life and reproduction of bacteria, therefore after the procedure the population of microbes decreases and unsuitable conditions are created for their further reproduction.

After inhalation, the patient’s well-being improves, nasal breathing becomes easier and bronchospasm decreases. With this procedure you can quickly stop an asthmatic attack.

Alkaline inhalations help eliminate allergic cough, which often occurs in allergy sufferers.

What solutions can be used

For inhalation at home, you can use alkaline mineral water or a solution of baking soda. For medicinal purposes, you can use Essentuki 17 or Borjomi mineral water. It is advisable to buy such water at a pharmacy, as there is less chance of buying a fake.

For one procedure, 4-5 ml of solution is poured into the nebulizer container, the procedure is carried out at least 5 times a day. After the condition has returned to normal, inhalations are carried out only three times a day.

After inhaling the vapors, the patient should put on socks and go to bed. You should not talk or eat for about an hour to prolong the effect of the medicine.

An alkaline solution for inhalation can be prepared from baking soda. To do this, a teaspoon of soda is diluted in a glass of warm water, and then the resulting composition is used for treatment. You can buy a ready-made soda solution at the pharmacy if you don’t want to prepare the solution at home. It is advisable to buy such a drug for the treatment of children, since in this case an overdose is excluded.

Procedures can be carried out not only with pure alkaline solutions. It is allowed to alternate them with decoctions of medicinal herbs and essential oils. Such complex treatment helps to quickly restore the integrity of the mucous membrane and eliminate all symptoms of the disease.

Treatment with alkaline inhalations should be agreed with a doctor. In some cases, such procedures are contraindicated.


Inhalations with alkaline solutions must be prescribed by a doctor and monitored by a specialist. This is especially true for the treatment of small children, since an incorrectly performed procedure can only worsen the patient’s condition.

There are certain contraindications under which such procedures are strictly prohibited.

  • Severely elevated body temperature. For adults, this figure is 37.5 degrees; children cannot undergo procedures even at 37 degrees.
  • Severe inflammatory process.
  • Tendency to nosebleeds.
  • High pressure.
  • Pathologies of blood vessels and heart.
  • Tuberculosis in the acute phase.

It is necessary to carry out procedures with caution in the early stages of pregnancy, especially if there are manifestations of toxicosis.

Young children should only breathe vapors from medicinal solutions in the presence of adults.

Features of the procedure

For the procedure to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

  • Alkaline inhalations can be carried out no earlier than a couple of hours after a meal or an hour before a meal.
  • To accurately measure the required amount of medicinal solution, you should use a measuring cup. Many nebulizer containers have measuring marks on them.
  • It is better to carry out the procedure in a sitting position. But there are special models of nebulizers that allow you to inhale vapors while lying down.
  • Mineral water should not be heated too much, as it loses its beneficial properties.
  • If the patient is bothered by a runny nose, then you need to breathe through your nose; if you have a dry cough, then inhale the medicinal vapors through your mouth.
  • If the procedure is carried out with mineral water, then gas is first released from it.

After the procedure, the inhaler is thoroughly washed with running water and, if necessary, disinfected.

To increase the effectiveness of the physiotherapeutic procedure, you can add a couple of drops of iodine to mineral water.

Steam inhalations

If you don’t have a nebulizer at home, you can carry out the procedure according to the method of our grandmothers. To do this, you need to take a pan, pour mineral water or soda solution into it, then heat it to a temperature of 50 degrees and inhale the vapors. During the procedure, your head should be covered with a blanket or large towel.

Carry out with great care, as there is a high probability of burns. Children should only inhale medicinal vapors under adult supervision.

The duration of the procedure for adults should not exceed 20 minutes. Small children should breathe in vapors for no more than 10 minutes. If the patient's condition worsens during the procedure, the procedure should be stopped.

Steam inhalations should not be performed during pregnancy or at elevated body temperatures.

How to supplement treatment

Alkaline inhalations alone cannot cure a cough. Treatment must include mucolytics, anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs. If the cough is caused by an allergy, the doctor prescribes antihistamines. Thanks to this treatment, the intensity of an allergic cough is reduced.

For respiratory diseases, it is advisable to gargle, rub the bronchi area and drink medicinal decoctions. Before the manipulation or immediately after it, the patient can drink a glass of hot milk with a little addition of soda and honey to help remove sputum better.

Rubbing with bear fat, which is carried out immediately after inhalation, helps a lot.

Alkaline inhalations are mandatory for obstructive bronchitis and diseases that are accompanied by an unproductive cough. Patients of all ages can inhale vapors of medicinal solutions. Particular attention should be paid to contraindications. You should not resort to such treatment at high temperatures, as well as when your health is severely deteriorated.

Tatiana Labazova

Alkaline inhalations, which involve the use of soda or mineral water, are one of the most effective and time-tested methods of treating coughs, as well as other cold symptoms. Today, these can be done at home using professional devices - nebulizers. Such activities help cleanse the throat and nasal cavity. When procedures are carried out correctly, unpleasant symptoms of diseases quickly disappear.

Indications for alkaline inhalations

Such measures are recommended by doctors for various inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, especially with frequent bronchitis. And now professional manipulations have become available at home thanks to nebulizers, which can be refilled with medications, mineral water and herbal decoctions.

Ultrasound models are excellent for the treatment of chronic pathologies of the respiratory system, including bronchial asthma. Such devices operate almost silently, so they are suitable for use by small children, including infants. And alkaline treatments can also be carried out using more traditional steam devices, which effectively warm the airways and alleviate the patient’s condition.

Alkaline inhalations carried out at home are highly effective, as they promote the rapid removal of phlegm.

There are no side effects or discomfort during the procedure.

In the first days of treatment, procedures are carried out up to 8 times a day, gradually reducing their number to 2 times. Such frequent use allows you to get rid of discomfort within a few days. To maximize the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a warm blanket afterward and avoid eating and talking for at least an hour.

If desired, alkaline solutions are supplemented with herbs and oils. Such compositions help to overcome cough, runny nose, and contribute to the restoration of mucous membranes.

How to do inhalations at home

Any mineral water is suitable for the procedure. This liquid is absolutely harmless because it does not contain synthetic substances. It is recommended to opt for water such as “Narzan”, “Borjomi”, “Essentuki”. You only need 2-5 ml of water. The procedures can be repeated every 2 hours due to the complete absence of contraindications.

Instead of mineral water, you can use soda. Inhalation for adults lasts 10 minutes; children should not breathe in vapors for more than 3 minutes.

Soda mixtures are used only twice a day, regardless of the patient’s age. When his condition improves, the need for soda inhalations disappears, because there is a possibility of drying out the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

It is worth noting that hot soda solutions cannot be used for nebulizers. If you have a severe runny nose, the steam should only be inhaled through your nose. 1-3 drops of iodine or essential oil of juniper, eucalyptus, and fir can increase the effectiveness of soda.

Alkaline inhalations carried out with a nebulizer

To make the recovery process as short and effective as possible, you must follow a few simple rules when using the device:

  1. The procedure is performed 1.5-2 hours after a meal;
  2. The required amount of liquid is measured in a special glass;
  3. The event is carried out in a lying or sitting position;
  4. Do not use too hot water. The maximum permissible temperature is 57°C. For babies, the optimal temperature is 35-37°C;
  5. When you have a runny nose, breathe through your nose; when you have a dry cough or bronchitis, inhale through your mouth;
  6. Use only non-carbonated mineral water or open it in advance to allow gases to escape;
  7. The permissible duration of the procedure must not be exceeded;
  8. After each use, the device is thoroughly washed and disinfected;
  9. Do not drink, eat or talk for at least 1 hour after the procedure.

Inhalations should be carried out carefully, especially with small children. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications, for example, they cannot be performed at elevated temperatures, hypertension, nosebleeds, cardiovascular and respiratory failure.

Other types of inhalations at home

Alkaline solutions do not have to be used only for special devices. At home, you can use a regular teapot and even a saucepan. The container is filled with mineral water and heated to the temperatures indicated above.

It is very important to maintain the temperature regime, because cold products will not have the desired effect, and too hot ones will lead to burns. Instead of mineral water, you can use the above-mentioned soda solution.

Inhalations using the traditional method should last no more than 4 minutes. Procedures can be performed up to 3 times a day. Alkaline inhalations are especially recommended for children. Many pediatricians now prefer nebulizers because it is quite difficult for babies to sit over a pot or kettle for several minutes. In addition, there is a possibility of getting burned, especially for overly active guys.

Indications for alkaline inhalations are respiratory diseases that are accompanied by a severe cough. Such procedures are quite easy to carry out at home, following the rules listed above.

How to prepare an alkaline solution for home inhalation

To prepare a soda solution you will need 1/2 tsp. soda and a glass of warm water. The soda is stirred in the liquid until completely dissolved. Mineral water does not require special preparation. The products are either mixed with hot water or poured into a nebulizer and inhaled with steam. It is enough to use soda solutions twice a day so that the swelling subsides over the next few days. It is recommended to carry out similar manipulations with a dry cough, since alkaline solutions activate the cough center.

Alkaline oil inhalation procedures

Solutions based on alkaline substances and essential oils help combat diseases spread by airborne droplets, increase immunity, restore damaged mucous membranes, thin mucus, and reduce the activity of inflammatory processes.

According to medical professionals, alkaline inhalations are considered an effective method for a very dry cough. Under their influence, accumulated mucus in the respiratory tract is liquefied, which allows phlegm to be removed. This will help maintain the bronchial mucosa in satisfactory condition.

These inhalations are recognized as the most accessible means to alleviate the patient’s condition during a cold. They can be carried out during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This treatment method eliminates discomfort and is characterized by a wide range of advantages over injections and medications. Another positive side is the rapid relief of the patient from unpleasant symptoms. Breathing almost immediately becomes much easier. Treatment tactics are prescribed by doctors to patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma caused by allergies together with infections.

What is the benefit

Many patients were able to verify from their own experience a positive result after completing a course using alkaline inhalations. Why alkaline inhalations are useful, primarily in moisturizing the mucous membranes of the nose. Under their influence, thick sputum softens and is removed from the body. The positive effect has been proven in clinical trials. These inhalations have the ability to increase osmotic pressure in the respiratory organs. The mechanism of action of alkaline inhalations can significantly reduce swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. A positive point is the elimination of side effects after using alkaline inhalations, because the mucous membrane is not damaged. The patient will not have to deal with allergy symptoms. Doctors note that the undeniable advantage of the course of treatment is the elimination of the need to take medications. This causes a cough reflex in patients if it is suppressed. These procedures can be easily tolerated by people of any age.

The main advantage of inhalations is that the patient immediately experiences improvement with just one procedure. They do not have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, the period of illness can be significantly shortened.


Doctors prescribe these procedures for various inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Residents of megacities have to deal with such symptoms. You can catch a cold using the subway, which is stuffy. It gets cold when you go outside. Colds can also be caused by drafts at work or in a vehicle.

Inhalations are necessary when patients are diagnosed with regular bronchitis. Indications for the use of alkaline inhalations are considered to be preventive measures for acute respiratory infections when you have to come into contact with a patient. Medical professionals say these treatments are effective at home. They are prescribed for acute and chronic diseases of the larynx, bronchi or lungs - tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia - they help eliminate swelling. These procedures are prescribed by doctors as preventive measures for occupational respiratory diseases.

Inhalations are prescribed when middle ear diseases are diagnosed. They are also prescribed to people of all age categories if diseases of the nasal and paranasal sinuses are detected - rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, which helps relieve inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs. With their help, you can exclude bacterial and fungal infections of the respiratory system. On the eve of treatment, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. It is worth remembering that self-medication can be harmful. Based on the patient’s diagnosis, the doctor will be able to select the required medication and give recommendations regarding the procedure.


Alkaline inhalations are not indicated when there is a significant increase in body temperature. It is also not recommended to be treated in this way if the development of a strong inflammatory process in the body is diagnosed. A contraindication for such procedures is the presence of nosebleeds.

The effect of heat on the mucous membrane can significantly increase blood flow. In this state of affairs, it will be quite difficult to stop the nosebleed. The doctor does not prescribe a course of treatment with alkaline inhalations when tuberculosis is detected. Hypertensive patients should not undergo such procedures if they have problems with the cardiovascular system. Medical staff do not advise patients with laryngeal edema or pneumonia to be treated in this way.

Based on these contraindications, it is necessary to be treated strictly under the supervision of a qualified specialist. The patient must remember that medications have the ability to affect the body as a whole. Only the doctor can choose safe remedies.

How to perform inhalations correctly

To cure dry cough, medical staff prescribe similar procedures. Alkaline solutions are considered effective. You can get the desired result, which is a speedy recovery, by using a nebulizer. With its help, medications are sprayed using a stream of air or ultrasound.

Before undergoing a course of treatment, you must be aware of how to properly do alkaline inhalations. All necessary recommendations can be obtained from your doctor. The solution must be prepared exclusively using sterile water. The device can only be used after treating it with a disinfectant. Subsequently, treatment should be carried out with boiled water. Otherwise, the device will not treat, but will only infect the respiratory tract.

You should only use medications that are intended for this device. It is advisable to always open a new ampoule with a sterile solution of the drug. Before using the device, you must carefully read the instructions. When using the device, you need to make sure that the mask fits tightly to your face.

The procedure should be carried out 1.5 hours after eating. You can measure the required amount of liquid using a specially designed measuring cup. After completing the procedure, avoid eating, drinking liquids and talking for at least one hour.

Alkaline inhalations for a diagnosis of dry cough should include bronchodilators together with saline solution. When cases are advanced and chronic, they need to be treated with hormonal therapy. Doctors may prescribe the use of inhaled antibiotics. Procedures using mucolytics contribute to the liquefaction and removal of sputum. A solution with added soda will help moisturize the bronchi. A sustainable effect in the treatment of colds can be achieved by combining alkaline drugs with oil solutions.

According to doctors, soda solutions are quite effective. They should be used exclusively twice a day, regardless of the patient’s age. To enhance the effective effects of soda, you can add one or three drops of iodine. Juniper essential oil can serve as a substitute.

Alkaline inhalations for children

Pediatricians prescribe alkaline inhalations to young patients. They are carried out using nebulizers. A similar procedure can be carried out at home without any difficulties. When asked by parents, is it possible to give alkaline inhalations to children? Doctors answer positively. The only caveat is compliance with the recommendations prescribed by doctors.

How to properly do alkaline inhalations for children, doctors note that you need to carefully monitor the temperature of the solution. For babies, the composition should have a temperature of 40 degrees. Older children can inhale vapors at a temperature of 52 degrees. The procedure should be carried out no more than two or five minutes, which is determined by the age of the patient. You should not eat or drink for 30-60 minutes after the treatment procedure. These measures will help avoid negative consequences. The doctor has the prerogative in selecting a medication for the child.



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