What does direct word order mean? Word order in a sentence in German: direct and reverse word order

The order of the members of a sentence in a sentence - SUBJECT - PREDICATE - is usually called in grammar direct word order(the Direct Order of Words). Direct word order is the norm for affirmative sentences in English:

Walking can be recommended as a good exercise.

Reverse word order

Placing the predicate before the subject is usually called reverse word order or, to use the generally accepted term, inversion(the Indirect Order of Words, Inversion).

A distinction is made between complete and partial inversion.

At complete inversion the predicate, expressed in one word, is placed before the subject. Cases of complete inversion are few:

Is anybody at home? (as a semantic verb). Has anybody twenty dollars to lend me? (as a semantic verb).

Much more numerous cases partial inversion, i.e. placing in front of the subject a part of a predicate - an auxiliary or modal verb, as well as a linking verb:

Has you received any new emails? Can walking be recommended as a good exercise? Is it cold today?

When forming a question using an auxiliary verb do like: At what time does the sun rise now? – essentially there is no reverse word order. The question indicator is an auxiliary verb do; the remaining members of the sentence are placed in the usual order: subject - predicate: Does the sun rise?

An indirect question in English is constructed like an affirmative sentence: Ask if he can come to see me tomorrow afternoon. I wonder what time it is. In Russian, there is a reverse word order, as well as the presence of the particle whether in the sentence: Ask if he can come to me tomorrow. Find out if the director has arrived.

Other cases of inversion

The predicate also comes before the subject in the following cases:

In design there is (are) and with all verbs preceded by a formal there: There is a meeting today. There must be a meeting today.

In exclamatory sentences expressing a wish: Long Live the King!

In conditional sentences beginning with verb forms: were, had, should: Were I in your place, I would act differently. Should the weather keep fine in September, come down to see us in the country.

When repeating an auxiliary or modal verb in sentences like: You are here, so am I.

Note: The subject takes its usual place if it refers to the same subject of speech in both sentences: “You seem to be very pleased with your work,” said my friend to me. “So I am,” I answered.

Direct and reverse order of words in a sentence (inversion).

Grammatical syntactic norms regulate the correct construction of phrases, sentences, and text.

In official business style texts, there are often constructions that cause difficulties when preparing documents (sentences with prepositions, sentences with options for connecting the subject and predicate, sentences containing participial and adverbial phrases, etc.).


The correctness of speech is largely determined by the order of words in a sentence.

Word order, i.e. The syntactic sequence of sentence components is relatively free in Russian. There are direct (objective) and reverse word order or inversion (inverse word order).

Inversion in logic - reversing the meaning, replacing “white” with “black”.

Inversion in literature (from Latin inversio - turning over, rearranging)- violation of the usual word order in a sentence.

Inversion (dramaturgy) is a dramatic technique that demonstrates the outcome of the conflict at the beginning of the play.

In direct word order, the given precedes the new: Petrov's testimony was verified.

With inversion, a different arrangement of parts is possible:

Testing stains with hydrogen peroxide gave positive results

Testing stains with hydrogen peroxide gave positive results.

Inversion word order is used for the purpose of emotional, semantic highlighting of any part of the sentence.

RULE 2 Direct word order

But it is necessary to remember that the last word in the sentence is stressed (carrying a semantic load), therefore, in order to avoid ambiguity and ambiguity in the text, normative inversion is used only in artistic and journalistic speech.

The norm of the modern Russian literary language of official business style is direct word order, which obeys several general rules:

1. The subject usually comes first (in preposition): The court hearings were resumed.

If adverbial words are at the beginning of a sentence, the predicate may be in preposition:Tread marks from a Volga car were found on a country road.

2. For minor members of a sentence, the following placement within the phrase is recommended: agreed words precede the core word, and controlled words follow it: He gave his (concordant word) car (stem word) to his neighbor (controlled word).

3. Agreed definitions are usually placed before the word being defined: material values; civil marriage;

4. Separate definitions are placed after the word being defined: a quarrel that arose earlier; evidence available in the case;

5. Supplementation usually follows management: sign the application; execute the decision.

Thus, direct word order in the Russian language involves the predicate following the subject, the definition before the word being defined, the main members of the sentence before the secondary ones.

IN from direct word order, for example: A lonely sail whitens in the blue fog of the sea...
but here is a familiar inversion: A lonely sail turns white in the blue fog of the sea...

Inversion- unusual word order. This is one of the figurative means of language.
Inversion helps to highlight the most important word, as well as the stylistic and emotional coloring of speech.


Very often, poets and writers use inversions in their works.

Exercise 1.

Let us turn to an excerpt from L.N. Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”

There was once a severe thunderstorm, and the rain poured down like buckets for an hour. And all the rivers became muddy; where there was a ford, the water went three arshins deep, turning over stones. Streams are flowing everywhere, there is a roar in the mountains.
This is how the thunderstorm passed, streams were running everywhere in the village. Zhilin asked the owner for a knife, cut out a roller, planks, feathered a wheel, and attached dolls to the wheel at both ends.

All sentences begin with different parts of the sentence (1 - verb-predicate, 2 - conjunction, 3 - adverb-adverbial, 4 - demonstrative pronoun-adverbial, 5 - noun-subject).

All sentences are constructed differently (1 - complex, 2 - complex with different types of connection, 3 - complex non-union, 4 - complex, 5 - simple with homogeneous predicates).

The words are in an unusual order.

Please note that the predicate comes before the subject, the definition after the word being defined. This is not typical for the Russian language.

Direct and reverse order of words in a sentence

In recent decades, knowledge about the dependence of word order on the semantic structure of a sentence has expanded significantly. A strong impetus for the study of this problem was the doctrine of the actual division of a statement, created in the late 40s by the Czech linguist V. Mathesius.

With actual division, the statement is usually divided into 2 parts: the first contains what is already known - t ema sentences, in the second - what is reported about it is new, - rhema . The combination of theme and rheme constitutes the subject of the message. In direct word order, the theme comes first, the rheme comes second. Thus, the concepts of “direct” and “reverse” word order mean the sequence of arrangement not of the members of sentences, but of topics and rhes. Reversing word order is often called inversion.

Inversion– a stylistic device consisting of a deliberate change in the order of words for the purpose of emotional, semantic highlighting of any part of the statement.

If direct word order usually has no stylistic meaning, then inversion is always stylistically significant. Inversion is possible only in expressive speech. In NS and ODS, inversion is usually not used, because the order of words should emphasize the logical division of the text.

Subject preposition is most characteristic of the syntactic structure of RL. Most often this is the topic: Nikolai/took 2 letters. This word order is considered direct. However, the prepositive subject can also be a rheme: Only chance saved him from falling. This word order is considered reversed. .

If the predicate comes first, it usually acts as a theme: There is/another remedy. This is typical for interrogative and exclamatory sentences: Will you shoot or not? How beautiful she is now!

Inversion of principal terms is not possible in the following cases:

1) When the subject and direct object are expressed by nouns that have the same form in Im. And Vin. cases: Mother loves daughter. The paddle hit the dress. Truck crashed bike. Inversion makes such sentences difficult to understand or makes them ambiguous.

2) When a sentence consists of a noun and an adjective agreed with it: Late autumn. When the order of words is changed, the predicate turns into a definition.

3) In the so-called sentences of identity, where both main members are expressed by Him. noun case: Father is a teacher. When inverted, the meaning changes.

4). In the case where one main member is expressed by the Nominal case, and the other by the infinitive: Studying well is our task. The meaning changes.

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Incomplete sentences

Complete sentences in Russian syntax are successfully competed with incomplete ones, which have a clear functional-style fixation and a bright expressive coloring. Their use is determined by extralinguistic factors and grammatical nature.

Thus, turning to incomplete sentences, which are replicas of dialogue, is typical for colloquial and artistic speech. In PS their use is limited, in other book styles it is impossible. Incomplete sentences - parts of SSP and SPP are used in book styles, and above all - in NS. This is explained by the desire to avoid similar structures: Geometry studies complex (continuous) quantities, and arithmetic studies discrete numbers..

Elliptical sentences act as a powerful means of creating emotionality in speech. The main area of ​​their application is colloquial speech and CS. Ellipsis gives dynamism to the description: To the barrier! Back home to Russia! Complete correlatives with such sentences are significantly inferior to them in expression.

Sentences with omitted words that do not carry an informative load are common in the language of newspapers: K To your table, Just for you. Shop on the sofa.. In such sentences, only the target words of the statement are indicated; everything else is filled in by the context and speech situation. Various ellipses used in headings have become a syntactic norm in their structure. They formulate an idea in an extremely concise form, have a functional, stylistic and expressive coloring, attracting the reader’s attention. But the fascination with such forms is dangerous because they can create ambiguity and aesthetic inferiority.

In the ODS, with its increased requirements for clarity and unambiguity of formulations, the use of elliptical structures is impossible.

In recent decades, knowledge about the dependence of word order on the semantic structure of a sentence has expanded significantly. A strong impetus for the study of this problem was the doctrine of the actual division of a statement, created in the late 40s by the Czech linguist V. Mathesius.

With actual division, the statement is usually divided into 2 parts: the first contains what is already known - t ema sentences, in the second - what is reported about it is new, - rhema . The combination of theme and rheme constitutes the subject of the message. In direct word order, the theme comes first, the rheme comes second. Thus, the concepts of “direct” and “reverse” word order mean the sequence of arrangement not of the members of sentences, but of topics and rhes. Reversing word order is often called inversion.

Inversion– a stylistic device consisting of a deliberate change in the order of words for the purpose of emotional, semantic highlighting of any part of the statement.

If direct word order usually has no stylistic meaning, then inversion is always stylistically significant. Inversion is possible only in expressive speech. In NS and ODS, inversion is usually not used, because the order of words should emphasize the logical division of the text.

Subject preposition is most characteristic of the syntactic structure of RL. Most often this is the topic: Nikolai/took 2 letters. This word order is considered direct. However, the prepositive subject can also be a rheme: Only chance saved him from falling. This word order is considered reversed. .

If the predicate comes first, it usually acts as a theme: There is/another remedy. This is typical for interrogative and exclamatory sentences: Will you shoot or not? How beautiful she is now!

Inversion of principal terms is not possible in the following cases:

1) When the subject and direct object are expressed by nouns that have the same form in Im. And Vin. cases: Mother loves daughter. The paddle hit the dress. Truck crashed bike. Inversion makes such sentences difficult to understand or makes them ambiguous.

2) When a sentence consists of a noun and an adjective agreed with it: Late autumn. When the order of words is changed, the predicate turns into a definition.

3) In the so-called sentences of identity, where both main members are expressed by Him. noun case: Father is a teacher. When inverted, the meaning changes.

4). In the case where one main member is expressed by the Nominal case, and the other by the infinitive: Studying well is our task. The meaning changes.



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