What is direct word order and reverse. Direct, reverse (inverted) types of word order

Order of words in a sentence

The mutual arrangement of the members of the sentence, which has a syntactic, semantic and stylistic meaning. The first is expressed in the fact that its syntactic function can be associated with the place occupied by a member of a sentence. So, in the sentence Sunny day, the adjective solar acts as a definition with the word day - the main member of the nominative sentence; with a different word order (Sunny Day), the same adjective plays the role of a predicate in a two-part sentence. In sentences like Mother loves daughter with homonymous nominative and accusative cases, the syntactic role of both nouns is determined by their place in the sentence: in direct word order ( cm. below) in the first place is the subject, in the second - the direct object. In the sentence Free brother returned, the adjective patient occupies the position of an agreed definition, and in the sentence Brother the patient returned - the position of the nominal part of the compound predicate. In sentences of identity like Moscow - the capital of the USSR, the subject is in the first place, the predicate is in the second; in a different word order (the capital of the USSR is Moscow), the former predicate becomes the subject, and the former subject becomes the predicate.

The grammatical-semantic meaning of word order finds its expression, for example, in combinations of a quantitative numeral with a noun. In the sentence Fifty people attended the meeting, the prepositive cardinal numeral indicates the exact number of persons; in the sentence At the meeting fifty people were present, the postpositive numeral indicates the approximate number of persons (with a rearrangement of words, the so-called category of approximation is created).

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

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    Typology of word order (in a sentence) is one of the possible systems of typological classification of languages ​​used in linguistic typology. It is based on the basic order in which the subject (English subject), predicate are in the sentence ... ... Wikipedia

    In phrases, it can have a formal meaning, i.e., indicate various relationships between parts of the phrase. In so-called. analytical languages ​​(see) PS, as a formal feature, has a predominant meaning, as, for example, in Chinese. or … Literary Encyclopedia

    Word order- WORD ORDER in phrases can have a formal meaning, i.e., indicate different relationships between parts of the phrase. In so-called. analytical languages ​​(see) PS, as a formal feature, has a predominant meaning, as, for example, in ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

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In Russian, the order of words (more precisely, the members of a sentence) is considered free. That is, in the sentence there is no strict fixed place for one or another member of the sentence. For example, a sentence: The editor carefully read the manuscript yesterday– allows 120 construction options.
They are distinguished depending on the type, structure of the sentence, ways of expressing its members, style and context of speech direct and reverse word order . The reverse order most often serves to specifically highlight certain words by rearranging them, which is an inversion, a special artistic technique. The direct order is characteristic, first of all, for scientific and business speech, the reverse - for journalistic and artistic speech, in colloquial speech, the sentence is built according to special laws.

Place of the main members, subject and predicate

In narrative In sentences, the subject usually precedes the verb: Some left the village to work.
The reverse order of the main members of the sentence (first the predicate, then the subject) is common in the following cases:
1) in author's words that break direct speech or stand after it, for example: "I'm not strange," the boy answered sadly.;
2) in sentences in which the subject denotes a period of time or a natural phenomenon, and the predicate is expressed by a verb with the meaning of becoming, being, the course of an action, etc., for example: A hundred years have passed; Spring came; It was a moonlit night;
3) in descriptions, in a story: The sea sings, the city hums, the sun shines brightly;
4) as an inversion: Bear hunting is dangerous, a wounded beast is terrible;
5) often when setting adverbial words at the beginning of a sentence: Noise came from the street.
In interrogative In sentences, the predicate often precedes the subject, for example: Will the bookmakers deceive me?
In incentive In sentences, pronouns-subjects often precede the predicate, which enhances the categorical nature of the order, advice. And when they follow the predicate, they soften the tone. Compare: You finish this job today. - Finish this job today.
Compound predicate. In colloquial speech, a bunch of nominal predicate is often put in the first place: I was young, hot, sincere. Putting the nominal part of the predicate before the subject and the nominal part serves the purpose of inversion: The dark thickets of forests, the depths of the seas are mysterious and therefore beautiful, the cry of a bird and the crackling of a tree bud bursting from the warmth are mysterious (Paustovsky); Both were hungry.

Place of definition in a sentence

1. Agreed Definition usually placed in front of the noun it defines, for example: interesting story; verified quotes; our publishing house.
Putting an agreed definition after the word being defined serves the purpose of inversion: On all sides the mountains are impregnable (Lermontov).
Postpositive definitions referring to the noun repeated in this sentence are common: This notion of inflation is, of course, rather naive; Such plans, bold and original plans, could arise only under our conditions.
The means of semantic definition is:
- its isolation: People, amazed, stopped.
- separating it from the noun being defined: Rare stars shone in the ashen sky.
A detached definition (i.e. separated by commas) is usually postpositive: publication of letters received by the company's office; exhibition of paintings nominated for a prize.

2. If there are several coordinated definitions, their order depends on their morphological location.
- Definitions expressed by pronouns are placed ahead of definitions expressed by other parts of speech: on this solemn day, our future plans.
- Defining pronouns precede other pronouns: all these amendments, each of your remarks. But the pronoun MOST is placed after the demonstrative: these same possibilities, the same case.
- Definitions expressed by qualitative adjectives are placed ahead of definitions expressed by relative ones: new historical novel; light leather binding; late autumn time.
- If heterogeneous definitions are expressed by qualitative adjectives, then one of them is placed closer to the word being defined, which indicates a more stable feature: huge black eyes; interesting new story.
- If heterogeneous definitions are expressed by relative adjectives, then usually they are arranged in ascending order of semantic gradation: daily stock reports, a specialized haberdashery shop.

3. Inconsistent definition placed after the word being defined: expert opinion; leather-bound book; novel with sequel. BUT definitions expressed by personal pronouns in the role of possessives stand before the word being defined: his objections, their statements.
Agreed definitions usually precede inconsistent ones: high mahogany bed. BUT inconsistent definitions expressed by personal pronouns with a possessive meaning usually precede the agreed one: his last performance, their increased demands.

The place of the complement in the sentence

Complement usually follows the control word (the word it depends on): read the manuscript, sign the contract, ready for the meeting.
Often the object expressed by the pronoun may precede the control word: I liked the work; This sight startled him; The mother noticed something in her daughter's expression.
It is common to put an addition before the control word with the meaning of a person in impersonal sentences: He needs to talk to you; Sister is unwell.
If there are several additions related to the same control word, a different word order is possible:
1) usually a direct object precedes others: Take the documents from the secretary; Discuss the issue with your employees;
2) the indirect object of the person, standing in the dative case, usually precedes the direct object of the subject: Tell us your legal address; This woman saved Bekoev's life. In the same way, the genitive case with the meaning of the actor (inconsistent definition) precedes the other case (in the role of an object): Arrival of the director to subordinates.
A direct object, coinciding in form with the subject, is usually placed after the predicate: Mother loves daughter; Laziness breeds carelessness. When the subject and object are interchanged, the meaning of the sentence changes or ambiguity arises: Daughter loves mother; Laws protect the courts.

Place of circumstance in a sentence

1. Circumstances of the course of action, expressed by adverbs in -o, -e, are usually placed in front of the predicate: The translation accurately reflects the content of the original; The pavement shone smoothly.
Some adverbs combined with few verbs are placed after them: walk, lie prone, walk barefoot, walk.
The place of the circumstance of the mode of action may depend on the presence of other secondary members of the sentence: The climbers moved slowly. The climbers walked slowly along the steep path.
The means of semantic selection of circumstances is their statement at the beginning of a sentence or separation from the words to which they adjoin: In vain he tried to make out people on the horizon; We were very friendly.
2. Circumstances of measure and degree stand before the word on which they depend: The director is very busy; I won't repeat myself twice.
3. Circumstances of time usually precede the verb-predicate: Little was said at dinner; In a month we plan to achieve success.
4. Circumstances of the place usually precede the predicate, and often stands at the beginning of the sentence: The factory was restless; Clouds were coming from the west.
If the adverb of place is at the beginning of the sentence, then it is often followed by the predicate, and then the subject: To the right rose the white building of the hospital.
If the sentence contains circumstances of both place and time, then they are usually placed at the beginning of the sentence, with the adverb of time in the first place, and the adverb of place in the second: Warm weather is expected in Moscow tomorrow. Another order is possible - adverb of time, subject, predicate, finally, adverb of place: Yesterday I met my friend on the street.
5. Circumstances cause and purpose often come before the predicate: Two girls were crying in fear; Some delegation deliberately entered the square.

Location of introductory words, addresses, particles, prepositions

1. Not being members of the sentence, introductory words are freely located in it if they refer to the sentence as a whole: Unfortunately, he got sick. “Unfortunately, he got sick. “He got sick, unfortunately.
If the introductory word is related in meaning to one member of the sentence, then it is placed next to it: Our dilapidated boat sank, fortunately in a shallow place.
2. The appeal is also freely located in the sentence, but most often it is placed at the beginning, which is logically emphasized. Compare: Doctor, tell me what's wrong with my baby. “Tell me, doctor, what is the matter with my child. “Tell me what's wrong with my child, doctor.
Moreover, in appeals, slogans, orders, oratory speeches, official and personal letters, the appeal is placed at the beginning of the sentence.
3. Particles are in front of the word to which they refer. Compare: This book is difficult even for him. - This book even difficult for him. - Even this book is difficult for him.
4. Separation of a preposition from a controlled noun is undesirable: I will come with a few more comrades.(I will come with a few more comrades). You should also not put two prepositions in a row: Pay attention to outstanding work in every way(Pay attention to outstanding work in all respects).

Direct and reverse word order in a sentence (inversion).

Grammatical syntactic norms regulate the correct construction of phrases, sentences, text.

In the texts of the official business style, there are often constructions that cause difficulties in the preparation of documents (sentences with prepositions, sentences with variants of the connection between the subject and the predicate, sentences containing participial and adverbial phrases, etc.).


The correctness of speech is largely determined by the order of words in a sentence.

Word order, i.e. the syntactic sequence of the components of a sentence is relatively free in Russian. There are direct (objective) and reverse word order or inversion (inverse word order).

Inversion in logic - reversal of meaning, replacement of "white" by "black".

Inversion in literature (from lat. inversio - turning over, rearranging)- violation of the usual order of words in a sentence.

Inversion (dramaturgy) is a dramatic technique that demonstrates the outcome of the conflict at the beginning of the play.

In direct word order, the given precedes the new: Petrov's testimony was verified.

With inversion, a different arrangement of parts is possible:

Hydrogen peroxide stain test positive

Hydrogen peroxide stain test positive

The inversion word order is used for the purpose of emotional, semantic highlighting of any part of the sentence.

RULE 2 Direct word order

But it must be remembered that the last word in the sentence is stressed (carrying a semantic load), therefore, in order to avoid ambiguity and ambiguity in the text, normative inversion is used only in artistic and journalistic speech.

The norm of the modern Russian literary language of official business style is direct word order, which obeys a few general rules:

1. The subject usually comes first (in preposition): Judicial debate was resumed.

If adverbial words are at the beginning of a sentence, a predicate may be in preposition:Traces from the tread of a Volga car were found on a country road.

2. For secondary members of the sentence, the following placement within the phrase is recommended: agreed words precede the core word, and controlled ones follow it: He gave his (agreeable word) car (core word) to a neighbor (controlled word).

3. Agreed definitions are usually placed before the word being defined: material values; civil marriage;

4. Separate definitions are placed after the word being defined: a quarrel that arose earlier; evidence available in the case;

5. Addition, as a rule, follows the management: sign the application; execute the decision.

In this way, the direct word order in Russian implies the following of the predicate after the subject, the definition before the word being defined, the main members of the sentence before the secondary ones.

AT from a direct word order, for example: A lone sail turns white in the blue fog of the sea ...
and here is the familiar inversion: A lonely sail turns white in the fog of the blue sea ...

Inversion- Unusual word order. This is one of the visual means of the language.
Inversion helps to highlight the most important word, as well as the stylistic and emotional coloring of speech.


Very often poets and writers use inversions in their works.

Exercise 1.

Let us turn to an excerpt from the story of L. N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”.

There was once a strong thunderstorm, and the rain poured for an hour like a bucket. And all the rivers were clouded; where the ford was, there the water went three arshins, the stones were turned over. Streams flow everywhere, the rumble is in the mountains.
That's how the storm passed, everywhere in the village streams run. Zhilin begged the owner for a knife, cut out a roller, planks, feathered the wheel, and attached dolls to the wheel at both ends.

All sentences begin with different members of the sentence (1 - verb-predicate, 2 - conjunction, 3 - adverb-adverb, 4 - demonstrative pronoun-adverb, 5 - noun-subject).

All sentences are constructed in different ways (1 - compound, 2 - complex with different types of connection, 3 - complex non-union, 4 - complex, 5 - simple with homogeneous predicates).

The words are in an unusual order.

Note that the predicate comes before the subject, the definition after the word being defined. This is not typical for the Russian language.


Incomplete sentences

Complete sentences in Russian syntax are successfully competed by incomplete ones, which have a clear functional and stylistic fixation and bright expressive coloring. Their use is determined by extralinguistic factors and grammatical nature.

Thus, the appeal to incomplete sentences, which are dialogue replicas, is typical for colloquial and artistic speech. In PS, their use is limited, in other book styles it is impossible. Incomplete sentences - parts of the SSP and SPP are used in book styles, and above all - in the National Assembly. This is due to the desire to avoid the same type of structures: Geometry studies complex (continuous) quantities, and arithmetic studies discrete numbers.

Elliptical sentences act as a powerful means of creating the emotionality of speech. The main scope of their application is colloquial speech and CS. Ellipsis gives dynamism to the description: To the barrier! Back, home, to Russia! Full correlatives with such sentences are significantly inferior to them in expression.

Sentences with missing words that do not carry an informative load are common in the language of newspapers: K Your table, Just for you. Sofa shop.. In such sentences, only the target words of the utterance are indicated, everything else is replenished by the context, the speech situation. Various ellipses used in headings have become a syntactic norm in their structure. They formulate an idea in an extremely concise form, have a functional, stylistic and expressive coloring, attracting the reader's attention. But the fascination with such forms is dangerous because ambiguity and aesthetic inferiority may arise in them.

It is impossible to use elliptical constructions in ODS with its increased requirements for clarity and unambiguity of formulations.

In recent decades, knowledge about the dependence of word order on the semantic structure of a sentence has significantly expanded. A strong impetus to the study of this problem was the doctrine of the actual division of the statement, created in the late 40s by the Czech linguist V. Mathesius.

With actual division, the statement is usually divided into 2 parts: the first contains the previously known - t ema sentences, in the second - what is reported about it, new, - rheme . The combination of theme and rheme is the subject of the message. In direct word order, the topic comes first, the rheme comes second. Thus, the concepts of “direct” and “reverse” word order mean the sequence of arrangement not of sentence members, but of topics and rhemes. Reverse word order is often called inversion.

Inversion- a stylistic device consisting in a deliberate change in the order of words with the aim of emotional, semantic highlighting of any part of the statement.

If the direct word order usually has no stylistic meaning, then the inverse word order is always stylistically significant. Inversion is possible only in expressive speech. In NS and ODS, inversion is usually not used, because word order should emphasize the logical articulation of the text.

For the syntactic structure of the Russian language, the preposition of the subject is most characteristic. Most often it is the topic: Nikolai / took 2 letters. This word order is considered as direct. However, the prepositive subject can also be a rheme: Only chance saved him from falling. This word order is reversed. .

If the predicate comes first, it usually plays the role of a topic: There is / other means. This is typical for interrogative and exclamatory sentences: Will you shoot or not? How good is she now!

Inversion of principal terms is not possible in the following cases:

1) When the subject and direct object are expressed by nouns that have the same form in Im. And Vin. cases: Mother loves daughter. The paddle touched the dress. The truck crashed the bike. Inversion makes such sentences difficult to understand or gives them ambiguity.

2) When the sentence consists of a noun and an adjective agreed with it: Late autumn. When the word order is changed, the predicate turns into a definition.

3) In the so-called. sentences of identity, where both main members are expressed by Him. noun case: Father is a teacher. When inverted, the meaning changes.

four). In prdl, where one main member is expressed by the First case, and the other by the infinitive: Learning well is our mission. The meaning is changing.



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