What to do for development. Where to start self-development? step by step diagram

Self-development and self-improvement where to start - we think, reflecting on the need for changes in life. In the article, we will consider ways of self-development and how to correctly draw up your own program for personal development. Priorities and directions are determined based on the development goal. Each person has his own aspirations, the goal of self-development is career growth, peace of mind, harmony in life, the development of perseverance, confidence.

Let's take a closer look at how to start self-development, change yourself, attitude to life, achieve more?

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Where to start self-development?

Usually thoughts about self-development and the need for changes arise in moments of despair, understanding the meaninglessness of life, time slipping through your fingers. We feel that we can do more, we waste time in vain. Self-development is an opportunity to get closer to the ideal "I", to reach new heights, to open up new opportunities that used to be only dreams.

So, self-development and self-improvement, where to start?

Write down the answers to a few questions and think about all the points:

  1. What do I want most in life?
  2. What would you like to do, if there were no restrictions? - salary, the opinion of others.
  3. Why do I live in the world, what is my vocation, mission?
  4. How can I succeed in life?
  5. Where do I envision myself in the future?
  6. What character traits are needed to achieve your goals?
  7. What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  8. What will I develop first?
  9. What knowledge is needed to transform life, oneself?
  10. What thoughts prevent me from changing my life, starting self-development? After writing honest answers to questions, aspirations, ideas that fill life with meaning, make my heart beat faster will become clearer. Often we strive for new horizons, but internal attitudes prevent us from starting the path or the opinion of parents and friends. It is important to determine your aspirations, learn to feel the inner voice. After analyzing yourself, life, you can draw up a plan for self-development.

    Self-development and self-improvement, where to start?

The procedure is approximately the following:

  1. Define strategic and tactical goals: write down the main goals in life, priorities. Later, we break them down into smaller ones that lead to the desired results. Goals can be written in different areas of life: health and energy, spiritual development, financial issues, intellectual development, building relationships, emotional peace, character, career and self-realization, the purpose of life.
    Goals will help determine the main directions in life, aspirations, help you understand where to go next, how to build a bridge to dreams. The most rational way is to change yourself, not life, circumstances change with the person.
  2. Working on thinking we change negative attitudes to positive ones, inspire self-confidence, develop self-confidence, the possibility of changes for the better. It is useful to read about the successes of ordinary people, idols and their path to achievements. Thoughts are material, they help us achieve what we want or become an obstacle that cannot be bypassed even with a strong desire.
    Let the subconscious mind help in self-development, it is necessary to set up conscious thinking and internal attitudes on the same wave. Self-hypnosis will help. We say important positive thoughts at least 20 times every morning after waking up.
  3. Define ideal traits - how to get closer to the imaginary ideal self, what features of personality, character? Often, the transformation and implementation of new ideas requires confidence, courage, perseverance, willpower, creativity, communication skills.
    Depending on the life tasks, we begin to work on the minuses, turning them into strengths of the personality. How? There are several ways: to get used to the image or create a new image, using experience, achievements, knowledge. Each person is worthy of respect, can be the best in his field, and perseverance develops when there is a global goal for which it is worth overcoming obstacles.4.
  4. Find information - having determined the goals and qualities of the personality that require development, we proceed to practical actions: we are looking for literature, trainings, videos on the desired topic. We can learn a new profession (copywriter, programmer, translator, photographer, etc.), develop abilities (playing musical instruments, vocals, work with programs, drawing), master new directions, having a great desire.
    Self-education and self-development are interconnected and go together, knowledge helps to better understand oneself, the world around, and also develop professionally.
  5. Forward movement- self-development should be done gradually, step by step. It is better to write down the sequence of actions, paint a plan for the year and the next month. Mental development, knowledge of new areas and skills is useful to produce against the background of general self-improvement.
    Every month you can set a certain task, gradually changing yourself, life. It can be: new knowledge, skills and work on character traits. Internal development contributes to new achievements. It is very convenient to write an action plan, self-development tasks also for every day. It helps to track actions and results, develops organization and promotes self-control.

For example, the plan for April:

  1. sign up for courses, sports activities;
  2. develop confidence (perseverance);
  3. go to classes twice a week;
  4. read books on developing confidence;
  5. perform practical exercises;
  6. start a diary of success, make notes every day. Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? Distribute the main goals by months and gradually implement them. It is important to take control of the work on self-development, to believe that changes are possible, many successful people confirm that we create miracles ourselves (Michael Jordan, Schwarzenegger, Will Smith, Marilyn Monroe).

In a few months, confidence will appear - I can influence life, write my own story, become a different person. The essence of self-development is the desire to develop personal qualities, the creation of an ideal person, the opportunity to get closer to dreams.

Features of self-development of women

Self-development for a girl is an important decision, there is no limit to perfection, and working on oneself gives advantages in life and work. Self-development and self-improvement, where to start the changes? It is very important for a woman to determine the ways of self-realization, to set priorities. The most important areas of life: family, relationships and love, work and career, realization of abilities, talents. There are some extremes: focusing only on the family or focusing on a career. For a harmonious life, it is important for a woman to combine love, career, hobbies.

How to find balance in life, start self-development?

Answer the questions - What is missing for happiness? What abilities, qualities of character should be developed for success in life? Often low self-esteem is the cause of troubles on the personal front and in social life - we agree to any option in order not to be lonely or to pay less. It is important for a woman, a girl, to learn to love, appreciate and accept herself, to notice successes, to believe in the best.

  1. Develop skills and talents - Determine the area of ​​​​interest that attracts the most. Creative realization - drawing, embroidery, music help to find peace in the soul, and playing sports - to improve health, increase vigor and energy.
  2. happy mom - a happy family is a problem for many women, an excessive desire to be the best wife and mother. As a result, they forget about themselves, interests, needs. An active mother with diverse interests is a great example for children, you can go hiking together, go to the gym, do vocals, dance.
    Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? Find your area of ​​interest, constantly improve existing skills, learn new things. Life is motion!
  3. Expand the possibilities - often girls and women underestimate their talents, do not believe in the possibility of building a career, their own business. There are many examples of successful women around, you can reach any heights if you have aspiration, desire, faith. It is worth experimenting with different types of activities, looking for yourself, calling.
    Then the work will be a joy, bring pleasure and material security.
  4. Goals, priorities - it is convenient to write down and fix desires, turning them into life goals. Understanding what you are striving for, it is easier to find opportunities. He who seeks, he will find, says folk wisdom. Often, being interested in a specific area, information and people themselves begin to meet on the way, are attracted to life.
    A woman has much more goals and tasks in life, so it’s worth organizing time correctly, using it as efficiently as possible to get results. Learning time management will help.
  5. Self-education and self-development - the problem of self-development is connected with self-knowledge and knowledge acquisition. Education does not end with a school, an institute, for life it is necessary to constantly develop, learn new things. A woman plays several roles in society: mother, daughter, spouse, employee. For successful interaction with people, you need to develop communication skills, learn to negotiate.

For personal life and family - to study the psychology of men and building relationships. For a career - to gain new knowledge in the professional field, to have perseverance, willpower and a desire for achievements. For female beauty - to be a personal stylist, make-up artist, be able to choose clothes, develop a sense of taste, harmony to create your own image.

So, self-development and self-improvement, where should a girl start? Women have their own tasks of self-development associated with social workload and implementation in the family. It is important to understand what skills and abilities require development. A versatile and educated girl, striving for self-knowledge and self-development, will always be more successful than mediocre ones who go with the flow of life. And men love purposeful, feminine, pleasant and confident women. They attract attention like a magnet.

Self-development of men

Self-development for men is primarily associated with social implementation and career building.

So, self-development and self-improvement, where to start?

1. Define goals - what are you striving for, what kind of work do you dream of getting, in what area to realize yourself? What talents and abilities will help you achieve your goals? How to benefit from existing hobbies, interests? The best job is a highly paid hobby! How to achieve the desired results?

2. Make an action plan - it is important to write down all ideas and ways of achieving for analysis and implementation. Think about how best to act, what talents and abilities to develop to get results? Where to find information, experienced people-mentors.

3. Enlist Support - it is incredibly important, if you want to develop, change your life, to feel the support of others, family, friends. Often good intentions fail, the family is used to a dad who is a lawyer, and not a writer or musician, but why computer courses? Extra costs, parents think.
It is important to determine the area of ​​interest, to be able to justify your position, priorities, ideas.
It is good to find people with similar interests for joint activities, communication, exchange of experience. Initially, you can combine interests with work, and over time, choose the area of ​​development, self-realization.

4. Reading for self-development - books and educational materials will help to learn a lot of useful things in any field: on the development of personal qualities, professional ones. Achievement in life requires perseverance, courage, leadership, and the ability to communicate.
Think about what qualities you will develop first. You can work on your own or go to self-development courses. The main thing is to believe in your potential, open up new opportunities and abilities. Every person has a genius!

5. We act— Having determined the main directions of development, it is important to immediately begin to act. Find information, call for classes, draw up a schedule of events, actions. Taking one step a day, you can walk 30 meters ahead in a month. The main thing is from simple to complex, it is impossible to immediately swallow an elephant, it is better to break large tasks into small, achievable ones.

Self-development for men is an opportunity to gain self-confidence, discover inner potential, achieve more in life, realize their own dreams. Why do some people act, while others stop at making plans? Decisiveness and courage, the development of positive thinking will help to believe in one's own strength, to make changes in the existing way of life.

Self-improvement, where to start?

Personal self-improvement is the independent development of the necessary skills, abilities, qualities of character for personal purposes.

The desire for self-improvement is an incentive for continuous development, improvement of the quality of one's own personality. While a person develops, strives forward, he lives, stopping - falls, degrades. It is impossible to know everything, even the great sages after years say: "I know that I know nothing." There are always unknown areas and directions of life. A person cognizes himself and the world around him, the laws of the universe, as a riddle, throughout his life.

Self-development and self-knowledge are similar concepts, it is impossible to engage in self-improvement without knowing your essence. The initial task: to understand yourself, your inner world, interests, aspirations. Conscious development occurs when we understand why we should engage in self-improvement if there is an incentive. You can live and not think about the progress of the individual, the acquisition of new qualities, but then the chances of success are sharply reduced, because other people are constantly developing, learning new things, which means they come forward.

Needs of self-improvement: the inner desire to be better, to catch up and overtake others. Although it is better to compete with yourself, everyone has their own life path. If today is better than yesterday's "I", then there is progress and you will definitely achieve the desired goals. There are many examples in history of people who created themselves on their own: Suvorov, Lomonosov, Napoleon, Franklin, Lincoln.

Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? We considered the main issues of development, and improvement is an endless process. A person creates himself, draws his image all his life.

How to start achieving perfection, upgrade?

  1. Determine result - it is important to imagine the image of an ideal person. It is useful to think through everything to the details, every day to mentally scroll through the picture, imagining the behavior, habits, skills and knowledge that are necessary to move to a new level.
    Visualization helps to tune in to development, to prepare at the subconscious level for changes in life. Thoughts are material, and, thinking constantly in the right direction, we begin to act and implement the necessary rules, habits, and acquire new knowledge.
  2. Determine the order of work: the beginning of self-improvement is associated with a conscious decision to change oneself. Further, it is important to determine by points what needs to be changed, developed. The next step is an action plan. Understanding your shortcomings or realizing what qualities are missing, you can create a new image of your "I".
    Most often, people strive to become more resolute, more confident, stronger in spirit, to gain strength of character and indestructibility in any life difficulties, to find harmony in themselves and the world around them, to learn mutual understanding, to improve social skills.
  3. First steps and implementation of plans - development and self-improvement requires great effort, willpower, motivation. Think about why it is worth changing your usual way of life, what benefits will be in the end? High goal - gives rise to great actions and results.
    Prospects for new opportunities - career growth, easy communication with people, successful negotiations, a happy personal life, realization of potential, new opportunities in all areas of life. Self-development and self-improvement, where to start? The main thing is desire, a positive attitude and faith, we begin the path forward to new horizons. Everything will work out! After all, talent and genius are dormant in a person, eager for freedom.

Discover your best sides, develop yourself and improve!

Now the topic of self-improvement and personal growth is especially relevant. On the Internet, on television, in magazines - everywhere they say that you need to work on yourself, develop, grow, achieve success in life. At the same time, a natural question arises: how to start this self-development, how to find time and incentive? Especially if you want to quickly, all at once.

First, let's define what self-development is. Development and change is a natural process for everything that exists in the world. Human life itself is a series of constant changes associated with birth, growing up and aging, the formation of personality, the acquisition of certain skills and life experience.

Therefore, self-development can be characterized as a set of conscious and purposeful actions aimed at improving certain qualities, skills, abilities of a person. The explanatory dictionary gives us the following definition: self-development is the intellectual or physical development of a person on the basis of independent studies and exercises, on their own initiative, without the assistance of any external forces. Now that we have dealt with the theory, we can proceed to concrete actions. So, self-development: where to start positive changes in yourself?

  1. Revision. You need to find time and analyze your life, or rather, each area of ​​your life, and honestly answer yourself the questions: what exactly does not suit me, what qualities or skills do I lack to be satisfied with life? Try to be objective and don't fool yourself. Consider each area of ​​life separately:
    • Physical sphere, health. Perhaps you should adjust the daily routine, start eating right, get rid of bad habits, lose weight, boost immunity, start playing sports;
    • Spiritual sphere. Getting rid of anger, envy, malice, irritability, developing a positive attitude towards oneself and others, various spiritual practices, meditation can help many:
    • Material sphere, finance. There is a wide field for activity here, since very few people are satisfied with their financial situation. Perhaps you should change your job to a higher paying one, or even change your profession, take courses, trainings, get a new specialty. Some want to start their own business but don't know how and are afraid of failure.
    • Social sphere, relations. Development of communication skills, overcoming conflicts, harmonious relationships in the family, at work, personal life, control over emotions.
    • Intellectual sphere, personal growth. Here we are talking about the development of intellectual abilities, memory, attention, abstract and creative thinking, the ability to set goals and achieve them, increase personal efficiency, the ability to plan your time
  2. We choose one the most important direction for self-development. Since there are only a few completely harmonious, comprehensively developed people, for a start it is worth focusing on the most important thing for you. Think about what qualities and skills you lack the most, and start your self-development from there. If you take on everything at once, then the result will certainly not be at all.
  3. We draw up a specific action plan. Let's consider an example: you decided to change your job to a more interesting and highly paid one. At the same time, you understand that you lack knowledge, you are scattered and do not know how to manage your time. Solution options:
    • take advanced training courses in the direction you are interested in;
    • learn to concentrate attention, develop perseverance (there are special exercises);
    • undergo training on personal effectiveness and personal time planning;
    • compose a competent resume and send it to all the companies you are interested in, and for this it is not necessary to quit your current job.

Positive attitude and purposeful actions

Whether you believe it or not, the mindset for success is very important.
. If thoughts like: “Why do I need this?”, “I won’t succeed ...”, “It’s difficult for me ..” - then you won’t see progress. It is important to immediately set yourself up in a positive way, believe in your success, see positive changes in your thoughts every day and enjoy even small successes. It will be useful to use affirmations, meditations.

Thoughts about self-development alone are not enough - you need to constantly carry out specific actions in order to become better every day. Many will ask: "How to find time to do self-development?". To begin with, it is enough to allocate 20-30 minutes a day - do not watch TV, do not surf the Internet and social networks. In a month, these 20-30 minutes will give you a tangible result, the main thing is to start.

Without smart books - nowhere

Self-improvement is written in many ancient books, starting with the Bible and other sacred books, much can be learned from the Eastern teachings of Yoga, Tao and others. But these are primary sources that will not be clear to everyone. They have already been reworked by scientists into a language understandable to us and set out in books in the form of recommendations for self-development. These editions just need to be found. Among the bestsellers on this topic today are the following books:

  • Steven Covey "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". This work changes the worldview of people, they get rid of many complexes and begin to quickly move up the career ladder or make progress in business. The book gives recommendations that really help to awaken dormant forces in yourself and become a leader. Read it with a pen and notepad and mark the main postulates on which you will base your path to excellence and you will succeed.
  • Sharma Robin "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". This is a guide to the spiritual development of the individual, the author believes that without strengthening the strength of the spirit, nothing can be achieved in life, and self-development must begin with spiritual perfection. This is true, the weak in spirit does not become a leader and a successful person. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to what is written in this book. It also contains tips for the effective use of the strengths of the human character.
  • Godin Seth "The Pit" is a publication about how to take care of yourself in order to become the best in the field in which a person builds a career. This is a real guide to a breakthrough to success in your professional life.

All these books are united by one valuable idea - self-development never ends. The desire to be the best in a person’s character and you need to be able to use this quality.

Nice video for inspiration:


First, love yourself. Accept yourself as you are, stop scolding yourself and looking for yourself shortcomings, do not cultivate your complexes. inspire yourself respect for yourself, believe in your strengths and capabilities. Trust not only your own inner "I", but also your body, with which you are one

Understand yourself, have a clear understanding of yourself and his condition. Your concept should constantly assimilate to a new life experience and state, your and ideal "I" should steadily approach each other in your imagination.

Take full responsibility for your own actions. This will allow you to gain inner freedom and always remain faithful. yourself and your convictions.

Keep and protect the integrity of your inner world, do not lose unity between feelings, do not betray your beliefs even in small things, but do not confuse this with stubbornness and conservatism.

Be able to admit, realize your mistakes. Personality is not a rigid monument, it must constantly change, its growth and formation is a sign that it exists. An important criterion for development is flexibility and the ability to be adequate to the outside world, while maintaining its identity.

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Continuous self-improvement is the mark of a real person. If you are interested in developing your intellectual abilities and moral qualities, start working in this direction.


Remember why you need self-improvement. When you understand that self-development will help you succeed, you have an incentive to work on yourself. Keep your life goals in mind. If you know that personal growth is the key to a happy and fulfilling life, you will pay enough attention to it. To systematically move forward and devote time every day to your development, you will need willpower. Indeed, sometimes there is neither the strength nor the desire to think about something or learn something new.

Recognize the need for regular exercise. Some flaws in your character, such as laziness, may prevent you from fulfilling your plans. Therefore, you need to learn how to deal with them. The easiest way to overcome laziness is to simply start doing something without too much thought. Then you will not have a chance to come up with a reason for refusing to work on yourself or transferring part of the tasks to another day.

Read more. If you want to grow a real, multifaceted personality in yourself, give preference to classical works. Such books will show you different characters and life situations, help diversify oral and written speech. In general, it is difficult to overestimate the positive value of the works of world classical literature, which it has on the personality of a person.

Be inspired by the examples of great people. It is not necessary to have some kind of idol, but a passion for biographies and memoirs of famous writers, artists, scientists, public figures will help you determine some life principles for yourself and have a beneficial effect on your fortitude. On someone else's positive example, you will learn to move forward, despite the obstacles.

Pay attention not only to your soul, but also to your body. Get active and spend your weekends active. Choose healthy food and get enough sleep. It is better if you live according to a certain regimen, eating and going to bed at the same time every day, even on holidays and during vacations. By feeling well, you will have the strength to work on developing your personality.

Develop your intellect. Try to learn something new every day, watch educational films and educational programs, visit exhibitions and museums. Work on improving your memory and logic abilities. Learn foreign languages, travel more and get out of your comfort zone more often. All this contributes to the development of your personality.

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A self-respecting person with the same respect relates to others in order to emphasize their own dignity even more clearly. There are many other deeds and features in which a person shows respect for yourself himself. This is especially evident in conflict situations.


Don't raise your voice in conflict. This is the first sign of weakness and impotence. If you have exhausted the arguments, keep silent with something like this facial expression: "I'm right anyway." Even if you are really right, you will not be able to convince a person who insists on the opposite point of view. You risk only spoiling relations with him, but not pulling him over to your side, especially since it is most likely not profitable for him.

Do not argue with people who you feel are inferior to you in knowledge or competence. If you give even the most reasonable arguments, at best they will not listen to you, and at worst they will laugh at you. Try only that your affairs do not depend on the opinion of these people: their mistake can cost you dearly.

Treat others with courtesy, but without servility. Any person should perceive you as an equal, not a subordinate. Moreover, do not try to curry favor or achieve someone's favor by walking on your hind legs. Know how to refuse if a friend's request is fraught with losses and losses for you.

Watch your posture. It has been noticed that a person who feels guilty or defends himself from attacks sometimes pulls his head into his shoulders, stoops, as if trying to look smaller and more inconspicuous. Such a figure causes even more excitement in the opponent, and in you - a feeling of enslavement. Keep your back and head straight, like a person who has nothing to fear and no one to hide from. Try to look into the eyes of the interlocutor to prove your sincerity and fearlessness at the same time.

As with any change of character, nurture in yourself self respect gradually. Don't expect instant results and success once you start using these methods. They can also be difficult to use for people who have been using them for a long time. The only question is your perseverance and fortitude.

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A person's own "I" is a source of internal resources, a support. Having this support, a person is sure of yourself, adequate in any situation, free to choose and experiencing a feeling of happiness. Usually, role-playing attitudes, an idea of ​​one's goals, values, one's own significance, personal strength, and ways of responding to problems are put into the concept of "I". Only having decided on what you understand by your “I”, what you lack, you can look for ways of self-development.


Take an active position as a doer, a creator of your own destiny. A person's own "I" develops, and only in action. Stop feeling like a victim, weak or flawed person. This belief robs you of your own energy. Your inner world is perfect enough and you can use any resource for your needs. The main thing is to act, not to suffer!

Take responsibility for decisions and emotions. Give back yourself a report on how your beliefs, ideas affect your behavior. And how you are perceived by other people. Be ready to change beliefs, attitudes, if you need it.

Make reasonable commitments to people and keep them. Obligations should not go against your interests, or to the detriment of you - otherwise they are unreasonable. On the contrary, moderate, they can make you feel your own strength and self-satisfaction.

Develop your independence. Independence in everything: in behavior, actions, thinking speaks of a formed, strong inner core of a person. Learn to analyze the situation, look for information and make decisions on your own. Be prepared to be responsible for your decisions. Both victories and defeats will be equally yours, well-deserved. Take it.

Look for your mission, set life goals and tasks for yourself. Purposeful person and infects others. This manifests the power of personality, the power of one's own "I". This is not done lying on the couch, for this you need to move, act, make attempts, try yourself in different types of activities, analyze experience. Highlight yourself a little time to sit down and think about where to go, what you want. And take action again. Use various exercises, meditations, creativity in order to express your "I".

Direct your energy and strength not to protect yourself, but to cooperate with others, use the power of your "I" to influence. Look for constructive methods of solving conflicts and problems. Learn to manage your emotions. Be interested in the lives of other people - what they want, what they live, what they strive for.

Develop your view of the world, form beliefs, opinions. To do this, read more, communicate with others, be interested in what is happening, develop your interests. Pay equal attention to both physical and spiritual self-improvement.

Treat others with interest and respect. Take the best from others, in your opinion, learn from the strong and. Respect other people's interests and points of view. But know how to keep your view on situations and things. Never assert yourself for people, do not compare yourself with others.

Develop your sense of humor. Be positive and cheerful. Learn to have fun with ease. For your "I" these are ideal conditions for development.

Some people have a clear life position, the ability to live in harmony with themselves and achieve their goals. Such individuals stand out from the crowd due to their pronounced personality.


Decide on your goals and set the life goals that you want to achieve. You must be motivated to develop strong personal qualities. Remember that goals should be realistic, broken down into smaller tasks and milestones.

Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Do not depend on the voice of the crowd and blindly follow other people. A real person is distinguished by loyalty to his own ideals and principles.

Try to keep your individuality. Qualities that you used to consider as shortcomings can turn out to be your features, you just have to look at them from a different angle. Don't give up on what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Be true to yourself. Don't do something if your whole being is against it. Overpowering yourself and adapting to others, you will not gain a strong personality. Always think about which path is best for you. When you do something, decide whether it will benefit your body and mind.

Don't stop developing. Improve yourself, develop your talents and skills, grow in a professional sense, read more quality literature, discover new types of art, other countries. Try to expand your horizons, meet new people, get out of your comfort zone.

Treat your mistakes right. It makes no sense to constantly worry about what you have done, but it’s also impossible not to notice that you stumbled. Learn from the negative moments of your past and move on, wiser from your own experience.

Be above complaints and gossip. A real person does not have time to criticize someone or something. Engage in more interesting and constructive things, direct your thoughts in a more positive direction.

Know how to resist someone else's negative opinion. A real person does not need the approval of the crowd and does not try to please everyone. Understand that it is impossible to please everyone around you and still maintain your individuality. Be the kind of person who likes, first of all, you, and not other people.

Know yourself. Listen to your own feelings every day. Do it better in the process of meditation. Find a secluded corner where no one will disturb you. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. In silence observe your self for fifteen to twenty minutes. Over time, you will notice that you have become better aware of what you want, and you will find harmony with yourself.

Do not be upset if you are not rewarded with innate sensitivity. Tactfulness can be developed in oneself through certain work. Observe the relationships between people and be careful with the feelings of others.


Watch how relationships develop between people. To do this, you can refer to the works of world literature. Read novels, watch how the characters interact. Books written by world-famous authors can teach you a lot. You will see how some character traits of this or that hero are connected with his actions, you will understand what words or actions lead to quarrels and breaks, how different people can react to different circumstances.

Keeping track of people's relationships is useful in real life. Other people's actions, emotions and words will help you get to know others better. Over time, you will learn to predict how other people will react. This will help you become more tactful and attentive to the feelings of those around you.

Think about what character traits help you get along with others, show yourself as a tactful person. For example, they include kindness, attentiveness, the desire to understand another, non-obsession with oneself, the ability to listen. You can take as an example a person you know who successfully builds relationships with people of various types. Think about what qualities help her in this, and try to develop them in yourself.

Learn the basics of personality psychology. This will help you understand how to approach others, how to build relationships with them so as not to hurt their feelings. You will understand what questions not to ask in order not to embarrass others, and you will realize what behavior is inappropriate.

Watch not only what you say, but also how you do it. Your posture, facial expressions, and voice also matter. Your behavior must correspond to the meaning of the spoken phrases, otherwise you will seem like an insincere person. Avoid aggressive and impatient gestures. Be polite and listen to the person carefully. Do not look away and do not take on a thoughtfully bored look.

Be careful with criticisms. A phrase that seems quite innocent to you can deeply hurt a person. You can casually throw something about the features in the interlocutor's appearance or his personal quality, and he will be very upset. This is what tact is about - the art of creating a comfortable atmosphere around yourself when communicating. Don't talk too much.

Learn to behave. Do not speak loudly in public places or discuss those present with someone. Remember, sometimes tact comes down to observing the elementary rules of etiquette. Understand that publicizing the details of your personal life can be unpleasant for a person.

Think about others. Try to behave in a way that does not inconvenience anyone. No need to listen to loud music in the workplace. This can distract colleagues. If someone is feeling down, sad, or uncomfortable, offer to help. Do not insistently brag about your success in your career or personal life in front of less fortunate people. Your bragging might hurt them.

A person who is creative by nature differs from other people in that he does not look for a solution to a problem, but looks for all possible solutions, and he will most likely choose the most inappropriate one. Unlike other abilities, the propensity for creativity, if present in a person, can develop without much effort - in the eyes of a creative person, a song can develop from the slightest rustle. How to develop creativity personality?

Hi all. In this article, we will figure out where to start self-development, what should be the starting point for personal development. If you asked this question, then today you will receive an answer to it!

So this is where development should start from. Need to start with changing your thinking! That is, for example, it is impossible to start any business if you are satisfied with working for a hired job, or it is unrealistic to go to dances if you are notorious and afraid that they will look at you.

If you want to improve somehow, then for this you need to understand yourself at the beginning of the path and understand in which directions you specifically need to develop. After all, there is no single concept “self-development is only a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking, drinking, and going to trainings for personal growth.”

The Internet is simply full of such advice and these are fundamentally not true statements, then of course, it's great when you do not neglect these tips and lead the right way of life. But the fact is that for everyone the concept of "Correct" is individual.

So, where to start self-development?

Tip number 1. Understand yourself!

Understand what you want from life, what you want to do and in what directions to develop. I understand that for many this question is difficult, but nevertheless, if at this stage you are not able to decide, then you simply cannot go further, or you will go along a crooked road to nowhere.

By the way, there is one excellent article ““ not on this topic, so I highly recommend reading it.

It took me a lot of time to figure it out, unfortunately. Although now I understand that there is nothing to regret, because now there is concrete clarity, and I know what I should and want to do in life, what is my vocation, what is my mission and main goal. In order to understand, there are two ways;

  1. Just alternately try everything that life will offer and after who knows how many years to understand what is your true passion (not the best option right?).
  2. Initially choose your passion, the business that brings you pleasure and fruits, both spiritual and material, and start acting in this direction.

I chose the second option and I don't regret it at all. If you still cannot understand what your true passion is, do the following:

  • Take a notebook and a pen and make a list of things you like to do, your hobbies or activities that bring you pleasure and do not get tired of them. The more the better (at least 10 different activities)
  • From the compiled list, select the 5 best and closest to you.
  • Then you can test each of these areas for yourself in order to understand what is more desirable.
  • After the test, you will definitely understand what is closer to you, what works better, and what you really want to do in life, and perhaps this is how you will find yours.

Something I was carried away by the choice of destination, but understandable. This is a very voluminous topic that cannot be covered in one article, so I will write in more detail about how to choose your destination in the following posts, I advise you not to miss it. And we will continue!

Council number 2. Pick up the relevant literature and start reading!

To start developing tightly in the direction you want, you need to be fueled by powerful knowledge in this area and nothing helps as much as. So go to the bookstore and find some useful material. of course, in addition to this, I advise you to take other books on the topic of personal growth, development, business, etc.

Definitely need to read books of different directions, so as not to get tired of the monotony and develop in different directions. When I asked myself the topic of self-development, I went to a bookstore and got myself the first book, Ladder to Success by Napoleon Hill. I won't say that it was my best choice, since I read more impressive ones later, but nevertheless, a start was made.

By the way, I have already opened a new section on the site, where I will talk about useful books that everyone should read, I will give reviews on them and briefly explain what the book is about, so that you can understand for yourself whether you need it or not, therefore, the first issues very soon.

Beyond Literature it will also be extremely useful to take additional courses, seminars and trainings on topics that are interesting to you and you feel that you need to pump certain skills. Now I’m not talking about those where all sorts of gurus will open your chakras and cleanse your body, but only those who help you fully reveal yourself in your favorite business and pump yourself up in this both physically and mentally.

For example: how to overcome laziness, how to develop a good voice and diction, how to get rid of fears and phobias, how to use your time effectively, how to learn to dance, how to find your purpose and life's work ... etc. etc. And now there is enough such goodness both on the Internet and offline. It all depends on what you need more at the moment.

For you, I will find the most useful and sensible courses and post reviews on them on this site so that you do not suffer from the tone of water and immediately take and apply the best.

Tip number 3. Think and act in the direction of your desires!

Do you already know about that? Or at least once heard about this theory, and maybe even felt it for yourself. I have no doubts about it, I have already tried it.

So, in order to give impetus to your development, you need to think in this direction, think about how you develop, how you become better, the main thing is to imagine exactly what you will become better at, how it will manifest itself in the outside world and environment how you will become a more authoritative and strong person in the eyes of other people!

It is clear that thoughts themselves will not be enough, and skeptics of this theory may say that all this is nonsense, and yet, in addition to thoughts, certain actions must be constantly taken in order to grow every day.

That is, if you want to become the best in dancing, or in psychology, or in boxing, or in business and sales, do this regularly. Improve your skills every day, study books, courses, trainings and the most important – PRACTICE this knowledge, otherwise you won’t budge!

Of course, this is not all that I wanted to talk about within the framework of this topic, because the topic is quite voluminous, but today I wrote the basis for starting self-development. I did just that and everything went up further, so I advise you.

In the next article, I will continue this topic and in the second part I will lay out the maximum of chips that will be useful on the path of your improvement, therefore, in order not to miss it, you will receive it soon, as well as a number of other useful things in the future.

Finally, I prepared a useful video for you on this topic. We look:

That's all for today. See you later.

P.S. Write in the comments what you have already done for personal improvement? Where did you start or will you start?

How interesting life is: each of us at different times comes to understand and realize that the time has come to change something in ourselves, in our lives, in our professional activities. I am glad for those who begin to worry about these issues at an “early” age. And it also happens that after having lived a long and difficult life, people find the strength to look back, stop and take a step towards something interesting and exciting. New and unknown.

This means that the time has come to take care of yourself and your inner world. What is inside each of us? What's happening? What fell asleep and want to wake up? What so insistently demands development and continuation?

Many questions have accumulated? Excellent! It is with them that we must begin. The answer to a simple question lies on the surface - from the moment we are ready. Readiness can be defined by the number of questions that arise at certain points in our lives.

Most of us, the people living on Earth, are dissatisfied with our lives. Someone is not satisfied with material well-being, someone is dissatisfied with their appearance, someone’s career is not going uphill ... As soon as the degree of dissatisfaction becomes critical, various processes immediately set in motion that encourage us to take various actions. I think you will agree that in some cases, the inaction of some is also a kind of action. It still needs to be done, too.

Let's talk better about us, those for whom the words of John Newman will be key:

“Do not be afraid that your life will soon end. Be afraid that it will never start.”

The words are wonderful and they have a lot of meaning. In our imperfect world, it becomes impossible to live without “special” preparation. All that remains possible is to go with the flow - where it will take you.

“Special” preparation is what we have to do additionally, on our own. Starting the process of change with yourself. It is no secret that this process can take quite a long time - not days, not months, but years. Perhaps a lifetime. The more interesting it becomes to live, agree?

You need to start your self-development only when there is a desire and interest. Desire to change. Change what is, to what is needed. Let's call "what is" - the foundation. Bad, good, it doesn't matter now. After all, this is what we can do, what we have created and what we have achieved. Let's delve into all this - analyze, and determine what we should do with all this wealth, and what we want.

Just do not rush to throw it in the trash - if you look closely, you can find a lot of interesting and useful things in our further actions. For example, our skills, or long-forgotten talents. If it’s hard with talents, you can try to find your strengths, read about it.

Now we have three components: our interest, our desire and our skills. There is no need to be afraid or despair about skills and abilities. Even if we do not find anything in ourselves that could help future changes, we definitely have two key skills: we can read and write. And this, you see, is a lot to start independent development.

Development is a process aimed at changing material and spiritual objects in order to improve them.

Self-development implies the direct participation of the person himself in all transformations. In order to start self-development, you need strong motivation, great interest and a great desire to change what was, into what will be.

Do you remember how it happened for you? It is unlikely that you used a systematic approach, developed an action plan and defined the ultimate goal? I do not argue, without this in the modern world it is now impossible to take a step. But still, self-development does not begin with this.

Self-development begins with dissatisfaction with the existing situation and showing interest in the opportunities that you meet, or that you already know about, and understand that you need it. Self-development begins with the realization that it is self-development that will become a necessary element for achieving the goal and success. Self-development should be a natural extension of our all-powerful “I want!” In this case - I want to know!

For example, I don't know of a way that can force another person to improve their skills and develop their abilities FORCED. All the more forced to study. After all, the basis of self-development is self-learning. If a person does not have a desire to learn and be taught, it is unlikely that anything sensible will come of this undertaking. You yourself know this. If you're into blogging right now, the other person's attempts to get you into woodcarving won't be successful.

Therefore, the desire must come from the person himself and must be dictated either by necessity or by interest.

And then the fun begins. An active process of absorbing knowledge on the chosen topic begins. These are books, books and more books. At this time, we choose teachers and mentors for ourselves, whose books we would like to read, whose advice we would like to trust and whose actions we would like to copy. Some of the useful you can find in the section on my blog.

At this moment, when we are overwhelmed with emotions from what we have heard, read and seen, and most importantly, from the changes that we already notice in our head, I would like to recommend not sharing my impressions with others. Let it be a natural process and let them see for themselves how much you have changed. Then there will be something to talk about, and it will not look obtrusive on your part.

Learn from those who are already pros in your topic. Who has achieved visible results and can teach others. Only from them you will learn about what needs to be done for further development and what steps need to be taken.

I am sure you will like it. Now that you know where to start self-development, ask yourself, do you want this as much as other passionate people? Children will grow up, work is not eternal, you understand that it is always useful to have a spare tire - something with which we can realize ourselves and our potential on the other side.

We have heard more than once about millionaires who, having gone bankrupt, after a while again became them. Only because they had the skills to achieve results over and over again. Why don't we learn this too, you asked yourself the same question?

While working on my blog, which is a little more than six months, I have acquired not one, but several professions that I can use if necessary. I have a spare tire and I feel much more confident than before. Do you want the same? Only behind all this is a huge amount of work, effort and time invested. But there is still more to be invested and done. Are you not afraid?

Then I recommend starting with my blog. The Piggy Bank of Tips for an Effective Person contains only the most useful tips and recommendations on what needs to be done to make life and work interesting. This will be a good start.


So, summing up, I will list the main points that will help you understand how to start self-development:

  • With motivation
  • With a desire to act
  • From finding your strength
  • From reading books and studying a huge amount of materials
  • Looking for teachers and mentors

I wish you success! I wish you to do more in less time with a good mood!



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