Ears become blocked at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Why ears become clogged during pregnancy: main causes and treatment methods

Nobody likes the feeling of being under a glass bell, so a problem such as ear congestion requires attention.

Usually, this happens as a result of swelling of wax plugs during diving or during a flight, although many women complain of this unpleasant sensation during pregnancy. Let’s try to figure out how dangerous this is and how you can help the expectant mother get rid of discomfort.

Why do ears get clogged during pregnancy?

This problem can bother the expectant mother at various times. So, people complain of blockage of one or two hearing organs at once, both in the first and last trimester, what leads to this?

It is difficult to name the exact cause of ear blockage, since all cases are individual, the only thing that all experts say in unison is that it is not dangerous for mother and baby, except that it causes unnecessary discomfort.

  • The main reason, according to many experts, is the restructuring of the female body, which entails frequent changes in pressure. Moreover, most often expectant mothers experience low blood pressure.
  • Another reason may be low hemoglobin.
  • It is possible that “temporary deafness” may occur as a consequence of a runny nose or rhinitis.
  • It will also be useful to control your weight, as it happens that uneven weight gain leads to an imbalance in the body and can cause ear congestion.

During pregnancy, it is better to play it safe once again and consult a specialist about this kind of unpleasant sensation. They may not be caused by an interesting situation at all, but, for example, by a viral or infectious disease developing in the body, or they may be a consequence of the formation of plugs, which, by the way, can be painlessly and quickly removed.

Treatment of ear congestion during pregnancy

As we said, the first thing a future mother should do is to consult a specialist if such a problem accompanies her for several days and causes severe discomfort. The doctor will examine and make a diagnosis. So if the reason is a cold, ARVI, traffic jams, etc. Appropriate treatment will help alleviate the condition. And if “temporary deafness” arose only due to pregnancy, then applying the following simple tips in practice can be helpful:

  • Try making a few swallowing movements: drink water, put a suckable candy in your mouth, swallow your own saliva.
  • Open your mouth wide as if you are about to yawn and hold this position for 3-5 seconds.
  • Pinch your nose with your fingers and then take a deep breath or swallow your own saliva.
  • There is an opinion that mint chewing gum helps many pregnant women get rid of this problem.
  • Take a horizontal position, or better yet, take a nap for an hour. This will help you relax and, perhaps, the “temporary traffic jams” will pass.
  • Take your mind off the problem and have a snack with something tasty and favorite.
  • If the cause is ear plugs, then instilling a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into each of the passages one by one will soften the crusts and push the accumulated substance out. In this case, your hearing will return to you.
  • If your hearing has not only deteriorated, but also your nose is blocked, he will also need rinsing.

In any case, an examination by a specialist will not be superfluous, because many women suffer for weeks due to this unpleasant condition, not suspecting that the problem lies in ear plugs. And their painless and quick removal will return joy and comfort, which is very important in this situation.

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Someone will say as if in an aquarium, as if in a tank, as if in an airplane, as if in a pipe, or as if under a hood... there are just a lot of options. Yes, indeed, different pregnant women always describe these unpleasant sensations differently, however, they experience it all very similarly. And who would have thought that almost every second woman gets blocked ears like this during pregnancy! And at the same time, literally all of them describe this problem very similarly, only changing the epithets. Often, congestion in the ears both arises and disappears completely unpredictably or suddenly, and most often this happens in the hot season or simply in too stuffy and enclosed spaces, but for the most part it happens on the street, or with too sudden a change weather, and sometimes during ascents, say, up the stairs or just in the elevator.

Modern doctors express a wide variety of assumptions and theories about this and, of course, offer only temporary measures for some relief of their condition. And even though a woman is unlikely to be able to completely get rid of such congestion in her ears during pregnancy, you can only be consoled by the fact that it is completely harmless, neither for you nor for your baby.

Why do ears usually get clogged during pregnancy?

We will try to explain this unpleasant, but quite common phenomenon as simply as possible. So, this can quite often happen at various stages of the current pregnancy - both from the very first weeks or even days after its onset, and to the very last days of pregnancy and even immediately before childbirth. During pregnancy, sometimes two ears can become blocked at once, or vice versa, only one. And what is most interesting is that in most pregnant women, it is the right ear that most often suffers.

As you understand, most likely, the real cause of such an unpleasant condition may be Mrs. Pregnancy itself. Doctors have long known that it is during this crucial period that a pregnant woman can almost constantly experience certain changes in pressure, both in one direction (increasing) and in the other (decreasing), which in fact often leads to similar ear congestion. But the majority of all expectant mothers complain specifically about the problems that arise during pregnancy. Moreover, even if before pregnancy they experienced attacks of hypertension or did not experience any deviations from the normal blood pressure at all. Also, an indirect cause of this condition can sometimes be too low hemoglobin in the blood, which also happens quite often during pregnancy.

Such temporary and unpleasant “deafness,” or rather congestion, may well be caused by the physiological condition that occurs in pregnant women: and it is quite likely that in you, these two unpleasant phenomena may also be related to each other.

However, you cannot be so carefree completely, excluding some other more dangerous reasons that are absolutely unrelated to your current situation; you simply cannot take such risks. Indeed, among these there may be, for example, ear plugs that have formed for some reason, which, by the way, an ENT doctor can remove from your ears almost painlessly. And even with the onset of flu, or the flu, similar ear congestion that occurs during pregnancy is also the most common thing. Actually, this is precisely why if you suddenly suspect that your ears have become clogged not only because of pregnancy, it would be better to play it safe in a timely manner by simply visiting the appropriate specialist and receiving his comprehensive consultation.

Be sure to also pay attention to your own weight, or rather to the uniformity of its increase. Sometimes it happens that the ears will become blocked during pregnancy if a pregnant woman gains weight, or gets better too quickly. In this case, a woman experiences particular discomfort and unpleasant sensations precisely during deep bends, say, when a woman puts on her shoes, or during some sudden movements or turns of the head.

What to do if your ears suddenly become blocked during pregnancy?

If you yourself think that such ear congestion in your particular case was caused by certain surges in blood pressure, then it is quite natural that you will need to somehow try to normalize it. Probably, today literally every pregnant woman has her own strictly individual and years-tested recipe for this. Someone will try to drink a cup of coffee or strong tea, someone will eat a chocolate bar, and someone will naturally do all this with slightly lower blood pressure, and you, for example, will decide to use some of your own proven methods.

It sometimes happens that the ears become blocked very suddenly and for a very short time, and then literally five minutes later this problem also suddenly disappeared, and on its own - that’s actually all. Of course, in this case you don’t need to do anything. But this is where it happens more often, so that the ears become clogged constantly during pregnancy, again and again and, sometimes even daily. Some grandmother's and even modern tricks or techniques can help temporarily alleviate this condition. Let us share those with you.

So, with sudden and extremely unpleasant ear congestion, the following can help:

  • If you just swallow a little collected saliva, so that the sip turns out to be large, or if you just drink some water, suck on a piece of candy, in general, do something that will make you have to make more swallowing movements.
  • If you open your mouth as wide as possible, as if you were about to yawn, and stay in this position for a few seconds.
  • If you pinch your nose with your fingers, and then try to exhale (or swallow again) quite sharply and quite deeply.
  • For some women with such ear congestion, banal chewing gum with the most cooling effect can be of great help.
  • It won't be bad if you have the opportunity to lie down and take a nap. Well, or just try to lie down for at least a few minutes. Believe me, just by being in a horizontal position, you have every chance to get rid of such annoying ear congestion. Indeed, after adopting a horizontal position, for many the problem goes away on its own.
  • If you just have a snack of something pleasant and loved by you.
  • If such ear congestion was initially caused by the formation of wax plugs in the ears, then you can drip a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide into your ear - no more than 2 drops, in each ear. However, it is better to consult an ENT specialist; believe me, he will remove such cerumen plugs as quickly as possible, professionally and, most importantly, painlessly.
  • But with a stuffy nose, a woman will need to try and rinse her nasal passages as thoroughly as possible and, quite possibly, she will even have to use the appropriate drops, naturally approved by doctors in the current period of pregnancy.

In any case, it would be better to ask your doctor - it is quite possible that he himself will be able to advise you on something practical, naturally depending on the cause of such ear congestion, and specifically for you. And, of course, don’t be upset, remember this fate has passed few people. This, undoubtedly, can cause quite a lot of discomfort, but, firstly, after giving birth, absolutely everything will go away by itself, and secondly - you must agree, this is not the worst thing in our life - you will just have to be patient, and what can you do about it...

A pregnant woman may suddenly experience unpleasant sensations in her ears, as if she were flying on an airplane or underwater. These sensations appear as suddenly as they disappear, and this happens most often in stuffy rooms, during physical exertion, or simply in the heat.
Doctors shrug their shoulders, unable to give an exact explanation of why this happens. But they assure us with confidence: this is not dangerous either for expectant mothers or their babies. Therefore, if you are faced with such a problem, don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with it.

The main reasons for blocked ears during pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations of ear congestion can occur at any stage of pregnancy. It can block either one ear or both at once. Most often it is the right ear that is clogged. The first and main reason for this condition is, of course, pregnancy. A woman’s body undergoes serious changes during this period; blood pressure can rise or fall sharply, and hemoglobin can also fall. Such pressure changes can cause discomfort in the ears of the expectant mother.

The cause could also be a common runny nose. Most importantly, you should not blindly attribute your malaise to pregnancy; you need to consult a doctor. The fact is that ears can also become blocked due to more serious reasons, for example, accumulation of earwax in the ear canal (as a result of increased secretion), or the onset of a cold, acute respiratory viral infection or flu.

Changes in your body weight need to be monitored. If the expectant mother gains weight too quickly, discomfort may accompany you when bending over or making sudden movements.

What to do?
If your malaise and ear discomfort are caused by fluctuations in blood pressure, you need to try to normalize it. If your blood pressure is low, try to spend more time in the fresh air; you can drink strong tea or eat something sweet. There are a number of tips that will help you deal with ear congestion if it does not go away within a short period of time.

  1. it is necessary to increase the number of swallowing movements. Try swallowing your saliva more often, chewing gum, or sucking on candy. This will ease the discomfort.
  2. open your mouth wide and try to yawn.
  3. Pinch your nose with your fingers and try to exhale or swallow sharply.
  4. If you have the opportunity, try to lie down and even get some sleep. As a rule, the ears are laid down in a horizontal position.
  5. try to snack on something pleasant and loved by you. In addition to positive emotions, you will again chew actively.
  6. If ear congestion is associated with the accumulation of wax in the ear canals, you will feel a characteristic clicking sound in addition to the congestion. It is best to see a doctor for this problem, but if you need to relieve symptoms immediately, put two drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ear. Only one at a time, for about 7 minutes. You will hear a hissing sound, the sulfur will soften a little and you will be able to feel relief. But don’t delay going to the otolaryngologist - he can wash out your ears and relieve you of unpleasant sensations for a long time. Moreover, the procedure, although scary to look at, is actually painless.
  7. In case of nasal congestion, it is necessary to declare a fight against a runny nose. Once your nose is completely treated, the congestion may go away on its own since the ear, nose and throat are closely connected. If you are treating a runny nose with rinses, remember not to blow too hard into your stuffy nose - this can cause your ears to become even more clogged.

The female body changes daily and completely unpredictably while carrying a baby. The expectant mother seems to be getting acquainted with her body again. And some problems that did not bother her before suddenly begin to cause concern or even pain. Almost every second woman complains of congestion and noise in both ears during pregnancy. An unpleasant sensation occurs most often in the hot summer, sometimes on the street, in a stuffy room, after climbing stairs or in an elevator.

Causes of congestion and pain in the ears of the expectant mother

Women complain of hearing strain in every trimester: from the earliest weeks to the last days before giving birth. Factors that give unpleasant sensations can be of different etiologies. Some are not cause for concern, others should be of concern.

Pregnancy is to blame

The reason is the physiological state of the woman. Most doctors think so. The feeling of temporary deafness in expectant mothers during this period is most often associated with changes in blood pressure. Its decrease causes discomfort and dizziness. Unpleasant sensations can also occur with meteosensitivity - surges in atmospheric pressure affect intracranial circulation.

If the feeling of congestion is constant, then this may be one of the manifestations of anemia, low hemoglobin levels. A simple blood test will confirm or refute this version. Ears get clogged during pregnancy and when you gain too much weight. Changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman sometimes affect the mucous membranes, causing them to swell. Noise (tinnitus) and discomfort may be caused by swelling of the eustachian tube.

The problem is caused by diseases

Of course, the ears become clogged during pregnancy and due to various diseases, including the hearing organ itself. A common ear plug causes dulling of auditory sensations. However, the most common factor causing ringing and temporary deafness is an inflammatory process of infectious origin in the organ of hearing, nasal, oral cavity, and sinuses (otitis, sinusitis, rhinitis and other diseases). If your ear hurts during pregnancy, it is most likely due to otitis media.

When a runny nose is added to the feeling of hearing loss, the head begins to ache and throb, the body temperature rises, general malaise and weakness occur, then this condition is regarded as ARVI, flu or a cold.

In addition, a feeling of congestion can be a sign of the following serious diseases:

  • neuroma (tumor) of the auditory nerve;
  • onset of sensorineural hearing loss;
  • otosclerosis;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • ischemic brain damage.

If your ear hurts during pregnancy, then most likely it is due to otitis media.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment with medications and the use of alternative and traditional medicine methods for any pathological process must be agreed upon with a specialist at any stage of pregnancy. If there is an inflammatory process in the ear, only a doctor can prescribe special drops and medications that will not harm the unborn child. Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are not recommended for pregnant women. Usually, doctors prescribe in these cases such drugs as Otipax, Otofa, Tsipromed, Removax and others, but only according to indications.

However, there are ways that can help at home and without consulting a doctor.

If these simple methods do not help, then you should consult a doctor - first of all, an otolaryngologist. The wax plug is easily removed from the external canal in a couple of minutes; a quick rinse restores the patency of the external auditory canal.

Self-selection of ear drops by pregnant women is excluded! Do not try to take the advice of friends or relatives who have been helped by this or that medicine. Trust only your doctor in this matter.

Folk remedies: can they be used by pregnant women at all?

The use of “grandmother’s” methods is permitted only if the cause of discomfort in the hearing organ is clearly established. From the entire arsenal of recipes, pregnant women can be advised to rinse their nose several times a day with chamomile, calendula or saline solution for a runny nose. Compresses with camphor oil, traditionally prescribed for otitis, are not recommended for pregnant women at all stages. In any case, before using any product, consultation with a doctor is required. It should be remembered that unconventional methods should not be opposed to official treatment, but only complement it.

Prevention of congestion in the ear canal

As a preventive measure regarding discomfort in the ears when carrying a baby, you need to follow the rules of hygiene. Clean the ear canal regularly and carefully to avoid damaging the eardrum. When exercising in a pool or bathing during pregnancy, you should wear a rubber cap or use earplugs to prevent water from flowing into the ear canal.

Controlling blood pressure, excluding strong coffee and large amounts of chocolate from the menu will help prevent surges and a sharp decrease in blood pressure. A good mood, proper daily routine, and walks are very important for your general condition. And dosed physical activity and a balanced diet guarantee a gradual increase in the weight of the mother and unborn child.

Pregnancy is far from the best period for self-medication and risky experiments. A careful and responsible attitude towards your health is the key to having a strong and prosperous child.

Pregnant women quite often complain of poor hearing, or rather, ear congestion. This is indeed a very common phenomenon among expectant mothers. Sometimes the feeling as if on an airplane goes away within a few seconds, and sometimes this unpleasant sensation can last for a long time. Most often, ears become clogged during the hot season or on the street. They also notice that this happens in stuffy enclosed spaces or when going up in an elevator. Everyone has the same feelings, but they talk about them differently. Some describe it as being in an aquarium, others as in a pipe or under a hood. Epithets are chosen differently.

Tinnitus during pregnancy. Causes of occurrence.

Let's talk a little more in detail about what causes ear congestion during pregnancy. A pregnant woman can experience discomfort at any stage, from the first days of conception until childbirth. It can be one ear at a time or both at once. Most often, pregnant women complain about one right ear. The main real cause of this condition may be the pregnancy itself. Ear congestion is often caused by pressure changes. It doesn’t matter what the jump was, up or down, the consequence of this is ear congestion. Pregnant women are characterized by such changes, so this phenomenon is quite understandable. Also, while pregnant, your hemoglobin level may decrease. This can also cause hypertension, and therefore tinnitus.

Runny nose

Another cause of deafness is considered to be a runny nose. Pregnant women experience worsening of these unpleasant diseases, which may be related to each other. At first glance, everything is not so scary, and ear congestion during pregnancy may not be scary. But you shouldn’t leave everything to chance. Sometimes it’s worth thinking about more serious causes of unpleasant sensations. Traffic jams cannot be ruled out. This is not at all dangerous, but to get rid of them, you need to see an ENT doctor. The procedure is absolutely painless and safe, so there is no need to postpone your visit to the doctor. Ears can also become clogged with a cold, flu, acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection. Moreover, even when the disease is just beginning to manifest itself. It is better to immediately contact a specialist to prevent unpleasant consequences.

Weight gain

A very common problem in pregnant women is uneven weight gain. If there is a sharp jump in weight, this can also cause blocked ears. Very often, discomfort in the ears is experienced while bending, for example, when a woman puts on her shoes or makes sudden movements and turns of her head.

Arterial pressure

If you notice that congestion occurred at the time of a jump in blood pressure, you need to try to normalize it. Every person knows what will help him. Use a time-tested recipe. For some, you need to drink coffee or tea, for others, a walk in the fresh air is suitable, and for others, enjoy a chocolate bar and improve your internal state. It depends on the individual and habits of the body.

There are times when tinnitus occurs unexpectedly and stops very quickly. Everything happens in literally 5 minutes. In this case, you don't need to do anything. But if your ears have been blocked for a long time, and this happens regularly several times a day, then you can use several old and popular tips. Let's talk about them in more detail.

1. Make as many swallowing movements as possible. You can drink water, suck on candy, or simply swallow saliva.

2. Open your mouth very wide and hold in this position for a few seconds.

3. Pinch your nose with your hand and exhale deeply, or you can simply swallow.

4. In some cases, very minty chewing gum or candy helps.

5. It’s good at such moments to relax, lie down or even take a nap. In general, take a horizontal position. This relieves congestion very well. She just goes away on her own.

6. Try to distract yourself from unpleasant sensations and enjoy your favorite food.

7. If the cause of such noise is cerumen, then you should consult a doctor.

8. When the cause of congestion is a runny nose, the best way to get rid of it is to rinse the nose. You may need to use nasal drops. Make sure that the drops are approved for pregnant women.

Whatever the cause of ear congestion, it is better to consult a doctor immediately to avoid unpleasant consequences. A specialist will be able to find an explanation for your unpleasant sensations. Do not get upset or worry under any circumstances. This will definitely go away after childbirth, and to alleviate your condition, the doctor will suggest effective methods. Be healthy!



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