Sedative for a 5 year old child. Which sedative is best for children under one year old?

Sleeping pills for children are prescribed only in cases where the child has serious sleep problems and his parents contact an appropriate specialist for treatment. Physiological obstacles, such as daytime hyperactivity, make it difficult to fall asleep in the evening. With the help of rituals, evening bathing, reading a book and herbal infusions with a mild sedative effect, you can restore sleep.

Even mild sleeping pills for children carry possible risks in the form of addiction, negative effects on the nervous system, and inability to fall asleep without drug intervention.

Main causes of sleep disturbances in children

Unlike the device in an adult, a child’s central nervous system reacts differently to external and internal stimuli, and the specifics of such a reaction depend on the age period. The concept of normal specified in medical manuals may differ in one direction or another when considering an individual baby. Because the state of his nervous system is determined by many factors - from the course of the birth process to past illnesses in the anamnesis. A consultation with a neurologist or psychologist will help determine the actual need for drug correction of sleep and select a drug or remedy that is appropriate for the child’s condition and age.

Sleeping pills for children are prescribed taking into account age characteristics and the reason (or several, depending on the state of health) that provoked persistent problems with the onset of night or daytime rest.

Dyssomnia (sleep disorder) is diagnosed in every tenth adult and is divided into two categories: insomnia (insomnia) and hypersomnia (excessive sleepiness). There are plenty of reasons for the occurrence of such a sleep disorder in adult life.

The causes of childhood insomnia can also be listed in many ways, but the most typical are the following:

  1. Under the age of one year (infancy) - an incorrectly formed stereotype of falling asleep and physiological reasons (hunger, diseases of the digestive organs, temperature changes, diaper rash, teething);
  2. From 1 to 5 years – absence of a certain frequency of sleep and wakefulness, night fears (parasomnia), nervous disorders, somatic diseases, emotional overload, individual developmental characteristics. At this age, it is acceptable to use a mild sedative for children.
  3. Preschool and school age are characterized by age-related changes and a decrease in the need for sleep. A sleep disorder can appear for physiological reasons common to childhood or become a consequence of certain diseases - otitis media, congenital and hereditary developmental abnormalities, infectious and colds.
  4. Adolescence is a period of rapid growth of the body, hormonal changes, and the formation of the reproductive system. A sleep disorder can be a consequence of ongoing changes, or manifest itself in any form characteristic of childhood.

Any child, no matter how old he is, should be euthanized only if there are indications or serious disorders that are identified in the anamnesis. Even if sleeping pills are sold without a prescription, their use requires certain precautions and can cause harm to the physiological state.

In cases where the cause of insomnia is the lack of a formed pattern of falling asleep, hypoxia or hunger, it is better to make do with simple means at hand, i.e. love, affection and patience.

In what cases is the use of sleeping pills justified?

The use of a sleeping pill, even if it is classified as mild, is extremely reluctantly allowed by neurologists, psychologists, and pediatricians. By giving a child a sleeping pill, you can easily get undesirable consequences, in the form of daytime lethargy and apathy, addiction and disruption of the healthy alternation of sleep phases.

The sedative effect of the drug can cause disturbances in the child’s still unstable nervous system and make his sleep directly dependent on the medication. Under the age of one year, sleeping pills are permissible only in 2 cases: with hydrocephalus of the brain and with postnatal encephalopathy. There is a formula that contains tryptophan and is an excellent formula for formula-fed infants that can be given from birth.

The manufacturer guarantees a calming effect that does not cause addiction or adverse reactions in cases where the baby has serious sleep problems. After six months and at one year: well-known manufacturers produce mixtures with the addition of soothing medicinal herbs, which can also be given to a breastfed child as complementary food.

Soothing herbal teas can already be used at this age, after first making sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components included in it. The choice of tea is best done under the guidance of a doctor.

After 3 years, when nervous disorders and problems with adaptation come to the fore, affecting the quality of sleep, medications are all the more undesirable, because these deviations from the norm can be corrected. Often the baby does not sleep due to calcium deficiency caused by rapid bone growth. In this case, it is better to think about a complex of vitamins and give him a soothing tea for children than to stuff him with synthetic compounds, one drop of which can be harmful.

The majority of sleeping pills in the instructions indicate permission for use from 12 years of age. However, this age also has features of insomnia that are directly dependent on physiological growth, and at the age of 12 it is quite difficult to find a safe medication.

The age barrier of twelve years indicated in the instructions for the use of sleeping pills does not mean that it can be given without taking into account all the components and the recommendation of the attending physician. The safest drug has a characteristic effect on the nervous system and a whole list of side effects that pose a serious risk at the beginning of puberty.

Types of drugs with hypnotic effect

The main difference between sleeping pills is determined by its active ingredient. Traditionally, medications are distinguished:

  • containing bromine;
  • barbiturates;
  • antihistamines (antihistamines).

Antihistamines and bromine-containing drugs can lead to significant disturbances in sleep architecture, up to the impossibility of restoring the normal structure. Barbiturates in most cases are also highly addictive. A child, with his specifically structured and imperfect nervous system, can be seriously harmed by the prescription of such drugs, regardless of what dosage is prescribed.

Features of choosing sleeping pills for children

Calming a child who is fussy, refuses to go to sleep, or stays awake outside of school hours does not necessarily require a prescription for a limited-sale medication. But you definitely need medical advice and recommendations made in accordance with age and existing pathology. For each age category, there are drugs of choice that are certified and have undergone multiple clinical trials.

Up to a year, medicinal-type sleeping pills are clearly recommended for encephalopathy and hydrocephalus. There are no other indications for use. Restless and problem children are given milk formula with tryptophan. Soothing herbal infusions are recommended, and even then, they are often limited to linden, chamomile, mint, lemon balm and motherwort, which are given in the form of chilled tea or added to a bath prepared for bathing.

Industrial teas are undoubtedly more convenient to use, and parents usually prefer them. Among the recommended and affordable ones you can look at:

  • "Granny's Lukoshko";
  • "Evening Tale";
  • "Hipp"
  • “Bai-bai Tea”;
  • "Bebivita";
  • "Calm-Ka";
  • "Humana"
  • "The power of Russian herbs";
  • "Nervoflux tea";
  • "Phytosedan";
  • "Sweet dreams";

Some of them can be given to a baby from 2-4 months. Tea “Linden blossom with lemon balm”, from the famous company “Hipp”, for example, is indicated for consumption from the age of 4 months. And this is not the only successful development. In this list there are several medicinal teas with a sedative effect, which are used at different ages and are made for certain periods of the baby’s development.

Sleeping pills Pantogam and Phenibut come in tablets, capsules and syrup, but until the age of three, only syrup can be given. In fact, it is not a sleeping pill in the traditional sense, but a mild sedative that optimizes blood circulation in the brain and thereby improves sleep quality.

Persen, consisting of extracts of valerian, lemon balm and mint, can be given to children from the age of five, after consulting with a doctor about the optimal dosage, and adult Tenoten, which is supposed to be a drug with a similar effect, should not be given to children. Up to 5 years and a little older can be used recipes of traditional medicine and prepare medicinal mixtures, or purchase ready-made ones at the pharmacy.

In folk therapy for sleep disorders, valerian, mixtures of valerian root extracts, hop cones, lemon balm, licorice root, and orange flowers are often used. The composition of the drug called “Novopassit” is approximately the same, in which the manufacturer claims dry extract of medicinal valerian, medicinal lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, passionflower (passionflower), hop fruit, and black elderberry flowers. Such fees can be used up to 10 years and older, having first checked for allergic reactions and consulted with a neurologist about the permissible dosage.

When using traditional medicine, it should be remembered that the effectiveness of their use largely depends on the condition of the internal organs. And especially from the healthy functionality of the digestive and nervous systems. Therefore, medications of this type should be combined with eating healthy foods, following a diet and medicinal baths before the expected time of sleep.

Effective homeopathic remedies based on natural ingredients have also been developed for children with insomnia. Their use requires compliance with certain conditions, careful dosing and compliance with the instructions:

  • Baby gray not only normalizes sleep, but also copes with tearfulness and irritability.
  • Notta has been approved for a year now and has an undeniable hypnotic effect.
  • Dormikind dietary supplement will help even at a very early age.
  • The effective Hare is available in the form of marmalade drops.
  • Naughty is prescribed from the age of 6.
  • Edas 306 is considered possible to be given to infants
  • Valerianahel is used from 2-3 years of age.
  • Nervohel, Sedalia Leovit have proven themselves well and have virtually no contraindications.

Dietary supplements, which are the basis of homeopathic remedies, do not directly affect sleep, but introduce into the body substances necessary to regulate vital processes.

Any sleeping pill with a sedative effect should be prescribed only after all possible means have already been tried. Long-term and incorrect use can lead to pathologies of the nervous system and slower physiological growth of the child. A doctor's advice in such matters is vital.

In modern society, special means are used to calm children. The need for their use is increasing due to the pace of people's lives, since everyone, especially children, receive new information every day, so there is a continuous load on the nervous system.

Drugs that affect the human nervous system are usually divided into groups:

If you start using medications without consulting a neurologist, you should opt only for herbal remedies, or in extreme cases, homeopathic ones. Medications have side effects, so consultation with a neurologist before taking them is mandatory.

Indications for use

Sedatives for children are divided into preparations of valerian and other herbal preparations (Valocordin, tinctures of Peony, Motherwort, Corvalol), bromides (potassium and sodium bromide, bromocamphor), as well as preparations that contain chemical elements of other groups (for example, sedatives , which contain magnesium).

Diseases for which sedatives are prescribed:

Effective remedies for hysterics

Sedatives for children suffering from nervous disorders:

1. Mild sedative – Valerian:

2. Glycine:

  • The drug is available in the form of lozenges; it does not have a strong effect, but is effective.
  • The tablets regulate metabolism in the body, normalize the protective processes of the nervous system, increase brain function and reduce mental stress.
  • Children from 3 to 12 years old can take 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks.
  • Children under 3 years of age should divide the dosage in half.
  • If the medicine needs to be taken by children under 1 year of age, Glycine is prescribed to the mother, through whose milk the child receives the necessary components.

3. Persen:

  • The properties of the drug are similar to Glycine.
  • The drug is intended to relieve symptoms of stress.
  • Does not affect alertness or cause drowsiness.
  • The tablets contain natural ingredients (valerian and mint).
  • This drug is prescribed to children over 3 years of age.
  • Daily dose: 1 tablet 1-3 times a day. The intake of the drug is determined by the doctor, and the dose depends on body weight.

4. Novoposit:

5. Phenibut:

  • A medicine designed to combat tension, improves sleep and helps get rid of anxious feelings.
  • Sometimes prescribed to overcome airsickness.
  • Children from 2 to 8 years old can take the drug 50-100 mg 2-3 times a day.

For hyperactive children from 1 year

Mild sedatives for children that affect the child’s nervous system without causing harm:

1. Pantogam– a drug that improves blood circulation in the brain and reduces mental stress.

  • Taken within 30 minutes. before meals 3 g.
  • Duration of treatment is from 1 to 4 months.

2. Viburkol– a sedative based on components of plant origin.

3. Caprizulya- a sedative produced in granules that can be taken by children over 1 year of age.

  • The medicine is taken 15 minutes in the morning. before meals.
  • Dosage – 5 drops.
  • Duration of treatment is 2 weeks – 3 months.

The cause of a nervous condition in a child under 1 year of age is often teething. At the same time, they may be very sick, and the temperature may also rise.

If a child has a serious illness, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers. These are strong medications that the doctor prescribes only to children with serious illnesses: Phenazepam, Tazepam. The neurologist will determine the dosage of these drugs based on the individual characteristics of the child’s body.

Calming agents for hyperactive children from 2 to 3 years old

Children from 2 to 3 years old have a body that is not yet fully strengthened, and it is not recommended to disturb it with strong medications.

Suitable for them:

1. Dormikind- a medicinal product developed by German specialists.

  • The medicine provides a weak but effective effect, therefore it is suitable for young children. The drug is prescribed to hyperactive children.
  • It is available in tablet form, so for small children they are crushed and diluted in 1 tsp. water.
  • The drug is taken 4 times a day.
  • Children 3 years old are prescribed 1 tablet in this
  • the same dosage as for younger children.

2. Little Bunny- a medicinal product produced in the form of syrup.

  • Prescribed to children aged 3 years if they are restless or hyperactive.
  • The medicine helps improve sleep and relieve anxiety.
  • It contains components of plant origin: chamomile, valerian, so side effects are minimal.
  • The daily dose of the drug is 1 tsp, dissolved in liquid 2 times a day.
  • Duration of treatment – ​​2 weeks.

3. Notta– a homeopathic medicine in the form of syrup or drops with a hypnotic effect.

  • The medicine is taken within 30 minutes. or 1 hour before meals.
  • For children over 3 years old, 5 drops of the drug should be diluted in 1 tbsp. l. spoon of water. Take 3 times a day for 1-4 months.

Calming agents for hyperactive children from 4 to 7 years old

Children from 4 to 7 years old are especially sensitive to irritations from their environment.

The following medications will help relieve symptoms of mental stress:

1. Alora- a mild sedative, produced in the form of syrup.

2. Glycised - a mild sedative, available in the form of tablets or drops.

  • Prescribed to children with sleep disorders and nervous tension, as well as mental retardation.
  • Daily dose – 1 tablet before meals 3 times a day.
  • Duration of treatment: 2 weeks.
  • If symptoms may appear, the drug is re-prescribed.

3. Tenoten for children- a medicinal product produced in the form of tablets for oral administration.

  • Prescribed for children with increased irritability and mobility. 1 tablet is either dissolved (not during meals), or, if necessary, dissolved in a small amount of boiled water, cooled to room temperature.
  • Daily norm: 1-3 times.
  • Duration of treatment is from 1 to 3 months.
  • In individual cases, taking the drug is extended to 6 months or repeated after 30-60 days.

4. Nervochel- a medicine produced in the form of tablets or drops.

If a child aged 2-3 years suffers from mental stress, irritability or hyperactivity, you should contact not only a neurologist, but also visit a child psychologist. Because it is possible for a child to be in a depressed state, which is almost impossible to get rid of without a specialist.

Drugs with hypnotic effects

Sedatives for children with sleep disorders:

1. Phenibut- a medicine with a mild tranquilizer effect.

  • Can be prescribed to children over 2 years of age.
  • Since the drug is a mild medicine, the duration of administration can be 1 month.

2. Pantogam- a mild sedative, available in the form of capsules, tablets or syrup.

  • Children under 3 years of age should not take the medicine in tablet form.
  • The daily norm is from ¼ g to 3 g.
  • The duration of taking the drug is from 1 to 2-3 months.

3. Magne B6- a medicine that normalizes sleep and improves appetite.

  • You should not start taking the drug without consulting your doctor. Magne B6 is prescribed to people who have insufficient amounts of magnesium in the body. Therefore, first the doctor checks the test results, then prescribes the dosage (regardless of the person’s age).
  • Children's dosage: 1-6 tablets per day.
  • The doctor will prescribe the amount for your child to take based on the degree of magnesium deficiency in the body.

Homeopathic remedies for children

Homeopathic remedies contain no chemicals, so they can be taken by children from an early age:

Traditional medicine

Sedatives for children that are not harmful to health:

1. Scented pillows:

2. Baths with added herbal infusions. They are easy to make yourself at home:

  • 3 tbsp. l. herbs are added to boiling water (1/2 l).
  • Keep in a water bath for 30-40 minutes.
  • The prepared broth is added to 10 liters of water.
  • Herbs from which you can prepare decoctions are nettle, motherwort, valerian.
  • It is recommended to lie in such therapeutic baths for 15-20 minutes. Children under 1 year of age should not take baths with the addition of more than one type of herbs, but for children over 2 years of age, on the contrary, baths with the addition of 2-4 herbs are suitable.

3. Sea salt baths:

  • They have calming and invigorating effects, and these baths are strengthening due to iodine.
  • It is recommended to give salt baths to children who have trouble sleeping and children with rickets.
  • 5-30 g of sea salt is diluted in 1 liter of boiled water, cooled to 38-40 degrees (it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the correct concentration).
  • You can stay in this bath for a maximum of 15 minutes. The salt must be washed off the body after such a procedure.
  • A significant advantage of salt baths: they have no contraindications and can be done by children of all ages.

4. Decoction of medicinal plants(valerian, mint, hop cones and trefoil) in a ratio of 2:2:1:1.

  • It is brewed with 300 ml of water, 2 tbsp. l. herbs
  • The decoction should sit for about 40 minutes.
  • This decoction helps restore sleep patterns and relieve stress.

5. A decoction of motherwort, valerian, thyme and fennel fruit:

  • In equal proportions, brew 2 tbsp per 450 ml of boiled water (uncooled). l. herbs
  • The broth is infused until it cools.
  • It lifts your mood and improves your mental state.

6. Bath with tincture of valerian and/or motherwort:

7. St. John's wort decoction:

  • St. John's wort and lemon balm help relieve mental stress.
  • Decoctions made with these herbs are recommended to be added to baths.

8. Decoctions of pine needles and fir tinctures:

  • baths with their additions have a relaxing effect;
  • relieve nasal congestion.

Even with the most banal symptoms, you need to contact a specialist to start taking sedatives intended in the correct dosages for children, since while children are growing, their bodies are developing. This may not always go smoothly. For some, growing up is accompanied by sleep or appetite disturbances, for others, more serious illnesses.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about sedatives for children

Sedatives for children:

Every child can be whiny and irritable sometimes. At the age of three, a child may have increased nervous excitability caused by the formation of personality, the period of growing up, and getting used to kindergarten.

At three years old, children strive to show their independence in everything, and this is fraught with outbursts of aggression and scandals. If the whims are short-term and you can come to an agreement with the child, then everything is normal.

But sometimes the irritability and excitability of a three-year-old baby becomes excessive. Against this background, digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, and appetite disorders may occur.

How to help a child with nervous excitability?

It is important to prevent such conditions. Parents must learn to find an approach to their child and, if necessary, seek the help of a doctor. There are ways to help with nervous excitability. Medicines are not always needed. Soothing warm baths help a lot. Aromatherapy will be useful.

The main thing is to choose essential oils that will not create the opposite effect. Massage is indispensable in the treatment of the nervous system. He must be relaxing and easy. Herbs are effective sedatives.

Calming collection for children

Ready-made kits for three-year-old children are sold. They brew easily. But you can make a collection of herbs yourself.

The main thing is to select such a concentration of herbs so that the collection is not bitter, because for a three-year-old a sedative should be tastes good.

You can prepare the following fees:

  • Collection of lemon balm, mint, oregano, valerian. This collection has no contraindications. Add a cup of boiling water to 2 teaspoons of crushed herbs, infuse and allow the child to drink in small portions throughout the day.
  • A collection of fennel and caraway fruits, valerian roots and motherwort. The proportions are the same - 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. You can give it to your child as tea, adding a little honey. This collection not only calms, but also improves digestion and relieves spasms in the intestines.
  • A collection of mint, chamomile, lemon balm, caraway seeds, valerian root and rose hips. It will help with severe irritability, in addition, it will strengthen the immune system.

When can you give a sedative?

Unfortunately, sometimes herbs alone are not enough and medications are required. Despite the fact that there are mild drugs with a preventive effect and a minimum of contraindications, they must be prescribed by a doctor. We offer an overview of the main sedatives for children 3 years old.

Tenoten for children

This drug helps with the child’s excitability and headaches in the baby. Tenoten is also prescribed in situations such as adaptation to kindergarten, to alleviate crisis conditions.

Tenoten is also indicated for the correct functioning of the nervous system and brain. This drug helps improve memory and attention. The drug is given to children three years old 1-3 tablets per day, depending on the doctor's prescription.


This drug is indicated with increased excitability, as well as during periods of crisis. Glycine contains an amino acid that, when broken down, saturates the body's cells with oxygen. Promotes faster transmission of nerve impulses to the brain. Glycine is given to three-year-old children, half a tablet twice a day. Glycine should be taken in courses, making sure to take breaks to avoid addiction. It acts on the body gently and gradually.

Drops "Bai-bai"

This is a dietary supplement. The drug contains extracts of mint, motherwort, hawthorn, peony, as well as glutamic and citric acids. The components have a calming effect, prevent the appearance of irritability, and normalize sleep. The main indication for prescribing the drug is sleep disturbance in a child.

Syrup "Hare"

This is a herbal preparation based on herbs. It has a gentle effect on the nervous system, relaxes, and helps you fall asleep easier. It has almost no contraindications. Give to a three year old child three times a day, 1-2 teaspoons.

Medicine Citral

This is a synthetic drug that contains components such as diphenhydramine, magnesia, sodium bromide, valerian. The potion reduces intracranial pressure, has a calming effect and prevents allergic reactions. The medicine is given only as prescribed by a doctor and is prepared according to a prescription in a pharmacy. The bromine contained in the mixture can inhibit the nervous system, causing apathy and drowsiness.

Phenibut drops

This is a fairly strong drug. Prescribed for treatment of attacks of aggression, sleep disorders. The drug improves memory, increases performance, and increases reaction speed.

Phenibut also has an antispasmodic effect. However, sometimes side effects occur in the form of seizures and outbursts of anger. Therefore, the drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor. Typically the course lasts three weeks.


This is hopatenic acid (vitamin B12). The drug acts mildly and has fewer contraindications and side effects than other drugs with similar effects. Improves cerebral circulation, gently normalizes sleep, calms, promotes attention and concentration.

The drug is taken in courses of 7 to 12 days, with mandatory breaks. In case of an overdose, reactions such as nausea, depression, lethargy are possible.

It is necessary to treat disorders of the nervous system in a timely manner, because as the child grows older, there will be more and more difficulties that will need to be calmly overcome.

Very often, parents are faced with the problem of overexcited children. There can be many reasons for such a condition in a child: from quarrels and problems in the family to entering kindergarten or school. The modern pace of life contributes to the emergence of stressful situations for both adults and children. To cope with this condition, doctors often prescribe sedatives for children.

Nervousness, overexcitement, moodiness and sleep disturbances can occur in children at any age. And if in a child under one year old such deviations are associated with hunger, colic, and bloating, then in older children this condition can be provoked by social factors. If you observe such behavior in your baby, it is advisable to consult a therapist and, if necessary, a neurologist. And if this is not a sign of serious disorders, you will be prescribed a sedative for children or a sedative. Such drugs will help relieve nervous tension in a child, normalize the functioning of an organism sensitive to weather changes, relieve cramps in the abdomen and improve (deepen) sleep. Most often, herbal teas (decoctions), sedatives, homeopathy and traditional methods are used for this purpose.

Herbal-based medications that calm the child have a mild effect and have minimal contraindications. That is why many parents prefer to give them to their children, especially when it comes to a child under one year old.

However, remember that medicinal herbs still have an effect on the body and have contraindications. They should be prescribed by a doctor, selecting the dose depending on how old the child is.

The most popular plants are the following:

  • valerian officinalis;
  • motherwort;
  • peppermint;
  • lemon balm and others.

The main property of valerian is to relieve nervous excitement in a child or adult. It can have an antispasmodic effect, which is facilitated by the presence of essential oils and alkaloids. Valerian helps well with sleep disorders and is even indicated for infants.

Peppermint has a calming effect, can reduce pain, helps relieve spasms and dilate blood vessels. Its composition perfectly helps cope with nervous tension, stress and depression. Mint is indicated for neuroses and insomnia.

Thanks to the beneficial substances found in lemon balm, the plant not only has a calming effect on the nervous system, but also enriches the body with vitamins and microelements. It has antihypoxic and anticonvulsant effects.

All these herbs can be purchased separately at the pharmacy or as ready-made mixtures. Instant teas are specially produced for children under one year of age. Their action depends on the composition. In addition to herbs for calming, it often includes fennel and chamomile, which help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes children are prescribed a herbal drug - Persen. It contains herbs that help cope with anxiety and improve sleep.

Any, even such a harmless option as children's instant tea, should be prescribed by a doctor. After all, there are many reasons for the appearance of overexcitation or sleep disturbances, and only a specialist can identify them. By self-medicating, you can harm your baby.


The large flow of information that bombards children from birth continues unabated during the first years of life. Add here an early passion for computer games, mobile phones, tablets, TV, and you get a favorable environment for the development of stress and nervous overexcitation. Therefore, doctors often have to prescribe a sedative for children. And in order to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, medications are used.

The leader among such drugs is the drug Glycine. It contains an amino acid that helps the child to unwind emotionally. At the same time, the intensity of excitation processes decreases, sleep normalizes, and brain activity improves. In combination with it, other sedatives can be prescribed - Pantogam, Magne B6, Citral, Phenibut.

If the doctor is concerned about your child’s excessive nervousness, he may prescribe you more serious drugs - tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Sibazon, Tazepam, Elenium). In addition to normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, they can relieve feelings of anxiety and fear. The disadvantage of their use is that they become very quickly addictive. Therefore, they are used only in rare cases and for a very short time. In this case, the small patient must be under the supervision of a doctor.

Some specialists use the drug Citral in their practice. It is based on plant components and bromine. The last component can lead to negative consequences (apathy, sleepiness, memory impairment), so you should not take this remedy for a long time.

Keep in mind that many medications for children are only suitable for certain age groups. Therefore, the treatment of nervous excitement in a 3-year-old child will differ from the scheme prescribed for a 7-year-old child.


One of the treatment options prescribed by the doctor is homeopathic medicines. They differ in their composition and effects from plant-based products. Depending on the problem, you may be prescribed one of the following medications:

  • Dormikind;
  • Bayu-Bai;
  • Valerianahel;
  • Bunny and others.

If you are concerned about sleep disturbances in a child under 6 years of age and his increased excitability, then small Dormikind tablets will help you cope with it. The cause of violations can be either admission to kindergarten, relocation or divorce. Valerianhel is an analogue of Dormikind and can also be used for babies up to one year old.

Hare syrup will be a tasty addition to your daily diet, and thanks to its special composition it will not cause allergies.

The drug Bayu-Bai is usually prescribed to children after 5 years of age. In addition to the herbal component, these drops contain citric and glutamic acid. They not only soothe, but also increase the body's resistance to viruses. They are credited with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They also help improve performance, concentration and normalize all phases of sleep.

Traditional methods

Folk methods that our grandmothers used can help solve the problem of overexcitation and sleep disturbances.

For example, you can put a special scented pillow in your baby's bed. It's very easy to do. To do this, just fill a simple pillow with aromatic soothing herbs (mint, lemon balm). But before you do this, make sure that your child is not allergic to them. You can use those plants that are sold in the pharmacy or prepare them specifically for the summer.

A warm bath with the addition of herbs helps you relax. To do this, pour an infusion of soothing herbs into a bathtub filled with water (at the rate of 500 ml of decoction per 10 liters of water). For these purposes, you can use ready-made decoctions, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. If we are talking about a baby, then doctors recommend using only one herb.

Baths with sea salt have a very beneficial effect on the body. In addition to the calming effect, they enrich the skin with important microelements. Such baths are good for children with birth trauma, rickets and sleep disorders.

Sedatives in childhood should be considered only as a necessary measure when clear signs of psychological imbalance are detected in the child.

There are many different medications that are not contraindicated in children, but their use should only be carried out as directed by a specialist. The child's psyche is very vulnerable and unstable, and therefore maximum caution must be exercised in relation to it.

Excessive excitability and capriciousness that appears in children at any age can create a real stressful situation in the family. In addition to the fact that such trials are difficult for parents and people around them, the children themselves suffer quite a lot - sleep is disturbed, appetite worsens, irritability, headaches, and apathy appear. Children's imbalance affects relationships with friends, and schoolchildren lose enthusiasm for studying.

Of course, if an abnormal mental state appears in a child, you should not immediately stuff him with potent drugs. At the same time, the process cannot be left to chance. This condition can be a normal defensive reaction to external stimuli, but it can also become a symptom of pathology. Only a pediatrician can establish the causes of inappropriate behavior, with the involvement of a psychiatrist, if necessary.

At their core, sedatives or sedatives (psycholeptics) are a large group of drugs that, by acting on the central nervous system, reduce emotional stress. However, they, as a rule, do not have a hypnotic effect and belong to the category of weak psychotropic substances. They do not cause drowsiness, but increase the quality of natural sleep. Despite the mild nature of the impact, mental suppression is especially dangerous for a child. That is why the prescription of a sedative medication is made taking into account the age and severity of symptoms in a strictly controlled dosage and course duration. Long-term use of it leads to the nervous system becoming accustomed to outside help.

If a sedative is used, the age factor is of utmost importance for children. Newborns are very often capricious and wake up 3-4 times a night without a serious reason, and such increased excitability should be extinguished by the patience of parents and proper care. A sedative for children under one year of age is prescribed only for serious abnormalities, in particular postnatal encephalopathy or cerebral hydrocephalus.

At an older age (after 7 years), excessive excitability, even of a physiological nature (without connection with pathologies), can seriously affect the child’s communication abilities, which interferes with overall development and can lead to mental disorders. The list of indications for psycholeptics for schoolchildren is expanding significantly, and a psychotherapist is involved in treatment. The task is to eliminate irritability, aggressiveness, hysteria, insomnia, and excessive emotionality.

Medicines Division

Sedatives should not be confused with potent psychotropic substances. Drugs such as tranquilizers or antidepressants are used for serious psychogenic pathologies. Sedatives have a mild effect and are used for symptomatic treatment and as prophylaxis. In principle, they do not treat, but only relieve emotional stress, which has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of the child.

To achieve this effect, you can give children the following types of psycholeptics:

  1. Phytotherapeutic agents. This group includes herbal preparations for children. Particularly prominent are decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants and herbs, teas, and juices.
  2. Methods of alternative medicine.
  3. Medications. They can have different forms, convenient for taking at different ages - sedative tablets, dissolving tablets, medicine, drops, syrup.
  4. Homeopathy. Despite the controversy of such methods, they are widespread and have numerous positive reviews.
  5. Educational and pedagogical measures of influence.

Therapy in infancy

For a child under 1 year of age, a neurologist prescribes sedatives only if there are serious disorders:

  1. If hypertension is detected inside the skull, diuretics are prescribed; syrup in the form of a mixture of magnesium sulfate, sodium bromide and valerian. When preparing the mixture, it is important to follow the dosage, because Valerian in infants can significantly slow down the heart rate.
  2. Nervous manifestations are found in rickets. In this case, baths with sea salt or adding pine needle extracts to the water have a good effect as soothing procedures.

Prevention of excessive excitability. Infants are very sensitive to bathing in the following medicinal compositions:

  • adding valerian or motherwort (45-50 drops per standard bath);
  • a mixture of oregano, valerian, motherwort and thyme (in equal quantities) at the rate of 75-80 g of mixture per bath;
  • pine bath with a procedure duration of 4-6 minutes and a total course of 10-13 procedures;
  • sea ​​salt (200 mg per bath) with a bathing duration of no more than 25-35 minutes.

What synthetic sedatives can be given to a baby if he is only 1 year old? Some of the best medicines are:

  1. Pantogam is a syrup based on hopantenic acid. The drug helps to eliminate excessive motor activity and eliminate the costs of the child’s psychomotor development.
  2. Phenibut. The instructions for it often indicate that it should be taken from 2 years of age, but if prescribed by a doctor, it can also be used for infants. This medicine may have side effects such as drowsiness, headaches, and allergies.

Therapy for children under three years of age

After a year of life, the baby’s body acquires a certain adaptation to real life. However, not all children's nervous systems return to normal. Many children under the age of 3 experience a delay in the development of the central nervous system, which manifests itself in abnormal sleep, the appearance of hysterical behavior, bedwetting, and fears. For this age category, the calming effect remains relevant.

If homemade sedatives are required, then herbs for children become an excellent preventive measure. The following recipes are popular:

  1. A mixture of mint and linden flowers (2 parts each) is prepared with the addition of chamomile (1 part). First, the mixture is poured with boiling water (250 ml) and boiled in a water bath. Then, it is infused until it cools completely. Take 1 tablespoon daily before bedtime (about 25 minutes before).
  2. An infusion of a mixture of peppermint and valerian root (in equal proportions). The raw material (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (200 ml) and infused for 25-35 minutes. The course of treatment is 6-7 days with 1 tablespoon taken three times a day.

Pharmacy sedatives are mostly of plant origin and are made on the basis of valerian root, motherwort, chamomile, mint extract, hawthorn and hops. Medicines used include Atarax, Lorazepam, and Elenium tablets or syrup.

During the age period under consideration, as well as for children 4-5 years old, soothing tea for children is recommended. When preparing teas at home, you should not get carried away only with mint or lemon balm, i.e., so-called mono teas. A much greater effect can be achieved using herbal preparations. It is worth paying attention to rose hips, fennel seeds, valerian root, linden flowers and chamomile.

In order for the medicinal mixture to effectively soothe, it is better to use ready-made teas:

  1. "Calm-Ka." It contains green tea, motherwort, lemon balm, peppermint, alfalfa, thyme, and kelp.
  2. "The power of Russian herbs." It includes such useful plants and herbs for children as thyme, St. John's wort, plantain, rose hips, stevia, and hawthorn.
  3. Tea "Children's calming". In addition to the most common plants with a sedative effect, the composition contains oregano, dandelion, caraway fruits, yarrow, echinacea, fireweed, and hibiscus.
  4. "Evening Tale". Based on peppermint, lavender and anise.
  5. To calm children under the age of 8-10 years, teas such as “Fitosedan”, “Hipp”, “Bayu-Bai” are recommended.

Features of a hyperactive state

Currently, based on foreign experience in working with children, their hyperactivity and distracted attention are increasingly being diagnosed. This condition can be diagnosed in children under 4 years of age, but is more relevant for children over 6 years of age, when certain mental disorders can no longer be attributed to a delay in the development of the nervous system.

To eliminate disorders, a psychotherapist can prescribe drugs that have a strong effect on the nervous system - polypentides, racetams, neuropeptides. However, their low effectiveness and risk of side effects should be noted. It is much safer to use milder sedatives that can be given even to children two years old. The following types of sedatives are recommended for children:

  1. Persen. The tablet drug is prescribed from the age of three. It effectively eliminates irritability and excitability, and also normalizes sleep.
  2. Tenoten for children is a synthetic drug based on antibodies to a specific protein. Cannot be used for lactase deficiency.
  3. Glycine. This drug is more of a nootropic drug, but the doctor may also prescribe it for a calming effect. It contains an amino acid that plays the role of a biologically active substance.
  4. Nervoflux. It is of a plant nature, and is based on valerian and licorice roots, orange flowers, mint and hops.

Features of homeopathy

A homeopathic sedative is rarely prescribed by a specialist due to controversy over its effectiveness. At the same time, homeopathy is in great demand and is widely used in alternative medicine. One of the main components of such drugs are dietary supplements.

The most commonly used homeopathic remedies are Nervohel, Valerianahel, Babysed, Notta, Leovit, Edas, Dormikind, Zaychonok, Shalun. It should be noted that their effectiveness has not been proven by medicine, but they cannot cause harm either, because have a natural base. Caution must be observed if there is a tendency to allergic reactions.



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