Kipferon suppositories: instructions for use of the product for treating children from various infections. Kipferon candles for children of different ages

Kipferon for children is an effective immunomodulatory, antiviral agent, which is often used to treat viral and bacterial pathologies in patients of different ages. The drug can be used both for complex treatment and for monotherapy of diseases of the ENT organs, genitourinary and intestinal systems.

Kipferon is a Russian-made product. The medicine is produced by Alefarm LLC.

The main components of the drug are recombinant human interferon 2-alpha and CIP (complex immunoglobulin preparation). The dosage of interferon in the drug is from 500 IU.

In addition to the active components, the medicine contains auxiliary compounds in the form of fat, paraffin, T-2 emulsifiers. With the help of such components, the active substances in the preparation can be evenly distributed.

The mechanism of action is the introduction into the body of specific antibodies that are capable of providing:

  • antichlamydial effect;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulatory,
  • antitumor effect.

The CIP contains specific antibodies that can fight rotoviruses, herpesviruses, staphylococcus, chlamydia, and enterobacteria.

As a result of the use of such a remedy, it is possible to activate innate and acquired immunity. In addition, normal microflora in the intestines is restored in a person, the activity of immune cells and the synthesis of interferon gamma increases.

After administration of the drug, the activity of immunocompetent cells increases, which are capable of recognizing and capturing pathogenic bacteria with their further destruction. With the help of such lymphocytes, viruses and bacteria that are in the blood and inside cells are destroyed.

An important feature of this medicine is the ability of lymphocytes to recognize and destroy cells inside the body that have previously been subjected to tumor transformation.

In addition to T lymphocytes, NK cells are activated. Such cells are also called “killer cells”. They are able to quickly recognize pathogenic microorganisms and destroy them.

Form of production

Kipferon is produced in candles of 5 or 10 pieces per package. The dose of each suppository is at least 500 thousand IU of interferon and 60 mg of KIP. Each suppository is cylindrical in shape, with a pointed end for easy insertion.

Medicines called “Kipferon” and “Kipferon 500” are the same drug. These are synonyms, where in the first case the manufacturer does not indicate the dose in the name, but in the second case it is prescribed with the name.


  • for the treatment of acute respiratory infections of various etiologies;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, ;
  • therapy for viral hepatitis;
  • treatment of rotavirus;
  • salmonellosis, intestinal infection;
  • treatment of dysbacteriosis;
  • treatment and herpevirus;
  • for the treatment of chlamydia.

Typically, the drug can be prescribed for children to prevent acute respiratory infections or influenza during periods of epidemics or before planned surgical interventions.

Kipferon is a medicine for additional therapy. Kipferon suppositories for use in children cannot replace antibacterial or antiviral agents.


The main contraindications when Kipferon is prohibited from use are allergies or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

As a rule, Kipferon is not prescribed to children under 6 months.

Directions for use and dosage

The instructions for use of Kipferon indicate that suppositories can be administered into the rectum or vagina for diseases of the genitourinary system. You can administer 1–2 suppositories at a time. The dosage and number of doses depends on the severity of the pathology and the age of the patient.

Chlamydia in children

It is allowed to use the medicine according to the following scheme: 1 suppository into the rectum once every 24 hours, the duration of treatment is ten days. If the pathology is observed in girls and it is not accompanied by inflammation of the genital organs, for complete treatment it is necessary to use eubiotics (Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin).

If there is an inflammatory process with chlamydia, antibacterial agents are added to the indicated treatment regimen.

Viral hepatitis (A, B, C) in children

The dose of the drug is calculated based on the age and body weight of the baby. For 1 kg of weight, 50 thousand international units of the substance are enough. Based on this, if a baby weighs 10 kg, the dosage for him should not exceed 500 thousand IU. This is a dose of 1 suppository, which is administered into the rectum twice a day for such babies (weighing 10 kg). For this purpose, the suppository should be divided in half and administered one part in the morning and the second in the evening.

Dosage by age:

  • The maximum permissible dose per day for children from six months to seven years is 1,000,000 international units (2 suppositories per day).
  • Children 8–11 years old – 1,500,000 IU (3 suppositories per day).
  • Children 12 and adults – 2 million IU (4 suppositories per day).

Hepatitis therapy is carried out for two weeks with strict adherence to the treatment regimen: in the first week the medicine is administered daily, during the second week - every 3 days. If a child is diagnosed with chronic hepatitis or the disease is sluggish, the duration of therapy is extended by four weeks.

Diseases of the ENT organs in children

For the treatment and prevention of diseases of the ENT organs, it is effective to administer two suppositories per day (morning and evening). The drug is used with injection into the rectum for 5 days. After this time, Kipferon is administered daily in the morning for 3 weeks in a row, and additionally in the evening, 1 suppository twice a week.

Intestinal infections

The dosage depends on the baby's body weight. For intestinal infections, suppositories should be inserted into the rectum after it has been emptied. Maximum effectiveness is achieved if the medicine is started in the first three days from the onset of the disease.

If the baby has moderate diarrhea, suppositories are administered for 3–5 days. If diarrhea is severe, treatment is continued for up to 7 days. In addition, the doctor may prescribe the use of antibacterial agents.

Interaction with other drugs

Kipferon is prohibited to be used in combination with the following drugs:

  • Amphotericin B;
  • Dicarbazine;
  • Doxorubicin;
  • Pegaspargase.

The combined use of the above drugs together with Kipferon leads to damage to the liver, kidneys and increased toxic effects of each other.

Side effects

There are no data on side effects. However, rashes, itching of the skin, swelling, and redness of the skin are possible. If a child experiences side effects, treatment with the drug should be stopped and immediately consult a specialist.


There is no exact and universal analogue to Kipferon. There are a number of drugs that contain interferon and can have similar effects.

The following analogues are distinguished:

  • Laferobion – 1,300 rubles.
  • Viferon – 330 rub.
  • Genferon – 500 rub.
  • Genferon light – 250 rub.
  • Vitaferon – 300 rub.
  • Tantum rose – 500 rub.

You cannot decide on your own to purchase an analogue instead of the original medicine. It is important to consult a doctor to exclude unwanted side effects.

Kipferon is a high-quality domestic product that has no universal analogues. Many parents try to treat their children on their own and purchase similar antiviral medications at the pharmacy. Doing this is dangerous, since there are a number of indications for using Kipferon suppositories, for which it is necessary to use the product only after a medical prescription. This should be done to reduce the risk of side effects.

Useful video about Kipferon

List of sources:

  • Zaitseva O.V. // Pediatrics. Consilium Medicum. -2004. - Adj. 3. - pp. 3-6.
  • Klyuchnikov S. O., Boldyrev V. B., Kantizhirova E. L., Nakostenko T. N. // Lectures on pediatrics. Respiratory diseases. T.5. / Ed. V. F. Demina, S. O. Klyuchnikova, G. A. Samsygina and O. V. Zaitseva. -M., 2005. - P. 250-269.
  • Sazhsygina G. L. // Pediatrics. 2005. - No. 1. -WITH. 66-73.
  • Sukhorukoe V.S., Klyuchnikov S.O. // Ross. Vest. perinatology and pediatrics. - 2006. - No. 6. — P. 79-87.
  • Belokon N. A., Kuberger M. B. Heart and vascular diseases in children. Guide for doctors. - T. 1. - M., 1987. - 448 p.
  • Sukhorukov V. S., Nikolaeva E. A. Impaired cellular energy metabolism in children. - M., 2004. - 79 p.
  • Shabelnikova E.I. Morphofunctional characteristics of lymphocyte mitochondria in children with various forms of cellular energy metabolism insufficiency: Abstract of thesis. diss. Ph.D. honey. Sci. - M., 2005. - 26 p.

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Kipferon belongs to the medicines that affect the child’s immune system and help the body overcome its diseases. It belongs to the group of long-acting immunoglobulants. The medicine was developed and produced in Russia.

It is widely used in the complex treatment of infections of various origins in both adults and children. Although Kipferon suppositories are not a purely children's drug, many pediatricians prefer it over other drugs with a similar effect.

The use of Kipferon suppositories helps strengthen the child’s immunity, since the child’s system of protection against diseases is imperfect and is just beginning to form.

In our article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with detailed instructions for using Kipferon suppositories for children, with reviews from parents and average prices for the children's drug.

Release form and composition

Kipferon is produced in the form of suppositories. For children they are used only by insertion into the rectum. The drug is produced in packages of 5 and 10 pieces. Candles are white or beige with a yellowish tint, made in the shape of a cylinder with a sharp end.

The form of medicine in the form of suppositories is a very convenient solution for young children., who are difficult to get to take medications in the form of syrups or tablets.

The drug contains two main active substances: immunoglobulin complex and interferon 2-alpha. Complex immunoglobulin contains antibodies that successfully repel attacks from bacteria and viruses.

The action of the second substance has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Kipferon also has an anti-chlamydial drug effect.

The auxiliary ingredients in the suppositories include paraffin, emulsifier and fat. They promote uniform distribution of two essential substances in the blood and cells.

Many mothers are frightened by conversations that the product supposedly contains donor blood.. This is not true. Kipferon contains highly purified plasma protein. Cases of infection with such drugs due to blood components have not been recorded.

Indications for use

The list of diseases for which doctors prescribe Kipferon antiviral suppositories for children is quite large. These candles are used for:

Suppositories can be prescribed to children of any age, even infants.


The drug has virtually no contraindications for use.

The only exception is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

No side effects of the drug have been identified.

You can often come across the opinion that Kipferon is contraindicated for allergy sufferers, since it contains protein.

In fact Allergic reactions can be caused by any drug, even the most common one.

Kipferon belongs to low-allergenic drugs, negative reactions to it rarely occur.

The safety of the drug has led to its widespread use in pediatrics.

How it works, dosage

When treating various infections, the following results can be obtained:

  • elimination of symptoms of intoxication;
  • disappearance of wheezing in the lungs;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • normalization of the number of lymphocytes in the blood;
  • improvement of immunity;
  • reducing the risk of viruses spreading in the body.

For inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, 2 suppositories per day are needed (in the morning and evening) for 5 days. For herpes, the norm is 1 suppository per day for 10 days.

When prescribing the drug, body weight is also taken into account. Up to 12 years of age, the dose should not exceed more than 2 suppositories per day, for teenagers – no more than 4.

The use of the drug in the first three days of the disease is of great importance. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

The exact dosage is determined by the doctor.

It is possible to use the medicine as a prophylactic agent. It is usually prescribed if the baby often suffers from colds. The preventive course of administration is 2 weeks; to enhance the effect, you can take 2-3 courses.

To avoid bacterial complications after surgery, Kipferon is prescribed during preparation for surgery.

Before inserting the suppository, the rectum must be cleaned. The child is given an enema and then the anus is washed with warm water and soap. After deep insertion into the anus, you need to lie on your side for at least 15 minutes so that the medicine is well absorbed in the body.

Interaction with other medicinal substances

The drug can be combined with other medications. It is often prescribed along with antibacterial drugs. The therapeutic effect of both groups of drugs is enhanced.

Kipferon is a drug with immunostimulating, antiherpetic, antiviral effects.

Kipferon: composition and properties

The drug is available in the form of suppositories and contains:
- CIP - complex immunoglobulin preparation - 60 mg;
- interferon alpha 2 human recombinant - 500 thousand IU;
- excipients (emulsifier, paraffin, fat).
Kipferon has powerful anti-chlamydial properties in combination with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. The drug contains antibodies against the herpes virus, rotaviruses and staphylococci, and also has a fairly high percentage of antibodies to enterobacteria and other foreign microorganisms.

Kipferon: indications and contraindications

The indications of the drug are predetermined by its strong immunomodulating properties. It is used in cases:
- urogenital chlamydia (including with manifestations of vulvovaginitis, cervical erosion, vaginal dysbiosis, cervicitis of the cervix);
- herpes;
- various types of intestinal infections;
- nonspecific inflammatory diseases;
- viral and bacterial diseases (colli infection, dysentery, salmonellosis);
- inflammation of the respiratory tract;
- bronchitis and pneumonia;
- Kipferon for children is used in cases of hepatitis B, C and A;
- for dysbiosis of the intestines and vagina;
- during the preparatory period for gynecological and other operations;
- in case of complications of an infectious nature.

Kipferon: instructions for use

Kipferon suppositories are used by inserting intravaginally all the way into the posterior vaginal fornix. Depending on the severity of the disease and its course, the recommended dose is 1 or 2 suppositories 2 times a day. The average duration of treatment is 10 days. For cervical erosion, Kipferon is used before its epithelization. The course of treatment can be repeated if urgent need arises.

Kipferon suppositories for children must be used taking into account the content of recombinant interferon alpha-2 in a daily dose of 500,000 IU (1 suppository). In this case, the drug is used both vaginally and rectally in one dose. The duration of the course is 10 days.
You need to know that in girls without clinical forms of chlamydial vulvovaginitis and without manifestations of inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, treatment should be carried out only against the background of oral and vaginal administration of eubiotics; in all other cases, childhood chlamydia is treated with Kipferon in combination with eubiotics and antibiotics.

Kipferon: price and sale

Kipferon is a very common and popular drug; it can be purchased at any pharmacy or in a specialized section of any supermarket. The price of Kipferon is almost the same everywhere, and if it differs, it is very insignificant. When purchasing a drug, you should take reasonable precautions: never purchase medications from your own hands or from your friends (even very good ones). At the moment, there is a fairly large number of counterfeit products on the pharmaceutical market. That is why buy Kipferon only in pharmacies or from official dealers of the manufacturer, and be sure to ask the seller for a certificate of product conformity.
Kipferon, reviews of which are very favorable, should still be taken only after a thorough consultation with your doctor.
The drug must be stored in a dark and dry place at a temperature of 6-8 degrees. WITH.

Kipferon and Transfer factor

(very important note)

The cost of Kipferon is on average about 600 rubles. for 10 candles, a course of therapy requires about 40 candles, i.e. a course of treatment with this drug will cost somewhere 2400 rub., and the result is not guaranteed and requires repeated repetition.
Exactly the same functions are performed by Transfer factor, the package of which contains 90 capsules and its cost is about 2000 rub. Only TF has no contraindications and does not cause any side effects; it is impossible to overdose and has no age restrictions. Among other things, its effect on our body is deeper and more dramatic - it puts in order damaged human DNA, i.e. removes the cause of the disease, rather than treating its consequences.
But if you still decide to take Kipferon, then we advise you to take it with TF in combination, because When taken in such a complex manner, TF neutralizes all its side effects and restores immune processes that are disrupted by Kipferon, and this is one of the key links in our immunity.
you will read about the use of TF for various diseases.

When treating infections caused by various viruses, drugs with immunomodulatory properties are extremely popular. One of these products is Kipferon candles for children. This domestically produced medicine is often included in therapeutic complexes for a variety of diseases.

It will be useful for parents who plan to give this drug to their child to know the properties, indications, contraindications and reviews of Kipferon suppositories for children.

Form of production

The product is available in the form of suppositories that can be used both rectally and vaginally. The package usually contains from 5 to 10 candles. They have a creamy or yellowish tint, a specific aroma, and an oblong shape with one pointed end. The texture of the candles is uniform, however, inside the shells there may be an air core or a small depression, and their color can be marbled.

The use of Kipferon suppositories for children is intended exclusively through rectal administration - into the rectum. Suppositories are extremely convenient for treating young children who refuse to take tablets or syrups.


The drug contains two main active ingredients: interferon 2-alpha and immunoglobulin complex. The latter contains antibodies that effectively fight attacks from a variety of viruses and bacteria.

Interferon, in turn, has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Among other things, the substance has an anti-chlamydial medicinal effect.

The following auxiliary components are used in suppositories: fat, emulsifier and paraffin. They help essential substances to be distributed evenly in the blood and cells.

Many mothers are afraid of the popular belief that Kipferon suppositories for children contain donor blood. But in reality this is not entirely correct. In fact, the drug contains plasma proteins that have been previously purified in several different ways. Cases of infection with such medications due to the presence of blood ingredients in the composition have not been recorded.

Suppositories hold their shape perfectly, but at the same time they remain quite pliable and easily dissolve when entering the child’s body.

Properties of candles

Due to the presence of both interferon and immunoglobulins in the medication, suppositories have a pronounced stimulating effect on the protective properties of the human immune system. In addition, Kipferon suppositories for children have positive antiviral activity, including an antiherpetic effect.

Thanks to the use of this medicine, both acquired and innate immunity are improved, the natural flora of the digestive tract is normalized, the activity of protective cells and the production of interferon gamma increases.

In addition, the drug has a regional effect - after administration of the suppository, immunoglobulins affect the intestinal mucous epithelium, which has a positive effect on local immunity.

The combined influence of two powerful components makes it possible to effectively fight infections and correct the properties of the body.

Indications for use

The list of diseases for which experts recommend using Kipferon suppositories for children is quite long. It is advisable to use the medicine when:

  • acute respiratory diseases of various etiologies - laryngitis, otitis, tracheitis and other defects;
  • viral and bacterial infections of the nasopharynx;
  • viral hepatitis and rotavirus;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • flu;
  • bacterial infection of the digestive tract, which manifests itself in the form of diarrhea, vomiting;
  • salmonellosis, dysentery or infection with E. coli;
  • infection with herpes viruses, for example, herpes stomatitis or chickenpox.

Kipferon suppositories for children can also be prescribed as a preventive measure, for example, for regular infections with ARVI or before a planned surgical intervention.

The product is effective against all these diseases due to the presence of active substances that have immunomodulatory properties.

From what age can it be used?

According to the instructions, Kipferon candles for children can be used for a child of any age, even a newborn baby. But parents should keep in mind that the drug should be prescribed to young patients exclusively by a specialist.

For a child under one year old, Kipferon suppositories, just like any other immunostimulating drugs, should be prescribed by a pediatrician.


This medication has virtually no restrictions on its use. The only exception is individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.

According to the instructions and reviews, Kipferon suppositories for children do not cause any side effects. Treatment with this drug proceeds calmly, without any complications.

There is an opinion that suppositories are contraindicated in children prone to allergies, as they contain protein. In fact, absolutely any drug, even the most famous one, can lead to negative reactions. "Kipferon" is considered a low-allergenic medication; allergies due to its use appear extremely rarely.

But even if the body still reacted negatively to the use of the medicine, the severity of the symptoms depends on the individual characteristics of the body. A young patient may experience symptoms such as swelling or minor itching. But even these manifestations occur extremely rarely. If they appear, you should immediately stop using candles.

It is thanks to their safety that suppositories are in great demand in pediatrics.

Mode of application

When using suppositories for children, they should be administered exclusively rectally, that is, into the rectum. It is advisable to perform the procedure after spontaneous or forced defecation.

The required dosage and mode of use depend on the patient’s age and diagnosis. In his reviews of Kipferon suppositories for children, Komarovsky shares the general rules for using the drug.

  • For newborns and infants up to one year old, the drug is prescribed one suppository once a day.
  • Children under three years old should take one candle twice a day, preferably in the mornings and evenings.
  • For a child over three years old, you can use 3 suppositories per day. Each procedure involves the introduction of one suppository.

Duration of use

In addition, speaking about Kipferon suppositories for children, Komarovsky also talks about the optimal duration of the course of treatment. For example, for viral infections and dysbacteriosis, the duration of use of the medication usually ranges from 5 days to a week. In case of bacterial infection, for example, with purulent sore throat, the course should last at least a week.

Drug interactions

The manufacturer does not mention cases of negative effects of suppositories in a higher dosage than recommended by a specialist in the instructions. Kipferon suppositories for children can be used in parallel with many other medications, for example, in case of bacterial damage to the digestive system, they are prescribed together with the drugs Flemoxin and Sumamed.

"Kipferon" is sold without a prescription and, as a rule, is available in every pharmacy.


If necessary, suppositories can be replaced with the help of other medications that contain interferon.

  • "Viferon" is available in the form of ointment, gel and suppositories. In the form of suppositories, the drug is prescribed even to premature babies.
  • "Genferon light" - used in the form of suppositories from birth.
  • "Grippferon" is produced in two varieties: spray and nasal drop. Approved for use at any age.
  • "Immunofan" - can be used to treat children over two years of age. The drug is produced in the form of an injection solution and a nasal spray. The medication is used for immunodeficiency conditions and viral infections.
  • "Galavit" - is presented in the form of injections, tablets and suppositories. It is prescribed to young children for regular colds, stomatitis, adenitis, sore throat and other diseases. Although it is best to use it to treat a child over six years old.
  • "Imudon" - tablets that effectively combat sore throat, stomatitis and other pathologies of the nasopharynx. In children it is recommended from the age of three.
  • "Arbidol" - contains umifenovir. Recommended for viral diseases and is produced in several forms: suspension, tablets and capsules. It can be given to children from the age of two.
  • "Acyclovir" is available in various forms: ointment, powder, cream, tablets. Often prescribed for infection with herpes viruses.

Some parents, instead of analogues of Kipferon suppositories for children, choose homeopathic medicines such as Aflubin, Ergoferon, Anaferon, Oscillococcinum. However, pediatricians, including the famous Dr. Komarovsky, doubt their effectiveness. These experts warn parents that such drugs may not be an adequate substitute for antiviral and immunomodulatory medications. Among other things, you cannot give your baby any medications that affect his immunity without a prescription from a specialist.

Kipferon belongs to the group of immunomodulators and is used as an antiviral agent. The drug is safe to use, making it suitable for treating infants and pregnant women who require a special approach to therapy. This medication is intended for both children and adults, but pediatricians often choose it among similar medications.

Kipferon rectal suppositories

Composition and release form of Kipferon candles

Kipferon is an antiviral agent produced by the manufacturer in the form of suppositories. One suppository includes:

  • CIP – complex immunoglobulin preparation (60 mg);
  • 500 thousand IU of human recombinant interferon alpha-2;
  • binders - fat, emulsifier and paraffin.

White candles can sometimes have a slight beige tint. Cylindrical suppositories have the same density in all areas and are packaged in plastic blisters of 5 pieces. The box contains 1 or 2 instruction sheets. They are inserted into the rectum through the anus.

Indications for use in children

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Experts prescribe kipferon suppositories as one of the means for complex therapy for hepatitis types A, B and C, after operations to restore immunity and prevent possible complications.

The drug is also used for the following conditions:

  • herpetic stomatitis;
  • intestinal infection (rotavirus, dysentery, salmonella infection);
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract due to regular colds or after treatment with antibiotics;
  • frequent diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, laryngitis, etc.) and oral mucosa;
  • nonspecific inflammatory diseases in children and adults;
  • chlamydial infections, which infect children from their mother during childbirth;
  • papillomas and other formations of viral etiology on the skin;
  • immunocorrective therapy for babies on IV;
  • for allergic dermatoses accompanied by intestinal dysfunction;
  • to prepare the body for surgery.

Contraindications for use

There are practically no contraindications for the use of CIP candles. They are prohibited for use by persons who are hypersensitive to one or more components.

Use is not recommended for infants under six months of age, as well as for pregnant women in the first trimester and nursing young mothers. The product is sold without a prescription, but before use you need to consult a specialist.

Instructions for use

It is difficult for many babies to drink syrup, and tablets are simply impossible to give to a newborn, so the dosage form in the form of suppositories is an excellent solution for children of all ages.

Before using the drug, you must wash your hands. The suppository is placed in the vagina or anus. Installation of a suppository rectally is carried out after defecation naturally; if vaginal insertion is necessary, treatment begins immediately after the end of menstruation. The dosage is calculated by the doctor.

How often should the drug be given to children? Usually Kipferon is prescribed 2-4 suppositories per day. The number of suppositories required depends on the age of the child and how severe the symptoms are:

  • The permissible dosage for infants is 1 suppository per 24 hours;
  • children 1-3 years old - 1 suppository twice a day (the course can last no more than a week);
  • for children aged 3 years and older, you can increase the dosage to 3 suppositories per day.

Treatment should last at least 5 days. Typically, therapy lasts 1.5 weeks, after which the course is repeated if necessary. The effect is noticeable after 10 days of use. For diseases, the drug is used according to the following scheme:

Side effects and overdose

The drug is well tolerated, rarely causing unpleasant consequences. However, the instructions for using KIP indicate that Kipferon has some side effects. They appear:

  • chills, nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • allergic reactions;
  • feeling of aching joints;
  • In patients with kidney problems, the condition may worsen.

Antiviral analogues

Kipferon has several analogues: Viferon, Laferobion, Genferon, etc. The doctor selects the most suitable drug for children, based on the severity of the disease and its type:

A popular analogue is Viferon rectal suppositories 150,000 IU
  • for the flu in children, Viferon is preferable; Genferon is sometimes used - they contain less interferon, so allergies are unlikely;
  • for infections of the urinary tract and genital organs, Genferon is often chosen - the anesthetic included in the composition reduces pain and eliminates itching (see also:);
  • Kipferon is effective in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's take a closer look at the distinctive features of the most popular analogues of Kipferon candles.

Difference from Viferon candles

Viferon is available in the form of candles. It is also used locally in other forms - ointment or gel. Suppositories are placed exclusively in the rectum. The drug has a mild effect, but according to statistics, it effectively fights infection. What is better to use for therapy - Viferon or Kipferon?

It is better to start treating a child with a cold with Viferon. The smaller amount of interferon included in the composition and the vitamins present in it provide a quick effect. The product should be preferred if the child has a tendency to allergies.

This substance is not used to treat rotavirus and urogenital infections - the mild effect will not allow it to cope with viruses. At the same time, Kipferon is suitable as an independent drug, without the additional use of antibiotics.

Difference from Genferon candles

The product is available in the form of suppositories, which can be placed both in the anus and vaginally. A positive effect is observed precisely when administered rectally - the drug is absorbed by 80%. Children are more often prescribed a drug with the prefix “Light”.

Unlike Kipferon, Genferon contains benzocaine, a local anesthetic that reduces discomfort. Genferon Light contains a “gentle” dosage of interferon – 125 and 250 thousand units, which makes it possible to use it for children from birth. The drug is often prescribed for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and is administered rectally.



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