What does the name Christina mean? Meaning of a girl's name

Short form of the name Christina. Kristinka, Kristya, Krestya, Christinka, Christya, Christyusha, Christena, Christosha, Chrisya, Stina, Tina, Kristen, Christie, Chrissy, Chris, Krista, Nana, Anya, Kina.
Synonyms for the name Christina. Christina, Christiana, Christiana, Kristen, Kristel, Christa, Kristel.
Origin of the name Christina. The name Christina is Russian, English, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Christina is the Russian pronunciation of the female name Christina. The name Christina is derived from the Latin name Christianus, meaning “Christian.” In the Greek version, the name already sounded like Christina. This name is also sometimes pronounced Christiana (Christiana). The paired male name is Christian (Christian).

Previously, peasants in Rus' used the word Christina to call ordinary people. Over time, it left the Russian language. Having returned as a name, it began to carry a foreign connotation with a share of aristocracy. Despite the fact that today in Russia native Russian names are becoming increasingly popular, the name Christina has not gone out of fashion.

The diminutive addresses Tina and Nana are also independent names, and the address Anya is a short form of many names as feminine (Floriana, Juliana, Androna, Anisya, Anfima, Diana, Kiriana, Liana, Viviana, Liliana, Rufiniana, Feliciana, Anna, Susanna, Juliania and others), and male (Angius, Fabian, Christian).

In the Orthodox calendar the name Christina is mentioned, in the Catholic calendar - Christiana (Kristiana), Christina (Kristina, Kristena). Christina's Orthodox name days are February 19, March 26, May 31, June 13, August 6, August 18.

The Catholic Saint Christina the Miraculous is especially revered in Western Europe. She is considered the patroness of psychiatrists and doctors; turning to her is believed to cure mental and nervous disorders.

Christina's character is reminiscent of her mother's. She is a smart, active girl with a well-developed memory. She is very observant, although from the outside it seems that she is shy. Makes decisions thoughtfully. The owner of this name easily establishes contacts with strangers.

In her personal life, Christina is quite changeable. She feels the need for mutual feelings. At the same time, he falls in love and is disappointed very quickly. Christina can be difficult to understand. She has a difficult inner world and a stormy temperament.

Many men pay attention to Christina. She doesn't like her friends to invade her privacy. Christina values ​​her family. She often comes across a jealous husband. They cannot always find mutual understanding with their mother-in-law. Winter Christines usually give birth to girls.

Autumn Christina is very happily married. She knows how to smooth out conflicts and give in to her husband. Christina strives to create a family home with a reliable and kind man.

In the team, Christina tries to maintain good relationships with everyone and can stand up for herself. A woman with this name tries to achieve a good position in society and choose a well-paid job. If she becomes a housewife, she will consider her life miserable.

Christina reacts sharply to criticism addressed to her, loves compliments very much, is often prudent and knows how to take advantage of the weaknesses of other people in a timely manner.

Christina's birthday

Christina celebrates her name day on January 6, January 15, February 19, March 13, March 26, May 31, June 13, July 24, August 6, August 18, October 27, December 15.

Famous people named Christina

  • Saint Christiana (Anglo-Saxon princess, later a nun of one of the monasteries in Flanders. Saint Christiana is considered the patroness of the Belgian city of Thurmond.)
  • Kristina Kosach (Belarusian poetess)
  • Kristina Šmigun-Vähi (Estonian skier, two-time Olympic champion, world champion)
  • Kristina Orbakaite (Soviet and Russian actress, pop singer)
  • Christina ((1626 - 1689) Queen of Sweden, daughter of Gustav II Adolf and Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg)
  • Christina Ricci (American actress, known for her roles in independent films)
  • Christina Maria Aguilera (American singer, songwriter, dancer, actress, producer, director and philanthropist. Winner of five Grammy awards. Discs with her songs have sold a total of about 46 million copies.)
  • Christina of Vladimir ((c.1219 - 1238) blessed princess of Vladimir, wife of Prince Vladimir Yuryevich, daughter-in-law of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri II Vsevolodovich)
  • Christina Barrois (German tennis player of French descent)
  • Christina Lilley ((born 1963) American-born actress, better known for her roles in Latin American TV series)
  • Christina Callahan Queen (b. 1966) Speaker of the New York City Council (the head of the legislative branch of the city government and the second most important official in the city after the mayor). Queen is the first woman and first lesbian in the city's history to be elected to this position .)
  • Christina Geiger (famous German alpine skier, participant of the Olympic Games in Vancouver, World Cup medalist, specializes in slalom)
  • Christina Metaxas (Cypriot singer and composer, born in Limassol. Her brother Nicholas Metaxas, also a singer, came second in the Greek version of the TV show The X Factor, and is also the creator and composer of Christina's Eurovision performance.)
  • Kristen Stewart (American actress, winner of the BAFTA special award - “Rising Star”, became famous after playing the daughter of Jodie Foster’s heroine in the film “Panic Room”)
  • Krystyna Krahelska ((1914 - 1944) Polish ethnographer-folklorist, poetess, member of the Resistance)
  • Kristina Petrovska-Kiliko ((b. 1948) Canadian pianist)
  • Christina Pickles ((b. 1935) British actress)
  • Christina McHale (American tennis player of Irish-Latino descent)
  • Christina Riegel (skater from Germany (Germany), who performed in singles and doubles. Paired with Andreas Nischwitz, she is the silver medalist of the 1981 European Championship, bronze medalist of the 1981 World Championship and three-time German champion 1979 - 1981)
  • Christina Applegate (American actress, winner of the Emmy Award in 2003, as well as a nominee for three Golden Globe awards and a Tony Award. She is best known for her roles as Kelly Bundy in the cult television series Married... with Children ( 1987-1997) and the comedy “Who Is Samantha?” (2007-2009). Over the years, she also played in several successful films, such as “Not a Word to Mom about the Death of the Nanny,” “Aliens in America,” “Cutie” and "Alvin and the Chipmunks 2".)
  • Kristina Pliskova (Czech tennis player)
  • Christina Groves (Canadian speed skater, three-time silver and one-time bronze medalist at the Olympic Games, three-time world champion in individual distances, four-time North American champion in the classic all-around. Together with Christine Nesbitt and Brittany Schussler, she holds the current world record in the team race, together with the same Nesbitt and Cindy Klassen - also an Olympic record.)
  • Christina Pascal ((1953 - 1996) French and Swiss film actress and film director)
  • Kristina Regöczi (Hungarian ice dance figure skater. Paired with András Szallai, she is a silver medalist at the Lake Placid Winter Olympics, 1980 world champion, European championship medalist and nine-time Hungarian champion.)
  • Cristina Scabbia (vocalist of the Italian gothic metal band "Lacuna Coil")
  • Christina Rossetti ((1830 - 1894) English poetess, sister of the painter and poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
  • Christine Errath (German figure skater, singles skater for the GDR (East Germany), bronze medalist at the 1976 Olympic Games)
  • Kristina Kucova (Slovakian tennis player)
  • Cristina de Kirchner (55th President of Argentina (since December 10, 2007). She succeeded her husband Nestor Kirchner in this post. She became the second female president of Argentina (after Isabel Peron, who was also the wife of her predecessor) and the first woman to become president Argentina as a result of the elections.)
  • Kristina Blaumane (Latvian cellist)
  • Kristina Antoniychuk (Ukrainian tennis player)
  • Kristina Egerszegi (famous Hungarian athlete, swimmer, specialist in backstroke and medley swimming. Five-time Olympic champion, multiple world and European champion, one of the most famous and titled Hungarian athletes of our time.)
  • Kristina Asmus (Russian theater and film actress, known for her role as Varya Chernous in the TV series “Interns”)

What does the name Christina mean? follower of Christ (the name Christina is of Latin origin).

It is believed that Christina is the Russian version of the name Christina, which, in turn, means “Christian” in Latin. Sometimes the name can be pronounced as Christiana or Christiana - this is typical for Catholic countries.

It is also known that the meaning of the name Christina in ancient times characterized a poor person, since it sounded like the word “peasant”. So, aristocrats did not give such names to their children. There was a period when the name Christina completely disappeared from the Russian language, but then it became fashionable again, and then aristocrats also began to use it. At the same time, Christina’s name, on the contrary, began to look respectable. Even now, despite the fact that, for example, in Russia foreign names are more popular, the name Christina has not gone out of fashion.

Short meaning of the name Christina: Kristya, Kristinochka, Kristenka, Chris.

Christina's Angel Day: The name Christina celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 6, 15
  • February 19
  • March 13, 26
  • May 31
  • June 13
  • July 24
  • August 6, 18
  • 27th October
  • December 15

The Catholic Saint Christina the Miraculous is very revered in Western Europe, considered the patroness of doctors and psychiatrists. It is believed that prayers to her can cure a person of nervous and mental disorders.

Zodiac name Christina: Aries, Scorpio.

Positive traits of the name Christina: Christina has sufficient strength of character. It is characterized by aristocracy and even elitism, selectivity and, as they say, stylishness.

Negative traits of the name Christina: Christina's ambition and arrogance make the situation worse. Christina has to constantly defend her positions, views and beliefs. A girl named Christina knows how to stand up for herself if necessary, and can successfully make sarcastic remarks, which often offends people. If her parents do not develop her natural inclinations in childhood, then she can turn into a timid, complex person.

Personality of the name Christina: What does the name Christina mean? The meaning of the name Christina from the point of view of numerology is determined by the number 6, which indicates that its owner will successfully go through life if she manages to win recognition from others. Actually, this is exactly what the name Christina will try to achieve with all her might. Very often she manages to become a civil servant and occupy not the very last post. From an early age, Christina has been distinguished by her philosophical views and analytical thinking. But it is important that their words coincide with deeds, since society still expects Christina to implement her goals and plans. The name Christina very quickly understands that honesty is better than ambition, and rarely resorts to radical measures in achieving her goal. She almost always literally radiates cheerfulness and positivity, justifying the position and work that they have. But almost always the name Christina strives forward, not being satisfied with what it already has. This is due to the fact that the character of a girl named Christina contains such qualities as complacency and complacency.

In general, the name Christina grows up to be very active and quick-witted, and has a good memory. Makes decisions thoughtfully and easily establishes contacts with other people. In her personal life, she is quite changeable and feels the need for her feelings to be mutual. A girl named Christina falls in love quite quickly, but she can also become disappointed in a man almost instantly. Her temperament is very difficult.

A girl named Christina values ​​family very much and does not like strangers invading her personal life with their recommendations. She often cannot reach mutual understanding with her mother-in-law. As for the husband, in the vast majority of cases he is very jealous of the name Christina, which is the reason for conflicts.

Choosing a profession by name: Most likely, a woman named Christina will feel the need to achieve a high position in society, for which she may choose some fashionable profession or simply strive to establish communication with people from high circles. Even if she doesn’t succeed and fate assigns her the role of an ordinary housewife, such dreams will not leave Christina. It’s just that in this case, such a meaning of the name will consider one’s life unsuccessful and in vain.

Christina's business and career: Christina is unlikely to need money. A girl named Christina can ensure a stable financial position for herself.

Christina's love and marriage: Behind her vain aspirations, Christina may not notice simple family happiness, which, as it will certainly become clear over time, cannot replace even the most tremendous success and fame. A favorable alliance is with Arseny, Bartholomew, Venedikt, Vladlen, Gerasim, German, Evgraf, Eremey, Efim, Karp, Kasyan, Lavrenty, Mitrofan, Rurik, Sidor, Terenty, Felix. Difficult relationships are likely with Adam, Adrian, Korney, Martin, Mirko, Tryphon, Fedot, Eldar.

Health and talents named after Christina: “Autumn cats” may have frequent otitis media, their ears are very weak and susceptible to any breeze. Christina suffers from sinusitis, so she definitely needs to have her polyps removed. The “November” girl grows up very capricious and hot-tempered. She is susceptible to colitis, and sometimes hemophilia, a blood disease, is observed.

“December” Christina can scratch herself when eating and spit it out if she doesn’t like it. When playing with children, he may pull out toys. You should pay attention to this and show the girl named Christina to a psychologist and neurologist. She has diathesis and dermatitis, so you shouldn't give her chocolate. “Winter” Christina is growing up as a very difficult girl; no screams affect her, so you only need to talk to her in a calm tone. In infancy, such a girl may suffer from croup.

“Mayskaya” Christina is predisposed to infectious diseases, to sore throat, which is transmitted to her by genotype from her parents. Some people have heart problems in early childhood. Some of these girls suffer from gastrointestinal dysfunction, which is also transmitted genetically from the mother. There is no need to sound a strong alarm - after three to four years, the functioning of the stomach improves on its own. You can be examined by a doctor to know for sure that there are no special deviations. The "April" girl named Christina has a predisposition to osteochondrosis, which can cause other diseases. Sometimes there are problems with teeth - malocclusion, uneven teeth.

“January” Christina does not like strangers, does not go into their arms, and can cry until they leave her alone. At the age of 3 years, enuresis is possible as a consequence of fright or nervous shock. Spring Christina has a particularly weak system. She is also prone to infectious diseases, most often suffering from measles. Be careful, complications are possible that will affect the musculoskeletal system. You should not give the name Christina chocolate in large quantities; she may have severe diathesis.

A “March” girl named Christina may have sinusitis. She is also susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. There may be ischemia at the age of 7-8 years. Christina may have giardiasis, as she loves animals very much. You need to keep her hands clean. She doesn't have a very good appetite, but you don't need to force feed her; if she gets hungry, she'll ask for it herself. The name Christina is vocally gifted and endowed with good hearing, which will manifest itself later.

Summer Christina is prone to scoliosis, you should pay attention to this in time, because the girl may develop dystrophy of the shoulder girdle. The name Christina has a complex character, contradictory, persistent. When talking to her, you should not be harsh or harsh; calm intonation and a persuasive tone have a much better effect on her. Christina often has a difficult relationship with her mother. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she was named after her mother. The daughter constantly lies to her mother, they can have a big fight.

Name Christina in other countries:: The translation of the name Christina in different languages ​​has a similar meaning and sound. In English it is translated as Christine, in Catalan: Cristina, in Czech: Kristina, in Danish: Christine, in French: Christine.

The fate of the name Christina in history:

  • Kristina Kosach is a poet of Belarusian origin.
  • Kristina Šmigun-Vähi is an Estonian athlete, skier, who is a two-time Olympic champion and world champion.
  • Kristina Orbakaite is a Russian performer, daughter of singer Alla Pugacheva.
  • Christina Maria Aguilera is an American singer known as Christina Aguilera. She is the owner of a large number of musical awards and prizes.
  • Christina Lilley is an American actress who most often starred in Latin American melodramas.
  • Kristen Stewart is an actress known for her role as Bella in the Twilight saga.

The meaning of the name Christina is “dedicated to Christ,” a freedom-loving girl

"Congratulations! You will have a girl!” – and immediately a huge wave of unimaginable emotions rolls over the future parents. Girl! This is such happiness! And here the most important question arises for the married couple: what to name their angel. Maybe look for a name that lies at the origins of Russian history? Or turn to the east and its viscous, honey-like names? Or direct the stream of search in a modern direction, rewarding the child with the famous name of a popular person? Or maybe ask God, who is the only one who will truly help you find the answer. Sometimes it is the name that is the very mark that determines a person’s life path. One of the fairly popular names for girls is Christina.

“Belonging to or dedicated to Christ,” a Christian, is the basic meaning of the name Christina. Having very strong energy, the name pushes the girl to be strong, elitist and chosen. The absence of these qualities will turn the owner into a timid creature. The origins of the name Christina go back to distant Ancient Greece. After all, when translated from Greek, it means “united with Christ.” Christina has been her father's favorite since childhood. Accumulating his traits of masculinity and strength, she harmoniously combines them with the gentle character of her mother. Sometimes it is the dad’s excessive love that develops selfishness and permissiveness in a girl. A born leader, Christina behaves slightly arrogantly with her peers. Easily overcoming the thorns of studying, she thinks about her future career from an early age.

Christian - this is another additional meaning of the name Christina, embedded in it by Latin roots. Therefore, the analogue, or rather the ancestor of this name, is the name Christina, popular in Ancient Rus'. Silence, thoughtfulness and seriousness are the main characteristics of the name Christina, who was born in winter. Spring girls, who are the owners of this name, hide a predisposition to illusions under a touch of romanticism. Summer Christinas have a mysterious and good-natured disposition. Pedantry, rigor and accuracy are the main character traits of autumn girls.

The meaning of the name Christina leaves an imprint on the character and basic behavioral traits of a woman. For the most part, owners of this name quickly get along with people, but prefer a narrow, select circle of friends. Giving the impression of a timid, sometimes even shy girl, she hides a stormy bright temperament under her shell.

Falling in love quickly, girls also quickly cool down under the influence of any, even minor, obstacles. Surrounded by crowds of fans, Christina is guided solely by reason and chooses the most promising man, without giving in to momentary temptations. Fully devoting herself to family happiness, a woman requires tireless care, love and encouragement. It often happens that Christines get married several times. At the same time, in most cases, they give birth to girls and, quite rarely, boys.

There is also a symbolic interpretation or literal meaning of the name Christina:

Literal interpretation of the name

Name letter


This letter hides endurance and strength, the ability to stand up for oneself, as well as the main motivating principle - “all or nothing”

Means the ability to see the main thing even under the husk or a beautiful wrapper

The desire for good status and a solid financial position. At times, irritability hides moodiness and bossiness

A sort of symbol of the cross. Tirelessly reminding its owner to live every moment

This letter is like a pragmatic screen under which a soft and kind nature hides

Places “notes of protest” in the name, helping the bearer extract from a pile of information only what is truly valuable

The desire for spiritual comfort and thirst for accomplishment

Famous bearers of this name are: Christina Ricci, Christina Hendricks, Christina Aguilera, Christina Orbakaite, Christina Nilsson and others.

What does the name Christina mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Meaning of the name: Christina from Greek means “Christian”.

Color: Yellow.

Main features: Intelligence, activity.

Totem plant: Gentian.

Totem animal: Toad.

Sign: Virgo.

Type: They are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat slow reaction. They don’t do anything hastily and don’t panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on illusory dreams.

Psyche: It is not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, they appear to be angry about something, when they are simply watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves; it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

Will: Strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

Excitability: Below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

Speed ​​reaction: Weak, as well as excitability. Christinas do not count on any extraordinary luck. They achieve success through perseverance and diligence, although it comes a little late.

Field of work: They are attracted to scientific activities. They can become scientists, electronics engineers, or exemplary teachers. They should not be disturbed in their choice of profession.

Intuition: Not relying on inspiration alone, Christina carefully plans her affairs and actions.

Intelligence: They have a more masculine mentality. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. An analytical mind gives them the ability to patiently delve into details.

Susceptibility: These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without special external manifestations. It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

Moral: They adhere to principles that many consider philistine.

Health: Average, and it is necessary to monitor it from childhood. They require prolonged exposure to the fresh air, walks, and sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

Sexuality: This is a secret area of ​​their nature; they cannot stand it when someone intrudes into it. However, behind the inscrutability lies a violent temperament...

Activity: Such women need time to demonstrate their capabilities.

Sociability: Prefer a few selected friends. They like their friendships to look beautiful and cannot stand the shameless intrusions of their friends. Christina values ​​family; they make strict but fair mothers.

Name characteristics: She has a slow reaction, some inhibition in movement and emotions, and is phlegmatic. Doesn't do anything hastily, never panics. He stands firmly on his feet and does not waste time on illusory dreams. It's not always clear what she's thinking. When she is silent, it may seem that she is upset about something, while Christina is closely monitoring what is happening. She seems timid, as if she lacks confidence, but she has a strong will and harbors enormous inner potential. A little lazy. Excitability is below average. She needs time to be able to understand the essence of the problem, and even more time to solve it. Very impressionable, reserved. He does not count on an extraordinary miracle in life, he thinks realistically. She loves order in everything that brings success, albeit a little late. She likes to do scientific work - no matter what field. You should not interfere with her choice of profession, but it is necessary to discuss her problems. Christina has the gift of intuition, but is guided only by reason. Carefully thinks through and plans his actions in advance. An analytical way of thinking makes it possible to patiently delve into the details of a matter. Gets used to the team well, in which he gives preference to men. It is easier for her to communicate with them. She belongs to a small number of women for whom friendship with a man really exists. He will never show that he needs parental love, he will not pester you with affection. She has the same relationship with her husband. Parents should pay her more attention and warmth from childhood, and not let her withdraw into herself. Young people should avoid quarrels with this girl. She is vindictive and does not forgive anything. Strictly respects the rules of morality. Sex is a secret area of ​​her nature. She does not participate in conversations on this topic. However, behind the external equanimity lies a stormy temperament. But it must be taken into account that Christina is inactive. She needs time to show her capabilities. Christina prefers to have a few loyal friends rather than numerous boyfriends. She is happy to receive guests and carefully prepares for this. It cannot tolerate uninvited intrusions and surprises of this kind. Loves family. Becomes a strict but fair mother. She needs a husband whom she can rely on. Christina’s health must be monitored since childhood. She needs a long stay in the fresh air and exercise. She is susceptible to viral diseases and predisposed to leukemia. Her lungs are weak. In adulthood, osteochondrosis and dental diseases are possible.

“Winter” Christina: silent, serious, thoughtful.

"Autumn": In addition to everything, she is strict, patient, careful, and pedantic. Can work as a speech therapist, teacher, educator, music teacher.

"Summer": mysterious, charming, good-natured.

"Spring": romantic, dreamer. This is a graphic artist, musician, fashion designer.

The name fits well with middle names: Grigorievna, Anatolyevna, Efimovna, Petrovna, Lvovna, Svyatoslavovna.

Conclusion: They need someone they can rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

Characteristics of the name Christina | The secret of the name Christina

Christina - “Christian” (gr.).

Characteristics of the name Christina

She has a slow reaction, some inhibition in movement and emotions, and is phlegmatic. Doesn't do anything hastily, never panics. He stands firmly on his feet and does not waste time on illusory dreams. It is not always clear what the secret name Christina is thinking about. When she is silent, it may seem that she is upset about something, while Christina is closely monitoring what is happening. She seems timid, as if she lacks confidence, but she has a strong will and harbors enormous inner potential. A little lazy. Excitability is below average. The characteristics of the name Christina need time to be able to understand the essence of the problem, and even more time to solve it. Very impressionable, reserved. He does not count on an extraordinary miracle in life, he thinks realistically.

She loves order in everything that brings success, albeit a little late. She likes to do scientific work - no matter what field. You should not interfere with her choice of profession, but it is necessary to discuss her problems. The secret of the name Christina has the gift of intuition, but is guided only by reason. Carefully thinks through and plans his actions in advance. An analytical way of thinking makes it possible to patiently delve into the details of a matter. Gets used to the team well, in which he gives preference to men. It is easier for her to communicate with them. She belongs to a small number of women for whom friendship with a man really exists.

He will never show that he needs parental love, he will not pester you with affection. She has the same relationship with her husband. Parents should pay her more attention and warmth from childhood, and not let her withdraw into herself. Young people should avoid quarrels with this girl. She is vindictive and does not forgive anything. Strictly respects the rules of morality.

Sex is a secret area of ​​her nature. She does not participate in conversations on this topic. However, behind the external equanimity lies a stormy temperament. But it must be taken into account that Christina is inactive. The characteristics of the name Christina need time to manifest their capabilities.

Character of the name Christina

Christina prefers to have a few loyal friends rather than numerous boyfriends. She is happy to receive guests and carefully prepares for this. It cannot tolerate uninvited intrusions and surprises of this kind. Loves family. Becomes a strict but fair mother. She needs a husband whom she can rely on.

Christina’s health must be monitored since childhood. She needs a long stay in the fresh air and exercise. She is susceptible to viral diseases and predisposed to leukemia. Her lungs are weak. In adulthood, osteochondrosis and dental diseases are possible.

“Winter” Christina is silent, serious, and thoughtful.

“Autumn” is also strict, patient, neat, and pedantic. Can work as a speech therapist, teacher, educator, music teacher.

What middle name suits the name Christina?

Her name matches patronymics: Viktorovna, Alekseevna, Mikhailovna, Glebovna, Sergeeena, Vladimirovna.

“Summer” is mysterious, charming, good-natured.

“Spring” is romantic, a dreamer. This is a graphic artist, musician, fashion designer. The name goes well with patronymics: Grigorievna, Anatolyevna, Efimovna, Petrovna, Lvovna, Svyatoslavovna.

The secret of names. What does the name Christina mean?

Our name is like a small chest containing many mysteries. This publication will examine the question of what the name Christina means, its origin and personality traits. The reader will learn some of his astrological signs and the names of men who are more suitable for creating a strong family.

Origin and characteristics of the name

The name Christina came to us from the Greek language. It means "Christian" or "Devoted to Christ." Parents who have chosen the name Christina for the girl should know that she is similar in character to her mother and in appearance to her father. This person is very energetic and unpredictable, although even in a hurry he always thinks about what he is doing. Christina will never panic; instead, she will look for all possible options to get out of a difficult situation. The girl always achieves what she wants. From the outside, she seems insecure and shy. However, having gotten to know her better, those around her understand that she is a very sociable and friendly person. She only accepts trusted people as friends.

What does the name Christina mean in love?

The owner of this name easily falls in love with men, but just as quickly loses interest in them. With them she behaves calmly, uncertainly, sometimes even with complete indifference, without betraying her strong character. However, this behavior does not scare off the stronger sex; they are sincerely interested in this person.

What does the name Christina mean for family life?

As a husband, a woman strives to choose a man who will love her with all his heart, protect her, treat her with tenderness, understand and lend his strong shoulder in difficult times. She is only interested in reliable men who strive to start a family for many years. After marriage, Christina devotes all her strength to her husband and children, who become the most important thing in her life. She protects her hearth, not allowing others to interfere in her life, including her mother-in-law. For this reason, it is difficult for Christina to find a common language with her.

The character of a person is influenced by the time in which she was born. If Christina was born in winter, then her first marriage will most likely turn out to be unreliable and will fall apart. Most often she gives birth to girls. The autumn owner of the name is distinguished by her flexible character and peaceful nature. Perhaps for this reason she marries successfully.

What does the name Christina mean in astrology?

The person in question is protected by the planet Saturn.

  • The color of the name is orange and brown.
  • Stone-amulet – amber, jasper.
  • The talisman plant is hot pepper and heather.
  • Guardian animals are a rooster and a dog.
  • The zodiac sign corresponding to the name is Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini.
  • Favorable day is Tuesday.

Christina. Name compatibility

A girl will be able to create a more friendly family with a man whose name is Efim, Valentin, Vladimir, Mark, Jerome, Leonid, Evdokim, Gennady, Grigory, Gerasim, Valery, Zinovy ​​or Yulian. It will be more difficult in relations with Dmitry, Nikolai, Daniil, Denis, Evgeniy, Konstantin and Isaac.

What does the name Christina mean?

Christine's predominant personality traits are activity and intellectuality, they are patient, shy and reserved.

The name Christina means “dedicated to Christ,” “Christian.”

Origin of the name Christina:

The name came into our speech from the ancient Greek language during the development of Christianity in Rus'.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Christina:

Even as a child, Christina was withdrawn and taciturn. In appearance and character she resembles her mother, but often reaches mutual understanding with her father. She gives the impression of being “inhibited” - she needs a little more time to think than other children. Despite this, Christina is savvy and quick-witted. She may seem offended, but in reality she is simply in her inner world and is completely happy with life. She is a little lazy in her studies, but is diligent and patient, and gets to the heart of things.

Christinas are realists, with both feet on the ground. They are careful and hardworking in their work, prone to scientific activities. One of their main features is diligence. They are also good at teaching - Christina is a good mentor and knows how to find a common language with children. They plan their careers carefully, do not trust emotions and rely only on reason. They rarely follow other people's advice, they are independent and persistent. They do not achieve success immediately, but they stubbornly move towards their goal. Rational, sometimes boring. Failures rarely cause them to panic; Christinas are collected and businesslike. Dreams and fantasies are not for them; for Christine, only really existing things are significant.

Typical Christina is conservative, to the point of philistinism in adulthood. She does not strive to make friends; she feels most comfortable in a male group. She does not tolerate shamelessness, she is capable of deep offense, like an enemy she is vengeful, inventive and insidious. He often builds a wall around himself and does not allow anyone to get to know his feelings and experiences. She selects her friends carefully, is devoted to them, prefers to plan joint meetings, does not like impulsiveness and thoughtlessness. Christina is well-mannered and respects the requirements of etiquette. Her own moral principles are more important to her than friendship; in her beliefs, Christina is unshakable and unshakable. Her own competence is important to her and she is susceptible to criticism.

In love, Christina is strict and picky. Pays great attention to the rules of public morality. In the opposite field he seeks reliability and attentiveness. Highly values ​​manifestations of self-love and feels the need for hidden tenderness. What is important to her, first of all, is the confidence that she is loved and appreciated; she attaches secondary importance to words. She is not inclined to attribute the slightest echoes of sexual relations to the public; in bed she is gentle and temperamental.

Christina loves her family very much and turns her home into her fortress. Does not tolerate sudden and uninvited visits, any surprises, chaos and laxity in everyday life, does not allow strangers into family life. Sometimes she is overly demanding of her husband, which can cause conflicts. Raises children carefully. She values ​​her husband’s reliability and smooth family life more than fleeting crushes. Betrayal hurts her deeply.

Christines, born in winter, are mysterious, thoughtful and silent. “Autumn”, in addition to this, are pedantic and neat. “Summer” bearers of the name are good-natured and charming, “spring” ones are amorous and romantic, talented in art.

Men named Anatoly, Lev, Peter and Gleb suit her well, less so - Gregory, Anton and Thomas.

Name Christina in different languages:

  • Name Christina in English: Christina, Kristina (Christina)
  • Name Christina in Chinese: 克里斯蒂娜(Kylisydina)
  • Name Christina in Japanese: クリスティナ(Kurisutina)
  • Name Cristina in Spanish: Cristina (Christina)
  • Name Christina in German: Christiane (Christians)
  • Name Kristina in Polish: Krystyna (Krystina)
  • Name Christina in Ukrainian: Khristina

Forms and variations of the name Christina: Kristinka, Kristya, Khristena, Christosha, Krista, Khristinka, Hristya, Khristyukha, Khrisya, Stina, Khristyusha, Hristonya, Tina, Krestya

Christina - name color: white

Christina Flower: myrtle

Christina's Stone: diamond

The name Christina is a European version of the ancient baptismal name Christina, which in turn was borrowed from the Greek language. The name Christina appeared in Rus' along with the spread of Christianity; translated from ancient Greek it means “Christian.” In the old days, the name Christina was used exclusively by commoners; among the noble class the name was not used at all.

Then the name Christina disappeared from use for a long time, and in the post-revolutionary years it was practically forgotten. Soon a phonetically deformed version of the name Christina appeared, which was perceived as foreign and bore the imprint of aristocracy and even elitism. There is a huge gap between Christina and Christina; we can say that these are completely different names, despite the fact that the essence of the name remains the same.

Christina is an unusual, sonorous name, and a woman wearing it simply cannot be an ordinary person. This is confirmed by such famous personalities as singers Christina Aguilera and Kristina Orbakaite, actresses Kristina Asmus and Kristen Stewart, German figure skater Christina Medici, Russian poetess Kristina Alchevskaya, Russian gymnast Kristina Goryunova and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The martyr Christina, who lived in the 3rd century in the city of Tyre, is considered the patroness of all Christines. Her father was the ruler of the city, he dreamed of his daughter becoming a pagan priestess. The girl very early began to think about who created this beautiful world, and refused to believe that it was created by soulless and voiceless idols, which themselves were the creation of human hands.

One day Christina was visited by an Angel, who told her about Christ, the Savior of the world. The angel called her the bride of Christ and foreshadowed her future suffering. The girl broke the idols surrounding her and converted to Christianity.

By order of her father, who did not at all like her conversion to the true faith, Christina was severely beaten and thrown into prison. The father spent a long time trying to persuade his daughter to pay homage to the pagan gods, but received a firm refusal. Then he ordered Christina to be tied to an iron wheel, under which a fire was lit and the body of the martyr to be burned on all sides, and then he again threw her into prison.

Saint Christina was tortured for a long time, but each time her wounds miraculously healed, and she herself remained alive and unharmed. Seeing such miracles, many pagans believed in Christ and accepted Christianity. The torturers, in order to prevent this phenomenon, hacked Christina to death with a sword.

All owners of the name Christina can celebrate their name day on one of the following dates: February 19, March 26, May 31, June 13, July 24, August 6 or 18, October 27, or December 15.

Characteristics of the name

Christina fully lives up to her stylish name - she is a bright, emotional, integral person who has been attracted by dreams of a luxurious life since childhood. At work and with people she doesn’t know well, she behaves with restraint and aloofness, but her inner circle knows what an ardent temperament lies behind her deceptively calm appearance. Some arrogance and temper, inherent in all Christinas, are perfectly smoothed out by good upbringing. In general, she is a fairly sociable person who knows how to get along with people.

The beautiful name Christina can evoke envy and even hostility among some people, so its owner will need to be able to stand up for herself, otherwise she will turn into a timid, complex person. In this case, the name will work against its owner.

However, the strong energy of the name gives Christina a great charge of strength and resistance to stress, so from childhood she will feel chosen and strive to get into the upper echelons of society. Even while remaining a simple housewife, a woman will feel special. Alas, in pursuit of an impossible dream, there is a possibility that Christina will not notice simple human happiness and will not be able to enjoy daily small victories.

But this does not mean at all that Christina is inclined to build castles in the air and sit with folded arms, waiting for luck to come on its own. In life, this woman is accustomed to relying only on herself; she is characterized by prudence and determination, even a certain perfectionism. She knows how to calculate events several steps ahead, so her decisions are rarely rash.

Christina tries to adhere to generally accepted moral and ethical standards in life, respects traditional family values, and rarely gets involved in dubious adventures. She can be called a woman with a strong character, but she reacts painfully to criticism addressed to her, and remembers insults for a long time. However, even in the most tense situation, Christina does not allow herself to be rude and rude, and does not tolerate this from others.

Some people consider Christina a conservative, and this is partly true. It is not easy for those around her to communicate with her, since she is not inclined to trust people and prefers to keep her soul closed. Having strong opinions and an excessive desire for justice can become a source of many problems for Christina. Her own moral principles and principles are much more important to her than friendship; she is unshakable in her beliefs.


Little Christina is a reserved and taciturn girl; sometimes it seems that she is slightly inhibited. In fact, Christina is savvy and observant, she just lives in her own world, which she is in no hurry to open to others. But, like all children, the girl really needs praise and encouragement; what her parents and teachers think about her is of great importance to her.

It is very important for Christina to overcome her shyness, and her parents should help her with this. It is difficult for a girl to open up to strangers; she needs more time to adapt to a new society, especially in adolescence.

Christina pleases her parents with her careful handling of toys and things, and over time she can take on some of the household responsibilities. Studying is easy for her, especially the humanities. From time to time she is captivated by various hobbies into which she plunges headlong. Parents should pay attention to their daughter’s numerous talents and try to develop them, and the girl should not lack determination.


As a child, Christina cannot boast of good health; she is susceptible to various viruses and infections. In adulthood, she may be bothered by joints, diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

The health of the owner of the name Christina requires increased attention; she should spend a lot of time in the fresh air, get a good night's sleep and lead a healthy lifestyle.


If Christina is attracted to a man, then she gives herself all to him, without a trace. She is almost never lonely, and sex occupies an important place in her life. The woman lacks a little softness and tenderness, she gives the impression of a strong and cold woman, and this can scare off men.

But behind the external coldness lies a stormy, unpredictable temperament and incredible sensuality, and the man who knows how to consider them will be happy. Sex for Christina is a natural continuation of love, and without it, sexual intercourse itself is not interesting to her. The state of being in love gives her a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. To love and be loved is the deepest desire of a woman named Christina.

Marriage and family, compatibility

As a husband, Christina tries to choose a strong, well-off financially. Even at an early age, she critically evaluates the potential of a young man, so not everyone can achieve her favor.

But if a man manages to win over Christina, the woman takes off her mask of being untouchable and is transformed beyond recognition. She will not be shy to show her love and care, because family will always come first for her. Christina will strive with all her might to save her marriage even when there is nothing to save. Divorce and separation are difficult for women, especially if there are children in the family.

Christina’s house will become for her that very fortress where she can hide from all adversity and rest her soul. She will spare no effort or time to create a cozy nest; in addition, she will be excellent at combining work and housekeeping.

She values ​​stability and trust between spouses above all else, so she will never forgive her husband for betrayal, and her high moral principles will not allow her to commit betrayal. The only thing that can overshadow Christina’s family happiness is her dreaminess and somewhat naive worldview, so her husband must be a fairly sober person.

The most successful marriage is possible with men named Gleb, Dmitry, Egor, Igor, Kirill, Leonid, Nikita, Nikolai, Mikhail and Robert. You should avoid relationships with Arthur, Vladimir, Georgy, Ivan, Oleg, Yuri, Philip, Stepan and Yaroslav.

Business and career

Christina is attracted to fashionable and modern professions; it is difficult to imagine her in the role of an ordinary employee or a simple housewife. Regardless of what profession she chooses, a woman will strive to improve her social status, and the level of earnings is of fundamental importance to her. If fate destined her for the role of an ordinary housewife, Christina will be constantly tormented by dissatisfaction and a feeling of dissatisfaction. The energy of the name gives a woman great ambition; she is simply not created for idle pastime.

Christina really does not like to be financially dependent on anyone, so she will always strive to create her own strong financial base. As a rule, she does this very well, and a woman with that name rarely needs money.

Christina's natural aristocracy is perfectly combined with creative activity - she can make an excellent designer, artist, actress, journalist, advertising agent, teacher or director. Christina's scrupulousness and pedantry allow her to easily carry out the most painstaking and routine work that requires special attention.

Christina can easily cope with running her own business, without the help of partners. As a leader, she will enjoy constant respect from her subordinates, since she knows how to bear responsibility for the people who depend on her.

Talismans for Christina

  • Patron planet - Sun and Saturn.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Virgo and Leo.
  • A good time of year is summer, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky color - yellow, orange, brown.
  • Totem plant - myrtle and cypress. Myrtle is a symbol of youth, beauty and health. The plant brings peace and tranquility to the house, attracts the betrothed, and calms quarrels. Cypress symbolizes the immortality of the human soul, its life after death. In the Christian religion, wood is identified with endurance, power and perseverance.
  • Totem animal - dove and toad. Among the Slavs, the dove is considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit; in the Old Testament, this bird is a symbol of simplicity, harmlessness, meekness and artlessness. In addition, the dove is associated with femininity and the happiness of motherhood. Toad is a symbol of wealth, good luck, fertility.
  • Talisman stone - amber and diamond. As an amulet, amber protects against evil eyes, strengthens faith, gives optimism and clarifies thoughts. From time immemorial, amber has been considered a symbol of happiness and health - it cures insomnia, relieves headaches, and fights pressure changes. Diamond is a symbol of courage, fortitude and fearlessness. It helps tame rage and irritability, eliminates fear, and improves morale. Diamond is also considered the personification of loyalty, sincerity and incorruptibility.


Aries- an energetic, curious, slightly naive woman who always wants to be aware of events, even if they do not concern her in any way. She is ambitious, has a lively mind and imagination, and always tries to take a leadership position. Nothing will stop her on the way to her desired goal, but diplomacy and tact are not the strongest qualities of Christina-Aries. She needs compliments and adoration, especially from men. Christina-Aries's mood is changeable, but by nature she is a born optimist, believing that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. This woman’s efficiency knows no bounds; she is not afraid to take risks and take responsibility. Christina-Aries tries to be on time everywhere, the range of her interests is wide and therefore does not always bring the desired results. However, Christina-Aries is a great housewife who adores children and never allows clutter or strangers in the house, even if it is her own mother.

Taurus- a silent, serious and responsible person with an analytical mind. At first glance, she may seem melancholic and inactive, but as soon as she feels threatened, not a trace will remain of external calm. Enormous physical endurance, perseverance and love of life help a woman achieve great success in life; the desire for self-development is not exhausted until old age. She is constant in her tastes and preferences, reliable, predictable, patient and very practical. Christina-Taurus is characterized by a special sensuality, she literally attracts men to her. But this woman chooses her partner herself and only with him will she show the full depth of her feelings. She loves to tease and seduce men who are not interested in her, but only from a distance. Christina-Taurus will make a great wife who knows how to create a cozy and friendly atmosphere in the house.

Twins- a sociable, good-natured, sociable person who skillfully hides her true thoughts. Despite her apparent openness, she is a very secretive person, sometimes two-faced, never telling the truth. Christina-Gemini has an inexhaustible supply of energy, always has many fans, easily succumbs to the influence of others, and cannot stand criticism. She has a clear mind, but is slightly absent-minded and superficial. Diversity of interests is the main characteristic of Christina-Gemini. She is extremely multifaceted, and she is not always able to concentrate on one thing and not be scattered about everything else. She loves frequent changes of scenery - work, partners, impressions, place of residence. This woman is driven by natural curiosity, so it is difficult to imagine her in the role of a simple housewife. Christina-Gemini has been searching for her ideal all her life, and if she finds it, then life plays with new colors for her. This is a completely unpredictable nature, so her husband must be easy-going and always ready for the unexpected.

Cancer- a soft but proud woman who combines simplicity and arrogance, tenderness and severity, defenselessness and cruelty. If you hurt her pride, then from an easy-going and insecure woman she will turn into a vindictive person who does not forgive insults. Christina-Cancer is a very sensitive nature, with a fine mental organization. She has everything in order with fantasy, imagination and perception; she can invent a problem for herself where there is none. By nature, she is a little lazy and prone to a quiet routine, does not have leadership qualities, and tries to avoid responsibility. She is a homebody by nature and is very attached to her home and family, especially her mother. Christina-Cancer plunges headlong into relationships, surrounding her partner with tenderness and care. But she will definitely expect reciprocity, self-care, manifestations of love and tenderness. If a woman feels loved, she turns into an ideal partner, but if she lacks love and attention, she becomes irritable and touchy. As a husband, she needs a strong man who can take on the financial support of the family.

a lion- a sensual, bright and temperamental woman who cannot live a day without attention and communication. Behind her ostentatious kindness and participation there may be a tough nature, vindictive and vindictive. She sees women, first of all, as rivals, which is why she has almost no friends. Flattery is as pleasant for her as scratching behind the ear for a cat. Submission and humility are not about Christina the Lioness, for whom there is nothing more important than independence and pride. If everything is good in a woman’s life, then she can be generous and fair, but if circumstances have been unsuccessful for a long time, then she becomes aggressive and sarcastic. Defeats and failures, as well as disrespect from others, can drive a woman into deep depression for a long time. As a husband, Christina the Lioness will look for a well-to-do man with a high status in society. Because of this, her marriage may be quite late, but she will never feel a lack of admirers.

Virgo- a diplomatic, calculating and pragmatic woman who knows how to keep her thoughts and feelings under control. With those around her, she behaves with restraint, sometimes deliberately ceremoniously. A clear and structured approach to any business allows Christina-Virgo to achieve impressive results and gain the respect and trust of her colleagues. High demands on oneself leads to a constant process of self-development and learning. In any activity, she will have the same approach: if you do it, do it well. In love relationships, a woman shows the inherent restraint and often coldness of her temperament. It is very difficult for her to express feelings; she is too shy and constrained for this. When Christina-Virgo finds her ideal partner, she becomes very attached to him, and the breakup is extremely difficult to bear. She will become a true friend and support to her husband and will never stoop to flirting with another man.

Scales- an intelligent, well-mannered and refined woman striving for a luxurious and idle life. She likes expensive pleasures and wealthy admirers, she is vain and willingly listens to compliments, criticism hurts her pride. Christina-Libra really dislikes conflict situations and tries to avoid responsibility, but everyone loves her for her sociability and charm. It is very difficult for her to decide on a profession, as with any other choice. She is good at working in a team, but not in a leadership position. Christina-Libra is not the type of woman who can fall in love at first sight. She chooses her partner long and carefully, and takes failures and disappointments to heart. It is easiest for Christina-Libra to suppress a depressive state and a feeling of dissatisfaction with alcohol, and this poses a great danger to her health. The first place for this woman will always be her beloved man, family well-being, and even children cannot replace her love.

Scorpion- an ardent, ambitious, impulsive person, a born leader. She is characterized by a feeling of envy of other people's success, but she constantly works on herself, analyzing all her mistakes and failures. Christina-Scorpio rarely misses an opportunity for career growth; she is distinguished by endurance and perseverance in her work. He approaches any task with full responsibility and will not allow anyone to relax until the goal is achieved. If you make a woman angry or hurt her pride, then you may encounter an aggressive, critical and vindictive person, whom it is better not to have as an enemy. In relation to her soulmate, Christina-Scorpio can show jealousy, sometimes demonstrative and unfounded. At the same time, a woman loves her soul mate tenderly and devotedly, with all the passion inherent in her. She perfectly knows how to control her ambitions and dominate, acting as a feminine and weak creature. But Christina-Scorpio is unlikely to be satisfied with the role of a simple housewife; she loves to work well and have good fun.

Sagittarius- a cheerful, freedom-loving and energetic person who does in her life only what she likes. It will not be possible to impose your opinion or a certain manner of behavior on her; she likes to go against public opinion and stand out from the crowd. Generally accepted moral standards mean little to her; she lives in her own world and is ready to offer it to others. She is not cruel and does not seek to hurt others, but her straightforwardness is sometimes quite painful, especially for the people who love her. Christina-Sagittarius does not tolerate flattery, cunning, deception, does not weave intrigues and does not tolerate injustice. In her work, routine and mediocrity are contraindicated; she succeeds best in creative professions. She is characterized by a desire for knowledge, new experience, and learning. Christina-Sagittarius is in no hurry to tie the knot, so a strong union is only possible if her husband is ready to provide her with personal freedom, which, however, has nothing to do with sexual promiscuity.

Capricorn- a straightforward and demanding woman, both in relation to herself and in relation to others. The basis of her life is her career, for which she is ready to sacrifice not only peace of mind, but also personal happiness. As a person, she is honest, reliable, punctual, simple and practical. He shows restraint and moderation in everything, does not seek to impress, and rarely speaks about himself. Christina-Capricorn is not afraid of any work, but she lacks a little creative imagination, which is more than compensated for by perseverance and perseverance. In relationships with men, she is reserved or even shy, never allows herself to be blinded by emotions, does not make public scenes and does not expose passion. Christina-Capricorn will try to create a solid foundation for her family, and she will approach the choice of a spouse very responsibly, as well as everything else in her life. The man who took her as his wife should know that he married her entire family, since family ties mean a lot to Christina-Capricorn.

Aquarius- a secretive, even mysterious person with broad interests, striving for development and self-knowledge. Christina-Aquarius lives in a world of ideas, plans and thoughts, her best qualities are willingness to help, adaptability, objectivity. She is ready to accept people as they are and not try to change them. Compliance and sociability are also among her advantages, as well as natural charm. A woman usually has many friends from different social circles. In work for Christina-Aquarius, the main thing will not be material reward, but the pleasure of what has been done. She really wants to find her place in life and therefore she can try many professions, but this does not prevent her from being an executive and responsible worker. She will be honest and open with her partner, but only to certain limits. She herself easily wins people over, but she rarely bares her soul, even to her loved one. She gets married quite late, and her husband should know that the surest way to ruin a marriage is to show jealousy and excessive conservatism.

Fish- a visionary and dreamer living in a dream world. She is absent-minded and inattentive; solving the simplest problems is sometimes difficult for her. Christina-Pisces is prone to exaggeration and can see a problem where there has never been one. At the same time, the woman has incredible charm and charm, so there are always many fans around her, in whom she makes them want to help and protect. Her character is dominated by such traits as sympathy, indecisiveness, impressionability, and the ability to self-sacrifice. She is able to understand everyone and everyone except herself. Christina-Pisces is capable of dissolving in feelings for another person, completely losing herself, so she should avoid people who can lead her to spiritual and moral exhaustion. At the same time, a woman is characterized by carelessness about tomorrow, and when failures begin to haunt her, instead of really looking for solutions to problems, Christina-Pisces prefers to hide in her illusory world, expecting that everything will be resolved by itself. Her place is in the family, next to loving people.

1. Personality: women with secrets

2.Color: yellow

3. Main features: intelligence - activity

4. Totem plant: gentian

5. Totem animal: toad

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. They are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat slow reaction. They don’t do anything hastily and don’t panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on illusory dreams.

8. Psyche. It is not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, they appear to be angry about something, when they are simply watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves, it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

9. Will. Strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

10. Excitability. Below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

11. Reaction speed. Weak, as well as excitability. They don’t count on any extraordinary luck. They achieve success through perseverance and diligence, although it comes a little late.

12. Field of activity. They are attracted to scientific activities. They can become scientists, electronics engineers, or exemplary teachers. They should not be disturbed in their choice of profession.

13. Intuition. Not relying on inspiration alone, they carefully plan their affairs and actions.

14. Intelligence. They have a more masculine mentality. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. An analytical mind gives them the ability to patiently delve into details.

15. Receptivity. These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without special external manifestations.

It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

16. Morality. They adhere to principles that many consider philistine.

17. Health. Average, and it is necessary to monitor it from childhood. They require prolonged exposure to the fresh air, walks, and sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

18. Sexuality. This is a secret area of ​​their nature; they cannot stand it when someone intrudes into it. However, behind the inscrutability lies a violent temperament.

19. Activity. Such women need time to demonstrate their capabilities.

20. Sociability. Prefer a few selected friends. They like their friendships to look beautiful and cannot stand the shameless intrusions of their friends. They value family and make strict but fair mothers.

21. Conclusion. They need someone they can rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Christina, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Christina

Synonyms for the name - Krista, Kristel, Chrissy, Tina, Christina, Christine

Origin – Greek, “Christian”

Zodiac - Gemini

Planet - Jupiter

Color - Silver

Animal - Elephant

Plant - Cypress

Stone - Amber

This name is a derived form of the Greek Christina, which means "Christian" or "baptized" (translated from the Latin "christianus"). In Rus' it was a common noun used to address peasants; later this word went out of use. After many years, women began to be called this; the name acquired a foreign sound. In many countries there are different forms of it: Christiana, Kristel, Kirstin, Christa and others.

Love named Christina

This girl is extremely selective; she needs a person with a stable financial situation or prospects for the future. She has quite high requirements for her chosen one: he must be attractive, athletic, educated and original. Christina does not tolerate stupid men and does not waste time on those who are not worthy of her, she is capable of strong feelings, but they flare up in her very slowly. First of all, she tries to get to know the gentleman well before giving him her heart. At the first meeting, she may seem arrogant, but once she truly falls in love, dramatic changes immediately occur. She becomes the tender and caring girl one could only dream of.

Sexuality of the name Christina

This woman is very attractive in appearance and therefore is always surrounded by the attention of men. Because of this, her self-esteem often skyrockets, but this circumstance plays into her hands: her self-confidence opens many doors. The owner of this name knows well what she wants and always achieves her goal by any means. She is relaxed in intimate matters, it is difficult to embarrass her or make her feel ashamed, because she is well versed in this area of ​​​​relationships. Christina allows physical intimacy only with the man she really likes. She feels her partner well, has excellent intuition and the makings of a psychologist.

Marriage and family named Christina

Having met a man who satisfies all her requirements, Christina does everything to make their union strong and lasting. The most important thing in life for her is family, she adores children, and is ready to give up a brilliant career for them and take care of the comforts of home. She likes it when the financial situation in the family is such that you don’t have to count expenses and buy everything you want: from expensive delicious food to exclusive interior items. If the husband is not able to provide a comfortable existence for some reason, she will not reproach him, and will do everything to help him with this. This woman’s husband will be incredibly lucky; she will surround him with care and attention, and will take care of his feelings. She will easily find a common language with children, she does not need the “carrot and stick” method, she knows how to achieve her goal simply with a kind word and a good attitude.

Business and career

This woman has all the qualities of a modern businesswoman; she is self-confident, determined and purposeful. She usually chooses fashionable and highly paid professions, if she does not work for herself. With her attractive appearance, she can become a famous model, actress or TV presenter. She will cope well with the role of a leader and will easily gain the authority of her subordinates thanks to her natural charm and broad outlook. Often this girl has vocal or dancing talent; if you develop it, you can make it your main profession or a paid hobby. Since she does not like to limit herself in purchases, she tries to find a stable source of income.

The meaning of the name Christina in character

This optimistic, charming person chooses her friends very carefully. All her life she strives for success: to occupy a high position in society, get into the circles of the elite, provide for herself and her family. At the first meeting she may seem arrogant, but she is not. She just doesn’t like to show her real self to strangers. With loved ones she is completely different: soft, sympathetic, empathetic. As soon as someone offends someone dear to Christina, she turns into a dangerous hunter, ready to destroy everything in her path. Usually she is in a good mood, does not allow rudeness, and shows her disdain with her gaze or silence. She is a good friend who you can always rely on; she is usually friends from childhood to old age.

Teen Christina

The girl is well brought up, but has a rather difficult character. She is ready to defend her opinion, even if the interlocutor is much older and more experienced. She manages to combine her studies at school with numerous clubs and sections, and may be interested in sports. From a young age, feeling interest from the opposite sex, he learns to use this for his own purposes. Her parents are her authority, especially her close relationship with her mother; she is often very similar to her. In adolescence, he strives for independence, impressing those around him with his determination and self-confidence. It is very difficult to catch this girl by surprise, she will find a way out of any situation simply by snapping her fingers.

Successful people and stars:

Christina Aguilera - American pop diva

Christina Si - Russian performer r"n"b

Kristina Pimenova is a Russian model, already at the age of 9 she is considered the most beautiful girl in the world

Kristina Goryunova - Russian promising gymnast

Christina Ricci - American film actress

Ideal compatibility: Arseny, Venedikt, German, Efim, Felix

Unsuccessful compatibility: Adam, Korney, Martin

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name: European form of the name Christina, “Dedicated to Christ”

Energy and character of the name Christina

It is easy to notice that the name Christina in Russian sounds with some foreign connotation. Indeed, the times when this very word - peasants - was used to call all ordinary people are long gone, and now there is a huge gap between Christina and the peasant woman, despite the fact that the essence of the name is the same. So, having returned to Russia again, the name Christina began to bear the imprint of some kind of aristocracy and elitism. Now, in recent years, it seems that purely Russian names have again begun to come into fashion, but even now the magic of European names has not completely lost its power, so those parents who give their daughter the name Christina already assume that she will be different from simple girls, emphasizing her certain selectivity and, as they say, stylishness.

Here we should immediately make a reservation that not everywhere a name with an imprint of elitism will be perceived favorably, so if Christina wants to have normal relationships in the team, she needs to justify the stylishness of her name. Christina will need the ability to hold on, to stand up for herself if necessary, because it is possible that a beautiful name will cause envy, and therefore hostility. It happens that Christina simply does not have the courage to live up to her name and from childhood she turns into a timid, complex person. However, this rarely happens, since the general energy of the name has a sufficient charge of strength. Kristya can, if necessary, quite successfully make sarcastic remarks, which often puts the offender in his place.

Most likely, a woman with this name will feel the need to achieve a high position in society, for which she may choose some fashionable profession or will simply strive to establish communication with people from high circles. Even if she doesn’t succeed and fate assigns her the role of an ordinary housewife, such dreams will still not leave Christina. It’s just that in this case she will consider her life unsuccessful and in vain. Alas, such dreams often overlook simple human happiness, which, as it will certainly become clear over time, cannot replace even the most tremendous success and fame.

Secrets of communication: Christina often reacts very painfully to comments addressed to her, but she can completely melt from compliments. It would be useful for her to remember to be careful, otherwise someone will certainly take advantage of her weakness, hiding a cunning calculation behind her flattery.

Famous people named Christina

Kristina Orbakaite

When the daughter of Alla Pugacheva and the Lithuanian Baron von Orbach, Kristina Orbakaite (born 1968), first appeared on the stage, hardly anyone took her seriously, her vocal abilities seemed so modest. However, year after year passed, and numerous prophecies that Christina would not stand it now, would break down and leave the stage, did not come true. Moreover, the singer’s professional level grew noticeably, and, having fully mastered all the abilities inherent in her by nature, Kristina Orbakaite managed to win the sympathy of numerous fans and, as a result, her own place on the Russian stage.

“The girl, who was always considered an outsider in the star family, unexpectedly took such a confident step forward that she almost surpassed some of her closest relatives in terms of the quality of her repertoire,” music critics wrote about Christina after the release of her album “0 hours 0 minutes,” which made talk about her as a completely serious and independent singer. Now Kristina Orbakaite no longer needs such reviews: people of the older generation have long forgotten, and the younger ones do not know that she once had to go “through thorns to the stars,” proving her worth in the singing profession.

However, from childhood, Christina was distinguished by responsibility and hard work: stubbornly, of her own free will, in addition to classes in an English special school, she attended music and dance classes, and at the age of eleven she showed real miracles of her ability to work and acting talent, starring in the leading role in the wonderful film “Scarecrow” .

Currently, Kristina Orbakaite’s performance on stage is not only about the songs themselves, but about an exciting and vibrant show: the image of the stylish, graceful and charming Kristina attracts viewers to her concerts no less than the desire to hear what she sings. And we must admit: this is not at all small.

Winter Christina – a silent, serious and thoughtful person who takes the most responsible approach to any obligations assigned to her. But such qualities as stubbornness, hot temper and touchiness prevent her from building a harmonious personal life. Getting along with the independent Christina, born in winter, is not easy, so her chosen one must have truly angelic patience.

Spring Christina is a romantic dreamer who lives by feelings and emotions. This creative nature is driven by passionate impulses, especially since the spring Christina falls in love at first sight, which is why she is often disappointed in men. But if she falls in love, then from an impulsive fury she turns into a soft and flexible girl, ready to do a lot for the sake of her chosen one.

Summer Christina good-natured, charming and sympathetic. The gentleness of her character may cause her to achieve less heights in the professional sphere than she deserves. But summer Christina will simply captivate men with her romance and sensitivity. In addition, there is a certain mystery in this woman that no one will ever solve or fully understand.

Autumn Christina – an emotional nature, but at the same time very principled and highly moral. Thus, her behavior never goes beyond what is permitted, and she expects the same from those around her. Strict, patient and scrupulous Christina can only get along with an equally pedant, for whom everything in life is laid out “on the shelves.”

Stone - talisman

Christina's talisman stones are amber, jasper and diamond.


This powerful amulet protects against evil spirits, strengthens faith, gives optimism, increases creativity, clarifies thoughts, improves intuition and prolongs life.

Amber promotes the implementation of ideas, brings joy, luck, peace and tranquility to life. In addition, products with this stone protect against negative energy effects.

Amber also has medicinal properties: relieves headaches, fights blood pressure changes and insomnia.

From time immemorial, amber was considered a symbol of happiness and health.


Jasper as a talisman has a rich range of properties, namely:

  • helps to establish relationships with colleagues;
  • brings peace and harmony to family relationships;
  • develops intelligence;
  • develops the gift of foresight;
  • neutralizes negative energy accumulated by a person;
  • protects the house from anger and envy;
  • enhances concentration;
  • enhances intuition.

In the East, jasper was considered a stone of beauty, greatness, power and wealth.

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In Ancient Greece and Rome, jasper was used for medicinal purposes: it was believed that this stone restores strength, cleanses the body, and also eliminates insomnia. Amulets were made from jasper, which were supposed to protect mothers and their children from envy, the evil eye and damage.

Jasper is a symbol of beauty, wisdom and modesty.


It is a symbol of power, courage, fearlessness, fortitude, but at the same time innocence and purity. It was believed that it was the diamond that protected warriors in battle, protecting them from injury and death. In addition, this stone relieved melancholy, sadness and gloomy thoughts, helped to tame rage and irritability (therefore, it was recommended to be worn by hot-tempered and overly emotional people).

Diamond symbolizes health, prosperity, longevity. Helps get rid of fears, raises morale, protects against any witchcraft.

Today, the diamond is considered the personification of loyalty, sincerity and incorruptibility.



The number that patronizes Christina is six (you can read more about this number in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).



Animal - symbol

Symbolic animals for Christina are the dove and the toad.


The dove is a symbol of life, rebirth and transformation. This bird personifies the spirit of light, tenderness and purity, although in some cultures the dove is considered a symbol of voluptuousness.

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In addition, the dove is associated with femininity and motherhood. The dove, which holds an olive branch in its beak, symbolizes peace and renewal of life. A dove with a palm branch represents victory over death.

In China, the dove is a symbol of longevity, marital fidelity and respect for parents.

Among the Slavs, this bird is considered a symbol of the Holy Spirit, innocence, peace, Baptism and Good News. Thus, doves on the vine are identified with those people who came to God and believed in Christ. In the Old Testament, this bird is a symbol of simplicity, harmlessness, meekness and ingenuousness.


A frog (or toad) carries predominantly negative symbolism, and it’s all due to the unpleasant appearance of this amphibian and its caustic skin secretions, because of which toads were classified as demonic creatures (it was believed that witches consume toads as food).

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In Europe, the toad, on the one hand, was identified with an evil animal, and on the other, with a creature that protected the house from troubles and misfortunes.

The Indians and Celts identified the toad with the forces of darkness and evil.

In China, the toad is a symbol of longevity, wealth, good luck and something unattainable.

In Iran, this animal symbolizes evil, envy, greed, but at the same time fertility.

In the Christian tradition, the toad is the personification of the devil and greed.



Christina's totem plants are cypress, myrtle and gentian.


This plant in most cultures is considered a symbol of sadness, grief and death (and all because of the dark color of the cypress foliage). Planted in a cemetery, these trees personify the immortality of the soul, its life after death.

© Deyan Georgiev

In China, cypress symbolizes, in addition to death, grace and happiness.

In Christianity, this tree is identified with endurance, perseverance, valor and justice.

Cypress is a symbol of piety, protecting against witchcraft and evil spells.


Myrtle is a symbol of youth, beauty, good luck, health, vigor, chastity and prosperity.

A wreath woven from myrtle represents silence and peace, but if you weave roses into such a wreath, then you are guaranteed eternal love, marital fidelity and a happy marriage.

It must be said that myrtle is often used in love magic in order to bring peace and tranquility to the house, rekindle love or, on the contrary, attract the betrothed.

In China, myrtle is revered as a symbol of glory, victory and success.

Christians personify myrtle with the “lost sheep” (that is, pagans and apostates who returned to Christianity).

The Egyptians believed that myrtle gave love and joy.


This plant symbolizes fortitude, modesty and perseverance.

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It has long been believed that gentian prolongs life because it has a wide range of healing properties: for example, this plant will relieve pain, normalize sleep, give energy, and relieve fever. In addition, with the help of this plant you can remove damage and the evil eye.

In the language of flowers, this plant means isolation, shyness, mystery, gratitude, as well as loyalty and secrecy.


Christina's metal is copper, which can ward off evil spirits and neutralize witchcraft spells. In addition, this metal symbolizes life's difficulties, which only strong-willed people can overcome.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Christina

Name translation

From Greek, the name Christina is translated as “dedicated to Christ” or “Christian.”

History of the name

It is believed that Christina is a European version of the name Christina. This name came to Russia from Byzantium with the adoption of Christianity. It is interesting that initially the name Christina was more common among the common people, then they forgot about it for a while, and when it returned to Russia again, it acquired the imprint of aristocracy and exclusivity.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most commonly used forms of the name Christina are: Kristya, Kristenka, Kristyusha, Chris, Kristyushenka, Kristinochka, Tina, Kristinka, Tinochka, Christya, Christyukha, Christonya, Khristenochka, Christyusha, Chrisya, Krestya.

The secret of the name Christina

Patrons of the name

  • Martyr Christina of Tyre.
  • Martyr Christina of Persia.
  • Martyr Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocia).
  • Martyr Christina of Lampsaki.
  • Martyr Christina of Nicomedia.
  • Martyr Christina.

Angel's Day (name day)

February: 19th.

March: 26th.

May: 31st.

June: 13th.

July: 24th.

August: 6th and 18th.

October: 27th.

December: 15th.

The legend of the name Christina

The martyr Christina, who lived in the 3rd century, was the daughter of the ruler of the city of Tire. She was so beautiful that many wanted to marry her. But the father of 11-year-old Christina had other plans: he wanted to make her a priestess, for which he placed her with two slave servants in a special room with many idols, in front of which the daughter had to burn incense.

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While in this kind of seclusion, Christina thought a lot about who really created the world (she understood that this was beyond the power of soulless idols, which are the creation of human hands). She came to the idea of ​​the existence of a Single Creator, to whom she began to offer fervent prayers.

One day an Angel descended on her, calling Christina the bride of Christ. Then the young maiden broke all the idols surrounding her, and then threw them out of the window. Having learned about this act and about his daughter’s new faith, the father not only ordered to kill the two slaves who served his daughter, but also to imprison Christina herself. The girl’s mother, having learned about what had happened, came to her daughter with a prayer that she would renounce Christ and return to her father’s beliefs. But Christina did not give in to persuasion.

At the trial organized by her father, they also could not persuade the girl to renounce the faith of Christ, after which the torturers tied Christina to an iron wheel, and lit a fire under it, which burned the girl’s body on all sides. But this torture did not break her spirit.

An Angel of God came to the prison where Christina was again placed after torture and healed the martyr from her burns. The father, seeing his healthy daughter in the morning, ordered her to be drowned in the sea, but this time the Angel did not leave the saint - only a stone sank under the water, while Christina herself came out of the water and appeared before her father, who decided that his daughter was a witch. The father decided to execute his daughter, but unexpectedly died the night before the execution. Instead, the city was headed by Dion, who also tried to persuade the holy martyr to idolatry, but, not achieving his goal, he betrayed the virgin to cruel torture.

The martyr Christina spent a lot of time in prison, where people secretly came to her, whom she converted to the true faith. Time passed, and Dion was replaced by the ruler Julian, who also tortured the saint, and finally threw her into a red-hot furnace, locking Christina in it. Opening the oven door five days later, everyone was amazed, since the martyr was alive and unharmed. This miracle helped many to believe in Christ. Saint Christina was nevertheless killed by her tormentors - she was hacked to death with a sword.

Famous people

Famous singers named Christina:

  • Kristina Nilsson – Swedish opera singer;
  • Kristina Orbakaite;
  • Christina Maria Aguilera.

Famous writers and poets named Christina:

  • Christina Stead is an author of psychological novels;
  • Kristina Alchevskaya;
  • Christina Kosach.

Famous actresses named Christina:

  • Christine Asmus;
  • Christina Ricci;
  • Christina Liley;
  • Kristen Stewart;
  • Christina Applegate;
  • Christina Pascal.

Christina de Kirchner - the first female president of Argentina, who received her post through elections.

Meaning of the name Christina

For a child

Christina is a reserved and taciturn child who gets along better with her father than with her mother (and this despite the fact that she has her mother’s character). She is savvy, intelligent and quick-witted, but the habit of carefully thinking and weighing everything in her case plays a “wicked joke” on her, since many people mistake her slowness for inhibition.

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This child lives in her own special world, which completely suits her. There are no insults or misunderstandings in this world. It is interesting that little Christina belongs to that rare category of children who do not really like external manifestations of love and tenderness (she understands that she is loved without words). Despite this, Christina herself can easily be called an affectionate girl who at first seems timid and shy, but over time, having made friends with her peers, she becomes more open, kind and sympathetic. It’s better not to offend Christina, because this suspicious girl is vindictive and vindictive.

Christina is a lazy student, but at the same time diligent, persistent and patient (the main thing is to awaken in her a keen interest in the subject being studied). She has an excellent memory and quickly grasps the basic essence, which helps her master the exact sciences, although she prefers studying languages.

For a girl

In her youth, Christina shows mobility, activity and love of life; she tries to bring bright colors into her life, which she does very well. However, she cannot be called an impulsive and emotional girl. On the contrary, she is reasonable and never panics. Christina carefully observes what is happening and draws certain conclusions (behind Christina’s calmness and silence lies a sharp mind and observation). This timid girl has enormous potential, it just takes time to reveal it.

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Young Christina lacks confidence, so she thinks through her decisions very carefully, but situations in which she needs to act and think quickly can throw her off balance.

Christina doesn’t have many friends, but all of them have been tested by time and life’s hardships. And this is all due to the girl’s difficult character, which combines excessive independence, stubbornness and love of freedom. But still, this girl tries to control her emotions, because she understands perfectly well that her qualities such as vulnerability and touchiness can significantly ruin her life and narrow her already small circle of friends.

For woman

Christina is a practical and pragmatic woman who looks at life realistically and does not waste precious time building castles in the air. In society, this woman gives the impression of a relaxed and sociable nature, but keep in mind that she is in no hurry to let anyone into her life. This conservative woman, who does not accept impulsiveness and thoughtlessness, prefers the company of men, so she has practically no female friends.

It is important for Christina to achieve a certain social status, which will help her gain the self-confidence that she so lacked in her childhood and adolescence. If she decides to devote herself entirely to her family, she will consider her life gray, vain and unsuccessful.

It should be noted that this woman will not tolerate shamelessness, rudeness and rudeness. She doesn't like criticism either. Therefore, you need to be careful with statements addressed to her, since in Christina you can acquire a vengeful, inventive and insidious enemy.

Among the positive character traits of Christina are the following:

  • strength of character;
  • aristocracy;
  • energy;
  • intelligence;
  • loyalty;
  • responsiveness.

Negative character traits of Christina:

  • touchiness;
  • vulnerability;
  • arrogance;
  • diffidence.

Description of the name Christina


Christina is an intelligent and well-mannered woman who always tries to observe moral and ethical standards in life, for which many consider her a conservative and a bourgeois.


Since childhood, Christina has not been able to boast of good health, which is why she often experiences problems with her immune system as an adult. To improve her health, she is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air and play sports.


Christina is an amorous person, and she falls in love quickly and is disappointed in her chosen one. Therefore, to maintain the fire of love, her man must make every effort. Despite her amorousness, this person approaches the choice of the object of her adoration very responsibly. So, her betrothed must be a highly moral, reliable and strong man, ready to become an unbreakable wall for Christina, behind which she will feel completely safe.

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It is very important for Christina that she is not only loved, but also appreciated, and a man will have to prove his attitude towards her not in words, but exclusively in deeds.

Often, Christina's fans are put off by her feigned indifference and arrogance, behind which hides not only a rich inner world, but also a stormy temperament.


Having met her love, Christina is ready to immediately walk down the aisle with him and start a family, but very quickly her feelings cool down, and with them the desire to start a family passes. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the owner of this name gets married either too early (while the fire of love is still burning) or too late.

In fairness, we note that marriage has a favorable effect on Christina: she becomes calmer, softer and more compliant, but on the condition that her husband is a protector and patron who takes upon himself the solution to all problems.

Vanity and love of freedom can prevent Christina from seeing her family happiness, which must be fought if she wants to create a truly strong and friendly family.

Family relationships

For Christina, home is a fortress, which she spares no effort or time to strengthen. It must be said that she does not like to let uninvited guests into her fortress.

Christina is a good housewife, but you shouldn’t expect her to give up building a career, especially since she is great at combining work and household chores.

The owner of this name is extremely demanding of her husband, which can over time develop into serious conflicts. But Christina rarely goes for divorce, trying to find a compromise solution and restore peace in the family. The children are raised by Christina in strictness; from early childhood they are taught to be independent.

Christina values ​​stability and trust above all else, so she herself will not dare to cheat, and she will not forgive her husband for betrayal. If her husband gives her sincere love, care and tenderness, then Christina will not be in debt and will surround her soulmate with affection and warmth.


Behind Christina’s coldness, impenetrability and severity hides a stormy temperament and incredible sensuality, which this woman is ready to give only to the man whom she trusts one hundred percent. Tender and attentive Christina is very careful about sexual relationships, which for her are a continuation and an integral component of love.

Mind (intelligence)

Christina has a masculine mentality; she is calculating and pragmatic. Her analytical mind allows her to delve into the very essence of the problem, and, consequently, make correct and informed decisions.


Christina is a true workaholic who persistently and persistently pursues her goal. She is responsible and efficient, and her ambition helps her achieve a lot in any chosen field.

Christina will feel comfortable choosing the profession of a doctor, politician, teacher, researcher, musician, diplomat, engineer or secretary (that is, her range of activities is very wide). The main thing is that the work brings her true pleasure.


Christina plans her career in advance and very carefully, not letting her emotions take over her reason. Her scrupulousness and pedantry allow her to carry out any work (even the most painstaking and routine) with ease. Christina rarely listens to other people's advice, while failures do not drive her into a state of panic, but, on the contrary, give her strength and energy. She will be an excellent leader and responsible executive.


Christina can make an excellent entrepreneur, since this woman has a sharp analytical mind, a strong masculine character, assertiveness, determination and incredible hard work. Moreover, to successfully run a business, she does not necessarily need to have a partner: she is able to cope with any issues on her own.


Christina's hobbies are simple and uncomplicated - a family, for whose well-being she works tirelessly, and an interesting job for which she is ready to forget about sleep and rest.

Character type


Christina is a strong woman, but she tends to react painfully to comments and criticism addressed to her, but compliments warm her soul and instill confidence, which this woman really lacks. But still, Christina should be careful in communicating with people if she wants to avoid bitter disappointments (often it is flattery and cunning that destroy friendships).

It is not easy for those around her to communicate with Christina, since they do not always fully understand her, mistaking her silence and secrecy for narcissism and superficiality. Christina is not going to convince anyone otherwise, because she does not consider it necessary to bare her soul. Only a select few have access to her ideal world, which she carefully builds brick by brick.


Like any woman, Christina has well-developed intuition, but she prefers to use exclusively logical conclusions and common sense when making decisions.

Horoscope named after Christina

Christina – Aries

She is an energetic, curious and naive woman who can be extremely annoying, which can irritate the people around her. She must be aware of all events, even if they have nothing to do with her. Christina-Aries is characterized by love at first sight, and she is often very quickly disappointed in her chosen one.

Christina – Taurus

This silent, serious and responsible woman has an analytical mind, but she does not know how to think abstractly, so she takes all the statements of others literally, which can complicate her life.

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Christina-Taurus methodically moves towards her goal, despite the obstacles. She is a gentle partner and a wonderful housewife, but she is not particularly successful with men.

Christina – Gemini

Open, sympathetic and good-natured, Christina-Gemini has an inexhaustible supply of energy, which helps her to be an interesting conversationalist, an excellent leader and a reliable partner. She cannot stand loneliness, so her life resembles an endless party. Christina-Gemini has many fans, to whom she gives hope for a “beautiful tomorrow.” But often this woman herself gets confused in her relationships.

Christina - Cancer

This soft, but at the same time proud woman combines such qualities as simplicity and arrogance, tenderness and severity, defenselessness and toughness. She treats other people's problems with understanding and participation and is always ready to help. If you hurt Christina-Cancer’s pride, then you will see a touchy and vindictive woman who does not forgive insults. She will give her heart only to a sincere, loving and faithful man.

Christina – Leo

Sensual, bright and temperamental Christina-Leo is always in sight, because she cannot live a day without the attention of others. Behind her ostentatious kindness and participation hides a tough nature that does not accept criticism. Moreover, she is vindictive and vindictive. Christina-Leo has practically no friends, since she sees women, first of all, as rivals.

Christina – Virgo

Diplomatic, calculating and pragmatic, Christina-Virgo keeps both her thoughts and feelings under control, because she is afraid of appearing in front of others in an unsightly light. Despite her cheerfulness and energy, this woman behaves with restraint, and sometimes even deliberately ceremoniously. Christina-Virgo reveals herself only in a narrow circle of close people. This woman chooses her partner carefully and scrupulously.

Christina – Libra

This intelligent, well-mannered and sophisticated woman is used to living in luxury. She loves to attend social events, she likes expensive pleasures and wealthy fans. But when choosing a life partner, Christina-Libra is guided not so much by the material component, but by the presence of a spiritual relationship between her and her partner.

Christina – Scorpio

Ardent, impulsive and ambitious, Christina-Scorpio is a true leader, but she does not always manage to competently prove her superiority, which is why she can withdraw into herself. She is characterized by a feeling of envy, which she still tries to suppress. Christina-Scorpio's man must admire his chosen one day and night, otherwise this woman's feelings will quickly cool down.

Christina – Sagittarius

The energetic and freedom-loving Christina-Sagittarius energizes everyone around her with her cheerfulness. She does in her life only what she really likes. It will not be possible to impose your opinion or a certain manner of behavior on this woman. As a partner, Christina-Sagittarius is looking for an independent, strong and courageous man who cares little about public opinion.

Christina – Capricorn

This straightforward woman is demanding and strict with herself and those around her. The basis of her life is her career, for the sake of which she is ready to sacrifice not only peace of mind, but also personal happiness. If Christina-Capricorn does not rethink her life in time, she may be left in splendid isolation, without family and children.

Christina - Aquarius

This is a secretive person who does not let anyone into his spiritual world. She is polite and well-mannered, but as soon as her interests are offended or the calm flow of life is disrupted, Christina-Aquarius turns into a tough and ironic person. A clear plan of action and regularity are the foundations on which Christina-Aquarius builds her life, but not every man can withstand such self-control.

Christina – Pisces

This is a dreamer and a dreamer who lives in a dream world. Christina-Pisces is absent-minded and inattentive, so solving basic problems requires a lot of effort from her. At the same time, this woman has incredible charm and magnetism, which is why she always has a lot of fans around her. The chosen one of Christina-Pisces must have optimism and a cheerful disposition.

Compatibility of the name Christina with male names

Christina and Dmitry

No obstacles can destroy this perfect couple.

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On the contrary, difficulties only strengthen the union of Dima and Christina, who are used to fighting and winning.

Christina and Alexander

In this union, two strong personalities with different characters meet. Undoubtedly, many difficulties await Christina and Alexander, but patience and love will help them build a strong family.

Christina and Evgeniy

Freedom-loving, vulnerable and impressionable Christina and Evgeniy are trying to create a stable union in which an atmosphere of serenity reigns. This gentle couple knows how to love and appreciate each other.

Kristina and Sergey

The spiritual component is very important for both partners, so they try to live in peace and harmony with themselves. Their tandem is based on mutual support and a deep feeling of love.
Sergey - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Christina and Andrey

The open and sincere Christina, in the person of Andrey, finds a grateful listener, a reliable defender, and a faithful husband. It is not surprising that their union is prosperous and strong.

Kristina and Alexey

This difficult union will take place only on the condition that Christina says goodbye to her independence, and Alexey becomes more open and sociable.

Christina and Ivan

Energetic and purposeful Ivan is the absolute opposite of the indecisive and shy Christina. Despite this, their relationship is stable and always interesting.

Christina and Maxim

Christina and Denis

Christina and Mikhail

Christina values ​​reliability, strength of character and thoroughness in her chosen one. This is a wonderful union.

Christina and Nikolai

This couple has a lot that could separate them: different temperaments and differences in views on life, but nothing can separate Christina and Nikolai if there is a sincere feeling between them.

Christina and Igor

This couple makes every effort to ensure that an atmosphere of love and understanding reigns in their family. The material component is also important for Christina and Igor. As a result, they are guaranteed a long and happy family life.

Christina and Ilya

This is a passionate union in which there is a spirit of adventure, romance, love, understanding, and trust. And this is the key to a strong and prosperous marriage.
Ilya - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Kristina and Vladislav

This is an amazing union in which people from different planets come together, which does not prevent their flared feeling from flourishing. Kristina and Vladislav are ready to go through any tests in order to be together.

Christina and Vitaly

This is a tandem in which sober calculation comes first. The main task of Christina and Vitaly is to create a strong and stable union, in which everything is subject to the established order.

Christina and Nikita

Christina and Ruslan

This tandem does not work out right away, since both need time to understand how suitable they are for each other. But this approach to creating a family ensures strong and stable relationships.
Ruslan - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Christina and Kirill

Two strong personalities converge in this strange union, where the balanced and courageous Kirill becomes support and support for the insecure and timid Christina.

Christina and Konstantin

This is a wonderful union in which Christina and Konstantin can be called one whole, they are so suitable for each other in all aspects.

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No one and nothing can interfere with their happiness.

Christina and Pavel

The owners of these names are reasonable and thorough, therefore their relationships develop slowly, which only strengthens the union. The result of such regularity is a reliable and strong family.
Pavel - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Christina and Victor

Demanding Christina does not always accept and understand Victor, who expects a holiday from life. But still, this tandem has the right to exist if Christina shows wisdom and patience.

Christina and Danila

Shy and vulnerable Christina timidly accepts the advances of the confident Daniel. But over time, it opens up, which has a positive effect on the development of the relationship of this wonderful couple.



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